Ismail Kamdar – Tafseer Of Surah Fatiha Part 3

Ismail Kamdar
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The importance of Surah Fatiha's title of the Lord of the universe is discussed in Islam's teachings, as it is a result of Islam's desire to be the first. The names of the Hadees claim to be the only people the Lord of the universe, but the names and attributes of Allah Sub culture are not similar in reality. The afterlife of Islam is discussed, including the afterlife of the creator, the existence of Easter, and the importance of patient behavior. The afterlife is a permanent, permanent, and permanent, and the ultimate goal is the return of the God to the realm of darkness.

AI: Summary ©

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			Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam wa
rahmatullah al Ameen momento de Edina who believes in Allah you meet in a country that we began two
weeks ago by looking at Tafseer of Surah Al Fatiha two weeks ago, we looked at the virtues of the
surah. And some of the wisdoms behind this revelation and the high priests that that it holds in the
heart of Islam.
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			That surah Bhatia is the one surah that we have been chosen to recite every single day in every Raka
of our Salah. And we have said that this tutor has been chosen for a reason, we went on to look at
some of the Hadees related to it, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has related to us
that this is the greatest surah in the Quran, and the greatest surah to have been revealed, and that
a doe of Paradise had opened for it that has not been open for any revelation before.
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			So we learned that this is indeed one of the most important chapters of the Quran. And this is why
we have been chosen to recite Surah Fatiha every day, multiple times a day. yet so many of us take
this for granted. We don't know what it means we don't understand it. We don't put these teachings
into practice. And we read it so quickly in our solar that we do not get the benefits of it.
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			Last week we looked at the first verse of Surah Fatiha al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen All praise
is due to Allah, the Lord of the universe. We spoke about what it means for a lot to be our God, our
Rob, that this gives us the concept of tawheed or rubia, the oneness of Allah lordship, that he is
the only creator, maintainer and Sustainer of the universe, Nothing happens without the will of
Allah. There is no good luck or bad luck, only the good and bad the steam by Allah. While he was
sure Rahim Allah, God their destiny. Clearly he was surely he both the good and bad of it is from
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			So we looked at this in detail last week. And we also mentioned that when we believe and accept that
Allah subhanho wa Taala is the Lord of the Universe, then the natural implication of that in our
lives is tawakkol trust in Allah subhana wa tada that we turn to Allah, whenever we have a problem.
And whenever we do something, we put our tawakkol in Allah. This means that we do our best effort,
we make our best possible effort. And then we leave the result to Allah and we accept his decision.
If we had made our best effort and things did not go our way. Then we see Alhamdulillah Allah knows
what is best for us. This tawakkol comes when we accept that Allah is indeed the Lord of the
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			Universe, and nothing can happen without the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
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			This week, inshallah, we are going to look at the second verse of Surah Fatiha, and that is the
verse are Rahmani Raheem the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. And if one follows the opinion that
Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem is the first verses of Surah Fatiha. Then, in that opinion, the words of
Rahmani Raheem would have appeared twice in the surah first in the Bismillah, and then in this
verse. Now these are very, very important words. It's just two words in this verse r Rahmani r
Rahim. But these are the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the names of Allah are very
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			Unfortunately, Today, many of us when we read the Quran, we don't really focus on the names of Allah
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			Subhana if you look at the Quran, you'll notice on every page almost every page of the Quran, there
are few verses which ends with Allah subhana wa Taala as names with it says who are Rahmani Raheem,
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			Rahim. Or are many other verses were all the other names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. There are many
verses like this in the Quran. But for many of us when we are reading Tafseer or reading the
translation, we just brush over these words without really pondering, why did Allah put them here?
Why does Allah always in these verses were names? Why did he choose a specific name for a specific
verse? What is the importance of this name? What impact should this name have in my life and in my
beliefs? Do we think about this when we read the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala These are not the
names of people. These are not the names of anything else. These are the names of our Creator that
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			he has revealed to us. And so they deserve our attention. They deserve our study. They deserve that
we take our time to look at each and every name of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he has revealed to
us and that we study them in details. And then we feel the implication of that in our Akita in our
beliefs and emotions.
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			whatever actions come from that into our daily lives as well.
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			This is the reality of how we should be approaching the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa
Taala. It is not just something that we brush over or we go through very quickly. Rather, a lot of
focus should be put on it because Allah subhanaw taala deserves all of our attention and our focus.
So Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the second verse of the surah, two of his most commonly
mentioned names in the Quran, R Rahman r Rahim. Now, as to the amount of names that Allah subhanho
wa Taala has, we have the Hadees, which mentions 99 names, but the other Hadees, which mentioned
even more, for example, you one of the Hadees, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us
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			that when we are in times of distress, at times of difficulty, then we make a dua, and part of the
dua is that we say Oh Allah, I ask you by every name that you have,
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			including the names that you have revealed to us, and the names that you have kept hidden by you.
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			So from that drop from that portion of the dog, we must realize that even though we have many, many
names of Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed in the Quran, they are still named attributes of Allah
that are known only to Allah subhana wa Taala. And that we will get in the view we will get to hear
them in the afterlife inshallah. And another Hadith which supports this is that
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			on the Day of Judgment, when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam intercedes for the oma, we know
that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would be the first intercessor on the Day of Judgment,
and he will ask Allah to begin to judgment. And when he does that, he will make dua to Allah
subhanho wa Taala using names which no creature had ever heard before, using the names of Allah,
which no creature had ever heard or said before. So this further indicates that they are Names of
Allah subhana wa Taala, which he has not revealed to us, showing us the infinite knowledge of Allah,
showing us the infinite power of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That he goes beyond human description, we
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			can describe Allah subhanaw taala in parts, in small parts that we know this about Allah we know
that about Allah, but we will never be able to know everything about Allah subhanho wa Taala,
because he is beyond human understanding, he is most knowledgeable, most wise, Most Merciful.
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			The first out any beginning, the last without any ending the Creator. So when you think think about
all of this, this is something which is beyond human capabilities to understand, this is because
Allah is infinite and we are finite. And as a result, we will only know about Allah what he has
revealed to us. And what he has revealed to us are these names and attributes. So the names and
attributes of Allah Subhana Allah, how do we approach them? Firstly, we have to believe in them as
they have been revealed, and is not permissible to deny any of our last names or attributes or to
change the meanings. Allah has revealed to us what we should believe, and we should believe in it,
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			and follow it to the best of our to the best of our abilities, but the belief has to be there, the
belief has to be there and he cannot in any way to change the beliefs mentioned in the Quran. And so
the name of Allah, we know that Allah has names indicate unique attributes. And that is why this
aspect of our belief is called to heat a small part allows uniqueness in his names and attributes,
allows uniqueness in his names and attributes. Meaning part of our fundamental beliefs as Muslims is
that Allah is unique in his names and attributes. He has unique names, it is not permissible to give
a human being the name of a man. No, we can see Abdurahman the sleeve or a man by the name of man is
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			unique to Allah subhanho wa Taala and he's unique in his attributes, that Allah is most merciful.
You and I made we have mercy Alhamdulillah but Allah is most merciful in ways that we can't even
imagine. So Allah Subhana Allah has named our number one unique number two, we cannot change them we
have to believe in them as they are. Number three, they are not like the attributes of the creation
Allah is not like us laser chemistry he shade is nothing like Allah.
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			Allah who Khufu and there is nothing comparable to Allah. So when they are named of Allah, which are
similar to us in terms of wording, in reality, the reality of it is different. And I will explain
this in details after the break. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah we are
looking at Surah Al Fatiha verse number two R Rahman r Rahim and we are looking at the named
attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That Allah subhanaw taala cannot be compared to any of his
creation, the circumstance
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			He shady is nothing like him. So even today when we are looking at Allah subhanaw taala as mercy, we
need to understand even though Allah subhana wa Taala is described as being most merciful, and we
also described humans as having the quality of mercy. The reality is that these two mercies are
different, the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala is in comparable to the mercy of humans his his
mercy is infinite. It is beyond our understanding, and it is without limits. While our Mercy is
limited, human beings tend to be merciful only in certain situations, certain people, we don't have
that same. So it's just a similarity in name, it's not similarity in complete concepts. So Allah
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			subhanaw taala is unique and cannot be compared to his creation in any way. So this is who Allah
subhanho wa Taala is and why does alegebra hana data reveal to us His names and attributes, very
simply put, if Allah did not reveal to us this information about him, we would not know anything but
Allah subhanho wa Taala because Allah subhana wa Taala is beyond the universe, and science cannot
study him. humans cannot study Allah subhanho wa Taala He is the Creator, we are the creation. The
only thing that we know about Allah is what he has revealed. And that is why it was necessary for
Allah subhanho wa Taala to send the revelation and prophets to us. And part of the revelation is
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			describing who he is. And that is why the name of Allah is so important. Because the more the more
you know, somebody, the more you will love them. So the more you know and understand the names and
attributes of Allah subhanaw taala, the more your love of Allah subhana wa Taala will increase. And
so we are looking at specifically today at his attributes of mercy. Why specifically the attributes
of mercy? Because the two names mentioned in this in this verse, AR Rahman and Rahim they both have
the same root letters rahima mercy. So both of these names actually mean if you had to just leave
both of them literally, they both mean the Most Merciful. Our man means the Most Merciful, and our
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			him also means the most most most merciful. So what is the difference? The scholars of tafsir have
mentioned that the difference between the two is that our man deals with a large, universal mercy,
Allah Subhana Allah universal mercy towards all of creation, Allah Subhana Allah is merciful to
everything in his creation, even those who disbelieve in it, and that is what is meant by al Rahman
al Rahim focuses on Allah Subhana Allah has special mercy, His mercy, which he has reserved for the
believers, in this world and in the afterlife, Allah Subhana Allah is merciful to all of his
creation, but there is a special mercy which he has received, he has reserved for the believers,
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			that includes paradise. And that is what our Rahim is about.
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			speaks in the surah, about two types of mercy, his universal mercy and His special mercy. And Allah
subhanaw taala has mentioned to us or other Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has mentioned to us in an
important Hadees that alertable hana what Allah has said that he had divided his mercy into 99
portions, or into 100 portions. One portion, he has prayed on this earth, and 99 he has saved for
the Day of Judgment. So that means they were able mercy we see around us in this universe is only 1%
of the mercy we will see on the Day of Judgment. Again, we are talking about things which go beyond
human comprehension. how merciful will allow us to be Hannah, would Allah be on the Day of Judgment,
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			that every single bit of mercy that we see in this universe makes up 1% of that? I mean, think about
it. In this universe, what do we see in terms of mercy? Just the mercy mothers have towards the
children is amazing. Yeah, that's not even 1% of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And there's
another Hadees to support that, that there was a woman who was looking for her child that she
thought she had lost. And when she found the challenge, she held the child close to her Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam asked her as the sahaabah that do you think this woman would ever throw the child
of hers into a fire? And the Saba said no. Then Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam said, Allah is more
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			merciful towards his believing servants than this woman is to a child. Meaning if that is the mercy
that a mother has for a child, the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala, to his believing servants, is
even greater.
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			To the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala in this world is a parent in many ways. One of the ways that it
is apparent is in the mercy that people show towards each other
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			that we have parents
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			have natural mercy towards the children. And we have entire societies and civilizations built upon
people being good to each other. And the religion of Islam prescribes mercy in many, many
situations. It teaches us to deal kindly with everybody, with our parents, with our spouse, with our
children, with our neighbors, with our guests, even with one's enemies, even if one has an enemy.
Islam emphasizes the importance of mercy. That is better to forgive than to take revenge. It is
better to reconcile the two let a fight continue, even if you are the one who is wronged. This
concept of mercy can be found throughout Islam. It is one of the most important qualities of a
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			believer and Allah subhanaw taala even used the word of mercy to describe the Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his message itself. When you said, woman out of Southern Africa in
LA Rahmatullahi aalameen we did not send you Oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam except as a
Rama, a mercy to the universe. So the very existence of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and
his message is one of mercy. So this Mercy is everywhere. Islam is the mercy. How is Islam in mercy,
because the laws of Islam were revealed. And you will find this in all the major books are fake,
that the laws of Islam were revealed, to keep us away from that which is harmful to us. And to help
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			us get that which is good for us. The laws of Islam were revealed to help us get debt which is good
for us and to keep away debt which is harmful for us. That is allowed to be hunted as mercy. Islam
was revealed to help us get to paradise, and to stay away from the hellfire. That is part of Allah's
mercy it has revealed and showed us the way to paradise. Islam was sent to us with the greatest
human to ever walk the face of this earth, our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam
and that too, is part of Allah's mercy to us.
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			Allah has sent Islam as the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala has revealed it as a religion of mercy
to everyone. For example, one of the Hadees about the importance of mercy in Islam
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			Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam once kissed his grandsons in public. And one of the men commented and
said that I have 10 children and I've never kissed any of them. Rasulullah sallallahu listen to this
man, whoever does not show mercy to the children will not be shown mercy. Now the scholars differ
whether this means they will not be shown mercy by Allah or by their children. And many have said it
means by boat, that how you treat your children is how you will be treated. But again, the emphasis
here is on what mercy does Rasulullah saw some emphasize the importance of being good and kind to
people. So Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam came and taught us a religion of Rama, a religion of mercy
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			of peace, of tolerance, of being good to others.
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			And this religion has been revealed through Ramadan alameen, through a mercy to the universe, from
our manual in the Most Merciful. So you can see that this is a religion
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			of so much mercy in so many different ways that is already beyond our understanding. And our super
handle has mercy on this earth even extends to the disbelievers. And that is part of our pimping or
Rahim that even though we sin every day, Allah is still good to us. He still provides us and our
families, he still lets us live. I mean, we are living Allah Subhana Allah Earth, we are breathing
his air, we are eating the food which he has provided. And despite the sins we commit, he still
allows us to do this. And even the disbelievers
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			who not only do they sin, but the worship other than Allah, the worship other than the Creator,
Allah is still merciful to them,
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			and still allows them to prosper in this world. It still allows them to do well in this world, and
to live comfortably in this world and give them the paradise on this world. This is part of Allah's
mercy towards his creatures, that even those who are worshipping other than Him committing the
greatest of sin, the only unforgivable sin, once one passes away, while a person is alive, Allah is
still showing mercy to that person and letting them enjoy this world as much as they can. So Allah
subhanaw taala as mercy extends to everybody around us, this is the beauty of our religion and the
beauty of our Creator. Now,
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			when we talk about Allah subhanaw taala as mercy in the afterlife, we are talking about the special
mercy about putting the believers in paradise. And then that leads to a very commonly asked question
nowadays, that if Allah subhanaw taala is most merciful.
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			Why does the help I exist?
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			Why are the people who will go to the Hellfire forever? And you'll hear this argument mainly from
Christians and from people from other faiths that why would the Most Merciful God put people in the
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			And to understand that we have to look at a lot of other names of Allah subhanho wa Taala is yes,
our man he is most merciful, but he's also the most just other the most just, he's also the most
wise. He's also the most knowledgeable. Allah Subhana Allah has mercy is not weakness, it is mercy
in the strongest sense. And that Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala is also governed by His justice
and his knowledge and his wisdom.
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			And His justice and his knowledge and his wisdom demand. That it is not fair to the believers, that
the disbelievers share the same reward with them in the afterlife. If one person spent the entire
life in this world, worshiping the Creator, praying five times a day, staying away from fornication,
staying away from drugs and alcohol, doing everything good, being patient with the child of this
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			And somebody else, indulging all the evils, did everything possible to come up with all types of
schilke all types of polytheism? Is it fair that both of them have the same reward in the afterlife.
So we will continue discussing this topic after the next break. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi
wabarakatuh. Before we left for the break, we brought up a very commonly asked philosophical
question, which comes from any non Muslims and it's even in the minds of many of the younger Muslims
who might not express it. But I have dealt with many youngsters who had this question. And that
question is that they've alleged to be handled Allah is most merciful. Why does he put people in the
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			And we began to answer this question by mentioning that Allah Subhana Allah is most merciful, but
he's also most just, he's also most wise, he's also most knowledgeable. Allah's mercy is also
governed by His justice, his knowledge and his wisdom. Allah subhanho wa Taala knows who is
deserving of Paradise and who is not. Now if we look at the concept of the Hellfire,
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			the concept of * by is not something new to Islam, it is something which has always existed in
every divinely revealed religion. It can be found in the classical Christian scriptures, and Jewish
scriptures and in religions before that. So that shows us that this is not something which Islam
came was the first religion to bring about. Rather, this is something which humans who had received
revelation from Allah had believed in from the beginning of time.
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			That's number one. The main reason I brought that point up is that a lot of times people who pick on
the issue of health I come from Christian backgrounds, and they forget that Christianity itself
teaches that disbelievers go to the Hellfire, right, so that becomes a bit
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			he becomes a bit forgetful on their side that this is a concept that's part of their religion as
well. So this concept to help it has always been there. And it's part of a large wisdom. Again, when
we talk with Allah subhana wa Taala, sometimes, Allah subhanaw taala is beyond human understanding,
being infinite and asking for that. But this much we can understand that Allah subhanho wa Taala has
revealed to us a Sharia, and he has given us a purpose. And if someone is not following the Sharia,
and not living up to the purpose, it is not fair, that they receive the same afterlife as someone
who is it is not fair. For example, the Prophet Moses, who spent his entire life fighting against
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			the Pharaoh,
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			what would have been the use of all of that, if him and the pharaoh both ended up with the same in
the afterlife?
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			Furthermore, people forget that paradise, just like this earth belongs to Allah of Paradise is Allah
Subhana. Allah has property that he has created for those who deserve it. He has created it for
those who Allah subhanaw taala feels deserves its own logical handlers decision as to who would
enter Paradise and who will not. It is not for us to decide, it is not for us
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			to use our own logic to say oh, I feel certain people should go to Paradise because I feel they have
done good. No, it's based on Allah Subhan Allah paradise, Allah Sharia and we are less creatures.
And so we have to submit to this and to accept this.
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			So Allah subhana wa Taala, putting those who have rebelled against him, this believed and
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			worshipped other than him into the Hellfire does not contradict His infinite mercy.
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			Allah is merciful. He has given them time and time
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			again to repent, allowing some of them to look for 80 years, 90 years, to meet many believers to
learn so much about the religion, and if still they choose to disobey Him, and if they still choose
to worship other than Him, whether it is their own fame or wealth, or an idol, or another creature,
or the own desires or their own intellect, body, they choose to worship something other than Allah.
Then it is Allah is justice, that Allah does not put them in paradise. And those who do not go to
Paradise, go to the hellfire. So this does not contradict Allah subhana wa tada has mercy. Now, it
was mercy in the afterlife. We spoke about it. And we said that a loved 100 as mercy in the
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			afterlife is reserved for the believers. Now let's look at this in a bit of details what mercy takes
place in the afterlife, which does not take place in this world. One of the most beautiful things
regarding Allah's mercy in the afterlife is the concept of intercession, the intercession for the
sinful believers, Allah subhanaw taala has put into place so many ways to go to Paradise. That
really, if someone ends up in the Hellfire, it's their own fault. I mean, look at this on the Day of
Judgment, number one, besides one being a good Muslim, there are many other ways to go to Paradise.
For example, number one, somebody else interceding for you. For example, you know if one has a
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			practicing half is of the Quran in the family, he will intercede for family members, like with a
martyr will intercede for family members, and many other people as well. So we have this
intercession, taking place. Number two, we have the forgiveness of sin, that Allah subhana wa tada
will forgive a person sins if the goodies outweighed or sometimes even if the sins outweigh the good
deeds. Sometimes Allah Subhana Allah will forgive those sins based on his mercy because of certain
goodies that person did. For example, we have the story of a woman from burning surah II, who was a
prostitute, but because she gave water to a dog, Allah forgive us for all of our sins, unless mercy
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			was mercy. so unlucky forgive people as long as they haven't committed shirk. And then we have the
intercession of the martyrs and the intercession of the Olia the righteous friends of Allah subhana
wa Taala. And then we have the intercession of the prophets. And Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has
told us that in the Day of Judgment, he will intercede, and he will intercede and deceit for so
long. until everybody who seems to have an atom's word of Imani their heart will be removed from the
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			And this even go further than that Allah subhanaw taala will then take out
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			the remaining believers from the helper and put them into paradise. And Allah will send the angel to
look and see who has the marks of sajida on the forehead and take him out of the hellfire. Of course
this is after hundreds of 1000s of years of punishment. But this again showed that Allah will not
just leave us if we believe in Him in the hellfire. This is all part of Allah's mercy. So with all
of this in place, and all of these things in place, for someone to end up in the Hellfire eternally,
it's their own fault only.
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			And if see another Hadith Allah spoke about this way, Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam told us that the
Day of Judgment, a man will come to Allah and ask him that, can I ransom myself with everything in
this world? I'll give you every piece of wealth in this world. Don't put me in the hot fire and a
lower reply. I only wanted much less than you than that. I just wanted something much less than that
from you, that you worship me alone. Just all the ones are created just once that every human
worships Him alone. That's all. That's all he's asking for. If we do that, we will see Allah's
mercy. We will see Allah's mercy in the Day of Judgment. And if we are righteous, then we will be
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			part of Allah's mercy in the Day of Judgment, we will be from those who are older users to intercede
for others. How greedy Allah's mercy that let's look at paradise and describe it for a while. The
descriptions of Paradise will show it alleged greed, mercy towards the believers. Unless you know
what Allah has placed in paradise as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has described, that which no eye
has ever seen. No ear has ever heard, and no mind can even imagine.
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			So think about this. They are beautiful and good things in paradise that your eyes have never seen.
Your ears have never heard and that your mind can't even imagine that good. Meaning if you had to
imagine the best of the best, the most beautiful thing ever. The things you want the most. Paradise
is better than that. Paradise is better than that.
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			Allah subhanaw taala has decided
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			paradise in the Quran in many places, and he has spoken about many of the different descriptions of
paradise. But just on the on the topic of mercy on to look at one specific Hades, which describes
paradise and really shows Allah subhanaw taala has mercy. This is a hadith about the last believer
to crawl out of the Hellfire, meaning the worst of the worst of all Muslims, the worst of the worst,
and we know how bad we can sometimes get. Now we're talking about the worst of the worst of all
Muslims, the very last Muslim to be taken out of the hellfire.
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			The last in the last of believers to come out to the Hellfire will crawl out of the help file and
ask Allah for some shade. And Allah will give him a tree he will sit under the tree, and then he
will see a bigger tree, a nicer tree. And he will ask a lot that can you go there instead, Allah
will allow him to do so. And every time he's moving from one tree to the other, you're getting
closer to paradise, until finally he sits under a tree which is outside the gates of paradise. And
he hears the people inside enjoying themselves and he can hear the sounds of pleasure from Paradise.
So he asked Allah
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			to let him enter.
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			So Allah subhanaw taala tells him that I will give you will you be happy if I give you the size of
the Earth? And this man will be surprised? And he will say, yes, Allah. Allah goes on to say that I
will give you 10 times the size of Earth. And so this man, the worst of the worst of the worst of
believers, the worst Muslim, the biggest sinner, when he's fine, his punishment is finally over his
home, his property in paradise will be 10 times the size of the entire Earth. That's the worst of
Muslims. What about the best of Muslims? How big would one's property be if one is a good Muslim, if
once been one light, worshiping Allah to the best of your ability, not only praying five times a
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			day, but praying, praying that 100 as well. Fasting in the field fasts, worshiping Allah day in and
day out.
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			If we do this, imagine how paradise would be because the worst, but rather the lowest level of
paradise. Right at the bottom, the smallest Paradise is 10 times the size of this earth. That would
mean the largest Paradise is beyond our understanding. beyond our comprehension.
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			Paradise is the place where people do not die.
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			People do not get old, people do not get sick. People don't have ill feelings towards each other.
There's no work. There's no need to earn wealth. There's no anxiety of any kind. It's eternal
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			And just like the human mind finds it hard to comprehend eternal punishment. We also find it equally
hard to comprehend eternal pleasure. But these are the realities of the afterlife, that which no
mind has even imagined. And so
00:33:02 --> 00:33:39
			the reality of Paradise and * are there. These are things which are real, which Allah has
created, and which he has revealed to every prophet Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, peace be upon them all
about, that those who believe in worship god alone, and follow the prophets will go to Paradise,
while those who disbelieve will go to the Hellfire, when Allah has created such a beautiful and
merciful place like paradise, for all eternity to get away from every type of discomfort, not even
evil, even discomfort you will be away from Paradise and to have every one of your desires
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			And why would anyone choose a path that leads anywhere else? Why would anyone choose anything
besides paradise? And that's why it is mentioned in the Quran. That on the Day of Judgment, when the
disbelievers are taken to the gates of Hellfire, the angels will look at him shocked. And the angels
will ask them, Do the messengers come to you? Didn't the messengers tell you about about this? When
the Prophet sent to this earth? Who told you about paradise and *? Who told you about the way to
paradise? How on earth? Could you end up in alpha?
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			This is what the angels will see paraphrasing what they will see.
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			The different messengers come to you, they will not be able to understand how any human being who
has heard the message of Islam, who knows there is only one creator, and that Muhammad is His
Messenger and knows the way to paradise to choose the way to help I. What about those of us who say
we are Muslims, yet we don't pray. We don't fast. We don't follow Islam. How are we going to answer
them the day of judgment? Then the messengers come to us? Yes. Didn't we claim to believe in the
messengers? Yes. So what happened to us? We really need to think about this. So we
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			We will take a break now and when we return we'll continue discussing the mercy of Allah in
paradise. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Before the break, we are discussing the mercy
of Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of Paradise, the paradise that he has created for us, for those
who believe and do righteous deeds. Allah subhanaw taala describes this paradise in many places of
the Quran. One of those places is Surah insaan, also known as Surah Taha, from verse number 12
onwards, we allow us to handle what Allah says.
00:35:36 --> 00:36:25
			Allah shaytani r regime, which is our whom Bhima Saba Rooijen, Otto harira. The reward for being
patient is paradise and silk. Note that a lot of others is that the reward for being patient,
meaning that we cannot get to paradise without patience. Because along the way to paradise, there
will be child, there'll be tests, there'll be temptations, and in all of these situations, we have
to be patient. But if we are patient, what would be our reward? Jenna, paradise would dakini be our
raw IQ. We need the word recline on sofas and couches. Lie your own a pee ha shampoo water some
heavy rock and they will not experience any heat or cold. It is neither hot or cold in paradise. The
00:36:25 --> 00:36:59
			temperature is always right. We're done yet and our Li him de la Lu ha well we'll leave that
Goodbye, Lila and the shade will be directly above them and the fruit will be within the rich. The
shade will always be where we want it to be and fruit will always be within our reach. Will you talk
for lamb Anya de min de Vaca khwab in Ghana Garnet kavaliro and around him will go servants carrying
vessels of silver and goblets are glasses made of glass
00:37:00 --> 00:37:43
			kawari Raman fitted in Guadalajara Takahiro glass mill of silver the glasses will be made of silver
and they will have been measured accordingly. Meaning that exactly how much that you want it how
much you will have in that glass or your own gas and Ghana Misa Johansson jameelah and they'll be
given a drink we're in the cup is a mixture of sand JBL and it's called have deferred and what this
is something that it's something unique which does not exist in this world in and we had to some
muscles Avila from a fountain called Sol Seville. So these are names of things in paradise sell
Seville and zoveel which are not like the food of this world. We are to allay him will Daniel
00:37:43 --> 00:38:11
			mahalo, Dune and young boys of everlasting youth will serve them is our eternal monster. When you
see them you will think they are scattered pearls meaning they will be so there'll be smiling all
the time and happy and seeing these young men will make you happy as well. Where is our either Some
are eight anonimo mukaan Kabira and wherever you see you will see the blessings of Allah and Abuja
00:38:12 --> 00:38:19
			Your paradise will be so big that wherever you look you will see your kingdom and you will see the
blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
00:38:21 --> 00:38:50
			upon them will be silica fine green they'll be very close or fine silk interwoven with gold, and
they'll be wearing bracelets of silver This is for both men, the men and the woman we know in this
world alertable handler has prohibited the veiling of gold and silver for men. But in the afterlife,
this will not be the case. What's our call, whom Rob boom Shara Banta hora and the Lord will give
them a pure drink. Allah will give us something pure to drink in Ghana, calm Jessa
00:38:51 --> 00:39:40
			Moscow. This is a reward for you. What can I say you can Moscow and your efforts have been accepted
your efforts. Allah subhanaw taala is grateful for your efforts. This passage in the Quran verse 12,
to 22 of Surah Taha really it should shake our insights and motivators and get us thinking. We know
this we know paradise exists. We know the blessings Allah subhanaw taala has placed in paradise. We
know the more I trust you are, the bigger your Paradise is going to be, the more blessings you're
going to receive, the better your afterlife is going to be. So why then, do we still choose to live
the wrong life? Why then, do we still choose not to pray? Why then, do we still choose to disobey
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			Allah? And so many people's one law on this topic, so many people, the excuse they make is that
Allah is merciful. And since we are discussing the verse of Allah being merciful, let's answer this
this excuse the commonly the common excuse of many people who want to live a sinful life.
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			Is that Allah is merciful. So whatever I do, I'm still going to go to gender.
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			Now let's look at this in context. If Allah is merciful, and whatever I'm doing, I'm going to do I'm
still going to go to gender, why would Allah have given us the Sharia? Why would he have sent
prophets? If whatever we do, we are going to go to Paradise. know Allah Subhana Allah as mercy has
to be earned.
00:40:23 --> 00:40:38
			Even in this world, even in this world, let's look at from a worldly perspective in dealing with
people. If, for example, somebody you know, is merciful, maybe your father, or your teacher or your
boss, will you not do your work? Because you know, that person is merciful?
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			Isn't that in worldly terms? Don't we call that taking advantage, taking advantage of somebody
else's stuff nature, taking advantage of somebody else's mercy. And don't we regard taking advantage
as one of the most evil things a human can do? So you're taking advantage of a human is evil. What
is it when we are trying to take advantage of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
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			Remember the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he said, that none of you will
enter Paradise through your deeds. Rather, it is to the mercy of Allah. Meaning that by doing good
deeds, by doing good deeds, and trying to be good, we earned the mercy of Allah subhana wa Taala, we
earn the mercy of Allah, the mercy of Allah is something which has to be earned. Allah knows that we
are not perfect, Allah knows that we will make mistakes and common sense. But what Allah wants to
see from his creation is effort. If someone is making an effort to worship Allah to the best of his
or her ability, even if they are singing along the way, and making mistakes along the way, but they
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			keep picking themselves up and making an effort, Allah will have mercy on them, because of the
effort. This is what is meant by the Hadees. That is not your deeds, but the mercy of Allah that
takes you to paradise, because Allah looks at your efforts.
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			And accordingly, he puts a person in paradise. So what about if you're not making any effort at all?
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			What's there to look at, if you're not making any effort at all, if we think we can just coast
through this life, and do whatever we want, and then get whatever we want in the afterlife as well.
It doesn't work like that. It doesn't work like that, if that was the case, alone would not even
have sent profits to us. So we need to think about this, we really need to think about this. And we
really need to change our lives and our lifestyle.
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			If the life we are living does not lead towards paradise and towards Allah's mercy, then we need to
make some positive changes into our, into our lifestyle. And one of the things I like to do to
motivate myself to try and be a good Muslim and which I feel I will share with you all inshallah so
everybody can also try and do it is to think about paradise everyday, to just sit and close your
eyes. And imagine paradise. Imagine the things of a paradise which appeal to you. Maybe it's not
working. Maybe it's not having to fix anything around the house. I don't know maybe it's not getting
sick, not getting older.
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			Maybe it's the it's the gardens, or the fruit or the rivers, whatever it is sit and think about what
do you want most in paradise? Think about paradise, picture it, visualize it in your mind, to the
best of your ability. And then think to yourself and think to ask yourself the question, What am I
doing that might stop me from getting this? In other words, make paradise your goal. visualize that
goal, and then work out what do I need to do to achieve that goal? What do I need to do to get to
paradise? work that out in your mind? And then
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			inshallah, this will motivate each and every one of us to increase in demand and to want to get
closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala so let's do this inshallah, on a daily basis. Allah subhana wa
tada is most merciful. That is true. But his mercy in the afterlife has to be and so the main lesson
that we take from the second verse of Surah Fatiha Rahmani Raheem, is that Allah's mercy needs to be
earned. And in order to earn Allah subhana wa Taala as mercy we need to work hard, we need to be the
best Muslims we can be. And then inshallah, when we die, we will be from those who are closest to
Allah. So ask Allah subhana wa tada to help each and every one of us to stay on the straight path
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			and to help each and every one of us get close to him and to help each and every one of us to earn
his mercy and to be able
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			amongst the people of Paradise, inshallah next week we will continue and we look at verse three of
Surah Al Fatiha Maliki Ahmed, in the Master of the Day of Judgment, and we will describe the Day of
Judgment. And what does it mean that Allah is the master the day of judgment and the implication
that that verse should have in our lives.
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			So inshallah we will end of year for today. Now, see you next week. JazakAllah Hiram Walker Tawana
and hamdulillah hirable alameen wa Salaam Wa Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh