Bilal Philips – Quranic Reflections #02

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of gratitude in life, citing a parable from surah Al Fatiha, the first verse of the Quran, where gratitude is given to Allah for all thanks. They stress the need for gratitude in the face of depression and suicide, as it can lead to negative behavior and negative experiences. The speaker also mentions the use of "frustration to overcome" in graduation, as it builds up in our lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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This is another verse from the Quranic reflections series. And it is from surah, Al Fatiha, the first chapter of the Quran.

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And it also happens to be the first verse of the Quran, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of All the Worlds.

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The first point of reflection

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is what could be called

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the attitude of gratitude.

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Because all praise all thanks is due to Allah, this is addressing the issue of gratitude.

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And this is repeated 17 times every day.

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And Allah chose Alhamdulillah the first phrase,

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all gratitude is due to Allah for a reason.

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And that reason, is because we are in great need of being

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Gratitude should be our attitude.

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The second point of reflection,

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is the benefit which comes out of having this attitude of gratitude.

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We know

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all around us people are caught up in various

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stages and states of depression.

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Suicide is at an all time high.

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When we look into these issues of depression and suicide, most of the times you will see that there are a result of people being unable to find good in their lives to be thankful for. So you will hear them saying nothing's going right. There's no benefit coming from this life. This life is a life of, of problems and

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and they can't see any good.

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And because of that, they're not able to give thanks for any good when in fact there is much good in their lives. And because of their inability, then

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they end up in states of depression. And

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suicide is at its highest point of reflection number three

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from Alhamdulillah hero rabbil aalameen

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is that we need to revive

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the Sunnah of sujood a sugar

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so Judah Shakur was a sunnah moussaka of Rasul Allah salatu salam

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as soon as he did all the time, regularly.

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This sujood means frustration. a shocker means

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thankfulness. The frustration for Thankfulness is something that the Prophet SAW Salem used to do regularly, whenever any good cane

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or any bad was averted.

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The Prophet SAW Salah would fall down into frustration and thank Allah for His mercy and His blessings.

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And this should be a part of our lives.

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Many people never even heard of it.

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And others who have heard about don't do it.

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We only see it when we watch football and soccer and some Muslim players when they score a goal they fall down and prostrate. We say oh Masha, Allah, masha Allah, but we don't apply it in our own lives.

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And this is very important. That's Judas Shakur doesn't require you to have wudu you don't have to actually face

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qibla in case you don't know, where is the Qibla at the time, wherever.

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You just make that frustration to develop a positive attitude to overcome negativity, which builds up in all of our lives.

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BarakAllahu ecom Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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