Karim Abuzaid – Abu Bakr As Siddique Part 1

Karim Abuzaid
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallua Alayhi wa sallam is a title given to the Prophet's son Omar, and the importance of the Prophet's statement in the context of the current crisis is emphasized. The history of Islam is discussed, including Omar's stance on the declaration of Islam and his actions of apologizing to his companions and killing people. The speaker also touches on Omar's records and reciting the Prophet sallua Alayhi wa sallam's words and actions, including his actions of apologizing to his companions and his actions of killing people. The speaker also mentions the upcoming episode of reassurance from the previous leader and the story of the Prophet sallua Alayhi wa Sallam LinkedIn.
AI: Transcript ©
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rarely did

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Mohammed's message

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the prophets faithful friend trusted and protected him, his love had no end.

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Aim companion

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no kondalilla mahana steinhorn istockphoto

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when our Villa Himanshu fujinami Satya Molina

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mejor de la hufa Mobile Ella lil feller, her the Ala Wai shadow Allah Illa Illa Allah who after hula shriek Allah

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wa shadow anessa Donna went to Vienna Mohammedan Abdullah he was a solo brothers and sisters in Islam, as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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second of the two, I will work with us to do

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what an honor to talk about this companion, the beloved Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the man

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if you place in one side of the scale, and the rest of the oma, and the other side of the scale, he will outweigh all the oma and this is not my statement. This is the statement of our top or the last one. And it is fi Muslim Imam

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Omar katabi, Allah Han said leucaena. Eman Avi bachlin, the man in oma lalaji Hi, Emmanuel Aviva

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brothers and sisters in Islam.

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A lot of speakers, scholars, who speak about the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are so negligent of this companion.

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it is time maybe in this series, that we talk about our Casa de cada Viola one sufficiently

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intentionally or to begin with, I have decided

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not to go into the biography of the companions, rather to talk about some of the events.

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But I decided to stress on a vehicle so they could have the allow one because of his nearness to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Add to this, the negligence that a lot of the speakers, a lot of the hotel that those who speak in Juma, they hardly speak about him. They always talk about Omar, they always talk about the rest of the companions, but very few, they will talk about Abu Bakr Saudi Arabia, Oman, and you know why? Because Abu Bakr, viola Han, was always next to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So you would have to focus on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but brothers and sisters in Islam, yet but Allah, Allah refuses one Muslim moon and the Muslims, that anyone takes precedence ahead of our workers ahead of Aviva Casa de la de la Juan.

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Not even Alibaba Vitaly, not even Alibaba Vitaly, listen to this hadith.

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And how do you say hello Buhari.

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And the narrator of this of this hadith is Mohammed ignore Ali ignore Abu Talib. Muhammad, the son of Ali ignited the authority and I'm intentionally bringing in this hadith. And I know some people would understand what I'm saying.

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Muhammad, he is the son of Abu hanifa that's his cornea. That is how how he is knowing.

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He asked his father one day yeah Betty my father Yeah, Abby. Men hi Yo, Nancy Bader rasulillah. Who is the best of people after the Messenger of Allah. You know what Ali Abu Talib said Abu Bakr so the

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then he asked Then who? He said Oh, Naveen Omar,

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Allah Juan.

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Muhammad, the son of Alibaba Talib said, and I became afraid to ask him then who then he would say of marijuana.

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So I decided to ask him then you my father.

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He said Dr. Boone. I my son Anna

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Don't write your own mean and muslimeen I'm just a man from the Muslims. Yeah, Allah. Ya Allah that generation brothers and sisters in Islam, I'm just a Muslim. I'm trying to make it. Don't even give me any preference. This is the authority but are the alone. Brothers and sisters in Islam, it was narrated

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for the Muslim Imam good chain of narration as a matter of fact, efma checker Rahim Allah authenticated that chain of narration and he said

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that Taliban avatar lived in Kufa in Iraq more than one time, more than two times more than three times all was he would say hi euro heavy Hill da da rasulillah abou Buck was

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the best of this oma after the Messenger of Allah is over Casa de un Amara top brothers and sisters in Islam, FEMA Gemma's Pavani Olive Nepali himself said Ali Vitali himself said her euro her the hill oma the best of this oma after Rasulullah rasulillah after the Messenger of Allah is Abu Bakr Casa de la Mora is Abu Bakr Siddiq and Omar bukata Wada G. Tommy Oh bo bo home, the call will be more men. And my love if you claim that you love him, and at the same time, you hate Abu Bakr and Omar, those two feelings cannot stay together in a heart of a believer in the heart of a believer, brothers and sisters in Islam.

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Omar cannot even take precedence ahead of Aviva Casa de yes yet but Allah, Allah refuses and the Muslims refuses. And this is the statement. This is the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and Abdullah Luciana, the yellow one, and the Hadith will Muslim officially tirmidhi when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became his ill his final illness. And towards the beginning of it, Abdullah even as Emma was sitting with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then Bilal called the other end, and then he came to ask the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to come and lead the Salah. Of course, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very sick was already

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very sick, and he could not leave bed and he told me, he asked one of the companions to hit you to lead you in the Salah. Bilal went outside Abu Bakr was absent. Abu Bakr was not there. But he saw Omar top Ravi Allahu Allah. And he asked Omar to lead the Salah. Of course Omar had a very loud voice, he would say Allahu Akbar, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard his tech be in his bed, and he said, Where is where is our work? Where is our work? Yeah, by law, Allah refuses and the Muslims refuses that anyone takes precedence ahead of Aviva Casa de

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Filippo hario Muslim, and Hadassah Chateau de la. Of course, this hadith as I just quoted, was at the beginning of his sickness, later on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would actually name a book, when the time for the Salah is here, and the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would already know that Abu Bakr so deep, cannot come to lead the Salah. He would say literally to Asia, or to have moral value, suddenly Venus command will work to lead the Salah. At one occasion, at one time, I said to the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, yar rasulillah, all messenger of Allah in the record in origin se if a worker is very soft and hard, and when he recites

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the Quran, he weeps and he cries, and the companions would not be able to hear his recitation, and at one time, I shall not be alone. This is the daughter of a work on, she asked hafsa to ask the Prophet sallallahu wasallam to allow Omar to lead the Salah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam repeated the statement moral values only been as as a worker to lead the Salah. When hafsa asked him again he said, Let Anton nasarah

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You are the companions of Yusuf, he's referring to the women and their fitna with use of Of course, this is a very angry tone, expressing the fact that no one shall take any precedence ahead of Aviva so deep in this oma

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brothers and sisters in Islam, I have never seen a relationship between

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to individuals that is filled with love, as I have seen that relationship between the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Abu Bakr so deep. Yeah Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam expressed this in words and in action,

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in words and in action, he always would hang around, I will record so declare the 11 as I generated that he, the prophets of Salaam would always come and visit us in the morning and at night. When I'm one of the last out of the 11 and the Hadith, Al Bukhari asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yat rasulillah old messenger of Allah, men a hub Vanessa LA, who is the person that you love most Carla Asia. He said, listen, listen. Listen, my brothers and sisters in Islam, there are people who go after the mother of the believers hear what your messenger said, their beloved to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam stay away from her. She is your mother, she is your mother, stay away

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from her. He said I Isha about the 1111 said, O Messenger of Allah from them in MENA region. Kala Abu ha, he said her father, Abu Bakr Siddiq, then who own messenger of Allah, then Omar Abdullah, probably Allah one. Brothers and sisters in Islam

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually expressed this love that he had for our workers to do karate alone in a situation that is so unique, and the one who was part of that situation was the low and just to let you know that how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had that love for Abu Bakr because Abu Bakr Siddiq was the one who comforted the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, well, he knew his heart. And if he said that he can have an exchange of narration, there is some narrators who are weak, but it was it has supporting evidence from a hadith that is quoted by a bass about the Allahu anhu Murphy a little earlier than that,

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okay. The overall meanings of the two statements that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, When I came to people telling them that I'm the Messenger of Allah, I'm inviting you to Islam. None of them but he asked why he had a cup while he was hesitant to accept Abu Bakr of Saudi Arabia lavon I came to him and I told him and the Messenger of Allah abubaker believe c'est la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, he did not ask one question. He said, a shadow Allah, Allah illallah wa shadow, Muhammad Rasul Allah.

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Let's take a short break and come back talking about Avi records. The second of the two 30th name will be Allah one. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Choose whom he wins Subhana Allah Allah for his mercy for his messenger ship, for the revelation to be revealed. This is not for the human beings to make that decision. If a person would turn to our last panel to Alison Seeley, truthfully, asking for forgiveness, Allah Subhana Allah promised to forgive, we have as Muslims a duty and that is to recite the book of Allah, to ponder over the verses the words of Allah Subhana Allah, and to act according to the the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala encompasses everything, but it who would this mercy will be for, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was sent to all mankind. So the oma are the people of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, all

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mankind since the time of the prophets or send them till the Day of death. Why waste our life without getting to know every verse in the Quran? What Allah subhanaw taala wants from us.

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Brothers and sisters in Islam as Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Welcome back to righteous companions before the break. I will

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I mentioned that there was that amount of love, there is.

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You cannot even talk about it. You have to experience it. I have never seen two individuals, two brothers, two individuals loving one another so much like Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and aboubaker so they have a loved one.

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And like I mentioned, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam expressed this in words. Once he was asked about the most beloved by amrinder, asked for the long run, as it is mentioned inside Buhari, the most beloved, you are messenger of Allah from the men, he said, Abu Bakr Sadiq and he actually expressed this in action. And listen to this.

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The Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari Hadith ebitdar, there are the Allah one that mentioned that there was a quarrelsome, there was a debate or some argument between Abu Bakr Sadiq and Omar mahapatra delavan. Abu Bakr kind of overdid it with Omar. And he retreated. He wanted to basically apologize to Mr. Bill hottub, or the other one for what he said. Omar refused his apology.

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Our workers to do karate Allah one became upset. And he decided to go to the comfort zone, where he finds his comfort with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he approached the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he was sitting with the rest of the companions, and he was lifting his garment in his hand, and you can tell that he's unhappy. There is something wrong. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that his that is his friend, he knows there is something wrong in his face. He looked at his companions and he said, I'm sorry. Hey, welcome takahama

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I can tell there is something wrong with Abu Bakr Sadiq when Abu Bakr Siddiq approached the gathering about the law one, he said As salam aleikum, wa rahmatullah and the Rasul sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked him, What is wrong about

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Abu Bakr so different 11 to the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, O Messenger of Allah. I did something wrong to Omar. And I wanted to apologize to him, but he would not accept my apology.

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And I feel bad about it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this young Pharaoh la hulak, a

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young Pharaoh la Holika.

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Young Pharaoh la Holika walk by ALLAH forgive you about three times. After a while. Omar already felt that he made a mistake not to accept the apology of our workers at the Columbia Law one. So he immediately went to the house of Abu Bakr of Saudi Arabia law one, ask him where he is so he can make up with him. Where is Abu Bakar he asked Abu Bakr his family, they said he is not here. He already knew. If he is not in his house, he must be with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he looked for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he went there when the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So Omar rhodiola, one approaching the crowd, Turner our Navy, he became

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so angry, Abu Bakr Siddiq immediately filled that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will speak will speak in an angry tone to honorable hopper. And he may say something that is not maybe good for Omar to be said to him, and he stood up and he pleased his knees in the ground and he said Dr. rasulillah, oh messenger of Allah, Allah, he needs to have one by Allah. I'm the one who wronged him. Please forgive him or messenger of Allah, by Allah. I was the one who wronged Omar basically trying to get the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to come down. The Prophet salallahu alaihe salam was angry for his beloved friend Ababa Casa de dinero sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looked at

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his companions when they were sitting, and including Omar.

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And he said, I Johan nurse or mankind, oh people, lucky to come. I came to you with Islam. And they said you lie than others. They said, No, I'm not going to accept it and others were hesitant. And when I came to Abu Bakr, Casa de Colombia, la one, they said, Sadat, he said, You spoke the truth. I'm going to believe in what you believe in, and I'm going to give you all what I have. I'm going to give you all my family, all my wealth, everything that I have for this Deen brothers and sisters in Islam.

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Even Abu Bakr expressed that love.

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He expressed the love to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in more than one occasion.

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When the disbelievers one day were harming the Prophet sallallahu

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Alia Sallam he rushed to the Kaaba rescuing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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calling them are you killing someone who is saying La ilaha illa Allah at up to Luna La Jolla, Nicole, Robbie Allah

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and the event of the hijra brothers and sisters in Islam, fishin and very happy and we know that it has some authenticity issues in it, but I'm going to quote to you another Hadith. FISA al Bukhari and in Varanasi are the Allahu Abu Bakr Sadiq is the narrator of this hadith. He said after the duration of time that they spent in the cave

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the cave in their way to Medina migrating and fleeing from the disbelievers in Mecca. We know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hid in a cave sold for almost three nights. So they are in their way to Medina. And they will walk in in the desert

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our workers to do karate Allah and said it was so hot for karma call him over here. It is extremely hot and those who went to Mecca and they would know what I'm talking about. There is no shade, I will work around the desert, looking for shade, trying to find shade for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to be shaded under until he found the rock and still had some shade underneath it. He went and he brought a mat or a garment, a garment and he placed it under this rock and he said Burj Al rasulillah sleep or messenger of Allah, you're tired, and it's so hot, get a break or messenger of Allah, our Casa de who's also experiencing the same hardship, but he is caring about

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his companion, caring about his friend. Actually, at the beginning of this hadith he said that I used to work in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then I go back and I walk behind him, because I'm afraid someone is going to come and harm him from the front of him. And I was afraid that someone is going to come and harm him from the back of the back of the prophet SAW Selim. Look at them the amount of care that he had for our workers for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Then I saw a shepherd coming down with his flocks. And I asked him to give us some milk. So we milk one of the sheep, and I made sure that it's placed in a container where it will make the milk a little bit cold for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam to drink. Look what our workers so the head of Yamaha said is SRA br rasulillah drink or messenger of Allah for Sherry bahat The,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam kept drinking milk until I became satisfied that he had enough year Allah or that incident, you know, after the conquest of Mecca, the father of Allah so these are the upper half of you half of the Allah one was not a Muslim yet. He is one of the last of the family members of our workers, who became a Muslim, the father of

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the loved one, and he was in Mecca. And when the messenger came and conquered Mecca with the Muslims,

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Rasool sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Abu Bakr Siddiq are sitting down, and Abu Bakr Casa de bruit, his very old father, he had a beard, so white, very old father, so that he would basically become a Muslim in front of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, and he would say a shadow a la ilaha illallah wa shadow Ana Mohammed Rasulullah.

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When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw the father of Aviva, he told his friend, why Abu Bakr he brought the old man who should have gone to him. And then when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is hearing the Shahada from the father of Viva Casa de La Hoya and I will record so Dr. de la Han made a statement one law he out of this world called ar rasulillah, by Allah or messenger of Allah. I wish this is your uncle. I wish this is your uncle avatar. Yeah, Allah. We know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he wanted his uncle to be a Muslim so bad. And he became so distressed once his uncle died as a missionary as a Kaffir. To the extent that Allah Subhana Allah

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sent to him gibreel with the verse in Surah, tell us in Nicoletta demon well Akina La Jolla de Manisha you do not guide whom you will but Allah guides whom He wills. So our Casa de la la Juan, knowing the amount of love that he had his for his uncle, he is wishing that his father would be the uncle of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam in order to make his friend happy. Can you find a friendship Can you find love between

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to individuals, then every record is so deep and Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam 30th name it Huma silvar then you name it Huma silvar, second of the two brothers and sisters in Islam. Like I mentioned, I have decided to talk in details in more details about Aviva Casa de Colombia lavon different to the rest of the companions. I will not go through the biography, but I will talk a little bit more specially about our workers of the Villa de la Juan, because he has not got his rights yet from the oma. Therefore, we will talk about him maybe the next episode, and the next episode as well, maybe two more episodes about our karate club 11. Please join us to learn more

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about empirical studies in the series righteous companions till then Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh companion spreading the word

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to the people who need it.

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I really did it.

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Mohammed's message

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the prophets faithful friend trusted protected him his love had no and

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be pleased with him companion in Jannah, or blessing

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the prophets faithful

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