Jamal Zarabozo – Al Fatihah An In Depth Study Part 03

Jamal Zarabozo
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the meaning of the name Islam, including its use in Arabic language, its origins, and its potential cultural confusion. The speakers emphasize the importance of understanding the concept of the Greatest Name and the potential for confusion when used in cultural context. The use of "naada" in Arabic language is discussed, as it is used to describe actions and events related to the creation of the book Mahdi's Work. The title is also used to describe the reputation of the creator, and some speakers claim that the title is not a general term.
AI: Transcript ©
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You got

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to have the lowest.

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And the lower diversity can overshadow one.

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fella today we'll continue with the discussion of the

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last time as we said, that if you look actually at the person that you'll see it is actually a prepositional phrase, it's not a complete sentence. This is if I were to come to you and just say to you in the house. So you'd ask like, what's going on in the house? What do you want me to do with the house was in the house. So there's portions there that had been left out by Alison handler. And as we spoke about from the principles of Arabic language, we can see that the meaning of it is you're invoking Alexander without his blessing and asking Allah subhanaw taala for help, and only Allah subhanaw taala. Basically, in any action that you do, the verb or act as you're going to do

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will come after the dishes. And with the name of Allah subhana wa tada I study and evidence, whatever the case might be.

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So now I want to begin speaking about and

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what is the name that we are invoking? The name of Allah wants to discuss what is the meaning of this word? And what are the implications of this word?

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Basically, the word Allah is a word that appears in the Quran.

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I've heard different estimates. So I'll just give you the smallest number I read at least 2600 times in the

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ER, this gives us an idea of how Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us about himself. And we have a wealth of information about the lesson.

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In the Quran, and the name of Allah.

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There's not a common noun, it is a proper name.

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It doesn't mean God, even God was a little G or a big g as a capital G. But it is actually the name of Allah subhanaw taala. And thus, since it is not a common noun, there's no such thing as a pro to the word of Allah. There's no such thing as a feminine for the word of Allah. Well, for other words, like for example, in English, the word God, you can make it through to God, you can make it feminine and to Goddess and so forth. But Allah is the name of Alyson Hyderabad.

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And it is a unique and properly and what it signifies is the name of that being who has all of the attributes of perfection, and beauty and the infinitude.

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And it denotes only the one and unique gods, the absolute, the Supreme, the mighty, the gracious.

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So it is actually the name of that being in which we can see. And actually we can pull this from the Quran, at this part of the human beings nature, that they know that the Supreme Being, and it is in their nature. So when you study the different religions of the world, and you study the different peoples of the world, you see this, they were all familiar with the idea of there being a supreme being.

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And when they conceptualize it, when they speak about that Supreme Being, they give us the attributes of perfection, they know that there is such a beam that exists. And in general, just the invoking of that name. Just by mentioning the name, it brings about a sense of wonder and a sense of awe and admiration. And obviously, humility, when you speak about the perfect being who is also obviously the creator and the passion and support. This should have some effect on your heart just by thinking about that being. And as I said,

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the concept itself of this being which is perfect and beyond the realm of this universe and beyond the realm of his creation and realize the lore of this creation. This is something that we can find throughout different peoples of the woods. And as I said, it is part of the secret of the human beings. And we also know from the Quran that Allah subhanho wa Taala since prophets to all peoples so perhaps some of their teachings have been remnants of the teaching about Allah subhana wa tada has been preserved.

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Now when you mentioned the name of Allah,

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you are actually mentioning all the Shahada with Allah with all of his divine attributes. So the name of Allah refers only to Allah subhanaw taala it cannot be used for anyone else other than Allah subhanaw taala and in fact, all the other names of Allah subhanho wa Taala are attached to this name. And he for example, almost 400 Dionysus when he lay last night for the obeah Allah has the most beautiful names

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and the heavy food processor

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and processor system said relay to Sona, and Alyssa handwerk. God has 99 names so he's using the name alone.

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So when you mentioned the name alone, you say a lot you're talking about all of the attributes and all of the names of almost 100,000 women.

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So for example, you say that a man or a man is one of the names of Allah. But you do not say that Allah is one of the names of

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the name Allah captures all of the other names and all of the attributes of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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So when you say, Man, for example, when you refer to Allah Subhana, WA Tada, man, you're very obviously to the same beam.

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But when you say, man you are mentioning and attributes in the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That covers some parts of word Allah subhana wa tada is,

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when you say for example, or when you're talking about Allah's mercy, or pointing to his competing mercy, but you are not pointing to His power, His Greatness is perfection is having all knowledge. When you say, manual, I just pointed to that one aspects. Yes, you're talking about Allah subhanaw taala. But in the name of a man, you're just talking about that one aspect. While when you say Allah, you're talking about all of that. So that's why as I said, we say that Ramadan is one of the names of Allah, Rahim is one of the names of Allah. But she did not say that Allah is one of the names.

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And as I said, if you go to the Quran, you will always find this is the case when I listen to what God is being referred to.

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As Nancy referred to as a lot. As in the verse I read that she has the most beautiful men, if you go for example, to the ends of worship, and which Allah Subhana, WA tada brings all of those attributes, those sets of verses, he begins by saying who alone let the light level. And it is the one continuum, there's no other than Him and images, all of those different attributes. And then again, in the second verse, below that he lay,

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again, saying that it is Allah with the one beside him, there's no other data analytical solution, and given those attributes, and then again, we'll load

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so a larger name for all of those attributes of perfection and beauty and completeness.

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And actually, this name has never been used for anyone other than Allah Subhana Allah, even among the Arabs in Geneva. And of course, nowadays, some Christians and some others will try to claim this allows an item that they're used to worship or something of that nature. But actually, if you look in the books of Arabs, who probably should know about

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appears believe, they will tell you that this name has never been used for anyone other than almost

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those idols

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that the Arabs used to worship, they may refer to them as a loud

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gods, but they will never refer to them as alone. And that's why you will find,

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you will find that they knew that the statue is supreme being not those items that they wish but the absolute supreme being the one who created the heavens and the earth, they knew that it was alone. So for example, in one of the many places in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, the length and height of a silhouette you will

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know law, if you ask him who created the heavens in the earth

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at the time of the process, if you ask him who created the heavens and the earth, they will say that it was a lot.

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And also, there's a verse in sort of summary and one of the interpretations of this verse is not the only interpretation but one of the interpretation of this verse. Is that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the only one who has this name. We're looking around with Alice's Haleakala moolah who's Amelia and you know anyone who has the name other than Allah.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala as you said, This name Allah refers to all of the attributes of Allah.

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And this is why many times when we make draw, we say Hola Hola, Hola. Hola means to Allah and it was due to Allah and he calling upon all of his attributes and means

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come to the world. So we know about the Akita, the beliefs about Allah subhanho wa Taala. I'm not going to go into detail here about the different aspects of two eight and so forth. As we come maybe to some verses and we have to highlight certain things. I shall discuss those certain things.

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But keeping with the name of Allah subhana wa Tada. There is

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a difference of opinion among the scholars. Whether or not this name online is a derived name and image or what it is,

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is a name that does not have any derivation.

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Difference between whether or not this is a drive name or whether or not this is a name that doesn't have any duration. Obviously, there's going to be to finish.

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But among those that who says the drive name, then there's other opinions about what is the drive?

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So what we mean by this question is, in other words, this name I love has some relationship to some other Arabic word with a specific meaning.

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That gives us the name Allah? Or is it simply a proper name? That is for almost man with Allah and not actually having any meaning derived from the Arabic language? That's the question. And it doesn't come from something in the Arabic language, Your Honor. So one of the things is it, it says a dragon.

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Those who say it is a dragon, they differ about what is derived from an award is his name, hello come from, probably one of the most common opinions is that it comes from the verb

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and how which means out again.

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So from this roots, you have the word Tila, and actually ILA here is in the meaning of Allah, which means the one that has been made into any law.

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And what is a law being present is made into a law, this means the thing that is the thing that is worshipped. And besides any other who is more than just simply worshipped in the sense of the way some people think about it, some people think of worship just as you do some rituals. And this is worship. inshallah, when we talk about the economic order we'll discuss was the meaning of worship. But here, it is important to know that it means also that this objects that you take as your goods, or as your motto, this object has a very special supreme place in your heart. So it's not just you worship it, in the sense of you do some rights, which were acts with respect to it, but it is

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beloved to you in your heart. So you have a sense of admiration, you have a sense of submission, a sense of humility, towards the thing that you take, has your marbles.

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So this word existed in the Arabic language, ILA has the thing which is very important in the heart, the thing that is submitted to the thing that is dispersed, and actually this ILA, and it is finger someone can worship can be virtually anything. And the case of the motion team, they used to make idols, in the case of Hindus, they have idols also. And the case of the Christians, they have the cross and the supposing Son of God, but it can also be money, someone can worship money, and that will be his ally, that will be the thing that is greatest in his heart. And he submitted would that is the most important thing in his heart. So this shows us that in our when we say, we're not just

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talking about ritual acts, and you might have picked something on the line, you don't do any ritual acts, for existing to the movie, go to his bank account every day,

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as you need

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to handle a dialysis or a 10 minutes a day level Hello.

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Have you seen the one who takes his Hawaii as his ILA. So Hawaii has his desires and the things that he wants. He's taking that as his ILA. Meaning, that is the thing that is most prominent and the thing that he most cares about in his heart. He doesn't have to do any ritual acts towards his desires, he doesn't have to pay for anything. But Allah subhanho wa Taala is describing him as taking his Hawa, his desires as his email. So help us all of the points is clear that the ILA, even if you put it into English as the word God, for example, or the object of worship, it may not convey all of the meanings that we need to understand from the word either. So if you take the word ILA,

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which comes from the root of Allah, which means the object of worship, given what we just said about what object to worship means, you can write it like that, or a more common theme. It's pronounced the same way. Just take out the elephant make the like elephant.

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So you have the word. ILA standing for again, as we said, in my booth, we spoke about, so the different gods that they worship, they call them, God. But if you take ala God, singular, and you say, No, there is no ILA

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began. So we've gone now from talking about Gods and gods, and now we're talking about the guy.

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The gods. Now, it's not unusual in the Arabic language that, especially if it's awards, it's going to be spoken a lot. It's not unusual that a letter might be dropped from the word even if it's written a lot, you know, we look at Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim if you compare it to Arabic

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Larry, hello, what's the difference between the two? And one case you have the right. And then the other case you don't because they're said look, this is when we have to go.

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So, over time becomes your job.

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And it becomes a lot

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becomes a lot

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easier, over time becomes a lot.

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And this is opinion of many scars. Like given

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that this is the root of the word This is where the roots come from, and probably their strongest evidence for the fact that the word Allah is derived and is not to go this

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is a verse in the Quran. In surah Dillingham was three

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goddesses, a whole lot of similarity with it.

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For lo fi similarity, or so here almost ran without saying he is a law in the heavens. And in doing. So he's not saying ILA. He's saying that he is a law and the heavens and the earth. So they're saying that what that means is, he is alila he god of the heavens here.

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And this verse is one of the slowest arguments of those people who say that Allah is the drive word. Otherwise, it's just a proper name. Below somewhere, someone will say this is a proper name. A lot of similar words, it doesn't have any meaning at all a look.

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At least that would be their sponsor. Here's the other side. Also, one of their responses, by the way, is that if this is true that this lF lamb in the beginning of Allah comes from the fact that it was originally the definite article v. The gods.

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Danny in the vocative

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in the book is that when you say for example, all love in Arabic, if you're talking to a professor, for example, you're talking about him and the third person you'll say Allah said, right, but if you're talking to them and talkative, you say, yeah, it was said, you don't use them. If you want to make sure

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you say your upline you don't say Yeah.

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But if you say y'all love, you say y'all love, you don't draw up to this out of love.

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So they say this is evidence that this out of them is from the name itself, it's not something that was added over time, because even if something is added over time, and usually it's going to be in a different situation is going to be fixed to go back to the zoo. So they argue that this is a sign that this is not a dragon.

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Another possibility for the roots of it, the same three letters but the verb earlier,

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earlier. So they say a lot comes from the verb

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means is where the mind becomes confused and perplexed.

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By just stop right there maybe sounds a little strange.

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But this is where the mind becomes confused and perplexed, because of the greatness or majesty of something.

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So here we're talking about the greatness or the majesty of God.

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So when the person thinks about this being, when he feels in the presence of this game, then his mind is overcome by it. As if he had mentioned pushing gets to the point that he doesn't want to have anything to do with humans, he wants to just inclined towards this object that has put him in this state.

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That's another possible

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meaning other denote possible meaning of it comes from the verb and the transitive Allahu

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Allahu, which means he protected him. And in

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this case means seeking refuge protection, and aid for preservation to say, to rescue to deliver from evil to render one faith and security.

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So here are what's the implication of this meaning is that in Allah This is where the person goes, in case of fear, in the case of danger, when he wants tranquility when he was thinking, he turns to all of us and he turns to this thing that is doing the act of protecting him.

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And the Quran also says it is by the remembrance of Allah that the hearts become tranquil.

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But the most widely held position among those who say it is DRS is it comes from Ella.

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It means it is the only true God because when you worship something, you can worship something and claim that it has some right to be worshipped. But your claim might be true or might be false.

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So you're receiving something what you call a loan, but in reality, it is not that

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this is not a loan. So for example,

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Someone goes Luffy, someone goes and worships the crucifixion, Jesus or metathesis, or should marry.

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But let's say Jeez, I think Jesus is a better example, some of those who worship Jesus, He thinks he's worshiping God.

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So he has taken this as emila.

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In reality, he's not worshipping Allah.

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He's not worshiping the true God. So the word ILA can be applied to anything that is worship, whether it is worship, rightly or wrongly. But the only one who is allowed, is the one being who deserves worship, which, as we said, over time becomes the name of Allah.

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Now, when we say by the way that the name of Allah, like for example, the name Allah is derived from Lila.

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And he doesn't mean by that, that,

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to see like the language existed, and then all these names existed in the language. And so Allah made his name out of these words,

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because that's basically one of the arguments of those who say it is not dry, because the name must be as they call it, you can use that word. It's one of our love names. Its meaning should have been there before even the Arabic language. But what is meant by that is its positioning has a relationship to this verb and this word, there's a relationship between but Allah has chosen this name for himself in relationship to this role as the one who created the language. And Allah subhana wa tada has made his name in relationship to that word, for example, the word for the womb.

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And it Allah subhana wa tada says, he is he dead from his name?

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So this concept is also supported in the processing. So I think the conclusion from it is, what do you say is the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala and is not derived? Or what do you say is from Allah or even any of these others? The concept or the idea behind it? When you mentioned, the name of Allah, k means a lot. And even if you say it is not derived from that, this is really what it means. If we wanted to say what do we mean by law, we'll be forced to say,

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which means the one who we take as our object of devotion and worship out of love, out of honor, out of submission. And so we have that feeling in our hearts towards this beam, which is almost ignored.

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So the word Allah self is different than the word ILA. Obviously, even if you say, derived from that, in the long run, it's going to be very different from the word ILA. And so that means that the word Eliza is different from God,

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to try to translate the word Allah was was not really translated, translatable, to take the name of Allah because it is a proper name. In general, we don't translate properly. Even though the concept or the idea that Allah is getting, when you say a lot is different from the concept when you say, God, God will be closer to the word ILA. But it will not be something resembling God. Because, again, the concept of what God is, and the English language

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is basically meant a personal object of religious worship. So it has a relationship to that. But again, you will not use the word God for it. And the same problem with the words that you can find in other languages.

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Actually, every peoples, even in the Hindu religion, they'll understand that there is a supreme being sometimes, in most cases, they will have a name for it.

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And Adidas won a small bonus, he was talking about this practice, every people have this kind of constantly and he said, sometimes even the concepts of most Aboriginal people is better than the concept of the civilized people, as opposed to the Zulus and the people in southern Africa. They never used to worship idols until the white men came and taught them about how to worship idols.

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And assaulted Australia's Aborigines. They have a word for God.

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Which basically means, you know

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what it means it has no flaws. So they understand

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that so this is the name of Allah between Volker every time we said, this new layer or every time we save this new layer, this is the name. So we're capturing by this name, as we said, all of the attributes and the names that will listen.

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When it comes to money. Now a lot of it comes from Manila, we know what it means to me that this is the only one who is deserving of worship.

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One of the questions that we could ask about a love before

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is whether or not this name Allah is

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The Greatest Name of the listener is love.

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The Greatest Name of a listener

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we posted about before the fact that there are verses in the Quran, like similar to the fact that is the greatest Sodom the greatest.

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Also, we have evidence from the heritage Vasa system that there is a name of Allah subhanaw taala, which is the Greatest Name of the listener.

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So again, this is not a matter of if she had I'm sitting here sitting here, I think, I looked at all the names of all and I think one of them is better than yours, this is not something that we would rationally come up with. This is something that we know from Allah subhanaw taala only from Allah.

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And so, there are a number of headings

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which points to the fact that there is such a thing as the Greatest Name of Allah.

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Therefore, it is in particular, he points out the fact that there is a Greatest Name

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and I will just read one

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and this is the problem so seldom heard someone making.

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And then this year I said

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and again from Lola La Land,

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Solid Energy limited will included.

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So, he began his job as

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I'm asking you for a testimony that you are loving more and more the worship is no louder than you had you are a solid, the one that does not give birth, who was not giving birth to and this is nothing similar to him. So, one of the most I seldom heard that, because so Salim said local businessman, he is so he

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if you have asked Allah subhanaw taala by a name by which if you ask him by he will give it to ask and if you make certain cases to him, he will respond. Now that particular integration in that particular processor, do not say it has the greatest name. But in the other narrations, which were different events, different events, you said, for example, to one person who said something similar to that, when the Venus de la de la gives me login, and then either JIRA be a job, it also will be

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so again, he said by the one and whose end is my soul, he may draw to Allah by his greatest name, the one that if he is supplicating, to his response, and if he is asked, he will give.

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So as I said, there are different studies that show that there is such a thing as the Greatest Name of the listener. And the scholars differ a little as to what is the Greatest Name of the listener that I guess you should be surprised by that.

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Because the interesting thing that you'll notice, in that all his headings, and I said there's four of us in particular, the province has never explicitly stated that that is, he said, he used the name of a lovely little word that if you ask them, that you will be responded to.

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So nowhere in any of the headings of our system is explicitly stating that a certain name is the greatest novelist.

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And in fact, one of the recent authors who wrote this small book on this topic, he concluded that we don't know what is the Greatest Name.

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And the wisdom behind not knowing what is the greatest name of a listener, which

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is similar to the wisdom for example of not knowing the special hour and clarity of the jar, to reveal the wisdom of love knowing exactly what is the night of

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the wisdom of not knowing, for example, what are the 99 years old.

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And we know the Hadith referred to earlier that Allah subhanaw taala has 99 names.

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And whoever wants to translate

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for whoever does this relate to Jesus. But there's no sound narration of what those names are. So he came to the conclusion that there's a wisdom behind it so that people do not take for example, that one hour Angela, or that one night of the year, or that one name, and just rely upon that, thinking that they have that one name, and they don't have to act, they don't have to work, they can just rely upon the one. So he concludes this, actually we do not know. What is that one name of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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However, the majority of the scores, there's actually six opinions about what could be the one name and some of these are complimentary, you see, one opinion is that the name is Allah. Second Opinion is halal. And all these are based on pretty much on this different.

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Pio Pio The third one is Billy Joel will occur on the fourth one is Larry Lyle and Hurricane Katrina volume

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The fifth one is,

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man, and the sixth one is Rob.

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So those six three of them are going to be here in sort of

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the vast majority of the scores seem to be able to ping ditch, the Greatest Name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is referred to in the city. And the different heading is this name, Allah. And this is opinion, for example, of the Lebanon, robotic, shabby, and

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contemporary scholars from Kuwait, also contemporary stars. But when you look at the four ideas, actually, you'll notice that there's actually no name that is consistent to all four of those.

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So therefore, making this conclusion that this is the Greatest Name almost like that, and we cannot say that this is a definitive conclusion. But there is, a number of evidence is pointing to this name a lot. Because as we said, This name is a special name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It combines together all of the attributes of data, when you say Allah or Loma, you're referring to all of the names and attributes of God, as opposed to any of the other names.

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Another point that the contemporary author made, he said, it's also important to realize that there's also no evidence that I'll listen to without as given this Greatest Name for certain people, and not to the rest of mankind. Because there are a number of groups of people who claim that they have access to the secrets and great name of Allah subhanaw taala. And based on that knowledge, they are able to perform miracles and actually based on that claim more than anything else, they're able to get forward, I would say more than anything else. Again, there's no evidence that Allah subhanaw taala disclose this name to some people and not to any others.

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Just as a footnote, I thought I would mention a little bit about the relationship between this concept of belief in Allah, and the Christian concepts. And I'm only mentioning that of course, because nowadays, the Christians have had, you know, open season on the Muslims to attack them, and they attack the Muslims in some of the most ridiculous ways. And particular brother had, he gave me an article entitled Arlen, the Google who got the scene, written by famous, one of the most famous I don't know, john ankerberg. And john wooden. By the way, if you just go to the Bible, one thing very strange about the Bible is how a law is described.

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Actually, there's an expression in the West,

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that godly man in his own image. Now, this is probably a misinterpretation of the original Hebrew. Anyway, this is from the Bible domain on his own it, it is the same as Hello, hello, Adam, Allah sorachi.

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So they take this from the Bible, God made man in his own image. And then the rest of the expression was has been added lately. And man was quick to return the favor. And in other words, the man made gods and their inch. That's what humans do. They associate those things to God. So for example, in the Bible, you'll find things like God wrestling with Yahoo, physically wrestling, took them online,

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you'll find Moses seeing God's back parts, he will find that God is lying like when he was drunk,

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he will find this God readings making them and we say that Allah has not even he knew a man and he regretted regret, it means you realize this mistake.

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You could also find that he was rested and refreshed, you know, after he took him six days to create the heavens in the earth, and then he had to rest on the seventh day. If you bring a Muslim you know, someone who grew up in a Muslim country, and has all of his life is listening. You tell them these things, even if you've never understood the spread of Islam. And you will find this is inconceivable that people think about God and complain that this is God's word that these things will exist. So in this article on Allah, the biblical Gods the same he objects to our gods, Allah, He says, it's just amazing to me, I guess, because I come from a Christian background and stuff just

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as you're coming to me then maybe for some others, so he's very upset or he doesn't like the fact that the following stresses that Allah is one person and he wouldn't be.

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He cannot accept there

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is no such thing as one being

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because the Bible clearly says, I'm effectively tells us this is the way he puts it. The Bible unmistakably tells us that God has revealed himself as a try human being and try human beings.

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To be a Christian, you have to make up words as you go along.

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A triune being than a three in one. So how can you say Allah, just one person his three in one? He's writing this as a criticism of the Muslim belief in God.

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And actually, the article is entitled, online, the biblical God the same. But that's not a very fair question. Because what you should really ask is, is the Christian God and the biblical God the same? Because he says, The Bible tells us this, but he only a portion from the New Testament, because this guy is completely different from working system, there's no such thing as a trial person being in gold. So the first question is, what's the relationship between the Christian God and the Bible itself.

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And then he goes on. First, you mentioned that Muslims have 99 games today. And he complains that not one of these games is love, or loving,

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love or loving, it is very important to

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self love or loving God has to be, you know, when I was a Christian, a portion of the Bible I ever understood and no one could experience me. There's a portion in the Bible, this is God is love. God is love. I chose you to go to anyone because I've done this in my past.

00:36:23 --> 00:36:36

God is love. So if I love for example, someone and then one day I decide I don't love them anymore, is God no less is less, some that is low, or is it like energy, you know, just pass it on

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to someone.

00:36:39 --> 00:36:44

If you mean God is a source of love, and it is because of God that we have this feeling, get

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the word out about life, you understand.

00:36:50 --> 00:36:55

The concept of love is here. And in this feeling of compassion, and love for the other, this is fine.

00:36:56 --> 00:37:06

But to say God is love, never made any sense to me. And after all these years still doesn't make any sense. And in fact, any sort of as long as you have the name,

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and this is translated by the loving, and full of love, or affection. So in reality, actually, his claim is not true. But there's not that unusual. But then after he says, By the way, that we have 99 names of God, wishing him good luck, if you understand what language means God means it means we have an in depth knowledge about God. So then after mentioning that, of course, in the next paragraph, he then says, and then reality allows ultimately unknowable and incomprehensible.

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many millions, we know, these are attribution games, a god equals someone else who says it was ultimately unknowable and incompressible.

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That was incomprehensible.

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What they're looking for is they're looking for someone just like them. They want God to be just like them. And it's something they can comprehend completely. For as soon as you say that there's a supreme being. And that Supreme Being has certain attributes, you're immediately distancing, you're saying that allows one thing and the creation is something else. And this is a very important point of sight. If Allah is one thing, and the creation is something else, and we have not had any experience with God, physical experiences of God to be able to comprehend him or know him in the way that he's describing here, but as we know all this, and below, we know this man without me know much

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more about God's in the Christians.

00:38:40 --> 00:38:54

And Hello, we are much better information about God than what the Jews do those you know, and all that stuff, I can assure you that what we know about God is better than what they have. And the fact that we all know this, is because Allah

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and that's the next words. And the next two words in this phrase in the

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00:39:03 --> 00:39:09

So actually mentioning the name of Alicia with Adam, and as I said, that is a name that applies only

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when we listen to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Again,

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again, this is the beginning of setup, in fact, in the beginning of the plan, and from the first line of the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah God is teaching you about himself. He's telling you about himself. He is I love that right there already means a lot. And then he's also throughout the Quran. He's giving you details about himself. So from the beginning, he is telling you that he is a rough man. And he is

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because the idea of alone the idea of there being a supreme being and opens up to the Creator, something that is above and beyond this existence. This is something that

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philosophers and others can come to that conclusion. But the problem is when you come to that conclusion that there is a creator.

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And there must be a supreme being there must be someone who made this world so perfectly as it is to really know that Supreme Being What do you want to say beyond that, and this is where philosophers, many fans discover many philosophers are not necessarily religious because they can conclude if there's a supreme being, but as we talked about last time, they then will conclude, basically, that the Supreme Being is nothing

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in the sense that they cannot say any attributes worry so much. Allah teaches us about himself that he is Allah, He is that Supreme Being. And then throughout the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us about himself. And the first thing that we see what Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us about himself is that he is a man he is.

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He's the first two attributes that are left handed without a foot in front of us when we read the Quran.

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So now we want to try to understand what these tours

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and they are related to the word grammar.

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Rama, I guess you could translate it as mercy, compassion, pity, tenderness of the heart, inclination to favor and to fulfill favours upon to pardon and forgiveness.

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All of these are part of the meaning of Rama, that is related to the words of Roman

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00:41:39 --> 00:41:45

Some scholars actually say that mine and Rahim both mean the same, both

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mean the same,

00:41:48 --> 00:41:54

is they both mean the same thing, then why did all the sudden without mentioning both, they both mean the same thing?

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He explains that as meaning that Allah subhanaw taala is trying to make us understand a feeling or our fact, which is a very superlative fact.

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So in other words, Ebola pandemic, Allah just tells us that he is a man and just mentioned,

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who will not get from that, the extent and the greatness of which this Mercy is. So sometimes when you try to explain something, and you're trying to get through to someone, and you cannot express a love you, and I'm just saying the same thing over and over again, and wondering why the person doesn't understand you're

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not quite that nature, but you bring them on and you bring

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those two words being the same. They're both being brought here. So you understand the emphasis and the greenness of this.

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Now the whole idea, and we'll talk about the social media,

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the whole idea that they are synonyms in the Arabic language, perfect synonyms, in other words, two words that mean exactly the same thing. Among the average scores and number of scholars and it seems to be the strongest, you can say there is no such thing as perfect synonyms in the Arabic language. The only exception to that maybe if you're talking about Lovato, regardless of years, whatever it might have, a dialect can use a certain word, and then another tribe might use a different word for the same thing. And those two words could mean executive sentence. But if you're talking about within the context of one dialect, one aspects of the Arabic language,

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any two words, no matter how close they are, meaning there is something that distinguishes them, and they're never perfect substitutes for one another. And as I said, it's all I want to talk about that, in particular, we will highlight this fact.

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So therefore, based on that, we can understand that man means one thing, and means something else.

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So that view, by the way, that they mean the same that is a minority view, and we'll discuss most artists will say, or listen to what they say that means one thing and meaning something else.

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Both of them are in the intensive or emphatic form, in the Arabic language. And this might give us a nice one who has to work their puzzle.

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Basically, in the Arabic language, the words come from roots, and you have different patterns from those roots and those different patterns. How many times different means to them, would you use a certain pattern for a specific meaning, because it has a certain meaning to it. So the pattern for example, Thailand, Thailand, which

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is part of that pattern, this is the intensive form.

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And also,

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this is a hint is also in the interest.

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But another thing in the Arabic language is that you can find two things in census form for gay might have some difference between them. So they're both the same.

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If you are emphatic, you can use either with an English intensive orthotic, but they might still have some different meanings. So for example,

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which is again on the pattern of violin, this emphatic or intensity pattern, this gives the impression of what we could go back. Plus Yeah. Also being filled with something lm Tila. So, for example, you say that someone is of the

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same pattern, same form, as you say, he's about the band, and it means he's completely filled with anger.

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He's not just angry, you say, yeah, just means he's completely filled with anger. So

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there's this form of violence,

00:45:47 --> 00:45:49

the meaning of fire, which is the form of

00:45:51 --> 00:45:59

as you said, this is also also intensive, but it gives the meaning of constant repetition. And manifestation is something

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that this person if you use the style, describing someone, if he does it consistently. So this is one of the difference between the forms of the word

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and they're both intensive forms, but the different kinds of valid forms that you have slightly different meaning to them.

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So based on this, and also based on verses of the Quran, some scholars have come to an understanding of what's the difference between a man and impose a political claim says this man has to do with the essence or the attributes of Allah subhana wa Tada. He is filled with that beauty of mercy.

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And our Rahim has to do with his axe, not with his essence, but with his axe is x our actual Muslim. So what it has to do with his essence, and he This is the quality of Allah subhanho wa Taala abounding mercy and grace, which is inseparable from his beings wracked with a core

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That is part of his essence, when we say,

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we are talking about an aspect of a love essence when we say

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we are talking about his actions, his actions, how He manifests His grace and His mercy. And it refers to the Quran to bring some support for his conclusion. And this also, by the way, is related to who said the patterns, the pattern of man and

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he says this related to his essence, in other words, he is filled or has the greatest drummer. And we said fine, Rahim has to do with actions consistently. So his actions are filled with

00:47:56 --> 00:48:01

so who want to play and he says that in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala says, cannot be mamina

00:48:03 --> 00:48:09

and Allah is merciful to the blues and Alison and without also says, for example, in the whole game, but

00:48:11 --> 00:48:14

again, the feelings about him towards them towards the beach.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:19

I listen to a guy that never in the Quran says, For example, cannot be mamina

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never. They're always talking about how he acts and his actions with respect to the beavers. Looking at what data is using the word.

00:48:33 --> 00:48:35

This has to do with his actions and

00:48:36 --> 00:48:42

the places in which managers and the places in the Quran in which

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the US will see the vs or Rahim when it is used, is usually used in describing the acts of Allah subhana wa tada towards his creation that goes up for bringing the human beings out of darkness into light in describing his actions towards the believers, Allah subhanho wa Taala used the word of Rahim and not the word.

00:49:06 --> 00:49:26

So, this time said, and to go beyond that a little bit to further distinguish between the two names of some schools have done is to point out that also ramen Actually, we said it's the infinitive form, but ramen also is more intensive and a more specific name than

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and general when you look at a word in the Arabic language,

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how can I say the more letters that are built upon it, the stronger the meaning.

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So our man has an extra

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unknown as compared to Rahim and has more letters This indicates that there is more in the meaning of that words. So Rama and then refers to as we said, it will find that it is the attribute of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But we can also see that our mind speaks

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about Allah subhanho wa Taala His mercy towards the creation

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with respect to those things that could only come from Allah.

00:50:09 --> 00:50:26

So, to the extent is further than ever him and it refers to those things that can come from Alyson handle without and can only come from Alicia and without the fact that he created them, and gives them the ability to eat and drink and so forth. And he This is Barco the fact that I listen I know what God is.

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And this man and this Mercy is inclusive of all of the creation.

00:50:35 --> 00:50:42

So then when I was I was talking about his actions, especially with respect to the believers, Allah subhanho wa Taala uses

00:50:43 --> 00:50:58

but when God is speaking more of like what we could call the cosmic order, kind of think of another word rather than cosmic order for Chianti, the creation centennial year, then all of a sudden what gala refers to themselves as a Rama.

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We're talking about the relationship to the creation as a whole. So for example, when Allah subhanho wa Taala says and Lady Hanukkah similarity will all go a Medina home if you sit the guy who must allow a lot of

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man, every time we're speaking about establishing himself over the phone, which is a reference to the throne in particular, but obviously, all of the creation interviews about the throne is about all of the creation, he refers to himself always as a man not.

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And so therefore, ramen is a more specific name for Allah subhana wa tada and it is a closer name to Allah then

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it's just a name, for example, that you cannot use for anyone else you could call someone else about him. And he this person is merciful, you can call someone else for halo effect to listen to what Allah describes the publisher Fillmore district to the believers appears below meaning

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you could refer to someone as rahane but you cannot refer to someone has

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because as I said, there's no talking about a kind of mercy that can only come from Alison Hannah with that kind of mercy that could only come from Allah subhana wa tada and it is a name that is special for Allah.

00:52:19 --> 00:52:24

So that's why in another verse, Allah Subhana, WA tada even says, that you can call upon a law call upon

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Alicia handler, Carla says, Love.

00:52:31 --> 00:52:35

Man can either call upon a law for call upon

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a human to go for the hula smellivision or whichever one you go, he has the most beautiful.

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In fact, even among Arabs, this name, man was known before Islam.

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Now the Arabs during the time Republic. So for them, they tried to deny the knowledge that that name. This was just out of arrogance, I guess out of just not wanting to accept what the publicist was bringing them. But actually this name was norm before Islam.

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And even Arabs also did not use this name for anyone other than homeless in America.

00:53:11 --> 00:53:16

And Karen will say the McKim. And we'll say the man he called himself the rock man.

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So this is the first Arab no who dared to call himself

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Jesus name.

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He called himself a man of the moment.

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And this man who had the audacity to do this is not about history only is one thing. If you say my camera, automatically, only one word comes to mind.

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No one calls him anymore.

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This is always missing.

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And it will lie. Some scholars say we can take this as a sign, I will look into punishing him for him trying to take on the name of almost.

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There is another way in which these two words are understood the differences between them. And this goes back to the point that we just made if you look at our men and Milan, and the use of man, man applies for all of the creation and refers to those things that only listen to you.

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And so based on this, some scholars say that a man is with respect to all the creation. And Rahim exists with respect to the believer.

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So Allah subhanaw taala is a man with respect to all of creation, but as a special grace and a special blessing to those people who believe in him. For those who will be property in Allah subhanho wa Taala is also

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one of the evidences to get ready for that is Alyssa with Alice's what kind of demeanor or humor can be mean.

00:54:58 --> 00:54:59

Again, when talking about the

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He was looking at our data is always missing. The key is towards the believers, the strongest I guess, if someone wanted to refute this opinion, this is by the way of properties in

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general, and our aim is this towards the believers. There is a verse that can refute him but he also answer that verse I was not very convinced with his answer. Anyway, the verses were all attended with Allison, in the lobby, Nessie

00:55:27 --> 00:55:54

Allah subhana wa goddesses. Like the previous verse, we're aiming towards the believers, Allah subhana wa tada says, Allah is with respect to unece, Rosa Ryan. So maybe you could say this is the reputation of the argument. So I'm going to stop on that point. And maybe next time we'll begin with my conclusions about what these two names actually mean and how I think actually that these two opinions are not contradict they can be brought together

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