Ibraheem Menk – InstaLIVE #12

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of changing certain aspects of our lives, such as belief, belief, and all manners, to avoid changing certain aspects of our lives. They emphasize the importance of changing certain aspects of our lives, such as belief, belief, and all manners, and explain that certain aspects of our lives should not change, but should remain the same. They also mention a q par session and a q by session, and plan to have a q Kia session and a q by by session. They ask for a q Kia session and a q by by session, and plan to have a q Kia session and a q by by session. They also ask for a q Kia session and a q by by session. They plan to have a q Kia session and a q by by session. They also ask for a q Kia session and a q by by session. They plan to have a q Kia session and a q by by session. They also ask for a q Kia session and
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Even Illa. Today we will be going over a story in the fifth juice and then we will move on to the sixth juice. When we look in the fifth juice of the Quran we find that there are a lot of mentioned so Allah Allah Allah is generally speaking about halal and haram some of the rulings regarding this

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as we wait for him to enter

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a lot more alikum while Alaykum wa salam alaikum wa barakato How are you?

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And hamdulillah How are you? Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah

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hamdulillah Chennai on the fifth of June, I was just mentioning that there's not many stories, a lot of nawala mainly mentioned Arkham halaal, and how they are Messiah. In fact, however, we were able to take out a point which is actually a reason of Revelation, but there's a story behind it. Allegedly, Allah says in the law higher moral command to Abdul Amati Illa Allah Allah Allah Odysseus you to give back this Amanda, Amanda is when you are is a trust or when you are entrusted with something, Allah Allah, Allah orders you to give it back. Now the Memphis City mentioned that a lot of them mentioned that there's a story when it comes to this. I others mentioned that even if there

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is a story, it's still a general ruling. So when somebody entrusts you with something and they tell you You know what, keep it for me or they give it to you for safekeeping, safekeeping, here you have to look after it. And you have to give it to them back. It all comes under Amana.

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Yes, absolutely. The story, as far as I remember, actually, and I recall was that also la Selim when he went in at Mecca, then he took the key of the karma from one of the companions that had it, his name was worth man.

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And he went into the combat and as he was exiting, he said, these verses in the Lucha lucam and to do it either. So he actually took that key of the combat and gave it back to Earth man, I'm not saying that you had it, it was in your custodianship. So you will it will remain with you.

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You know, you mentioned a very important point about this the story where Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the key, and then he had to give it back. And this shows us that when it comes to somebody's possessions, something that somebody else owns, especially if it's been taken from them, you know, not through the correct means, here we owe this person what they actually own. That is why when it comes to Mr. NET when it comes to something you've been entrusted with, remember that if you do not give it back in this world, most definitely in the next you will give it back.

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Yes, you know, Rasulullah saw Selim, even though he was the Messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala, is being commanded by Allah subhanho wa Taala. To give the analogy back to the person, like you know, give it back to who is the custodian of that key. Don't keep it. So if that was Rasulullah, saw Selim, yet he was the leader, and he was being told that you know, you need to give this back. Well, that's the message that he understood from this, then, what about us, we really need to give our amanat back to the people especially when it comes to, you know, debt, for example, it's not even an Amana. But that is something that you've taken from another person, give it back to that person on

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its time when you when he's owed that.

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Chevron and moving on to the next juice. In fact, if you look at the fifth juice, though, for those who read through, you'll find there's a lot of halaal and how I mentioned moving on to the six Jews we find that on the very first page, a legend of Allah, He says yes, Allah will kitabi and tenacity Allah Allah him keytab Amina Sana, Mohammed de la vida who will send them the People of the Book are asking you they are saying, Oh Mohammed, bring us a complete book from the heavens. Allah then says, No moussaka, mean relic they asked musala his Salaam something even greater. They said follow arena Mahara. Show us a legend of Allah we want to see him a legend while I've been mentioned their story.

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For me What stood out is alleged Nevada mentions how they disobeyed how they made mistakes, how they sinned. He says the first demanded at the Nabhi show them a lot. They wanted to see him in his full form. Allegedly what Allah then says that they took the calf they started to worship it. He says they killed people. After mentioning all these things. A legend Oh Allah speaks about their hearts. He says Bell Baba Allahu Allah happy for him, follow me mana Illa basically, I will

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Hello, and I think after all these sends their hearts were sealed. What what I take away from this sort of point I've benefited is sometimes in our day to day lives. We know there's something wrong, we know there is a sin. And we always think that you know what, I'll make Toba later on. I'll make Toba later on not realizing that sometimes when you are involved in a sin, one sin leads to the next sent to the next sent to the next and then before you know it, your heart, you know it becomes sealed and you are unable to differentiate between right and wrong.

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Yes, Allah subhanho wa Taala says that the concern moussaka bombing delic meaning, they are asking you to reveal a book to them to bring down a book to them. But they asked Moosa for much more. So don't it was literally as though that what I take away from that is kind of what are they saying, don't be surprised at what they are doing. You know, they asked Moosa for much more than wanted to see Allah in His being directly live and direct. So when people do things to us in our lives, we shouldn't take it so badly and so seriously. Sometimes someone does something really bad but it could have been worse you know, they are worse situations that happen. So don't take it on so badly

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deal with the situation at hand and move on. Try to make the best of it and carry on in your life.

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Allah Allah Allah then speaks about Isa Ali Salaam. He says in his story, basically the crucifixion is is mentioned we as muslimeen we have a different belief to the people of the book we believe the Sally Salaam was not killed he was not crucified allegedly wireles is one of Petaluma masala Well, I can should be held on basically, they weren't able to kill him, nor did they crucify him but Allah Allah, Allah raised him, Baba, Allahu LA, for me what I take from this, in fact, the story as a whole when speaking to people of different faiths, if you have to ask them the question, you know, a random question, what do you think is mentioned in the Quran? The the answer you probably get is,

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yeah, there's a bit of mention of Allah and probably, it's all speaking about Mohammed, Mohammed as they say, not realizing that in this for an alleged Allah Allah has made mention of Isa Ali Salaam, Jesus May peace be upon him, he's made mention of masala, his Salah Moses, Ibrahim, Abraham, when when we actually you know portrayed as it is, we mentioned some of the verses to these people, especially of different faiths, they are able to understand and realize also la sala while he was selling them, as they, you know, they settled in Medina, and the Empire started to grow. He wrote to the people of different faiths. And he, you know, he sent them messages, we find that those people

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they were those who accepted his message, they were those who they didn't accept his message, but they were still good with him, they sent him gifts, and they were those who wanted to fight with him. But look at the first two categories. Sometimes we as Muslims, we, we are not in fact, we are guilty of not portraying the correct image of Islam. So it's important for us to mention the stories that are allegedly while I mentioned in the Quran, especially to people of different faiths. You know, if you tell a person who is from a different faith that Allah in the Quran, he speaks a lot about Jesus he sallallahu sallam, he speaks a lot about Moses, he speaks about Malian Mary, you

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would find that they would have interest and this would probably encourage them to open the Quran and read what's actually in it, instead of relying on, you know, perceptions they may have had.

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That's so true. You know, there's many people who when I speak to them, we talk to them about Islam, and Allah and His Messenger, etc. And they actually believe that we worship Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and many of them believe that we worship Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then I tell him that no, look, we believe in all of these prophets, including Jesus they say that you believe in Jesus I said yes. But we have a different slightly different belief to you. We don't believe in his divinity is not a god, he's not the Son of God, but rather he was a messenger of Allah and that made him a very prestigious human being we love Him, we respect him, and they can't

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believe that we actually believe in Jesus. So the fact that they don't even know about this means you know, we need to speak more about it so you've got a solid point then Mashallah.

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Um, so what I took away from this is that Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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in a terminal messy heavy seven Amalia masuleh Allah and they saying that we kill the Messenger of Allah Teresa

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Promoting the Messenger of Allah warmer potato masala who who should be held on, but they did not kill him No, they crucify him. And it was made to look like that for them meaning there was a person who was made to look like this abnormally and who was eventually crucified. Now, the fact that these people built the entire belief system on something that didn't happen, but appeared to them to be the case should teach us something, sometimes you firmly believe that this is a right 100% and you think that you are on the truth. And you may be wrong, you may go around telling people you know, you have to perform Salah, raise your hands 100%. That's the only way of doing it. Now, this is just

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an example not to say it's wrong to raise your hands, but it's just an example. Perhaps in those type of issues, you need to consider that you may be wrong at times and let people do what they are doing. As long as it is based on what and why. Because if these people could have made such a big mistake, according to us, and base the entire belief system on that, then it's possible that in the smaller issues, we can also make mistakes. So we need to give that leeway and understanding.

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You know, you mentioned such a solid point I was actually reading in civil code to be in one of the Sooners at the end, I can't really remember after school automata 15, he speaks about how we he was the people they didn't raise their hands, one of the great scholars came by him. And this man started raising his hand so the people didn't know and they wanted to kill him off. So he says afterwards I explained to them that this is a great scholar, etc, etc. After that I took the scholar and I spoke to him. And I told him Why did you do such a thing where these people don't really understand. I think another important point to mention is that places are different times are

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different. What you say in your place, or your country or what you do may not be applicable somewhere else, especially if it is a must Allah of each jihad, which means that Allah tried their best. Yes, they are those who got it correct. And they have two rewards, one for each Jihad and one for getting it correct. And there are others who may have made a mistake or may have a slightly different opinion, they still have a reward and the people are not following something contrary or completely different. So we should understand that a lot of times, especially as darat, and Rola what we say or a blanket statement we utter is not applicable in the whole world and we can cause

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problems at times. solid solid, the very, very good point today. 111 I think it's good we addressed it, and it came up

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and hamdulillah moving on to the last point we want to touch on Allah Jalla wa ala speaks about the messengers after this, he says in a hyena. He later come out a hyena Ilan.

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Basically all Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we gave you why we gave you revelation, in the same way we gave it to know alayhis salam and those who came after him. Allegedly, Allah then mentioned some of the ambia some of the messages for me what stood out a lot in a while and then says, Well, sulam kottakkal sosna O'Malley come in public rasuna limnos Malik, they are messengers or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we told you their stories and their messages. We didn't tell you their stories we didn't inform you about you know their names where they were what they did. For me what I take from this is allergen awana, didn't tell the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam that you know what those who didn't tell you now go and start looking for them. Or you know what, you must go and find out? No, it says no, Allah Jalla wa Allah is saying, we know what was enough for you what you will benefit from what you need. And we've given it to you all the extras you didn't really need, hence, we haven't given it to you. And an example or a lesson we can take, which is related to this point. Not exactly the same. But related. Sometimes we put off work, or we you know, we want to look at the next shiny object. To give you an example and make it clearer. Sometimes you feel let's say a person who buys a lot of books. And they think that for them to learn

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more, or for them to get to the next level, they have to buy more and more and more, even though they haven't read it, even though they haven't made use of it. They haven't made use of the resources at their disposal. And for me, what I take from this is sometimes you have things in front of you don't carry on looking at the next shiny object make use of what you've got in front of you. He is solid, you know, I mean, I think people can derive a big lesson from this because we've got so much in our lives already. And it doesn't necessarily mean we're talking about books here. But you know, resources, perhaps you've got one phone, you see the next phone and you want it before you've

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even really utilized it.

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One, you have no real use of the next one, but you want to you want it because it's shiny. It's beautiful. It's nice. That's a solid point there. Um, Allah subhanho wa Taala says we reveal to you as we revealed to those

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Illa no human being, I mean back to know, and those profits after him. And we revealed to him and he's married, and he's helped me out. And about and Isa and you and Eunice and Harun and Sulayman. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says all of these names of the MBR, Allah Salatu was Salam. And he says, We reveal to you in the same manner, meaning there are certain principles and certain things that don't change when it comes to why, for example, Allah being one, all of the ambia called out to Allah subhanho wa Taala is worship, these things don't change. What can you and I learned from this, I think we need to understand that certain principles in our lives shouldn't change, we should set

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them and make sure we leave them as such, there are others that will change the smaller issues that you will develop and learn and then change and adjust. That's fine, that's okay. But certain things cannot change. Because the minute you change, that you're changing the entire goalpost. And when that happens, then you moving in another direction altogether. So everything has changed. So I think it's important for us to realize that, yes, as much as we need to change in certain aspects of our life, certain aspects need to remain the same.

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You know, you mentioned a solid point, there are certain principles that don't change. And I remember listening to somebody who was saying that, if you look at the message of Muhammad, sallAllahu, Alayhi, wasallam. And you look at the previous messages and the message they came with, you will find that three things in general, there is no abrogation that enters into it. So basically, it doesn't change. One of them, obviously, is the belief. So Allah is one and all the messengers came with this message. Number two, as far as I remember, is a flock. So when it comes to what was known as good manners, for example, let's say honesty, honesty, from the very beginning was

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known as something good. It was never known as something bad. So there's no messenger who came and said that no, this is canceled, and in my time, honesty is something that So number one is

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basically lordship, speaking about Elijah lavalla, being one. Number two, is to do with

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a HELOC and manners and the third one is not really with me, I'll have to check but it just came up on my mind.

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Yes, yes. Wasn't it honesty that you mentioned? Yes, honesty comes under a lot. So you find that every Nabhi the law or the, you know, the manners and etiquettes they came with are all the same, there is no abrogation that enters into it. So no nubby comes with something different. However, when it's like fick, how to worship Allah, the type of Salah or the, you know, maybe the days that they chose, for example, the Jews had Saturday, etc, you find that this this fit he part between the MBA, it may differ, but certain principles remained the same. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. I think people can learn from this also that in the lives as well, your own principles and your goals, set

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them and try to work towards them. Sometimes your principles and your goals. And we're not talking about belief in Allah subhanho wa, taala, or Islam, but your personal goals and aspirations in terms of the worldly affairs.

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They can change the entire goalpost can change, but not too often. Because if you do do this too often, then you've wasted your effort. It goes in one direction. And then you move goalposts because you see something slightly better let me move towards that. Okay, right. I'm gonna do this now. And then the following day, you decide that no, this is now not working out for me. So let me move to the following the work hard at one thing and give it a real, you know, put your real effort into it. Especially in today's world where you got access to the whole world, you know, at your fingertips, you can see ideas from different places, different people have different ideologies, and all of a

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sudden you feel like yours is inferior. Don't give up immediately on what you are doing perhaps Yes, if you want to work slightly in that direction also, that's okay. But focus on what you have and build it and Allah subhanho wa Taala will come back

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I mean, may Allah grant us all Baraka shit, is there anything else you'd like to add?

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Alhamdulillah I think I've we've had a good session and come to an MPH Allah I can't see any questions shift

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Alhamdulillah neither can I think it's the month of Ramadan. Everybody is preoccupied with a bad and they probably want to read there for an NFC so maybe it's a good idea. We leave it there in shallow maybe people are just hungry.

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China will come some of the stories in the set in the sixth juice, because we mentioned a few of them but there's a lot more that I mentioned. So given a lot tomorrow we will carry on with those China barakallahu li come, Chef one one request before we move on. Can we have a q&a session? possibly one of the days

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maybe after Ramadan if we decided to some questions in the comments as we talking and we see them we can address them, but shall we? I think, Dan, we, you know, we specify a day where we just sit. What do you think? Yeah, good idea. inshallah. inshallah we'll work on that. We'll see how it will work out in Sharla. Okay, but

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Riley castellammare

Stories In The Quran – Custodianship; Musa; The Crucifixion; The Messengers

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