Mufti Menk – We Don’t Want To Be From Amongst Those

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Speaker 1 discusses the importance of remaining vigilant during accidents and acknowledges that it is difficult to educate people without promoting intolerance. He emphasizes the need to address issues such as violence and hatred, and to avoid promoting it. He plans to repeat the message for the next 2 days.
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But we carry that flag across the globe
because we don't want to be from those
who don't learn from the mistakes of others,
from the shortcomings
and the downfall and the destruction of others.
When you see someone making an accident with
a vehicle at a certain juncture,
every time you come to that part of
the road, you must alert yourself. You must
be careful. You know, this is where I
saw someone making an accident, so therefore, I
need to be extra vigilant. The same applies
to us. We witness people across the globe
doing things that have resulted in absolute destruction
in some countries. We need to stay away
from that. We need to learn from that.
And if we don't talk about it, we
won't be able to educate our people. And
I firmly believe that if we have amongst
us elements
that promote
we need to weed them out. And we
need to make sure that that will not
be promoted in any way because,
true religion true religion
belongs to the almighty.
And that Almighty has never taught us to
resolve our matters through violence and hatred. So
this is the message I have for this
beautiful nation,
as well as for all the nations across
the globe. And Insha'Allah, we will repeat it
and reiterate it as, the programs continue in
this beautiful day for the next 2 days.