Mansoor Danish – How to Master Your Emotions at Workplace Abira Consulting

Mansoor Danish
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The importance of mastering emotions at work is discussed, with the speakers advising on practice monitoring one's anger and emotions in critical situations to avoid causing harm to the environment and avoid causing personal backlash. Personal emotions are the strongest behavior, and controlling one's emotions is the first step to keeping control of one's emotions. Practice monitoring one's emotions is crucial to avoiding causing harm to the environment and finding people who will urge him to upset and irritate him.
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Hi everyone, in today's video, we're talking about a very important topic. And that is, how to master emotions at your workplace, how to avoid ego trap. This is an important topic, because often at our workplace will always come across that one or two individual who are always trying to get under the skin, who's always trying to upset us or irritate us. So how are we going to tackle these people? How are we going to manage our emotions when dealing with such people, please remember, your family, your personal life, your relatives, and those who are in your close circle, are often forgiving about your behavior, about your nature about your reaction. So if you tend to be reactive

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with your family members, they may tend to overlook your behavior. But at your workplace, if you try to express these negative emotions, it is going to be detrimental for your professional career. It's a suicide in your professional career. And therefore, this topic becomes extremely critical for all of those out there who have this weakness, where the given to their emotions, they react to a situation with anger with resentment. Now, at the outset, we must understand the consequences of these decisions, or rather the consequence of reacting through your ego or through your emotions, expression of your emotions, what happens generally is that when you are worked up, and you are

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irritated with someone, and you are trying to react to that situation, in a manner, which is not befitting for your workplace, you will be clouded in your vision, you will be clouded in your judgment about the situation. And therefore, any kind of decision that you're going to take in that state of mind, it is going to backfire in the long run, or maybe in the immediate future. Not only is it detrimental for the organization, but it is also as I said, detrimental for your own future at the workplace. And therefore it is extremely critical that you take a backseat, that you take a step back and try to analyze your anger, your emotions, your behavior, before you allow yourself to react

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to that situation. Look, to be rational in a situation so that you don't get into your emotion is easier said than done. In fact, you would be surprised to know that more people think they are rational at the workplace than they actually are. There is a tendency amongst people to think that we are very rational, we know how to handle the situation, but you put them through the test, and you will find that they will start reacting to the situation. Now in the workplace scenario, this can handle your promotion, it can handle your growth in the organization, it will create an image about you which will spread across the organization that here's a person who's very emotional in

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nature, here's a person who's very reactive in nature, here's a person who has no control over his hang anger, he may not be fit to move to the next role, or he may not be fit to lead a large team, you can see the consequences how the management starts to perceive your behavior. Because you were not trying to work on your emotions, you will not try to control your anger, you will not trying to control what I call your ego.

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This is extremely important. I link it to your ego. It's your ego which tells you react to the situation. It's a matter of your personal respect, react to the situation and therefore you given you feel that you have to give a befitting response right down and that's where catastrophe happens. Now, the way you have to become rationale is to practice and believe you me, if you can put this into practice one day at a time, you will see that in no time you would have been able to control a large part of your behavior which was react or what was which was reactive in nature. So how do you do that? Well, first and foremost, when you are faced with a situation where some people are trying

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to make personal remarks, or some people are trying to say things which are disrespectful, where you are feeling worked up, the first thing to do is to withdraw from the situation. I have a remote control here. This is your emotions. Keep your emotions in your control. If you hand over this control into the hands of someone else, they're going to use it against you. So the way to keep keep the emotions under control is to withdraw from the situation. move a step back. Don't give into that situation. You can hold back your reaction, even if it's first

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Know, even if you feel that this may be disrespectful, you can actually find a better solution to it by focusing on the larger picture. Remember, as a leader, you always have to talk from a perspective of what is good for the organization, you're not out there to look for personal glory. So if someone is trying to malign you personally, yes, you can try to settle the scores there. But in trying to settle the scores, don't make it a personal ego clash. Because when you do that, you are going for personal glory, rather than looking at what's good for the organization. So the first step is to get a better control of your emotion by not reacting into the situation by giving into the situation.

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The second thing is, and this is a practice which you have to do is you have to take a step back and ask yourself, why is it that I am reactive in nature? Why is it for example, when I'm driving on the road, and if somebody changes the car lane and move into my lane? It upsets me, it irritates me, it irks me to the point that it leads to road rage or road fury. Why? Why am I giving him? Why am I so weak, that I have no control over my emotion, as the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, beautifully articulated that strongest is a man who has control over his emotions. He is not the one who wrestles is not the one who shows Fury is not the one who shows anger, he is not the one

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who is reactive, but rather, he is one who takes a step back and takes control over his emotions. That's what we've been talking in so many words in this video of us today. So there are two important steps that I'm sharing with you. The first is to take a step back. So if you have to react to a situation, you do that by taking a step back, and not uttering a word at that situation, ask yourself, Do I really need to respond to this? Is this going to help me in my career in my profession, is it for the benefit of the organization? If it isn't, then I can settle the score later on a later date. At that moment, I need to take control of my emotions. Now, when you do that,

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you are now seen as a person who has control over his emotion. When he is faced with difficult situation. He is not reactive. Rather, he looks at the larger picture. He looks at the larger good of the organization. Look, my friends, it's challenging, isn't it? But that's the beauty about workplace that it is a game of strategy that you're playing at your workplace. So you are going to face challenges. You will find people who will try to urge you to irritate you to upset you. But like I said, the strongest is He who controls his emotion in the words of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him with that will leave you in this video. Please share your thoughts.

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Share your experiences, and do remember to share this video with more people so that they can also benefit from this. Thank you for watching this video.

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