Mufti Menk – What is The Straight Path

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The importance of following the path of Islam, including walking on a straight path and not just walking on a path, is emphasized. The speaker also discusses the use of words like "verbal" to describe actions and expectations, and encourages others to follow the path and not just walk on a path. The importance of following the path and not just walking on a path is emphasized, and future sessions and opportunities for better growth are also mentioned.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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smilla rahmanir rahim In the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala Most Gracious, Most Merciful Alhamdulillah Allah, Allah, Allah mean, All praise is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala Lord of the worlds are Salatu was salam, O Allah Allah. Allah Allah Allah Ameen blessings and salutations upon the one who was sent as a mercy to all the worlds where Allah Allah He was happy his main We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to send blessings and salutations upon his entire household and all his companions. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless every single one of us, I mean

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my beloved brothers and sisters

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we seem so serious in this whole Mashallah.

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So maybe I can lighten it by something that perhaps would

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make us laugh a little bit when I came into Malaysia martial I've been here quite a few times. I commented you know, some handler to one of my friends telling them welcome so I'm welcoming myself now because now I'm half Malaysian Mashallah. So I said Welcome to the land of milk and honey, Mashallah, you know, the land of milk and honey means a place that you have everything Mashallah. So I recall that back where I come from, we went through a very big crisis at one stage where we had

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no milk and no honey in the sense that really, we had to queue for bread and milk and so on and handler now the situation's eased a little bit, but this lasted a long time. So across the border, meaning as people cross into the country, there was a huge sign Welcome to Zimbabwe, the land of milk and honey. And some some few meters later, someone put up a makeshift sign, saying, We hope you have brought your own cows and your own bees, Mashallah. Which means the milk must come from you, and the honey must come from you. So, the brother says, As soon as I said, welcome to Malaysia, the land of milk and honey, he says, hey, that's a big mistake. This is a land of roti, Chennai and take

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So, we would like to achieve gentleman by the will of Allah, we want to achieve paradise, we all want to go the I want to be there and so do you. In order to get to a place, we all know that the shortest distance between two places is a straight line. We all know that.

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You know, back at home, there is a beautiful place called Victoria Falls. It's a beautiful place in Zimbabwe, one of the wonders of the world, the natural wonders of the world. And to get there, there is no straight line you have to travel, although the straight line would be only perhaps three to 400 kilometers, you have to travel about 1000 kilometers because it goes all the way to the south and comes back up to the north. That's the road that is there. So it discourages people sometimes. May Allah subhanahu wa Jalla. Grant us and understanding the reason I mentioned this, and I will also mention one more example we all use the GPS today, don't worry, we use it so often. That one

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one is how it was 10 years ago when we didn't use that I forgotten how it feels to remember turn left turn right go straight to this, you'll see the building you do this. It's difficult Actually, we have a GPS, that GPS sometimes will tell you the distance when you form a straight line, but it's actually five kilometers away. And when you press Start navigation, it tells you it's 10 kilometers away, because it gives you a road that's winding and going to the side and coming this way and that way we are taught and this is the point I'm raising that if we would like to get to gentlemen, do not let the distractions distract you use the straightest path, the best and the quickest way of

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earning paradise, and that would be to be upon a path that was taught to us by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah has created us, he's our maker, he made us in fact, whoever made us we call him Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and we worship Him. And we know that he would have sent messages to us through messengers in order to teach us what he wants from us. He wants us to adopt His commands. He wants us to earn paradise, he has actually created a paradise for us. And he has created this earth in order to test us and this is why from the very beginning of life, right to the end, everything is a test. Everything is a test. Allah blesses us and even in blessings, there are tests and this is

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because it is part and parcel of the path. The gentlemen part of the straight path is to be tested to know if you are worthy of walking on this beautiful path. May Allah subhanahu Allah grant us the ability to walk on this beautiful path, the straight path, but what is it what is the straight path? Let's go to the first of the Quran Surah Fatiha, the opening the opening surah of the Quran

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where Allah says

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Hannah hautala speaks to us. Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful Alhamdulillah.

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Me in All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, the term of boon actually includes the creator marisha cherishes. sustainer provider protector cure, and the one who's in absolute control of every aspect of existence. So Allah says Praise be to the rub of the Al amin of Rahmani Raheem Most Beneficent, Most Merciful, Maliki de Owner of the Day of Judgment, which means he has kept a day of judgment in order to judge us and between us. So if I've had a problem with you, and we haven't resolved it here, there is a day in which there is the solution or the judgment will be passed completely. But we are encouraged to sort our matters out in this world before we get to the next.

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Because on that day, one wonders who would be wrong and who will be right and you might have to end up paying a payment that you did not expect. So this is why it's good to make peace with one another before we actually get to the after. The judging as to your deeds and as to what you've done is a judging between you and Allah subhanho wa Taala we need to improve our relation with fellow human beings and we need to improve our relation with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And one of the ways of improving our relation with our maker is to be respectful to the rest of his creatures because he made him Allah made me He made you if I respect you, I'm respecting and honoring Allah subhanho wa

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Taala because I'm acknowledging that you are a creature of Allah subhanho wa Taala I have rights placed on my shoulders that I need to fulfill regarding you and the same applies to you. So Allah subhanho wa Taala will judge us even when it comes to the deeds between us and him alone, the only difference is when it comes to the deeds between us and Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, we will find that Allah is merciful, he calls himself a man or Him He will forgive what he requires from you and from me is to try to try hard to achieve the mercy of Allah try, ask his forgiveness. He knows that we are human beings, he knows the nature of a human being. He knows that we would falter and this is

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why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says khulumani

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all the children of Adam are prone to error. They make mistakes constantly. They commit sin sometimes the best of those who make mistakes are those who constantly repent. So turn to Allah ask Allah forgiveness. May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive me and maybe forgive you all, and maybe grant us all gentlemen.

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So my brothers and sisters, the relationship between us and Allah is a far more beautiful relationship because it's based on mercy. He is so merciful, no matter what you've done, turn to Allah. That's the straight path. So Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed us by telling us what he wants from us. Subhan Allah. So that is why when he says he's the Owner of the Day of Judgment, guess what?

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this surah is repeated this chapter of the Quran. It is repeated so many times in prayer in salah and the Hadith, Pudsey, added, Pudsey, meaning where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is relating to us what Allah has said,

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tells us that when we say Alhamdulillah haram banana mean Allah response

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and the response comes saying that my worship has praised me You praise Allah hamadani Abdi my worship has praised me when we say amen and Rahim again, a response comes. Allah subhanho wa Taala says my worshiper has declared my greatness, Maliki woombye, Owner of the Day of Judgment Allah response when he hears a say this verse, he says, my worship has glorified me Subhana Allah

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and then when we say and this is something very very beautiful three verses God, three responses gone. When we say you're gonna go do

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you alone we worship and You alone we asked for help. Listen very carefully. What have you repeated more than 17 times a day in salah and I'm counting the the units that we read in Salah. What have you repeated, you've repeated the statement that Allah loves. Allah loves it so much that he's kept it the opening verses of a surah that is most powerful. We are saying the yaquina Budo Can

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you alone, we worship which means I will never run into any act of worship to anyone or for anyone but you

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And I will see panela when I am in need, I will ask you, and I will know that whatever comes to me comes to me through you, you know, even if I were, for example,

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and I've given this example quite a few times, if I were to be seated around the table to be eating some canola,

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and I want to ask you to pass me some food which was closer to you than me, I'm asking you for help. Right? There's nothing wrong because if I can physically see with my eyes and understand with my mind, that Allah has given you the physical capacity to do something, there's nothing wrong in asking you, but I need to know it is only if Allah wills that that will come to me, Allah might have used you to give me something. Like for example, you catch a taxi coming to this venue, the taxi driver is not the one who you worship. He's not the one who you seek out from ultimately, but you need to know it's Allah in the equation. Allah is the one who brought him Allah is the one who made

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you afford the fair Allah is the one who made the journey so simple that there were no accidents and and there was a beautiful journey you arrived on time Mashallah and Alhamdulillah you know, the brothers and sisters Mashallah the venue is so full it's actually an act of worship to make space for people so don't feel squashed up. No, Mashallah we have Allah blessings upon us when we don't leave gaps for the devil, unfortunately, plan. So it is Allah who ultimately assists. It is Allah who gives? So we ask Allah we seek from Allah, if Allah wanted, he could have frozen someone's hand so they wouldn't pass through the food. He could have done that. If Allah wanted, he could have

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stopped it and blocked it. He allowed it he let it happen. So thank Allah. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us once we've said you alone, we wish you alone, we asked for help. There is an answer from Allah. Guess what the law says? You heard the answers for the first three verses. At the at that point. Allah says this is between me and my worship and now I'm going to give my worship or whatever he wants.

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That's a response.

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My worship has praised me. My worship has declared my greatness my worship has glorified me. And this is between me and my wish list. And now I will give my wishes for whatever he asks, What do we ask?

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In our

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staffing, we only asked for one thing there is no other call or supplication in Surah Fatiha besides asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to guide us to the straight path. That's it. It's the straight path I want to be on. It is the most important prayer that a believer can make.

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That's why it is the Fatiha. Have you ever thought of it? You repeat it so many times? Because that is really the limit and the epic of your entire life is if you're guided on the right path. Wow. So Pamela, nothing brings about comfort and contentment, happiness and beauty more than being guided on the straight path. So what is the straight path? well read the verse before that.

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We just said

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that's the straight path. So we are asking Allah keep us on it. keep us on

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track and keep us upon worshiping you alone and seeking your help alone. This would be the right path, the straight path, the path straight to you. We don't need to for example, go through a stick and a stone or a grave in order to earn the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala No, we worship Allah alone. That is the safer and I will give you examples from the Quran to prove this more than so many more than a few places in the Quran. It's been made mention of and this is why if someone says what is the, what is the straight path? Allah explains it straight away, he says

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it is the path of those whom we have favored the path of those whom you are my favorite. So who has Allah favorite? So if you want to know who Allah has favored, Subhana Allah you you you go back to the verses of the Quran where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, beautifully, woman

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whoever follows Allah and follows his messenger, una de la Vina la noir lane so they will be with the ones whom Allah has faded.

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On one hand instead of two Fatiha lysing that Guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom you have favored. Now naturally a question is, who is our favorite I want to know so go back into the Quran. And you find the last thing that if you follow a line is messenger, you will be with those whom we have favorite and then he explains who they are. He says my Nabina was sidiki in our Shahada, he was solid he me in

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those who are the messengers, they are the chosen ones. They are the ones who my last favorite with Prophethood those who are the two

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They are the ones whom Allah has favored and acidic he is a name that is also used to refer to some of the companions of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Those who have given their lives for the cause of Allah, those who have dedicated and given their lives for the cause of Allah subhanho wa Taala those are the favored ones, and who what is the last word asylee in those who have pure good enough, those who are pious, so if I want to be with those who are messengers and those who are truthful, and those who are pious and those who have given their lives for Allah subhanho wa Taala. All I need to do is to follow the path of the same to follow the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala he sent to us.

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He sent to us a Koran and he saw Rahim Allah says, and if

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region asimina.

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A book that we have revealed

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to you O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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to remove mankind from the darkness to the light. And Luma is actually the plural because there are so many paths of darkness and the light is just one solid straight path. So Allah says, it is a book we have revealed to you or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to remove the people from the darknesses and bring them to the light upon the light. And then guess what Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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Be near a beam this will only happen by the permission of Allah. if Allah wills He guides you.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala guidance This is why it is so important to keep asking Allah for guidance. This is why in Surah Fatiha we have guidance to the straight path guidance to the straight path we repeated every Raka and unit of our Salah without it that Salah is not valid. So you have to say Guide us to the straight path because that is the straight path Allah says it is it is me who owes this path.

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And it is me who guides to this path. It's the path of Allah. So we ask Allah and continue asking Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and then Allah says

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Allah will guide them to what a La Salle Atilla zz in homage to the path of the most powerful, the one full of praise the owner of praise, the one who is owed and who owns praise. So you want this path, what is the path, it is the path that is dictated by Allah subhanho wa Taala it is the path that is found in the Quran, that is the path. If you have not read the Quran, yet, you do not know what is the straight path, really, you might just have a sense of it. But if you want to know clearly for yourself, what is the straight path, you have to read the Quran, because Allah subhanho wa Taala makes it clear that the straight path is enshrined in this beautiful revelation that we

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have synced to you, it's not a saint for no reason, read the Quran, make an effort to read it. And that is how you will succeed. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us it is the path of those whom you whom Allah has favored.

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On Me, I mean Subhan Allah, it is the part of those who Allah has favored, not the path of those

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who have earned your anger nor the path of those who are astray. So who are they you know, whenever there's a car, there are always people on the sides sitting on the sides lounging around, people give you wrong directions in my country. And this is something I don't know if it's the same culture here. When you go into the rural areas, and you ask people, how far is this? You know, the street? Or how far is this area? They will have to tell you and I'm going to say it in my own language. But doozy producing means it's very near, and yet it is far away. So I always asked him, How come you telling us it's just behind this mountain, when you know that this mountain is not even just here.

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And they tell you that you know it's bad in our culture to make you feel uneasy and uncomfortable. We have to tell you, it's near no matter how far it is.

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So they say it's near just around the corner and we driving for another three hours and it's still the corner hasn't come Subhanallah So to be honest, there are always people on a path that will tell you things that perhaps may not be accurate. It's up to you to know that these guys this is their way this is their system. If you follow it, you will regret like sometimes there are certain people who will who will never admit they don't know a certain place. So when you ask them where it is, even if it's in the right direction, they're going to show you behind it oh it's the other way. And then you start going the other way. You need to know that if the culture is such and the people are

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such that they are embarrassed to admit that they don't know they will be miserable.

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Same applies to the dean. There are people who are embarrassed to admit they don't know, some of the adults don't want to admit that I don't know how to do ablution properly so they will never come to say please teach me I am old. Why should I go to this guy and ask him, please teach me that is the straight path, the path that has no embarrassment in it, nothing. Never be embarrassed to admit, I don't know how to reach Allah. I cannot be Quran, but my sister, you're a born Muslim. Nobody's gonna say that inshallah. You just gonna admit, guess what, I don't know how to read Quran four months later, I know how to read Quran. Mashallah, because it was an effort of four months, that's

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the safe path, no embarrassment on this path. Do not be shy. So who are those who we need to watch out for those who have earned the anger of Allah, we need to watch out for them. Those who follow the path when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explains to us in a beautiful, you know, he used to draw diagrams in order to explain to us Mashallah, I think he's the one who started this used to draw a diagram to explain what he wants to say. So he drew this diagram, he drew a straight line, beautiful straight line and the Sahaba were watching what's he doing. And then he drew little other lines, you know, of shooting from that line, many lines. And then he says, Subhana, Allah,

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this is the straight path, meaning the straight line straight path, like we said earlier, the straight path is the quickest way to gentlemen, the quickest way, like I told you,

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the shortest distance between two places is the straight line.

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It's no longer short, it's going to be a problem. So this is the straight path. So he says, This is the straight path. And at the same time, you know what he says, these little paths that are on the side, every single one of them has a shape on it, calling towards it, and they are the paths that lead astray, they it's the wrong path, it's something that is far away from the straight path.

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Each one of them has a shaped one.

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And then he reads the verse while

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he was stepping

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up Kumar sabini satola, numbers number 153. We heard the reciting reading it a little bit earlier Anima, he says this is the straight path one and a half RC RP Allah is saying and indeed, this is my path, it is the path of Allah straight no jaggedness

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Subhana Allah. So follow it, follow it, it will get you to your destination Subhana Allah, if you follow it will get you to your destination.

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And do not follow the path on the side do not follow these little paths. You see the word seal up is used in the Arabic language for a path that is straight, for a path that is clear. For a path that

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is easy to walk upon. It's not something difficult. It's easy to walk upon for a path that gets you to a destination that you so desire. The word used is not buried, and not severely, as soon, as we hear heard in the other part of the West is referring to those paths on the side. So these are different paths. These are different ways they are it's not actually a path. It's the ways of the devil. And this is why in another Hadith, which appears in Sunni anatomy and sunon, the Maasai Hadith narrated by

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Allah and he says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained to us what is the surah and he explained to us so beautifully, he says, Allah has given the example of the straight path, the example of a straight path and he says that Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us the straight path is such that it has two walls on either side. So it's clear, you are focused, you can see that these are walls on the side, I must be walking here. It's clear for everyone to know we as Muslims, don't you agree, we know what's right and wrong. A lot of us would know what's right and wrong. But to follow the path is something we need to be encouraged and we need to learn more because sometimes

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there may be things that we're still not aware of. May Allah grant us beneficial knowledge. So the Hadith says two walls on the side right.

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And then on those walls, they are curtains.

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and behind the curtains or doors,

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behind the curtains or doors and this is still the straight path. This is the example given and there is a color on the straight path saying enter this path and following all of you is telling those who are walking to say follow the straight path all of you Mr. Kola, calling all of us saying follow the straight path all of you

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And at every door there is a caller calling us to something bad to divert us from the straight path your taste is whether or not you're going to walk on that path or

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what is the meaning of the curtain? Why are the curtains and why the doors I tell you why they are curtains. curtains are there to disguise the fact that this is actually a bad path. So to be inquisitive to lose focus, have you ever seen the horses when they're racing? They have blinkers, what are the blinkers therefore, they are there to say, don't look this way or that way you will be distracted, you lose the race. That's what it is. So they are blinkers, they, they actually close their eyes. And what happens is the one on it, the horse rider is the one who's steering this horse to where it's supposed to get to.

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Amazing. So if we look too much this way, or that way, or we become distracted by the Zener of the dounia and the beautification of it to the degree that we lose focus on the past this is what is meant by this idea to say these are threatens your inquisitiveness can actually suck you into this Whirlpool. When you become inquisitive, you look at this curtain. And you say, what's the what's on this side? Let's see. Wow, look at this curtain. So the curtain the word for example, just an example. The word love is written on the curtain. So you're looking at the skirt. Oh, wow. You know, and then you just look at the Can you open the curtain a little bit, and the door sucks you in. And

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it's called Xena adultery. So it started off okay. It looked fine. When you looked at it look beautiful. It sucked you into something for example, I give you another example.

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The the the curtain might say for example, wealth money, oh, wow, we all need money, don't we? And as you open it, you sucked into interest and all haram dealings and so on. That's what it is. Why are you so inquisitive. And once you sucked into a whirlpool, you need to be a professional swimmer to come out of that. Really, you need to know how to get out of a whirlpool.

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Because it's such a deeper and deeper. This is why follow the path and watch out as soon as you see this curtain. If your human weakness has made you become a little bit inquisitive.

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Come back to the path. Go and learn get into good company I tell you, when you are moving with good company, they will warn you already as you're walking down the path. Hey, what's the curtain the last time someone tried to look there, they will succeed.

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That's good company. Beautiful because when you have a bad company, everyone's looking at you the only guy who's not supposed to be looking as they're looking, you're gonna say Okay, guys, let's talk here. Let's see what's going on here. These are the facts. And the Hadith says there's a devil on every one of them calling people beautifying, you know, they market it like it's a business product, they come to you and market I remember once there was a certain product that was absolutely useless. We were walking in the mall and these people the way they presented it, you know, Sir, this is what happened. I don't know why I even stopped to listen to what they had to say. I didn't need

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it. A lot of us have a sickness where we go to a mall, we don't want things we don't need certain things. And you know what we do?

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Just because it's two for the price of one. We start saying ah thing is okay, but I didn't come to the mall for this. We ended up buying things we never ever needed. We never ever really, and our money is finished. Then we get to the place we really wanted the stuff from and we see shorter reengage, let's go back home. So panela, but you came for something be focused. So when I heard this, the person marketing the product, and they sold me something that I really did not need and did not want. But I believed it was so good. I got home and guess what, it didn't work. It didn't work at all.

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And I was so upset because no guarantee no warranty. It was just a deal. And you stuck in the middle of nowhere. And I regretted it. And I'm giving you that example today because it struck me at some stage to say shavon does the same with us. He waits and he stops for us on the path and he talks to us and he convinces us Hey, this is beautiful. This is good. You need this. You don't need it at all. Trust me, you don't even want it. And Chopin convinces us to say you will enjoy you will have this and we pay for it. We make a payment to sin you actually pay and at the end of the day you get nothing out of it. What did it do? It distracted you from the straight path. May Allah subhanho wa

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Taala protect us from the wrong paths. May Allah subhanahu wa taala grant us so this is the Hadith that I chose to mention today. And shavon actually promised from the very beginning. You know what he says? The Quran, Allah subhanaw taala can muster pain, he is promising Allah that I am going to, I'm going to wait in ambush for them on the streetcar. shaitan knows the straight path. He actually knows it. He knows it very, very well. And he's telling you that Odin Allah whom I will wait for them in ambush. So your article musta came upon this sirata Mr. And wait, and I'll try and ambush them and that's going to be my the way that I'm going to do that. That verse is Surah verse number

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16. And if you take a look at Allah, He tells us no

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matter how many times the devil has got hold of you, you can get yourself out of the clutches of the devil just by turning to me no matter how many times it has happened for as long as you're alive, you have hope.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us ease and goodness. So then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He was the one who brought the goodness earlier we said Allah is the guide.

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You know, when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam lost his uncle, he was quite sad. And the reason is,

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his uncle helped him a lot, but didn't accept the message. He wasn't on the straight path.

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But helped him a lot in terms of defended him because he was a nephew and he liked him and so on. So at the end, when he passed away, not on Islam in the mind, it hurt the heart of Muhammad Salah Salaam to say this man was so close to me and look at what happened. So Allah subhanho wa Taala decided to clarify that guidance comes and the clarification is for us actually, guidance is from Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in demon, Baba da da,

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da, da me.

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Indeed you

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do not guide whomsoever you wish, but it's a man who guides whomsoever He wishes. So ask a lot of guidance. Obviously ask a lot of guidance. I'm making the statement to you. It's not part of that particular verse. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is drawing our attention to the fact that he is the owner of guidance. So why then does Allah subhanho wa Taala address Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and says, we're in a galletta de la si are

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stepping in indeed you all Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam guide to the straight path

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doesn't seem to be a contradiction there. On one hand, Allah says he is the only one who guides and on the other hand, Allah is saying, you O Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam guide to the straight path. So we all know there's no contradictions in the Quran, what's the meaning of it, there's a clear, clear meaning.

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Guidance can be divided into two, three categories. And we can understand two of these categories very simply, to be able to walk on the path that's in Alaska has the ability to walk on the path is given by Allah, but to be able to show someone the path

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that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam was sent to do this. So if I if you asked me, How do I get to, for example, Singapore from here, and I give you some guidance, and I tell you, listen, this is what you do. And this is how you do it.

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It's up to you whether you want to follow it or not. So I've given you the guidance. So this means Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam gave us the guidance, he gave us the Quran, he gave us this whole life of his, which was a gift from Allah subhanho wa Taala. For us a gift meaning he every aspect of his life is to be emulated as an act of worship, and you achieve a reward as a result. So this is Mohammed salatu salam. But the fact that he shown you the path does not mean that he guided you to tread the path, he only guided you to show you where the path is. So one is called at our feet 10 feet meaning the acceptance from Allah to be able to walk on the path that's only Allah, it's only

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Allah who will Morphe is Allah who grants you that acceptance to be able to walk on the path, but then Allah when he shared, which means to be able to show you the path that Mohammed Salah Salam came, and that, in fact is the duty of us all to show someone else the path. That's why we are here today as well to show the path to everyone and to try and help ourselves also to be able to tread that same path. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant disease. So Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how those who don't believe in the hereafter. Those who don't believe in the Hereafter, they are actually not on the path they will lose focus, which means part and parcel of this straight path is

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to believe in the life after death to believe in the hereafter. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, We're in aladeen Allah you mean Oh, Naveen.

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Ilana kibou Surah mithoon verse number 74. Allah says those who do not believe in the Hereafter, those who do not believe in the asherah they will fall off that path the straight path they will go straight from the straight path, which means in order to tread the path, you need to have this accountability. I need to prepare an answer for Allah for everything I say or do I need to have an answer for Allah subhanho wa Taala I am responsible to Allah answerable to him. This is what will keep me on the path whenever

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There is something bad happening immediately. I will tell myself No What am I going to say to a life I participate in this evil? Whenever there is something good that comes, I will immediately tell myself, let me do this so that I have something to tell Allah subhanho wa Taala you talk to Allah, you ask Allah forgiveness, when you say, Allah, do you know it's recorded, and that is going to come back to you, it's actually going to come straight to you. If you have said it 100 times a day you're going to have files and files and you'll be so happy of them

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on the Day of Judgment accepted, but let's hope it is truthful. You don't just pay lip service to Aston Villa. You don't you actually say it. And I've always maintained that you know when we hear that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has said 1100 times a day which means I seek your forgiveness Oh Allah 100 times a day. We think it's enough for us to sit with a few beads on one moment in the morning and within three minutes we've just said 100 times did you ever know that not once is it recorded that Mohammed Salah Salim said all those I seek your forgiveness

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in one city

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not once did it record that he said it in one sitting in fact, they are guaranteed narrations that prove that he scattered it through the day.

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One of them says after every Salah he used to say three times so count how many salads you have multiplied by three a minimum five Salah multiplied by three and even if you are eating your Sunnah and and various other prayers there's no harm in saying the stones with Allah once you have finished your Salah.

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So you say salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah. You've just

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finished a beautiful act of worship with Allah and you're saying, Oh ALLAH forgive me. What a straight path Subhana Allah. Oh, Allah forgive me. And you don't just say because you're paying lip service to it. You are meaning it all. Forgive me. If I die right here right now Oh, Allah forgive me.

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So you scatter it through the day when you're walking, I asked Allah forgiveness, whatever you're doing, and this is a straight path because it keeps you in check. If you are asking a lot all the time, Allah forgive me, it means you are conscious of the fact that I shouldn't be doing things, you know, what's the point of slapping your child or your child slaps you? Let's make it more interesting. Okay. Your child slaps you says that I'm sorry, and slaps you again, that I'm sorry, and slaps you again, that I'm sorry. You're gonna say, Man, what's going on? Are you playing a game here or something? Let's not have a relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is of a similar

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nature where we keep on doing that. And we keep on saying Allah forgives me. And you say, you know some people. They like to hear that Allah is merciful. Yes, indeed.

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They like to hear that Allah is merciful. Yes, indeed Allah so merciful, but

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we need to strike a balance between mercy, the mercy of Allah and His wrath and anger, the hope in his mercy, and the fear of his wrath, because when you have too much of hope, it becomes wrong. Too much. We are supposed to have as much hope as possible. Correct, but too much of hope. What does that mean? It means it makes you sin. stavroula. And you think to yourself, okay, you know, I've got this gambling to do don't, once I'm finished, come on, you can't do that. You know, this, adults need to be committed Never mind No, no, no ancestor after this colossal disaster. How do you know that you're going to even survive to see the end of it. So when a person does that, where they are

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relying on the mercy of Allah to commit a sin, then you need to know that now they they've gone beyond a certain limit. And the same applies when a person feels a must so much that they think we have no hope in going to paradise. They've lost the path, because Allah tells you clearly the straight path, you know what it is? julio de la Vina sofala forscene Latta panattoni Rahmatullah swordswoman. Allah says, say, Oh, my worshipers who have transgressed against themselves never lose hope in the mercy of Allah, the fact that anyone loses hope they've already swayed from the path. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those who are always hopeful, and May Allah

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subhanho wa Taala, grant us all the ability to treat this beautiful path.

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In surah, Yaseen Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about something very interesting

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telling us what the straight path is. He says, what I need bodoni

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stepping at worship me For indeed this is the straight path. Remember right at the beginning, I told you that sudo to Fatiha has emitted to Allah, that Allah that Allah subhanho wa Taala has taught us to ask for

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walking on the straight path.

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And I did say that just before that verse, Allah explains what the straight path is, the straight path is a yaquina do what ya can stay. And then we are saying Allah guide us on that same path. Keep us on it. And that is the path of all the messengers and so on. Here's another thing.

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So, proving that worship Allah alone is actually the straight path. Well boonie worship Me alone, hava Siracusa came this is the straight path. You want to know. What's the path? Here it is. Your GPS will take you from here to a mall perhaps somewhere in Putrajaya. I think it's called alamanda if I'm not mistaken,

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but your Quran will take you to paradise and in paradise. Do you know what? There are no malls? Or no, I'm sure some of the sisters must be saying I wonder if I want to go there.

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But there's something mind boggling that is far beyond the malls. When you go to Jenna, what you will have is so mind boggling that you're going to forget about the bulk of the stuff that was on Earth. Forget totally, you won't even know. I was giving an example A few days ago to some people.

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And I was telling them those who lived in 19 in the 1900s when the pennyfarthing you know, it's it's a bicycle, which has one big wheel, another small little one, when that was the in thing and people couldn't afford it because it was extremely expensive. They used to say, or they probably said I don't know, because I haven't met them. But they probably said Oh, I can't afford this. But when I go to general I'll have one.

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You agree because that was the thing they knew. We do the same thing. I don't have an iPhone six. But when I go to a gentleman shall I'll have one. Okay.

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But now that we are in 2015, who would want a panoramic? Tell me

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even if you choose a Mercedes of 1960, you know, my, one of my relatives had this Mercedes Benz of 1960, literally of 1960. And it used to drive so badly it used to go boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. So we used to call it the boom, boom car. Mashallah, and this boom cars have had a lot today, no one wants it. But at that time, people used to say, Man, like give me this engine. I can't afford it here. This all goes to prove that over time, you will not want what you've asked for here.

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Think about it carefully. It's a powerful example. I am wishing for something in 2015 by the time 2050 comes already, it will be outdated, I won't want it myself. So why do I need to say is this going to be in general is that going to be you hang on and see because Jenna comes after all these years are going to finish. So if the latest technology is in 3015 Jenna will come beyond that. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us an understanding, but and this is the moral of my story. To get to that you need to be walking on a path. It is called the straight path.

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That's the path of Allah. It's the path of his rhassoul and this is why the Quran itself is known as a surah. It's known as the path Allah tala and when he was once asked what's the meaning of the sirata Mr. Kim, he says it's the Quran.

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And if not passiveness, Udo de la Noma and also alibaba alibaba. And on another occasion when he was asked what is the State Park he says it is an Islam and Islam to submit to Allah to worship your maker alone. And on another instance, some of us have explained that it is to follow the path of Muhammad Sallallahu all these are correct, they are all the straight path Subhana Allah.

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So let's try and inshallah walk on this beautiful path. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us the ability to walk on it and not only to walk on it, but to take others with us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us I want to end by saying something very, very important.

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Do you know that when you're walking on a path, it becomes much easier when you are actually calling others to walk on the same path? It becomes much easier so for someone to walk on the path and they all alone and they you know they they have people no one's calling them they calling no one else to be honest with you, it becomes a little bit more difficult the minute you have company and you're telling everyone hey come there's a path here. You'll be walking on the path. Come there's a path and if you diverting a little bit you're going to remember to say but I'm the one telling everyone walk on the path. Let's go Come on guys. So you will so from this what we learn is

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what Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam was instructed to say

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who had a severely

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ill Allah, Allah

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and Amani de Bonnie See, Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, this is my my way. This is my way. And this Abele refers to the entire lifestyle of Mohammed Salah Salaam and Islam in general and the path to Allah. And it's within the Serato Mr. Kim, it's within the straight path. It's the it's the way of life of Muhammad Allah, Allah and Islam and the rules of Allah subhanho wa Taala regulations, the do's and don'ts. It's known as a Sybil as well. In this verse, Muhammad wa salam is being instructed to say tell them this is my path, I call towards it.

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Listen to this carefully. I call towards it with guidance.

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I call towards it and those who follow me also called towards it according to

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One of the interpretations of that beautiful verse, which means I will call towards the goodness and anyone who follows me will also call towards the same goodness. So our duty is to call towards the same goodness. And that makes it so easy to walk on the path. I can give you so many examples of how to lie I promised the brothers that I would stop at 45 minutes on the dots I've overstepped by 22 seconds Mashallah.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us and grant us ease May Allah make it easy for us to tread the path. I have another session this afternoon and I'm sure the other Musharraf will be joining shortly. And I hope and I pray that by the end of this beautiful convention, we will all have a better picture, not only the picture, but we will all be much more on the straight path than we were in the past myself included. May Allah bless you all Oh Sal, Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Straight Path Convention Series Lecture Three, Kuala Lumpur

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