Mohammad Elshinawy – Carve This Memory into Their Minds this Ramadan – 05.17.2020

Mohammad Elshinawy
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A representative from a fundraising event is calling to invite attendees to attend a presentation on Islam's annual fundraiser on the 27th of the month. They suggest inviting spouses and parents to help fund the event, as it may be beneficial for those in need. They also express their desire to instill a sense of belonging and responsibility among their attendees.
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I want to come around to La Habra, careto, my dear beloved community members who know they have a very special place in my heart I asked Allah before the month is out, to allow you to secure a very special place in his eyes most importantly, and a very special rank in the heavens, you and your loved ones above man me. Most of you have probably already heard that this Tuesday in sha Allah will be our official annual fundraiser on the 27th night of Ramadan. And we hope that you'll be with us in sha. But I do wish to suggest something that can be far more beneficial, in addition to being with us on that night, and that is to instill in those around you even your spouses, of course your

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children, even your parents, this sense of privilege and the sense of responsibility that Allah has selected us to serve his house. So being very practical to just say, come we're going on a short drive, why Allah's house needs us, and to drop off whatever donation you intended on giving that night, or if you've already given aren't able to give much to give a nominal donation, just for the sake of that living concrete event, being imprinted in their memory so that we admit that pervasive culture can exist, where a laws religion is an honor and a privilege and a duty for us to carry and raise the flag for and that can extend for generations in shallow Todd. It may not reflect in the

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numbers of the fundraising, per se on that very night, but they will surely reflect exponentially in our scale of good deeds when we discover the ripple effects be vanilla for centuries to come. I love you all for the sake of Allah may Allah accept our Ramadan and numerous said I want to go

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