Mohammed Faqih – Tafseer Surah Albaqarah Ayat 67

Mohammed Faqih
AI: Summary ©
The loss of habitat caused by Allah Subhanaw taala is a commandment from Islam, and the responsibility of the Church is to clarify commandment accuracy. The importance of following proper instructions and handling cow slaughter is emphasized. The sharia and shaping of a culture are also discussed, emphasizing the importance of learning and researching to understand and understand the differences between opinion and principles. The importance of finding a strong bond with a good person is emphasized, and researching and learning is emphasized as a way to achieve happiness.
AI: Transcript ©
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So, hello, hello,

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hello Hollywood.

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We have been talking about the story of the cow that Allah subhanaw taala ordered

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the children of Israel or a particular family. And we talked about the story behind this, this verse, or these verses,

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and we said that the story, according to Ivanov, bass and others, that a man or a young man from children of Israel and basically killed his uncle, he was the sole heir of his uncle. And his uncle was a wealthy man but didn't have children. And he only had this one nephew. So his nephew,

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in an attempt to basically receive his fortune, or the fortune that or to receive his uncle's fortune, killed him, and then he took the body and dumped it in front of the house of another man. And we said how they took the case, to the Messenger of Allah Mousavi, Salah, and how Prophet Musa received a message from a law or an order from Allah telling them to slaughter a cow. And when he ordered them to slaughter a cow, they said, Are you making a mockery out of us.

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And then of course, Prophet Musa informed him that this is a commandment from Allah Subhana Allah, and that he is not to be of those who are ignorant.

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Now when Allah ordered them to slaughter, and then of course, we finished the rest of the story and how much data

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brought that man alive.

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And he pointed to his killer, and, and we knew that the end of the story. But now we go back to those verses, and we take them one verse at a time.

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When Allah subhanaw taala said to them to slaughter a cow, a loss of habitat, Prophet, Moses said, in Allah, his moral code and his bedroom varkala.

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Moses said to them, Allah commands you to sacrifice a cow, to slaughter a cow.

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Of course, there are many, many things to be said here, number one,

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someone might say, what does it slaughtering cow has to do with with this, it is an order from a loss of hat on with that. And in this, there is a lesson for the believers, that when a loss of had on with Allah

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makes an order or or makes a command a command, he is not to be questioned.

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And we may not see, of course, we believe that a loss of habitat is all wise and everything that he says, you know, comes out of that infinite wisdom of a loss of habitat. But do we have to see the significance or do we have to understand the connection? Or do we have to comprehend

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that wisdom?

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No. But is there wisdom behind it? Definitely. Because the loss of heroin data is all wise and Allah subhanaw taala didn't do anything that that is not out of you know that that is not based on that, that wisdom, right? But we don't have to comprehend and understand that, in order for us to obeyed or submit to it. It is enough for us

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to know that it's a commandment from lots of Hannah with data to obey.

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So there is nothing wrong with us say because Allah subhanaw taala says,

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Our responsibility is to verify

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whether this could be attributed whether any commandment or any order, in the Sharia can be attributed to Allah, or his prophets, or his messenger.

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If it's if it can be traced back to the Prophet, if we can attribute it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then it's enough. Why? Because Allah Subhana Allah says, may use the app rosulip Allah Allah whosoever obeys the messenger, then he has obey the laws of Hamilton, and prophets and messengers do not speak on

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on their own. Right. So when Prophet Musa attributed this commandment to a loss of habitat, it was enough for Ben. Ben was right in the children of Israel.

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Once they found that out, to obey that commandment, they don't have to understand why

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or comprehend while

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same same thing could be said about when a loss the almighty ordered the angels to bow down to Adam.

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Did they have to understand why was

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A significant other, there's a loss of appetite, I have to explain himself. He doesn't

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Savannah hotel,

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for many reasons, one of one of which is because He is the Lord, and we are the servants. He is a master and we are the slaves. And, and for the fact that a loss of habitat is not to be questioned about what he does and what he says, and we are to be questioned a lot, some fantastic

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news alone,

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In addition to this, we don't have the capacity to understand

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everything. In fact, we don't have the capacity to understand most things.

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The knowledge of Allah is vast, infinite, the the wisdom of Allah is infinite.

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And we don't have the capacity. Right?

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Of course, we said that he doesn't have that doesn't have to explain to us to begin with. But even if Allah subhanaw taala you know, wants to explain to us every single thing we won't be able to comprehend and understand. So our responsibility, right?

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ends at once the commandment comes from Allah Subhana Allah, we listen and we obey. So Allah subhanaw taala told him to slaughter account slaughter cows, that's number one. Number two

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in this verse, of course, you know, some people might especially animal rights advocates might you know, go crazy and say look at the this violence or and and look at this, religion is so violent God.

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Cows are created by loss of having the cattles and cows and animals are created by loss of habitat, we are created by loss of habitat, Allah subjugated certain, you know, many things for us, right, as human beings. And if Allah subhanaw taala says that, that if a law allows or does something, right, then it's just

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not only is it wise, but it's also just right. This is in response to some people who, for example,

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you know, one time

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I remember running into someone that had issues with eating meat, they were vegetarian. So I thought that they did it for health reasons. I said, Okay, that's fine. It's for health reasons. I understand this. And not only that, but because it's inhuman

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to slaughter an animal, I said, if you're talking about the way that animals are treated, not that right now in the slaughterhouses and I understand that, but you can't say slaughtering animals in a humane islamically there is a serious, serious objection to that, to that kind of thinking.

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Right, a loss of habitat says was that it is a law who subjugated those things, right. So for someone to become vegetarian out of that kind of, of, you know, based on that kind of principle, it is islamically

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unacceptable. So, because the last metallicity alone will not allow something that is unjust or unfair or in human right?

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Life, however, Allah subhanho wa Taala, of course, taught us through the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the proper procedure of slaughtering, slaughtering animals

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in the most in the most in the best of ways, and that procedure has to be followed anything less than that any violation of those of that procedure is, is unacceptable in Islam, and it's against the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And that kind of violation could be considered inhumane. And it is it is something that has to be rejected and corrected.

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Now Allah order them to slaughter the third point to be made is that a lot more than just slaughter a cow unless it in alignment with the devil bacala in the indefinite for

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any cow would have been sufficient.

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Because it's a general statement. If they slaughtered a little cow, it would have been sufficient. If they slaughtered a sick cow, it would have been sufficient.

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You know, not healthy if they slaughtered

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an old cow that would have been sufficient any cow would have been sufficient. Any cow, no matter what kind of calories.

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Right? However, would have lost have had to order them to do that they didn't obey the commandments right away. What did they say in the following words are most of what Allah says? All the Roland Rebecca up Lanham and he.

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Then they asked, they said, Oh, Moses,

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asked you, Lord, pray for us to your Lord, that he made clear to us. What

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that he made clear to us what kind of cow he shall be.

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What kind of what kind of cow

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doesn't matter Danish cow, European, domestic, important anything. But they asked for that. And this is this reflects

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lack of readiness

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to obey the commandment of a loss of habitat, you know, when someone doesn't want to do something,

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we, you know, we know this about our children, are you going to ask them to do something? What do they do? Instead of doing it? They start asking smart questions. Right? They tried to be smart. When what time Why were you know, these kind of things, right? The what, when? Why, how? There's one more What is it? Where Yeah, right, those five things have to be asked. So that's what they ask, what kind of come ask

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now that they said ask you Lord Prophet Musa didn't say any cow. They asked him to ask Allah so probably most Estrella Prophet Musa asked Allah Allah Subhana data gives them more specification. So Prophet Musa went back to them and said, he answered

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with the following. He says meaning Allah subhanaw taala says that she should be all in weeaboo in

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vain Erica ferromet moron.

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So he said to them, I said to them that our loss of hearts are the Almighty says that it should neither be old nor young.

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Okay, not too old, and not too young. Right? And it should be but a cow between those two conditions, something between those two.

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Then Prophet Musa said to them, that value metric Merode, so do as you are commanded to do, go ahead and do it.

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Now, they should have wanted, you know, they should have gone and found a cow that fits that age group. And instead of responding right away, they went. Right, so many cuts, so many options, they probably started debating amongst themselves, Okay, which one is better? This one is like nicer color, that one is they started, they went back to Prophet Musa. And they asked further question. There are so many of

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Paul Dolan out of Becker up in Lanham and

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fact, oh, no, no has never been.

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Then they asked, they would say, pray to pray to your Lord, that he made clear to us what color it should be. What color

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so Prophet Musa alayhis salam, of course, pray to Allah, Allah subhanaw taala answered, he says that she is a yellow cow,

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bright yellow cow, right? pleasing to the eyes should be something that is pleasing to the eyes. Of course, now every time they ask for more specification, and they're giving those specifications, what happens, it narrows the choices that they have right to a smaller number, a smaller number a smaller number. Now, that kind of description fits, you know, some not only one but you know quite a few cows. So, they go back to him and they said

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which shows this third question shows exactly what their intention was behind behind this and how they were just trying to basically pretty much give profit most of our time and and not respond to this commandment.

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Of course, there is also a fear from the guilty party. There is a fear that if they go ahead they move on with this write that you know the truth will come. So sometimes you try to push

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delay when people are not ready to submit to the truth they want to they want to delay so they went back to him and they said can we back up Lana here in Albuquerque shabbiha Elena

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me know what kind of excuses Oh, no, no, no back up Nana in the document here in Albuquerque Shabalin. They said to him, pray to for us to your Lord that He make known to us the exact type of cow she should be. For to us cows look alike. They all look alike. We want to know exactly which one he wants us to slaughter.

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Now, it was narrowed down to yellow to young yellow or not young, but you know, middle aged yellow cows, which now they're in a few

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Have those so they go back to profit loss and they said, you know, all these kinds of look alike which one of them there's a loss of habitat losses to slaughter. Yeah Can any one of them slaughter anyone it would have been sufficient? No.

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play games with the law, right playing games with his prophet sallallahu Sallam not taking this whole issue seriously. So Prophet Musa goes back to the last panel. Now keep in mind that every time Prophet Musa narrows down and Prophet Musa does not go out and see sees those cows, right? Yet whatever description he gives them, fits cows, specific type of cows.

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Right? So for example, he didn't say it should be a red cow.

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Otherwise they would have come and they said, What, they don't exist. There's no such a thing.

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Okay, so every time he gives them descriptions of how life keeps it keep those descriptions keep filling a group of cows, until he finally said, profit most events said this particular cow shouldn't be the following color in order in order to lead the room to to

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sell lemonade or Nasha. So he said to them, finally, he said, This cow is a cow which has not been yoked

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nor is a cow that flaws the land. Right? nor waters, the fields. It is not a cow that is used in these kind of didn't do any of those things. And it's a cow free of any blemishes.

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It's always a perfect gown, perfect and everything.

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So they finally found that car. So only one. And we know from last week where they found it, they found it with a man that owns nothing but so Panama the poorest one of the poorest people in the city, or in the in the in the whole town, in the whole village. But he owns the perfect car.

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And a lot of points into that perfect cow. Of course, by the way, the whole thing is a miracle because prophets, Moses didn't know that this guy

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alone formed him. Right? So the description that he gave them did fit one cow and only one cow. You know, if there were two cows

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that fall under that category, they would have said, Okay, which one of them would you like?

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But somehow the description fits only one camp. However, the dilemma, of course that they face was that a man would not let go of his camp. It's his car, his property. He said, I'm not going to let you slaughter it. This is the only car I have and it's the perfect guy

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you wanted then you have to pay the price. And of course he charged them its weight in gold.

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Right. So called will and

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then what do they say listen to the to the answer. They when they found that cow, they said to profits Moosa.

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Now you have told us the truth.

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What does this tell you?

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After they found it, they said, Now, you have told us the truth. Now?

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What does that tell you?

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Before he didn't tell him the truth.

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It shows you the reason they kept asking questions were because they were skeptical. They did not trust profitable salaries.

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They didn't trust them.

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And they were not humble enough to follow the commandment as it was given to them. Finally, when his description did fit one particular and there was no way for him to know that except, you know, Unless Unless you had that informed him how to do probably the most, you know, kept giving goes all these descriptions that will only fit one count. Then when they realize that this was a serious matter, and this property was I did receive this from Hamas panatela. They said Oh, now you have brought us to the truth or you brought us the truth. And it didn't happen.

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Which which is of course very disrespectful, because they're implying that before he didn't.

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Then as a punishment, they had to pay the price I must have had and I made that man charged them. It's weakened gold, energy that will help further that. Then they slaughtered it. And the loss of habitat exposes them by say, one man can do it alone.

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They sacrificed although they almost did not. They didn't want. They were resisting. They were rejecting they were hesitant, you know, they were they were delaying they were putting off the whole thing because they didn't want then what happened Allah subhanho wa Taala Of course, order them to strike the

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victim with apart from its flesh.

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You know, strike the person with a piece of

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And he bought he was brought back to life, he sat, he sat up and then he pointed to his killer.

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Again, from this story and from the instructions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam learned not to ask too many questions, when the profitable is an organism to do something,

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I will conclude with this thought.

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And this is the beauty of Sharia. Sometimes people might come and say, why do we have so many opinions or so many ways or so many schools or schools of thought? You know, when we pray certainly in our positions, you know, very differences among some of that. alopecia a family Maliki,

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why were they all by didn't Allah Subhana? Allah give us like, you know, do this like, like, very clear cut to the point description? Why do we have all these differences?

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First of all, this is how it wasn't how China wanted his shediac. To be, so it would be suitable until the end of time. And so that it would have a level of flexibility. Number two,

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and this is this is what i what i what i think, with my limited knowledge, would be the most profound and most important, you know, reason,

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the sherea will, if it was 12345, like it was with veterans about it with the children of Israel, then it would have been a very rigid, very dry

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set of laws, just like the constitution or the laws or some of the laws, right, very rigid, no room for interpretation, nothing, you just take it and you followed one to basically everybody goes raise it in no room for people to, to think

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or to, to research or to do is to hide or to observe their efforts and try to understand, which will weaken their relationship with it. As opposed to a Sharia that has that, that has a dynamic nature, where in order for you to understand how to pray, and why and how, and what are the, you know, way, you know, proper ways, you have to what you have to study,

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you have to study, we have to do research, and we have to study the differences of opinions, and the principles upon which those those differences of opinions were based,

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which again, creates what a bond between you and that and that which you study.

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Right? Imagine what kind of bond with a with a person who reads 12345678 have

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with something that is just, you know, numbers, basically, number one, this number two, this number three, as opposed to someone else that studies the whole text, and has to go through the text and figure out what what is number one? And what is number two, what is number three? When you give someone for example, some information that like a bullet, you know,

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bullet points, you know, 123456, you know, usually people just look at that, right? And they go to the point which at whichever point they want, and as opposed to giving someone a passage where they have to go through the whole thing and read through and figure out what is what, what is one, what is two, what is three, what is four, what is five, and and then prioritize them,

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based on their understanding, based on what suits them, based on what they believe is the intention, the intent of the of the author or the speaker, right, there's a big difference between the two.

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So this is how lots of how the founder wanted his shediac to be, thus encouraging us to exert our efforts and do she had and loss of habitat says those who do she had already an agenda to feed and then at the end of sabudana, those who struggle in our cause will guide them will guide them to our path.

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And that's why we believe that the the righteous scholars, the Sahaba, and those who came after them, and our righteous cows, were all guided, we're all guided and collectively amongst all of them, you will find the truth that is the entire area was preserved collectively.

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We'll have to hand out a lot so you know.

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Now it was narrowed down to yellow to young yellow or not young, but you know, middle aged, yellow cows, which now there are a few of those. So they go back to profit and loss and they said, you know, all these kinds of look alike, which one of them there's a loss of habitat losses to slaughter. Yeah, any one of them. Slaughter anyone, it would have been sufficient.

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playing games with the law right playing games with his prophets Allah Allah is not taking this whole issue seriously. So Prophet Musa goes back to Allah Subhana Allah Now keep in mind that every time Prophet Musa narrows down and Prophet Musa does not go out and see sees those cows, right? Yet whatever description he gives them fits cows specific type of cars.

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Right? So for example, he didn't say it should be a red cow

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otherwise they would have come and they said what, they don't exist, there's no such thing

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okay. So, every time he gives him descriptions of how life keeps it keep those descriptions keep fitting a group of cats until he finally said profit most events said this particular cow should be the following color in in avocado to lead the room to to

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use elemental Nasha. So, he said to them Finally, he said this cow is a cow which has not been yoked

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is normal nor as a coda flaws, the land, right, nor waters the fields. It is not a cow that is used in these kind of didn't do any of those things. And it's a cow free of any blemishes.

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It's also perfect, a perfect and everything.

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So they finally found that

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only one. And we know from last week where they found it, they found it with a man that owns nothing but so Panama the poorest one of the poorest people in the city or in the in the whole town, the whole village, but he owns the perfect cow.

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And a lot of points into that perfect cow. Of course, by the way, the whole thing is a miracle because prophets, Moses didn't know that this guy,

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alone founder. Right? So the description that he gave them does fit one cow and only one cow. You know, if there were two cows

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that fall under that category, they would have said, Okay, which one of them would you like?

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But somehow the description fits only one cup. However, the dilemma, of course that they face was that the man would not let go of his cow. It's his cows property. He said, I'm not going to let you slaughter it. This is the only cow I have. And it's the perfect guy

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you wanted then you have to pay the price. And of course he charged them. its weight in gold.

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Right? So I will and

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then what do they say listen to the to the answer. They when they found that cow, they said to Prophet Musa.

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Now you have told us the truth.

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What does this tell you?

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After they found it, they said, Now you have told us the truth. Now, on average, it will happen. What does that tell you?

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Before he didn't tell him the truth.

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It shows you the reason they kept asking questions were because they were skeptical. They did not trust profitable status.

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They didn't trust him.

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And they were not humble enough to follow the commandment as it was given to them. Finally, when his description did fit one particular and there was no way for him to know that except you know, unless it was how that informed him how to interpret the most, you know, kept getting those all these description that will only fit one count. Then when they realize that this was a serious matter, and this prophet Musa did receive this from us, they said oh, now you have brought us to the truth or you brought us the truth. And it didn't happen.

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Which which is of course very disrespectful, because they're implying that before he didn't.

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Then as a punishment, they had to pay the price and loss of hadn't made that man charged them. It's weakened gold, energy to help further the whole. Then they slaughtered it. And a loss of habitat exposes them by say, one man can do it alone.

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They sacrificed although they almost did not. They didn't want. They were resisting. They were rejecting they were hesitant, you know, they were they were delaying, they were putting off the whole thing, because they didn't want then what happened Allah subhanho wa Taala Of course, order them to strike the

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victim with apart from its flesh.

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You know, strike the person with a piece of it.

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And he bought he was brought back to life. He sat he sat up and then he pointed to his killer.

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Again, from this story and from the instruction

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of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam learned not to ask too many questions, when the profitable is an organism to do something,

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I will conclude with this thought.

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And this is the beauty of Sharia. Sometimes people might come and say, why do we have so many opinions or so many ways or so many schools or schools of thought? You know, when we pray certainly in our positions, you know, very differences among some of that hanafy shot a humbly Maliki

00:30:34 --> 00:30:44

Why Why are they all button Allah subhanaw taala give us like, you know, do this like, like, like, very clear cut to the point description? Why do we have all these differences?

00:30:46 --> 00:30:59

First of all, this is how it was and how it kind of wanted his Sharia to be, so it would be suitable until the end of time, and so that it would have a level of flexibility. Number two,

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and this is this is what i what i what i think, with my limited knowledge, would be the most profound and most important

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the Sharia will, if it was 12345, like it was with veterans law eight with the children of Israel, then it would have been a very rigid, very dry

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set of laws, just like the constitution or the laws are some of the laws, right, very rigid, no room for interpretation, nothing, you just take it and you follow it want to be clear, everybody goes through it, in essence, no room for people to, to think,

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or to, to research or to do is to hide or to observe their efforts in trying to understand which will weaken their relationship with it. As opposed to a Sharia that has that that has a dynamic nature, where in order for you to understand how to pray, and why and how, and what are the you know, wait, you know, proper ways, you have to what you have to study,

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you have to study, we have to do research, and we have to study the differences of opinions, and the principles upon which those those differences of opinions were based,

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which again, creates what a bond between you and that and that which you study.

00:32:28 --> 00:32:37

Right? Imagine what kind of bond with a good a person who reads 12345678 have

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with something that is just, you know, numbers, basically number one, that's number two, this number three, as opposed to someone else that studies the whole text, and has to go through the text and figure out what what is number one? And what is number two, what is it number three, when you give someone for example, some information that like a bullet, you know,

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bullet points, you know, 123456, you know, usually people just look at, right, and they go to the point which whichever point they want, and as opposed to giving someone a passage where they have to go through the whole thing and read through and figure out what is what, what is one what is two, what is three, what is four, what is five, and and then prioritize them

00:33:23 --> 00:33:35

based on their understanding, based on what suits them based on what they believe is the intention the intent of the of the author or the speaker, right, there's a big difference between the two.

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So this is how lots of how the founder wanted his shediac to be thus encouraging us to exert our efforts and do she had and loss of happiness as those who do she had already Naja had to feed and at the end of sabudana, those who struggle in our cause will guide them will guide them to our path.

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And that's why we believe that the the righteous scholars, the Sahaba and those who came after them and our righteous cows, were all guided, we're all guided and collectively amongst all of them, you will find the truth that is the entire area was preserved. Collectively

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we'll have to have that solid line

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