Fariq Naik – If Allah knew someone will go to Hell then why did He Create that Person

Fariq Naik
AI: Summary ©
A caller asks about a person named Jesus who created a person and gave them human beings to worship. The caller explains that Jesus created them as human beings to test their ability to do good and that they have a free will to create something that is rewarded. They also mention that certain students may fail in an examination, but the college conducts them to test them and provide a list of those who may be punished.
AI: Transcript ©
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Next question.

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Rahman. from Azerbaijan, he asks,

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If Allah knows someone will go to *, then why did He create that

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Allah subhanaw taala says the Glorious Quran in surah HAZOP

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chapter number 23 wisdom 72 In our ordinal man Dallas summer, where

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if you will all the while zhiban For obey in Mila What a shocking I

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mean how Mohamed El insert

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that when

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we wanted to interest

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give the covenant to the heavens to the earth and to the mountains.

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But they did not take up this trust account

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because they were afraid of it. But man took it

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for human beings, we took this trust, we took this covenant, we

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decided to take this test.

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Allah subhanaw taala he has given us human beings of free will

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and the purpose of Allah subhanaw taala creating as human beings it

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is for Ibadah it is to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala as Allah

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subhanaw taala season Solidaria chart number 51 was number 56 One

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Salah Jean Noel insane lately I've been doing that I have not created

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the jinn and mankind except to worship me. We are being created

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by Allah subhanaw taala so that we worship Him and Allah subhanaw

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taala seasons sort of milk chapter number 67 was number two, a lady

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Holika Emoto will hire Talia beluga Maxim Homina it is Allah

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who has created that alive to test which of your good deeds, this

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life is a test for the hereafter.

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Allah subhanaw taala he created the angels they do not have a free

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will. But as human beings we are a unique creation, we have a free

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will. And I would like to give you a simple example.

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For example,

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there is a person who has done Bachelor's in English.

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Now this person, he appears for an examination and if in the

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examination he's asked ABCD or simple things in English, so there

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is no point in the test. There's no point in the examination, he

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has done Bachelor's in English, he needs to be asked something of his

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level. Similarly, when a college when a university plans to conduct

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an examination

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of MBBS for example, so this examination it is difficult. The

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university the college knows that certain students will fail. But

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yet the college conducts the examination to test the students

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to know which students have worked hard.

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Allah subhanaw taala he has created as human beings He has

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given us a free will and all those people who do good, they will be

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rewarded, they will enter paradise and if someone does wrong, he will

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be punished for those violent acts. But human beings we have a

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free will. If we do good we will be better than angels because

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after Allah subhanaw taala has given us a free will we have the

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option of either doing right or doing wrong. We choose to do the

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right things. Sophie will be rewarded from Allah subhanaw taala

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