Muhammad Al Bizry – Ramadaan Revelations #3 Hasanaat Habits

Muhammad Al Bizry
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of achieving goals in life, including achieving weight loss and achieving 1% every day. They stress the importance of setting realistic and achievable goals and prioritizing their own success. They also emphasize the need to measure success through their intention and prioritize their goals over others. The importance of reward and hardship is emphasized, along with the need to practice every day to achieve long-term success.
AI: Transcript ©
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salam ala Rasulillah bad how to maintain that hype in Ramadan and create those Hassinger tablets. More about this insha Allah Tala in tonight Ramadan revelations, so we're doing tough seed and in sutra baccarat Allah azza wa jal says for Masha he the main commercial or failure symbol whoever reaches Ramadan and witnesses this month and fast. What's interesting is that Allah azza wa jal then says when he took when he read the shortly after, and commonly translated complete the term, complete the term, but that's not what it really means. Took mail from a command in Arabic and the command and command means perfection. In other words, Allah azza wa jal doesn't want us to just

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complete Ramadan, he wants us to perfect Ramadan. In other words, every single day needs to be better than the last. And this great wisdom is because of when you reach the end of Ramadan, you should be at your peak of iboga. In order to attain relative Padam, which is greater than 1000 months of worships upon me, in other words, every single day, we should be getting better and not be getting worse. But it's unfortunate that it's part of human nature, that in the beginning of matters, we're extremely pumped or extremely excited, whether it's reading a new book, we put the bookmark after chapter two, never to pick it up again, enrolling in a gym, signing up. After a month

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or two, we drop out and we never visit it back again, enrolling in a new course at university we drop out after a year or we defer learning. And likewise, sometimes in Ramadan, we've pumped in the beginning and what happens after that, we start to dwindle, the recitation of the Quran is not as much we cut back on the tearaway, for instance, we start looking at haram watching haram, for instance, as we weren't like that in the beginning. And as we said, human nature and Allah putting a little further at the end, there's great wisdom to see who is true to their commitment, who is true to their deeds, true to their words. And so every single day, Allah wants us to get better than the

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last. So I'm going to be sharing with you some Hassanal habits. And I was reading this book, atomic habits by James clear, very good book, And subhanAllah the things he says in here, and regarding habits and chain and transforming your life we already have in the Quran and the Sunnah. And that's why remember, Chef Ray said that no one brings any wisdom, except you find equal to in the Quran, equal guidance in the Quran, and Sunnah all better, or better. So basically, he says, to transform your life, it's not about having some earth shattering achievement, right? That's what we think we've put undue pressure on ourselves thinking, you know, I have to do so much in order to transform

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my life. No, he says, rather, it's having small changes over a period of time, and that he get remarkable results. That's how people attain PhDs. That's how people lose weight and get healthy. That's how people achieve so much gain knowledge, whatever the case may be, look at people after they've achieved something, it started by doing something small and on a consistent basis. So what he says is the 1% principle, the 1% principle is based on changing your life by 1%, every single day, that is it, improving yourself 1% Every single day, if you did this for one year,

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you will be 37 times better than when you started. So today, inshallah we're going to change ourselves by 1%. This time, next year will be 30 times seven times better than we were when we started Subhan Allah, that is it. And so he also says, On the other hand, if you actually decline 1%, every single day, you end up at zero, Allahu Akbar. And all of this is summarized in one Hadith, the Prophet alayhi salam said, the best of days are those days which are done consistently, even if they are small, those are the best things. They're consistent, even if they're small, but it's not about doing a lot. It's about doing something small on a consistent basis. And that is it. That is

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it. So let me share with you some examples that you can do on a daily basis, inshallah. But before we do that, what are rules for goal setting or habits, three things, make sure they're realistic and attainable. You don't want to do something that is unattainable, unrealistic, hard to achieve, because then you lose motivation. Also, something you can do daily, not something that takes you a week to finish. And specific, making sure the goal is specific. The difference would be, for instance, I want to read could enter it. That's a goal but it's not specific, specific, are only two pages a day, that's more specific to more attainable. And when you can specify it's easy to measure

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and that which you measure will improve people who want to achieve things, they measure it. And that's why people are trying to lose weight. They're always on the scales, people is trying to gain muscle, they're measuring their arms. If you measure something you can improve in that. So having a goal that is number one attainable, it's achievable. You can do it daily, and also making sure number three we said

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It is specific as possible so don't just say I want to pray extra. No, I want to pray the Sunnah of Fraser I'm not going to miss and keep a tally for yourself every single day. And after one week review, okay, I've done these things and I've met every single goal, these three goals that I've put for the day. I've prayed my son at a pleasure for a whole week. I've prayed all my prayers on time that's a specific got I've read two pages of Quran every single day for a whole week. Once you've done every single goal once you've met a goal for a whole week daily, you've got seven ticks for the week. Okay, now what let's add a fourth, let's add a fourth habit now. It's about doing deeds that

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are consistent even if they're small, right? That's the way inshallah Tada we can achieve

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these long term goals, these long term goals. So

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Allah azza wa jal in summary told us not to just complete Ramadan, he wants us to perfect Ramadan, perfect Ramadan. And we do that by making sure we do something every single day that was better than the day before the day before. And so let me end with how we can maximize our reward in Ramadan and make every single day better than the last to inshallah get us to the peak of a bother and that is for Level Two auditing and

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the scholars would comment on the first Hadith of the unbind, the weir and the first hadith of Bihari, which is in the Malama Lavinia data, but backed by their intentions. This is an important Hadith and a lot of people think that to maximize your reward, it's through your intention. No, you don't maximize your reward through your intention. Your intention is for either Allah sake or other than Allah sake. You either have a loss for Allah, you're doing a deed for Allah or you're doing it for other than Allah to one of the two. And sometimes people combine, they are praying for the sake of Allah but also praying for recognition and people say Oh, mashallah look at this Abbot. And they

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also rejected so it's either for Allah or not, like, what do you either have to do or you don't have to do one of the two. So there's a misconception that you increase your reward through intention. No, it's either you have a pure intention or either but the scholars did say you do maximize your reward through something from the heart, but it's an intention.

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And among them is number one humility, humility, your eagerness to please Allah azza wa jal and that's how our bucket order and also pass everyone in this room. We said about our bucket of the ecology Lionel Messi, Saba Coco, Bucklin be Catherine de Salette and Coliseum. Abu Bakr as we've said about him he didn't beat everyone in Alma because of a lot of Salah a lot of cm. Know.

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He prayed his five daily prayers, we pray for our daily prayers. He fasted Ramadan, we fasted Ramadan, he prayed, hello, everybody. Today we're however, they said, how did he suppose everyone be my work office of the day? What was in his chest and wasn't intention? He was in a loss. He had his loss. And it's only you do it. Did you have this loss? By the fear of Allah, that humility, right before Allah has been wanting to please him as a region? That eagerness there you see. So that's one of the ways Another way is hardship. That doesn't mean you put undue hardship for yourself. Right You pray Tada, we're carrying a baby. Oh, this is hard. Venona doesn't mean that. All right, doesn't

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mean you do recall has to do with weight on your back. All right. No, it doesn't mean you got warm water you do we'll do with cold water at Pfizer time just to get more what's going on? And that's not doesn't mean you break your fast at 830. And everyone in Sydney is breaking their faster 530 No, that's not allowed. You don't get more rewards through this. The reward is following the sooner right but what does it mean hardship? It's undue hardship that happens to fall upon you. So we're breakup we break our fast and Sydney at 530 others around the world at 30. They're getting more rewards no doubt. No doubt. You know you to commit to the Ramadan revelations lectures every night.

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It's hard for you because you got kids and you got commitments. It's harder for you but you still do it. Right. That's where the rewards lie. So when there's extra hardship, there's more rewards. Like was in charity. The profile is so slim said. Saba powderham met Al Phaedra wonder hammer $1 You could say be $100,000 How does $1 in charity be 100,000 I personally gave me a 200,000 dinar multimillionaire. I gave 100,000 You know nothing team was a billionaire. A person who gave $1 Maybe all they had was $10. Or maybe all they had was $1. They had $1 and they give it in charity. That's all their wealth, right? You can teach your kids this concept. They probably have only $1 they give

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it in charity. That's all their wealth. You see it was hard for them, but they did it. So we said the way to maximize your reward in the heart humility, that fear of Allah wanting to please Him. We said also hardship and then the third which is simple as that Azeema right. That will power the determination. I'm going to I'm going to pray

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I started with tonight no matter what I'm going to read my two pieces of content today no matter what through these things that are these daily habits This is how we can inshallah maximize our reward every single day and make each day better than the last we ask Allah azza wa jal to deliver us to the end of Ramadan and enable us to maximize those rewards especially in our decoder will continue tomorrow night inshallah with Ramadan revelations, but tomorrow we have story night. So if you have kids or family gathered together 8:35pm to 915 We're taking the first story and that is a story of Musa Ali salaam su tomorrow a 30 5pm live within the Laos and Mr. Alec on delay working can

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