Muiz Bukhary – Day 15 – Ramadan 2014 – Birrul Waalideyn – Being Good To Parents

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary ©
The history and context of Islam are discussed, including the use of " amen" in the message and the importance of " amen" in the message. The transcript describes a scene where Allahu carrier Houma Jana had to lower the wings of submission and hesitated to say she was too old. The conversation also touches on the importance of the day of the AMA and the importance of treating parents with excellence. The segment ends with a statement of gratitude for all Muslims and a statement of gratitude for all of them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim

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many respected elders brothers and sisters and the viewers of the daily reminder network sir Mr Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen boeser li rosselli mohalla ashrafi lamea evil mursaleen Nabina. Habib in our karate Aruna Mohammed Abdullah Allahu Allah, He will be he have done with this theme.

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We always begin by praising Allah subhana wa Medina with our Creator, sustain and nourish, protect and cure. We ask Allah subhana wa Medina to share his choices of blessings and salutations upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of Diana inshallah tada for tonight's hearts offner. We will be touching on bedroll one a day. In other words, be good to the parents being good to the parents.

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Because my dear respected brothers and sisters in Islam, our parents are from the greatest bounties and favors that alas behind them who Adela has conferred upon us Allahu Akbar. They are massive dose to Jenna Allahu Akbar. They are massive entry pathways for us to gain entry into Jenna. But sadly, many of us many of us including myself, allama Rahim, Allah have lost the value of our parents, Allahu Akbar, I tell you all one law, he will law he By Allah, the ones who have lost their parents, the ones who have lost their parents, if they could go to the graves of their parents, and if they could bring their parents back to life, they would, they would, and they would beg for the

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forgiveness of their parents Allahu Akbar, then we the ones who have our parents with us, we should consider ourselves lucky and let us not waste time say we are in a different country perhaps we are abroad and our parents are in another country. That does not waste time. Let us not think Okay, the next time I go on vacation, let me go patch up things Don't. Don't. Don't waste time. Try and patch up things if things have gone sour with your parents try and patch up things ASAP. make a phone call and patch up things because none of us can guarantee for how long? We are our parents may remain above October. My dear respected elders brothers and sisters in Islam. There is a hadith known as

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the hubby for three Amin's the Hadith is recorded in such a footer *. It has been classified by mominul Bonnie rahima hula.

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The narration goes along the lines of these words at once. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he climbed the pulpit the member and for each step he climbed. He said amin, amin, amin, Allahu Akbar. So when he got down the Sahaba is one way to Allah and mine were very observant and what observed this they went up to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yasser Allah. Why did you say amin thrice Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then explains jabril alayhi salatu wa sallam, he came down and for each step I climbed, he made a da. And I said amen to that. And before I mentioned that there is my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. You need to understand that this is gibril

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archangel gabriel who is making the dua and it is our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stealing all off the diabetes, amin Allahu Akbar, can there be any doubt that these doors may not be answered by Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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The first Jabra salatu salam made is that let destruction be upon the person who attained the month of Ramadan and let it slip by without attaining the forgiveness of Allah Subhana Allah Allahu Akbar, may Allah the Almighty Allah blessed us with diabetes forgiveness in this blessed month of Ramadan, I mean, to which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I mean, the second

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let destruction be upon the one in whose life his parents, either both of his parents or one of his parents attains old age and due to his failure in service towards his parents, he is blocked from entering gender Allahu Akbar, let destruction be upon that one upon that individual to which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, I mean,

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the final is that let destruction be upon the one who hears your name Yasser Allah and fails to make Sarawak upon you. Please remember Salawat whenever I mentioned the beautiful name of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said amen to that.

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So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, it is upon us to value our parents Allahu Akbar, Allah subhana wa tada he states in the noble Koran

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Wakanda Boca

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Kayla Houma Bella.

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Jenna has done me meaner. Oh, man walco

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he saw the

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photo buka Allah taboo. Illa Allah behind them for Dinah your Lord has decreed that you worship none other than him. wabi

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Sana and that you should treat your parents with excellence of of bobbin Valley Danny aksana Mia Bella Wanda in the Cal Kibera, Houma Oklahoma, and if they reach or attain old age if they both are one of them, fella

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do not say unto them, Allahu Akbar, scholars of the past he mentioned that if there was a word

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lesser in this respect than of Allah subhanho wa Taala would have mentioned that word falletta hula hula off. Do not say off perhaps your parents, your mom or your dad wants you to do something. Don't say or don't just neglect what they have to say Allahu Akbar Raja hula hula Colin karema addressed them with honorable terms. Allah Akbar addressed them with honorable terms. What fibula Houma Jana had to limina Rama and lower the wings of submission and humility unto them. Walker Rob bear have Huma Kamara by an ISA hero and pray for them that he Allah bless both of them just as how they brought me up when I was small, Allahu Akbar. scholars of the first scene such as the mount Mujahid

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Rahim Allah they mentioned that when your parents attain old age, and when they lose control of their bladders, perhaps and when they start urinating on themselves when they start defecating on themselves, do not say oath and do not look at them with disgust. Allahu Akbar scheffel Islam Ibn taymiyyah Rahim Allah He states that if an individual makes his mother or father cry, if tears flow because of him, it is upon him to make them laugh. make them smile, just as how he made them cry, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, may Allah Subhana Allah forgive our sins.

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Books of history mentioned that once a man goes to overload your loved one, a man goes to the alarm line. And he asks even or the alarm line up now.

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I have a mother. I have a mother who is very old. She's so frail and so old, that every single day, I have to carry her because she's so old. I have to carry her and take her out to the plains somewhere a deserted area where she can relieve herself. I carry her every single day. I wait until she relieves herself. And then I turn my face away out of respect for her. I clean her after she has relieved herself. And then I carry her once again and bring her back home. And then he asks even though the last one, you have an aroma. Have I fulfilled my heart towards my mother? Have I fulfilled my right towards my mother, even Amaro the long line who states no you have not even

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fulfilled you're right towards your mother. For even one contraction of pain. She went through in her pregnancy with you. Not even for one single contraction. And then he goes on to say but what you're doing is extremely good. persist in what you're doing. Why I said this was because now what you are doing for your mother. You are doing it hoping that she should expire soon. You are hoping that she should expire soon because she

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is a burden for you. On the other hand, your mother did the very same thing for you when you were small, praying and hoping that you should live a long, fruitful life.

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This is the difference. You are doing it hoping that she should expire. But she did the same things are perhaps low for you hoping and praying that you should live a long and fruitful life. Allahu Akbar, may Allah subhana wa tada bless our parents, and may the almighty forgive them And grant them the highest stations in general. I mean,

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in regard to a particular individual, he is known as a Tabby. He is not as a hobby, but he lived during the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam his name was always and Cora and he who is alpha Ronnie, I'm not going to go into the depth of the story, but I'll just highlight that it was he could not meet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because he was busy in the service of his mother, his mother, who was a blind old lady during the time when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was alive. He couldn't go and meet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was from Yemen. But Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke highly about him and also informed the Sahaba

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marine if you ever meet this individual, he gave a description about ways Allah corny if you meet him, ask him to seek forgiveness for you because his two eyes will be answered a lot more. But the only reason many brothers and sisters in Islam because of his unwavering service to his beloved mother, his beloved blind mother, he did not leave her side even to meet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and because of that beautiful service, lost behind them what Allah gave him such a high rank and status. Many brothers and sisters in Islam. The opposite of bureau validation that is being good to the parents is ruku valida in Allah Akbar, and that is disrespecting your parents. Let

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us not become an evil sign of the day of the AMA, because it is mentioned in a very famous Hadith known as hadith of gibreel, a very famous Hadith. This Hadith has been recorded in Bukhari Muslim, the Muslim, the famous man, the book of Imam to marry and even imagine, and many other books such a famous ideal, a long, beautiful Hadith where the narration goes along the lines of these words that a man once went to the supervisor

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sat by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he thought I

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was ready

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to suffer. Well, I mean, I had utter jealousy in an abusive alcoholic reseller. A man wearing sparkling white clothes, having jet black hair, no signs of journey, no signs of fatigue. He goes and sits by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and says, Yeah, Mohamed sort of off while he was selling Bernie on Islam Tell me about Islam as a supervisor a long while he teaches in Islam. Yeah, Mohammed, bin Leon Eman O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Tell me about EMA and those who don't you said a long while he was in them taught him the six articles of faith. Yeah, Muhammad.

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told me about his son and also the voice of the Lord while he was send them taught him about a son. And then he asks yasunaga Mohamed

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Tell me about the final Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had identified the individual as jabril alayhi salat wa salam. It was gibreel alayhi salatu was Salam who had come in the guise of a human being to teach the Sahaba and to teach the owner of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala so sort of why is that? Beautiful? The answers to that question malama Sulu unhappy and the minister is the one who is being questioned, knows no better than the questioner. In other words, you and I, we are on the same rank in regard to knowledge of the day of the AMA, because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does not have knowledge of the unseen except

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for that which are lost behind them who died at towards those who lies and along while he will sell them. No one knows when the day of the AMA will take place. So he clarifies that to jabril.

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And then to bring it in, so that was Ramsay's for affability. I

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shouldn't tell me about the signs of the day of the AMA. So one of those times when the brothers and sisters in Islam, the Fulani said a long while a Muslim states in the same ad, Anthony del Amato, Rob betta wafi rewired in

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the direct translation for that statement is that a slave girl will give birth to him to her master or in another narration to her mistress, the direct translation, a slave girl will give birth to him to her master or to her mistress. Now scholars have different opinions in regard to it, but the best explanation

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According to my opinion is the explanation of Imam even harder. Alas Kalani Rahim Allah, Who states that that statement of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam indicates that two words the latter stages, two words the times where the day of Tiana will be close, tables will turn a lot of tables will turn, everything will start occurring topsy turvy, and children will start treating their parents like slaves.

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They will start ordering and commanding their parents like slaves Allahu Akbar, they will not listen to their parents. They for example, a man will listen to his wife and obey his mother. He will put down his mother and listen to his wife. A man will listen to his friends and dishonor his father Allahu Akbar, all signs of the day of the AMA My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, let us not become from the evil science of the day of the AMA. May Allah Subhana Allah save us all, because love our parents and let us treat our parents with excellence upon excellence. May Allah behind them worthy Allah, forgive all of our sins, and may hear the almighty forgive the sins of our parents.

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And may He bless our parents, and may He bless our parents with high stations in Jenna, and May He grant us the opportunity to treat our parents with excellence upon excellence and many of your mighty except our good deeds may alleviate the sufferings the Muslim Ummah is going through, especially the Muslims in Gaza. And may he be Almighty unite all of us just as how he united us here tonight with our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I mean what after that Allah and hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen de como la Hey,

Day 15 – Heart Softeners – with Sheikh Muiz Bukhary – ‘Birrul Waalideyn – Being good to parents’ at Masjidul Hasan, Lower Bagatalle road, Colombo, Sri Lanka- Ramadan 2014/1435H

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