Mufti Menk – Lessons from the Story of Jesus PBUH

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The title boss boss boss Alayshi wa sallam is the title of Islam, and it is used to describe the characteristics of the boss's life. Jesus's peace upon those who want to be called the one who has the rule is the one who has the rule. The title of Jesus's peace upon those who want to be called the one who has the rule is the one who has the rule. The history of Islam is discussed, including the birth of Jesus by the will of his mother, the use of a miracle, and the use of the word "slack." The importance of clarifying who is speaking and why certain words are said is emphasized, along with the use of the symbol " peace be upon" in the Bible to indicate the presence of a messenger or leader. The segment also touches on the idea that Jesus has given people the option to turn from their belief to a particular item, but the speakers express concern about facing consequences if they don't comply.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala

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nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa tourbillion woman tambien be signing Eli ahmedinejad

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All praise is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, all the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala, who were sent before him as well. May the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala be upon all of their companions, as well as the companions of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah subhanho wa Taala bless every single one of us, may he bless humanity at large. I mean,

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my brothers and sisters, we all love Jesus May peace be upon him. The Arabic term used to refer to him his visa, and we say alayhis salam, which means May peace be upon him. So when you hear the term Isa alayhi salam, it actually means in the English language, Jesus May peace be upon him. The reason why today I will use the term Jesus May peace be upon him is because those who do not know the Arabic language or the non Muslims who may hear or who may be here, or who may listen to this later on, would perhaps understand it better if we were to say Jesus May peace be upon him? What is it about Jesus May peace be upon him to start with? He was one of the five top messengers of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala, one of the greatest of the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Who were these five? Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of them in a verse and we can understand from that, that their level was the highest Allah says tilicho sunova.

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Babu mala about the messengers we have indeed favorite some above the others we have raised in rank some above the others, not all of them are on the same level in terms of rank and closeness to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the highest and most noble of all messages is indeed Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the highest of all the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah says in the Quran, what is

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v namikawa?

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was he

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was on

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Misa oni wa remember when Allah subhanho wa Taala took the covenant

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from the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he took it from you, or Mohamed Salah, Salah, that's one and from Noah, Noah is the second or should I say Noah is one of the five as well in terms of the highest in ranking of the messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he is one of the five Noah, who had a salatu salam May peace be upon him. And Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam, the prophet Abraham May peace be upon him. Some ranked him as the second he is the father of all those who came after him. If you look at the order, in this particular verse, you will find it very interesting Allah makes mention of the Prophet Noah before the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam.

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According to the timeline of history, new Halle Salam came before Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam. Then Allah says,

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And Moses, and Jesus May peace be upon them. So these are the five the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet Noah May peace be upon him, the Prophet Ibrahim May peace be upon him. The Prophet Moses May peace be upon him and the Prophet Jesus May peace be upon him. You cannot be a Muslim unless you believe in Jesus Christ, may peace be upon him. You cannot be a Muslim unless you believe that is Ali salam, O Jesus made peace be upon him is alive and returning to the earth. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us an understanding. So what happened? If we take a look at his life, we will find that his birth was a miracle. This miracle was from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah

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creates men in four ways. He chose to create Adam May peace be upon him without the involvement of a male or a female from dust. And from soil we spoke about it yesterday. And at the same time, he it is the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala that came into play when we say the word of Allah, we are not referring to the same thing the Christians are speaking about. We are referring to the word of Allah. The word is caf and noon Quran it means be that is the word

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When Allah says that when anything he wants to be becomes. So Allah says Be that is the word and it is I'm sure you've all heard the term can fire Kuhn which means B and it is Allah says in the Quran. So when Allah says it is the word of Allah, he is referring to the term be all the instruction of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala instructed that Adam alayhis salam Be and he was Allah subhanho wa Taala says in

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the law

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fire coo amazing verse, Allah says the example of Jesus is similar to the example of Adam May peace be upon them both. Allah says as for Adam, he was created from dust and soil and Allah said Be and he was similarly with Jesus May peace be upon him, Allah subhanho wa Taala his word was Be and he was Subhana Allah so that is the similarity it was unique. Allah created Adam without the involvement of a male or female, Allah created Eve through a male without the involvement of a female also the word of Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala created Jesus May peace be upon him without the involvement of a male also by the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala by his instruction, and then

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Allah subhanho wa Taala creates you and B through male and female also his word is instruction. He blows in the soul, by his instruction and at the same time Jesus May peace be upon him is referred to as the one who is has the rule or his rule, his soul was blown by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So when the term rule of law is used, it refers to the soul from Allah subhanho wa Taala. It was blown in and some might say, well, the law means the soul of Allah. When Allah uses that term when he refers to certain great items. For example, by to law, you say the house of Allah What do you mean is a Masjid a place where Allah is wishing you For example, we would say out of the law, the earth

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of Allah, it belongs to Allah so the roof belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala. The highest in terms of rent is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. One might argue that why is it in the Quran, Jesus May peace be upon him as mentioned more than 20 times and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is only mentioned a few times. Remember, that does not show any degradation for a messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is only because of the requirement of the clarification regarding the Prophet Jesus, that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came with that clarification so many times. So it is not to say that Jesus May peace be upon him was higher than Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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In fact, it was Mohammed salatu salam himself who came with the Koran, that alone is the rank and it shows that when a person blows their own trumpet, it reduces their value. If you and I were to say how great I am, it reduces your value. But if people are to bear witness how good you are, that is your true worth Subhanallah if people bear witness how good you are, that's your true worth. But if you blow your own trumpet, perhaps it could actually be a means of people pointing at you, claiming that you are arrogant or you are self conceited. So Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his name not being mentioned as many times as the name of Jesus peace be upon him does not reduce the rank of

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either of them. In fact, it only confirms that the Quran is from Allah subhanho wa Taala. That's it. It confirms that the Quran is from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Similarly, the fact that the sutras or the chapters that are named in the Quran, you will not find the name of a woman in the Quran. Besides that of the Prophet, the Prophet Jesus May peace be upon him, his mother, Mary, she was innocent, she was a virgin, she delivered without the involvement of a male by the miracle of Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you take a look at that, you will come to realize the importance given to this woman is such that even the Bible does not name a chapter after her so Han Allah. This is why we

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revere these prophets such that if cartoons were to be drawn, not regarding Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam alone, but regarding any one of those profits, we would be hurt. We would be insulted, it would be considered blasphemous and it would be considered wrong. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us And may Allah subhanaw taala guide us all. So these are the messengers of Allah, we love Jesus May peace be upon him. That is what makes us Muslim. Do not be confused. Don't think for a moment that in Islam, we don't believe in Jesus may be spirit

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upon Him, we also believe that his mother never married. She was actually never involved with a male May peace be upon her. She was chaste. She was pure, she was clean, she found herself one day expecting, one might say how? Well let me explain to you at that time medicine was at its peak, where those who are experts of medicine used to boast and brag about how they could do things and how they could kill people. And Allah subhanho wa Taala has Divine Wisdom is such that every messenger who was sent by Allah subhanho, wa Taala, was actually sent with miracles connected to that particular time. At the time of the Prophet Moses May peace be upon him, engineering was at its

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peak. So here you look at the way he struck the ocean, or the sea, and it made these highways, this path. This was a medical, this was engineering at its peak, even greater than the pyramids that were there. You follow what I'm saying? They will put him as it was an episode. It was, in fact, a powerful example of engineering. And here you have a messenger coming with his little stick, and he touches or hits strikes at the water, and suddenly there are 12 highways to Panama. 12 highways ready for the people to cross onto the other side technology, should I say engineering at its peak? May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us grant us an understanding. So

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let's take a look at Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was sent.

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linguists were boasting with one another because as much as they were Unlimited, the Quraysh the bulk of them. They were very eloquent, they were highly educated. Remember, when you say Unlimited, you are not referring to illiterate, you are referring to one who did not read or write. And at the same time, they were highly educated. But at the same time you find when Mohammed salatu salam spoke, they were silenced, complete silence. They had nothing to match what he said. They were asked to come up with a single verse single word similar to that of the Quran. They couldn't, not one verse. So he saw his lamb Jesus May peace be upon him when he came, he was given the power to cure

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the sick as the Quran says, so many times he put his hand on the leper and the leper was cured after medicine had failed. How did this happen? He makes it very clear it happened by the will of Allah, the permission of Allah, the power of Allah subhana wa jal, he never ever claimed this was my power, it was power given to him by Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you were to get up from your seat today, or you are to breathe, you cannot claim that I am the one by my power I am breathing, you need to say Allah has given me the power. Ultimately it's the power of Allah if he wants, he can stop it right here right now.

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So Jesus made peace be upon him an amazing example where he put his hand on the head of a blind person, and they open their eyes. Similarly, he put or he created, he made a clay

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image of

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a bird.

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So he had like a sculptured sort of a bird. And he blew in it and it began to fly. This was miracle given to Jesus May peace be upon him. When medicine failed and declared someone did, if they called him Jesus peace be upon him. He would put the hand on that person and the person would come alive by the will of Allah 123 Gianni Mota be me Allah says and remember when you gave life to the dead by my permission, so it was Allah giving the life but through Isa is salat wa salam, as a miracle given to this powerful, great messenger, Jesus made peace be upon him.

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So what we learned from this, indeed, is that when it comes to the birth of Jesus Himself, it was the most miraculous thing if he could give life to the dead by the will of Allah when he came to life by the will of Allah, medicine was at its peak.

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Something that the doctors could not understand was how he gave birth, how he was born, and at the same time, how he brought to life by the will of Allah by the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala those who are dead. This is a miracle mentioned in the Quran in more than one place. It's amazing. So this is a great ranking messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is something unique, and it is something worth taking note of. So as he was born, there was another miracle that happened. People began to accuse the mother of Jesus May peace be upon him, you need to know every time someone has been blessed with virtue from Allah subhanho wa Taala. They will be people who will be for them and they

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will be others who become jealous of them. They are against them. They begin to fabricate things, they begin to lie in order to try to drop

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The status of that particular person but Allah subhanho wa Taala comes to the rescue. You need to know this. If people come to you or if people have lied about you trying to drop you and so on trying to harm you in terms of your reputation, something you are not guilty of, remember, it is a test from Allah subhanho wa Taala it happened to those who are better than you, it has to happen to you it is a sign of acceptance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Some of the scholars have taught us saying that if you'd like to know whether you are successful or not, what you need to do is look into how many people lie about you, when they have to lie about you in order to drop you then you

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need to know it's a sign that they are acknowledging the effect and the impact that you have had and your status the status granted to you by Allah subhanho wa Taala so don't let that confuse you don't let that deceive you don't let that sadden you. Take a look when he was when he came to life when he was born by a miracle. What happened is as his mother was being accused, she was instructed to point at the child. When he when she pointed at the child he spoke miraculously from the cradle, he said is Salatu was Salam. This is a miracle that is not mentioned in the Bible. It is a miracle mentioned in the Quran. What is this miracle? It is something that muslimeen have made clear that even the

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Christians don't have that Jesus May peace be upon him spoke from the cradle. He spoke from the cradle Allah makes mention of it in Subramaniam Bala in Abu

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He said I am indeed the worship of Allah, I am the slave of Allah. This was the first introduction made by Jesus May peace be upon him. And he introduced himself to everyone as a little baby in the cradle. And he says I am the slave of Allah in the Abdullah. So this had to clarify, he's not the son of Allah, He is not part of the family of Allah. When the term hula is used, it does not mean that he is a part of Allah because as I explained, the same applies to beta law, the same would apply to Allah which means it is belonging to Allah subhanho wa Taala. All it comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala or its status is so high that Allah connected to himself. So he says, I am the

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worshipper of Allah Abdullah, I am the worshiper or the slave of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah is about to give me the book, Allah has given me in terms of what he is about to get the book, the Injeel. And he says, he continues thereafter to say, he has made me a newbie, a prophet, this was clarification from Jesus May peace be upon him, he clears it himself. And Allah repeats that statement in the Quran for you and I to know and for all those who say he was the son of God, to know that, indeed, he was born without the involvement of a male, but that does not make him the Son of God. Similarly, Adam May peace be upon him was created, as we mentioned in the verse that I

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recited earlier. He was created without the involvement of a male or a female, if this one was the Son of God, than that one is more deserving of being the son of God, if not the first of the sons, may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from blasphemy, I mean, so this is why it is a beautiful clarification in the Quran. When Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks of how he miraculously spoke when he was a little child, I want to draw

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an example for every one of us a lesson in our lives. In the Koran you will find on two occasions Allah subhanho wa Taala instructs people to be silent, and to do something in the in the case of money, or may peace be upon her, she was instructed to be silent, not to say anything. Although there were accusations leveled against her, she was told to just point that's it, I can point this problem is too big for me to solve. Allah will solve it for you, you just point at the child and that's it. And we will do the rest. When she did that you heard what happened child's phone, but at the same time, what you need to know so panela is that the similar thing happened to the Prophet

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zecharia May peace be upon him.

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When he found that his wife was expecting at an old age, he was shy, he felt perhaps people might have a lot to say. So Allah subhanho wa Jalla told him, remain silent. Keep quiet three days, don't say anything besides by silence. Don't say a word why this problem is so big. It's so large, it is up to us to sort it out for you. You are working for us. You know, in our term, we would say perhaps, you know, this man is my boss. I'm working for him in the case of the prophets and those who do the work of Allah subhanho wa Taala melas peace and blessings be upon them all. Sometimes they need to remain silent in order

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For Allah subhanho wa Taala, to clear for them something that is very big, it's so big that they may not be able to do it themselves. Here is the example Jesus made peace be upon him, his mother, similarly zekeriya la salatu salam, Allah says, I

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can imagine.

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So we

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decide we're going to give you the instruction of Allah subhanaw taala. Don't speak to people for three days. And in another verse, or in this verse, three nights, three days, three nights, don't speak to them, leave them, things will happen, they will clarify they will clear don't make matters worse. So para la What a beautiful example, in our lives, whatever you can do, you should do but remember the rest of it, leave it in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So what you have to have a few people who don't like you, you have to have a few, a few people who accuse you of something that you're not guilty of look at what happened to Sally Sarah, look at what happened to his mother

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may peace be upon her the purest of the pure of the time, and she was a virgin Mary May peace be upon her. Allah honored her in such a beautiful way that some centuries later, an entire chapter of the Quran was named after her among users. But it came to us through Nabina Muhammad the Prophet Mohammed May peace be upon we recite it, we repeat it in fact, her name is the V female name in the Quran that is made mention of what an honor, as we said, that does not reduce the value of the Sahabi yet or the female companions of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, nor does it reduce the value of any other of those who are close to Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is simply a clarification and the

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divine decision of Allah subhanho wa Taala. To do that, the same applies to the number of times Jesus made peace be upon him as mentioned in the Quran. As I said, it does not increase or decrease his value. It is for divine reasons to clarify because Allah knows that there are people and there will be people who will continue saying that he was the son of God and he saw on one hand and on the other hand, there will be people who say, and who will continue to say that he was the child of adultery. Now the villa May Allah protect us from such statements. And here we are in the middle of saying he was neither this nor that he was a slave of Allah born miraculously through the miracle of

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the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala the Sol blown by Allah subhanho wa Taala it was Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this is something unique and it is something really great. If we were to take a look at

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some of the miracles that were given to Jesus May peace be upon him, we would find that Allah subhanho wa Taala granted him so much Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed him firstly with the speech that we spoke about. Secondly, Allah gave him the Injeel Allah gave him the book a lot taught him that Torah that which was revealed before him as well. He knew it, he knew it very well. And at the same time, he gave the message of a prophet that was to come after him. He warned the people what if

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Maria Maria Bernice

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Allah makes mention of how the Prophet Jesus May peace be upon him told the children of yaku the children of Jacob, may peace be upon him, also known as the children of Israel, because that was another name to iacobelli Salatu was salam o jacobellis. salatu salam. And Allah says, Remember the favor upon you. That's what Jesus made peace be upon him, told them and then he tells them, I am giving you glad tidings or news of a prophet that is to come later on his name being admin, the Comforter, the one who is to come later on the praised one. And what happened when he came when the messenger Muhammad salatu salam came, they denied the bulk of them denied they said this is magic

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and so on, as mentioned in the plan. So Jesus May peace be upon him fulfilled his duty to inform the masses that there is a messenger coming after me his name is Ahmed Mohammed meaning the praised one, it is the same route the same name and what happened, they covered it, they changed it, they altered it and so on when he came, yes, some of those with sound knowledge accepted the message, but the bulk of them did not. Similarly, Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of something extremely interesting. And that is a question that will be asked to Jesus May peace be upon him on the day of judgment or in the hereafter. What is the question? Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What if call

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Santa Maria

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de PUE

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see Jackie Guney

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When Allah will ask Jesus peace be upon him. Did you instruct the people to worship you and your mother besides Allah? And the answer will come, Allah says he will say no way How could I have instructed them with something that I had no authority over I had, it is something invalid, something incorrect, something I was not instructed, I would never issue an instruction. I was not instructed to dish out basically, to give I would never.

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So this is a clarification made in the Quran once again, we also find nowhere in the Bible is it stated that Jesus Himself said, worship Me alone in an entire verse, we will not find where he called people to abandon Allah subhanho wa Taala to worship him or his mother. This is something very interesting. It is something we learn from the Quran and from the story of Jesus May peace be upon him. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bestow upon us His mercy, I want to end with one beautiful story towards or within the life of Jesus May peace be upon him what we find an incident where

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he had instructed his followers to fast for an entire month.

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And they fasted for the month according to one of the narrations. And at the end of the month, they asked him they said, Look, we want a happy day, we want the day of joy, you know, you and I, and Allah, we fast for the month of Ramadan, at the end of that Allah gives us a day of joy of happiness, it's known as even the day of happiness connected to the fact that we are we are not, we are not fasting anymore, we have actually broken out of us. So in this particular case, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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was asked by Jesus May peace be upon him.

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The question

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would you send down for us a table cloth laid with food? Why was the question asked Allah makes mention of it in the Quran, that these disciples that told Jesus May peace be upon him?

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Can you ask Allah subhanho wa Taala?

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Is it possible that you're up can send down from the heavens? A Marie de la tablecloth Subhana Allah so that we can, in fact immediately enrolled in a fear Allah you know, people are asking for something ridiculous. Imagine if we were to ask

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a man who comes to us to remind us about Allah subhanho wa Taala we say look, I won't believe in you until 2000 gold coins of you know drop from the ceiling in my home.

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You look at them and you say okay, it's fine. I'll make you out for you may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us goodness oh, we might want to talk to them in a slightly different way. We would consider it absurd. I don't think people would actually say that today. But at that time, like I told you these miracles were at the peak at their peak.

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So they see an alum makes mention of it in the salon

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is gone. How are you?

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Remember when the disciples said to Jesus May peace be upon him is your up able to sit down for us a lay tablecloth from the heavens? And immediately he says

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me, he said, Fear Allah if you are truly believes you don't need that fear Allah subhanho wa Taala you want to connect your belief to this particular item? They made it clear No, no, no, we are not connecting our belief to this item but

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newari to an coolamon ha we simply want to eat from it. You know the food from heaven.

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In Abu buena and we just want our hearts to be at ease. We want our hearts to be at ease and knowing that you have actually been truthful Subhana Allah

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and we can be from amongst those who are grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he sadly Salam raises his hands and he asks Allah subhanho wa Taala for that, and Allah says, I will send it down to you, but anyone who rejects thereafter who turns away that after they will taste a very painful punishments, they will taste a very painful punishment. So when Allah subhanho wa Taala sends the signs to you, you need to know that these signs are such that if I were to reject them thereafter, I would be deserving of the punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Still, by the mercy of Allah, He does not punish us. He gives us time, my brothers and sisters, let's turn to Allah

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How many signs have we seen in our lives? We've seen so many signs, how much has Allah bestowed upon us so much? We have our health, we have our wealth, we have sustenance, we have so much more than most of the people on earth. We have so much panela We are blessed in 1,000,001 ways, countless ways. Let us turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala let us not become from among those who deserves the Wrath of Allah subhanho wa Taala as I said, still through the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala he does not inflict us with punishment, he gives us chance upon chance, please let's seize one of these chances and turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah bless us all.

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subhana wa Andes panic along with the shadow Allah Allah Allah

Stories of the Prophets, Conference, Colombo Sri Lanka. 30 November 2015.

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