Hamza Yusuf – Vision Of Islam CD7 #04

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of the word " Volkswagen" in Arabic language, which is used to express pride in behavior. They stress the importance of acknowledging the difference between what's good and what's bad, and how it is measured. They also touch on the concept of " Freechiveness" and how it can be measured through various factors, including awakening, number of awakening, number of intellectual, and the number of one's head.
AI: Transcript ©
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There are people that Allah subhana wa Adana has subjugated to other people. Now, the beauty of the Arabic language is the word that is used in the forum for this. So Korea and Syria uses the same word, Leah talking about the Kumbaya sphere, the word for using, and the word for exploiting the difference between them as a vow, it's literally a kustra, and Obama. So what happens is, you can start having contempt for other people, because you're in this position where you can subordinate others to you. And this is the danger. So human beings become contemptuous of other people. And that's a disease. And that's why the Quran warns about that, that it's God who did this is not you.

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And what then is supposed to happen is if you're a servant of God, you begin to see it as a bounty that God has given you, not for any specific reason, but that he gives to whom he pleases. And just as he gave you, he can take it away, and he can give that person what he's giving you. And then in the Quran, Allah says that their affairs between them were all different. And every group was happy with what they were doing.

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Now, one of the things about the modern world, which is different, because it's important to note this, in fact, America is kind of the unique place where the idea of place in society was removed. In other words, you had this in the traditional Muslim world, people had places in society, and the only thing that could get you out of that was knowledge. It was knowledge, even wealth was very difficult to break into. And that's it's still like that in most Muslim countries still like that, in this country. It's very difficult if you don't have capital to make any money is very difficult, very clever people can do it. There are ways to do that those people are usually people that, you

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know, people are interested in them, because how did they do it? So a person who has nothing and ends up becoming wealthy, it's usually again, some type of knowledge or some type of creativity, they, they find something nobody else has done before they find some niche or something like that. And then there's crafty people that learn how to do things dishonestly. And they can also do that. So organized crime, or disorganized crime, however, it happens. I mean, Enron was organized crime it was, it was organized at a very high level. So this is a very nice poem,

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American poet,

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it's called the fear of God. If you should rise from nowhere, up to somewhere, from being no one, up to being someone, be sure to keep repeating to yourself, you owe it to an arbitrary God. And he means by arbitrary and arbitrary, it's somebody that does things according to their own discretion, nothing's imposed on them from the outside to do it. And that's what the Quran emphasizes that UT father who mania shot he gives to whom he pleases, that's an arbitrary decision from God and an arbiter in English is somebody who has the authority to dictate a judgment.

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You owe it to an arbitrary God whose mercy to you rather than to others, won't bear to critical examination.

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He's really start looking at yourself, you start seeing that you don't really deserve this more than this person. And so you begin to analyze that you see that stay unassuming. If for lack of license to wear the uniform of who you are, you should be tempted to make up for it in a subordinating look or tone. In other words, if you start realizing, and this is the sense of inferiority that you don't really deserve to be, you don't have a right to what you have, that can make you feel inferior. And so you make up for that by looking at people with a subordinating look. In other words, you place them in a class lower than yourselves. So if for lack of license to wear the uniform of who you are,

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you should be tempted to make up for it in an in subordinating look or tone. Beware of coming too much to the surface, and using for apparel, what was meant to be the curtain of the inmost soul, because that reality is an inward reality. That's what he's saying. It's not the outward, it's not those because if you've been given all these gifts, and you're just an arrogant monster, with the gifts, they might benefit other people, but they haven't benefited you. So anything that you've been given, you have to see it as the bounty of God. That is a beautiful expression of what this is about, of recognizing that these differences that we see in the creation are differences that God

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placed, and if he has placed you in a position over others, it is not because of some inherent bitterness, it's because that is the nature of the world that you're in. And then it becomes a responsibility. And that's why the highest quality of the prophets, Allah is him is his servitude

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to Allah and His creation,

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because he was a servant.

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Before anything, if you look, his entire life was in service to others. I mean, even before he was given the revelation, he was a trustworthy merchant in the service of another. And in a service of a woman, which for many Arabs would have been seen as humiliating. Whereas the Prophet sighs him didn't have that same view of the world that a lot of people have, he didn't see things the way other people saw it, that if something's honorable, it's honorable. And it doesn't matter what it might appear to others. Now, one of the things it's brought out, which is really important is it may happen that you will hate a thing, which is good for you, I sent a crochetville hero lucam.

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And it may happen that you love a thing. Well, I said to him pushing over Sherlock Holmes, and maybe you love a thing. And it is evil for you. And God knows and you do not know, well, oh, yeah, I don't want to let it go. And God knows. And you do not know. If you're given something that somebody else was given, it might destroy you. So you want something people want to win the lottery. There's people that there's all these people that have won the lottery, and it's ruined their lives, completely destroyed their lives, they ended up losing all their friends, they got divorces they got and this is the reality of the worlds you don't know what is good for you and what is not good for

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you. And that's why you don't ask for specific things. In Islam. The Sunnah is not to ask for specific things, because you don't know if it's good for you or not. And Taliban is a great example of that the men who came to the prophet SAW me said, Make prayer that God gives me wealth.

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And he said now,

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and he kept coming back to me, he said, yada, so the law, please make sure that I get some wealth, and I promise I'll use it for good and this and then, and the proper wouldn't do it. But he kept. It's called.

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The man didn't get the message and the profit out of his generosity, he won't turn away somebody who questions and who asked for something. So he made a dua, and this man who used to always be in the front of the prayer line, he suddenly started getting all this wealth, animal livestock, and he would get further and further away from the mosque because he'd have to go out and graze his animals, and they ended up not praying with in the community. And then when the time came for a cat, he was asked to give him a cot. And he said, this is like jizya. And so it actually had a terrible effect on him. And that's what the province is in new, but he became a lesson for others. I mean,

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that's why I'm even mentioning him today as a lesson he became a lesson for the rest of the believers, so you don't know what is good for you. Now one of the things is it good comes to us through the other. One of the things that is measured out is the degree of freedom that Allah created everything and guided it to its purpose. And because the human being was created by Allah subhana wa Adana, the human being has a purpose, and he was guided and she was guided to that purpose, which is servitude. And servitude means that one knows that one is in a subordinate position with one's creator, and not with anybody else. And therefore what happens is, you begin to

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look at things differently. This does not mean that you don't recognize hierarchy in the creation, but you don't have this value placement on the hierarchy that the people of the outward have. In other words, when you look at creation, you don't know if the street sweeper is closer to God than the physician, the physician might be more beneficial. In worldly terms, the streetsweeper might be closer to God in piety and in awareness of God and have answered prayers and actually be more beneficial without even knowing. So the eye, the basura, or the inward eye is different than the outward eye. When you look with the inward eye. It has a different vision than the outward eye has.

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But the inner thigh is in most people, it's veiled. I mean, it's like when children are born, they can't see they can only see very, very close, they can't see anything. And some of them have all this gunk in their eyes that prevents them from seeing. So part of growing up is being able to open your eyes. Now also sleepers don't see because their eyes are closed when they sleep. So if somebody's inner, because we have different awakenings, you know there's there's three basic human awakenings you have the beastial awakening, which is the awakening of the senses. And this is obviously begins with touch and that's why children put things in their mouth that

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Want to experience everything in the senses, and that culminates in intimacy between husband and wife. I mean, that is the height of that combination of the central awakening, you also have emotional awakening. And this is the feelings that one has of love and hate and these type of things. So that's a type of awakening that you begin to awaken to feelings that you have, and why you have them and some why he makes you angry, or she makes you angry, or why you love this person, or why you love that person. And then there's a intellectual awakening that people have. And many people unfortunately, don't have that in school and things like that the school will actually do the

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opposite, because teachers are often incompetent, and don't respect the awareness and understanding of the students that they have, that they sometimes end up making people actually hate learning, and which is a real crime. So but sometimes people have I mean, I once met a guy in Maryland, who was a bricklayer, he said, he really never really thought about anything. So he was kind of interested in sports and, and a brick fell on his head. They were building house and fell on his head. And he was he ended up he was in the hospital for a long time. And somebody gave him a book called How to Read a book. And he'd never read books before. And what he told me was, is that it's in the first or

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second chapter, the chapter begins with, you have a mind. And he said, was the first time he'd ever even considered that? And what happened from this point, because nobody ever told him that he was always told that he was stupid. And he'd been told that in school, he was a stupid person. And he ended up becoming a bricklayer doesn't mean bricklayers are stupid, but it was a job of labor. But he had this intellectual awakening. And he began to read and he got interested in literature and he got interested in history and he got his and he actually his wife, because his wife married this person that didn't have that. And so they actually began to grow apart because she wasn't growing

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with him. She wasn't having the same awakening. Now, the final awakening, the fourth awakening, the Great Awakening is the spiritual awakening. And many, many people never wake up to this, or it's too late, like frown. I mean, it happened as he was being drowned. He had a spiritual awakening. So the idea of realizing at a certain point that you're just as you realize that your essential being through the beastial awakening, you realize that you're an emotional being. And at a certain point, you can realize that you are a intellectual being that you have an intellect every human being has an intellect. People that they call average in this culture, or even below average, have immense

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intellectual capacity. But it hasn't been tapped. It hasn't been explored. So human beings have immense people's that I have a terrible memory, you have an immense memory, when you start thinking about all the things that you remember where your bank is, you know what it's called, what type of dishwashing soap you buy. I mean, you've got massive amounts of data stored there. It's phenomenal. And that's part of the problem is you're memorizing the wrong things.

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