Mohammed Faqih – Friday Khutbah 05-08-2023

Mohammed Faqih
AI: Summary ©
The importance of remembering to be mindful of one's actions and not to feel like they have nothing to do with them is emphasized. The speaker also emphasizes the need for continuous reflection and small steps towards achieving success in life. The importance of education and sharing knowledge in community settings is emphasized, as well as the need for engagement in the rememb Remember that everyone is a member of the community and should take care of themselves. The speaker also discusses the negative impact of Muslims on society and the need for transparency in publicity. Finally, the speaker talks about upcoming events and a barbecue party at the Midtown.
AI: Transcript ©
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Praise be to Allah subhanho wa Taala we thank him

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We beseech his help and guidance

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and we ask for his forgiveness

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and we seek refuge in Allah azza wa jal from

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the actual and potential evil within ourselves and within our souls.

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And then we reminded my dear brothers and sisters, that whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger is truly guided and whoever doesn't and goes against Allah and His Messenger

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hurts no one but themselves and they have no one to blame except themselves.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in the opening of any speech would remind his community of the following verses from the Quran many of us are so used to them today I wanted to just stop for a moment and reflect

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Yeah, are you levena

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Allahu Akbar to quality he moved on.

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To Muslim on

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oh you believe? Yeah, even living in an AMA? No. Oh, you believe

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it took Allah. Be mindful of Allah to the point where you fear Allah as he should be feared. Your consciousness of ALLAH SubhanA you're thinking of Allah you're aware of Allah, you're mindful of Allah in the Presence of Allah as he deserves to be. Remember subhanho wa Taala

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when Atomo tuna, Illa and Tomas the moon and make sure that you do not die, except in a state of Islam. In other words, make sure that you're always keeping yourself in a state of Islam, you're upon Islam so that when death comes upon you,

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and death comes very often unannounced.

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It's not like you know, when you're going to die, so you always have to be in a state of submission. The state of Islam. Well, Adam Alterna Illa anti Muslim. This This is why one of our daily do is that we should ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah desperately not to take our souls not to end our lives except in the state of Islam.

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Allah Houma, Hina Island Islam which often Allah Eema I mean, our banality, so the worst thing for someone is to live a life of a Muslim.

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And then at the end,

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and with the life of someone who doesn't believe in Islam, when I add them in that this could happen, so never take it for granted. So make sure that you keep yourself

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upon Islam. And you ask Allah Subhana Allah for guidance. This is exactly this is precisely why we pray five times

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Once again we ask Allah for guidance. It's not like because we don't know where guidance is or we don't have guidance, no, because we need guidance continuously.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would remind his community and humanity of the first verse of Surah Nisa chapter four. Yeah, you're here Nashotah guna Docomo, Lady Hanukkah coming nephew Wahida

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Oh mankind oh people. Be mindful of your Lord who created you from a single soul? Well, ha come in has Oh Jaha. And from it, he created his meat. It's a constant reminder, a weekly reminder that were created from a pair a male and a female a man and a woman, Adam and Eve. And it doesn't work any other way by the way.

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Well, the semi nomadic yelling can hear oh when he says

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and from them both. He scattered and created it and reproduced so many men and women, men and women. And that's how we should be.

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We are weekly on a weekly basis we were reminded like as if Subhanallah the the revelation and the promises that are new that will time will come where people will be very confused about these things, or that confusion will be created. So just to help us reset remember, but semi nomadic Jalan Kathira Anisa

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what Takala Hallette, etc. And who's gonna be here? Well our ham. So be mindful of your Lord through whom you demand your mutual rights. What does that mean? When we say by Allah for the sake of Allah, give me this Oh by Allah I did it. We always invoke the name of Allah azza wa jal, whenever we demand something, or when whenever we want something, especially when it's something to our advantage. So Allah says, Be mindful of Allah, whom you call upon whenever you demand your rights.

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Don't only remember Allah whenever you want something.

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Remember Allah subhanaw taala. Always even when something is demanded from you, or when something is when you're obligated to do something, not only when you want something.

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When our ham also be mindful of the

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ties of the wounds, in other words, your kinship

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this very special and important relationship, be mindful of it. Because also people through that that kinship or relationship they demand also their mutual rights. I'm your cousin.

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I'm your older brother, I'm your parent. I'm your child for God's sake.

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Why do you only remember that

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when it's time for you to ask for your right?

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But when it comes to your duty while you're in my child, then you should behave like a child.

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You're my parents, you should act like a parent.

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Not only bring that up whenever you need something, or whenever you're trying to demand something. I'm your husband. acts like a husband, proper husband, I'm your your brother. I'm your cousin for God's sake. Oh, where are you when I was when I needed him.

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So don't only remember these relationships whenever you need something but duckula holiday to say I do want to be here or ham. And Allah puts emphasis on it in the law, how can I leave come rock Eva, Allah is watching over you. 24/7 You're under surveillance. You should remember you shouldn't behave in this life. The way you do when you are in a courtroom standing before the judge.

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As a matter of fact, you should even behave like you know, it's even more than that. The judge may not even be aware of everything.

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may not be aware of all evidence or all the circumstances. But alasa is aware of everything.

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The visible and the things that are not visible to other human beings in the law, how can i lay camera Kiba rocky but someone who's watching you

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all the time.

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And however, I want to pause here for a second and say Allah subhanho wa Taala however does not or this is at least my my observation. I could be wrong. The Quran doesn't does not motivate us through guilt. Oh, shaming doesn't.

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You see the Quran or Allah subhana doesn't guilt us into doing things because Allah doesn't need us. Allah is not desperate for our regard. That Allah subhanaw taala motivates us. As a matter of fact, even when we commit something when we're guilty Allah azza wa jal What does Allah do?

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He opens doors of Rama and opportunities for us to repent Olearia DL Lilina sort of foresee him Latok not only Rahmatullah. Don't, don't despair. Come back to me.

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This is the beauty. You know that day Allah Subhana Allah, Allah is going to guilt his servant. It's going to be too late. That's the Day of Judgment

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It's too late.

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You're not going to have the opportunity to fix it. But now Allah invites us,

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reminds us motivates us Allah Subhana Allah motivates us with love.

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Compassion, Grace, He's inviting us Subhanallah with that. So when I say in hola que la cumbre Kiba don't think of it as if Allah subhanaw taala is just waiting for you to make a mistake because we are making mistakes left and right, we're flawed Yet Allah Subhana Allah continues to give us opportunities and supplies us with so much risk. This says something about Allah subhana with that, but we better wake up before it's too late.

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So that's what this verse that's why the process is plugging or bringing this verse up every every speech not even every Friday.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will close by saying yah, yah, yah, yah Hello, Dina tabula. We're who studied Oh, you who believe. Be mindful of Allah again, and say the right word, be accurate.

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be correct, be upright.

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You're responsible for what you say, if you're responsible for what you say, imagine how responsible you would be for what you do.

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And your code is I mean, we make statements verbal and physical statements.

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Oh, no, I wouldn't said either. Make sure that you're right. Make sure that you You're correct. Make sure that you're fair. Make sure that you are honest.

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And if you do that, if you're committed, you're welcome Allah, Allah will rectify your affairs for you. Things will fall in place.

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You won't have to be in control of every aspect of your life. You don't have to stress out as long as you're doing the right thing.

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At the right time, in the right format, or in the right way for the right reason. Allah Subhana Allah Allah will bless you.

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And again, this is not a call for people to not do anything No. Allah says will call Conan said either do the right thing. Doing the right thing requires a lot of effort.

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It's required some results. Sobral patients, it's not easy to do. The Right Thing is, as a matter of fact, the opposite is very easy. Don't do anything, or do the wrong thing. Temptations are there. But doing the right thing requires courage. It requires amazing sets of you know great sets of qualities and attributes.

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But Allah promises that if you if we do the right thing and say the right thing, use the Halacha amalgam Allah will take care of your affairs for you. Wherever you're lucky don't overcome any your mistakes because you're not going to go into be to, to do or say the right thing all the time, you will make mistakes. It's okay. Well, good luck with the new Baucom Allah will forgive you your sense. All right.

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Well, Manuel de la Hoya rasool Allah and if you do your best to obey Allah and His messenger for God fires of Holies and Athena, that is the ultimate triumph and victory, obeying Allah and His messenger.

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As we're approaching this new school year, and I know many parents mashallah they're so excited.

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Finally, summer is over.

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And a new year is going to start and some people are very anxious. And I know many of the

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youth that I spoke to, they're not ready. They would like life to be summer vacation.

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I'm like, it's gonna be boring. What's the what's the point? I don't know. I used to be excited about the school year, new job, new shoes, new everything new, you know, new people, sometimes new teachers, but I don't know what is going on with this generation. They're like, No.

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All right. So as parents, we're like we're excited New Year, but you know what that means.

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It means new opportunities, as well as new challenges. It means that a year went by, it means that we're closer

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to our destination, it means that time has passed. And I would like to remind myself and my beloved community here of what Allah Subhana Allah said about this process of time passing, Allah azza wa jal says well as in a short sutra, that we need to very frequently reflect upon while us by the time Allah swears by the time also means time, you know, time period, it means an era. And it also means the also period or the period of the day, this extended period of time of the day, the afternoon, when us by time Allah subhanaw taala swears by time because it's the most significant element.

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It's time is the dimension and the space in which all of these things happen.

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If it wasn't for time, we would have not we will cease to exist.

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So time is what allows us time is opportunity.

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So Allah says, well us by the time Allah Subhana Allah swears in then in Santa Fe M. It's very interesting that Joab al Qassam, that the the, the the, the statement, in which Allah azza wa jal make mentioned is a fact, actually tells us that with the passage of time we are suffering loss in that in Santa Fe, because human being is in a perpetual state of loss we're losing

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in an in Santa Fe, because that is the default. We're losing people think, Oh, they're getting Oh, my Shala Yeah, again, another No you didn't gain a year you lost a year, every birthday that comes, you're actually losing something.

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In an in Santa Fe, of course, we are losing, we're losing physically, mentally, in every aspect. Obviously, there are gains that we make, then we reach a particular we reach the pinnacle of our, you know, youth or strengthen, you know, cognitive and physical and everything, and then we start declining.

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But that is a trajectory, we're headed towards loss.

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And if nothing, we're losing time.

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We're losing

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In Atlanta, we are told that you are this time and the passage of time you're losing.

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In Amantha days, every day that passes, we're losing something. Now Allah azza wa jal says, tells us in the third verse of this short Surah, there is an exception to this, there are people who actually offset that loss, and there actually make significant gains. These are people that really live a life that is worth living.

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These are the people who are living everyone else.

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They're distracting themselves. They're acting like, like life doesn't doesn't matter. They're wasting life.

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And they're going to discover that they were living an illusion.

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So Allah azza wa jal says, this exceptional group of people and I want everyone to hear me, especially our youth, and our students and those people, those of you who are who are having great opportunities ahead of you. And I just, you know, maybe in the second football mentioned this Bismillah heeta, Allah being grateful for these opportunities that we have Allah azza wa jal says, Illa Allah Dena Ave, and we all in sha Allah to Allah aspire to belong to this group of people. You're part of that community that Allah subhanaw taala says it's an exceptional community and exceptional group of people. Why? Because they have four qualities because they master four

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qualities because they are committed to four qualities Alladhina amanu those who believe in Allah subhana wa Tala and Eman is a product of knowledge.

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And a school year provides you with knowledge it's supposed to make you better and greater is supposed to help you get to know Allah azza wa jal and yourself in this life better.

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It's supposed to make you a better person, you should be excited about it.

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In Alladhina, Amanu, except those who believe in again, belief is not just an emotion. It's a conviction. Conviction comes from knowledge from information from authentic knowledge. And Allah azza wa jal supplies us with that Allah gave it to us as a gift, divine guidance and intellect that processes that divine guidance and so many other learning opportunities that we have

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learned that while I'm you know, sorry hat and on top of that they're they produce they act upon that faith of theirs, they do righteous deeds, they're not just people who are Yeah, of course, I know what is right and what is wrong, but they actually do it. I'm going to find out how they do righteous deeds, deeds that are sincere and deeds that are correct because they conform to the tradition of the best exemplar, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam The best example for humanity Muhammad salah, listen. So these these are described as righteous.

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This word righteous deeds encompasses both sincere because it's pure and it's for the sake of Allah, you're doing it for the right reason, and you're also doing it in the right format.

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And he tried to excel

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being inspired by the example of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and you're persistent. These are all features of Al Hamdulillah Salah maybe we should dedicate a lecture for Inshallah, what are the features what really constitutes I'm Allah Saleh Allah

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so they have these two qualities what I'm so sorry, had what I was hoping will help what's also the sub and they enjoying the truth. They stand up for the truth. They are upon the truth. They seek the truth.

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They advocate for

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The truth

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they remind one another of the truth they're committed to the truth help

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will also be sovereign and sovereign.

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And tonight inshallah to Allah will do some reflections. Dr. Bashar Shala myself Inshallah, as we get after the show, you're all invited, inshallah has reason to join us and maybe those of you who did not get a chance to offer their condolences to Dr. Bashar and his family, today is the third day so inshallah to Allah tonight you know, he will be with us inshallah for Salah to Asia, and after the show we'll have reflections on the chapter of southern inshallah as well from Riyadh Saudi, just a conversation about Southern

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so this is these are the four features and you we all belong to this community that is committed to those four features.

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So rejoice and be excited and prepare in sha Allah to Allah for a great opportunity and for inshallah a better

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academic year may Allah azza wa jal give guidance and success. May Allah give tofield success to all of our students and our teachers and our educators and we're all students and learners and seekers of knowledge. May Allah subhanaw taala make this a blessed and productive year for all of them insha Allah to Allah preserve them protect them, May this year be a year that will bring them closer inshallah to that to the ultimate

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to the ultimate success. That is the success in this in a worldly fashion as well as, as with regards to their Asherah be the light and So may Allah We ask Allah azza wa jal for the best within this year, allotment and Ahsoka Pharaoh had in fact one of Surah one ora Hua Baraka, Hua Hua, when will they become Sherry Murphy who shall be my brother Coloma Samia to myself or Allah, Allah Allah confessor grovia felucca in the hallway

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Alhamdulillah Ahmed, who was saying, Sophia who was Sadie who are all related to Allah Mysuru them for tsunami say, Medina, or saldi will sell him Allah Salatu was Salam ala

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Lakota Allah in Allahu Allah Lunarlon the beat Yeah, you're living in an animal Salah Ali who are selling water sliema Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Abdullah rasool Allah can Nabil me while he was watching although reality can also later live Rahim Ali Ibrahim Mubarak and I'm humbled in the Quran. sunnah can never use me while early you as well. He was already come about ACTA Ibrahima Ali Ibrahim indica Homido Majeed

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just quick few just reflections or pieces of advice for myself and for you know, members of our community families

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of that have students whether your child goes to a private school and Islamic school or public school, whether they're in whatever grade level they may be in, we're all students. We're all learners. And obviously, I urge anyone who's not who doesn't who's who hasn't signed up for some sort of educational program to do so anything whether it's here at the masjid or some

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educational institution, whether it's online, you know, it's it would be really

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actually, it would be it would be a serious loss if everyone around you is progressing and learning and you're not.

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So we should a believer by default is a student and a seeker of knowledge.

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Right we're told to seek knowledge from minimal medical a lot from from the cradle to the grave.

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As long as we have that, you know that mental or cognitive capacity you're supposed to be to be seeking knowledge and gaining knowledge every day. The process I'm teaches us that we should start our day with as soon as you finish your prayer, the prophet teaches us to say Allahumma in me, I said, Okay, really man Nafisa? Oh, Allah asked me for beneficial knowledge, I should gain something.

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So it would be a great idea for all of our community members, regardless of what age group you belong to sign up for something, it could be online, they Shala we're going to have a lot of Inshallah, tada educational programs here as well.

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So, so we should, we should we should all be, you know, learning and gaining something and then when you learn something, implement it, and teach it to others, share it with other people. So one of the things that I would love to see this year Inshallah, you know, we have great, talented, highly educated people on how we're blessed in this community. We want everyone's participation. Come and join. Join us and share your experience and share your expertise and share your insights and share your knowledge and share your information. Don't be stingy knowledge is something that if you give Allah will bless it and

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It will increase, and Allah will reward you. And they say it's a cat when the real me doesn't look

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there's a car. There's, there's there is a tax that you have to pay when it comes to knowledge. If you possess beneficial knowledge, you should share it with people, starting with your family members.

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So let this be, you know, community wide commitment. And for all of us, we all we all do this and have positive attitudes about it. And it's actually helps it's going to help correct this negative attitude towards learning and seeking knowledge. It's not going to be a boring, everybody's learning. We're all we're all about to leave. And remember, you know, one thing I said to the youth the other day from salah, they said, I said duniya MeLuna Melona mafia, this world is cursed, everything in it is cursed, except for two things. Allah the Quran, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, except the remembrance of Allah and anything that is of that nature. Aladdin AMITA Alima, or

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a scholar, who is sharing their knowledge and acting upon their knowledge, or a seeker of knowledge.

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Everyone else, everything else is a waste, and it's cursed.

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So to save ourselves from that, we have to be engaged in the remembrance of Allah and obviously, you know, we're not going to be always in the state of remembrance. So the other thing that we need to preoccupy ourselves with is seeking knowledge or sharing knowledge Illa Allah in the Quran, Muhammad, Allah, Allah or animal. So that's the first piece of advice, our households regardless again, whether you have a student or not, it should be houses like it used to be during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where we are all learning and seeking knowledge and sharing knowledge should be based upon that inshallah to Allah. Number two.

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We should

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for for those of us who have children, we should take this this process seriously, not only at the beginning of the year, but throughout the whole year, and be available and be present and connect, connect with those whom our children are learning from, in a positive way. So I urge you parents connect with your student with your children's teachers, we need to know who are the people who are influencing our children, and educating them, we need to know them in a positive way, not in a positive way. Because some people they're like, I'm watching you don't say anything wrong to my child. My child is an angel, my child is perfect. So why did he send them to school?

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You know, in the old days, they used to call teachers who Adib

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a person that disciplines What did they teach them added before they give them the information.

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And that's why some of the Imams said they said, We need other more than we need.

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Knowledge with little IW can accomplish so much. With with much Adam, you can you can do so much with little knowledge. But if you have a lot of knowledge, but you lack added is a recipe for disaster, people will have information, but they do not have have added they don't have morality.

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They have a potential to destroy the world.

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Because they don't have either.

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So it's very important that we connect with those people who are educating and influencing our children in a positive way, for the betterment and for the growth of our children. So be involved, be involved. If your child goes to a private school, be involved. If your child goes to an Islamic school, be involved, be present, be available, volunteer participate, if your child goes to public school be involved. You know, it's really sad to see that Muslims are not participating in the school districts and the various why not? We need to be present. We can't just we cannot demand different things and accommodations and all of that if we are invisible. We don't want to be seen.

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Oh no, what are they gonna say up you know, be present and look at what happened. And I will conclude with this. Inshallah. There's a lot actually that I wanted to say. But I'll conclude with this. Look at what happened. Muslims now are being interviewed.

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Because in various school districts, they're leading the fight against immorality, and they're speaking against sexual deviance.

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And they have substance, they're bringing something to the table. So now you're seeing bearded men and

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sisters in hijab and whether you agree with them, and I'm not necessarily endorsing everyone who's speaking on behalf of Muslims. I'm just saying that we're now being visible. You know, imagine Muslims being interviewed on Fox News.

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And their people that used to, at some point used to bash us.

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It accused us

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all kinds of nonsense out there wow you guys have something to offer Marshall not much else I mean this mashallah

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Wow great. What else can you tell me Mr. You

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know they're, they're speaking and people are listening to them be in won't be evil and as I said we have religion that offers great solutions for the world's most complicated issues and problems why are we holding back?

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Why are we holding back humanity needs this so we need to assume our role My dear brothers and sisters

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so ask Allah azza wa jal to to make us for those who listen and follow the best of what they listen to ask Allah to keep us inspired to keep us upon the right paths. May Allah subhanaw taala make you and I have those who advocate for what is right and forbid and stop against what is evil. Stand against what is evil May Allah subhanaw taala make us of those who stand up for justice Roberts a couple midnight in a kind of semi Hollywood rally in a in the capitol well Rahim Allah manana so can we do better romantic wiser mmm theoretical celebrity Nicolas Milani Mm hm equilibria will pose a real genuine legitimate and now we've had Allah in Allah has said when he tell you that by mainhand

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fascia it will move through a year we will look into the Quran with Corolla has corkscrew Halen and he has it melodic Allah Akbar Allahu Allahu.

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Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. I shall

00:36:27 --> 00:36:41

either Hallo law as Hadwen Mohammad Rasool Allah. Hi al salam Hey Alan feather. God Almighty Salah calm at is Salah. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar.

00:36:43 --> 00:36:45

Isla Hallo more

00:36:49 --> 00:36:53

so sorry, what'd you do? This brother? Here

00:36:56 --> 00:36:57

are we good in the back of Shala

00:37:04 --> 00:37:05

Allahu Akbar

00:37:15 --> 00:37:47

Alhamdulillah bill I mean, a more manual more Haim. Maddy killing me Dini e EQ and I go doing e EQ and a staring at the No sweat off on it and was stepping sweat off on levena and I'm doubting him. Well, you know, movie I ain't him when I'm on clean. Me in

00:37:57 --> 00:38:03

what in I mean, Neil kita Vina ma mi n OB, languor,

00:38:04 --> 00:38:04


00:38:07 --> 00:38:26

Xena em? Ha Shireen and he Hina Ich don't want to be a yeti Lehi Femme and bon Isla Hola, he got a warm add your own million dollar meme in a monastery in your own haste?

00:38:28 --> 00:38:32

Yeah, you're loving man. Oh SMIL Slavia

00:38:34 --> 00:38:42

What duckula And I like him too to flee rune Allahu Akbar.

00:38:50 --> 00:38:53

semirara along with even Hamidah

00:38:56 --> 00:38:57


00:39:05 --> 00:39:07

a long work bone

00:39:12 --> 00:39:13

long work though

00:39:22 --> 00:39:23

along with

00:39:27 --> 00:39:33

Al Hamdulillah he'll be like any other man hold on him.

00:39:35 --> 00:39:59

Maddie Kia oni Dean. Er can Arbo doing e ek and a staring at the No sweat off on him was Stephanie slid off on Levine and Nanda ie him or email moving him more easily.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:01


00:40:06 --> 00:40:24

well now sorry in Santa Fe wholesome in LA Latina man why um you know Somali hat whatever else on will be happy whatever well some will be slugger Allahu Akbar

00:40:32 --> 00:40:34

semi I'm long when even Hamidah

00:40:39 --> 00:40:40

Allahu Akbar

00:40:50 --> 00:40:51

Allahu Akbar

00:40:57 --> 00:40:59

lot of work though

00:41:07 --> 00:41:08

along with

00:41:13 --> 00:41:14


00:41:40 --> 00:41:47

Salam Wani kumara wa salam, Rani kumara

00:41:49 --> 00:41:51

Sofala Sophie

00:42:38 --> 00:43:15

Salam Alaikum everyone. We have a few announcements sha Allah if you have one second, tomorrow will be the final grilling whoo this year. So tomorrow we will have barbecue at 6:30pm gotta be in the gazebo Shala all of you are welcome. Bring your family enjoy the barbecue outside and socialize as well. Tomorrow there will be back to school giveaway and a block party at the Midtown mosque 11 o'clock in the morning as well. Tomorrow back to school, you can come pick up and help out with the school supplies and if you have any kids going to school. Also

00:43:16 --> 00:43:32

the south hallway there are spinach from our garden and my C's garden. So feel free to take some for your family. There are some fruits for sale as well from the garden. So make sure to check them out on your way to the Kamala Harris Chronicle.

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