Ebrahim Bham – Advice to Hajis on the eve of Hajj

Ebrahim Bham
AI: Summary ©
The speaker gives advice for people to embark on Hajj, emphasizing the importance of being confident and not overthinking one's journey. They stress the importance of forgiveness and making du-use for it. The speaker also reminds people to ask for everything and make requests for their forgiveness.
AI: Transcript ©
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Respected elders, brothers

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and sisters.

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This is a short advice

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for people

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embarking for Hajj

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on the eve of Hajj.

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there is a yearning from my side personally

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that I am not with you, but my

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duas and support,

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and my yearning is with you. And may

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because of this yearning

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give me an appropriate reward.

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There is no doubt on this eve of

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the next 5 days

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is what we have traveled for.

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All other aspects with regard to our journey

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are a forerunner

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for these 5 days.

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There might be apprehension

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with regard to this coming 5 days, which

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is natural, especially for people

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who are first

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time Hajis.

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my advice do not be overawed,

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be confident.

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Inshallah, after the event, you will be surprised

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at the apprehension.

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This is the culmination

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of our journey.

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Remember our confidence

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does not come because of pride, but it

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comes because

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after all, Allah is the one who has

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called us. And no one comes to the

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Haramain because

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he inspires or he is wealthy,

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but he comes

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because Allah

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has called him. And in our sharia we

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have been commanded

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on such an occasion

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that our attitude should be

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1 between

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fear and hope.

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Fear for our shortcomings.

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That, you Allah, we are so weak. How

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can we come for Hajj?

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You Allah, we are so weak. How are

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we going to

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embark on this and blessed journey? So there

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is a fear. There is apprehension.

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Yet at the same time, we are hopeful.

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We are hopeful of Allah ta'ala's mercy. We

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are hopeful that Allah has called us.

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Guests of almighty Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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And that is the reason why we are

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also hopeful.

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Why we must look forward

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with regard to all the rights that we

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must do it and strive to do it

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correctly with

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there is no doubt whatsoever

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the culmination

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and the highlight of Hajj

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Nabi Karim

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said, Al Hajj Ju Arafa. Nabiya Karim said,

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there is no other day in which shaitan

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feels more humiliated

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than the day of Harafa.

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When he sees Allah's mercy and forgiving,

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coming to the people. Perhaps the only day

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he felt more humiliated

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was on the day of the battle of

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Badr when he saw Allah Ta'ala's assistance coming

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to the and

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the believers.

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Nabi Karim

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says, no other day will Allah ta'ala

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free so many people

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from the fire of Jahnem.

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And he boast about them.

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The people in Arafat, he boast about them

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in front of the angels.

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Oh, my angels, what do these people want?

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As if Allah is saying, what do they

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want? I want to give it to them.

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One of our great scholars.

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on the eve evening of.

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And he asked him,

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who is the worst person

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replied and he said,

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the worst person today

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is he

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who feels that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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has not forgiven him on the day of

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SubhanAllah, the worst person is he who feels

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that Allah has not forgiven him on the

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day of

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Harafa. Says that if such a great group

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of people, millions of people,

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go to a wealthy person asking him for

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one small poultry amount of wealth,

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he will feel it against his honor. So

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many people came to ask me for something

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so minute.

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He'll feel it against his honor to reject

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Allah to

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forgive everyone.

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It is even more or less

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in value

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in terms of monetary or

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in terms of ease for Allah, subhanahu wa

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ta'ala, to forgive people. So this is something

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that we must keep in mind and have

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that confidence with regard

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to Arafa.

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And when we make du'a

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during these days and especially on the day

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of Arafa,

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make du'a for our forgiveness,

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Make dua for our

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Make dua for the changing of our life.

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Make dua for our families. Make dua for

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our children.

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Make dua for the Ummat. Make dua for

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the people of Gaza. And make dua whatever

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dua we want to every particular need.

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Keep in mind

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that nothing is small for us

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and nothing is big for Allah.

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Nothing is small for us. If

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were to take away the power for us

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to do something, even something small, will not

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be able to do it. Nothing is small

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for us. Ask for everything.

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And nothing is major for Allah. If he

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wants to give, he can give whatever he

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wants. May Allah

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make the coming days easy for everyone.

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And may Allah

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the end of the 5 days and after

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the end of the Hajj,

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may Allah grant everyone Hajj and Abruur.

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And Allah

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accept your duas

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and a request to make dua also for

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the sinful slave.

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