Ismail Kamdar – Remaining Firm on Morality

Ismail Kamdar
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AI: Summary ©

The global culture of morality is centered around changing people's behavior based on what is good and evil. It is essential to be clear about one's religion and not just based on what is written. The segment also touches on parenting children with a certain attitude, the negative impact of parenting children with a certain attitude, and the importance of being kind and merciful in protecting family and community. The segment also touches on the potential harm caused by AI technology and the negative impact on society.

AI: Summary ©

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			Al Hamdulillah now moody who went in on a struggle funeral. Want me to be here at work Hello Ali.
When are all the biller Himanshu and fusina Woman CRT are Marlena Mejia the healer who Folau Medela
will meet you did over la ha de la my bad forgot call Allahu Allah the Quran Majeed by the audible
Allah him in a shade on rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Omaka, Anna joba called me in LA and call
according to whom in Korea to come in the homeowners with Iran.
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			So very important story in the Quran that's very relevant to our times. And I hope to address or
explain the story in details perhaps next week. But today, I just want to focus on one statement
mentioning the story that's very much
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			showing us something that happened in the past that's happening now. This is the story of profit
loot Alayhis Salam and his Dawa to his people. And the very interesting statement is Surah are off
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			Allah Subhana Allah subhanaw taala in the reach to us, that when the Prophet lute alayhi salam
called his people towards morality towards chastity towards living a righteous lifestyle, their
response Allah subhanaw taala says, Omar gana joba calm he Illa Illa and call that the response of
his people was only to say a holy Jew whom in Korea tickle, kick them out of your lands, kick them
out of your lands in the homeowners Ryota Haroon because these people want to be clean, kick these
people out of your lands because they want to be chased. They want to be good. They want to be
clean. And so what's interesting about this verse is Allah Subhana Allah is telling us in the past,
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			when immorality became normalized, people would be expelled from their lands for wanting to be
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			When immodesty and shamelessness became the norm. What happens in the minds of people is that they
begin to see good as evil and evil as good. And so they want to kick out those who call towards
righteousness and goodness. Now, this message is very relevant to our times, because Muslims today
feel this pressure.
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			We live in a very difficult point in history in terms of morality. It's strange, because in terms of
science and technology, you know, this ummah, or this world, is at a high point. But when it comes
to morals, and ethics and banners and family, this ummah is at a very, very low point, and this
world is very, very low point. And the global culture around us is pushing ideologies on us, that
are extremely dangerous to society. And these ideologies 20 years ago, they were calling for us to
accept them, to tolerate them. Now they are calling upon us to celebrate them, you know, to be part
of them. And if you don't follow these ideologies, then they want you to get out. They don't want
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			you to be clean, they don't want you to be pure, they don't want you to call towards righteousness.
So today, I want to just focus on one principle of our religion that needs to be made very clear.
And that principle is our stance towards morality and righteous conduct in this area.
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			You see, one of the questions that keep coming towards Muslims from non Muslims is, why don't you
just change with the times? i This is the question we get. Everybody else is doing it. Now
Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, the majority of people who follow these religions, they've changed
with the times. They've changed their religion to suit the times that if the book says something is
haram, and the time is saying it's halal,
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			The two of them and they change what the what the scripture says they move away from the original
all of them, but enough for it to have become the global norm. And this pressure is now on the
Muslims, that you're the only people who don't want to change.
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			You The only people who are holding firmly to a 1400 year old book a 1400 year old law, why don't
you just change with the times.
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			So there's many ways to tackle this. But the first point I want everyone to consider, especially
those who are younger, and who think that this, you know, this global culture is like a good
culture. And it's, you know, something to aspire towards, I want you to think about this point. This
point is that the global culture and the concept of what is moral and immoral, what is good and
evil, it has no basis, it has no basis at all, there is absolutely no basic guidelines that they
have in determining what is good and evil. Rather, it is something that is changing all the times
based on the whims of people.
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			And you just have to look at what was considered good and evil five years ago, and compare today and
you realize we can't keep up. We can't keep up what even they think is good and evil. You know,
there are so many people in their own culture, who 10 years ago would post something on social media
that was considered acceptable. And within the next 10 years, they decide this is now immoral, and
they will cancel that person for something they posted in the past.
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			Because they have no moral basis. You see in Islam, when people ask us, How do we know what is good
and evil? We have a very simple answer. Our Creator told us what is good and evil. If Allah has
declared something to be good, then it is good. And if Allah has declared something to be evil, then
it is evil. But in this modern culture, if you ask people, What is the basis of what is good and
evil, you will get 1000 different answers. You will get those who say is what people agree upon, you
will get those who say it's that which makes us feel nice. We will get those people who say there is
no baseline for Good and Evil, because we just, you know, in their view evolved apes, so they don't
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			think there's any such thing as good and evil. So in such a culture, why is it that we are being
called upon to agree to their ideas when their ideas have no basis? Why is it that we are the ones
who have to change, when our ideas come from Revelation, our ideas come from what Allah has
revealed, our ideas come from the models that Allah has clearly mentioned in the Quran. And this
just comes from whatever is the flavor of the day. It just comes from whatever is popular today. And
that will change tomorrow, and you will change the year after that. And it is forever changing. That
rarely what is considered good and evil in the modern world is forever changing, because they don't
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			have a basis. You see in the past. It was quite simple. Christians follow Christian morality, Muslim
followed Muslim morality, Jews follow Jewish morality. Today, it's a free for all. Today. It's just
you decide what's good. You know, you follow your own truth you make your own truth, which is total
nonsense. Truth is truth. There is no own truth. Right? But this is what the world we have come to.
So to answer the question,
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			Why can't Islam just change welcome Muslim, just change the religion with the times? We need to be
very clear that when we talk about our religion, there's different levels, there is the foundations
of our religion, and then they are the secondary matters of our religion. The foundations of our
religion can never be changed, because these are divine instructions. This is what Allah has
revealed to us. And what Allah has revealed you cannot go against you can't you can't see in the
future Allah was wrong. That's blasphemous, right? You can't say that, Oh, the Prophet Muhammad
slogan was wrong. That's that takes you out of the fold of Islam. Rather, what Allah has revealed to
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			His prophets, like some in the Quran and Sunnah. What is clear, what is agreed upon, can never
change. And these include our beliefs, like our belief in Allah and the angels and the books and the
last day and destiny, these can never change. You can't come in the future and say, you know, people
do they think angels are fairytale. So we're not going to believe in angels. And you can't do that
that is covered. So same with the five pillars of Islam. You can't come today and say, you know,
praying five times a day is inconvenient. Let's shorten it to four or three prayers that you can't
do that this is conference is out of the fold of Islam. This is changing what Allah has made
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			And it's the same with our morality. The moral foundations of Islam, are explicitly mentioned in the
Quran and Sunnah. You cannot change them to suit the times. You cannot say, Oh, we're living in a
sinful culture. So Zina is fine. You cannot say that alcohol is normalized. So let's drink alcohol.
You cannot change things which are fundamentally part of our moral system. The only area where Islam
allow some change are in secondary matters that are based on secondary principles.
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			So for example, if they
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			Is the law in your mother based on culture, and the culture changes, then do all American change
that law based on the changing culture, not the average person to Allah ma, right? Likewise, if
there is an opinion in Vic, based on someone's understanding of the Hadith, and the different
scholar comes with another opinion based on his understanding of the Hadith, that's fine. Our
religion allows that much of of change, were in the secondary matters that Allah MA make it based on
valid HD heart, but we are not allowed to change that which is clear, and that which is agreed upon.
And we have to be very clear about this with our youth. Many people are unaware of just how deep
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			this brainwashing goes with the younger generation. You know, many of us who are older we take these
things for granted. We were raised with very clear understandings that Zina is haram. And you know,
a man to be married to a man is haram and a woman to be with a woman is haram. You know, we grew up
with a clear understanding of this, it's as clear as they to us, because when we were young, there
was no difference of opinion on this, right. But the younger generation, if you are not monitored,
monitoring what they are exposed to, with every movie with every cartoon, every video game with
every social media discussion, they are being bombarded over and over again with the message that
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			these things are good. And we are not countering that. If you're not making the Islamic stance clear
to them, then their moral compass can be eroded over time.
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			And so it is the duty of every parent, every teacher and every community leader, to have these
discussions with your youth.
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			And you have to have discussions at a very young age, sometimes as young as 10, or nine, because
they're exposed to these things at a very young age. And you have to be very clear about what Islam
teaches on these things. One of the moral foundations of Islam is the preservation of family.
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			Right, this is from the five fundamentals of our of our morality, the preservation of life,
religion, family, intellect and wealth. And the part of the preservation of family, the very
fundamentals of the preservation of family is that any kind of intimate relationship outside of
marriage is not allowed. And marriage is only between a man and a woman. And a man is between a man
and a woman that leads to children and those children keep you know that that cycle continues as we
go along. That's how we grow as an ummah. And that's how we prevent our extinction. And these things
have to be made clear from a young age. They are our religion. These ideas that you are seeing today
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			in the media, they are haram, these type of relationships you are seeing in the media, they are
haram. And no matter how much the media portrays it as something to be celebrated something to be
proud of something that's good. It's not, it's not good. And there are many, many evils that come
from it. Some of them we are already seeing, some of them we may only see in the future.
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			So to conclude, as Muslims, we have to be clear that in our religion, yes, there is some allowance
to change secondary laws based on the student. But our moral foundations, our primary laws, our
Aqeedah, these things are set in stone, you can't change these things to suit the times, you have to
follow you have to submit, even if you're the only person left in your entire community that so even
if you are a lone voice, in a sea of darkness, you have to remain firm upon what is right and what
is wrong. You have to be you know those people who call to what's good and forbid evil. Allah
Subhana Allah told us in the Quran, you are the best of nations to be brought out for mankind,
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			because you call to evil and because you call to good and evil but evil and you believe in Allah.
Allah says one of the reasons we are the best of nations is that we call towards what is good, and
we forbid evil. And we let go of those qualities, because we want to fit in, because we want to be
like everybody else, because we don't want to be from those who are kicked out because they are
pure. Then we lose that quality of being the best of nations. And we slowly head down to chat. So we
ask Allah to grant us firm this to grant us the ability to remain firm on Islamic models. No matter
how much the world is changing. We ask Allah to save this world from itself and to guide this world
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			back to morality and chastity and good conduct. Robert Artina dunya Hasina, who will create the
Huseynov working as a Bernard Subhana rahbek Robin is at Yama, Yossi foon was salam ala mousseline
will hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen.
00:14:38 --> 00:14:56
			Hamdulillah he was there was Salatu was Salam ala Manila and a Ba ba ba ba, ba inner circle Hadith
Nikita Bula or hydro hottie hottie Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Sharon Morimoto to her
Wakulla desert in bid who couldn't attend dolla Dolla dolla can see now
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			one of the out
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			Humans that people make today is that there's no harm in all this AI. That's that's the argument.
Why are you police police? Why are you policing other people's relationships, there's no harm that
comes from what other people are doing. And this is the argument that, you know, if two men are
romantically involved, it doesn't have you know, this, this is the argument that there is no harm.
And this is wrong, this is wrong, there is a lot of harm that has come to society, and that will
come to society, from the direction that humanity is heading. Allah only prohibit something if it is
harmful. This is something we have to be clear about every single thing that is explicitly stated as
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			haram in the Quran, and Sunnah It is haram because it is harmful to society. Now, sometimes you know
the harm, and sometimes you don't, what happens with societies, they adopt a harmful practice, and
50 years later, they look back and realize it caused a lot of harm and say, Oh, we shouldn't have
done that. Do we really want to go down that road? Do we want to let all these things happen? And in
50, or 100 years time, our descendants look back and say, This generation messed up?
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			Why did it allow that to happen? Because sometimes you can't see the harm when it's happening in
front of your eyes is only visible when somebody looks back historically. And see why did those
people even do that? Why did they even allow that? Why did they even tolerate that. So there are a
lot of harms that come from these kinds of lifestyles, and just want to mention a few which are
already happening, which are quite evident to those who look at the world and realize what's going
on. And number one is the breakdown of family. Number one is the breakdown of family. Just 50 years
ago, we know how strong family ties were across the globe in every culture. And now we are living in
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			a disaster situation, where 50% of marriages end in divorce, and half of all you don't want to get
married. And many young people say they don't want to get married, they don't want to have children.
Because it's all about themselves. It's all about the nerves. It's all about the freedom. It's all
about what they want. We have people saying things like, you know, I don't want to get married gets
in the way of my freedom, I won't be able to do what I want. We have people saying I don't have
children that will get in the way of my freedom, I won't be able to do what I want is this has
become the worship of the South, where life's all about me and myself and I and nothing else
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			matters. And again, some people will think oh, okay, so that's, that's his business, leave him
alone. But if it's one or two people in the community who don't want to get married, that's fine.
Islam doesn't make marriage compulsory on every person. But when this becomes the global culture,
where everybody doesn't want to get married, and if they are getting married, ending up in divorce,
or they're not having children, because they think children are inconvenience, this has a ripple
effect across the entire globe. And one of those effects we are seeing today, that's starting to
worry, even the non Muslims is a decrease in population. Let me give you an idea of how this works.
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			Right? So you have one generation that say, oh, children are an inconvenience, I'm only going to
have two children. Right? So they have two children, those two children grow up and they say, oh,
man, I need you to inconvenience I'm not quite I'm not getting married. What do you think is gonna
happen to their family within 100 years, their families extinct, their family no longer exists. This
is happening to 1000s of families around the globe, you will meet many people who will say they are
the last member of their family, the last member of their family, and that same person has no
intention to get married, no intention to have children, their families are going extinct. And
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			again, people don't realize this, because this is not in the news. And all of these fields of our
time are contributing to this. Because we know biologically, if people are engaged in this evil of a
man with a man or a woman with a woman, they're not going to have children. Right? They are
immediately cutting off the
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			you know, the continuation of their lineage. And if they if they're not doing that, but they live in
the Zina culture, where they're going around committing Zina, they're not going to get married,
they're not going to have children or if they do have children, it's going to be out of Zina. And
they're not going to take the responsibilities for them. So we see the breakdown of family. And now
we have a generation who are scared to get married or who don't want to get married or disliked
marriage, then we see the decrease in population, that literally many communities around the world,
their population is decreasing at an alarming rate, because people are not getting married and
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			people are not having children. On top of that. We see even more harm in the spread of diseases. And
Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam warned us about this, when he said that when immorality becomes normal,
you will see the spread of diseases that your forefathers never heard about. And every five years is
a new disease that pops up and very often it's linked to these evil practices.
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			Then we have the confusion that children are growing up in
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			Islam, we go back to our primary principle, the preservation of family, and all of these things link
up to the
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			reservation of family in Islam, Zina is haram and marriage is recommended, and in some cases
compulsory, because of the preservation of lineage of lineage. Children know who their fathers are.
They know who their mothers are. They grew up in a stable home with a mother and father, they grew
up with a strong family circle of the grandparents and the uncles and aunts and cousins and the
oldest siblings and the younger siblings, they grew up in a family, they grew up in a healthy
environment, this helps them to grow into the best versions of themselves. But when you have people
living a life of Xena, and the child grows up not even knowing who his or her father is, or they
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			grow up even more confused, because they have two mothers or two fathers instead of their proper,
natural way. And those children grew up confused. And those children grew up with, with a lot of
mental problems. So we are seeing also with this, the rise of suicide amongst children and
teenagers, something that was unheard of 100 years ago, the amount of depression and suicide that
suicidal thoughts amongst children and teenagers today. It's something that that was unheard of 100
years ago, what is society doing that is making life so miserable for young people that they want to
take their own lives.
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			And we see this also, you know, with the mindset of the young people coming up. In the past, a young
man between the age of 15 and 20, will be excited about life, they will be looking forward to life,
they'd be looking forward to getting a job getting married, having children of their own. Now you
find many of them are depressed. Many of them have a, you know, a very negative outlook on life.
They like what's the point of life? Why am I even here? Why did my parents even give birth to me,
you didn't want to be on this earth, they have this very negative attitude towards the world. Where
does all of this come from? It comes from this culture that the world has created. All these things
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			together, they create this culture where people don't even want to live anymore. You see, in the
past, a young man, his aspiration would be to be a good husband, a good father, to work hard to have
a family. The current generation of young men don't have anything to aspire towards. They don't,
because they don't even know what a man is anymore.
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			That this fitna has gotten so out of hand, that now they're changing the definition of what is a man
and what is a woman.
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			And that continues with the confusion of that generation, and the psychological harm to that
generation. And this, by the way, has other long term consequences. Because if you have a generation
growing up, where the men are not real men, and the women are not real woman, what happens if that
generation has to go to war?
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			What happened in that generation has to defend themselves. You know, last year, we had a very
difficult situation, yo, and our men showed the real world when they stood up and defended our
neighborhoods. But what happens if that generation passes away, and in the next generation, a bunch
of girly boys who can protect their families?
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			This is all a consequence of this culture that is growing around us. And we have to understand the
long term consequences of these actions. So no, these are not harmless actions. This is not
someone's private affair, where you can say that oh, is his business, not mine. Rather, these ideas
that have been propagated throughout the world, they are dangerous to society. They are destroying
families, they are destroying civilizations, they have very negative long, long term repercussions,
many of which we haven't discovered yet. And we only going to see those repercussions in 1020 30
years time when this entire generation has been destroyed by that culture. We shouldn't wait for
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			that. Allah has made something haram, we must reject it completely. We must stand up for what we
believe in. I end with a reminder to us that when doing Dawa to others, we must maintain wisdom and
gentle preaching. Yes, this topic makes us angry. And this topic, you know, it was our blood. And
sometimes our guys, they want to go online and they want to have very vulgar arguments with people
on this topic. And being vulgar, doesn't convince people of anything. It doesn't soften people's
heart towards you. Islam teaches us no matter what the other person is doing in terms of sins, when
you are doing Dawa to people, you have to be kind. You have to be gentle. You have to be merciful.
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			Now, being kind and gentle doesn't mean you tell them the right. It doesn't mean you pretend the
problem doesn't exist. You are clear about what you believe. But you gently guide them towards what
you believe. You gently explain to them why the lifestyle they have chosen is bad for them in the
long term. And why Islam is a better way of life. This is what we need to do. So yes, around us
we're going to meet people have all kinds of lifestyles and all kinds of, of sins. Be good to them.
Because your kindness and your wisdom and your mercy is a Dawa to them but at the same time, be
clear about what you believe and call them towards that. Let them know that there is a better way to
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			live your life and that is
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			The way of submission to the Creator, a way of obedience to the Creator a way of Islamic morality,
that anyone who chooses this way will have a happier life or more content life. And they will see
the benefits of this in this world and the next. So when it comes to our communities, be very clear
in teaching the youth what is halal and haram in this area and why it is haram. And when it comes to
dealing with non Muslims, who may be engaged in these lifestyles, be kind and merciful to them in
your Dawa. But at the same time, give them Dawa. Don't allow them to think that that way of life is
a good way of life. It's not, it's something that's going to harm them. And our Dawa comes to a
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			place of wanting what's best for them. And that's what we call them away from these lifestyles
towards the straight path. We ask Allah to make us from those who are rightly guided and who guide
others we ask Allah to keep our youth firm upon the Eman and uphold the morality We ask Allah to end
this fitness in spreading across the globe and to return humanity to the fitrah when it comes to
morality and and and relationships. Allah who much on the hottie Ahmadiyya Allah maganda heard the
Ahmadiyya language on the Hadiya mafia Robina Artina dunya Huseynov Warfield, walk in the governor
Robina habla Dominus wodgina was react in a Kurata
00:26:13 --> 00:26:18
			Tina, Mama Subhana rahbek Robin is at Yamaha seafood was salam ala mousseline well hamdu Lillahi
Rabbil Alameen