Jamal Badawi – Jesus 4 – Jesus P In Islam 4 His Nature And Mission

Jamal Badawi
AI: Summary ©
The origin of Jesus's message is discussed, including the definition of the holy spirit used in Islamic. The title of Jesus is also mentioned, and the use of the word "good news" in relation to his actions is discussed. The title of Jesus is also mentioned, and the use of the Bible as a basis for teachings is discussed. The importance of social justice and the Holy Spirit is also mentioned, along with affirmations from his followers. The use of words like "good news" and "has been" in relation to Jesus's actions is also discussed. The holy spirit is used in Islamic, and affirmations from his followers are made.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaikum peace be unto you. Welcome to another episode of Islam and focus. Today we have our fourth program on Jesus, peace and blessings be upon them, the beloved messenger of Allah. Today we'll be discussing the nature of the of Jesus and His mission. I'm your host, Ahmed Rashid, and I have joined me on the program as usual. Dr. Jamal battery of the St. Mary's University.

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Brother Jamal Assalamu alaykum Monica,

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I wonder if I can help you very quickly highlight the points that we touched on in our last program, dealing with this topic, surely dealing with the nature of Jesus peace be upon him, we talked first about the miracle of Jesus speaking as an infant, which is not in the New Testament, but it is in the Quran.

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He also discussed the notion that since Jesus did not have a physical father, does that mean that he is the Son of God, and he discussed again that this has no such implication, he made the comparison with Adam who was created from neither mother or father.

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We also discussed a little bit about the unique birth of Jesus, the virgin birth, why it is unique, and is that the only unique American or did other prophets have other unique miracles as well.

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He also explained the meaning of the term word of Allah, or spirit, proceeding from Allah or spirit from Allah, to describe Jesus in the Quran, and indicated that neither of these really has anything to do with attributing divinity to him.

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And finally, we tried to respond to some of the common mistaken notions that the Quran only condemns the ideas which Christian themselves considered to be heretical, such as believing in Mary as a goddess herself, or believing that Jesus and the Father are the same person, not to a different person or persons within the godhood.

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But indicated again, that this are all

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forms of any form, actually of deification of Jesus peace upon him, has been negated. And it includes everything and go to one particular verse in the games with Trinity as such,

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because of the importance of this particular subject, like to go back, and have you comment a little more on it?

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Is there any additional corroborating evidence from the on to confirm what you've just explained? In terms of like the humanity of Jesus as a human period? No. That's right. Well, in several places, in the Quran, he is described as a messenger and prophets, of Allah. And of course, you cannot say, messenger and Prophet and the same time you say, God incarnate, and they don't go together. For example, in Surah, number three, in passage, 49, it says, and that is, and appoint him, Jesus, and apostles are messengers to the children of Israel with the message I have come to you with a sign from your Lord.

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Also, in Surah, five in passage 75, that we caught it in the previous program, which is very important also. And Christ, the son of nearly faith, or children of Israel, worship God, my Lord and your Lord, For whosoever associate us with Allah,

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Allah would forbid paradise to him. So the term has been used to refer you know, as a messenger as a prophet of Allah. And that is found also in Surah, for passage 170 in sort of five passage, 114 and all of this is described as a sword or messenger, another title giving as nabee

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prophets, let's say, and that appears in Surah, 19, in

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passage, 30 in Surah, three, in passage 84.

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He is described in the Quran as Abdullah, the servant of Allah and of course, God does not serve God the servant of Allah mentioned death, which is the exact term again used to refer to other prophets in distinction then, as in 1930, again,

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in 43, that specifies sorry, and sort of the passage 59

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So in all of these passages and many others, is consistently been described as a human being as a creature of Allah and honors features, one of the greatest messengers of Allah. But nowhere in the Quran do we find any trace, direct or indirect that

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entitle him with any define attributes, which is exclusively is created. It's the attribute of

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another common argument

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to support this notion that Jesus was, in fact, is that Jesus was the only sinless person in that, indeed, the Quran even acknowledges the particular fact. What would you say it was that I didn't go further than that, and they say that not only does the Quran say that he was pure, or holy, but not divine,

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the divine, that he was holy, he was sinless. But even in some verses in the Quran, it describes him as a human being that is of those who are close to Allah.

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For example,

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description as a pure person appears in Surah 19. In passage 19

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description as a person who is close to Allah appears, for example, in Surah, number three, in Isaiah, or passage 45 I have no difficulty at all with this description. But in Islamic terminology, and an Islamic context, Islamic belief because you're quoting the Quran, so it has to be extended within the Quran and Islamic tradition. We believe that all prophets were sinless. All prophets and in a previous, in some previous programs, we discussed in detail that the notion of sinfulness of the profits and the terrible thing that they were accused of committing, like *, *, and you know, getting drunk and committing adultery, and all this and getting getting confused about beliefs

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were referred to the conditions in the Bible. And we indicated that nowhere in the Quran do we find any such parallel and consistently consistently described them as also send us people. Not that they are different from humans, they are humans, but they are the best model for humanity. So yes, Jesus was saying this. So what other prophets according to Islamic beliefs, were referring to the Quran. Furthermore, the idea of sinlessness being pure, has been used in the Quran to refer to other advantages.

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More specifically, I'm not talking about the the general concept of profit, but more specifically, for example, about the Prophet john the baptist. Peace be upon him is also described in Surah 19 in passage 13 one sleep or 100 men now as a captain is a pity from us that's a pity for humanity or a kind person and purity is not even confused. He's got clarity, the captain.

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Elsewhere in the Quran, you find that a little boy at the time of Moses

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was described as Neff senza, Kenya, a pure soul that appears in Surah, 18 and passages 1775.

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The Quran does not negate the possibility of purification, after Hammond petka successful is he or she will purify his or her soul that's in Surah 87 passage 14, the mission of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as described in Surah. Two in passage 161 is a key that is to purify them. So as I said, there is a specific reference, in addition to general references to, for example, john the baptist and nobody said that because then the rest is sinless. According to the Quran, he must be divine, all prophets are sinners, about being close to Allah, which even was not your question, but I would even go to that extent, we find that mentioned in the Quran also about others, about Prophet Moses,

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for example, in Surah, 19 and passage 52. It says, rockerverb now that Moses came, was close to Allah or close to Allah, in sort of for passage 141 It describes engines as being close to another so when you say that engines are divine,

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in the Day of Judgment, also, it says that there is a strength in the paradise from which those who are nearest to Allah will drink, as we find in Surah 83 in passage 28 so there are numerous, numerous differences. I'm not giving any exhaustive list

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in the Quran, where seamlessness or purity as well as closeness has been mentioned, with respect to other great human beings and prophets and definitely Jesus is one of them, but it doesn't mean again, automatic attribution of divinity or anything like that there until

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examination and of another area now and that has to do with the mission of Jesus according to the

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code, I asked you to begin this discussion perhaps by describing first of all to whom he was sent. The Quran is quite clear on that. And that is also confirmed by the sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Let me start with the second part, the saying of the Prophet.

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It is reported, and both embody, that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him indicated that every prophet before him, was sent specifically to his people.

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And he was the only one to be sent to the whole world. So they there's no questions about that. And the Quran consistently speak about the Prophet also, even though it says in the beginning, of course of his mission, that you start with your family and the people around you or whatever. But definitely in terms of the scope of his mission, not the strategy or time plan. The message in the Quran is repeated so many times that it is for the whole world for all humanity, everybody to the worship of the one true God, the combination of the mission of all prophets before him, from Adam to Jesus. Now,

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the other specific reference with respect to Prophet Jesus is a blessing be upon him we find in more than one place in the Quran. For example, in in Surah, three in passage 49. It says, and that is Jesus in messenger to the children of Israel. It specifies that messengers to the children of Israel,

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also in Surah, 61. And facet six, of course, Jesus is the one in a saying all children of Israel, I am the messengers of God sent to you, that is to your children of Islam,

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in Surah, five in passage 49, describing the succession of prophets, and it says, and in their footsteps, that previous prophets we sent Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming the law, that is the Torah that has come, that has come before him. So again, it's confirmation of previous book that's an admission of a prophet, relating specifically to the to the Israelites. Indeed, if I may, as that footnote, even though it might come in a separate program, or programs to be possible bridging of the understanding of what the Quran says, and examining even what the New Testament itself say about Jesus, etc. Some areas have similarities and are different. If I may, at this juncture, just get two

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or three references in the New Testament, that seems to indicate that this is the way Jesus peace be upon him perceive of his mission. In, for example, in the Gospel, according to Matthew, chapter 16, verse 24, he said it clearly I am not sent, but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel, he didn't even say, I am sent to the house, to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, which would not preclude others. But he is not I have not, or am not sent. But that except exclusively, until the last chief of the house of Israel, and the Sandman gospel in chapter 10, and verse five and six,

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in his instructions given to the disciples, He said it clearly.

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He said, this 12, Jesus sent force and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of Gentiles, go not into the way of Gentiles, and into any city of Samaritans into you, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And that is also implied, in some sense in Matthew 19, verse 28.

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So the it's interesting to notice that

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there is no explicit statement by Jesus during his mission

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in any of the three synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark, or Luke, to indicate the universality of his mission. And what has been quoted before, as we know, and the New Revised Standard Version

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of the Bible has been dropped, or at least put between brackets that many ancient manuscripts did not include the passage that says, Go and baptize the whole world or all nations. I think

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some even translate the nation, which might be a different section to the nation of Israel, but not really to the whole world. So I think there seem to be corroborating evidence

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that that's the way he viewed his mission. That's practically what he did in his life. And, of course, we're not responsible as to what his people did after him. But the mission was explicitly to the children. Of course, that does not say that none

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His teachings or the moral values, he emphasized, which was based on the Old Testament,

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invalid are inappropriate for other people. But we're simply saying that his mission was that in preparation, of course of the last, universal prophets will bring everything to completion that that was promised

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was a very helpful answer in terms of explaining the cons we love to whom property Jesus was sent to Scorpio sculpt, they can return now to some examination of the cons, description of the mission itself the mission of Jesus, when in one sense, we can say that the mission of Prophet Jesus which was no different from the mission of any prophets in human history,

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basically to invite humanity to the worship of Allah and to follow His guidance.

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For example, you will find that the Quran in particular even with respect to Jesus peace be upon him refers to

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confirmation parts of his mission to confirm what's the main impact of the Torah, of course not to confirm everything that Jesus said, okay, is worse, we're doing tests to be the one and in fact,

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the Quran mentioned also that

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his mission also was to remove some of the restrictions that we'll need by way of punishments of the sidelights and thirdly, to also give the last sighting of the coming after him of the last prophet, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, perhaps, for this three specifics that relate to Jesus, maybe I can quote and then we get back to his mission, explain a little bit more. But in the Quran in surah, three, in passage 50. It says, I have come to you, that is Jesus saying that, to attest or confirm the law which was before me, and to make lawful to, you know, silence part of what was before for given to you, I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. So here Allah and obey me.

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Similarly, in Surah, 61, passage six in the Quran, again, it says that Jesus told His people, I am the messenger of God to you again, confirming what came before me. And it says one more shouldn't even bother getting a glass

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of the messenger to come after me is made in Canada, which is another name of Prophet Muhammad, because both come from the roots, the traced one, which is the meaning of Muhammad. And

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so this are explicit and clear indications in the Quran, about the some of the specifics of the mission of Jesus.

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But as far as, as indicated earlier, the broad mission of Jesus is nothing but the same broad mission of all of the prophets that befall him, to submit to the one true creator and Sustainer of the universe don't feel God's,

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to accept him not only as the spiritual sovereign, but and the spiritual and the legal sovereign, to obey a messenger who is speaking for God. So there is no way but the way of God through course, the teachings of that messenger to explain to people that Allah alone has the right to command things or for bad things, that anything that the humans have legislated, should be canceled if it contradicts with the teachings of Allah.

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So this basically really

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the essence of all of the messages. What amazes me sometimes is that some writers and theologians seems to depict

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the mission of Jesus peace be upon him as

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basically passive, this type of mission that

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he was just interested in rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's, which seems to me to be contradictory to what Islam presents, as the mission of all prophets, who acknowledge on the one authority, that authority over all seasons is the authority of God and that should be Supreme.

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The mission of all prophets that does not make any false division between the spiritual and moral realm in life and other socio economic things. Or else how could a person obey Allah, or implement this? If the people have been oppressed by tyrannical powers? Yes, the Bible, the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Quran, for that matter, he talks about loving your neighbor, but how could you love your neighbor to implement that? And this there is a system also of social justice and is this some not a overthrow of tyrannical or oppressive rule that is controlling the living or livelihood of the people could start went into submission to them, rather than submission to God? I saw

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It's an interesting analysis of that in the writings of Maulana Modi. And there is an article based on that by Austin for saying that after a time in the

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hands, which isn't standing critical, which stick of Jesus in a slightly different light, quoting from the Gospels themselves, to show that he was, in some sense, a revolutionary tool, but maybe the circumstances in his time not a religious person in the negative sense of leftists, or others. But someone who was really like all other prophets interested in bringing deep roots of change in the social, economic and political system rather than simply preaching morality and letting oppressors do what they they want, but the circumstances are not very conducive.

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For example, in Matthew chapter 20, verses 29 and 30. Jesus was saying that one cannot Rob Satan's kingdom without first binding certain indicators that whoever is not with me, he is against me, which means that at one point to expect at some kind of confrontation with the oppressive powers of his time, in Matthew in chapter 10, verses 34, through 39, you find a verse that is seldom quoted by any creature I can to bring I cannot, or Think not that I can to bring peace to Earth, no, rather a sword. You see. So there have been numerous places where Jesus really,

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you know, has taken the approach of bringing change rather than simply preaching, we are all familiar with what happened when he entered the sentence, equipped people, he overturned the tables of the of the money changes.

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Of course, as he says, also in the Gospel, according to Luke chapter 16, especially the verses 26, through 33, he also invited people to make that calculation and he gave the cover in the what you might call the example order similar to that of someone who have been house without having estimate and then get stuck in the middle, and cannot finish it and just leave it as they saw, while he's calling for change is calling also for calculation. And maybe that's the reason why, why he,

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you know, did not carry his struggle, in terms of physical confrontation otherwise, if the circus did not run away from him, and did not fall asleep, and get 70 than it was supposed, supposedly, according to the Bible, of course.

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You might have actually told them, yes, he will have a sword, let him bring it in, who doesn't have a sword since, you know, your things are stuff and biases. But when it was, you know, impossible to resist. He thought one of his disciples who held the sword is exploited back at that at that time, of course, there was no, there would have been wiped out.

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So I know that this is not a common

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profile that's given to Jesus always, you know, those are the sign pacifist accepting things that we find in the Bible, it simply isn't an evidence that that wasn't really his mission. That's very interesting finding one we could spend a lot of program alone, just elaborating on that particular point. But I'd like to turn to

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a discussion of some of the other

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described in the Quran besides the virgin birth and the ability to speak as an infant. Could you perhaps comment on that? Yes, there are several and and surprising enough, the are some of them that are not even mentioned in the New Testament, and that again, confirm the previous point that there have been no, they could be no way or no reason to presume that any attempt was made to belittle him or reduce his, you know, status. Because these are not even a canonized gospel and our wonderful American ritual, it is so much better has nothing to do with the military. For example, in Surah, three in the Quran, passages 49. And 50 just changed the translation of meaning to this translation.

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And when he came as a messenger to the children of Israel, he loves Jesus said, I have come to you with a clear sign from your Lord, in your very presence. I make the likeness of a word out of clay and breathe into it. And it becomes by Allah has commanded a bird. I'm not familiar with any worse and the canonized gospels were that miracles mentioned. like giving life to a bird of clay.

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It says also I hear those born blind at noon, and the lepers and die bring to life the dead by Alaska man. I inform you of what you eat, and once you stood up in your houses, surely there is great science for you in all that, if you have a mind to believe

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So in other words, I don't know what could be more explicit about the, in a very brief passage like that, describing a variety of miracles, healing the sick, bringing the death to life, and even things which are not in the, in the gospels, we find similar differences, by the way. So that's for those who wish to check in sort of five, especially in passages 110, through 116, that describes again, those miracles. And in all cases, of course, it leaves no doubt in one's mind that, as he himself says, By the power of Allah, by the permission, or by the name of Allah, just like all other prophets, that whatever they did, not because they were divine, but Allah has blessed them, this

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time, to help make the point and bring people to the path of truth

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about revelation was Jesus, Please investigate, given any scriptures like some of the other prophets, according to the Quran, yes, he was given an ingenious I am j e, l, which I would suspect would be not exactly equivalent to the Gospels, you might say good news. But that's not the one and the same as the four Gospels. Because the four gospels, as we all know, are biographies written by somebody claimed deciphered, some, by people who are not even eyewitnesses of Jesus Yes, on all likelihood or not.

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And when the finance speaks about revelation, or the edge is given to Jesus, the same way it talks about the revelation given to Moses or to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam or Abraham, or David.

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It definitely does not talk about something that was written many years after the, the end of the ministry of Jesus

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and His mission. So obviously, it speaks about something different from what we find today. And that term in jail I found, according to the concordance using the contents of the of the Quran, appearing 12 times in six sutras in the Quran. And many places in the context of other

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holy books,

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of course, were that engine

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divination that was given to Jesus today, it's very difficult to say, you know, but as we all know, there are some studies in biblical circles concerning the Synoptic Gospels and the

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possible sources from which the Synoptic Gospels might have based their information, but nobody can say really, for sure.

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That might or may not come to explore this last question

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in every detail before we run out of time today, but I'd like to ask you about the end of the ministry of Jesus, according to the Quran. Could you comment on that, and we don't have enough time, but let's come back and finish it in our next program. Okay, maybe you can mention something about this that would complete at least a topic from the Quranic perspective. And then perhaps like he said, we might turn into some comparative issues there. But according to the Quran, it simply says that he was not the one who was killed or crucified.

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Perhaps I can, since there is not much time, just quote, The passage in the Quran and perhaps, come to expansion at a later time, in Surah, four, in passages 156 through 162, Satan's translation of meaning about the Israelites.

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Then, they went so far in their unbelief, that they uttered a monstrous, that's false charge against me. They've been since bragged, we have slain or killed Jesus, Son of God and messenger of Allah, whereas in fact, they did not slay him. Nor did they crucify him. But the matter was made dubious for them, or you can translate also, it's so appears to them. And those who have different about this matter, are also in doubt concerning it. They have no knowledge of it, but photo near conjectures. For they were not sure that they had succeeded in killing Jesus me. The fact is that Allah hadn't come unto himself, for Allah is all powerful.

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I wish we had more time to explore that because I'm sure this is a very interesting point for many of our viewers. Unfortunately, we exhausted our time. Want to thank you, brother Jamal, for another interesting program. I want to thank you for being our guests. Join us next week and we'll continue our discussion. Awesome. I'm alaikum Peace be on. Do

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