Daood Butt – Friday Night Etiquettes Class – July 23, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary ©
The importance of eating with your right hand and using your left hand for various purposes is discussed in Islamic culture. The use of rings in Islam is emphasized, and rules and guidelines are discussed. The importance of social interaction and sharing hospitality is also emphasized. The use of small portions of food and cleaning off excess food is also discussed, and resources for learning about Islam are provided. The importance of picking up and removing foods that have been touched and cleaned is also emphasized. The speaker apologizes for being overloaded with messages and emails and discusses upcoming events and resources for people to learn about Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Illa here on Villa alameen wa salatu wa he was Salam ala Nabi Hilah. Karim Ali of masala to attend tasleem rubbish la de solder us silly Emory Hello Dr. melissani of Cabo Cali, my brothers and my sisters as said Mr. alikum, warahmatu law he robot a cattle, I hope that you are all doing well in sha Allah to Allah. I hope that you enjoyed your Friday and you're still enjoying your Friday for this just under an hour to go in sha Allah.

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Today we continue our etiquettes class, okay, we continue along with our etiquettes class. Forgive me if the angle is a little bit off,

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you know, kind of wanted to livestream from home but I'm here in the office.

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It's just a little annoying having to move things around but it is what it is from the law.

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So we continue our ethical etiquettes class we were talking about the etiquettes of eating and different aspects of that.

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Before we move on, I want to greet everyone with a

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you know, at the mobarak of course cuyana wanted to hire Taco Bell along in our income May Allah Subhana Allah accept from all of you, your good deeds, your actions, your fasting, your debt, your acts of worship. skald loss of Hannah was added to shower his blessings mercy down upon every single one of you and your family members. Allah subhanho wa Taala to keep you safe and protected always and allow you to have strength of emotion and courage to stand strong on what is true and what is right. And ask Allah subhana wa data to make us from amongst those who live and who die upon email and Islam. firm in our submission to Allah subhanho wa Taala as we saw earlier today in the home of

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the Prophet sallallahu in the hookah, the dua uncertain if of Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam with his son is Mary Ali Salam.

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And the advice that was given to the children of Prophet jacoba alayhis salaam and Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam, or saw the her Ibrahim or Benny heliacal But yeah, Benny in the law of stofer loco Medina falletta mutanda illa Anta Muslim on from the greatest of blessings Allah subhana wa tada Allah has given for you this Deen right to you to follow to live on to live by and to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala for more than a lower into Muslim one and do not die do not return to Allah Subhana which Allah accept that we are in a state of submission to Allah as Elijah.

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So we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make us from amongst those that are firm in our belief with Allah subhana wa to add

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and to strengthen our email always I mean,

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so we continue our chapter on the etiquettes of eating okay the etiquettes of eating a kill worship the year the unit so today we look at the importance of eating or we're starting with Okay, we're gonna look at a few things inshallah, and the importance of eating with our right hand and how it is prohibited for us to eat with our left hand. We already took this part of or a part of a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where we saw aroma, even be selama who mentions the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he says Yahoo Lam son Mila, right? He says, all young boy, see Bismillah? Or could it be mean and eat with your right hand? What could it

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mean by a leak and eat from that which is right in front of you? And also the Hadeeth of jabiru bin Abdullah Viola and Homer where he says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, letter Kudu be shimelle for initiate Bani Aquila will be chemin do not eat with your left hand, for vary the shape on eats with the left, right. And, in fact, the translation is not your left hand. It's do not eat with the left, right, obviously referring to a left hand for industry Bonnie ecolution.

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Also in the hadith of Rama, viola and another sort of law, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I call that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, either Okay, that failure can be a meaning. So if one of you eats, then eat with his right, and one if one of you drinks then drink with your right,

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your right smilla

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Okay, I did that to show you that the camera may be swapped on your end and it might look like the left hand which shouldn't But hopefully, you know, does the woman

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thing for you.

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But this is my right hand. Okay, so using the example of the right hand, okay, so the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says either confirm your code via Meaning, if one of you is going to eat, then eat with your right. And if one of you is going to drink, then drink with your right for initiate Lani, Aquila, Mishima, Vichy Marley for very the shade lawn eats with his left and drinks with his left.

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Now, there are times where people make excuses, okay, people do make excuses. Sometimes people say that, you know, this is the, this is the norm of the people in the area that we live in are the countries that we live in. For example, when you go to a fine dining restaurant, or you're eating somewhere where the table is set for your for you usually have the plate, and then you have the utensils on the side, right, and then the ones in front of you. So you simply start on the outside and work your way in. Right, those of you who have been taught table manners, you know, as in table manners, table manners, right? Those are the table manners that are not the Islamic table manners,

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but there are still, you know, going to be times where there are things that coincide with the dean. And so you usually, you know, eat in that certain way. But the way it's set up is that the knife will be on the right, and the fork will be on the left. So you are to take your left hand, and you know, hold the food and cut with your right hand and then eat with your left hand. That's usually the way it's set up in restaurants, fine dining restaurants, you know, if you go to someone's home, where they'll set places, you know, set the table accordingly, however, as Muslims, just because it's set up that way, and just because it's the norm of the people doesn't mean that we have to do

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it, for example, the norm in society is to wear watch on your left and right.

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And the way that they build watches, they actually put the buttons here so that when you're wearing it on your left, you can actually access the buttons very easily, right.

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However, there's nothing wrong with going against the norm and wearing your watch on your right wrist. Right? Nothing wrong with that.

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There's there are norms that we see in society, but we don't have to always follow them. And as Muslims, we should feel comfortable doing what we feel is best.

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I remember, you know, thinking of this all the time as Muslims, you know, sometimes people have a ring. You know, when a man has a ring, you know, in the society we live in, if you're married, you wear it on the ring finger of your left hand. Well, when we use the bathroom as Muslims, we kind of use our hands to wash ourselves. And it's kind of gross to wear a ring on your left hand in that way. No. Is it against the deen? No. For men, if they want to wear a ring, they can wear it on any of the these four fingers, right so they can wear a ring on their lip on the right Pinky, the right ring finger, the left Pinky, the left ring finger, okay, these are the fingers that we can use to

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wear rings in Islam according to what we see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did that's for men, okay, I'm not talking about women, women, you can wear it on any of your fingers or thumbs, right, you can wear rings on your ears, right earrings, you can wear a ring on your nose nose ring, you can wear a ring on your belly belly ring.

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But don't show it off. That's for your husband or for yourself only to beautify yourself and for your husband and not to show off to others, right. But in Islam, for example, we're talking about men, right in the society that we live in, that I live in, in particular in the in, you know, this part of the world. The left hand ring finger is usually where you

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where you would wear your ring if you're married, right to indicate that you're married.

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However, I remember our teachers teaching us that. First of all, you know, in Islam, we don't need to follow those cultures and customs. Okay, we don't need to wear a ring, they're specifically going to get married and follow the whole ring finger thing. But at the same time, even though it is permitted to wear on the left hand. Remember that the left hand is the hand that we do things that are not just are not clean, right, we use the left hand for cleaning things that are dirty. We use the right hand for touching things that are clean and good. And so I remember our chef telling me, we should wear our ring if a person is going to wear a ring on their right hand on our right hand.

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Why? Because the left hand usually gets dirty and especially if you're not going to take it off when you use the bathroom then.

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Yeah, that's kind of gross. Hopefully you have a really good soap and disinfectant dettol lungs and stuff right that's like super crazy disinfecting

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Kinda ish stuff.

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So yeah,

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yes, I am wearing it on my right. That's what I do. That's what I always do. That's how I feel

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comfortable wearing a watch, I cannot wear it on the left for some reason I just can't do it. It just doesn't I can can't stand doing it costs. So the norms, right? in society getting back to eating and food, the norm in society doesn't mean that we can't break it, especially when it comes to following our Deen. So when we see people making the excuse, like oh, but it's the norm in our culture to eat with your left hand. Well, you are going against Allah subhanho wa Taala by doing so.

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Also, what people say is

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it's hard for me, it's too hard for me, so I'm just not going to do it. Right. And a lot of the time they say that after trying once or twice, and like I you know, I can't do it is too difficult. I remember when I was young, I actually used to use the knife in my right hand and the fork in my left hand, I did not used to eat with my left hand I used to cut with my right hand and then switch over and take the fork and then eat with my right hand as well. And then I thought you know, if I just try and train myself, I will eventually be able to use a knife with my left hand and the fork with my right hand. And by training I was able to do so. So I share that with you. Also.

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It can be assigned the scholar say that it can be assigned of a person's

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weakness of their Amen, right a weakness of a person's emotion that they refuse to try refuse to attempt to each with their right hand. And also remember that this can be a problem of

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not only with our emotion or weakness of emotion, but a problem with our heart that we don't love to please Allah subhana wa to add it in the ways that Allah wants from us right in the simple little things that we can do in our lives.

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And remember, when we refuse intentionally when we arrogantly refuse to eat with our right hand because we say Oh, but I'm used to it and I don't want to change then technically what we're doing is we're going against the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we are challenging the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And here's an interesting interesting Hadith

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selama in Aleppo, narrates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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sorry he narrates, he says, A man came and ate in the presence of the, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he was eating with his left hand. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, eat with your right hand. And he said to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I cannot do that. There upon the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, may you never do that.

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It was pride that prevented him from doing it. This is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, he said me you never do that. It was pride that prevented him from doing it. And he could not raise his right hand up to his mouth afterwards, as in that man who was eating in the presence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he was told by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam eat with your right hand. He says, I can't do that. A prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knew that he was saying this out of arrogance, like

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intentionally wanting to go against the loss of handwarmer dad as commend in eating with the right. And so the prophets and along that it was telling me to do harm against him and said, may you never do that? Right. And from that time onwards, that person was not able to raise their hand to their mouth with their right hand.

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So the prophet SAW longer it was on them shows us an example here, do not challenge the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the way of Allah subhana wa tada what we mean by that is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not come with anything that was from himself. All that he revealed and all that he spoke about all that he allowed and permitted and said and so on and so forth and taught this a habit of the Allah at home is from

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Allah subhana wa tada and as Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran, one young people Anil Hawa in her Illa you heard that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does not speak from his own whims and desires rather what comes from him his way that he is revelation that is revealed to him from Allah subhanho wa Tada, okay.

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However, keep in mind that if a person is unable to eat with their right hand for a specific

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a valid reason

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like an injury or paralysis or for whatever reason, you know that some health condition they're not able to move their hand you know that or there's a cast you know they can't do it. Allah subhanho wa Taala does not hold us to account for things that we are in that we are unable to do. Now you can leave for modernists and levels haha Allah Subhana Allah does not force or does not expect from us that which is not within our capability of doing and so my brothers and sisters remember that it is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam And not only is it as some that it is a comment that he gave lert kulu Mishima for initiate Bani Aquila, Mishima, right. So the command is

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given from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam.

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All right, moving on to

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the next thing we look at is something that we took previously and was found in the Hadees that we quoted right at the beginning of this,

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this previous section,

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I can mean by le achill eat from that which is in front of you. Okay, don't go and eat from what's far away eat from what is right in front of you. If you have a plate in front of you, for example, you see my book in front and like those are on Instagram, right? I'll just tilt this down a little bit. And there's like this flying Freni keep sliding in my head. So if this is a plate filled with food, right, and you're eating with a few people that are sitting around, right family members, of course, you know COVID six feet all that stuff, right? So you're sitting eating with your family, you eat from what's in front of you, okay, you don't go like this and eat from here much. Well, Mom,

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oh, Bismillah Oh, look that's in front of you. All

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right, no, start from eating here and your work your way in. Okay, to the sides and in. So you start by eating that which is right in front of you. Okay. hope that makes sense.

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For Karla Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called me Maya league eat from what is in front of you. Okay, that's very simple. The next thing we'll look at is eat from the sides of the dish and not from the middle of it. So like we said, we eat from the side and then work our way towards the middle. So we eat the sides or on the sides first, so everyone who's sitting around the plate will be eating from their side in front of them. And each one of us has to work our way towards the middle of the plate. Okay, why? Well, and nebia some Allahu Allah He was Sallam a call the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when one of you is eating food

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for malaria coalmine, Allah or Safa, then you should not eat from the middle of the plate or the middle of the dish. rather he says so the longer it goes alum eat from us funny ha for him no Baraka 10 zero min Allah each from the sides the edges first because the Baraka comes down in the middle of the plate as in the Baraka from Allah Subhana data comes down through the middle of the plate and then extends outwards right and so we eat from the edges of the plate first and then work our way towards the middle and then after we reach the middle we'll look at something else in sha Allah Tad okay

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so yeah, there's a couple narrations there. One one narration suffices for us and humbling law. So we eat from the edges of the plate from what is in front of us first working our way towards the middle everyone that's eating together they will work towards the middle of the the the plate or the dish and then the bottom of course comes down in the middle and that's the last place to consume from Okay, last last food should be consumed is the middle of the plate what's left in the middle, and then obviously, that can be you know, divided up into the different people that are eating, each person can take a portion and hamdulillah everyone shares in that extra Baraka now.

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It is encouraged as well in the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam that we eat with our hens that we eat with our bare hands, right? And from the summit is that we use three fingers to thumb and two fingers, right the index finger, the middle finger, that's the Sunnah. Now some of you will be like, but that's like how do you pick up food like that? How do you pick up rice? Well, how do the Japanese and even some of the Chinese right they will eat with chopsticks, and they eat rice and that's why they have sticky rice, right? This sticks in a ball and so they can pick up the rice in a ball. You know with the chopsticks, but in Islam we use our feet

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fingers, right and we are encouraged to use our fingers and three, why? because of us five, you're taking more

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Hamdulillah, right, we end up eating a lot and taking too much and eating more than we're supposed to. But when you eat less, right, smaller portions, you end up eating, chewing that portion more, your stomach is digesting, right faster, the acids are released more, breaking up the food quicker, digesting it quicker and easier. not gaining as much weight right losing weight because we're chewing more and we're chewing on smaller morsels rather than big pieces that we put in our mouth we just

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and try our best to like mush it a little bit and then wash it down with some water some Coke or Pepsi or whatever it is that you drink, right. And so as Muslims we're supposed to take it easy when we eat, right? We're supposed to eat in a fashion in a manner that is nice that is respectful to others that are around we eat in smaller portions right? We give the body what it needs, remember 1/3 1/3 1/3 which we'll come to later in sha Allah who to Allah right. And so, here the the advice from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that we eat with three fingers cannot assume Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam equally with Alessia Salah beside athey of Swabia

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to eat with three fingers. And when he was done eating, he used to lick his fingers before wiping them off with a min deal with a tissue or with a you know, a cloth or or a napkin ran. Every country uses different terms if you say napkin in some countries.

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That's what babies were around their bum, right?

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You come to North America, you say can I have a napkin? It's like, what what do you want a napkin for? If you go to the UK and you say that they're like, Are you for real?

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So every country has their thing. All right, let's just not get all worked up here. travel a lot. I know that you got to be very careful with the words you use. But in North America, we could say a napkin, okay, or a tissue or a handkerchief, right or a cloth, something that you're going to use to wipe your fingers. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would eat with three fingers, smaller morsels, right, put it in his mouth, and he would eat, he would eat his food, and not lick his fingers after every bite. Why? Because if you take the food and put in your mouth, then you go and you reach for more food, you're reaching into a plate that you're sharing with others. So you

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don't want to be putting your fingers in your mouth and licking and looking and looking and then putting your fingers back in the food. The people you're eating with, they're gonna be like,

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little bit of bad etiquettes there my friend. You're like kind of slobbering all over the food as well. Even though you're eating from your part, no one's gonna want to come closer. But when you take from the food and you put it in your mouth, your fingers end up going into your mouth. So you're taking and you're putting in your mouth you're taking in you're putting in your mouth. I know all of us are probably thinking but what about rice? What about rice? Well, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he didn't used to have rice, right all the time that rice is like something if someone traveled and they brought it that's different. Right? They would eat usually, if it was like

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an animal, they would have the animal cut, they would make it maybe into a stew or they would roast it on a fire, you know, as they would put some parts maybe the bones and some of the fat into some water and boil it make that into a stew. And also generally the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would pick the food with his fingers. Now, as I mentioned previously,

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when we were talking about using utensils, golden silver utensils is not from the Sunnah. And I did mention to you that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had something that was similar to a spork, like a fork, and a spoon combined like a spoon with teeth on it right? And he used to use that to cut and dig into the meat that was good, that was cooked, breaking a portion off, and then to cut that further, and then he would pick it up with his hands and eat it. Some Allahu alayhi wa sallam. So that's how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to eat, he would take the utensil, right and you know, use it to cut the meat and take a morsel often bring it and cut it

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smaller and then he would take it and he would eat it and in a smaller bit

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For peace, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not accustomed to taking a large piece of something and eating it like this, like biting in taking, you know, a leg of a of a lamb, for example, the bone and no, that was not proper. That's not the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you're like, opening your mouth showing your teeth the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to keep his mouth closed, and I know I'm showing it to you and doing it as an example. Got to make it a little light hearted as well, because we do have children that are watching. But you know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to take smaller bits and pieces and put it into his

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mouth and then chew it and he used to chew a lot, right? He used to chew a lot to break down the food before swallowing it and digesting it. Okay.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam also

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commanded that we lick our fingers when we're done eating right, lick the food off of your fingers when you're done eating and to lick the food off of the plate when you're done eating to lick off whatever is left or if you're eating with roti or non or bread or whatever it is hubbs right? You take it and you wipe the plates and you clean the food. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Nakhon letter the rune of he he healed Baraka that none of you knows which one has the Baraka where the Baraka is, the Baraka might be on this finger, it might be on this finger, it might be on this finger, so lick it off before you clean your hands with a tissue or some sort of a

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napkin, right. And he says some longer and even some to also lick off the plate, as in clean, take bread or something clean off your plate, right? Because none of us knows where the Baraka will be. And it could be in this piece, it could be in that sauce, it could be in something that's left over. And that shows us and indicates to us the importance of taking what we're going to eat. Okay, not taking so much that we leave extra, and then we throw it in the garbage, taking what we're going to eat, but also finishing what we take.

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Okay, taking what we're going to eat, and finishing what we're going to take, how do we do this now,

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we do it by taking smaller portions. And I know in North America, what we do is everyone's sitting at a table and everyone has their own plate. Try we do this too, as well at home sometimes put the food for the family in one plate, put it in the middle of the, you know so far in the middle of the table, and everyone in the family sitting around and eating from that and try to eat from one plate, Share, share, you'll notice that while you're eating, there's a nice piece of meat on that side and you want to go get it Nope, that's not for you to go and reach over and get it from there. Right, don't touch it. You eat from what's on your side. The person who's sitting on that side may see that

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you don't have any meat on your side, there's just rice or they're just couscous or whatever's on your side right. And so your brother or your sister or your mother or your father or your son or your daughter might see it and break a piece off and give it to you put it on your side for you to eat here eat.

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I remember when I would eat with you know, our teachers, somehow they're always breaking the food off and giving it to you. When I was a student in Medina, we went to yunbo. Right, which is the coast

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of the Red Sea. And we were there we went on like a trip when we were in my first year. And I remember my Korean teacher. He was actually our fifth teacher but he also taught on

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law. He had a lot like, made us feel like we were his guests, even though he's our teacher. And we went all his students. We were like, I don't know, maybe 100 students a couple buses, two, three buses of students, first year students in Medina and we're learning Arabic. So our Arabic You know, we're still not fluent in speaking Arabic. And a bunch of our teachers from the Mara had the lava came with us. And Subhanallah we went to yen work. And you know, we went swimming together, we're in the desert in the sand and stuff like that. And then when it's time to eat, they brought these big huge plates. And I remember there was fish fish that was caught in the Red Sea. All these beautiful

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colored fish like nice colored fish. And it was grilled nicely and so awesome handle that was so nice. But I remember my teacher, I was sitting right next to him. Our fifth teacher and Subhanallah he was taking you know some fish and he's here this is for you here. This is for you. You know he was like taking it and serving us and putting it and he was eating with us. And he made us feel as though you know you need to try this. Try it. This is the best part. And I remember he gave me the head of a fish. Alright, what are the fishes like Dude, you're the tallest one. Right? He says you're the tallest one you need more energy than all of us. So he's like, here's the head of the

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fish eat the brain and I was like shit where I come from.

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We talked

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and he was like, What do you mean you don't do that? He's like, Look, I'll do it and he stuck his log, but it was amazing how a lot but the hospitality, right the hospitality. So as Muslims we eat with our right hand, we eat with these three fingers, if we can ideally touch your food, feel your food, taste your food, you'll notice that even in society, the best of people when it comes to food, like chefs, professional chefs, they will love to touch their food, they will take the food and break it and they will give it to you to eat with their bare hands. And they will take and they will share a pot or something, they will share something with you. They're not scared to eat with you.

00:30:43 --> 00:30:58

Right? Because they love the food. And they know the importance of sharing and being together. Most people who get into the food and restaurant industries because they love that aspect of hospitality, right? So somehow that just makes you feel good when you see that being done to you. All right.

00:30:59 --> 00:31:15

All right. The next thing that we'll look at is the importance of picking up food that fell on the floor or fell down from the plate and to brush off the dirt and then eat it. So we see that

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in the hadith of Jabba even Abdullah the Allahumma he says quite a lot of sort of La he's someone one liner, he was a lump the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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when we have more morsel or a piece of food, that one of you is eating falls down, pick it up, and clean off whatever dirt or whatever may have touched it or come on to it.

00:31:47 --> 00:32:32

As long as it is not something that is impure, right as long as it's not like some sort of an agenda or something that's harmful to you. Well you call her while you're in the shape on and it after removing what may have touched it right it is a hair that touched okay remove it and eat it while I highly shape on and do not leave it for shaitan to eat as in Do not waste food and do not leave something you know that that is good that you can use and you can consume and eat that Allah Subhana Allah has given to us okay, that is all that we will take for today in sha Allah to Allah I see that I have some friends from South Africa on here. I shall automatic Allah Zakat I hope you're doing

00:32:32 --> 00:32:45

well. We also have brother Ahmed we haven't seen in some time we just see for like 30 seconds and you know you move on and humblest nice to see some familiar names and

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little icon pictures hamdulillah Allah Subhana Allah bless all of you. I'll leave it open for some questions. If anyone wants to ask anything for the next couple of minutes. Those of you that don't have any questions, please make your way over to the masjid. You know, there's still another 120 little over 20 minutes until the end. So you do have enough time to make all the one come into the masjid for Salatin mulleted in sha Allah let's pray Salat and mllib all together, and you know use this time to make dua to Allah subhana wa to Allah because the last hour on a Friday is a time when drought is accepted. So we ask Allah Subhana Allah to accept the dwara of every single one of us and

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to bless us with what is best for us in this dunya and to and to place us into the highest levels of Paradise and Philadelphia area I mean, so any questions please feel free to type them in inshallah I'll stick around for another minute or two, until questions are typed out and sent through Zakouma level played on

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through the all of the all of you that have given me senem throughout the session, while ecommerce Salam Rahmatullahi wa barakato I know sometimes it's

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from etiquette we get set up but also from etiquettes of the teacher is that we don't stop the class to constantly, you know, respond to the Salaam of people that's given. When we enter a gathering. We are actually not supposed to disturb the gathering. I'm not saying that you should not take out Salam toping salaam is perfectly fine. In fact, it's nice and it's motivating, right? That we give set them to each other. I'm saying in an actual physical gathering when there's people there, we shouldn't say something to distract the speaker and distract the listeners. And we took these examples from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam already. Any questions? No

00:34:32 --> 00:34:35

questions handed in? It's nice when there's no questions.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:45

The problem though, when there's no questions is that either you didn't understand anything

00:34:47 --> 00:34:57

or you were not paying attention, and you have nothing to ask from what was taught, or you came late and you didn't really attend the class or

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I taught so well that every

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thing is super crystal clear Alhamdulillah and there's no need to ask anything further. Okay,

00:35:06 --> 00:35:12

Fawad says How can one increase their Islamic knowledge? Are there any courses you recommend?

00:35:13 --> 00:35:33

So there's lots of courses there's lots of resources that are available depends on what you want to do, like how much time do you have how much resources are you willing to spend on seeking knowledge, there are paid programs there are Islamic universities that you can

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that you can attend. So you might want to you know, Google that and see also

00:35:44 --> 00:35:51

there's there's YouTube videos that are available there are classes through for example quantum today, but I'll go with our

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Islamic online university. A number of these time universities have courses that you can attend and take as well. So just check those out whatever you feel more comfortable with also in the language that you prefer, and hamdulillah others there's a number of you know, courses available out there. I'd like to encourage starting you know, if someone's going to start seeking knowledge, start with the basics and start with what is available to you and what is easy and been made easy to grasp. So for example, you know, my mother had been a co author Institute have some good courses that are available that you can take online that are pre recorded

00:36:33 --> 00:36:45

and you can take them from the comfort of your home so check out with cocoa org You know, you could find some of the courses they're available Islamic online university also has some

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there's a new program that they started up as well

00:36:52 --> 00:36:59

Elm Academy or something but you if you just check out Salman Khan online university you'll find it there and chama

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Shahid sending him share you are a blessing for all of us.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:34

Have a very quick to Zach Hello Hayden May Allah subhana wa Taala continue to allow us to increase in knowledge and to continue to learn this Deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala it's really a beautiful aspect of our lives you know, to be able to understand comprehend, apply Islam to our lives. And Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for all of us to continue to do so. And to increase all of us in knowledge which is beneficial that is useful for us and is not used against us. I mean

00:37:38 --> 00:37:45

okay, someone emailed me or you know what I have over 300 messages that came in just in the last three days.

00:37:48 --> 00:38:18

inshallah we'll get to it right, my inboxes is pretty full. I'll get to it inshallah. Dad I do have to apologize to everyone who does try to reach out to me especially around the times of like eat and special events and stuff like that I get overloaded with messages and emails. Some of them are important and they get lost in the ether Movado can collect unwanted behavior emails and messages. So Scott boss hanaway data to grant me the ability, the time and the strength to get through those emails and shortline

00:38:20 --> 00:38:22

Alright, seems like that's all that we have.

00:38:27 --> 00:38:49

I don't see any more questions just welcome okay on robotica lo fi comm I'll see you all in the masjid for salata. madlibs Hannukah. Long mo behind the condition Allah Allah antenna still federal cabinet we like or some law who was sending them Obama Carolina b&m hammered while early he was he was sanlam which is a lot more clear on was. More Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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