Mufti Menk – Supplications Series 2018 EP26

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the concept of evil and its effects on behavior and deeds. They also talk about powerful drugs and the importance of forgiveness in bringing people out of harm and making them happy. The Prophet sallam is discussed as a means of achieving this goal, and the speakers stress the importance of forgiveness in bringing people out of harm and making them happy. The speakers also mention a book on the spring of their heart and a way to practice learning to use it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh my brothers and sisters, we start off in the name of Allah saying Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. Then we praise Allah saying al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen then we send blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his household and companions by saying, WA Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah he will Allah Allah He was happy as mine. And my brothers and sisters, we move on with the beautiful Diaz and supplications in these blessed days of da, remember the Tao of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah whom in Africa One, two, a bull alpha five, one simple, straightforward to add, Oh Allah, you are forgiving, you love to

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forgive. So forgive me, you could add the term karimun which is also a quality of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, Al Karim, a name of Allah subhanho wa Taala, which means the most generous, although you are most forgiving, you are most generous you love to forgive so forgive me Allahumma inaka for one, carry moon to hibel Alpha five one that is also narrated in a narration of soon in a TV movie. So we may add the term Kareem as well because obviously it is the quality of Allah subhanho wa Taala, also mentioned by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this is probably one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful.

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That one may say, during the blessing nights of Ramadan, the last 10 nights, especially perhaps one of the odd nights, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala at least once or twice in our lives, to give us the ability and maybe even more than that, to give us the ability to stand in prayer and in a bed during the Night of Decree the night known as Laila to Qatar. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless every one of us. So, we are going through these supplications The idea is to learn how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam called out to Allah to learn how Allah instructed the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to call out to Him to learn how Allah subhanho wa Taala was called out to by the other messengers and

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the ways mentioned in the Quran. So I want to move on to a beautiful narration of Sahih Muslim with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made mention of the following,

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which shows you that the deeds we do play a role in affecting a lot of what happens to us Allahumma inni our older becoming shall remain a mill to woman shall remain, amen. I repeat that Allah whom in me to becoming shall remain a mill to women shall remain among

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the meaning of this job. Oh Allah, I seek your protection from the evil of what I have done, and the evil of what I have not done. SubhanAllah you might want to know what does that mean? Oh Allah, when I've done evil as a result of that evil, there will be certain things happening, I want you to protect me from that. So the outcome of the evil that I may have done protect me from Admin shall remain Amil to the evil as a result of the deeds I've done. So this means that when we do deeds, those deeds have an effect that effect is either good or bad. Sometimes when a person eats Haram, for example, their thinking becomes Haram, the way they look at things is haram. When they hear

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things they you know, when they hear something with their ears. What happens with their system is it accepts it and it looks into it. It separates it translates it in a haram way. May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us understanding so someone tells you something simple but because your income is haram, your food is haram, everything else is haram. You understand it in the most evil possible way. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. I hope we've understood what I'm saying. That is why this is very, very important and even sometimes there is evil that is done to us. So these are two different types of evil, the evil that is a result of our own deeds, that's more of a punishment

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sometimes and the evil that is done by someone else that is more of a test. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from both of them. So this Allahumma inni will be coming shall Rima mill to woman shall Ramallah Amen. Oh Allah I seek your protection from the evil of the deeds that I have done and from the evil of that which I did not even do. So May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us the next day is also a beautiful day out

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That is taken from the Tao of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he made for us emblematic of the Allahu anhu where he said, Oh Allah increase this man in wealth and in offspring and give him Baraka in what you've given him. So we make the dua we say to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allahumma salli wa ala de wa barik Li, female attorney. Wow, I think many of us would be very interested in that.

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You know, with how materialistic we've become and it's not wrong to call out to Allah. But it's amazing how this is so applicable to every one of us.

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Oh, Allah increase my wealth. Amin, amin say I mean, I'm sure everyone has already, Oh Allah, increase my wealth and increase my children and give me Baraka in what you've given me. Grant me Baraka in what you've given me Subhana Allah, we're asking for two things, Allah increase my wealth, and grant me blessings in it and increase my children and grasp, Grant me blessings in them. We pause for a moment to pray for those who don't have offspring. May Allah bless you with those who will be the coolness of your eyes, I mean, but it's a powerful drop of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it is actually something extremely interesting, very, very amazing. The Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made this for Anna Sidney Malik of your loved one. And at the same time, the benefit is for every single one of us, and we move on to another day, which is also extremely powerful. It is a drug that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned and it is in soon an Abbey Road as well as a Muslim Imam Ahmed.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam says Allah hamara, Metallica, Urdu, Oh Allah, it is your mercy that I am hoping for all Allah, it is your mercy that I am hoping for Fela takhini illa and FC perfetta in so do not leave me to myself. Do not abandon me to be on my own, even for the backing of an eyelid you know, part of a time which means the movement of the eye at the little glance, even for a glance, or a lot. Don't Don't look away from me or don't leave me alone. Always be with me. Even for that slightest moment Oh Allah, I want you to be with me. This is because Allah is in absolute control. Allah knows what's happening. Allah is with us. And Allah helps us Allah subhanho wa Taala

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is the greatest and what we must understand is, here we are seeing the Prophet sallallahu Sallam saying Oh Allah do not forsake me. Do not leave me to myself even for a moment for a split moment. while asleep Leisha Nicola La ilaha illa Anta Oh Allah make good for me all my affairs, you take care of all my needs, Oh Allah. There is none worthy of worship besides you. This is also a powerful to add. I'm going to repeat this throughout in the Arabic language. Allah hamara Metallica Are you Fela takhini illa FC Porto Fatah in was li li Shang Nicola La ilaha illa Anta O Allah, it is your mercy that I'm asking for. I'm hoping for

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Oh Allah do not forsake me or leave me even for a split moment. And Oh Allah, make all my affairs good for me Allah and Allah Allah there is none worthy of worship besides you. That is also a beautiful day. We need to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala using such lovely words, then we have another supplication again from Revelation. This is also a beautiful supplication that we find the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned and the Hadith is in Muslim dilemma Mohammed Allahumma inni Abu Duca Allahumma inni abacha. Now when you are an Imam, and you're making the dua, or when you're speaking when you are seeing this dua, and you are more than one, it's Allahumma ima

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RB Duca O Allah, we are your slaves. Now we are saying slaves because that is a word that shows the power of Allah and the helplessness of men. how humble we are. Imagine someone says I'm your slave. Subhan Allah to Allah subhanho wa Taala I'm your slave or I'm at your mercy, Allah Allahumma inni abdic O Allah, I'm your slave, wubbanub, deca and the son of a slave of yours, myself and my father, we're all slaves. We're all slaves, and even my mother and all the women going up the ladder, my parents, grandparents and so on right up to Adam alayhis salam, O Allah, I am your slave, the son of a slave of yours, the son of a of a female slave of yours. Now see it be a dick. You know, my neck

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is in your hands, which means you own my life. That's what it means you own my life. You have absolute control over my

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Life Marlin v hook Mk. Your command your instruction your decision is already determined regarding me your decision is final regarding myself I'd loan fee at the loan fee Aqaba oak. You're your judgment for me or against me is always just whatever you've done, whatever you do is just you are not unjust and there is no injustice when it comes to you, Oh Allah as a Luca, I am asking you. So once we are admitting how low we are, how high Allah is expressing our humbleness and humility in the Presence of Allah subhanho wa Taala telling him that whatever you've done is wise, and whatever you've decided, whatever judgments you've made, are always just then we are saying, Oh Allah, I

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asked you, what am I asking you?

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Well, as I'm asking you, I want to tell you, I'm asking you using all your names, all your names, you see, there is a name of Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet sallallahu Sallam speaks about he says, If you call out to Allah using an Islam allow them using the greatest name then you what ever you asked for he will give you now that Alison will album, we don't know what it is you have to keep on asking Allah with all the names and quality so that perhaps you might have the chance you know, to find out to discover what exactly that name is. And the idea of keeping it hidden was for people to worship Allah through calling out to him using all his names and qualities. Yeah Rahmani r Rahim.

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Yaga. Far Yata wa yamawaki many other generally Ekrem Yakubu Aziz uya Jabara sama what you will have been, yeah Sahiba culina La Jolla monta Hakuna Shaka yarmulke liberal kulu BIA, cahaya jabariya, Avi malman. And so on. These are beautiful names and qualities of Allah, every time you call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala you use different names, different qualities in order to gain closeness to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So here we are saying as Luca bikuni, Miss Minh, who Allah I am asking you with every name that belongs to you. Now, the names are not being mentioned. But we are just saying, in general, all the names that belong to you, please, Oh Allah, I'm asking you with all these names

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that belong to you, Oh Allah as a Luca Bhikkhu lisman, who Allah

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some made a big enough sack, whether it is a name that you named yourself with, oh, and delta houfy Kitab ik or a name that you have revealed in your book in the Quran,

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a lambda who had the main Hulk or a name that you have taught any one of your creation, I wish that Santa BGP will mainly be in the core, a name that you have kept with you in the knowledge of the unseen and you haven't even told that to anyone. So I'm asking you with all these names. It's amazing how all the categories are mentioned. So there are names that we are saying all the names that you have or allow we're asking you through those names. Whether it is something you revealed in your book, whether it is something a name that you have kept to yourself, meaning you named yourself through the book, but I'm sorry you named yourself by revealing it to the book or you have taught

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someone anyone or you kept it with you all these categories. What is the now imagine after asking, after pleading with Allah expressing humbleness, showing that we are trying to use all the names that Allah has has for himself whether we know them, we don't know them, etc. Then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asks what he wants. And Allah Lupo Ana, Robbie Appleby, and in one generation, Allah vema and Anil Aviva Ravi Appleby All I'm asking you to make the Quran, the great book on the spring of my heart, which means the freshness of my heart, the growth of my heart, the beauty of my heart, Oh Allah letter or an be inside my heart, how apt is this dua in the month of the Quran. When

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the Quran was revealed Laila to Qatar The Night of Decree, the night of Revelation, etc, they call it mu Zulu, and in some parts of the world because the Quran was revealed, sent down from the preserve tablet on this particular night, and we are asking Allah Oh Allah,

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make the score on the growth, the spring of my heart, the coolness of my heart, and so on.

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Ana Alavi morbi Appleby, we're neurosurgery and let it be the light of my chest. Let the Koran be within me and let me practice upon it. Learning

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Let me spend time with it. Let me enjoy it. Let me gain closeness to you through it. Let it be a means of cure for all my diseases and sicknesses. Allah let the score and be given the most importance from my heart and my chest. What gela has me whether ha ha me, let it be a means of the extraction of all my sadness, a means of the going away of all my sadness, a means of the going away of all my anxiety Subhana Allah. So we're asking Allah to protect us from anxiety through the Quran, to protect us from sadness through the Quran. To make the Quran the most important thing residing in our hearts. Let it be the means of growth for us in our hearts, and let it be the light of our chest

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it should be seen in our actions in our words on our faces. This is such a powerful to have my brothers and sisters It is amazing. I want to repeat this throughout. The idea is to call out to Allah with it. And for every one of us to be able to say it with me or to repeat it Allahumma inni Abu Duca webinar AB deca webinar matica now CIT ba deca Malbin fee Hawk mocha adilyn fee acaba, Luca, Luca be policemen who alaka some major big enough soccer and Zelda houfy kita Big O alimta, who had them in Helvetica, a Western federal v. Ray be in deca, and Jalil, an AVI Ma, Robbie can be one murasa de wa Jalla, Hosni was the hub ham me, Allahu Akbar, what a beautiful, amazing day of

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we seriously thank Allah subhanho wa Taala, for giving us this beautiful, beautiful knowledge that has come to us through the effort of so many of the people through the chain of narrators who have brought us this knowledge from the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. To this particular day, I want to move on to yet another dua and supplication. We have a few more in this beautiful series. So let's try and make the most of these episodes. A Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam again reported in Muslim Imam Ahmed where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah hum sin Rp batana. Phil

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was a genome in his dunya bill Farah, I repeat the dua in the Arabic language.

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Allah hum sin akeeba Tana feel moody Khalifa was a genome in his dunya Hara, Oh Allah, make good for me the ending of all my affairs, and save me from the disgrace of this world and the punishment of the hereafter. Oh Allah, all my affairs, let them be made good in the end. So sometimes we struggle we suffer, we don't know the ending of what's going to happen etcetera, etcetera. We are saying, Oh Allah, all the end of all my affairs, let it always be good, and save me from two things. Number one, save me from disgrace of this world. And number two, save me from the punishment or of the Hereafter, the punishment of the hereafter. So this is an amazing app also again of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we are fortunate to be able to call out using these same words that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used and inshallah I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us our dua remember when you are humble, you call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala you definitely will be from among those whom Allah has mercy upon. And there is one point I need to make mention of your, your supplication is never wasted. Even if you don't get exactly what you want, when you want how you want it. One thing certain is, Allah subhanahu wa taala will grant you the, the goodness in the hereafter for the two hours that you actually have been making. So it's never ever wasted. It's

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always from Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is something that we all cherish, and we all thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for my brothers and sisters, we move on to another blessing blessing of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had so many of these applications they were always on his tongue. And he always thanked Allah subhanho wa Taala he was one who definitely used to be from those who loved calling out to Allah how many of us love actually to call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala here is the do our my brothers and sisters with the Prophet salallahu alaihe

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selam used to say Allahu Mata ni ni Bhima. Razak teny. barbarically. fi, Allah hamaca ni ni b mirzakhani barbarically Fi, O Allah make me satisfied with what you have granted me in sustenance and give me blessings in it. You know that the term planner refers to the satisfaction that we have, we are convinced we have enough we are so happy with what we have or Allah make me happy with what you have given me and give me Baraka in it. Now it is is not only money it's not only wealth it's include so many different things, your offspring your spouse, etc. People are not satisfied with their spouses this do our will benefit you alone mcenaney be mirzakhani Oh Allah you blessed me with

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something make me happy with it all You gave me something make me content with it. Make me pleased with it. Oh Allah, it's a very powerful to. So to repeat this gap Allahumma ne bemaraha petani robotic Li O Allah make me happy with what you have bestowed upon me with what you have blessed me with in terms of sustenance and risk, and and grant me blessings in it. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah bless every one of us. I move on to yet another Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also in Muslim, Imam Ahmed, where the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam used to be concerned about the day of reckoning, you know, he was the best of creation, the most noble of all prophets of

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Allah. Did he need to worry about the affair or the day of reckoning when he knew he was going to be the one first one to intergender Subhana Allah amazing when he knew he is going to be the one who will be interceding on behalf of so many of his Omar Subhana Allah, but he used to say, and he used to often repeat Allah Maha siboney Serbia Sierra

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Allahu Maha siboney Serbia Sierra Allahumma has he been in Serbia Sierra? Oh Allah

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make my accounts with the day you take the reckoning make my accounts easy for me. Make the reckoning easy for me. Oh Allah. Make that day of reckoning and the reckoning of all my accounts easy for me, Allah. Allah when you take account of my deeds make it easy for me Allah. Imagine he's asking for ease how difficult that day must be. May Allah make it easy for all of us. So my brothers and sisters, that's hadith of Sharia law. I think we all need to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala so often, let's be worried about the Day of Judgment Allah Maha 77 yesira. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us ease when it comes to the day of reckoning may He forgive our shortcomings you see when we

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engage in Toba when we seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. There is something amazing that happens. If Allah has accepted that Toba, he wipes out the sin and he makes even the angels forget what has happened. And all the other creatures of Allah who have witnessed that particular bad deed, they are all made to forget the deed. So on the Day of Judgment, that deed is not there. It doesn't exist at all. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us forgiveness in that particular way. Because it's important for us to know that Allah subhanho wa Taala His mercy is definitely greater than his rotting his punishment, he does not want to punish us. Allah does not

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want to punish us. He is looking for any excuse to forgive us. So we seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we asked him today, tonight, and every day and every night, we keep on asking his forgiveness. Imagine the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to seek the forgiveness of Allah between 70 to 100 times every single day. And according to some of the narrations It was not just sitting in one place saying Oh ALLAH forgive me 100 times, but it was throughout the day whenever he remembered Oh ALLAH forgive me. A little while later Allah forgive me, sometimes two three times after Salah thrice he used to say a stun viola, so that's thrice after every Salah you

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can count how many sellers that aid that is May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who seek this forgiveness seriously. And may He make us from those who achieve the forgiveness as well until we meet again in sha Allah assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Our deeds have a lot of effect on what happens to us. When we do something haram, or eat haram or earn haram income, it will have an effect on our lives. Allah SWT taught the Prophet (PBUH) how to pray to Him and how to ask Him for forgiveness for the wrong we did. In this episode of the Supplication Series, Mufti Ismael Menk talks about certain supplications from the Sunnah that can be used to ask Allah for forgiveness. He also talks about supplications where we ask Allah to protect us from sadness and anxiety, and to give to peace and content with what He has given us.

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