Mufti Menk – Dhul Hijjah – Reconnect With Allah Through Fasting

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of fasting during the month of Easter, as it is necessary to reconnect with Allah and learn about the spiritual nature of the fast. The speaker emphasizes the importance of restraining oneself and controlling one's anger to achieve the reward of the fast. The speaker also encourages individuals to take advantage of opportunities to pursue forgiveness of Allah through praising him and seeking forgiveness.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and sisters, the first 10 days

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of Dhul Hijjah

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are an opportunity

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to reconnect with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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During the month of Ramadan,

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we feel the connection between us and Allah

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we're fasting during the day and at night

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we're engaging in acts of worship. We become

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more conscious of our character and conduct because

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the hadith of the prophet peace be upon

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him says, fasting is not only about staying

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away from food and drink etcetera, but even

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staying away from foul language, staying away from

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that which is hurtful, harmful, abusive, etcetera.

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Cleansing your heart from enmity, from hate, and

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on. All this is a part of the

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fasting. So when it comes to these 10

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days and the fasting that we are supposed

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to be engaging in with the first 9

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we must understand

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it's an opportunity

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to reconnect

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with Allah.

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And every time we reconnect with Allah, Allah

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gives us a day of joy at the

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And this is why take it seriously.

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Try your best to fast during these 9

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days. It is not compulsory.

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It is sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wasallam and in fact, it is derived from

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the hadith that says

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that Allah

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does not

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love good deeds

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more than he does during these 10 days.

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So that's the reason why we would engage

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in all sorts of acts of worship. Now,

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if you look at the fasting,

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if you were to fast say as a

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family or if you were to fast a

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group of friends and so on, it starts

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reminding you of Ramadan

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and Ramadan has a unique

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feel. It has a spirituality and

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it has this feel that is amazing.

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SubhanAllah. So during these 9 days,

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you would get a little bit of that

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feeling. Imagine staying away from something

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in order to earn the pleasure of Allah.

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That is discipline.

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Islam is all about discipline.

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It's about

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staying away,

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being able to control your nafs, yourself, your

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from doing things. You must be in charge

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of yourself. You must take charge or be

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in control

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of what you want to do, what you

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don't want to do

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to the degree

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that Allah has allowed

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or to the degree that Allah has given

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you that capacity.

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So every time you stay away from food

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or drink for the sake of Allah

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or your fasting, you stay away from venting

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your frustrations

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from becoming angry in a way that you

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start swearing at others. Tell yourself, I'm restraining

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myself, controlling myself for the pleasure of Allah.

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Yes. I will get a reward for it,

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full reward for it, but

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becoming a better person, leaving behind the legacy,

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teaching and training the people who look up

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to you or who look at you. Those

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around you, those whom you interact with, they

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learn great lessons by watching you

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restrain yourself, control your anger.

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You're not supposed to be getting angry when

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you're fasting.

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fasting is prescribed in order to develop taqwa

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Allah says to

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develop a connection with Allah, to become more

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conscious of the do's and don'ts.

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That's what fasting is all about. So this

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is the reason why it's very rewarding to

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You know, when you fast in the Ramadan,

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yes, you fulfilled the obligatory

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But when you do it now in Dhul

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Hijjah, it's voluntary.

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It's your own.

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You want to do it. And Allah says

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every deed that the son of Adam does

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or human beings do is for them. The

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benefit will come to them and it's for

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them in the sense that they will have

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a fixed reward for it when it comes

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to fast. Allah says it's for me. I

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would deal with it and will reward it

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and will multiply

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that reward.

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10 times, 70 times, 700 times and whatever

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Allah wills and wishes. So my brothers, my

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it is amazing.

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Let's try our best. Some of you may

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not have already started the fast, but even

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if you don't do all of the days

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and just a few days, not forgetting

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the day of Arafa for those who are

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not in Hajj. So if you're not in

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Hajj, the day of Arafa has such a

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great reward. We've said it, we repeat it.

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It will wipe out the of

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the current year

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and the following year. So the year that

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has just passed by

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and the year that is about to come,

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my innocence wiped out when you fast for

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the sake of Allah, bearing Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala in mind. And this is a chance

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to reconnect with Allah.

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At the end of every fast, you have

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goodness, the goodness of opening your fast with

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beautiful food that will taste a little bit

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different because of the spirituality

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of the fast. Secondly,

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the opportunity to supplicate to Allah, the dua

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and istilfar meaning seeking forgiveness of Allah. So

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my brothers and sisters, let's engage in a

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lot of supplication,

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a lot of remembrance of Allah through good

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through praising him and lots and lots of

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repentance and seeking forgiveness of Allah because he

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loves that so much. May Allah forgive us

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