Hasan Ali – Men Vs Women

Hasan Ali
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the tension between men and women in modern Western society, highlighting the responsibility of men in establishing their authority and the historical responsibility of the prophet's chores. They also mention the use of the sunGeneration and the woman in the household's responsibility to provide love and mercy to children. The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking care of the household and not being deserted, highlighting the historical responsibility of the woman in bringing the household's needs from outside, and the men in bringing their needs from 0 to 7. The woman had the responsibility of bringing the household's needs from outside, and the men provided for the women from the time of 0 to 7.
AI: Transcript ©
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The role of a woman

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and the role of a man in the

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house, this is massive tension.

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Yes or no, guys? Yes or no?

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Yes. Now let's get down to it. Let's

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do it. Alright? What's happened over time, my

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friends, is that we've had 2 different movements.

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We've we've had a movement from women

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to try and become

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equal as men and then superior to men.

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And now we've got a movement of men

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that wanna become like,

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what? We are this and that, these kind

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of men and so on. We're gonna establish

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our authorities and so on. And what we

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found in this liberal, democratic western society is

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over the last over the last 100 years,

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we've got women and men pitched against

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each other.

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This is not something Islam gave to us.

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Not something Islam gave to us. Now, I'm

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gonna take you back to the sunnah of

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the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam because let's

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let's go to let's go to the sunnah.

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And, things I'm gonna say to you my

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brothers and my sisters, things I'm gonna say

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to you, I want you to understand I'm

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only giving you

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my 30 something

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years of of this life, of studying

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the rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam, studying the

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Quran, and I'm telling you now what the

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sunnah told us how to be. Okay? So

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we're gonna go right back to the prophet

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salallahu alaihi wa sallam's time.

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From there, then we're gonna come back to

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this time, and then we're going to see

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what our modern world brought to us, and

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what the differences are. Because honestly speaking, a

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lot of people, they want to quote the

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sunnah, but they only quote what they like.

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They don't quote the other side. Let me

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give you an example. Look at the prophet,

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, and especially our sisters

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will quote this, and there's a lot of

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Islamic speakers as well, they'll say like this,

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but they're only taking one part of the

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sunnah and not the other part of the

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sunnah. What they're saying is correct. Don't get

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me wrong. What they're saying is correct, but

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they're only taking one part. What did they

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say? They quote the hadith,

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When the prophet

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came home, he used to do some of

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the chores of the house. He used to

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do some of the light tasks of the

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house. This is a hadith we've heard and

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yes, prophet

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did it. But when did he do it?

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He did it when he wanted to.

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He did it voluntarily.

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He never came home

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and his wives were like,

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we left the dishes for you.

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Not a single hadith. He never came home

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and they said, that part of the household

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things that needs to be done

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it's your duty to do it. No. Never.

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He salallahu alayhi Let's go to the sunnah.

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Come on guys. I I want you to

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be on the same page as me. Right?

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You gotta take the sunnah, you gotta take

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it properly. Don't take it half don't quote

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quote the thing that just makes you happy.

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No. And Rasulullah SAW wasalam said when he

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used to do the chores of the house,

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he used to do voluntarily.

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It's his it's his choice

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when he did it,

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however he did it. No one ever

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expected him to do it. SubhanAllah.

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The next thing is this, what did Aisha

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radiAllahu anha do? It's an hadith of buhadi.

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She was making the dough, sometimes she used

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to even fall asleep doing that. You know,

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basically she used to go to sleep and

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she left the dough and so on. Fatima

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radhiallahu anha Hadith, sai hadith. She comes to

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the prophet and she says, I want a

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servant, messian of Allah. Please give me a

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servant. Why? Because my hands are my skin

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of my hands are peeling off because of

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the rough dough that I have to make.

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Their dough was different from the dough that

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we have. We have soft we have soft,

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you know, powder soft sort of what what

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are the wheat wheat wheat that we have,

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the powder that the ground, the the ground

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went down to, but they had rough they

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had rough roughness there. And he used to

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peel the skin off sometimes he peeled the

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skin, of of their hands. Now, Rasulullah

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never gave a a servant. In fact, he

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went to the house of Ali and and

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and he told them to do the famous

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Tasbih Fatima. He said, do you want your

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chore basically to get the chores of the

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house done easily? He said, say 33 times,

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Alhamdulillah 33 times, and Allahu Akbar 34 times,

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and so on before you go to sleep.

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That was the way and he said the

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hadith of buhari and so on. Right? So

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the thing is, yes, they were chosen. Who

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used to do them? Well, it was primarily

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it was the women of the time that

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they used to do them. What did the

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men used to do? The men in the

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prophet of Allah's most time, they had the

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responsibility of bringing

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the whole

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of the household needs from outside. They were

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the breadwinners. They were the people that made

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what was No. They they bought they bought

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all the money that is needed for this

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household to run. And not only that, the

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provided for their women, they protected their women,

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and they made a life such a life

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that the woman has no worries for the

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future. That's that's what it was about. Rasulullah

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did the same thing. His sahaba did the

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same thing. That the women of that time

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knew that we are gonna be looked after.

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We're just not gonna be deserted, and we'll

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be we're gonna look after whatever the household

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thing is needs to be looked after. They

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looked after When it came to children and

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so on, yes, tarrbiyya was done, and nursing

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the children was done by both of them.

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Yes. But there was a different balance at

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different times. So the woman, by nature, you

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will give more love and mercy and compassion

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to the child and looking at the child

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when they're from 0 to 7. Then there'll

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be a time when you're giving, like, equal

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time more or less, right, from 7 to

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14. I'm not saying the men don't do

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anything at 0 to 7. No. But I'm

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saying there'll be more from the women at

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0 to 7, but there'll be more from

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the men from 14 onwards. That's what the

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kind of balance was from one of the

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statements of Ali

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My my friends, what I'm trying to say

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to you is that it was a whole

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era of what? Allah said in the holy

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Allah said in the holy Quran, Allah said

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that you men, I have made you men

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that are responsible for women. Why? Because you

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have to provide from your wealth. Do you

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realize my my sisters,

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you by default,

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the money comes from your husband. He has

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to provide for your shelter. He provides for

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your clothing. He provides for your food. He

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provides for your necessities. He provides for your

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he builds your future. He makes you what

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Allah has in the hallowquran, what is your

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status in Islam? Allah said, look at the

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5th Jews of the Quran, Allah said,

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Those women that have entered fortresses.

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entered fortresses. What does that mean? Women who've

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accepted marriage, Allah said, You've entered a fortress.

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He gave you the he gave you the

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name mussanat. It means it comes from hissen

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which is a fortress. You've entered a fortress.

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What does that mean? You're protected. You're looked

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after. You're you're you have got a a

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fortress around you where you have got, you

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know, where you feel that you're at ease,

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where you're where you're where where you got

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a structure that is solid around you and

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the man has to provide that protection

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and a solid future for you. That's where

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your that's where your status comes from. As

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for the man,

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what did he what did he did the

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what did he do? And so what what

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does he want? And what did Allah say

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about him? Allah gave him the responsibility to

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provide that. And look, this ayah, surah number

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4, ayah number 34 says, the women,

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are gonna take the monies from the men,

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and the men are gonna provide and look

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after, not just money, financial needs, you know,

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emotional needs, and looking after you, making you

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feel secured.

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