Ibrahim Hindy – Blueprint for Forgiveness

Ibrahim Hindy
AI: Summary ©
The importance of forgiveness is discussed in various situations, including at night, during a search for information, and in Islam. The Master's instructions and guidance on forgiveness are emphasized, along with the need for clarity in the culture of Islam. Und sake actions and weaknesses are also discussed, and the importance of acknowledging mistakes and responsibility is emphasized. The need for everyone to acknowledge their mistake and take responsibility is emphasized, along with the importance of being true to oneself and not just giving things for someone.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hello ma'am I don't want to stay over here I want to stop people who want to study. When are the later elementary rhodium fusina woman CRT I'm Melina in now Maria de la who follow me.

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Woman you blue fella? hodja washer Allah Allah Allah. Allah, Allah. Why should one Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alameen wa could watch mini Sadiq in

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an hour long below Hulu watch wasabia sudo

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Avi aryan and omean while gentle Suman, McLovin, Wolfram calama je imagist eight and at the end no matter what or sooner and what he what he said it's

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also a

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while he was happy, well Allah Jimmy I'm going to send me some little box VFA Yo, Medina. I'm about to see from ofc beautiful light Allah Fie nomads of Allah Jalla Hamas Raja we're also filming hateful I have to say

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All praise belongs to Allah alone. In Him we seek aid and assistance and to Him we turn both in repentance and for forgiveness. Truly Allah subhanaw taala guides and then can mislead and whom Allah leaves to go straight there is no guide and everyone says there's nothing worthy of worship save a lot alone. And then why medicine Allahu Allah usnm is both his servant and His Messenger

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our relationship for the loss of Hannah what's Allah

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is deeply predicated

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on our seeking forgiveness with him subhana wa tada

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the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said in the Hadith in Sahih Muslim

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lowland says Naboo leather Have a look

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what a job

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fair stuff you do in a law fair.

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He said if you were a people who did not sin,

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Allah would remove you off of this earth

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and he will replace you with a people who do sin

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and they seek forgiveness from Allah. So Allah forgives them.

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Our relationship with Allah Subhana what's Allah as humans

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is partly based on the fact that we as humans are weak, and we will err and we will sin and we have to find our way back to Allah azzawajal khulumani Adam hapa The Prophet said all of the children of Adam err, they sin they make mistakes, will how you will get the best of those who make mistakes, or those who returned in repentance to Allah subhana wa Tada. And today's I want to discuss

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a particular draw our Prophet made,

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which he called Satan is to follow the master of all seeking forgiveness. Because within is the blueprint for that relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala the blueprint of how we should be connecting to Allah azza wa jal and seeking forgiveness. The Prophet said in the heavy which is inside body, season is to follow

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along and Toby

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inland call attorney one on one

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to become Minister minshall. Remus on out Abu

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Ali, what can be them be fulfilling for inola if

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this is what our profit called oxy that is to follow.

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He says min Paula min and now moved in and Deena, we have formats I mean Yomi MC, for who Amina and then Jana, he said Whoever says it's

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in the daytime

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Nina with certainty in it. And they were to die before they slept at night. They will be of the people of Jenna. Woman, all men and Layla who have moved in. And whoever says it's at night and they are searching in it's and they die before the awake.

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They will be from the people of gentlemen.

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The Prophet calls this season is to follow the master of all forgiveness. Me

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Of all the forms of seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala all the different ways and different diehards that help us attain the forgiveness of a law this one stands alone as the Master Chief amongst all of them.

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And the scholars give three different reasons why this is the case.

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Number one, that this tool

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generates the most reward for the one who says it, the greatest level of forgiveness is generated through this.

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Second, some of them say, this draw is the most likely or the most quick amongst all the other draw out to be answered to grant us forgiveness.

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And third,

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that it is due to the meanings embedded within this drop that are incorporated within it.

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And many scholars spoke about this before you know law he said lemna can have the DA Jamia on Lima, Ani a tobacco

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is a willingness to

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gather together because this too, I gathered together all of the meanings of Toba. It was then given the name science.

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And he said in the say you in essence, the chief the say the master is the one whom

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takes care of the needs. And to whom all the matters return to what does he mean by this? The CEO, the chief of a tribe takes care of the needs of people who are in need. And when there's an issue, you go back to the chief to find out information or what to do about it. So how is this to say it?

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Because when we are in need, we need this to go back to this. We need the forgiveness of a lot we go back to this to is to say that was the father. And when we don't understand when there's an issue of understanding what is the fara what is tell?

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We go back to the meanings of this to art because this to art contains all the meanings of tell them is to

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another scholar.

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No lie he said Gemma

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to send them via that

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mean very unani.

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Now you

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may be saying you Mr. Fogg, he said the Prophet gathered together in this one Hadees all of the meanings, and the beautiful terms that gave us a right to be called the master of this default. This too has all of the lexicon, the definitions and the meanings of what needs to be included for a proper is default of seeking forgiveness from a lot. And if you say it's the reward is Jenna with the condition of our Jacobian of our certainty in the depth of our hearts our conviction in what we are saying. So what is the Dalai

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Lama? intellipap Allah you are my

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What is there

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in a lexicon like this and a lot of

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Malik was seen one ludum Dare one more Robbie? Well, hi Ian Waldman. I'm

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the Rama is the owner, the controller, the one who is in charge of the one who nourishes and sustains, and the one who takes care of all the matters.

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This is what it means to be a Rob.

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And Allah is the only true rather than

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the true master, because he alone created us, controls the heavens and the earth in that which is within. Allah is the robber who raises like the parents raise their children, they feed them, sustain them, grow them, strengthen them. Allah raised us and sustained us and nourished us and taught us. But when we make this to heart, we don't just say along the interim, Oh Allah you are the Lord. No, we say Aloma and terribie. Allah, you and my Lord.

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When we make this to I mean, we need to have that personal connection to a lot of villages. When we make this too out, we need to think about ourselves for Allah you are the one who creatively You are the one who nourished

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from the room until where I am today. Or my You are the one who raised me who strengthened me, gave me from your blessings. When you make this draw, you need to be connected to the meanings of what it means that Allah is your rub. Along the end, Toby.

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There is no ILA

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Other than you, the beginning of it is you are the Roma. Now we are saying you are the ILA. Now,

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what is the difference between the two? We said He is the Creator, the nourisher, the controller, he is the one who sustains, he is the one who takes care of all of your fears. He is the one who controls

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what is the law, that he is the one who deserves our worship, and he deserves our worship because he is the So who am I You are my

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inner lands, no one nothing deserves worship other than you. You are the only entity deserving of my worship. And this phrase is obviously the phrase of Islam.

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In the law, and this phrase Subhana Allah is found in so much of the Diwan of seeking forgiveness of Allah azza wa jal. For instance, the death of Prophet Yunus are in center, in the belly of the whale, in the depths of the ocean, what does he say? La ilaha IL and so the hanoch in the consuming of body mean, there is none with the right to be worshipped save you subhanak How far are you from imperfection in the consuming of body mean, indeed, I have been of those who are wrongdoing.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also mentions the door,

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or the example of the man who will be brought on the Day of Judgment.

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And 99 schools will be brought on that day. Each scroll when it is unfurled, will stretch out as far as the eye can see.

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And on each of these 99 scrolls, is a list of the sins this man has committed. And this list is brought to this man and they read out sin by sin. And they asked the man Do you deny any of this? Do you deny any of these sins? And he says, No, I don't deny any of them.

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And then Allah Subhana Allah tells this man, but you have one good deeds. What is that good deed.

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A small parchment of papers brought. So imagine a small parchment of paper against 99 scrolls that go as far as the eye can see. And on that small scrap of paper is La ilaha illa Allah, this man said La Ilaha Lama, and he believed from the depth of his heart that he died in the lung.

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And so Allah says, place them on the skills on one side of the skills 99 schools that are so long they go as far as the eye can see. And on the other side of the scale, a scrap piece of paper that says that either

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and when they weighed them, La Ilaha Illa, Allah will outweigh the 99 schools full of sins. Now, in the law is a hallmark of this stuff.

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Allah is the source of our worship, He alone is our God. And this testimony alone may bring us the forgiveness in the mercy of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Then we say hello attorney, what an outlook You created me and I am your servants. The reality is everything is abdomen law.

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Yes, you Muslim and the Catholic, the human and the animal and the jinn. And the rocks and the stones in the mountains.

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The question is, are we a guide willingly or unwillingly? Allah says in the end for for Allah will

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attain upon

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Allah said to the heavens in the earth, come to me willingly or unwillingly, and they responded to Allah and they said, We have come to willingly,

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Allah gave us this life. In this life, he gave us some

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freedom of determination, ability to decide freedom of will

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we have a choice to go to Allah willingly or unwillingly, after we die,

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that freedom of will that will is gone.

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And we will do all exactly what Allah wants of us.

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And so the question is, are we going to be servants of Allah willingly or not? And then this two hour we are saying, Oh Allah Hello, can anyone agric You created me and I am willing, desiring to be you're willing servants.

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One Allah Heidecker,

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Mr. Potts, the profit continues in the do

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my thing and I am upon your covenants and your promise, as best as

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Canada. What is the covenant with Allah Subhana? Allah, what is the

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UN Allah? I am upon your eye, your covenant. What is that covenant? that covenant?

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Is this Deen is the religion of Islam.

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What Allah has ordered us to do, what he has prohibited us from doing. So you are saying, Oh, well I am upholding. I am firm upon I'm holding on to this covenant, this oath between you and me.

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I am upon the covenants and the promise, what is the covenant? What is that? And what is the word? What is the promise? The covenants

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is Islam.

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The words the promise is genuine.

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You hold on to a snam and Allah will give you genuine

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and if we break this oath, we may be punished by a lot of subjects.

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But what is very beautiful about this phrase is he says, must have thought as much as I can.

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The profit center while he was still him is acknowledging that we are all human beings. And we are never going to be able to live up to Islam. We are never going to be fully able to hold up this covenant, we are going to make mistakes and errors. And so we are acknowledging that none of us are perfect. And we are acknowledging that we are going to make mistakes. And we are acknowledging you won't be able to afford the covenant with Allah azza wa jal and therefore we are saying Oh Allah, we are upon your covenant as best as we can. Oh Allah, we are doing the best that we can to uphold this oath, this covenant between us in between you

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and then he says, Rubicam, in shadow in Asana.

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And I seek your refuge from the evil that I have committed.

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And so Pamela,

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a theme in this

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is the acknowledgement

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of sin.

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The Prophet salallahu alaihe salam says in another heavy finned Makati.

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He says in the lab de

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su metab, tada, Lani, if the servant acknowledges their sins, and then they seek the repentance of Allah, Allah will grant them repentance as part of our relationship with Allah we said this is a blueprint of our relationship with a large part of our relationships with a lot is owning our mistakes.

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Part of our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala is acknowledging we've made mistakes and admitting them.

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Too often in our society, people want to run away from the responsibility of their choices and their actions. Oh, yeah, I can all the sins that I'm this way, but it's because of my parents. And the way they raised me, is because of my school teachers. It's because of the society around me. It's because of the influence of these people or that thing or this thing, or that we are looking for every reason to offload blame, rather than accepting responsibility for who we are, and the choices that we've made, and the sins that we have committed. The makeup of the believer is accepting personal responsibility for the things that we have done.

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All along, I know I've committed sins. I know I've committed since I will be coming show Minnie Mouse on off and I am seeking your refuge, your protection, your help against the consequences of the evil that I know and I admit that I've committed.

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And that's really important for the believer to have this disposition

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will occur in America early.

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Then he says and this is a beautiful phrase, I will actually be now magically, what does it mean?

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means to permanently reside, for instance, a lot xojo when he talks about the unsought in the Quran,

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Allah Vina del ina, those who permanently reside in a doubt meaning Medina, right. They permanently reside there when the Prophet made Doha another two of his

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whatever What do you mean agenda? tieman. Zilla?

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May Jenna May your home be permanently in Jenna?

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to the world. So our goal is to permanently reside. Now what does it mean in this context, or law I permanently reside with your blessings upon me. It means you're saying Oh Allah, I have permanently taken the position of recognizing your blessings over me. I have permanently assumed the position of recognizing your blessing over me. It's not simply or

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I know that you've lost me. No, I'm permanently taking a position of acknowledging your blessings over me. Meaning no matter what my personal circumstances are, I'm rich, I'm poor.

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I'm stronger, I'm weak, I'm unhealthy, or unsafe things in my life are going well or not. I am permanently acknowledging your blessings over me, like the example of a man who was blind, and paralyzed, and homeless, on the streets. And another man is walking by him. And he hears this man on the street who's paralyzed and blind and homeless, saying something, what does he say? Alhamdulillah. Allah, the iPhone, even the telavi can feel ominous. The man is saying All praise belongs to Allah, who saves me from the tests and the hardships he gave so many other people. So the man walking by stops dead in his tracks,

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turns back to him. So you're talking about you're blind, you're paralyzed, you're homeless? What a blessing that a login.

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And then said didn't Allah give me other than Allah give me a heart that is grateful to him? Didn't he give me a tongue that remembers him?

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Look at how he's thinking about the blessings of Allah Subhana Allah, He gave me this and he didn't give it to many other people. This is, you know, to be permanently residing in acknowledging the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala, no matter your certain personal circumstances, to acknowledge the blessings of a lot of sunshine, what abou let them be, and I again permanently reside in the position of recognizing them be my since.

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Again, part of our relationship with Allah azza wa jal is recognizing our sins, taking ownership for our choices and the sins that we have committed.

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To often like we said, People want to offload the blame of who they are onto their parents, onto their friends, onto their society, onto their environment without taking personal responsibility for the choices they've made in their lives. Or even worse, because they can't deal with the guilt of the sins that they've done. They refuse to acknowledge that their sins to begin with.

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So they say actually, in my Islam,

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drinking alcohols, okay, smoking weed is okay. committing sin is okay. I don't think these are citizens. So they change Islam, because they can't deal with the guilt of having committed sins.

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If you feel guilty, it's not a bad thing.

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That's Allah reminding you to come back to him. That's Allah telling you to make us the fall to get closer to him.

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Not to offload the blame or to change the religion to get rid of our guilt. No admits the sins that we have done. Acknowledge the sins that we have done and seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Our relationship with Allah is based on love and humility. The Love comes from acknowledging the blessings that Allah has given us whenever you think of the Russians have a lot so that that makes you love him. And the humility comes from recognizing the sins that you've done. your weaknesses, your errors, your mistakes, that makes you humble, that makes you have humility in front of a lot. So that means you recognize your need for him. So Hannah, hota Allah.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, of full relief in the Himalaya land, so forgive me, for indeed none forgive the sins other than you. We will explain this in the second footpath

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that comes through in all of our why

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was a busy woman went up

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for full leaf in the hula Phyllis rubella and so forgive me for indeed none. No one forgives the sins other than you. There is no Mmm. There is no shame. There is no priest, I can forgive your sins. There is no bribe. There's no influence that can relieve you of your sins. There is no method there is no MC way. There is nothing that can relieve you of your sins except the loss of Hannah. What's in that Allah.

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the brand, we're living in a de facto fashion over the one for some deco law, the stuff for only those who when they commit an evil sin, or they have wronged themselves, they remember Allah and they seek the forgiveness of Allah.

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On the yellow fields and all the inla in the law, and who forgives the sins other than a loss of how to hide one of the most suitable and if

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they're not persistent in the sins while they know, by the way, persistence in this verse, what does it mean to be persistent in your sin? Does this mean that you never go back to the scene ever again? Some scholars say this, but other scholars say no. Why? Because of another heavy metal mentioned in a minute, but because they say it's wrong, I let them insisting on the sin is not acknowledging that it is a sin, committing the sin and not wanting to acknowledge that it's a sin to begin with. We're so the father so a lot of social justice will ensue. They're not persistent, either acknowledge the sins that they've committed are indeed since omiana, Musa Rama.

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Why Why do we say that even if you repeat the sin,

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Allah forgive you. As the Prophet tells us, and Hadeeth not for Assad but him for follow up to them then fulfill that a servant will commit a sin. Then he says, Oh ally committed a sin, please forgive me. So Allah says, caught up on humanity, and none of them where where should we jump up to the Abdi, my servant knows acknowledges that he has a lord who forgives the sins and punishes sins. I forgiven my servant. So he commits the sin again. And again he says, All life committed a sin so forgive me. Allah says this servant knows that he has a word who forgive sins and punish your sins, I have forgiven him. So he goes back and commits the sin again. And he says, oh, we're live

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committed the sin. Please forgive me. Allah says this servant knows that he has a lord who forgive sins and punish the sins of the refer to the M D. for the FM d natia. I have forgiven my servant but my servant do whatever he wills. What does this mean? It means so long as he is sincere in regretting his sin, so long as he is sincere and seeking Allah's forgiveness so long as he is sincere and fearing Allah's punishment. Even if he commits the sin time and time and time again, so long as he does this, Allah will give him forgiveness. And this is the power of our Deen in the Himalaya frozen over in the, in the end, nobody forgives the sins other than Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and this if we say it by day, we will be given paradise if we say it by night, we will be given paradise Allah Subhana Allah grant us forgiveness from Allah to Allah forgive all of our sins may have lost power to either enter us into His gender and into his Rama amin in the lower meta eco salon and maybe yeah you alladhina amanu sallu Allah you're sending will see my mama Sunday or send him out I said you know whether it be you know, have you been on a normal Sunday?

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evening, you know, Monday. He was heavier for you, you know what I mean? Well, I mean

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aluminet MNF enough. I mean, I had a lot of water. Well, how many lava rocks? Well, I think in an elevator Well, I'm not even sure when I'm living in LA feta will determine how I did to me I will fly here like I didn't want NFL sobre la platosa de la medical hammer I mean, Aloma as an exam I'm assuming what I leave you for the kinematic help the audience along haven't eaten it man was able to follow me know what kind of heating and cooling for supervision which animal not washed in in

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any way to think about why and hadn't fascia even more curry will really look when I look into the Quran for life go from a little while and that means it's come when you look for my loriana was number one on the Welcome Center.


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