Musleh Khan – Quranic verses that change your life #05 You Are Clothing For Each Other

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The conversation discusses the context and importance of finding the perfect partner in a relationship, as well as the negative impact of certain clothing on couples, including marriage and health. The speakers emphasize the importance of finding partners and finding the perfect partner in a healthy and supportive relationship. They also touch on the negative impact of dressing up in public and balancing the relationship.
AI: Transcript ©
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said Mr. De Kumara to llahi wabarakatuh at hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. So let's continue with our series today. It's part five and we are at verse number 186, of suta tillbaka. So let's get right into this just to give you some context prior to this a, Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this was actually our previous video, Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us some direction that when we talk about him, or we mentioned his name in either a conversation or a Dora or prayer, the feminine khateeb Allah subhana wa Taala is very near to you and to all of us, and especially to those kinds of conversations. And so, to understand the context of today's verse, you want to make

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sure that you've looked at the previous video so you can understand where we're going with this and why it's so critical to understand that after Allah azza wa jal speaks to us about how we ask of him how we speak of him how we mentioned his name, then came this A, which is a totally different subject and listen to him. It's a long a and what I did is I extracted a portion of it that I wanted to share with you that I think is just absolutely life changing in terms of how we treat our spouse. So that whole relationship and interaction that we have, with our significant other, this one sentence in this long verse. Now keep in mind, the reason why I extracted this sentence of this long

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verse is because the entire verse has to do with the RT calf and, you know, understanding when the Ramadan begins and when it ends and the signs to look for. So if you didn't have a watch, you didn't have a clock, you want it to calculate exactly from sunrise to sunset. This is the area that helps you to do that and looked for some of the signs within the horizon and so on. And then it gave us some laws and some exceptions and rules to RT cafe. So that's not our subject, but the sentence that I extracted is a sentence that I'm sure a lot of you have heard it this is where Allah subhanho wa Taala says one of the best to look into the best to learn very famous sentence. All speakers will

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quote this sentence especially when you're talking literally anything to do with marriage and relationships in general right, unless panel time that I listen to the language unless is one of the best select them. So this is the first category one that is referring to your wives. So our wife or my wife or your wife, they are a Lea best. So let them they are clothing for you. What Entomb Lee best solo one and you are clothing for them. So what is this all talking about? Number one, imagery in the poor end when Allah subhanho wa Taala wishes to teach us something or to make a point is found throughout the book. You know, there are places where you know, the poor and we'll compare how

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generous we are with charity or is found in certain Bukhara to how we plant corn in a beautiful cornfield. And when you're about to harvest that corn in the ears of corn that are there. So charity is compared to something that the Arabs could have related to right when they're farming and they're planting their goods. You find that when Allah subhanaw taala talks about staying connected with him and holding on with hope and reliance to him. Allah used a rope he says what I told him will be heavily let he Jamia all of you hold on to the rope of Allah. So imagery is found there a lot describes that the poor and was sent down to us just like rain falls from the sky. So lots of

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imagery in the corner and lots of parables to compare your thoughts and what you're thinking about what you should learn. And this is even like a teaching technique that teachers around the world use, you know, if you want to get teach your kids something, you draw a picture on the board, you show diagrams, you show colors. So the point is, is that imagery, it's a part of learning. And this particular aim is going to give us a really interesting and very unique imagery about how we cope with our relationship with our significant other. And this is only found once in the core and in this particular way in this particular wording and only in sort of Tel Baqarah. So, imagery is

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important. That's the first point. Second point, what's the imagery in this area, Allah subhanho wa Taala says clothing. Think about what clothing is, it's important to us. It has to fit us perfect. We have certain preferences, we have certain styles, but clothing in and of itself, how we utilize it and why we wear it. I mean, we can't live without it. And so that attitude from clothing now is shifted with your wife, you can't live with her. You need her. She's just as important to you as you are to her. You have to depend on her. Those, you know, details and those implications of how you depend and how you rely on your spouse is unique for all of us. But what this area does is

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earlier on in earlier on in Islam, particularly in the late meccan period, Allah subhanho wa Taala revered certain nissa certain Nisa gave rights to women it gave it was literally like a revolution for women. If they had rights to inherit, they had rights to marriage, they were able to ask for things. Their questions can now be heard. Like they were given status in society, as well as within the oma within the whole movement of teaching and learning this religion they were given rights to do all of that, that attitude continued and it shifted towards Medina. But then something different happened in Medina, I mean, it was happening in Mecca. But it started to transpire even more in

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Mindanao por en and that is marital issues, more and more domestic problems started to reveal themselves in Medinet poor. And, and so that's why you see that a lot of the verses, when it comes to Medicare poor and that are talking about marriage are very specific to cooperation, attitude, relationship, just all the nitty gritty things that it's hard to counsel through. And so this is one of those verses where Allah subhanaw taala says, look, at the end of the day, when you have problems with your wife, when you guys can get along, when you guys have arguments, when you have issues, disagreements, it doesn't matter. Just understand that at the end of the day, she is your garment

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meaning she depends on you, she looks, she looks forward to being with you. She's a part of your life. You can't just as we would do with certain clothing, or as a matter of fact, maybe most of our clothing, if you don't like it, you just put it in the closet, pack it away, hang it up. And that's the end of that. No, this is a different type of spiritual and emotional and loving type of clothing, like it's dear to you. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala says, This is the kind of attitude when it comes to expressing love, nurture and care in a marriage. And here's the most beautiful part. And this is the third point. Allah says honan the best select him, he's talking about the

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wives first and say they are clothing for you. It didn't start with the men and the husbands and say, Okay, we're clothing for them a lot put the women first in this area, which means that some scholars have actually interpreted understood that, you know, to some extent, we are more dependent on our wives than they are on us, for the nurture the love the care, anything, whatever it is, the point is, you might actually need her more than she needs you in certain situations. And one of those examples we saw with our very own prophet alayhi salatu was Salam. When he gets the revelation for the very first time and you but Elijah who Salaam speaks to him and tells him to crawl and read

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and you've all know the story. he squeezes the prophet Isaiah or the Soto some or put some pressure on him. And a process sediment says man, it'd be hottie in I can't read and that whole scenario unfolds. What does the professor Selim do when all is said and done? He runs down the mountain and he runs to his wife. And he says to his wife, Zen balloon is xmd loony Cover me, cover me, wrapped me wrapped me zambelli literally means to wrap something like you take saran wrap or tin foil, and you literally seal a package. So what is he actually asking his wife to do? Literally Cover me and protect me. I need you right now. This is the Prophet alayhi salatu said, the man whom Allah said I

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will protect you. He got direct protection from Allah. He was talking to Allah, he was getting pulled to and from Allah. And yet he still needed the nurture care and protection of his wife. So that's really profound to just give you an idea of how much we as husbands actually depend on our wives, their presence, and so on and so forth. And then the A it continues with the complete opposite, but there's one very interesting change in wording. Then Allah speaks to us the husband's and says, What untold Lee Beseler one, and all of you You are closing for her or for them, meaning our wives. But here's the thing, the a is started or the sentence began when one is a pronoun to

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refer to a group that is absent, you can't see them, you don't have access to them. If they were in front of you, you will say an tuner. So just bear with me a little bit of language here, right. If they were in front of you, you could see and interact with them, you would refer to them, especially if they were all women, you would refer to an audience of women you will say and tuna, but the a is started off with the absent form of the pronoun one but

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Then when it came to the husbands, Allah did not say, home Lee best select one, or one whom Lee best to learn a lot did not use the absent pronoun to speak about the men, you are clothing for the women, Allah spoke directly to us, and spoke as though we're standing right in front of him. And he says one end to him. So this is the pronoun that we're, it's literally we're in front of Allah subhanaw taala. And he's talking directly to us. Whereas for the women, he was referring to them in third party, so in third person, so what's the point of all of this, it's very beautiful. For us, the husbands, Allah is making sure that we get the message more so that we are clothing for them

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than they are to us. In other words, there's more of an emphasis for us as husbands that we realize, and that we understand that we also have to be nurturing, caring, loving, respectful, to our wives, and not just the other way around. So Allah subhanho wa Taala, literally to our face is saying to us, men, husbands, you guys now, better make sure that you understand that you are also leave us alone. Allah did not speak to us in third person, but spoke directly to us. In Arabic, we call this Mohatta, he's actually addressing us in front of our faces. And that's what I think in terms of the language in this area is so profound. So it's in our face, because we need that. So Allah subhanaw

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taala is literally saying, you know, sometimes you're a little you're you're, it's gonna be a little difficult for you to understand because of cultural influences, bad habits, bad advice, the way we were brought up the way that the things that we see on TV, the things that we learn, put all of that aside. And you need to know that at the end of the day, as a husband, that you also need to be there and to be supportive for your wife the same way that she will be there and be supportive with you. But it's even more so it's a priority to us as husbands that we do that last point and to leave us alone. Now this whole idea of clothing ignore our best sort of the Alomar inhuman Abdullah, even Mr.

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Udo the alohar, many of the Sahaba has interpreted What did Li best or clothing literally refer to in this area, some of them said that it referred to intimacy. So basically, it's an intimate relationship, you're married. So that type of clothing, you're layer upon layers to each other. So intimacy is talked about and desire or at least refer to other said, No clothing here is more of a spiritual thing in the sense that it's love. It's care, it's all of the things that we've mentioned in this video. So it's all of the wonderful qualities in a marriage that make a relationship work. So it's not just the the actual physical thing, it's just the little gestures that you do that you

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look out for one another, you buy things for each other. And it's you know, when you spend time with each other, you go out, you socialize, you have a good time, it's all the little things that we do to make a relationship work, that's called closing for each other. So depending on how you want to interpret this, at the end of the day, all of these things have truth to it, all of the different interpretations, there is an element of truth and they complement one another. At the end of the day, in a marriage, both parties, both husband and wife must understand that at the end of the day, you cannot have one side doing all the work. And the other one just sitting back and enjoying all of

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the attention, the nurture the love and the care. No, this gives us an equal balanced relationship in terms of how we express the nurture and care and care in a relationship. It is equal at the end of the day. But for us, husbands, Allah tells us to our face, but you all better realize that you have the same responsibilities with them, and don't have those expectations from them without giving it in return. so profound, so true. How many cultures Do we know around the world that makes the wife literally just do everything, say everything be in charge of everything. The man might work, he might do other things. But the point is, is that he expects all of the good Don't get upset at me.

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Don't get sad at me. Don't scream at me, Don't shout at me. But unfortunately, sometimes actually, not even sometimes a lot of the times, culturally, the man can do all of those things to her but when she tries to do the same, it does just doesn't work out it turns into a big problem. So this

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eliminates all of that. Keep in mind, we're talking about a

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Culture in context in Medina that had those same habits. So Allah subhanaw taala is slowly sifting out some of those bad cultural habits that even sahabas had in their own marriages. Remember domestic problems and abuse were were present. It was not prevalent, but it was there. There are stories of sahabas that had to come not just to the Prophet Elisa to Islam, but to other Senior Companions for counseling for guidance. You know, I got into a fight with my with my husband, my husband doesn't treat me well. My wife said this to me and, you know, divorces happened back then. So the point is, is that this a, it came down early medini period, because those domestic issues

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started to escalate, more and more marital problems started become prevalent in society. So we needed certain guidelines and Allah subhanaw taala sent them down in order to navigate counsel and heal some of those issues. And this is one of them. I honestly believe, honestly, honestly, believe if you're a new couple, and you're listening to this, hopefully Best of luck more intimately, Barcelona should be literally plastered and painted all over your house, especially inside your bedroom, the day of your marriage, this is the area that you need to remind people about this is the area of marriage. This is the thing that you want on your T shirt. And you want to be able to say

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and remind and show each other that this is how important marriage is to you. And this is the attitude that we adapt when it comes to marriage, regardless of culture, regardless of habits and background. This is the way that marriage should be. So that constant reminder in the marriage is always there. So think about it. And then shot love with Allah May Allah bless your marriages, bless your relationships, and always allow us to see the beauty of who Nellie best solocom we're entering the best loan in our marriages along the second level hiring guys. I hope that that was beneficial in some way. These are once again Koranic verses that literally change your life. And I hope it's

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done that for you and especially for the couples out there for the positive insha Allah hotel for Jessica Lohan and everybody until we meet again was Salam or Aleikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

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