Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2009 – Cape Town – Day 20 Levels Of People

Mufti Menk
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The decision of Allah's "one person" and "one person" decision to grant blessings and praisits to all suffering is the final decision of Islam's control over wealth and opportunities. The importance of knowing one's own level of scores and spending on respecting one's own knowledge is emphasized. The decision is ultimately the decision of Islam's control over wealth and opportunities, and the company is working with partners to ensure they can best serve customers. The company has a complete end-to-end solution that will work for every customer and is working with partners to ensure they can best serve customers.
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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smilla. He will hamdulillah. He was Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah, he was happy woman instead of Buddha who abide. All praise is indeed due to Allah subhanho wa Taala blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless him and to bless every single one of us. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to accept this dose of blessing that we make on a daily basis. For indeed if we are blessed by Allah subhanho wa Taala there is nothing else that we require.

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Also, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to grant ease to all those who may be suffering across the globe at this particular moment. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant cure to all those who are seeking Him and to grant Rama and mercy to those whom he has taken away. I mean,

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honor the ruler, my beloved brothers and sisters and dear listeners.

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We all know that the Creator is Allah subhanho wa Taala and he has created creation, everything besides Allah subhanho wa Taala is created. And we also understand that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created different creatures. They are animals, they are human beings, they are plants they are fish, and so on. It is Allah who decided to make us from the most noble of his creations, Ashraful must Lucas, the most noble of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that is the highest level of creation, the creation of mankind. One may argue and debate about the angels the angels are high in a different way. The angels have no power to disobey Allah, they don't even have the power to

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disobeyed whereas men has the power and the ability to disobey and still turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala which means the angels don't have a choice but men has a choice to a certain extent up to the limits that Allah allows it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us understanding.

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Today we'd like to look at the levels of people, the levels of this creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala meaning mankind mankind upon different levels, some of these levels we have no choice regarding and some of these levels we have a role to play. And these are the two major categories we will be discussing inshallah, this evening. We ask Allah Subhana Allah Allah to grant us understanding, the highest and the best of all mankind and all the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala is an individual known as Mohammed Gibney, Abdullah Al Hashimi al Rashid sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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May the blessings and peace and mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala be upon him the masterpiece of creation sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah subhanho wa Taala has definitely granted him the virtue.

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One may ask a question Why didn't Allah make the best?

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At the time of Adam alayhis salam, why didn't Allah replace Adam alayhis salam with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that is all Allah decision. And this is what we are going to be speaking about today. The decision of Allah subhanho wa Taala when it comes to the levels of various people, and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from those who have a high standing in sha Allah in His eyes. So Allah subhanho wa Taala informs us about the messengers that all of them were not on one level, but they were of different levels. And this is something we need to realize and understand it's sort of obasan Allah subhanho wa Taala says, till Caruso Nova bom bom bom

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bom bom de Raja

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Gina g La Jolla Dana OBO. Hello kudoz Allah says those messengers we have raised some above others. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, some of them Allah has spoken to them directly whilst others Allah spoke to them through the angel jabril alayhi salatu salam, and then Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of a special virtue for Jesus, the son of Mary for Isa alayhi salatu was Salam. And Allah says, Allah has also granted him a book and Allah subhanho wa Taala has given him virtue.

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Obviously he is from amongst the five highest of the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Who were the five highest? That is a question. Listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, We start off with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we know that then Allah says, What is meenan v nummies? upon whom Amina go amin

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e ma musawah ii 70 meldonium new Noah May peace be upon him Ibrahim

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Abraham May peace be upon him. Moosa Moses May peace be upon him, Isa, Jesus May peace be upon him and we all know that we start with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So those are the five they are higher than the rest that is declared by Allah subhanho wa Taala they are known as Lula's me mean or Rasul. They are known as old as me mean a rustle in the Quran, they are the highest of all the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us he is the one who chooses his messengers. Nobody has a choice in that regard. No one can come and say Allah, why didn't you make me a prophet la kovarik is a loss choice along with puffy minalima Inca to solo

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It is Allah who chooses the messengers from the angels and from amongst the people from the angels, we know jabril alayhi salatu salam was granted a different task by Allah subhanho wa Taala than others and he was given a rank higher than the other angels. But there were some whom we've been made mentioned the names of, and some whom we don't even know the names of from amongst the angels. Also from amongst the prophets, Allah says from amongst mankind we are the ones who chose the prophets then Allah Subhana, which Allah says, In surah Tulisa while others have

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been Allah.

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Indeed, we granted virtue to some prophets over the others, and we gave the wood who is David May peace be upon him, we gave him this a boo.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of the virtue of doubt Allah His salatu wa sallam, then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, In surah Tula Nam what encounter tuna una de ina Evo Hema Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala has given evidence against the people at the time of Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam, Allah had given them manifest book or manifest writings to read from a message and Allah subhanho wa Taala says, We raise whomsoever we wish, that is the decision and decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Listen to what he says about certain prophets. He says in Surah Al Anam What is my ila wanniassa Well, you know, our loofah wakulla mana Allah Allah Allah mean, these messengers that we have spoken about is my email Elisa, Eunice and Luke May Allah peace be upon all of them. Allah says we granted them virtue upon the people of their time, complete virtue, they were the best

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of the time. May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us all inshallah goodness. Then at times Allah makes or gives virtue to a child over the Father. That is Allah's decision, we know that that is the case in the case of most of the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Most of them were at times their fathers were not as high in standing them them though their fathers were part and parcel of the plan of Allah to bring them into existence. Allah used those parents to bring certain messages into existence. And at times Allah subhanho wa Taala says, most cases they will not as high as their own children amazing. Look at Allah subhanho wa Taala what he says about the link between the wood and

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Sulaiman David and Solomon May peace be upon them all. Allah subhanahu Allah says, In surah number one, da da, da da da Suleiman. Indeed we gave knowledge to David and Solomon May peace be upon them both to the wood and Suleiman alayhi wa sallam, and they both thanked us for it, work or law and they both said Alhamdulillah in hilarie from balena Allah Cathy remin Abadi, meanie Oh Allah Praise be to you, you have granted us virtue over most of your believing worshipers. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to grant us virtue as well. But over and above that, there are certain things that the Son Suleiman was given. And the dead wood was not given the father was not given and Suleiman

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was given certain things. They were both prophets of Allah at the same time, one was father, one was son, that was Allah's decision and decree. So in Surah ambia, there was a certain incident when Allah says

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farhana has rula

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we gave the understanding of that to Suleiman, we gave the understanding of that particular situation to Suleiman. alayhi salatu was Salam. There are so many examples of where Allah subhanho wa Taala gave the understanding to the sun. And yet the father was also a prophet, but Allah subhanho wa Taala decided through his wisdom, no one asks him about his decisions Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah

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I know what Allah gave that knowledge to the sun Sulaiman la salatu salam, when Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us and now we are getting closer to us, human beings the rest of us. Allah says we have made you different colors, different sizes, different shapes, different nationalities, different groups, different standings, different levels of wealth, different levels of health, different levels of family lineage and so on. All that is the decree of the Creator Subhana Allah, we should understand and appreciate when Allah has made some of us male and some of us female. Let's go through these verses inshallah, with the idea of being thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And

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realizing that the virtue is for the one who is more conscious of the Creator, not for the one who is more fair in complexion nor for the one who has more wealth nor for the gender, male or female. The virtue is For whosoever is closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of virtue and piety, listen to what Allah Subhana what Allah says, In surah to room he says, amin Ji Han Kusama, WA T.

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Tila alsina, chikuma

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niku, in Fei, Li Gala.

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Li Ming, from amongst the signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that he created the skies and the earth and what is between it and he made different languages for you in different parts of the globe or for different people and he has given them different colors. Allah says in that there are Signs for those who have knowledge May Allah subhanahu Allah grant us knowledge.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of this, look at what he says in Surah. Two regarding the different tribes and the different nations that people come from Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah,

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in Kala Kona

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coo kakum. In law Holleyman hobby, a law says, Oh people, we have created you from one male and one female. And we have made you into various nations and groupings and races and so on, so that you may recognize one another, but you should know the best in the eyes of Allah the most honored in the eyes of Allah, those who are most pious, those who are most conscious of their Creator, they are the best. So here Allah is giving us the reason behind the colors and the languages and the tribes and the nations and so on, is in order for us to know one another, in order to add flavor to the creation. That is simply understood by us imagine if every one of us looked the same, we weighed the

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same we will have the same height, the same size, and we spoke the same language. I think we wouldn't have names because they wouldn't be a point to call us by name. Because we all look the same. We would have numbers like the motor vehicles when you have all Toyota's, you got to distinguish between them by the number plates of Han Allah. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us life would be boring if we didn't have black and white and red and green and yellow. And life would be boring if everybody was one size, one thinking one train one thought and so on. Allah says in order for you to recognize one another liter araku that is why we kept you different Subhana Allah

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on the globe, not a single soul has the same fingerprint as far as we know. And not a single soul has the same Iris prints, if you can call it that Subhana Allah, that is the creation of Allah. He says, everybody is different so that you can recognize each other look at the term Lita araku. Imagine if a thief had to steal and we were all the same. We'd rather just lock up the next person. In fact, no one would know who stole from whom because we would all be looking the same. So Hannah, Bill Allah. So if we sit and think about it, it's a blessing. That is why never ever be upset with what Allah has put you or what Allah has given you where he has placed you never be upset. If you

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are big, huge fat and you weigh a lot, someone somewhere will be attracted to you. You will also find the husband Don't worry.

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There are some men who don't like that which is thin and skinny and bony. So Alhamdulillah Allah has created different people with different tastes. Imagine if the whole world had the same tastes. So this is why if you are dark, some people like that people, if you are light, some like light, do not be depressed with yourself ever. It is

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Against really the gratitude to the Creator Himself. No matter what color eyes you have or the type of hair you have, or if you don't have any hair at all because you are now bald Alhamdulillah thank Allah for that Allah there are certain people who are attracted to those who are bold Allahu Akbar, this is Allah plan. He has kept this in such a way that it is amazing. And he says, I've created you different levels, different sizes, different shapes, different likings different inclinations and so on. One man's food is another man's poison. That is a saying that we've learned since we were young, if we'd like to translate it, sometimes you have food in some area that might taste so nice for the

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people of that area. Whereas a visitor coming there will not even be able to put it close to his mouth, Allahu Akbar, that is a literal translation and it can happen and this is why the different dishes you have the Indian dish, you have the Malay dish Mashallah you have the cook sisters of Cape Town Mashallah. And you have the Booba we speak about here which is made differently Allahu Akbar. It is the milk that is made, I think with with sugar and so on. And I believe it tastes extremely nice. Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, grant us from the food of Jenna inshallah, because that will definitely be something standard for all of us according to our liking inshallah, we ask Allah

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Subhana Allah to grant us understanding. So look at the beauty of the levels that Allah has created us. The idea here to mention this is many things one of them is don't ever be depressed or question why Allah made you this way. And this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala says the very next point I'm going to mention, he has chosen who will be male and who will be female, Allahu Akbar. Don't ever question the decree of Allah, Allah, why did you make me a male, don't be upset with Allah degree. If he made you a male, he made you a male in order to test you as a male. If you are a female, your test is different. There are different things that Allah has tested you with. Now let's come to what

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says about the ranking between male and female and who is better.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Al Imran, when he is making mention of the mother of Mary the Virgin Mary May peace be upon her. When she was given birth to by her mother, her mother had made the prayer that she has a male child, but she had a female child, she was very happy. But she told Allah subhanho wa Taala while he said

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male and female are not the same. And Allah mentions this in the Koran, male and female are indeed not the same. That is why you have Mr. And Mrs. Today the people who say male and female are equal are talking nonsense. They themselves are either Mr. And Mrs. The day they change the whole world to Mr. And Mr. Then we will talk about it. The president in my country normally says and I think it's a saying that we've all heard a lot of times from various other sources. God created Adam and Eve and he did not create Adam and Steve Subhana Allah. So we ask Allah Subhana Allah to bless us in every single way there is male there is female. And this is why we are meant to be marrying one another,

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you will never find the negative of a magnet connecting to negative of another magnet. The day that happens we will talk about gays and lesbians Allahu Akbar. But you have human beings imagine nature will never ever come together negative and negative or positive and positive. It's impossible. But when it comes to men who's supposed to be the highest of creation, through his brain, when it is walked through contamination, especially by your company, and especially by what you read and see, men then thinks that no positive and positive go together Allahu Akbar, get to plans without a socket and try to bring them together. People will look at you and laugh, but that is what human

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beings are doing. When it comes really to thinking of what is gay and lesbian and homosexuality. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us the same applies. You have two sockets you will never ever work your appliance. Allah Subhana Allah Allah grant us understanding, you need a plug and the socket May Allah subhanahu wa Jalla really open our doors we need to speak about this without being shy. The reason is there are more and more individuals claiming to be religious, who are now turning in the wrong direction, mainly due to the company they have and the contamination of the media and the contamination of those who are contaminated. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah grant us all protection

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and understanding. So Allah says, men and women are not the same. He still didn't speak about who is better. Let's go to see what he says in the Quran who is better. In another verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Al Baqarah.

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Regarding the women while I miss Lola de Allah

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the women folk have rights that are for them, in the same way that the men have rights that are for them. So they have rights for them and rights against them and the men have rights for them and rights against them, which means

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makes both of them to be honest with you.

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Both of them responsible to fill their role as part and parcel of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. A woman can say I would like to be a woman cannot say I would like to be the husband. And the men cannot say I would like to be the wife. That's impossible. A female is known as a wife. That statement itself is an acknowledgment by the whole globe that there is a difference between male and female. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, when they reject

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and men have an advantage over the women, men have advantage in many ways. Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks of the advantages of men. And don't get very happy the menfolk because Allah subhanho wa Taala also speaks about the advantages of the female Subhana Allah each one has a role to play. Let us never get bogged down in a debate as to who is better than the other. We need to realize if you are fulfilling your duty inshallah you will be even better than the other May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who can fulfill our roles. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then explains, in Surah Nisa, he says, a regional Muna neasa ma ma, ma ma ma ma, ma ma ma ma,

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ma ma, ma comin, calling him men are given a virtue over the women in a few aspects. Some of them are mentioned by Allah and one is the fact that that men is meant to be the breadwinner within the home, he is meant to be the earner of the wealth. And Allah says he has made men responsible for that, and in that he is better. And for this reason, Allah has made a man physically stronger than a woman for the reason that he needs to go out and work. And he is generally more of a tougher character than a female, emotionally they are different. When it comes to spirituality, they are exactly equal in the sense that the access a male has to his creator is exactly the same access that

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the female has to her creator. So there are certain things a female is higher. What are those things? We speak about childbirth, we spoke about the status of a mother a few days ago where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Pamela,

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Mo, whoa, whoa,

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whoa, whoa, whoa,

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wait, Allah says the mother has held the baby in the womb with great difficulty, so panela and that level, and that status is not granted to a male. So if a male once the rewards that are achieved through pregnancy, he won't be able to get it. And if a female wants to achieve what Allah has given the male in terms of various other aspects of this religion and so on, like the mama and various other issues within the massage, the leading of the eat and the leading of the Juma and the mama of men, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, No, we've kept that for for the men themselves. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who can surrender to his commands. Let me just repeat this

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quickly in order to avoid misunderstanding. Men and women have been created by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they both have a role to play. In some instances, man is given a higher role than a female, and that is in general, his physical strength and so on and what his responsibilities are. And in certain issues, a woman is made to go through what is spiritually greater than a male or a times a female has qualities that may be considered as higher than a male in terms of mercy in terms of softness and leniency and many other aspects. But when it comes to the spirituality and the access to the Creator, then both are exactly equal. A woman who will get gender and who works for it

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is similar to a man who will get gender and who will work for it may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us paradise.

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The lesson we are learning tonight is that we should never debate and fight with our own creator. Why did you make me a male I didn't want to be a male. That is Allah's choice. In these verses are in tonight's topic regarding levels of people. We are going through the decision of Allah, I told you there are two aspects of it two angles one is where you have no role to play, like what what we like what we have mentioned thus far, and the others we will get to where you have a role to play and the rest is in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us a deeper understanding. So Allah subhanho wa Taala then makes mention of the issue of inheritance and

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he says he has given more meaning more to one party than the other. Physically. If you were to look at the numeric value of what is given to a male it is far more but if you were to look at who received a greatest share in terms of responsibility, were in the share. Then a female gets much more we spoke about this in detail. If you

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night's back and Allah says, Don't ever wish and desire what we've given others over you. Allah says Walla

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Walla, la homi Bhabha, Kamala bomb, don't ever desire what Allah subhanho wa Taala has given some over the others. And this is a decision of Allah subhanho wa Taala regarding inheritance and regarding the rules pertaining to what will be given to whom may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us a deeper understanding. So, Allah subhanho wa Taala then says after that verse in Surah, Nisa, let's move to Surah to Luke, where Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks for In fact, surah Allah imraan where Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about respect and kingdom and it is the ownership of Allah the authority on the land, Allah subhanho wa Taala decides whom he will grant authority, whom he will

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grant dignity. He is the owner of authority and dignity and kingdom and He will give whomsoever He wishes, and he will take away from whomsoever He wishes. Listen to what he says in Surah Allah Emraan

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Quito, Monica. Tasha

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Tasha to the Luma. Tasha, big girl boy,

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Cody. Allah is indeed the owner of Kingdom and dignity and the owner of authority. He grants kingdom and authority to whomsoever He wishes, and he snatches it away from whomsoever He wishes. And he gives dignity and respect to whomsoever He wishes. And he gives this grace to whomsoever He wishes, he is the owner of all goodness. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is indeed the greatest Subhan Allah, Allah Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us every form of goodness inshallah, so that shows us that these ranks that are given by Allah, that is Allah who gives, we can try our best, but we should never ever question the decree of Allah. If Allah has given us after our trial. Alhamdulillah

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we thank him. If he has not given us after our trial, then still we thank Him, we praise Him and we try again insha Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all forms of goodness. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, that I have given sustenance, well, I have given more wealth and more sustenance to some and less to others, for reasons that Allah knows. He mentioned to us, some of them, and some of them he doesn't mention to us. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah number one Allahu Akbar Allah Baba Kamala

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family novoline ob de la de stream Allah May Allah catch a man whom, for whom visa Fabien Mattila Hiya, hi Joan. It is a law who governs virtue.

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It is Allahu grandes virtue to some over others in terms of sustenance and risk in terms of wealth. And Allah says those who have it, it's not like they are going to give it away to those who are under their ownership in terms of slaves, for example, or it's not like they are going to give all of it away so that everybody could be equal and share whatever one person has whatever everyone has, so that the whole world's bank balance is one. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. Allah says Subhan Allah, Allah Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he has kept this difference in wealth for many reasons. One of them also is for people to engage in an act of worship known as giving

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charity, if everybody was rich, there would be no act of worship known as charity. If everyone was on one level, there would be no point in helping one another, and so on. So it is a last decision. It is a test for those who have it, what are you doing with it? And how did you earn it? And it is a test for those who don't have it? What are you doing about it? And are you engaged in anything unlawful in order to earn or not even those who have sometimes they have so much and they still want more and they go through haram means through prohibited means to earn more, it's a test for them. Sometimes people use their wealth to do that which is wrong. And sometimes Allah subhanho wa Taala

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says, and he tells this to us, through the blessed lips of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that there are certain people whom it is best for them to remain poor. If Allah gave them well, they will transgress

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and there are certain people it is best for them to remain with wealth. If Allah had taken it away, then they to transgress May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all acts of worship inshallah. So let's be happy

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with the, with the position that Allah has placed us on. Now this type of decision of Allah subhanho wa Taala Yes, it is final, yes, it is predefined, but Allah has kept within ourselves a role to play. So there is no point where a person sits at home and says, Look, my sustenance is predefined. Let me sit whatever is meant to come to me, we'll come. Well, it was predestined that that person would sit at home and get nothing that was already pre designed, if that is what they decided, like a thief was once caught at the time of the Allahu anhu. And he was brought forth and he tried to use the issue of free destiny. He said, Why do you want to cut my hand when it was predestined that I

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was going to steal. So I'm originally the Allah who was one shopper and he says, Well, it was pretty this time that your hand was going to be cut. So the same applies that when there is a person who wants to sit back, relax and think that you know sustenance will come. Allah says work hard in order to get it then what comes to you is from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah subhanho wa Taala even speaks about employments that there are certain people who are employed and certain people who are the employers, and it's amazing how Allah subhanho wa Taala words this in the Quran, Allah Subhana which Allah says in Surah Surah homea Cosimo naramata big are they the ones who distribute the gifts

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and the mercy of Allah? They are not the ones who distribute the mercy. No Casa Nabina, whom we are the ones who distribute it amongst them. My shatta homefield, hayati dunia their livelihood in this world, we distributed it amongst them,

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ba ba, ba ba da, da da, da da da da ba boom ba boom, Supriya and we raised some above others so that some could employ others and others could work for others Allahu Akbar, and they could earn a livelihood through what Allah has bestowed upon someone else. Amazing. So that is the decision of Allah. There are certain people whom they cannot work for themselves ever. If they had to do that they would be bankrupt. They need to work for someone under the authority of someone else and earn a salary. Some people Allah has created them in that way in that style, whereas others Mashallah they are ready to take risks, they have the intellect, they they cannot work under someone at all. That's

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Alice's plan. He has created people like that, if that's the case with Hannah law, those are the ones selected by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And some can do both. They can either work for someone or they can work for themselves. Whatever the case is, we need to be happy with the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala and pray that Allah grant us happiness and sustenance. And just a quick point, whenever we are working for someone we need to fulfill all obligations fully and we need to abstain from cheating when it comes to employment in any way. And when we have employed someone we need to give them the best salary possible that is an Islamic duty. You need to give them what they are

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worth and what is due to them and the best that you can afford for them and you need to pay them on time. If not, then we would not be ideal Muslims May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. A person who delays payment of those who are working for him or her is definitely committing a major sin in Islam. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all. Also when people are working for us, it is important Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of this in the Quran regarding wealth, Allah says Kayla Hakuna dolla, Bane alvernia

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come, the economic rules of the Sharia are such that the wealth will not remain in the same hands forever. That is Allah's plan. So when someone is working for you, you need to speak to them nicely, you need to treat them with utmost respect. And you need to understand that tomorrow you might be working for them or tomorrow, their children might be the bosses of your children, the tables may turn. So remember when Allah has put someone under your authority, it is a level that Allah has given you and Allah has given them which can be snatched or turned or rotated in any split minute May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us all and grant us understanding. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala

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speaks about the ruler and the rules, the one in authority and the one who is under authority. And this is mentioned in Surah Yusuf in a very beautiful way. You know that what had happened his use of Allah His Salaam wanted his brother to remain behind. So they arranged to put the cup or the mug or the the the utensil of the king into the bag of the brother. It was a Gold Cup according to one duration, when they put it into the bag. Then the question was asked, Who stole this cup whoever steals it, they are going to be paying and Allah subhanho wa Taala says use of alayhis salam then started or his men started searching the bags, and they knew where the where the cup was because

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they were the ones who

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Did they hatched a plan but they ended with the bag where the cup was they started with the other bags. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says that is the planning that we plan for use of alayhis salaam and his brother. And Allah subhanho wa Taala thereafter says Nava odontologia team.

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We raise the levels of whomsoever we wish, we make some the authority and some under the authority, we make some rules and some those who are lead those who are ruled and that is a loss plan. And nobody will be able to change that when Allah wanted use of alayhis salam to become a minister in charge and responsible. Look at how his brothers were jealous of his level. And through that jealousy they plan his downfall. His upliftment was a result of the same planning of the downfall. So when we plan someone's downfall, that same planning might then be resulting in their upliftment above us Subhanallah that's what happened in Surah Yusuf and Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us

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learn a lesson. Don't plan someone else's downfall. Be happy with what Allah gave you and respect what Allah has given others and be happy with it as well. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us a deeper understanding, then the issue of knowledge comes Allah Subhana what Allah says in the same surah the very next verse or the same verse at the end, the last is what actually the mean alley. above everyone who has knowledge is someone who has more knowledge.

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above everyone who has knowledge is someone who has more knowledge until it gets to the most knowledgeable who is Allah subhanho wa Taala. So at any stage there is a pyramid of people with knowledge. And above one level is another level until right at the peak, you have Allah subhanahu wa taala the owner of knowledge Allahu Akbar, may Allah grant us from his knowledge. So Allah has granted different people different levels of knowledge, and Allah has raised in status, those who have been granted the knowledge of Deen and religion, those who have been granted spiritual knowledge and understanding Allah subhanho wa Taala says he has raised them in level listen to the

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question Allah subhanho wa Taala poses and asks in Surah to Zuma, he says, pull * yes sir we levena lamona one Levine Allah Allah moon in Maya tada

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are they equal? Those who have knowledge and those who don't have knowledge? Nay, they are not equal? Definitely. Those who have sound intellect will be reminded and will take heed, may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from those who have intellect. in any field. A person who has knowledge in that field is not equivalent to the one who doesn't he is higher in that field and naturally, the field that will draw you closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala is the knowledge of one who knows and one who does not know the two are not equal. And Allah subhanahu wa Jalla makes mention of this. So when Allah subhanho wa Taala has granted knowledge to someone of this Deen It is important we acknowledge

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it and it is important we respect the knowledge that they have. Sometimes as individuals, they might not be perfect, but we respect the knowledge that is that is within them that Allah subhanho wa Taala has granted them and this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah Allah, Allah says, You're fine, Latina man Oh, c'mon Latina o to Lima Raja. Allah raises the levels of those who believe in those who have sound knowledge. Allah raises their levels above all others. We need to realize this and understand this.

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Then let's move to what Allah subhanho wa Taala says about spending. And Allah subhanho wa Taala now speaks about certain issues where we also have a role to play.

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Allah has given us a choice. If we utilize our choice in one way, we may be classed within a certain category of people one level, and if we had utilized it in a different way, we would be classed in a different level of people. And look what Allah subhanho wa Taala says about spending in Surah Al Hadith. He says those who spent at times of difficulty, they are not equivalent to those who spent the times of ease when the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu spent one half or half of a handful. It was more in value than anything we will ever be able to spend today in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala that is clear. la de su boo hubby for Levine fcba de la unfuckin a hadoken Miss La La Habra

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Marbella sama de him wala na sefa who, according to the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Don't speak ill of any one of my companions For indeed, if if you were to speak

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The whole mount of a huge mountain full of gold in the path of Allah. It would not equate a handful or even half a handful of what my companions have spent in the path of Allah. So don't ever speak ill of any of the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Surah Taha de

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la yester we mean coman

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COVID In fact, a waka hula, vamos

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mean alladhina Falco, mu portello, hello wakulla

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Allah says they are not equal those who spent before the victory of Makkah, at times of difficulty they spent in the path of Allah, and those who spent after the victory of Makkah at times of ease, the two are not equal, though we will reward both of them, but the one has a higher reward than the other. You notice at times of difficulty when you still give you are not equivalent to the one who is easily giving because he has a lot. And this is why once the one of the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came with a measurement of dates and put it forth, and another one came with a huge amount and put it forth, people began to laugh at the one who came with a measurement of

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dates. And the verses were revealed, admonishing those who laughed at him, because what he had given was 50% of what he had.

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He worked all night, he earned two measurements, he gave one to the prophet and he kept one Subhana Allah, that was 50% of whatever he had, proportionately he gave much more Subhana Allah whereas when it came to a person who gave a lot, their proportion might not have been as much May Allah subhanho wa Taala. Never make a scarf or laugh at any charities or at any deed that is done by anyone. May He make us from those who can spend even when we have less. A few days ago I said, even a beggar who is begging It is his duty to be charitable duty meaning not something compulsory, but something meritorious. If a beggar is given five grands for that beggar to take out 50 cents from there and

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give it away. While law he will receive a different reward maybe even bigger than the one who gave him the whole five ranch law cover. This is something Islam teaches we need to think about it.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about spending. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, the reason why he has kept you on different levels is to test you in order to test everyone. So when a person is a male, it's a test female, it's a test you are high, it's a test you are short, it's a test tall, you are fat, short, thin, whatever you are, you are this way you have more you have less you are living in this area, that area, your color, whatever it is, is a test from Allah. Does it make you arrogant? Does it make you disbelieve? Does it make you from this side or from that side? Or are you in the middle course? earning the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala listen to what he says. He

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says in Surah Al Anam who will be gyla come holla if an hour be one of our abama

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Raja tinea Beluga come FEMA.

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Allah has kept you different levels on this earth in order to test you what he has given you some handler in order to test you with whatever he has given you. May Allah subhanahu wa taala help us to pass the test in sha Allah. There is no virtue of anyone above another, except by piety. We've mentioned that already several times. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that the people were all one. They were all one type. They were all one standing. They were all united at one stage. When was that stage? At the time of the beginning? Adam alayhis salatu salam, they were one family mother, father and children. Allah says cannon so

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people were all one united. Then in Surah Yunus Allah says one mccannon in moto

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tele Fu, Allah says people were all one united, then they were differentiated or they differentiated or they became disunited. Some of them have Assyrian go further and say people were all one at the beginning. And then they became different in terms of so many things. One is they disunited, they disagreed, they stopped following the right path. The other is they began to become of different colors and sizes and races and, and languages and so on. Yet they spoke one language at the beginning. That's the miracle of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Think about how we were spread onto the earth. So miraculously, yet, we come from one mother and one Father, some of us certain generations

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up we come possibly from Far East Asia, but we don't even speak the languages there. We have a different accent in this part of the world from another. As soon as you open your mouth, people know this person is from South Africa.

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And as soon as you open your mouth a little bit more, they will tell that this person is from Cape Town as well. That is the power of Allah the qudra of Allah. Johannesburg has its accent Zimbabwe has its accent. Durban has its accent some might be similar. The same applies to the Arab world and everywhere across the globe. Even if you are speaking the same language. If you would like to speak in an American accent there is an accent a British accent is an accent or an accent lists an accent list speech like mine, inshallah. Allah subhanho wa Taala grandest clear language whether it has an accent or not, I mean,

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so then we have Allah subhanho wa Taala really telling us that from amongst this creation that Allah created this split into two, they were believers and non believers. Listen to what Allah says in Surah autauga Boone, who alarie holla Come, come coffee. Oh, I mean, I mean, there are two levels. Allah has created you from amongst you, there are those who disbelieve and from amongst you, there are those who believe. Let us now realize that this is a level we can't just sit back and relax. If people are just believers. We need to go and invite them to the goodness it's our duty, and we need to check ourselves where we are standing. We are from amongst those who have disbelieved. We'd

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better do something about it because we are responsible. It's a choice given to us by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that there are certain people who are guided and certain people who are misguided. Look at the levels of people Allah says, Allah,

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Allah Allah Jalla

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wa ala ki ob Noemi Ayesha de YESHUA wala, to Salah.

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Moreau on that verse is in Surah. Allah says, If Allah wanted, he could have kept all of you united on guidance, he could have kept all of you one, but he has misguided some and guided sermon will be responsible and answerable for what they have done and what they have chosen. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us choose the path of goodness and abstain from the path of evil. Then Allah says that in this dunya in this world, he has a risk he has raised a few people above others and he has dropped some, some are interested only in this world. And Allah says we will give them the world nothing in the era whereas the assessor might not have world but we have given the affair offset with what you

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have. Because sometimes you have something and you feel yet you will be happier than them very look at what Allah Subhana what Allah says beautiful verses in Surah to Lisa

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kana URI to la de la Jalan Allah houfy Hi Masha Allah man Suleyman read from jalna Allahu

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la Hamas.

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Whoever asks and once only the goodness of this world, Allah says, we will give whomsoever we wish from amongst them all the goodness of this world they will have it but in the in the life after death, they will have nothing. So when we look at these people, we mustn't get excited Allah says, Allah.

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Allah Doom don't become amused and amazed by their the number of children they have or how much wealth they have. Allah says sometimes that wealth and those children themselves or the wealth itself is a means of destruction for that particular individual. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says thereafter

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woman shiratama Allah hacer

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una kanessa escuela

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Kula iminco Big Mama taco become a

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cave nabba bajo la Cava they are some who they want the life of the goodness of the life are working towards it. They read their soccer they are here and Allah says careful look at how they thought they were Bank of thought that they should handle Ah, this is awesome Hannah who was Allah? He says though, or if you are sensing the warmth of your ties then understood as a punishment, the various categories and classes and levels of people to war to create war against one another. There is a punishment of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. Look what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Let me explain it to you first, Allah says, if he wants, he can punish mankind by making the various levels of

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people fight each other. And the various classes and categories and races of people fight each other. That would be really a punishment from the Creator. If people are ungrateful and show in gratitude to Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, In Surah Al Anam Calvo Welcome volca Do It is Allah who is able to do the following i bathala kumada

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to do

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Come to bring punishment above your heads or from beneath your feet will be sacral mushiya. Or he can categorize you into different categories where you the Cabal,

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and make some of you create war against others as a punishment from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is for those who don't recognize that all people are loved by Allah subhanho wa Taala We are all human beings, we all need to realize and acknowledge the level that Allah has put us on the minute one thinks that he or she is superior, or he wants to imperialize and colonize that is the same minute that the problem starts. And that is the same minute that hatred is resulted and that is the same minute that war might be created. May Allah subhanho wa Taala never make us jealous of different nationalities and different races and different types of people, and may He never make us

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feel that we are superior to them. The only superiority is with the closeness to the creator and the consciousness of the Creator. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala granted to us and Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that those who are believers and doing good, they will never be equated to those who are corrupt and sinning. Allah says I'm Latina, manhwa amilo salejaw tickle move city nothing or I'm Nigel mattina CalHFA

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Do you think we are going to make those who believe and those who are corrupt, same and equal? No, they are different. Do you think we are going to make those who are fearful of us and conscious of us similar to those who are criminals? Allah says no, you know there is a saying in one of the Asian languages, which says that you cannot tie a donkey and a horse with the same rope. They might look the same to some people. In some cases, a donkey and the horse from a distance look quite similar. But when you're tying a donkey, you can use a string to be honest because even if you lose it, it's not as valuable as a horse. But when it comes to a horse, make sure you are tying it with a proper

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rope so that it's not lost inshallah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant blessings to those who own donkeys and horses in Sharla both they are both valuable Believe me. Nowadays we neither have donkeys, no horses in most cases, we've just got a little bit of a vehicle or a bicycle.

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And we don't tie those hamdulillah so what would happen is the from that we would learn that it is wrong for us to paint everybody with one paint brush those who are good and those who are bad. Come to the classroom. One student one pupil is making noise. So the teacher punishes the whole class. That teacher is being unjust and unfair to be honest with you. You need to punish those who deserve the punishment and you need to give merit where it is due. May Allah subhanho wa Taala makers just so Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us regarding the Quran, that there are certain people who have followed the Quran whilst others heavens in Surah Fatiha Allah says Tony Snell kita bollettino

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spafinder i mean II batinah fomin homopolymer ln FC a woman who mahkota wamena home savvy Bill hierachy bs Nina Delica, who will hotman cabbie, Allah says we revealed the Book Yes. And we chose whomsoever we would like to grant that book to in the messengers. And after that the people then were divided into three categories. They were people who oppress themselves by not following the book and they were people who chose the middle path. And they were people who were serious about it. Allah says that is the best and Allah subhanho wa Taala says that is the greatest virtue. The book is the greatest virtue that was granted to all of us. That is the Quran Allah subhanho wa Taala make

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us from the followers of the Quran and the Sunnah and the Sherry at large, I mean, and Allah subhanho wa Taala then speaks about a different example a beautiful example. He gives an example of a machete a person who has associated partners with him. And this example is given in Surah to Zuma Allah subhanho wa Taala says Bala Bala who masala fee Shoraka Mutasa, kissoon wa

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salam and Neva juhlin helenius Kamiya animus Allah Alhamdulillah Allah, Allah moon, Allah gives an example of a slave, a slave, who is owned by many who are disputing as to who and where the slave should or is working for, and another slave who is owned by one. Allah subhanho wa Taala says are the two equal. On one hand you have a slave with many bosses, many owners, and the other one you have a slave with one owner. The example here is that of a person associating partners with the creator Allah says I am one and each worshiper is my slave. If there are others whom he wants to treat as bosses of his and he wants to take the cue from them where he is not supposed to. He wants

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to end the acts of worship for

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them, I will leave all of them I don't need them Allahu Akbar. That is the example Allah is giving us What a powerful example Allah says the two are not equal. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about various other items. inshallah, as I end let me quickly speak about how

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Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the example of the one who can see and the one who cannot see, he says they are not equal, light and dark are not equal, in the same way that a person who is following the path and one who is not following the path are not equal. A person who is oppressing and one who is not oppressing are not equal in the same way that light and dark are not equal. They are different levels, different categories, the one who recognized the profit and the one who didn't they are different levels. Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about these levels, the one who has done good deeds and the one who did bad deeds they are of different levels. Allah uses the word blindness when it

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comes to these examples. He says those examples are all similar to those who can see and those who cannot see. And at the end, Allah subhanho wa Taala warns all of us and he tells us never be jealous of what I have given others. Allah says amea sudo Nana sala de la homie

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fogli sappada Tina Eva da e mail kita

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can alima are they going to be jealous of what we have decided to give others Alice's let them know that we give virtue to whomsoever we wish we gave Abraham virtue May peace be upon him, we granted him Prophethood we granted him knowledge and we granted him wisdom and Kingdom. Allah says we gave him everything. He had wealth, he had Kingdom he had knowledge he had wisdom. Allah says those are the items. Don't be jealous of others because a person who is jealous of someone else is fighting the Creator and is trying to tell the creator I disagree with the fact that you've given this person I'm not happy with you. May Allah subhanho wa Taala never make us from those who are jealous because

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when you become jealous, naturally your Eman or the level of sincerity will be decreasing. And you may then be known as a person who is fighting your own creator. May Allah subhanahu wa taala make us happy when we see happiness for others. And may He make us from amongst those who can make dua for the goodness of others as well. As well as ourselves was Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad Subhan Allah Subhana Allah Mohammed ik shadow Allah Allah, Allah

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