Hussain Kamani – 40 Ahadith of Imam An-Nawawi 30 – Stay in Your Lane

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics related to the Prophet's use of it, including eating from one's bowls and drinking alcohol, the confusion surrounding the death of a Muslim man during the Halaches of revolution, and the use of "has" in narratives to indicate one's behavior. They emphasize the need for movement in one's mind to create focus and attention, educate oneself, and find one's own way to focus. The speakers also touch on deeds and experiences, including political positions, and emphasize the importance of being clear about them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah

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that from the law who aquifer or salmonella anybody who lives in a stuffer for Susan Allah seeking to suitable hot and Columbia while early Hill Ischia was having a bad

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day inshallah we're starting with Hadith number 30.

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And maybe it'll ever push any

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day or two maybe nashit are the Allahu Taala on Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called

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in Allahu Taala follow the follow either fella to the you have had the hoodoo then. Further data do ha ha ha Rama, a Shia filat and he cuchara was Sackett on a Shia Rahmatullah Khun hydrolyse and find out how to

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put NiFi Sunni he will tell you

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the hadith is Narrated by Abu Qatada al cushiony, your tomb Venetia. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Verily, Allah has laid down religious obligations, so do not neglect them. And he has set limits, so do not overstep them. And he has forbidden some things, so do not violate them. And he has remained silent about some things out of compassion for you. Not forgetfulness, so do not seek after the hadith is narrativity mom that'll put me and others

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the narrator of this hadith Abu Salah al cushiony Radi Allahu Taala and

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he is heavier the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And regarding his name, there's actually a great difference of opinion amongst the scholars of Hadith.

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Over 20 opinions exists regarding his name.

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Here we see him no way to hurt the law he already gives his opinion. While introducing him. He says, Have you thought about and push any Judo theme over the national judo film even national that he is Jerome the son of national?

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If I'm a bit humble, yeah have in mind if the Madine even sad, and others they say his actual name was Jerome

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Jerome. Ben Nasha.

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Sorry, Ben Abdulaziz. He says his name was Joe Thune Bill lashup. Instead of national Imam Bukhari Rahmatullah. Ali also holds the position that his name was Joe home. And there are other opinions as well, which can be found in the books of Hadith. So there's a difference of opinion on two levels. The first difference of opinion exists with what his name is. And the second difference of opinion is based on what his father's name is. So that complicates things even further. Some say his father's name was national, other say his father's name was last year. Some say his father's name was armor, and so on their opinions on this.

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Here's a Sahabi who was present in Baton Rouge One, as stated by Imam dal Kootenay and others. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually gave him a portion from the gatherings from the spoils of war, during the Battle of labor, and they're after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent him back to his people and said, Go there and call them to Islam. He went back to his home he invited me

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Bucha Islam and then came back to meet the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam with a group of people who have now accepted Islam. His brother was one of the people who also accepted Islam during the life of the prophet along while he was Saddam, whose name

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again is also there are some of the different opinion on his name some season it was Ahmed bin Jerome and so on there just said his name is different on his brother's name is also different on

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I will thought about who shanira The Allahu and he later on moved to Shamp he lived in Shem. And later on moved there after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left he spent his life there. Some say he lives in house, there are many people who narrate from him from amongst your own. Amongst them are avoided this whole journey, the famous scholar and judge of Romania Shabani and sorry, don't say Jumeirah been in the Fade. I will collaborate McCrone and others as well. He narrates directly from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he also narrates from two other great Sahaba who lived in Shamp

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I will obey that ninja Raha the Allah one and Ma the juggler the Allah one

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from amongst his narrations he narrates Hadith

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as narrated by even Kanye and his multiple Sahaba that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in Allah azza wa jal Leia, Pharaoh Leila nurserymen Siobhan little Muslimeen that on the 15th of Shabbat Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives the believers while you only need caffeine, and Allah subhanho wa Taala gives respite to those who disbelieve whether or Halal hefty hefty him and ALLAH SubhanA who want that or leaves aside those who have malice, those who have hatred in their heart, and they continue to stew and live in their hatred and malice. Similarly, there is a narration that merits

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narrative about movies and holiday. He says that I heard with honorable oceany saying that I came to the Prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one day and I sent a messenger of Allah in NaVi out of the alley Kitab that we live in a land in which the People of the Book live there, mainly Christians lived in that region. Not cool Luffy and yet to him. And we eat from their bowls we eat from the same utensils they from our utensils we eat from their utensils. While we have the Satan a CD with OCLC to be Kelby and Marlon will be calcula the laser beam column and our Messenger of Allah We are also hunters, I hunt with my bow and I also hunt with my dog. Some of my dogs are trained in

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hunting, while others are actually not trained in hunting. So what is your guideline on this? In response to Prophet Allahu Allah, he was sitting, shared with him

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some very beautiful and important advice, which actually lies at the center of Kitab aside the chapter of hunting,

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some of the most important guidelines are taken from this narration of

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a thought of a cushiony the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, either Quinta we are here Kitab ferrata coffee and Yeti him Illa ontology Illa Allah Cogito inhabiting them fail ontology to inhabiting and Foxy to have in my from Mokulua he said to Abiathar Labelle cushiony that if you are in a line of people who are the book and you must eat from first try to avoid eating from their bowls because you don't know what they eat in them. They may use it for cooking their pork, they may use it for drinking their alcohol. So avoid it first and foremost. But if you must use those utensils, then make sure to wash them thoroughly to ensure that there is no impurity in those bolts

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than the parts that Allahu Allah He was sentenced to Thermocool Luffy ha when you can eat in those bowls, and there's nothing wrong with it at all, which teaches us that there's nothing wrong with a bowl itself. The concern is regarding people having different dietary restrictions based on their religions based off their cultures. And if there are diets that are different from the Islamic diet and they eat things that in Islam are not permitted, then you need to be careful when eating in those utensils because you want to make sure that there is no contamination cross contamination where you are drinking from a bowl or someone just drank from us someone just used drinking alcohol

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from and so on.

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And the Hadith continues on. Similarly, there's another narration from of without Abba cushiony also narrated by Imam, Abu Amon other many scholars narrate this as well. He narrates it under his entry while introducing without pushing. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in harbor Camilia Wakaba co mini A ha Sunoco, aka Latin. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the most beloved of you to me, and those who are closest to me, are those who have the best character. And then the prophets that Allah who it was sent him said, What in other community, Messiah we come across often, and those who are furthest from me

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are people who have bad character

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I will tell about Al Husseini was one day sitting with GABA the Allah one and I will follow up I said yeah but it's hot Oh father of his heart, ma'am and Abdi in the federal Valley Reba de la he in lack of Allah who Munna to dunya that there is not a servant who dedicates himself to the worship of Allah subhanho wa taala. But in return Allah subhanahu wa taala takes care of his or her worldly needs.

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So Cavani heard this, he said, a Shetland Sonata, Houma. Rasulillah che in Toronto, is a statement that you just stated, something you heard from the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, or is it something that you've been considering and reflecting over? And it's a thought of your own?

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Thought about Rahu he said, This is not going to offset Aloha lucidum this is something that I've been reflecting over something I've seen in my life

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on a SOCOM set to him in the fact that we live in Monza mannerism, that indeed, Allah subhanaw taala has actually revealed this in the previous texts. Man GEMA Huma Huma who Hamid wa hit wide and Fajr Allahu Fatah, Killa Kafala Hama Hama who wacana risco who Allah Allah. Well, I'm gonna do hula in FCW, Oman federal Oklahoma, who for geography equally wide in Hammond, la Mubarak Allah fie

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prophets of Allah he so he says that I find in the books of revelation that whoever makes his concern in life one concern and that concern is the obedience of Allah. Allah will take care of all of his other concerns. And Allah subhanahu wa Tada will take the responsibility of providing for this person, his risk, and whoever does scatters his concerns in life. He's concerned here concerned they're concerned here concern there and at the cost of that is neglecting his his or her responsibility to Allah subhanahu wa Tada.

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He says that Allah subhanho wa Taala will then leave him to his concerns and love you daddy love you HELOC and Allah subhanahu wa Tada will have no concern or care for this person in which one of his endeavors he actually ends up losing his life in which he dies in so from this statement of his what we learned is that make your concern and goal to achieve the pleasure of Allah subhanaw without him along the way when ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada tells you to do certain things you do those things, Allah tells you go and earn your Halal just go and do that. Allah tells you look after your family, go and do that. But ultimately, you're doing all of these things because you are on the journey of getting

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closest to Allah and these things are told to us by Allah to do therefore we're doing them to fulfill that right that we have over people as ordained upon us by Allah subhanho wa taala. Now, the reason verse scenario is a person cares nothing for Allah, and has their personal ambitions that you know, in my life, I want to drive a Tesla. That's what I want to do. In my life, I want to live in a beautiful home that has a balcony outside the master bedroom. That's what I want to do. In my life. I want to live you know, in San Francisco, that's what I want to do. So you create multiple goals and objectives, worldly objectives in your life. And when you make these things, you're concerned,

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what will end up happening is you'll dedicate your life to those concerns. And ultimately, it's while achieving those concerns, those desires, those dreams of yours, that ultimately you'll lose your life. And because you are so far from Allah, Allah will have no care for such a person.

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Similarly, it is well thought about especially when they came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, instead of messenger of Allah. I had two children who died away who died who passed away the prophets of Allah who it was said Salam Matterley what identified Islam I had two children who passed away. The province of Allahu Allahu wa sallam said men Mata

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Allahu Allah then fill Islam out for a hula hula before Rama to hear that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Whoever has two children that have died, Allah subhanho wa Taala out of his infinite mercy, and as followed in his favor, will enter that person into agenda as well. Allah subhanaw taala welcome that person paradise. Similarly there are many nourishes like this that he narrates

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his students say regarding him

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that kinda lie at the alley he Laila that there will not be a night that would come in Lahore Raja young guru Illa Sama, he would come out and look at the night look at the sky. Look at the beautiful sky some years zero for yesterday. He would then come back inside and fall into such over just reflecting just by reflecting over the beautiful sky, a person of reflection. How many the Muslim he says that in a water Salatin, Salah Holmes New Moon indeed the first prayer the Muslims prayed Yanni be hemispheric and is the Johanna. In one of the in the church of Johanna enhance.

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The prayer was led by Abu Thalassa al cushiony

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Abul Hassan bin Samia says that Bella

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Anyone know who kinda have to demo Islam and maybe Herrera that he accepted Islam, I will tell about how she accepted Islam before Abu Huraira the Allah Juan la Shabbat and Louisa Allahu alayhi salam, and he lived after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, well let me your party will be Safina Adolphe attain, and he did not participate in the internal war between our leader the law one and why we are the law one which is otherwise also known as the Battle of Safin amount if you were to fill out for the mafia. And he passed away during the earlier period of the Halacha of Mao era, the Allahu taala.

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Regarding his death, his students they say that we heard our teacher at with Alibaba officially saying, in Nila otter Zhu, Li F niccone. Hola, hola. Hola. Hola. Hola, como, Moroccan lagoon. He said that I have a hope and Allah subhanahu wa Tada that I won't die the way you people die when people die. You you if you've seen it, people, the when the person is dying, the struggle to breathe, which causes them to sometimes even choke as they're dying, or, you know, when a person is dying, they're struggling at the last part of their life. So he said, I made a dua to Allah that I don't have a difficult death, that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives me an easy transition from this

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role to the next for Boehner, who are you suddenly feel joyful? Late one night, he was in his house praying is 100 prayer. And while he was excited, and while he was in such that, it could be that he passed away while he was in such that for hours, it's been two and a half but Matt,

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the daughter saw that her father had passed away. First day for that fuzzy art and she woke up and she rushed to her mother finance, Omaha ala Abbey. She asked what happened to our Father What happened to our father got a female Salah who that he's still in his prayer.

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For now that will follow Mujib ha. Fonterra had Fujitsu furniture that will make it mate and she then went and checked on her father and saw him in such that in when she checked very carefully, she noticed that her father, on all the Allah one the companion of the prophets of Allah while he was salam had passed away. He passed away in the year 75 After Hijra.

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Now coming to the Hadith,

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this hadith that this hadith that Imam No, Allahu Allah is narrating from Mum doc Whitney,

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from Osama al cushiony, scholars have discussed its authenticity. There is a large group of scholars who stated that this particular narration is weak. It's one of the weak narrations that Mr. Noble Rahmatullahi Ali has included in his Arbaeen. As you may recall, at the beginning of the book, I told you that most of the narrations anyone know where I'm going to lie alleys are authentic. However, claims have been made regarding certain narrations. And there are two particular concerns regarding this narration. The first is whether there is the assault or iniquity. Whether this narration actually has a connected chain or whether there's some sort of a discontinuation during

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the chain. Whether each Narrator actually met his teacher that he's narrating from, or in the chain, is there someone missing? So regarding this particular chain? How that hadith been used McCool and have you thought about unfortunately, this narration is narrated by McCool from a Butalbital fishery, and if you recall when I was sharing the names of his students towards the end, I also named McCrone as one of his students, and the reason why I named him because he is someone who narrates from Obatala balcony, and this particular narration is a case in hand.

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However, many scholars they claim on the McAllen, lemmya sallahu, Seema may not be Taliban, that it isn't proven or established that McCool learned and studied directly from Abu danabol fishing. The scholars they say that there's no proof that the two of them actually met and he studied from him directly. And the claim is that he actually heard this narration from someone else who narrates it from both Annabelle cushiony. And because that middle person is missing, therefore, in the terminology of the Mahadevi foon. This is called inflata.

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Meaning there's a cut off in the narration, something is missing in the narration, isn't it the assault, and having continued in your narration is one of the conditions for a hadith to be authentic.

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Similarly, the second objection against this particular hadith is that in some variations of this hadith, the hadith is not more for it's more proof. More proof means that narration which is the hobby shares of his own and is not attributing it to the prophets of Allah on Islam, for example, on what are the Allahu Allah would say that, my advice to you is and then he shares the statement. So he's not claiming the statement belongs to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam rather, he is actually reading the statement to who

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himself therefore this in the terminology of the scholars of Hadith

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It is called a moku free wire, meaning it stops at the sahaba. This hobby is sharing it as his own statement. And more formally wire means that narration which is a hobby attributes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So in the narration in front of us that if I'm no good with ALLAH he only presents from that accompany it somewhere for a while, because he said at the beginning, call it rasool Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, meaning he's actually building the statement to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. However, some variations of this, of this exact same Hadith come Motovun. They come as his statement where he doesn't attribute it to the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So these are some objections made against this hadith, however, half is Abu Bakr bin Somani. He says that this hadith is hasn't. He said, it's a good narration, it's an acceptable narration as stated in his family. Similarly, you can find other narrations that have the exact same meaning from other companions, meaning this statement that's been quoted in this hadith is not far fetched. It's very possible he did hear this from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, because there are other Sahaba who also very similar statements from the province of a long line he said them and one of them is narrative mm Hakeem from the data the Allah one who narrate from the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he said Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, Muhammad Allah houfy Kitabi he for who Halal what Allah subhanho wa Taala has made halal in his book in the Quran, it is halal, or haram or Halal haram. And what Allah subhanahu wa taala has made Haram is It's haram on my secretary for who are off when and where Allah subhanho wa Taala has remained silent and that is forgiven by Allah subhanho wa Tada Fussel Balu fuck Balu mera la he off Yetta who so except from Allah subhanho wa Taala when he has forgiven you, meaning don't ask things that you don't need to feign Allah Allah Allah Quran lianza che and because Allah subhanahu wa taala did not forget

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anything if Allah subhanaw taala did not mention something, it's because he has left it permissible and open for you. And then he recited the I am icon and Abu Cana sia verse number 64 of certain medium in which Allah subhanho wa Taala says that your Lord is not one who forgets similarly there's a narration by Imam telling me the and also by my manager, they narrate from cinema or the Allah one he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam regarding certain things regarding summon juban and Fatah. And in response to that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and hello ma Hala V Kitabi Khaled is that which Allah has made halal in his book are haram Boko Haram Allah fie Kitabi

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and Haram is that which Allah has made haram in his book? Well, my Socrata on who for who I'm in MA fine. As for the things that are not mentioned in the Quran, as for the things that are not clearly ordained to us through Revelation via the Quran, or the Sunnah, then that is something ALLAH has forgiven, don't ask about those things. And well, we'll talk more about this towards the end of class, what does it mean not to ask, and what does it mean that Allah has remained silent from certain things towards the end of class? We'll discuss this similarly there's a narration from without imam or with old Rahmatullah Lane Eretz.

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From m&r, basadi, Allah one

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that the people of Jai Helia would eat certain things and they would leave certain things. There was no true law, they would just eat and leave eaten leave. There was no law of what was halal and what was haram. So then he says, Baba Allahu Allah via whose Allah subhanho wa Taala sent his messenger Well, unzila Kitab yah hoo. And Allah revealed his book. Well, Hala Hala, who were Halima harana, who, from a high level who are Hala Rama, Rama for who haram, Amma Socrata, and who for who are full of one watt Allah full Agito FEMA or helium Hara man Elia. And the meaning of this hadith is also very similar to the previous ones meaning what Allah has made halal, It's haram, but Allah has told

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you to stay away from stay away from it. And what Allah remains silent on in the Quran, than that is something forgiven by Allah subhanahu wa Tada. So there is no need to dig further into it. bahala moku This is a mobile free wire and I just define what a mobile free wire is earlier.

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Regarding this particular Hadith, Imam Abu Bakr Somani, he says, Have a Hadith also known kabhi Roman ossola Deen that this hadith is a key principle. It's a hadith that holds great weight in our religion, many principles can be established from the single one Hadith. And then he continues to say lesufi, a hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Hadith and why on earth will be inferiority, he will surely go through him in Hadith Allah, that there is no Hadith in the collection of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which single handedly is as concise and covers so many principles. Then this particular Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam narrated by well thought about by the Jamaat Rasulullah sallallahu it was salam, Edina. fianza you can imagine the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam summarize the entire deen and forth in four statements. What are they? Allah has made some things Hello, Allah has set boundaries. Allah has said certain things haram and there are certain things Allah subhana

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Cortana however, has remained silent on so do not search into them. These are the four statements and we'll go into each one, one by one. So the first is Allah subhanho wa Taala has made certain things Khaled, okay.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala has made certain things haram. So we see in our deen that there are different levels of obligation, or permissibility when it comes to actions and things that we should or shouldn't engage in. So you'll see that Allah subhanaw taala has made certain things that are permitted. Now within those things that are permitted, you'll see that some of the things that are permitted are obligatory, they are thought of some things are Wajid, meaning they are still mandatory, but they're agreed beneath.

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Some things are sunnah. They are the practice of the pumps that along while we set them, then within Sunday, you'll have those things that are similar maraca and Homolka. Those practices of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, which are highly emphasized. And then those practices that are not emphasized. Then you have Neville, for example, voluntary acts, then you have MOBA, something that's permitted, yet isn't haram to do. So within halal, you have so many grades, then you come to haram. Within a haram you have something that's haram outright prohibited, then you have something that's more crude dislike. According to the Hanafi is now we further divide mcru into two categories, the

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creamy and tansy he, the creamy means something that's prohibitively dislike. And Kanzi, he means something that's disliked, but it's lightly dislike of a person does it there's no major sin on that person. So from this right here, you'll see there's a spectrum within the halal and also within the haram.

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From our perspective, if there's something we're told to do, and it's encouraged, we should try our best to do it. Regardless of whether it's voluntary, on the lower end of the spectrum of things that are permitted, or whether it's mandatory, it's fun. Similarly, if there's something dislike, we should try to stay away from it. Try not to get caught within the legal language the jurist use because if you get obsessed and if you beat if you get caught in that language, it's very possible you will only avoid the Haram and only do the fun. And this is not a good place to be. For one who is looking for spiritual growth. For the one looking for spiritual growth. Every recommended Act

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should be something that you desire to do, something you wish to bring into your life. And every haram thing, every dislike thing is something that you should try your best to stay away from. At the end of the day we are human beings. If we do something haram will make Toba to Allah. When we fall off when we fulfill our arrive with sugar to Allah we thank Allah subhana wa Tada for his Sofia and his ability, him granting us stability. There is a scholar, there's a discussion amongst the scholars that is followed and wajib the same or are they two different things? You'll hear this terminology being used thought of logic further logic. Allah subhanho wa Taala also uses this

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terminal this language the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also uses this language. So is there a difference between follow and wajib or not?

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So the first group of scholars they say there is no difference of opinion between the fundamental logic they are both one in the same and the definition is cool watch even

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every watch whenever you follow up is that which is established through be the lead in Shutter Ian be keytab and also nothing. Oh, is mine already that Erica mean Atilla t shirt for who affordable watching that anything that is proven through the Quran and Sunnah or through consensus of the scholars. And it is established through the most authentic sources and its meaning is very clear, as we would say, like a woodcutter, you Bella, meaning that it's firmly established without any doubt at all. And similarly, it is its meaning, what the what the what the hadith is saying or what the is saying is very clear. There's no ambiguity at all. So I'll give you an example. Allah says that that

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color Riba

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the translation is do not consume interesting, do not engage in interest. So can anyone doubt the authenticity of this?

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Because you can't Why not? Because this is directly from the Quran. So this since you can no longer doubt its authenticity. We would call this clutter youthful boot, meaning it is definitively proven. There is no ambiguity in the source of this. The second is gotta use the law but the law means that which is the meaning of what's being said is clear. So when Allah says a lotta color riba do not engage in interest. Is there any second opinion on what this means?

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Yes or no? What Allah says, Do not engage in Zina. Is there any second opinion on what Xena means amongst the scholars?

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Not at all. They're very clear when Allah says stay away from Zina means stay away from Zina. When the message is very clear, you call this letter you dilana Meaning there is no ambiguity. The meaning is very definitive, it's very clear, there is no second questioning at all. So, when something has proven through a source that is very authentic, and the message being delivered from the source is very clear. This is the definition this according to the scholars, according to the jurists is conservative and the scholars who do not see a difference between fundamental logic they consider the two to be one and that they say that this is why even this is part of it's the same

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thing from amongst scholars who hold this opinion that the two are the same and there is no difference between them are the likes of Imam Shafi Rahmatullah galley. Similarly, Imam Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Allahu Allah according to some of the Hanabi Allah holds the same position that there is no difference between the two. Similar attributions have also been made to Imam Malik Muhammad Allahu Allah, that the two are one there is no difference. The Hanafi is on the other hand, they see a difference between the two. That's what Imam Khalifa, Allahu Ali, when he uses wajib when the honeybees father say watch him. Technically, there's a little difference between that and forth.

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You guys understand? Technically there's a slight difference between words even further, according to Mr. Mohammed Rahmatullah Yanni. What is that difference? According to Eva Khalifa Rahmatullah Holly forest is that which is proven through an authentic source, meaning there is no ambiguity on the authenticity of this and what's being claimed. The statement that's being claimed is I mean, the message has been derived from this particular reference point is also very clear. This is fun. However, watch him watch it is that which is proven through sources that are not as clear

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why is it is that which is proven through sources that are actually not as authentic as the fact of is, there is some sort of a funny element there, there is an ambiguous element there. So I'll give you an example. According to the Hanafi school of thought corner, the Hanafi school of thought and the Hanafi scholars praying Salah five times a day is five

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praying salaam five times a day is fun because it's a service to the Quran through authentic sources of Hadith. And those reference points that are referring to five Salah it's very clear there's no ambiguity at all. However salata with it is watching.

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What are they recording with it? Theater aka after Isha Salah which we call salata with it. They say that is watching. While the other schools of thoughts because they don't recognize the watch. If they don't view watch it as a classification. They drop with it into the next category for them and underneath for the next category for them is going to be sunnah. So according to them, the Witr Prayer is sunnah. If you ask 100 The scholar what's the ruling on praying with their salah? He will say it's logic. You ask the you ask a scholar from The Other Mother, hey, what's the ruling I'm praying with a salah they will say it's sunnah. Another example, the Hanafi scholars view sadaqa to

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total mal er, which we also call the car to be fun. However, so the total fitter the viewer to be the viewer to be watching because they say the sources from which this is related. So the total fitter, it's, it's not as authentic as we'd like for it to be. Therefore we're going to create a second classification. There's a there's a discussion amongst the scholars

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that when you do claim for something to be false, or when you do claim something as haram or when you do claim something as halal. You have to be very careful. Don't just throw the term around. Don't just treat it as if it's some sort of a joke. Unfortunately in our day and age people throw around Halal haram foreign like as if it has no weight at all. But the scholars of the past were very careful. If you don't know and someone asks you a question, then do as the Quran tells you first Alou Allah Vickery in quantum Natalia moon, go to people of knowledge and ask them don't share your two cents. In particular, if your two cents actually has no value at all, at least two cents

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has the value of two cents and opinion without research doesn't even have that much value. So don't go around doing it. I'm telling you if I had a dime for every time someone came in told me that as a sister, I went to the masjid to pray Salah and a person came to me while I was praying Salah and said to me, you're praying Salah is wrong, it's not established, you shouldn't be paying us a lot like if your Salah isn't accepted because their hands were close to them because their elbows were on the ground. Or maybe because they were doing such Dinah way different than what the other sister was used to doing. I would be a millionaire right now. And in every scenario, the sister who's

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making the correction isn't aware that in another school of thought the way the sister is praying salon is the method that you pay salon.

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So if you're going to correct someone, then make sure you correct them on something that is actually worthy of being corrected. If a person has fallen in one of the form of that him one of the four well researched

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Though when I talk about a motherhood for me this is something that's in great regard because these scholars dedicated their life to understanding those who lived in the fruit of the deen. They went through the, the, the, the, the sources of the deen. They went through the Quran sunnah very carefully. These modalities were established, they were developed, and then they were further studied and verified Rivera FIDE, evaluated re evaluated for over 1000 years. Each of these form of I have had been around for longer than How long should I say, a millennium. So a research that's based on a ruling that's based on research that occurred over a millennium long I have much more

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trust in that than what you're sharing now. So first things first, if you're going to correct someone first ensure that what they're doing is actually wrong. If there's a sister in the masjid that's praying according to the Hanafi school of thought because she trusts Imam honey phenomena Allah YALI in his in his and his students, when it comes to her affairs of the Africa she trust them as being righteous people, she trusted them as being knowledgeable people, and she's following that mother hub, then what why is it something that you need to go and cause disturbance to that person? Now, some of the some of the people say

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that well, how do I know whether a person is praying according to another mother who are not? What I see them doing seems to be wrong? And I'm not sure if it's according to another mother or not, what do I do? So my answer to that is that if you don't know if you don't know that what they're doing, whether it belongs to another mother or not, that's a lesson and that's a sign for you. You need to go and study before you go around during mammogram out of 900 men come before you go around telling people what to do. You need to focus a little on yourself something simple like Salah maybe you go to your local Imam take a class or two online or in person and study with your shoes. What are the

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what did the medina have say about salah you know, what are their opinions? What are the wires? What are the schools of thoughts on this issue? Educate yourself before you go around dropping the Haram haram follow the logic before you throw these terms around.

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So it's important that we are careful when we have biblical theme says you have to have a Akula Hala, hookah waha Rama cada that you should be careful when you say so and so is halal and so on. So it's haram, for your food Allah conducta because what if Allah says Q on the Day of Judgment? You've lied to me? You said something was halal. And the only one that can make something Halal is Allah Allah Rasool through revelation and I didn't make it halal. Or you say something that's haram and I didn't make it haram because after follow up or helewka wallaga Haruka I did not make something like this halal. I did not make something like this haram. As you've stated. Similarly, Imam Malik

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Muhammad Allahu Allah used to say, This is my money. Okay. He says a doctor Alana Anna, your poodle, I don't either. So either ACARA who had what I had. While I Appu Hassan wala haram in America. Huhtala era says that I have seen the scholars of my time. I have seen my teachers in the seniors of my community, that when they were asked regarding certain things, they would say it so Isla ACARA who harbor he would say I disliked this. Or he would say what, Boo or I don't like this, instead of using heavy language like halal and haram. These were the scholars at the time who are careful when they use these these terms because they understood the impact that when a person says something is

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haram, that's a statement that holds a divine authority behind it. Are you ready to claim that without properly doing the research?

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That's why I'm not able to him enough he says Can we Accra Hoonah sha Allah Johari Munna when they dislike certain things they will say they dislike it, rather than saying haram unless clear proof presented itself making that exact thing haram. Jaffa bin Mohammed says that I heard a person similar to Raja and yes, I'll pass him and Muhammad. I heard a person asking us him and Mohammed Dawson. Muhammad was one of the great scholars of Madina. Munawwara a very great scholar, Paul Abner. Sorry, possible Muhammad. Someone asked God costuming Muhammad, Al they know a haram and hooba that is music haram.

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For Sakata, Animal Crossing Paths and remain silent from the other. The person who repeated his question is music haram. For Sacaton he remained silent for murder. The person repeated again he said is music haram for Canada who in the Haram and muharram Allah

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that is haram that that which Allah has made haram in the Quran.

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And then he continued on to give our heat present as argument or at either OTA will have to worry about it in Allah for a yoga Kulina, that on the Day of Judgment, when music is presented to Allah and and the truth and falsehood are both there Which one will it be? Will it be in the pile of being permitted or are in or impermissible for call illogical Phil Barton? He says that, then Allah he says that when Allah will have

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to two groups are two piles in front of them, one being Halal one being haram and music is brought forth,

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Wasim and Muhammad asked him Which one will Allah put it in? So this questioner said Allah will put it in the box and Allah will put it in the Haram pile.

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So classifiion Muhammad said to him for Anta Athena sick. If you already know so much, then give yourself the fatwa don't come to us to ask don't come to us to answer your questions. And the reason why he took an approach like this, because scholars have different opinion regarding the ruling of music. And he himself felt that there is there was scope for discussion here and there in the rulings may not have been as clear as he wanted them to be. So therefore, he was cautious on giving the fatwa as for this army person, this person who would who wasn't as deep in knowledge as possible Muhammad, because of his perception that he already came into the room with regarding this

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particular issue. He was very quick on giving the fatwa and of course him and Muhammad found upon this. Now, I don't want you to walk away from this gathering by assuming that I gave a fatwa on music because I didn't. Right now we're talking about how that and haram and that's the focus of today's class for a discussion on what's the ruling on music, we can have that gathering another time in sha Allah disease. So where the scholars were very careful when it came to labeling things haram. At the same time, you'll notice they were cautious. Just because something wasn't haram doesn't mean that they would engage in it. They would still they would still be careful. If they had

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dealt with something. They took caution and caution is at the center of our deen we've covered the Hadith already the Prophet of Allah while he was Saddam said Khaled is clear, Haram is clear. And between the two there is a gray area. So the Prophet Allahu alayhi wa sallam said avoid that gray area. There is an aeration and Sahadi from Aisha Radi Allahu Allah. She says that a messenger of Allah, some people just came by and gave some meat

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in the coalmine, yeah, tuna lamb, while another re educate us Mullah Ali Allah. Some people came and gave us some meat. We're not sure if they said Bismillah or not when they thought of the animal. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Somali he Antonio Kulu say Bismillah and edit.

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The scholars of Hadith has endless Kalani and others that commented on this hadith, they say that this hadith doesn't mean that you just go to a restaurant or go somewhere where you know the meat was slaughtered in a way that's not in line with Islam. Someone took a bullet for example, and shot an animal and now he's serving you steak from that animal. That's haram village man by consensus, there is no permissibility in eating an animal like that. The blood has to flow in order for there has to be a slaughter, you can't just take a bullet and shoot an animal and start eating its meat. That's called Mehta and it's time to call that carrion right? For the most part, I'm not talking

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about them in audio, I'm just talking about you take a gun and shoot a chicken and start eating its meat. That's not permissible in Islam. So you can just go around saying this man I'm eating okay. This hadith of Aisha Radi Allahu Allah even hazardous Kalani says she wasn't talking about a non Muslim presenting her meat. She was talking about new Muslims that were presenting her meet. These people were new to Islam and she was concerned whether they knew the fit of slaughtering an animal or not. So she was cautious. This hadith is written presented how? Listen carefully. The people who presented the meat were new to Islam can no Hadith the Ardabil Cofer. They were new to Islam. They

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had recently left gopher and enter the stamp.

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They presented some meat. The Sahaba were concerned a messenger of Allah we're not sure if these people know the rulings of halal and haram. Therefore, we aren't sure what to do. The prophets of Allah who it was said on this as if telling them that those are Muslims, regardless of whether they're new or old. You should not doubt a Muslim, say Bismillah in Eden. So we learn from this talk the caution that the Sahaba had as narrated by Aisha Radi Allahu Ana, before they engage, they came and asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for clarity.

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Similarly, someone came to him I'm humbled and asked him regarding certain garments that have been

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that have been colored. They've been dyed. Someone asked him I'm honored and humbled regarding garments that are dyed in urine.

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And it's very disgusting, but people would do this sort of thing to add a particular color. Yes, we want to be bone, they would die the garments in urine for Tada, and Muslim. Oh, well, Catherine, if you had us Allah, when at the San Juan had what I thought hot and had either alimta and the hula Mahal is blue vishay in middle bowl was Sahar in Fallout two Salafi he had that tuxedo, he says when it becomes apparent to you that someone has died a garment in urine, then what do you need to do? You can't press a line there you need to wash it. But if you're not sure, you just have a garment that has a yellow tone to it and you're not sure if someone died in urine or not. Whether it was

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your maybe it was your and maybe with some other coloring that they use, which are both possible. Okay. So he says anyone accountable that's not up to you. You don't have to It's not up to you, meaning you don't have to go and search it further.

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But if it becomes apparent to you, that there was urine involved in this process, therefore, you now you know urine is impure, that impurity cannot be prayed with. So you have to wash it very thoroughly and find a way to get rid of the traces of the urine before you place it on there. And if you can do that, then do not praise Allah in such a garment.

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Similarly, Imam Imam Al FL Meryton is with it's not that Zaven Wahab says at Allah kita we're honored to be added by John that honorable photography Allah one sent a letter to us while we were in Azerbaijan in the combi oven fecal matter. Further Atal Basu middle Farah Hatha Tala Mahela Humann Harami that you are in a land where people hunt and they don't know how to have standards of of hunting. They just shoot and they eat, you know, so he's calling this Mehta carrying If an animal is slaughtered in the proper process, it's considered to be Mehta carrying, he said you're in a ladder of people are not considered the way they hunt. So do not use the firm that animal don't use

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it for your blankets, don't use it for your clothes, until you can establish that the animals for was fit on here isn't necessarily for I mean, there's a difference this is referring to something else. He's saying don't eat from the animals and don't consume from these animals until you can first establish that it was slaughtered in a halal way against teaching the Sahaba that if you're in a community and in a group of people who don't, who aren't as careful as they should be, or they don't abide to Islamic teachings when it comes to slaughtering or when it comes to hunting. Be careful. Similarly there's another narration from if an omelet or the Allahu on raw or origin and

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Allah He thought one now this is referring to for that if no matter the Allahu onside person wearing a fur garment, maybe a fur coat or a fur blanket

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for Mercer, who he touched it in Madina Munawwara where they didn't wear these things so he's touching this beautiful fabric and it's so soft

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Bacala lo Allah mu and know who the key Yun la Savani a Hakuna li men who thought he said only if I can be certain that this fabric is pure meaning it's been the animals slaughtered properly and the and the cleaning process was the way it should be economists nonprofit dibala was given to it proper cleaning was proper cleaning occurred for this How great would it be that I would have a film and a garment also made of his very soft warm fabric that you're wearing right now?

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Someone asked I should have the Allahu anha as narrated by Mohammed bin cough my Yamuna Aki and add half and middle for all that what stops you from wearing a having a blanket from firm gotta cut into an old Mr. Mehta she said I'm concerned that it might be haram meaning the garment wasn't purified properly it wasn't achieved through it wasn't access through a proper Halal means. Therefore, I will stay away from from from consuming it. Lastly even Mr. God Allah one he gave advice to the Muslims who had moved into Persia after Muslims conquered Persia. Muslims began to live there. So even Masuda the Allah who answered them thoroughly. Manasa been a Muslim in the forest, he said to the

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Muslims living in Persia, either straight and Lachman fosu. In Cara Vihara Yahudi ona Serani for Kulu. When you purchase meat, ask the people if they're if you are told that this meat was slaughtered by a Christian or a Jew, that open your heart and eat away, enjoy yourself.

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Well have Aliana Lalibela and the forest and my juicy Baba humara. And the reason why even even Masuda the Allahu Allah told the people to ask about the meat when you're in the market, because in Persia, majority of the people were there estrus they were reducing, and they're slaughtering and the meat from their sacrificing is not permitted and it does not fall in line with the guidelines of Shediac. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then says hello to the yo Ha, that what Allah subhanaw taala has told you to do, do it and do not waste it. Do not waste it. What does it mean not to waste it?

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The scholars they say a good deed can be wasted through multiple avenues. For one example of wasting it is not doing it all together. Allah has made Salah thought of upon you and you don't pray Salah that's a method of wasting your Salah. Secondly, you are praying salah, but you're wasting it by not giving your salah the proper attention by not giving it the right focus by not giving your heart to that salah, only going through the gestures and only going through the motions. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when a servant prays Salah with proper devotion with proper focus, and with proper recitation, that Salah then ascends and it passes by with a very beautiful sweet

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scent. And every every time it passes one of the heavens, the angels in that heaven begin to say what is this? And the salah says I am the salah of so and so with

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pride and joy, I am the salah of so and so. And it continues to ascend until it reaches the finish of Allah subhanho wa Taala until it reaches the Throne of Allah and when a person prays the law and does not give it the right intention, right attention and waste it. That's the law now it rises until it reaches the Throne of Allah. And it says to Allah via Oh Allah, that person wasted me so Waste him to the Yaak Allah Komaba Yeah, funny, you've wasted me so Allah, I want you to waste that person as well.

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Another method that people waste their salah, and in particular, when it comes to so long that they don't pay it on time. Either they pray it after time has passed, or they wait for Salah time right when the time is about to end and they get up and pray. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in one Hadith that

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young boy Allah Shamcey Hatha Adama spirit Tama Wanaka Raha natrual rock, that a person who waits and waits and waits until time is just about to exit and then it gets up in praise so quickly, like a bird picks its nose on the ground, just like a bird practice beak on the ground. That's how they do such that very quickly up and down, not giving salah the proper attention. Many people have a concern that I want to be able to focus on my salon, I don't want to waste my Ariba Visa card had some salon or any other good deep reading of the Quran. But I really struggle. I'm not sure how to not waste it. I don't know how to give it my full. So the first thing is educate yourself regarding

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that a bada know everything you need to know about that a mother. Because even if you're focused, but you're not doing it right, you're wasting it. If instead of giving 2.5% of the cost, you only give 1% Even though that 1% given is with sincerity, you're still wasting that I bother because you haven't given the full 2.5%. So first and foremost, in order for you to dedicate yourself properly to an act of worship, you need to know it properly. When it comes to Sonoff one of the things that amazes me is when a person says that I want to focus on my salah, but they have no idea what they're reading. They don't know the translation to sort of Fatah. They don't know the translation to the

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Salawat that's being read in the prayer to the Sweet that's being read to the to as being made in wisdom to the DUA being made at the end of Salah to the sutras being read, how can a person focus when their mind isn't connected to what they're reading? That's where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is actually the focal heart right very clearly, that when a person was praying Salah if they stand there with their lips zipped and there is no movement of the tongue, and they're simply reading in their heart or reading in their mind that isn't considered reading and that Salah will have a deficiency when you read in your Salah when you read Surah Fatiha or when you really Surah or

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when you're doing your to speak there needs to be movement in the tongue. There needs to be a minimal amount of sound just for yourself just for you to hear yourself. The person next to you doesn't need to hear you but you need to be able to hear yourself that will help you create focus. Similarly when you're doing any form of a bother create focus in your a bother for example coming back to Salah give yourself a little area that you'll be limited to restricted to don't look beyond that area when you're praying Salah you know when you're praying saw you have a masala little carpet or if you're praying in the masjid dedicate like a little square that you're going to pray and don't

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let your eyes wander Above Beyond left right up down. Keep yourself focused on the area that you're actually praying in.

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When it comes to Salah in particular again, start focusing on your Salah from the moment the Mazin calls the other by responding to the call. Walk to the masjid with humility with focus keeping yourself engaged in vicar do Your will do with focus. Come to the masjid pray two rakaat before the salah starts pray some sort of a sunnah before you start and then engage in the Salah. And you'll find so much more focus and so much more Baraka there.

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sorry bucket of bin Abdullah Al Madani he says as narrated by Imam because Lucha Libre yeah. He said to his students, you have an Adam, oh son of Adam, oh son of Adam. Oh mankind oh and son. If you wish to go and meet your master that all you need to do is do your will Lu. Walk into the Masjid. Pray your Salah. And as soon as you say Allahu Akbar, you are immediately in front of your Creator. The Scholars say when a person says Allahu Akbar, in their salah, they take their hands and weighs them to their ears. It's as if you're taking all of your concerns and all the other words you have, and you're throwing them behind you, Allahu Akbar, and you're entering into now a place where it's

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only you and Allah subhanho wa Taala and therefore, in our salah, repeatedly we keep saying Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, to cut out those distractions and to realign our thoughts with what we should be focused on and that is that Allah is the Greatest, my mind. My thoughts need to be dedicated to Allah subhanahu wa Tada.

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we move forward the Hadith and talks about certain things that are haram that Allah has made certain things haram do not violate them Stay within your limits when it comes to the haram. The Quran talks about haram in many places, in some places Allah subhanahu wa taala mentions haram in the context of marriage. In some places Allah subhanaw taala mentions haram in the context of transactions in some places Allah subhanahu wa Tada mentions haram in the context of eating and social actions. There are so many examples of the word haram being attached to certain actions that Allah subhanaw taala wishes for us to stay away. And similarly in the Sunnah, we find the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam also telling us certain things that are halal, certain things that are haram. Now, in order to get a full list of things that are haram, you're going to have to study some jurisprudence some fifth because there's no one list of all of the Haram things and if there was a list that would be a very sad list, because people should be inspired with what's halal. Every time you tell someone something's haram, you should do it while telling them what's halal. The Quran doesn't just tell us that Zina is haram. It actually also tells us what

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Nica is halal. The Quran doesn't say Riba is haram. What does the Quran say? A Halal Allahu baya or haram arriba. The Quran tells you what the halal alternative is. When you're telling someone something is haram. It's always good to also tell them what's harder, when Allah tells us things that are haram to eat. Allah also tells us things that are halal, these are things that are halal to eat. So

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you'd have to study some Islamic law. And I definitely encourage there's a lot of benefit in studying some fifth, it's the one area that most Muslims have little reading. And even though it's the most practical, and the one place that you should be well versed in

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when something is haram, there are some use cases and sometimes where the Haram even though it's haram, you can still do it. And these are in cases of necessity. So Haram is something that you need to stay away from. If alcohol is haram, you need to stay away from it. The only time it can become permissible is if there is necessity. I'll give you an example. There is a medicine that's been prescribed and the doctor tells you that inside this inside this medicine, there is a pork ingredient. There's a pig ingredient in here.

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You'll go to your scholar, and you'll ask them what's the ruling on taking a medicine. A friend of mine who's a physician, he was telling me that many times when doctors put when they give anesthesia to to patients, one of the common things will give them as a particular medicine that has worked in there and as a pork enzyme, that porcine enzyme. So he was saying that what's the Islamic ruling on this? Giving it? So if you ask a scholar, what's the return on taking a medicine that has a haram ingredient in there? Whatever that haram ingredient is? The first question the scholar will ask is, is there an alternative available? If there's a halal alternative, which is as effective, then you

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should be using that Halal alternative. But if there is no Halal alternative, and by not taking this medicine, your health will deteriorate, you won't recover, then there is a permissive there is permission there's permissibility to take this medicine and Allah subhanahu without I mentioned this in the Quran, from an authority above and what I didn't fuss about foster likoma Hara Maliko Illa, tourism in a way that when there is if there are when there is necessity, it becomes permissible for you to engage in Haram, but to as long as it's necessary. Let's say for example, there was a person

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who is in the middle of nowhere, and they're very thirsty, they're in the middle of the Sahara Desert, and they're very thirsty. And all they have is a bottle of wine. Now, that person based on this ayat takes a sip of the wine just to keep himself living, so he doesn't, he doesn't collapse or fall ill or die out of thirst.

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So what's permissible for him to drink from it

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enough to keep that person alive, he can't keep drinking this drink extra to knock himself out and get drunk. Let's say the guy had a 5050 bottles or something for argument's sake, he can't just start drinking his head off, you need to drink enough to keep you going. And then when you need it again, you take a little sip again, and then when you need it again, you take it again, until you reach a place where finally you have clean water or whatever other drink it is. That's Hello. And once that Hello drink is there, can you can you continue to take that sip? No, no, you got to discontinue taking that step later about him when I do. You can't traverse or past the limits of its

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Then the Hadith tells us that Allah subhanaw taala has given certain limitations. So stay within those limits. Don't cross them. This word had what does it means? I'll have the Filati almanor have means to stop. to discontinue.

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They say how the huddled beat this is the limit of the home meaning I

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After this, I no longer have ownership. It's someone else's property.

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This is the father says I give you permission to play games but the HUD is until 3pm. After 3pm You have to discontinue playing your games, meaning there's permission but then there's limitation there as well. So Allah subhanaw taala has made everything halal. By default everything in this world is halal except for some things that Allah has made haram. Those things that Allah has told us are not permitted. Those are all produced, those are all there are boundaries there. So think of Halal is one area think of Haram is another area. And in between the two there is hard, there's a boundary. So don't go anywhere near that boundary, try to keep yourself clear and away from that boundary. Now

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this word HUD

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it's used by the scholars to resemble or to signify that which is haram. Similarly, the word had also is used

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for a crime that's committed when a person commits a crime, in particular, if the crime involves a punishment from the court, that would be called a had. There is a narration

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a lady from who was Massumi she is called Emeril Amazonia. She stole something as a result of other prophets of Allahu alayhi wa sallam gave the punishment that is given for stealing in Islam. The people of her clan didn't feel comfortable with it. So they went to a person who was very beloved to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Osama bin Zayed and they said, your beloved to the Prophet Why don't you intercede on behalf of this era Matsuya and ask the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam to overlook this crime of hers and forgive her and pardon her. So Solomon's aid came to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe salam to speak and to intercede and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said at

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this battle, he had the men who do the law. Are you trying to intercede on her behalf? When it comes to a boundary of Allah that she crossed again you see how the Hadees use the word Hadees using that hadith the word had is using the Quran repeatedly. Allah subhanaw taala uses it instead of Bacara multiple times Surah Nisa Surah Toba Sunnah majorda Surah tharok and by examining them one by one you will see how that word is used for our understanding. The heart is that which Allah has prohibited and we are told him this hadith to stay away from it. Now to the last part of the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, there are certain things that Allah subhanaw taala has

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remained silent on.

01:02:36 --> 01:02:41

In order to understand this, we must know that some things that I mentioned are mandatory.

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As the Hadith discussed, there are some things that are haram that the Hadith also discussed. But then there are some things that are MOBA, meaning they are neither haram neither are they're mandatory. They're kind of like in the middle.

01:02:57 --> 01:03:00

I'll give an example of haram. I mean mobile sorry, something that's mobile,

01:03:02 --> 01:03:02


01:03:04 --> 01:03:45

because the principal is acidophilus shaggy Heba, the default ruling and things is that they are hooba What's the ruling on drinking tea? What's the answer? Well, it's heard. What's the ruling on wearing a polo shirt? mugger it's permitted? What's the ruling on shopping at a mall? MOBA? It's permitted? Let's throw them up eating a char. Right this reference MOBA. It's permitted what's the rule they're gonna having doughnuts. So if I were to list all the things that are MOBA, the list could never end in thorough due to lack of Suha right? If you were if you were to even try to encompass them all you will be impossible to encompass all the things that are permitted in the deen

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because everything is permitted by default until proven otherwise.

01:03:50 --> 01:04:26

So here we're being told that if the Quran or Hadith are not explicit about the aroma of something, you should be careful when overly just digging in for the sake of it. Some people call them the Haram police. No matter how much you tell them something is haram, what do they want? They can't sleep at night and peace until they say ha or all once they say once they say it then they feel more comfortable. Nina chatty, they can sleep good at night. You know, I just made something haram because it's a part of the human religious psychology which is what the more you prohibit the more religious you are. Wa Nia it's an IPS that that will have market Abner Halim that we didn't tell

01:04:26 --> 01:04:32

them to become to live a life of Albania

01:04:33 --> 01:04:35

What do you call this?

01:04:38 --> 01:04:46

Rouhani was a lifestyle the the rabbi's and the priests would take on the tongue of the word is right there it's a slip of my tongue

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there's a word for it anyway. But I'll How about Nia was a lifestyle they would take on where they would avoid getting married. They wouldn't get married they will live their lives alone in in

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In celibacy, but there's there's a word for the translation anyway. So they would live their life dedicating themselves to worship Allah says We didn't tell them to do that they would make certain things haram that Allah had made had on them. So the insaan as a part of their religious journey, they enjoy making things haram and the more things you make haram what happens? You think you're more religious? This person is so hardcore, that you know what, this guy? I don't know. He He's so hardcore, that he didn't even attend his brother's wedding. Because when they were serving food there, the meat being served was electrified, electrocuted, treated before they slaughtered it. You

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guys see how that works? That because you prove that person is so hardcore, what does everyone say? Whoa, mashallah, you know, this person doesn't even trade doesn't even live in the USA doesn't even buy the dollar because every dollar is on an interest. It's based on interest. Right? So because interest is involved with the courtesy this person doesn't even trade trade with it. This person doesn't even step out of his home because when he steps out of his home, he might see a lady that doesn't wear hijab, and that's haram. So he just stays inside his home. You see how that works? The more you prove, the more you use the word haram. What happens? People think what, whoa, this guy is

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the real deal. Like this guy is the real deal. The next guy over who goes to the wedding, the next guy over who goes out of his house and goes to work he's not as hardcore. This guy's really hardcore Mashallah.

01:06:30 --> 01:07:05

Allah subhanho wa Taala has made everything halal for us. So, now one thing, one thing important regarding this particular narration, the scholars they say, those are Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam discouraged from x from asking excessively, those a Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that because we know the prophets of Allah, who it was sort of encouraged questioning. Earlier on I recited the ayah that says Ask those who know if you don't know. So asking in our deen is encouraged. So why is it that this hadith is telling us not to ask and you'll find other a hadith that are also in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was

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telling the companions that previous nations were destroyed because they asked too many questions. Their religion became difficult on them. So the scholars they answered this by saying, Latin have one ha TAMIU. If the salsa had the nahi be examining the beasts of Allahu alayhi wa sallam. It's very possible that this prohibition of asking was limited to the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the reason for that is because revelation was still coming down. And it's possible that because someone's question, Allah may reveal an IRA that will make the matter more difficult for them.

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And case example of this is in Allah yet Monica entered bajo Baqarah a Allah commanded this group of people from Israel go and slaughter a cow. Rather than going and slaughtering a cow, what did they do?

01:07:52 --> 01:08:18

They asked one question, asked a second question. And the third question. They asked so many questions that every time they asked a question Allah revealed, Allah revealed, Allah revealed. And as a result of that, it got harder and harder and harder. And now they were in a fix. They couldn't find a car like this. That's why the province had a lot of money was cinema tell us how about if the IRS are not revealed regarding this? If I haven't told you something regarding this, then don't ask. And a classic example of this is once the hobby got up and said, O Messenger of Allah, do we have to do Hajj every year?

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said why would you ask such a question?

01:08:23 --> 01:09:00

By asking this question, what if Allah subhanaw taala says Yes, what's gonna happen to the Ummah what's gonna happen to those who live in China or live in America or live in you know, Europe, they're gonna have to come for Hajj every year. Were you not thinking when you ask a question like this, you will bring a difficult that's we will make you will make it difficult on others. The hadith of Saudi Arabia Casa de Allah Juan, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in other Malusi Mina Phil Muslimeen, a German the greatest criminal when it comes to a Muslim harming another Muslim man Salah and che in love you hug them for holy moment actually masala tea, that there was

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something that wasn't made haram but because someone asked it was made haram. You made it difficult for the whole ummah. Why would you do such a thing? Allah subhanho wa Taala intentionally remained silent on certain things. So don't ask, don't probe. That's why the Scholars that say this prohibition was limited to the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. However, once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away, now it's open. You can go and ask away because our deen is very deep when it comes to answering questions. No one should read this hadith and think that Islam is a cop out religion where you can't ask your questions. You just keep them in your

01:09:34 --> 01:09:45

heart and you keep your concerns to you. And you don't get clarity on the note. In our deen you get your answers. Come to the scholars ask them your questions. However, don't just ask for the sake of asking.

01:09:47 --> 01:09:56

You understand that some people they keep asking and keep asking even though they already have the answer. Going back to that haram police. All they're looking for is finding a way to make it

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a finding a way to make it haram

01:10:00 --> 01:10:45

Prosser Allahu alayhi wa sallam said hello Khalil Muto not the rune de Mola, the mortality rune have been destroyed. Paula has a laugh and he said the three times. Even Masuda the Allahu Anhu narrates his Hadith he said, I'll Matan up to one with the omnic al Baha, I'm not a me, and Matata as someone who's who unnecessarily searches excessively on those things that don't relate to them, you know, just engaging, just going deeper for the sake of doing it without having any benefit of it. If it was really the Allah one, he said Yakama tonnato that be aware of character, a Yakama Tom not be aware of the Amok II while a cumulative I already translated von Thun. Thun look sorry,

01:10:46 --> 01:11:13

but not sorry. In time, I just translated them already asking questions that are unnecessary, just going deeper, and deeper and deeper. You know, what's, what's inside of this product? These are the ingredients. Where does this ingredient come from? It comes from here. Where does that ingredient come from? It comes from here. I kid you not I was one sitting in my office. And I dealt with a case where there was a person that was telling me that they asked me what's the ruling on our Oreos Halal to eat? That was a question.

01:11:15 --> 01:11:36

And I said, I don't know how to eat them, but didn't seem like there's anything wrong. It sounds like they have like, you know, beef in between the cookies, it's cream. So seems like it's halal. So this person said that, you know, no, I'm having my doubts. I said, on what basis I'm having doubts. Like, did you see someone injects some pork in there? You see someone pour like a couple of line on on your Oreo? What's the deal?

01:11:38 --> 01:11:43

So this person said, No, I just don't feel right. There's something in the ingredients that are off. I said, Well, if you don't know, then what's the best thing?

01:11:45 --> 01:11:59

You know, if I don't know, personally, then I'll acidophilus che. Eva EBA. For me, it's permitted, which means that if I unless there's compelling reason to, to, to, to doubt, the permissibility of eating Oreos, as far as I'm concerned, from an OCD standpoint, what

01:12:01 --> 01:12:19

I'm dipping them in milk. But if you feel uncomfortable, because someone said something to you know what happens, right? People send these long lists of haram things on WhatsApp. And one of them had had an audio in there. So this person said, okay, so what do we do? So I said, you know, simplest thing is called Oreo called, I mean,

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call the disco. And you'll get your answer from there.

01:12:27 --> 01:12:33

So, the person who called Nabisco in front of me, and headed out loud speaker, just so that I can hear.

01:12:34 --> 01:13:12

So the person said, Okay, what's your question? They said this the question, do you have any ingredients that are not in line with Islamic diet? That person says I'm not aware of Islamic diet? So is there anything in particular you want to ask? So this person, Allah granddam agenda, the highest place agenda insha Allah? Ask each ingredient one by one, is there any alcohol any pork, any alcohol, any pork, any alcohol in Newport? Anything I need to be worried about? So the person said, no, no, no, a conversation that should have ended in 30 seconds. Right after Hi. Hello, how are you? How's the weather? 30 seconds, was now going into his fifth minute. How long after the person

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answered everything.

01:13:14 --> 01:13:17

I said, I was holding my breath. I'm not gonna lie to you. I was like

01:13:19 --> 01:13:38

me. And then finally the person said, but there's nothing wrong. Everything's good. So after we were done, I said 100 Ma, then this person asked another question. She said, Can you guarantee that the people who work in the plant and pack these things and you know, a pack or the biscuits and everything they wash their hands thoroughly after they use the washroom?

01:13:41 --> 01:14:24

I took my finger and I hung up the phone. I said this line of questioning ends right here. You have another issue. What's the other issue? OCD that you're asking whether the people wash their hands after they use the washroom before they come and package them and whether the what kind of literally what kind of cleaning materials do you use to clean the belt on which and the and the different machinery in which you make this this cookie in? And I said this is what even Masuda de la Juana say Yakama tonnato Yakama Tambo, don't go that far. Why do you want to ask about a million things searching for it to be haram. And then he says while he can be Latif, Yanni McEnery Sahaba follow

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the example of the earlier people to Sahaba and the sahaba. Invite Allah Allah was mine. They lived a very simple life, if they saw something to be haram than it was haram if they saw something to be halal that it was halal. They didn't spend their time asking unnecessary questions. And I'll close off by sharing an example from the life of everybody OH MY GOD, ALLAH one that even Roger been humbling Eretz that even amaro the Allahu Allah was asked regarding Jouban cheese. Juvenile was something that wasn't common to the adults. It was usually imported from the Persians.

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01:15:00 --> 01:15:01

Everyone must give an homage to the Allahu unset

01:15:03 --> 01:15:06

ma jet to houfy SoCal Muslim in Israel right to who well, is

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that what I find in the markets of the Muslims I purchase and I don't ask questions, because that's enough from what I see being sold in the market to the Muslims. That's enough for me. I don't need to go further and ask and ask and ask and ask. I kid you not when people take this line of questioning, they're just waiting for someone to say It's haram. I was once at a plant, a friend of mine took me to a slaughtering facility where chickens were being slaughtered, to view whether the method was in line with Islamic guidelines or not. So we went there. And Allah reward the brothers who were doing the slaughtering SubhanAllah. These guys were skilled. They were Yemeni brothers. And

01:15:48 --> 01:15:55

per minute, I saw this with my eyes. I counted myself per minute. The guy was doing 85 chickens.

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What did I say?

01:15:58 --> 01:16:35

85 chickens per minute. He was more disheveled. I had a nice big beard had the beard cap on his nice cap on. He told me he said, Chef, we work. We don't work on Joomla Joomla we take off because we go for Salah. But otherwise we're here. And it's such an intense job that they work. 10 minutes off. 10 minutes on. So one person is waiting he does. 10 minutes he comes off he goes on. So it's 10 minutes and very intensity. The other guy comes off next guy comes on and 10 minutes of intensity. He said that the slaughtering is so quick that we aren't able to say the whole Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim we just say Bismillah is that enough? And the Juris stepson of course saying Bismillah is enough. You

01:16:35 --> 01:16:44

don't have to say the whole Bismillah R Rahman Rahim is all that the dream and other Mahajan all the stretches. Bismillah is good. And

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so one of my buddies was with me. He asked that person he said, Do you say Bismillah for each time? He said, Of course I didn't.

01:16:53 --> 01:17:00

So this friend of mine, he was so disrespectful. I'm surprised that guy didn't just take the knife and slaughter him and said

01:17:01 --> 01:17:21

this. He said, Do you say Bismillah? He said yes, I do. So the guy started his trip he was working. And this friend of mine is literally very, like, awkwardly staring because he's wearing this. The beard guard and the beard guard is covering his lips. And this friend of mine said he's looking very carefully at him. And he says I didn't see your jaw moving.

01:17:23 --> 01:18:00

Like so. What do you mean he didn't see my job moving? I'm a Muslim. I play Salah and as Muslim as you are, you don't have more shares in Islam than I have. Like you don't owe more You don't owe more Bitcoin than I do. Right? We're on the same level here. And I'm telling you as a Muslim that I say Bismillah and if you're not going to accept it don't have this chicken right more for me more for the OMA have 85 chickens every minute myself. If you don't want to have it, don't have it. In summary, our deen is very clear. Allah subhana wa Tada and this is Al Hamdulillah Thurmond 100 Anathem Al Hamdulillah. Allah has made the halal very clear. Allah reward the Messenger of Allah

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with the highest place in gender. He made the halal and haram very clear, Allah reward for kaha for guiding us through what's hot and what's haram. What's beyond that, what Vina has remained silent on treated as MOBA that which is permitted, don't ask unnecessary questions and create unnecessary, unwanted, unwarranted doubt within yourself or in the community. Okay, that Allah subhanahu wa Tada makes us from those who act upon this. Allah subhanho wa Taala makes us from those who understand the deen and who are able to convey it onto others are sent Allahu Allah say that I'm Hamid Saramonic rahmatullah wa barakato.

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