Jamal Badawi – The Quran – Ultimate Miracle 47 – Connection Between Surahs 4

Jamal Badawi
AI: Summary ©
The title of the Quran is discussed, including references to the Prophet, church, and the church's history. The discussion touches on the use of words like "has" and "has not" in the title and the potential for negative emotions to emerge from actions and events. The segment provides examples of different topics and their related context, including the church's history, events, and historical context. The title is also reminded of its significance in context and its significance in the discussion.
AI: Transcript ©
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AsSalamu Alaikum and welcome to Islam and focus. Today's program is the 47th on the series sources of Islam and it is the seventh on the range without the crowd. My name is Rashad Manish, I'm your host and with me Dr. Jamal Badawi from St. Mary's University, as well, am I conducting a

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quick summary may be of last resort. Okay, it's going to be very quick, okay, you can make a very detailed summary of the type of program that you had last week. But basically, we began to examine to another aspect. The advancements of the Quran, trying to show that the ending of one surah or chapter

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seem to be connected very much with the beginning of the following surah as if there is a source of link between one chapters and the other.

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In making this analysis, at least to determine responsibility for opinions expressed, I mentioned that it combined some of the opinions expressed by genetic gene co T, the famous scholar of the Quran, from the 15th century, Common Era,

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in addition to a few remarks, very few remarks made by the editor of his book after colorata. But there was quite a bit also some 100 reflections of mine. And I'm only saying that for the purpose, again of determining my responsibility for whatever I try to understand.

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I'd like to add at this point that I have heard of a manuscript, a book that's not published, but in manuscript form, in the public library in Egypt, which is composed of six volumes that deal basically with that topic, by a great scholar who was a contemporary of Jelena Dean Swati, by the name of God, Han Ji, and Buckeyes. But I have not seen that

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volume or that work yet. As I said, it's not published. And I wouldn't be surprised if

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the work is published at a later time. But some of my 100 reflections might somehow be similar to his thoughts also, but I haven't seen it yet. Well, then why don't we just continue with this analysis? from where we left? Oh, yeah. Okay. In the last program, we ended with chapter 30. And you said that the ending of chapter or surah number 13, deals with the dialogue, the sorts of dialogue between the believers and the unbelievers, that is, in the Day of Judgment, the encounter between them right, now, if we shift our attention now to the beginning of surah, number 31. The one on top, you find that the beginning also is basically sort of encounter also between believers and

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unbelievers. But instead, in this life here,

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for example, it deals with people whom

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or to whom the verses of the Quran as recited, but they turn away in pride. So it's still basically encounter between believers and unbelievers that this

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surah chapter number 31, ends with the emphasis that Allah or God, capital G, knows the unseen. And there is a special reference to the hour, that is the day of reckoning. That's particularly found in the very last verse. And that surah the beginning of chapter 32 also emphasizes that Allah knows the unseen. So you see the connection between the end of the

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one on top and the beginning of the one, in the in the first line, that is the chapter 32.

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After a brief introduction, in this chapter, about the Quran, and the creation of heavens and earth,

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it directly goes to speak about Allah as islandwide, your Shahada, the one who knows the things that are present, and things that are hidden or unseen. Chapter 32 ends

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Bye, sort of advising the Prophet, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him to turn away from the unbelievers. Actually, this is the

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Very last verse for how to turn away from the unbelievers. It is surprising to notice that in chapter 33, it also as if it continues also to address the prophets. In other words, the last verse is addressed to the Prophet, the first verse of the next chapter also addresses the Prophet. And it says, Well, our total caffeine, that is don't you obey our keep away or turn away from the unbelievers. And, and bigger pockets, which is a beautiful connection between both. That chapter says he ends with some mention of the trust and accountability. That is the the fact that humans are appointed as the trustees of God on earth.

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And that this is a heavy responsibility. And it talks again about the consequences of following or passing that test, in terms of delivers, and the punishment for those who do not fulfill that responsibility or trust. Chapter 64 begins also with emphasis on the domain and knowledge

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of gods, and replies to those who rejects the hour, and days as well also with the positive and negative consequences of belief, and unbelief.

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That chapter number 34, ends

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with indication, that belief, after the hour comes is too late, that people may hope to believe at that time, but it's too late already, particularly in the last, you know, four verses in that chapter.

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And this relates very much to the beginning of chapter certified, which is next to that, they will be rejecters.

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In the

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became the punishment that awaits for

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that chapter, certify is also dealing with rejecters, as well. But this time dealing with our attitude to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

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In fact, in the very last three or four verses, it describes again, how they keep away and the more they are reminded them will be turned away.

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That is very much connected with the beginning of the 36 chapter, the 36.

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Showing that after all,

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the profit is on the right path, that the consumer is seen in the first few verses indicating that after the introduction of the surah, that you are prophet is truly on the right path.

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That chapter such as * is with emphasis on Allah domain that

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like in the very last verse specified, and maybe the odd mallacoota punish a glory be to Him in His hand is the domain of all things.

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That indeed, is very relevant to the beginning of the following chapter of surah, number 37. Because it deals with the attributes of Allah as the creator.

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In the first five verses after, again, the introduction of the surah chapter, it lives on and talk about a lot of the creators.

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That chapter 37 is where the arguments presented by those who are rejected,

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and actually threaten them that the things that they are hastening are the game that they are hastening is indeed going to happen today.

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If we look at the beginning of the following chapters number 38, which means that it also deals with the rejecters that as if it raises the questions as to what the universe rejecters have to

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take this particular attitude. And as the Quran explains, that they are in such pride in schism,

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does deal with the rejecters

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13th. It is with mentioned about the Quran.

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This is a reminder for humankind.

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This is exactly the beginning also, the Quran is the beginning of chapter 13. And there's also mentioned about the Quran as being a revelation or book that has been retained from Allah. Both of them deal with the Quran in the beginning.

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The end of searching

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this was the punishment in the Day of Judgment

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How the unbelievers will be driven into the Hellfire, how those who are pious will be taken to paradise.

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And again, that is very much relevant is the beginning of chapter 13. Because It also deals with a lot, as forget are absolutes, but when also who punishes false for deviation from faith. So both of them again deal with the consequences of obedience, or lack of obedience. And in that particular column, the ending of chapter 13 deals with the fact that the unbelievers are indeed,

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But these people in the judgment will be the ones who are, indeed,

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the losers. Now, that

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it's very clear the connection between the two chapters, but from your description here, there also seems to be a connection between the beginning and the end of the same chapter, before we move on, maybe I'll ask you to comment on this, I think this is a very well taken point, it's time

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to make it too complex to make that connection Also, while dealing with as soon as that this is actually part of the nature of each surah or chapters in the Quran. In terms of the coherence that you find in that chapter, as indicated before the chapters could vary in length, some are very short, some are quite long, but even in the very long series in the Quran, let's say even 200 verses

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and despite of the diversity or variations of the various present ways of presentation, and the sub topics presented, you can easily still identify Of course, you know, some reflection, the continuity in the unity of the whole chapter, as a unit connected together. And they have been realizing actually about that particular issue. For example,

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very interesting commentary on the Quran, by say,

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yes, and before beginning to explain each chapter of the Quran, this kind of summary is made about how this connection between the ends and beginning and the various topics covered to some extent also the popular translation of the meaning of the cranberry, Alana used to

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make this kind of introduction also prior to each

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each chapter. So I think your, your observation is well taken.

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Just to connect with Well, we start

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seeing that in chapter 13. It ended with indicating the destiny of the unbelievers by the losers, that is in today's judgment.

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Chapter fortunately, begins also dealing with rejecters.

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As if to answer the question, why they are losers in the real judgment. So it is with their attitudes, he or she in this slide, how they turn away from the truth. Notice many times it seems like the ending of one chapter might lay the question in the mind of the reader, which seem to be answered in the beginning. Chapter next chapter, which is an interesting feature in

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that question also, as was mentioned about the Quran, and how people rejects, rejected the Quran.

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The Quran, even though

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it was from Allah, it was a revelation from Allah. And if you look at the beginning of chapter 42, the following once you find that it's also easy to say that Quran is indeed a revelation that has been revealed to you, as revelation is given to prophets before you

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to show again that the Quran is not really something new,

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totally different from the nominal revolution throughout history.

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That chapter 42 is also was mentioned about

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that it is revelation also from Allah or a spirit from God command or in the command of Allah IE, Revelation.

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And here that's it your English remark will be relevant, he said also, that you noted the connection between the beginning and ending of the chapters Actually, this is one clear example of that the chapter begins talking about the Quran and ends also talking about the Quran. Others can be also found with further analysis to go beyond the

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before it begins again, dealing with some aspects pertaining to the Quran, the Quran was made clear.

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And again that connects with the end of fortune in the future to

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deal with the injectors and rejections if you ask them, indeed who created them, they say, Allah created them in indicating how they close their eyes to beneath

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the earth is that the beginning of chapter 44 begins also dealing with the projectors, and indicates how they are really involved in playing how they are different, how they are just suffering from unnecessary doubts about the gist of the message. First of all, in

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dealing with the Quran,

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Allah made it easy for the prophet to recite the Quran. The Quran is a theme in the in the 44, is also the same of the beginning of 35.

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In this lecture, on how it is a revelation from Allah

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45 in dealing with the destiny of rejecters,

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that is in the village, not here in the hereafter.

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The beginning of 46 deals, also with the rejecters, of faith healer on this earth,

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how they are turning away from the warning signs that are given to them.

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The second chapter is also dealing with projectors, beginning in about two sectors. And that indicates how the projectors, in fact will be the losers

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in the inverter of judgment, and the defects try to give some sort of evidence from history as to what happened. And before to those people who fell at the center of rejection. In 47, however, it still continues dealing with the attitude of rejecters that, in fact, it deals with the punishment or penalty in this life. And what is actually in the way if you check the few verses towards the end and beginning of each of these chapter 46 and 47 that it explains why those people are losers, because it says that they are sensible. So whichever way you look at more than one action, what to consider the connection of the Enderman beginning between 36 and 4737 days with the basics of

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Okay, as IP addresses, educate the emerging listeners

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at the time of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him that they should really not be too shy to defend themselves, or just seek peace at any price.

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And also inviting people to spend in the path of Allah and sacrificed not only their lives, but sacrifice also their property to defend the truth.

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Okay, the beginning of chapter 48 deals with victory, promised the Prophet Muhammad as if it tells us that if you're really prepared to struggle, if you're ready to offer

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your life and your property, then victory will be forthcoming.

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Because by the way, if I were to make a historical claim in this chapter, which deals with victory at the beginning,

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was revealed after the Treaty of for the idea, one of the famous treaties in which

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Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as peace would be with the unbelievers in the same way that that time but the conditions were very much tilted in favor of the the pagans have MIPCOM.

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And before anything happened, this was the beginning of a victory that they didn't realize or understand at that time. But actually the beginning of that verse, that chapter, when it talks about victory, it actually talks about victory that took place later on. So it is almost like a premise.

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Many times the premise comes in the form in the past tense, not in the future tense. This is quite familiar for those who are

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versed with the Quran, because it means that in the name of God, or in the decision or decrease of God or Allah, when something is decided it is decided it's almost like pestilence in Britain, the sickness is in the future. So I'm just making that progress metric

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Under this title of the Quran, that way chapter 38. While it begins with the premise of victory, it talks about the actual historical fulfillment of that victory.

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Especially when it begins with a verse that says la casa de la hora.

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Allah has already sent them his promise on the version that he has shown, or in short to His Messenger.

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And actually, it is also in addition to the notion of fulfillment,

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of Prophet Muhammad discrepancy, it's best ultimate and

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to profit from it, he

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continues also with Prophet Mohammed, indicating

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some kind of etiquette, how people should treat him how they should not raise their voices above his voice, the kind of respect, which is due to any prophet of Allah.

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That chapter 14 is indicating that actually his blessing, and one should not really feel to hurt or come to the prophet and say, now I became Muslim. So as a female, it's a favor that you give to the Prophet. And also indicates, in addition, that the very last verse, that Allah is the unseen and the hidden things in heavens and earth. Both of these things are related to the beginning of the column chapter number 50. Because it begins actually is indicating that best people who speak are best served, or at least less rejected face, in contrast, are people who simply were wondering as to why emarketing as human beings like then to be a perfect messenger.

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In addition to this, it does also with the knowledge of Allah, she mentioned that the previous one said something about the knowledge of Allah, or knowledge of the hidden things and heavens and earth. This one also deals with the hidden or information that was hidden from us. And more specifically, it deals with the, how many people buy, or how many people go inside the earth.

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It ends, that's 50, we'll talk about the hour, that is the time of reckoning. And it's a sort of reminder or ask the prophet to remind people that

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you know, these things is bound to happen. Maybe I should stop at this point and wonder whether

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it's reasonably clear if I'm going too fast or too slow, I think that

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the aid of diagrams, things are appropriate

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by viewers, if they have the advantage of actually having the client that might be much more easier for them to, to follow the relationships between the chapters, right, I think you're absolutely right, I think for me, would be even better course, you'd have to slow down quite a bit so that they can flip the pages.

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And again, I suggest, however, that for the viewers who wish to examine that issue with plenty of times and reflect on it further reference document is at least to get a pencil and paper and just jot down a few notes of some of the key words and perhaps go back when they have time to examine this reflects on their own

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should be

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at this point, we should go on with them.

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We mentioned that the fifth chapter ends with a again reminder that the hour is going to take place and that the pocket should remind people that these things will happen

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50 room begins also talking about the Irish and how the rejecters of tourists also will be finished. So this has been given to our

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by a search of Vernon, for the unbelievers that the bill, that is the bill of record in which they are promised

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is not really very serious business and there's something very dangerous for them that they better

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the beginning of 52 It also deals with the premise in Arabic America that the punishment of Allah is going to take place better than follow the same basic theme.

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It is quite interesting to notice here, the ending of chapter 52 talks about the stars, the stars in plural. More specifically, it addresses the credit and sales

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That is supplicate or prayers.

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At the time when the stars retreat, that's the end of the night, the stars, the beginning of chapter 52, the first word begins

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by the storage unit goes down,

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ends, that's what we're

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talking about the approaching judgment, that is the attachment of the judgment. It ends, actually with some description. So yeah, that's the end, the beginning of the first chapter, which is 50, for a texture that

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is cleft ascenders, which, again, one of the scenes at the approaching of the hour, so you have the stars, the staff, demand, and all of them to end with the basic theme. Relationship exactly, actually four months into the beginning, and so on.

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Chapter 54, is

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talking about Allah as sovereign. And

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this one is very amazing also, when you connect with with 65. In fact, for those who understand Arabic, they can appreciate it even better, because it ends by saying in

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the next word, in the federal chapter is a rushman. That describes a lot as sovereign, omnipotent, and then moves on to the first of the next chapter 55, saying that Allah is the most gracious as if it's just a continuous dissertation, or continuous description of the divine attributes. It ends again with some description of the Hereafter, and how Allah has the majesty. And

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that basic thing of the Hereafter is reflected in the beginning of 56. Again, talking about our

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56 inch, addressing community in the perfect place that allowed us

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to close dialogue. The beginning of 57 actually deals also with praise of the deceased said the Hallelujah teachers submitted in the name of the Lord as it is just responding to the ending. It ends with a man as the most graceful. The beginning of chapter 58 shows an aspect of that grace by pay attention to a complaint made by a simple woman to the topic concerning some family problems. It is indicating that bears will resist the troops will be humiliated, the beginning to actually talk about the actual punishment, and the punishment for this, we were conducted acts of Treasury, it ends talking about the alliance of the unbelievers, which is very similar to the beginning of the

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sixth chapter, that you should look for protectors, those who are aligned or aligned themselves for the cause of unbelief. And finally, it ends dealing with the unbelievers. I think we just

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next week.

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