Bilal Philips – Moral Culture In Islam

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary ©
The importance of technology and the morality of Islam in modern times is highlighted, along with the need to eliminate obstacles to achieving Islam. The importance of technology in modern society is emphasized, along with the need to apply knowledge of Islam to one's own life. The history and consequence of the Islam-arian culture in India, Pakistan, and the potential for reform in society are also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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No hamdulillah not Madonna Stein wanna stop Pharaoh?

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When I was a villa him in Sheree and fusina amin sejati. I'm Elena. Miyagi la la moda La la la mejor Lily for la hodja Allah wa Shadwell, Ilan Omar Hua Hua Shan ecola wash Mohammedan Abdul Rasul.

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Indeed All praise is due to a law and as such we should praise Him,

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we should seek His help and seek refuge in Allah from the evil which is within ourselves, and the evil which results from our deeds. For whomsoever Allah has guided, none can misguide. Whomsoever a law has allowed to go astray, none can guide

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and I bear witness that there's no God worthy of worship Allah.

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And that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the last messenger of Allah

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inositol Hadith Nikita bola.

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Well, hey there howdy howdy Mohammedan. Some along

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with Sharon Morimoto,

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in Nakula, desert in beta wakulla. Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah.

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Indeed, the most truthful form of speech is the book of Allah.

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And the best source of guidance is the guidance which was brought by Mohammed Salah long run he was

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and the worst of all affairs are the innovations in religion. For indeed every innovation in religion is cursed,

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cursed by a loss

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no matter how good people might think it is, or how good people might say it is, it is cursed by Allah, Mohammed sauce and lemon said colubrid atom Donna, every innovation in religion is a source of misguidance and all misguidance ultimately leads to the hellfire.

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It is guidance which takes us to paradise. And it is misguidance which takes us to *.

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So brothers and sisters,

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having looked in the previous footballs,

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at the Pillars of Islam, and the pillars of a man

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and having looked at

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the moral goals behind them,

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where these moral goals are implemented in our lives,

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it produces

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a moral culture,

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a culture of morality,

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a culture, which is most concerned about the moral upbringing of its generations,

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most concerned about the moral policies of its government.

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Its main concern

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is a moral concern.

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Not technology is technology, though it is good. It's beneficent, beneficial.

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to sacrifice.

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morality, for technology

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is morally wrong.

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to sacrifice the moral needs of the Society

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for the sake of advanced technology is morally wrong.

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And this is what distinguished the Muslim civilization

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of the past. It wasn't the technology

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because the early civilization of Arabia had no technology. Technology was in Rome and Persia and India

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and Africa,

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but not in Arabia.

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But what distinguished that

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early seed of guidance was, its moral uprightness, that people stood firm, for a moral way of life and that is the distinguishing characteristic of Islam.

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It is a

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morals based civilization.

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And that

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is what the prophet SAW Salah meant when he said in the model as to loot me Mama caravela flock, another civilization, Western civilization dominates globalizes its culture.

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Mainly, its technology.

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And that technology is presented in an immoral package.

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So there's technology coming, but the package is immoral.

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The package is immoral.

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And so our civilization suffers.

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Because we want the technology.

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But we can't separate it from the package.

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We take the package along with it.

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The only way forward for Muslims

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is to go back

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to that moral foundation

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is to rebuild

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a moral culture,

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Islamic morality,

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that is the only way forward for us.

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And to do so, on one hand, we need to understand the principles of Islamic morality. And we spoke about that in the Pillars of Islam and man.

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That's the foundation

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which pervades everything else.

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And on the other hand,

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we have to erase we have to remove the obstacles, the obstacles which prevents us from realizing true Islamic culture, in our lives, in our civilization.

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those obstacles have built up over the generations

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to the point now where

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we are unable to recognize

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to recognize them as true obstacles.

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They have become so much a part of our Islam

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that we cannot distinguish between Islam and Muslim.

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We think everything that Muslims do is Islam.

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But there is a lot

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that Muslims do, which is in fact, Muslim.

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Our challenge is to realize

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what is not a part of Islam and to remove it. On one hand it is to apply

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the true teachings, the Quran and the Sunnah.

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And the morality which he teaches, and on the other hand, we have to erase, to eliminate to remove those obstacles to true Islam, so that the Islamic culture of morality can arise again.

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I lost my dollar. In surah Allium Ron verse 10

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summed up that responsibility saying kuntum hierro Mateen O'Hara Jacqueline

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Tamura bill Morrow for 10 how Nonnenmacher or to Milan Avila.

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You are the best nation extracted from among humankind because you command the good.

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You prohibit the evil and you believe in Allah.

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You command the good.

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You prohibit the evil and you believe in Allah.

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commanding the good and prohibiting the evil is establishment of morality.

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And you believe in a law morality based on Islam.

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Because we have people in the world today commanding what they perceive as the good

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and prohibiting what they perceive as the evil but it is not based on

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belief in a lot

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So, it is its consequences evil, even though it expresses good, says it wants to do good, it means good, but the consequences evil because that foundation of belief in a law is missing.

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And that is what is missing in western civilization.

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The core

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the most important element in human life is missing.

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Yes, we do have those similar that civilization, many of the people within it say we believe in Allah.

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Well, they say, Oh, God, not a lot of their Arab Christians, for example, they'll say, Oh, my Yes. But for the rest, they would say we believe in God.

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they believe that God was a man.

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So that belief is not belief in Allah. It's not belief in God.

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It's not.

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Because if we can accept that as belief in God, then those people who believe God is a stone, or a tree or a planet, we have to accept that as belief in God also.

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Because what is the difference between a man and animal, a stolen or a planet, they're all created by a law.

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So that essential element is missing.

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Islam offers that element to the world.

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But in order for us to be able to properly present it, we have to ourselves

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we have to ourselves.

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And to find it, we said, involves two things, one, applying the knowledge that we know and of course, we have to have knowledge to be able to apply it and that's why profit matters as lm said tolerable enemy for either Nakula Muslim seeking knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim, because the way forward cannot be established without knowledge, correct knowledge based on the Quran and the Sunnah, as it was understood by the generations, which lived it,

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which lived the revelation.

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And on the other hand,

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we have to begin a systematic process of dismantling what is known as cultural Islam.

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I'm talking about Islamic culture.

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That is the Islamic moral culture. That is on one hand, what Prophet Mohammed Salim called. But on the other hand, we have Satan, calling to cultural Islam,

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Islamic culture,

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and cultural Islam, cultural Islam, commonly called folk Islam, by the missionaries.

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They always point out if you want to reach these Muslims, you can't come at them through

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Islamic culture.

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The fundamentalists

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who want to practice Islam, the way it was originally practiced, it's not gonna work.

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The way to get to them is through folk Islam.

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What the people practice in the village

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what the ignorant people practice.

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This is the route that we can reach them through cultural Islam.

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Because it doesn't have a proper Foundation, it is weak, so it can be dismantled at any time. All you have to do is read the stories of the so called converts from Islam to Christianity. There are a bunch of them on the internet.

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If your faith is weak, don't want to read it.

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But if you know what Islam is, and you really want to see how

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fake Islam Islam operates, you can see it in the lives of these people who converted to Christianity.

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They will tell you I

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grew up I Muslim

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In a Muslim village, and this happened to me, and that happened to me and the other happened to me, and so on, so on, so on. So once I realized that Islam isn't right or wrong,

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and then I met this nice missionary,

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a lovely man

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who took took care of me, who showed me the true love that God has for human beings, and so on and so forth.

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Now the section that he talks about, or she talks about what happened to them while growing up, this happened and that happened and the other happened.

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If you know Islam, you will know that this was Miss la all that was going on in that person's life was, you know, cultural folk Islam. They were victims of folk Islam.

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Focus spelled fo lk. If you're not familiar with the word, it means Islam of the common people.

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This is what we see. So we know that this is a danger.

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And Satan

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is a backer of this kind of Islam.

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He is there, again, urging the people on to defend this and to stand firm with it.

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Traditional Islam

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I'm sure we're all familiar with some element of it. In our home countries, traditional Islam, the Islam of tradition,

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which from the time that we are children, we are taught, you must respect the tradition.

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When you question the tradition, you're told if this was good enough for your father, your grandfather, and your great grandfather should be good enough for you.

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Don't question the tradition.

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Accept it.

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So you grew up with this traditional commitment to defend and to protect the tradition? tradition, of course, is

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completely in opposition to

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any kind of change. Change is bad.

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traditional approach looks at change as bad.

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That's why when Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab

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back in the 18th century

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started a movement calling people to go back to the original practice of Islam.

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As it was known at the time of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He was looked at as an evil man,

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an evil man

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who wanted to change things change the traditional way of doing things. So he was looked at he was labeled as an evil man.

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And his movement was called

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cynically the Wahhabi movement

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and the word Wahhabi, around the Muslim world came to mean extreme high erratic, deviant, evil

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and anybody who then called for change, let us change this. The core I know the Sunnah doesn't agree with it, shouldn't we follow the you want to be a Wahhabi?

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That was the response

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in complete opposition to any kind of change.

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So when people are invited

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to the Quran and the Sunnah, come let's do what the Quran and Sunnah says. The people say, that was not the way of our forefathers. That was not our tradition. We don't do things that way here.

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And actually, that was said 1400 years ago, same words, a lot recorded in the car and in about five six different places and sort of my endeavors 104 a lot says their way that Pinilla hometown Allah, Allah and Allah Allahu

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Allah, who has buena vida de la habana. I will know kinda about whom Leia, Allah Mona Shay.

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If you tell them to the law, speaking to the province, if you tell them come to what the law has revealed, and to the messenger,

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they will reply. What we found our parents doing is sufficient for us.

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What we found our parents doing is sufficient for us.

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And Allah goes on to say, even though their parents knew nothing, nor were they rightly guided.

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So that answer

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the traditional folk, cultural Islam is a standard

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of Satan. It is a standard used by Satan to oppose guidance.

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It is a source of misguidance It is used by Satan insidiously, to keep people firm in misguidance

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and to feel themselves right in defending their way defending our forefathers our customs and our people.

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So we see this is a big challenge.

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It's a big, big challenge in front of us.

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But the only way forward is to meet that challenge.

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Apolo kolyada was stopped through lolly welcome Marissa, the minimum coup de dum dum furu in no one

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asked her laws, forgiveness, and call on you all to turn to a lot to seek His forgiveness. For indeed, none can forgive our sins. besides Allah.

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hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah.

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The sources of

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cultural Islam, or traditional Islam are basically four.

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There are four main sources. One

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is pre Islamic practices,

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things that Muslims used to do before Islam which they're led

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adopted practices practices which Muslims adopted from other cultures and other societies.

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Three religious innovation which the prophet SAW Selim cursed in every hood,

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and for factionalism, or fanaticism,

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which is rife amongst Muslims in the various groups, each opposed to the other ripping apart.

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And we'll look at those in more detail in the coming hookless. But for today,

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today, we want to look at the pre Islamic practices.

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to understand how can pre Islamic practices end up amongst Muslims, we have to understand that Islam as a system

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is a constructive system.

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It is not fundamentally a disruptive system, meaning when Islam came, it didn't destroy the existing civilizations cancel everything they did, and then came up with something totally new. Know,

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what Islam did was the things which were done, which were good Islam affirm them.

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things which were good but distorted Islam corrected them.

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Things which people did, which were wrong, Islam forbade them.

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So it was a system which

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helped, developed,

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brought about the greatest possible good for the society

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builds on what was good,

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corrected what was wrong

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and modified,

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what needed to be modified.

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And there are many examples that we can see in the life of Prophet Muhammad wa sallam which illustrates that

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the Hajj, for example, was already in practice.

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Prophet Muhammad wa sallam didn't

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Institut Hajj in Mecca.

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Hajj was already in practice and established from the time of Prophet Abraham.

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But in the years that

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took place between his time Prophet, smile, smile and Mohammed wa sallam changes took place.

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So, people came to make tawaf around the Kaaba,

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saying, we are coming to you our law, as you created us naked.

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So they were walking around the Kaaba stark naked men and women.

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We hear your call, Oh Allah.

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So Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim corrected that put clothes on.

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A lot doesn't ask us to walk around naked.

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We're born that way. But we don't live that way.

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And so on and so forth.

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So Islam corrected.

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It prohibited

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and reformed.

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When we look now, in Muslim cultures, we will find today practices which were in existence, existence in those areas before Islam came.

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And Islam came

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modifying, correcting, prohibiting, etc.

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But some of these practices slipped in. And they weren't corrected.

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Because Islam had this easy attitude towards what was called or

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the common customer of the people where it didn't seem to

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oppose Islamic teachings, it allowed it.

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So through this flexibility, some practices were not corrected, in the outlying parts of the Muslim Empire State.

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close to the center, it was eradicated, these things were cleared away. But as Islam spread further and further generations went,

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the strength of the message became somewhat diluted.

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Those who carried it out of Arabia in the early generation were firm clear.

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Those who carried it further, and later generations were not as clear. And in the later later generations became somewhat

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dubious. So these things crept in.

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So we find, for example, just as an example, in the indo

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Pakistani subcontinent,

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the practice of getting married in a red wedding dress,

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Now Islam doesn't have any problem with any color you want to marry in the colors of the rainbow, you can do it.

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No problem.

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However, when the society says, You must get married in this color, we have a problem.

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Because now you're making obligatory on people, something which Islam didn't make obligatory.

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So we have to look to see why is it Why is it people are insisting that you must get married in red.

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And then we look at the Hindus. And we see their women marrying in red.

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And we realize that's where it came from.

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From Hindu practice, that was the norm amongst the Hindus to get married in red.

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Muslims converted to Islam, and they brought red along with them.

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So it became an obligation pretty much okay, big deal. Red Dress, green dress doesn't matter really.

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That might not seem like much similarly.

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In other parts of the Muslim world today, we find

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people marrying in the white dress in Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, you get married women marry in white dresses.

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Again, we said no problem. Islam can be white, green, blue, black, any color you want. But when it becomes a cultural imposition, you must get married in white, then we have to say, What's happening here?

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What's happening here. And we see that this is the tradition amongst Christians. It is their tradition to wear white, indicating purity, and virginity. And these are the types of things so they insist on it. So those people who came into Islam in these areas brought the white dress along with them.

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And again, as people will say, this is something minor, nothing really big.

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But if we progress

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if we progress forward to other similar customers, and we have today in Egypt, Sudan,

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Ethiopia, and that region, what has come to be a big cause amongst the feminists in the world today, do all kinds of programs about it and show what Muslims do to their women?

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They raise the banner of

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FGM MFG. m. What is that? female genital mutilation.

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Muslims cut up the private parts of their women

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And it's true.

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Muslims in this part of the world do it also. So to the Christians, Christians in Egypt, Christians in Ethiopia, Christians in Sudan, they all do it in Kenya, they're doing it.

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So it's really not a Muslim thing, but it's associated with Muslims.

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And it's only in that part of the Muslim world. The rest of the Muslim world is not involved in this.

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But it is associated with Muslims.

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And it is what is called an Eton and ferroni, the Pharaonic circumcision.

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It existed way before Islam.

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But the consequence, what happens to the lives of women who undergo this

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mutilation and it becomes mutilation. A number of them die every year from it. infections, all kinds of horrible things happen to them, as a result of it

00:33:04 --> 00:33:05

is an evil.

00:33:07 --> 00:33:12

Right, it's attributed now to Muslims. And there is harm in the Muslim society from it.

00:33:18 --> 00:33:19

That is one level.

00:33:21 --> 00:33:22

Take it up another level.

00:33:25 --> 00:33:26

In India,

00:33:27 --> 00:33:32

the common practice when people marry is to give dowry

00:33:35 --> 00:33:36

to the men.

00:33:38 --> 00:33:42

Maha is given by the family of the women to the men.

00:33:45 --> 00:33:50

The opposite. This was Christian tradition of and Europe. That's how it was done.

00:33:53 --> 00:33:57

Women were looked at as a liability. You had to pay off the men to take them off your hands.

00:34:01 --> 00:34:03

This was not the Islamic point of view.

00:34:04 --> 00:34:13

So it was a common practice amongst Indians. What was the result of that practice? The result of that practice is that

00:34:15 --> 00:34:25

when a man wants to get his daughter married, he offers the young man all kinds of things a car, big television, nice house and all kinds of things to win him over to take his daughter.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:28


00:34:30 --> 00:34:36

what happens after they get married is that the Father is not able to fulfill all of his promises.

00:34:38 --> 00:34:44

So the husband, he's putting pressure on his wife. Where's the stuff your father promised?

00:34:46 --> 00:34:47

Where is it? Where's the car?

00:34:48 --> 00:34:51

Where's the flat screen? plasma TV?

00:34:53 --> 00:34:59

It's not coming. The wife says you know he promised I don't know why. She better get it.

00:35:01 --> 00:35:21

You better make him bring it and he starts put pressure on her. And eventually he because he's not coming the only way out of this thing, okay, just get rid of how he and his mother Catcher in the kitchen. They pour kerosene over her and set her on fire.

00:35:23 --> 00:35:30

1000s of Indian women are burnt alive every year,

00:35:31 --> 00:35:46

but they call bribe burnings. This is the evil consequence of this way, the government has prevented it. The Indian government recognizing the evil of it has prohibited this dowry system.

00:35:48 --> 00:35:49


00:35:51 --> 00:35:54

Muslims of India, Pakistan,

00:35:55 --> 00:35:56


00:35:58 --> 00:36:04

in the newspapers, I read an article it said woman burnt to death.

00:36:05 --> 00:36:05

That guy

00:36:07 --> 00:36:24

a greedy husband burned to death his young wife, a chick para in the city following a feud over dowry. Police said I read that they said Oh, another case of Hindus because he got Hindus in Bangladesh,

00:36:25 --> 00:36:27

burning their rights.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:33

But then I went on to Ted Zia. Azhar here Nia

00:36:34 --> 00:36:38

miana kind of strange name but Zaha is the name Muslims guy.

00:36:39 --> 00:36:55

Zaire Mia poured kerosene over the body of his wife. China's start from 20 years old, and set her on fire on Sunday. She died in Dhaka Medical College Hospital yesterday.

00:37:01 --> 00:37:02

Another article,

00:37:03 --> 00:37:10

domestic violence on the rise in Pakistan. At least 300 women are burned to death every year.

00:37:12 --> 00:37:13

Muslim women

00:37:16 --> 00:37:18

it's a long article, time is short.

00:37:20 --> 00:37:28

But it's saying the same thing. Muslim women burn to death every year over dowry.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:31

So this thing has become an evil.

00:37:33 --> 00:37:38

This thing is a great evil taking human lives. The lives of our women.

00:37:41 --> 00:37:48

I just saw that we don't think oh, Dr. Bilal is always focusing on us Indians and Pakistanis.

00:37:50 --> 00:37:51

In southern Egypt,

00:37:53 --> 00:37:57

I read an article. It said Son held for killing mother.

00:37:59 --> 00:38:18

In cleaner Egypt, a 22 year old son beheaded and dismembered his widowed mother when he found out that she had secretly remarried, breaking with tradition in southern Egypt. The police here said yesterday, Salah

00:38:19 --> 00:38:20


00:38:21 --> 00:38:48

helped by one of his uncle's forced Samira Salaam 35 years old, into the village Cemetery in nakada. Hamlet north of the southern resort of Luxor, where they strangled, beheaded and dismembered the woman police said they said the woman was pregnant hassling Samira, his brother were detained for questioning and admitted their crime.

00:38:51 --> 00:38:52


00:38:54 --> 00:38:56

What was the basis of this?

00:38:58 --> 00:39:04

This young man 22 years old, his mother was 35 years old.

00:39:06 --> 00:39:15

His mother was 35 years old. Meaning she got married when she was 13 years old.

00:39:17 --> 00:39:24

No problem. Slam is fine with that. So her husband dies and she's 35 she's still a young woman.

00:39:26 --> 00:39:33

But in southern Egypt, if your husband dies, don't think about getting remarried.

00:39:35 --> 00:39:36

Don't think about it.

00:39:39 --> 00:39:40

This is the consequence.

00:39:42 --> 00:39:44

You will be killed by the society.

00:39:45 --> 00:39:51

Your brother Your son will murder you. Why Where did this come from?

00:39:53 --> 00:39:59

The origin of this is an ancient Egyptian myth concerning the goddess Isis.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:27

According to the myth ssef desired his sister, ISIS so much so that he killed her husband or Cyrus, in order to marry her. However, ISIS refused to marry Seth, and hid her son Horus. Until he came of age and revenge his father's death by killing his uncle Seth. The Cult of ISIS began in Lower Egypt and spread throughout the whole country.

00:40:31 --> 00:40:32


00:40:33 --> 00:40:35

What does this have to do with Islam?

00:40:36 --> 00:40:49

This is an ancient pagan set of beliefs affecting the Muslims of Southern Egypt. So much so that they murder their women,

00:40:51 --> 00:40:53

because they seek to get

00:40:55 --> 00:41:03

this is what is in front of us today. These are only a few examples, just to make it real, because I may speak about this idea.

00:41:05 --> 00:41:15

But we need to realize that this is a real threat in our Muslim societies today. And we have to eradicate it.

00:41:16 --> 00:41:22

We have to reestablish Islam by removing these things, correcting it.

00:41:23 --> 00:41:24

That is the only way forward.

00:41:27 --> 00:41:32

And Prophet Muhammad SAW Salaam he was the example of change.

00:41:33 --> 00:41:35

One who came and reformed

00:41:36 --> 00:41:47

the culture and evil culture with good of Saudi Arabia, a culture which varied its children girls alive.

00:41:51 --> 00:41:56

So there was that kind of evil existence. But Islam came and prohibited

00:41:58 --> 00:42:11

and corrected and reformed and made that change. And that's why a law calls us in the Quran saying in the long term, I like to use a lunar lander. Yeah, you already know amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Otis Lima.

00:42:12 --> 00:43:07

And that's why we ask a lot of Peace and blessings on the Prophet Muhammad wa salam because he was the example of change of reformation, the guide for us to reform ourselves and our societies, to bring them back to that moral ideal. I asked the last one to Allah to give us the courage to take on this huge responsibility of reforming our societies and ourselves. Ask the Lord to help us to find our way back to true Islam, and to eradicate the false practices and customs in our societies. ask Allah to keep our hearts dedicated to this religion, and to keep our faith growing till we die, and to make the last breath that we take a breath of faith and to live this life in true belief. I mean,

00:43:08 --> 00:43:09

I can assala

morality based benifitial lacture

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