Hacene Chebbani – Loans & Debts Rules and Etiquette #01

Hacene Chebbani
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the rules and regulations for the Islamic Sharia, including the use of loans and debts, legal framework for borrowing money, and deceptivities of the rule. They also touch on credit lines and the dangers of taking loans without a valid reason and the importance of not taking them at the same time. The guidance for individuals on repayments and avoiding mistakes is discussed, including advice on avoiding loans and giving a time frame for repayments, and guidance on avoiding fraud and not giving up on loans. The importance of education and training for those who want to use the organization is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Shifu sinsinawa Mohammed, by the end he was suffering he, as you may

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as it was announced before, so we'll be talking sha Allah bow to do about loans and debts in the Islamic Sharia talk about some rules and some etiquettes this is something that every Muslim need to be aware of, we all deal with loans.

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at a certain time in our life, we give loans sometimes we take loans from banks, sometimes you know, I mean, there are people who take loans from banks with the interest and people need to know the Sharia ruling regarding these issues. So, a debt

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obligation is established when we borrow money from any source, the family member from a bank from payday advance. And in this in this case, this money is called the loan. And it could be also this debt obligation could be established through a credit sale or you take a buy a car from the dealership

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or you buy a house through financing. So this the outcome of this transaction of this contract is called it is a debt. Yeah, even though it is through a credit sale, or sale with a deferred payment. But it is a debt it is Dane below her a lot of you.

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And the Sharia Islamic Sharia has a clear guidance in this area for both parties. The borrowers and the lenders is the one who takes the loan is called the borrower and the ones who gives money is called the lender.

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Now the longest area in the Quran is Aya to Dane, this is something that we need to know

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is not about salaat is not about hash is not about fasting. The longest is in Surah Al Baqarah, the IEA 282 one page complete page about Dean about loans and debts. And the obligation or not obligation, actually, it's not an obligation. We'll talk about it we'll talk about the ruling. But this is talks about the need to record this, this debt or this the debts obligations and the way we should record them. So we'll talk about the teachings that are included in the instructions that Allah subhanaw taala included in this I now before borrowing any money or being involved in a in a debt in a credit sale in a contract of debt. Muslims need to know the following guidance, there are

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some points there as I said, there is guidance for both parties, for those who gives, give the loans and those who take the loans.

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So now the first point here, that we need to know that the Islamic Sharia does not does not encourage Muslims to take loans unless they are facing a pressing need.

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This is something that has to be clear in the mind of every Muslim.

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That means taking a loan for the sake of going to Mexico for a vacation is not something that is appreciated in the deen of Allah subhanaw taala or going to Hawaii for a vacation

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or taking a loan to have a big and costly and extravagant wedding.

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When you have the opportunity to have a very moderate party within your budget. But you insist on taking a loan to have the big party, then this is not for your wedding, the wedding for your son or your daughter. This is not appreciated within the Islamic Sharia and it could be a sin if we do it to compete with other families.

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It could be a sin if we do it to compete with other families. Now we'll tell you something this is I was told, I'm not sure but I guess it's right.

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Because there is someone who asked me about it in Toronto area when I was in Toronto but I was told that there are some families who are doing this here in Calgary.

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So before their wedding, we take a credit line

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a credit line from the bank. They invite a big number of people 1000 people hoping that everyone will come and this is what happens.

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What what happens I mean this is what is our customs hoping that they will receive monetary gifts.

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recollect this amount of money, the pay the loan after the wedding, and then the

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Give the rest of the capital

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to the bride and groom.

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So this is obviously this is haram because the moment you take a credit line, the moment you benefit from the money, if you take credit line you don't use the money they don't charge you interest. But if you take this credit line and use the money the moment you start using this money they will charge you interest they don't give you there is no grace period.

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is gay speed with credit card with student loans but not with the credit line. And correct me if I'm wrong.

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The moment you start using the money, then they will charge you interest. So this is something haram This is not accepted in the deen of Allah subhanaw taala This is number one, every Muslim should know that we are not allowed. We are not allowed it could be a sin if it is not done for a good purpose. But as I said, I would prefer to use hear the term the Sharia does not encourage Muslims to take a loan unless they are facing a pressing need.

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The second point here when we should know that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to seek refuge

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with Allah subhanho wa Taala against the heaviness of debt against the heaviness of debt. So among some of these had either das some of his supplications and he used to recite them at the end of the prayer before saying Salaam lo mania oldu becoming an HMI well has an oil I seek refuge with You against stress and sadness haven't been one hasn't. Well, I see. Well, castle, incapacity and laziness

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will bookly well Vala Dane will have a better version, so I'll buckle against miserliness. His we used to seek refuge with ALLAH pantalla guest miserliness, the heaviness of debt, and the oppression of men Liberty region.

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In a different era he used to say logomania Oh to becoming other will cover all I seek refuge in You from or against the punishment of the grave number one.

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We're also becoming fitna till mercy hit the shell and I seek refuge with You against the fitna of the false messiah and mercy.

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We're also becoming fitna tilma. Here on my mat I seek refuge with You against the trials of life and death, all the trials right and then he would say along mania older becoming a semi well Muslim.

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At the end, he would say La mania older becoming an SME or Muslim or Allah, I seek refuge in You against sin, and the heaviness of debt. And maharam is the heaviness of debt. Someone said to him, and enough in a different narration, a different narration version of this hadith He said it was Aisha herself, the wife of the Prophet. She asked him, she said, Yeah, oh messenger of Allah Rasool Allah accelerometer, sorry, do the stare at mineral magram say, what is it that you so often seek refuge against the heaviness of debt? What was his response la salatu wa sallam? He said when a person encouraged that he might tell lies, and break promises.

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And this is the worse that you can do as a Muslim start lying to your debtor to your creditor

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telling him well I don't have money now give me next month inshallah I'll pay Don't worry about it. And then you know that the next month you will not be able to pay it. Not saying you but this is what was Allah sent me saying that people who incur that they might actually end up lying to and giving promises and breaking these promises. That's why he used to seek refuge from me well, Mahara luminaire holder Kevin and Matt semi. Well welcome.

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And this hadith in Bukhari and Muslim. Also Muslims need to know the dangers of taking loans without a valid reason number one,

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or being careless about paying on time paying back their loans on time.

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Or, you know the time that was agreed upon paying them as soon as possible. Or taking a loan with the intention of not paying it back. We'll talk about there is a hadith about it.

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If a person takes a loan from somewhere else with the intention of not paying, even if it is a credit line company,

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even if it is credit, not credit line, credit card,

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credit card company, a bank, are you allowed to take the money, the money of the bank, you're not alone.

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It's their money. It's their property. His bank is not owner. There is no bank that is clean, but it's not your problem. Taking a loan

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from them with the intention of not paying it back is not something good and we will mention what Rasulullah Salim said about it now there is a heavy here that we need to pay attention to. As soon as SLM said in this hadith man Farah karroo who just said there who were who are very own means lF men Farah Kuru who just said who are very mean fella if the halogen I'll keep through with Dana will Hulu

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I'll keep through with Dane will hold he said who was a passes away while being free from three things while being free from three things. He will enter Paradise. What are these three things? He mentioned Elgar's cheating,

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and debt. He will enter Paradise.

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Cheating, arrogance and debt are against the wrestlers. So he told us about the definition of arrogance. He said Rasul Allah said about our own ness about our own happy Welcome to ness. But our will help is to reject the truth. So the head is clear. For example, the area is clear, diversity philosophy, the first of the Quran is clear. The guidance of Allah petal is clear. And I rejected I said no, I don't accept this. So both are all happy Welcome to NASA looking down upon people. So these two elements, if the two is these two elements are there then this person is arrogant, based on the definition of our Prophet, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who rule is basically a Hulu

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has two meanings general meaning and a specific meaning of Hulu. general meaning is cheating in general, specific meaning is taking money that belongs to the public or the property abusing the property, the public public properties, money that belongs to the government, to the Minister of Finance someone working in this department and cheating taking money, or method spoils of war.

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At a time in the old days, when they used to make Jihad and take some spoils of war. Some of them some of the people if they take some of these spoils for themselves for their private use it is hold on Hulu.

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So the road Emma said no, this is obviously a warning here from Rasul Allah. But he said that in this Hadith, and this is a statement that was made by Abdullah Bora. He was one of the great classical scholars. He said it's the one which the debtor took with the intention of not paying it back.

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Is it that

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the person took with the intention of not paying If not, number one, number two, he might have delayed his payment on time or purpose without any valid reason. So he had the money, he was able to pay it back on time, but he didn't he chose not to pay it on time.

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Number two or number three, he said he did not leave any instruction for his family about his debt obligations. Now why he said this? He said because there is another Hadith in which Rasul Allah SLM said,

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he told us some details about those who take loans with a good intention and those who take loans with an evil intention. So there is a difference between the two people. So he says more than nursey you read

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the law and hope

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women haha you read Eclair for her at level law.

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Men haha and word and Nancy you read

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the law no mF dunia for

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women haha you read Eclair, Li written written as a nurse at level law which is a very strong statement. This Hadith in Bukhari and Sahih al Bukhari Kitab lista Keira.

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So in this Hadith, Rolla Salim said, Whoever takes the money of the people with the intention of repaying it, right, Allah will repay it on his behalf.

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The repayment will might happen in this dunya he will enable him to pay it back or on the Day of Judgment, he will be relieved from the sin and Allah, Allah will please the creditor, he will give him enough has entered then until he is pleased and he doesn't ask for the repayment of his debt. On the day of judgment because repayment on the day of judgment will not be with dollars will be with your own deeds. Right.

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So Allah Subhana Allah will take care of your loan if you take this loan with this good intention.

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Number one, and he said Whoever takes it in order to destroy it.

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Then Allah Subhana Allah will destroy him. And this is a very strong statement,

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someone who takes a loan, as I said with this evil intention not to pay back, then Allah Subhana Allah will destroy now conditions for there to be permissible.

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They based on different ahaadeeth and different art, the number one, he said the borrower should be determined to repay it, he has to have a firm intention to pay it back number one, number two, it should be known or thought most likely that he will be able to pay it back. He strongly believes that insha Allah, he will be able to pay his loan, then he is fine if he does, if he takes this long. It should be for something that is permissible in Shetty out, you cannot take a loan to disobey Allah subhanaw taala. Right. I'm not saying going to vac to Mexico for a vacation, right? It's a it's an act of disobedience. in general. Yeah. Vacation is a vacation if it is halaal. It's

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halali. It depends what you do there, right.

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But I'm saying if someone takes loan for something wrong to disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala, then he is not it's not.

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It's not halal for him to take this law. Number four, it cannot include any interest or any stipulated stipulated benefit. stipulated is very important here. benefit for the lender stipulated the agreed upon from the beginning he said, Okay, I'm giving you $1,000, but I need this and this from you.

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stipulated, but if he gives him a gift at the end, at the time of repaying the bat, that the loan is different, it's hilarious. We'll talk about it maybe next week. Next week, we'll talk about technical technical issues, you know, our loans and debts in the in our financial market.

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Now, these are instructions for the people who take loans, and they should know that every sin for example, will be forgiven for martyrs except loans, Shahada, Latina Anna Luna Shahada formalities, someone who died for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah

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in fighting for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala all his sins will be forgiven except for that. Now, there is another guidance for those who have the means the excellence of giving loans, God hasn't.

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And by the way, remind me

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the end to tell you about a company in Toronto area, Mississauga, new company, Muslim organization, they are given called hustle, this is the this is the first company that organization to the best of my knowledge, Saturday given called hustle now

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and Mississauga, I hope I hope that we can have the same here in the future in Alberta. inshallah, I'll tell you about the name and and what is available for us as Muslims in Canada in general.

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Now, as I said, there is guidance for the borrowers and guidance for the lenders. Now, Islam encouraged Muslims not to take loans, unless the conditions that I mentioned are fulfilled, right. I mentioned how many conditions

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for right, so but the cheriya also encouraged people who have the ability to give loans to give loans and to be patient when asking for the repayment and to be lenient and soft with with their Muslim Brothers, and to cooperate with them. And mother in a famous Hadith yasumasa seldom said, Ma'am, in Muslim in your chorizo Muslim and Martini in LA Cana Casa de kotti hamara.

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He said, there is no Muslim who gives a loan for his Muslim brother twice, except that it will be like giving a charity once. So the same amount, whether you give one person

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$1,000 and he pays you back after a month. And after six months, this person will come back to you and said, Can I borrow another $1,000 and you give him the same amount twice. Then he will repay you back in sha Allah and then your 1002 will be in your pocket, but it will be like a sadhaka one time.

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So your money is in your pocket. But you give the reward of someone who gave sadaqa sadaqa. The amount of one $1,000 as a sadaqa by just giving this amount as alone for two times right? And the different had he said man, Accra, and Martini can occur at South Africa sadaqat in Morocco in a different Hadith. He didn't mention the same Muslim. He said whoever lends an amount of money to times it will be as if he is

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gave the same amount in charity one time. So it could be for two different people could be for the same amount $500 for this person who pays you back, give it to another person as long it will be counted as a sadaqa

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in a different head if Allah Tada. He said, magnificent and hurry me, Alma Han, who can have a villain oshiomole pm.

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He said, whoever gives relief to a debtor, or absorbs his debt, then he will be in the shade of the throne, Allah throne or the Day of Judgment. Today in my hotbar I talked, I said that's a lost parent dad Rasulullah. Salim not Allah. So Allah says Allah mentioned that there will be seven categories of people, seven groups of people who will be under the shade of Allah's throne on the Day of Judgment. And today we're talking about a man whose heart is attached to the masjid right elbow, elbow whom Allah Khan in massage it, but here there is a different Hadeeth here, this is a different head Eve. So this is an actually another group of people beside the seven that will be

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eight, right, and then also a hadith about other things. So the number is not seven groups. It's more than seven but Rasulullah Salim decided to include those seven groups in those in that famous Hadith, this hadith here, if you give a relief to the debtor, or

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you absolve him from the data or you give him a discount, then you will be under the shade of Allah thrown on the Day of Judgment.

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Or even if you give him a time, you give him time. You give him a delay in the repayment of his loan. Man unthought are mercy and that's a different Hadeeth man under mercy run wobba Allahu Allahu Allah who, yo Muffy Lin Li, yo, mela villa in La Villa. And of course, the will of Allah here means the will or the shade of Allah has thrown the shade of Allah stone.

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Now, so, in as you can see, one the Sharia is giving us what providing the most and I believe this is the most beautiful guidance, it's very balanced. From one side, it's encouraging Muslims not to take loans unless you're facing a pressing need, with some conditions, right, you have to be careful about loans, and you have to try your best to pay them on time, pay them as soon as possible right, on the other side, giving nasty hard advice to the people who have money to give loans to the brothers and sisters and to cooperate with them. So this is very beautiful one. It's very balanced. Our Deen is very balanced. This is what I'm trying to say here. Now what does the Quran say about

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that, as I said the longest iron in the Quran is about that which is 282. Now this ayah teaches us to write down and record the our debt obligations. The recording here is not mandatory, it is recommended.

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If someone does not do it, he is not sinful. But it is there it is supposed to be done for them for the sake of what protecting your right

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of jacking the rights of the one who is giving you money. So we need to protect our rights. At least we need to have.

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It's called a secured loan secured loan right. Whether you ask for a pledge, whether you ask to write it down, the IRA is talking about writing the loans down and having witnesses having witnesses will talk about it now.

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You can ask for a pledge run is Hello.

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And you can ask for a guarantor is hello there is nothing wrong with that.

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The person who is asking for a loan, if he is asked to provide a guarantee it should be he shouldn't be offended or if he is asked to write down the loan. He shouldn't be offended This is the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran.

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Now, what is the proof that it is not an obligation? It is recommended the next area 283 in salthill bacara in this area 283 Allah said feign me Nevada combatant value at delivery two meter Magneto worry attacking.

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He said if but if one of you if one of you interest another, then let's let him who let him any who is interested? The one who the borrower, the one who is given the loan, the borrower and his brother trusted him right? Let him discharge his trust faithfully let him fulfill his obligation faithfully let him fulfill his obligation in the best way. And fear Allah let him feel allies Lord so

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Hear it come see it the brother the brother he does. He's not asking for anything. He's not asking for

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documentation. He's not asking for witnesses. He's not asking for a pledge he's not asking, trusted you. So then Allah, Allah is telling you, you should fulfill your obligation in the best way. And fear Allah subhana wa Tada. Now, what are the instructions of this is one, this is the period the IRS says that the period of the loan needs to be specified. So you need to be specific about the time of the repayment. One year, for example, six months have to be clear about it, don't leave it open. It's okay. If if the person the other person asked you, when are you going to pay me back?

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It's okay for him to ask you this question. It's okay to write it down. Don't be offended. This is the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Number two, the amount of the loan with a date of repayment need to be written down.

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And they said the IRS says that the debtor, not the creditor, the data should write down the contract of debt. And if someone else write it down, then the debtor is supposed to dictate to him the details of the loan. Right.

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Now, if the debtor is unable to dictate, he's sick, he's not able to dictate, they said they said, then the one who should dictate is his guardian, he should have a guardian if he's not supposed to, is not able to write a contract or to sign a contract. They should come with a guardian, right? So then his guardian has to dictate the details of the loan. Now the loan should be witnessed, and the witnesses should be two men and or one men and two women.

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Okay, this is not Canadian.

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Now I need to talk about it now. I didn't plan for it. By the way. Today's March eight,

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international women day, right, you Wednesday, and well, I didn't plan for it.

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But I found it in the eye. I said I need to talk about it.

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I cannot ignore it.

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Right. So here, I'm not going to apologize for the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala I will never apologize for a guidance coming from Allah subhanaw taala or his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. as Muslims, I believe we should fully accept the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala with our man or woman.

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Right? Allah who would hakimullah early, we should believe that he's an Hakeem is the most wise allele and the most knowledgeable, He created us. And he knows. He knows our nature. He knows our weaknesses. He knows everything about us right?

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Now, he says, if you are having two witnesses, they have to be two males, or one male and two women, right?

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Is the guidance of desire. Now there are some of our sisters, I have to be clear with you I have to be frank with you. Some of our sisters believe that Islam has favored men over women.

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Right? This is a statement that was made by a couple of sisters. It's very common. Young girls in this society believe that this is more cultural.

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And I agree with them. Yes, part of it is cultural.

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Part of it is cultural, yes.

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But when it comes to the guidance of Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger, we have to accept it. This is not cultural. This is what the Quran is saying. Now, here, I can, I can give you my human interpretation. I'm trying to understand the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. for a woman to stand up in a court of law and give a testimony. It could be emotionally overwhelming, right? So Allah Subhana Allah is taking care of ladies and said, maybe you need to have a companion with you another lady. So both of you, you can give a testimony, right? But this is my personal, my personal understanding. I'm not saying that the Quran or the AI saying this. But my message today to the

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feminists if we have feminists in our circles,

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that Islam has brought a lot of theory I'll give you the proofs right, has brought the right balance for a healthy society. This is what I believe I strongly believe in that, that Islam has brought the most balanced guidance

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and it's very healthy, it is the best guidance for a healthy society.

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Now I'll tell you something if woman and not happy

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with this guidance, I would like to remind them today that Islam has favored women on many occasions.

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Islam has favored women

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On many occasions,

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and I'll tell you about four points here, I have four points in front of me.

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I'm trying to establish justice send a message to both groups, right man and woman.

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Number one, when when a man came to rasulillah sencilla. And he said, Who is the most deserving

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of my good company? Oh, my good treatment right? among people.

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What was his answer?

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Your mother, he said, Who else? Your mother? Who else? Your mother? And then he said, Who else? He said your father?

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Um, chahatein.

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They asked you a question.

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Do fathers have the right to be offended? He could be offended, right? He could be offended.

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Now I am the father I'm spending on you. And teaching you educating, helping driving you to school maybe every day doing this and this for you. I worked 12 hours and hours, eight hours a day to bring bread to the table. I'm a father. But I deserve only 25% of your kindness.

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But I didn't have the right to complain about this guidance. This guy this is coming from Allah and coming from his messenger.

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I might be as I said, offended but I don't do I have the right No, I don't have the right to be offended. I have to accept this guidance.

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I have to accept it. And I understand the reason because what she went through

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Yeah, right. She was pregnant for nine months. She delivered the baby I mean, she went through a lot right. So, Islam is giving her this right hamdulillah

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keep quiet about it right. Number two, the bride does not have to pay the dowry.

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If you check it online, you go to online dictionaries.

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I did I checked the definition of the dowry and I found that the definition of the dowry is the the gift or money that is given from the family of the bride to the family of the groom or given to the groom.

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And you can check dowry the dowry in India, for example, the definition of dowry in India. In some societies it is the money that is given from the bride to the man in Islam says no, no, she doesn't give you the dowry. You pay the dowry. You give it to her.

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Right. Number two, number three, the wife does not spend on a family. I have to spend, it's my obligation. If she's working and she wants to spend a volunteer and spend on her family, it's her choice. But Islam does not make it an obligation upon her to spend on the family. But here they tell you 5050

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right in this society, but we don't do it we have to abide by the rules of Sharia.

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And we don't have the right to complain because this is the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala

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on a different occasion or a set of lines are seldom said and this is very beautiful by the way. He said men can enter who need an attorney even a 10 a freeway if lF Bennett fastener la Hema canola who sit there and minnaar Mahatma, he said, Whoever has two daughters in a different version, three daughters

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and he treats them kindly. In a different version, he was patient with them. He fed them and took care of them three daughters or two daughters, two versions too heavy.

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They will be a protection for him against the punishment of fire. against the fire of *, they will be a protection.

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And this applies to many mothers and fathers.

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Even the mother is included in this Hadeeth if she's a single mother or she is a mother, she's married to a man. She's taking care of her three daughters of two daughters, and she is patient with them. She is promised paradise just by being kind to your daughters. How about boys? No, nothing is mentioned about boys. Nothing. You check all the ahaadeeth all the heavy talking about daughters.

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And there are some rules. Like chef Moonves Rahmatullah. He said, We hope that this this, this will be extended to sisters and aunts and all female relatives, female relatives.

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No, mainly machine here. I mean, Islam is telling you Yes. I mean, you should be kind to your

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Male relatives you should, you should treat your father with kindness. I'm not saying you should be rude to your male relatives, right? But I'm telling you, this is what the Sherry is telling us stressing more kindness towards daughters to our sisters. But nothing is mentioned about boys. So now Do we have the right to feel offended or complain we can't. This is a guidance coming from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and His messenger. So my message today is to our sisters,

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especially our sisters, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created us

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with different skills, different nature, to complete each other.

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You were created for a purpose to fulfill your purpose on this in this life. And and men were created to fulfill, play their role and fulfill a certain particular purpose in this life. And we He created us this way to call up your age, to complete each other not to fight with each other. Be yourself. Be a woman, you're not a man, you will never be a man. Don't compare yourself with men.

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Don't compare yourself with men, you are created for a different purpose. That's it.

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This is the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So here when it comes to this area, Allah is saying, if you are writing a contract of debt, you need either two male witnesses or one male and two female witnesses. Don't complain don't feel offended. This is the Sherry alpha last anoter.

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Number six, regarding the guidance with this idea, the lender has the right to ask the borrower to guarantee the loan, as I said, with a pledge which the lender will keep so this is the guidance of this is the longest I have Dane today in the eye of debt and loans in the Quran in the book of Allah subhanaw taala to 82 in Surah Al Baqarah

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that will have some questions, I'll deal with them and then inshallah we'll discuss your questions if you have some questions. If you have a low can you go for Hajj or Umrah

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This is a common question. So now the odema he said that alone does not prevent

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a person from going for Hajj and Umrah as long as there are three conditions that are there. If these three conditions are available, then it doesn't inshallah prevent you from going to hedge four has your own number one the deadline of loan repayment is not due or is not approaching.

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So you have to pay this loan after two years, but we decided to go for cash now, that should be fine.

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The deadline of this loan payment is not to say after two years, three years should be fine. Number two, even if the deadline is due, but the lender gives you the permission to go for Hajj or Umrah then it is permissible this halaal for you. You're permitted to go you're allowed to go for hashirama he said I don't I'm not worried about this law. Don't worry about it. You can go if you want, right. Number three Thoreau number, he said, If you know that your hedge strip or your Amara chip will not affect the fulfillment of the of your obligations towards the lender.

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If we don't affect your obligations means you're able to go for hash, but you are almost sure that when you come back and be able to pay your loan then that should be fine. You don't need to take permission from him and the deadline is not you and you know for sure that you will be able inshallah to pay back your loan, then you go you can go

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if a person ignores this rules.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:21

So the deadline is due he didn't give ask for permission from the from the creditor or from the lender. And he wants to hedge what will happen his hedges invalid is not accepted. What do you think

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ignores this these conditions? You have to fulfill these conditions if he wants to go for Hajj or Umrah, right. But how about if he ignores these conditions?

00:39:36 --> 00:39:42

He didn't care and he went for Hajj or Umrah what would happen to his Hajj or Umrah.

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invalid so the hash is not accepted right. And I'm going to accept that okay way. The poor guy. What else? another answer?

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is touched on an exception but he does

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specific obligation fulfill what he was not able to pay his obligation. Is there an obligation is there it's not going he's not going to be relieved from his obligation by talking about how general

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accepted. So, this is the right answer. His hands will be accepted his armor will be accepted, but he will be sinful for ignoring these requirements.

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Simple but has is valid. His aroma is valid.

00:40:43 --> 00:41:07

Right? But he was sinful for doing this on purpose. Now how about the SEC at the SEC at the ruler, Maddy said we are allowed to deduct the amount of debt that we are supposed to pay within the next 12 months. Like let's say let's say my deadline to pay the Zakat is in Ramadan. 2019 and they have some loans to pay.

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But, you know, after Ramadan within the period of 12 months, I'm planning to pay back $2,000 so I'm allowed to deduct these 2000 because this is my plan is to pay these 2000 within the next 12 months because we pay zakat every year right so I'm allowed to deduct it from my hidden wealth. This is the opinion of Jim Rohn the distinguish between what is hidden your hidden wealth and what is apparent what appears in front of people if you are a farmer, if you have cattle you have you have some agriculture like you collect harvest, vegetables and fruits. So they said if they appeal to people and malavika him then you are not allowed to deduct anything from your cattle or your your your you

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know your harvest fruits and vegetables and anything that you collect from your from your land. But if it is hidden money, silver and gold, you are allowed most of us we are not farmers. So we deal with money cash and gold and silver or stocks. Then you are allowed to deduct the amount of the loan the money that amount of money that you are planning to pay back within the next 12 months after your deadline of paying Zakat deadline could be different month it's not Ramadan for every for every Muslim now it's not Ramadan for everyone, but majority of Muslims most Muslims like to pay the as occurred during Ramadan.

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Now how both is you know sadaqa and immerman. Now will we primer to Lai la has a conclusion about it in a matter of Unknowing, he said in Hannover I love them the whole Zulu affair him in jihad in service sadaqa will purchase the Habu lF Li ahead lmm and narrow in his famous book and much more. He said if the person strongly believes when it comes to sadaqa generous donation, if he strongly believes that he will be able to pay off his debt from other sources or his income will be enough for him to pay this sadaqa and pay his loan right then it will be permissible it is permissible for him to give sadaqa and it could be recommended otherwise it is haram then it is haram to give a

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donation. When you know that you won't be able to fulfill your debt obligation, you will not be able to pay your loan.

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And you still giving sadaqa and donations and helping other people help yourself first. Because the day

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they're in or the creditor, the lender has right has more right than these people who need help.

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And this applies to the same rule applies to the eat sacrifice sacrifice alone.

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If the person knows that he will be able to shut a lot to pay his debt from other sources or his income is enough he has enough money to pay his debt and by the sacrifice the sacrifice then it's okay for him to do it. Otherwise, he should give priority to his to the payment of his loan.

00:44:28 --> 00:45:00

So these are three things here. And hash will O'Meara general sadaqa and eight sacrifice you have to be careful about these three things. When you have debts, when you have some debt obligations. Then you have to be careful about these three things. So Allah Allah Allah. Now, if you have questions, we can talk about them now. And by the way, if you want if you have some questions about loans and debts during this week, you can send them send them to me, go to our website.

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My email is there, go to contacts, my emails there, so we can I'll try to answer them next halakhah next halakha will talking, we'll be talking about different loans and different you know, in the market nowadays, bank deposits and bonds and all these, because there are people sometimes who are not aware that a bank deposit is a form of loan, that's why we call the the money that we get from the bank, we call it interest, it is interest because it is a loan. So giving a loan, taking a gift, combining between a sale and a loan within the same transaction with this. So all these things we need to know about that insha Allah should be able to talk about these things next Friday, inshallah

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next halakha, in this place, we're hoping that the third, the other Hannukah will be in the new location March 22, basically, later. Now, before you ask me, I'll tell you about these companies called beneficent benefits. and.cc. I don't know why.cc. To the best of my knowledge, this is not a Canadian domain. But this is their website, not.ca beneficent.cc you can check them on line. So this organization was established to the best of my knowledge. In 2018. In they have their office in Mississauga. I met them last month, I was in total. And I met them there they gave I was teaching a course with a counselor and he gave a presentation for two minutes. And it was really impressed and

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happy with this organization. To be honest with you. Here there are many people who call they're struggling with their loans with a credit card with with many I mean, we have many issues in our community to have an organization

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who is willing to have these volunteers working this organization, they're doing it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala they collect donations from the community.

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And then they give loans so the best of my knowledge they give they're giving up to $4,000 no more than four. The only thing I think they asked we have two conditions, you need to have a guarantor.

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varman Kafeel in Arabic is hold Kafeel and it is islamically perfectly accepted is nothing wrong with that.

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So you have to have a cosigner right. At the end, if you are not able to pay back your loan, he'll have the obligation it's upon him now to pay the loan on your behalf. Number two, I think they ask those people who take a loan from them

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to accept to uh to come to a program and in this program, we teach them how to organize their

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financial matters, right, how to deal with credit, how to build a credit, if I

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know how to fix these problems. So it needs some education, some training and this very beautiful way what I hope that we can have the same thing in Alberta here. So benefits.cc if people are struggling, some other people are struggling you can can approach national decade Foundation, national security Foundation, and Zed f canada.com. That gives you a carrot can apply. And it gives a care to people they study your file. And if you are deserving of the cat, they will give you the cat there again their offices in Toronto and Mississauga that they are I guess to the best of my knowledge, they have a branch here. And they are the ones who are doing nice homes and doing some

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other projects. This last panel data and you will feel called Jamie Dimon will say that no offense Monica lovehoney

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