Mohamad Baajour – 333 Sunnahs – Wudu

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a process of washing hands and practicing sun keywords. The process involves repeating washing and rinsing hands, and the goal is to avoid wasting water. The process is recommended for optimal health and involves doing five washing thrice a day.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh soon as of

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the first sunnah, is saying Bismillah before we start though,

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then washing the hands three times, then rinsing the mouth and cleaning the nostrils with water, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used miswak after this step. Running one's fingers through the beard is another sunnah. Similarly, running water through one's fingers and toes.

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When it comes to the head, wiping it back and forth, is a sunnah

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repeating each washing thrice and beginning each action with the right side are also confirmed. Sooners.

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Please do not waste water. Being economical in using water is a sunnah that's a total of 20 Sooners and we perform Moodle five times a day. Please share the spread the fail

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