Bilal Philips – In the Names of Allah – 22 – as-Samee’

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of affirming the Divine name and not being the person. They stress the importance of finding a balance between happiness and victory, avoiding drinking and not seeking forgiveness, and not denying one's successes. They also emphasize the need to be aware of what is in reality and not try to convince people to do so. The importance of not denying one's successes and not trying to convince people to do so is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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So now I need Kumara to Mahi wabarakatuhu

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like to welcome you to our

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on the

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99 Names of Allah, this session being the 22nd

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and we're looking at name number 31

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and as usual we're welcoming

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our students

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from various parts of the world Habiba. Hartman

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Alaykum Salaam Bushra Malik.

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alaikum Salaam zing guy

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alaikum Salaam from South Africa Nigeria Dean

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raychem salaam from us Melbourne Australia

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May Allah grant you good health

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and long life

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in righteousness insha Allah

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Masha Allah

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waiting briefly for other students to acknowledge their presence.

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Let's have this Avi man Salaam still, as is a rock man choudry alaikum, salaam Rama

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and Zaha

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Susanne alaikum Salaam

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Sharla. We'll be starting early

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in this session,

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as I'm going to have to leave

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earlier than usual.

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Today his session is earlier than usual

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walaikum salam

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to superpacs

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barakallahu li Gong

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Rama bond Mubarak.

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We'll move on

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our session

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now in sha Allah

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah hille Karim.

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Allah Allah He was happy. For many Stan Bissonnette he, you know mundane.

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This is session 22

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in which we'll be looking at a single name named number 31 in our list

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As semir

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they all hearing they ever listening

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and its location in the Quran

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is 45 times it's mentioned some 45 times in the grind among them robina Taco Bell Mina, in Naga and the semi or Lally

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our Lord accept this from us. Indeed you are the all hearing the all knowing that's as well Baccarat 127.

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And without the Alif Lam

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the definite article for it to be, as I'm here and just the indefinite Sameer, referring to Allah, we find that in Surah lokman

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verse 28

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Ma Ma hum cocom wala AFRICOM in kenaf Singh wahida, in namaha, semi or on mahseer,

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creating and resurrecting all of you, is no different than creating and resurrecting a single soul. Indeed, Allah hears and sees all

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linguistically, the divine name as semir comes from the trilateral rube root, seen, meme, ein,

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and is derived from the verbal noun the master,

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summer, or summer,

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which has four main meanings. The first main meaning is to hear and to listen.

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And the second to accept and receive

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the third main meaning is to pay attention to and the fourth is to understand the meaning of

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semir is the intensive form of the present participle Samia,

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according to the pattern file, which we're very familiar with, in many of the Divine Names, especially those names with additional intensive variants.

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The root appears 185 times in the Koran in 10, derived forms.

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For example,

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semia you heard or he listened?

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to smear Oh, to make others hear

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a seminar the ability to hear

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relative to Allah. This Divine Name a sanea means that he is the one who's hearing and attention encompasses everything,

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at semir hears every word, thought and secret, and he effortlessly listens to every creature

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simultaneously hears them all. As semir, listens and pays attention to everything perfectly, eternally, and without limits.

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As a point of note, some philosophers and theologians influenced by Greek philosophy in the distant past, denied this attribute of a law on the basis that hearing requires hearing apparatus having ears to hear by

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in humans and creatures in general.

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Therefore, if we attribute hearing to Allah, according to them, it implied that Allah has ears or hearing apparatus.

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Consequently, they claim that this Divine Name was a purely metaphorical usage of the meaning of the all hearing,

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which is actually the same in meaning as the all knowing ally lean, I semir meant the same as Aladdin This was their opinion. However, we have already

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seen clear statements of a law in this regard, which we can apply to all such circumstances, where philosophy steps in and see

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to nullify

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meanings of the Divine Names, laser chemists Lee Shea, well, who was Samir bossier?

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Surah assura, verse 11, this is the basic rule for all of this discussion, there is nothing similar to him.

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But he is the all hearing and all seeing. So while denying that there is nothing anything in creation, that shares with him

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similarity, you could say this is similar to this.

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At the same time, Allah affirms that he is the all hearing

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as Samir, and he is the all seeing eye will see that, because these are the two names we said, which implied he has ears, and he has eyes. So, according to

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Muslim theologians who were influenced by Greek philosophical thought, and other

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thoughts of various nations, etc, that you're entering into

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the teachings, or how Islam was taught.

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This clarification gives us the basic rule to follow.

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No matter what you have, and we have in our own language, we talk about the face of the mountain.

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And yeah,

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there's a mountain face is the face of the mountain. But when we think of the face of the mountain, do we think of a face with eyes and nose and a mouth and ears and, you know, things that are connected to the face that we have? No, we talk about the wings of a plane,

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the arms of a clock,

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or the hands of a clock.

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See, so we use terms, which in one context, it means one thing, and another context, it means something else, but it's still a reality. The hands of the clock are still a reality, they have a reality to them.

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So in this verse,

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Allah leaves for us the basic rule by which to understand

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a laws, attributes and his names.

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And it's also a reminder to us, as we quoted, the prophet SAW Selim before as quoting a law, saying,

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don't reflect on how Allah is, instead reflect on our laws creation. So we don't focus on the house. We just focus on

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the ways the way Allah has described himself, we focus on that.

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And it's relevant to us, without going into how that way is

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possible. We don't need to go there.

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That is the creator. And we are is lowly humble, should be humble creation.

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Moving on to the application of this names.

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we know

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our basic principle that we're

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looking at the various names on is the verse where a law says, the lead a smile has now further Oh,

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Allah has the most beautiful names. So call on Him, using them.

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And that call on a law, federal rule can be verbal, it can be physical action, it can be thought it can be it's the application of the name.

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it will mcpaul

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an early Muslim scholar from Spain and the lucea.

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He had derived or identified

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four principles to follow when applying a laws names, and the first of them is to adopt where applicable, where the name has direct implications in human life. As human beings, we can apply these names you can do, as a lot does on our scale on our level.

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And I try to do as a lot does on his level, because we can't be, we cannot be on his level.

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So the Divine Name of semir, can be directly applied on our human scale.

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Allah willingly and sympathetically listens to our cries, this much we believe, and when he has informed us, he listens to our cries, our sufferings,

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and we likewise should also listen to those in need, around us,

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in our community,

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in our country,

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and in the world,

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we should be motivated, we should be motivated by this Divine Name, to become

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who people would come to with their walls and their problems.

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We would be one to whom people flock.

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I mean, of course, this is where we're able to do something, I mean, we don't want people flocking around us, and expecting and demanding, etc, and we're not able to do anything. So it's not to present ourselves in that light. It is based on what we're able to do, we should reach out to those around us to such a degree, that people would naturally seek us.

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Just as we turn to a loss $1 for our problems.

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And as as semir not only hears our cries, but he also find solutions for each and everyone. We should be busily engaged in finding solutions for our fellow human beings suffering around us.

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if no clam said regarding the four meanings of the name of semir

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that the third meaning was to answer and give what was requested is one of the meanings of a semir. To answer

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he hears and in hearing he is answering and giving what is requested. This Divine Name contains a strong encouragement for humans to be charitable to their fellow human beings. Always.

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The prophet SAW Selim demonstrated that by giving whatever he had to all who asked, whatever came to him, whatever was given to him, he gave back out. When he died, he didn't leave any wealth behind, that people would fight over and want to divide up and all this.

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It was all given away.

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He not only told us to be charitable,

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but he showed us

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he lived an exemplary charitable life and his companions did likewise. abubaker known to give away all of his wealth, are known to give 50% of his half as well given away and other components gave until the process I've had to stop. Some of them said no, no, no, no, it's enough for now.

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the motto of Prophet Muhammad wa sallam or you could call it his call to arms was my inapposite Saga pattern, men man.

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Charity does not decrease wealth. That is the bottom line.

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That much we have to hold on to and and make it the core of whatever we do. sadhaka does not decrease wealth. Man aka fat sadhaka tune min Malin.

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We should not fear poverty, as charity doesn't reduce our wealth. Instead it increases it. The prophets Allah was also quoted,

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quoting Allah, Allah is saying

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all along,

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Phillip, yep. Now Adam, I'm Phil colic.

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Allah said, spend in charity, Oh son of Adam and I will spend on you.

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When we spend in charity, Allah will spend on us. Thus, our wealth will increase in quantity, and

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in blessings in a number of different ways. ways we cannot even begin to imagine. Hence the phrase give to receive.

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Consequently, whatever halau things we desire. If it is good for us, we should give as much in charity that we can allow or granted to us, or its equivalent.

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Furthermore, the prophet SAW Selim recommended that we treat our physical illnesses with charity, meaning, if we become ill, we should give charity as a means of treating the disease, or curing the illness or speeding up the recovery by a loss intervention.

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bravas solomid said Tao Murdock Kuhn is sabaha.

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Treat your sick with charity. In general, the province on Salaam also encouraged us to give charity during fearful times.

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In this time, the solar sorry, in his time, the solar eclipse was fearful when the solar eclipse took place. People became scared they were in the state of fear, wondering what is going on, you know, the sun is blocked out

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or the moon is blocked it out.

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So what did the promises on them say they couldn't understand what was going on. Now we know what's happening and why this happens. And so it doesn't have the same

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fearful you know, premonition?

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Scary, eerie circumstance, you know, because we have understood what's behind it.

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So in his day, he told the people and of course, that's the principle whether it is the solar or Lunar Eclipse or it is the atomic bomb or it is you know, anything so now me or anything that happens, which is very scary, etc.

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He told us to give charity during such occasions, he said for the further item Dallek federal federal law,

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what kept biru was so low, was somewhat affordable.

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If you see that, call on Allah, make takbeer pray and give charity.

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The province of Salaam also instructed us to give charity

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to gain or loss forgiveness for our sins.

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As sadakazu, as he said, took fit on how the charity obliterate sins, comma youth fit will map at not

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the way water extinguishes fire.

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Since this Divine Name, as semir has dimensions which are beyond our abilities to apply directly, rather than trying to adopt it, we should ourselves seek refuge in Allah, a semir who hears our needs, wants and responds. And

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otherwise, we try

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to be severe

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to those around us.

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The unheard prayer, this is something

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which is a cursed state.

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Which Prophet Muhammad wa sallam used to seek refuge in Allah from

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he was known to say a llama in the house will become an ailment lion far more

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Seek revenue from knowledge, which does not benefit

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women Albin Leia Shah and from my heart that does not fear you, warm enough sin, lash back, and from a soul that is never satisfied. Woman do I in our mean da ting lives the job

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and from a supplication left on answered

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the promise Our solemn did not mean that he feared a law would not hear the prayer itself, because, of course, a lot hears all prayers, or rather that Allah would leave the prayer on answered. Likewise, we should fear that state. Like the situation of the traveler, who raised his hands in prayer promises Adam described him

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saying that a law would not answer his prayer because of preventative factors.

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On one occasion,

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he described a person on a long journey, who was here was disheveled, all left, right and center

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and covered in dust, who lifted his hands towards the sky, saying, My Lord, my Lord, rugby rugby.

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Then he said

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that his prophet Mansa Sallam said, but his food was unlawful. His drink was unlawful, his clothes were unlawful, and his nourishment was unlawful. So how could his prayers be answered?

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So in spite of the fact that he had fulfilled all the major prerequisites for prayers to be answered,

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among them, being on a journey, because problems are solved, Ahmed said, three supplications are answered, without doubt, the supplication of the oppressed, the supplication of the traveler, and the supplication of the parent for his child.

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The second

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was is here was the ship disheveled, indicating that he was on a long journey.

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The greater the difficulty, the greater the reward, the process element said, Indeed,

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greater rewards come

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from greater trials.

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Surely, when Allah loves people, he will test them. So whoever is pleased with his tests, then for him his satisfaction, and whoever is angry with them, then for him is the laws Roth.

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So with the greater trials, that is being on the long, arduous journey, there's greater reward. So

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is here is dusty, right, which is Indic, indicative also, of the difficulty of the journey,

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more emphasis on him deserving the greater reward, and then his hands are raised in prayer. And the prophets Allah had said, Verily, Allah is shy and generous. is shy when a person raises his or her hands in prayer to turn him or her away with them, empty handed, and disappointed.

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And finally

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caught calling on a lie using his divine name. Rob. Yeah, Toby? Yeah, Robbie.

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his prayers were rejected by a law because the money he had earned to buy his food, his drink, his clothes, etc, were Haram. Since it was Haram, then the food he bought became Haram. And the flesh and blood that grew from the food also became Haram. And the clothes he had covered his body with his haram body was also haraam. And because he had bought them with haraam earnings,

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so his very existence became so haram that it overwhelmed his other good actions.

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On the other hand, it is likely that his drawers were also not really sincere,

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due to the level of haraam existence, that he had reached, or perhaps is due as we're not prayers are

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repentance, for which any crime or sin can be forgiven, no matter how great

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or how many, but instead, they were prayers for more favorites, give me more give me more.

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So, haram sustenance will ultimately produce her arm and that is the bottom line.

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So if we want our prayers to be heard, then we do have to clear those elements of her arm from our lives. Remove it, give it up, give it away, let it go.

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Then we can turn to Allah

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with real hope that he will answer our prayers.

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The second principle of women buck Paul, was to confirm where unique,

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where the name is unique and inapplicable, we should confirm it.

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Since this Divine Name affirms that Allah hears every word we utter. And he prescribed for us prayers five times daily, filled with grace, we must understand that he did so because we need to praise him and beg him a lot because he needs our prayers and supplications. But because we need them.

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There are seven places where you seek as Sameer, with our supplications and praise in each and every one of our daily prayers

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after the first type beer in the opening day,

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on some occasions before bowing, also while bowing,

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when we rise from bowing during our prostrations, and between the prostrations and at the very end of the prayer,

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we, when we say before we say, our salons,

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we also apply this Divine Name by denying and rejecting all who this attribute all who attribute this attribute to human beings, as some Sufi is among Sunni Muslims, have been known to do for the saints. There Alia.

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For example, at the bath, he wrote, I saw a saint when he read rich a great station when he witnessed all intelligent and unintelligent created beings, wild animals, insects, they haven't done it stars, the earth and the globe of the entire world gained its sustenance from him. He heard all of their sounds, and conversations in a single instant, is a sunnier. That's what he's saying.

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And he gave each of them according to what they needed. He is a result I would have been,

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I would have been.

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So those kinds of statements and you can find them

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in deviant sects. As they broke away from mainstream Islam, they replaced Allah with Gods of their own. They didn't call them gods, they call them saints. They call them peers, they call them Wazoo. They call them all kinds of other names.

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But in fact, they are making them gods. So it is incumbent on us to deny

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all those who make these claims,

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deny their claims, and to affirm the uniqueness of these attributes to a law alone.

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The third

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pillar of the four pillars, for application of even Bob Paul

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was to have hope, where there is promise,

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promise in the Divine Name. The Divine Name is Samir is filled with

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divine promise.

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It is fundamentally a divine assurance of help, for all circumstances of difficulty in our lives.

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It's not merely hearing, but it's hearing and

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Helping. That's what we are supposed to do. Likewise, Allah personally informs us that he hears and knows what takes place in creation, thereby promising that he knows about whatever happens to us in our lives, consequently, that that he will take appropriate action, when the time and the circumstances right.

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Thus, hope is embodied in this Divine Name semir. So much so, that even if we are imprisoned in a dungeon, hundreds of feet, below the surface of the earth, He hears and knows all about our dire situation well,

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and if we are oppressed, he will be with us until the end of our confinement by being released, or by death.

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When Allah sent Prophet Moses and Aaron to confront Pharaoh,

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he comforted them with words of hearing, saying

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Paula Lata hoffa

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in any ma Kuma, as

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he said, it's a law said, Don't fear both of you.

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Indeed, I'm with you both. I hear and I see

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in many monokuma, as somehow, we're at all,

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I semir here's an answers our prayers. So we should invoke him, and supplicate to him. Whenever we are in tough situations. Remember, this

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is the weapon of the believer.

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It can make even mountains shake.

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But Likewise, we must always remember that a lie here is us in times of success and victory.

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When it is so easy to forget a lot in our state of happiness, overwhelmed by our joy. Instead, if we have been regular in doing our sudo the sugar, we should remember to do it, in gratitude to Allah, for whatever he has granted us.

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For if we're grateful,

00:37:41 --> 00:37:55

he will further increase whatever we're thankful for, as we have said so many times, quoting surah, Ibrahim, 14, chapter, verse seven, la entia, cartoon, la z, then

00:37:56 --> 00:38:02

if you are grateful, I will surely increase you in favor. That's his promise.

00:38:05 --> 00:38:10

We should also strive for the win win situation,

00:38:11 --> 00:38:13

which was spoken about before also.

00:38:14 --> 00:38:19

And we will continue to speak about because when when is the optimal.

00:38:21 --> 00:38:38

There's not win, lose, lose win. No, that's how the world functions. If I win, you have to lose. For me to win, you have to lose. And if you win, then I have to lose, I'm going to be the loser.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:40


00:38:41 --> 00:38:46

where you are the winner and I am the winner. That is the best possible scenario.

00:38:48 --> 00:38:51

So the promise Arsalan did tell us about it.

00:38:53 --> 00:38:59

That this is the case. For the true believer, he said the affair of the believer is truly amazing.

00:39:00 --> 00:39:06

His or her whole affair is good. That is only in the case of the true believer.

00:39:08 --> 00:39:34

Whenever good times come to them, they are thankful and it is good for them. And whenever bad times before them. They are patient, and it's good for them. So a lot of semirara hears us at all times. So we have to strive to find this golden balance, both sides of which are very difficult to fulfill.

00:39:35 --> 00:39:49

But remembering a law in times of great success is especially hard as the joy and the emotional well being of the moment, oftentimes causes us to forget

00:39:50 --> 00:39:59

Alhamdulillah in recent times, major athletes, athletes, Muslim athletes have publicly made

00:40:00 --> 00:40:11

sujood a shocker at times a victory in football games and MMA fights and in other athletic events, which is not lost. On the mindful.

00:40:12 --> 00:40:18

Though most people who watch it, most of them they say Mashallah, Mashallah. Great, wonderful.

00:40:20 --> 00:40:26

So I had a long look at it. So Hannah, like Muslim said, but then they themselves don't do it.

00:40:27 --> 00:40:30

I've traveled from the Philippines,

00:40:31 --> 00:40:32

southern Philippines,

00:40:33 --> 00:40:35

all the way to Guyana,

00:40:36 --> 00:40:38

in South America,

00:40:40 --> 00:40:43

visiting communities all in between

00:40:45 --> 00:40:56

and carrying this message after asking these communities across the world, how many of you made sujood a shocker today?

00:40:57 --> 00:41:10

I just finished doing that in Ethiopia. One of the big mastered gatherings I asked them, How many of you, you know this is 1000s? There were like 10,000 people praying?

00:41:12 --> 00:41:17

How many of you, as far as I could see, how many of you prayed?

00:41:18 --> 00:41:20

out sorry, did sudo the sugar today?

00:41:24 --> 00:41:31

Maybe one, two hands went up somewhere? How many of you did this week?

00:41:33 --> 00:41:35

Maybe another one or two hands also went up.

00:41:38 --> 00:41:41

But those who did it today would likely have done it this week.

00:41:43 --> 00:41:44

How many of you this month

00:41:46 --> 00:41:46


00:41:48 --> 00:41:49

the same one or two hands?

00:41:51 --> 00:41:52

How many of you

00:41:53 --> 00:41:54

this year?

00:41:56 --> 00:42:14

How many of you have ever made to do this joker. I was a Billa. Here was you know 1000s of Muslims praying salado Juma and they couldn't raise their hand saying that they did. So Judah sugar in your life.

00:42:15 --> 00:42:26

So behind Allah, what state Have we reached islamically Muslims, state of flow of forgetfulness and ignorance.

00:42:28 --> 00:42:37

So, this is a key element, which Prophet Muhammad's on Salaam did all the time.

00:42:39 --> 00:42:42

This is what is called Cinema Camera

00:42:43 --> 00:42:47

that he used to do it all the time regularly.

00:42:48 --> 00:43:01

Please, my brothers and sisters, help us helped me to revive this sooner, bring it back into the lives of the Muslim ummah.

00:43:04 --> 00:43:14

We should not be just proud to see others do it. We need to do it ourselves, we need to bring it alive.

00:43:15 --> 00:43:16

The fourth

00:43:19 --> 00:43:21

principle of urban bubble

00:43:22 --> 00:43:24

is to fear where there is a warning.

00:43:26 --> 00:43:33

This divine name as semir contains a clear warning for the faithful.

00:43:34 --> 00:43:43

The consequences of a loss hearing everything is that we should be very conscious of every word

00:43:44 --> 00:43:46

that leaves our mouth

00:43:49 --> 00:43:51

as the province Our solemn strongly advises,

00:43:53 --> 00:43:55

woman can I mean to be lazy Will you will

00:43:57 --> 00:44:09

finally acqualina higher, hourly Asmath whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should either speak good or be silence

00:44:10 --> 00:44:11

Subhana Allah.

00:44:14 --> 00:44:14


00:44:18 --> 00:44:20

we should learn about the prohibitions of the tongue.

00:44:22 --> 00:44:39

Like backbiting, swearing, cursing, and lying and worship Allah with and through this Divine Name a semir by carefully avoiding all the bichette he has forbidden.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:56

Also, this Divine Name contains a warning to the believers to guard their ears from listening to what is haram, like corruption, certain types of music, backbiting, gossip, etc.

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

The problem is I sell them strictly

00:45:00 --> 00:45:03

prohibited eavesdropping in all of its forms.

00:45:04 --> 00:45:20

He said, insert and say alcoholic. Whoever listens to people who are averse to his listening to them will have molten lead poured in their ears on the Day of Judgment.

00:45:22 --> 00:45:24

This is very serious.

00:45:25 --> 00:45:28

eavesdropping listening in on what people are saying.

00:45:29 --> 00:45:37

When they don't want you to hear it, they're speaking privately but you are. You've managed to get yourself in a position to be able to hear.

00:45:39 --> 00:45:42

Abu huraira quoted the process elements saying

00:45:43 --> 00:45:45

Do you know what backbiting is?

00:45:47 --> 00:45:52

And the companions responded, align His Messenger know best.

00:45:54 --> 00:45:55

The ROMs are seldom said

00:45:57 --> 00:46:00

to mention your brother in a way he dislikes.

00:46:01 --> 00:46:06

Somebody asked, what if what is said about him is true.

00:46:07 --> 00:46:20

The prophets on Sallam said, If what you say about him is true. It is backbiting and if it is not true, then it is slander and even greater sin.

00:46:23 --> 00:46:41

Likewise, spreading gossip was strongly warned about in no uncertain terms Robert solemn, made it so damaging as to prevent those addicted to it from entering paradise liard. hollow Janata mom.

00:46:42 --> 00:46:56

One who spreads gossip will not enter Paradise promise are seldom considered, it's so serious that he would redefine for the oma what backbiting actually was.

00:47:00 --> 00:47:01


00:47:02 --> 00:47:13

this is the beginning point, knowing the realities of what is in fact, backbiting.

00:47:14 --> 00:47:37

Once a person asked the processor for a description of what kind of good work would admit him into paradise, and distance him from *? And the prophets I send them began to share with him a list of many good deeds, and then said, shall I inform you of the foundation of all of that?

00:47:39 --> 00:47:44

Then he took hold of his own tongue? And he said restrain this.

00:47:45 --> 00:47:49

The question I was surprised, he said, O Messenger of Allah.

00:47:51 --> 00:47:57

Are we to be held to task for the things that we say? The processor replied,

00:47:59 --> 00:48:06

does anything topple people headlong into the Hellfire more than the harvest of their tongues.

00:48:09 --> 00:48:15

So we have to be very careful to avoid gossiping and backbiting

00:48:16 --> 00:48:23

by recognizing and being conscious of the fact that Allah sees and knows all things

00:48:25 --> 00:48:32

where we reach that state. This is known as maraca where we're conscious of what we're saying,

00:48:33 --> 00:48:35

what we're listening to

00:48:36 --> 00:48:37


00:48:40 --> 00:48:59

We also can avoid gossip and backbiting by recognizing and accepting that nobody is purpose perfect, nobody is perfect. We are all lacking in one way or another. So when you talk about somebody else in this so much that can be talked about you.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:18

We can also do so by recognizing that Satan seeks to fuel doubt and mistrust among the believers. And this is one of his most powerful weapons so powerful that it even reached the companions of the Prophet

00:49:19 --> 00:49:24

sallallahu wasallam with regards to his innocent wife, Aisha.

00:49:26 --> 00:49:31

Rumors had been spread about her infidelity. I was given

00:49:33 --> 00:49:35

some of the components were lashed for it.

00:49:38 --> 00:49:43

Speak well, or Be quiet. This is what the process elements said.

00:49:45 --> 00:49:52

One can greatly beautify himself with two habits, good manners, and lengthy silence.

00:49:54 --> 00:49:59

On another occasion, he said, Let the one who believes in a line that hereafter

00:50:00 --> 00:50:10

are good words, or be silent. So, stick to silence. As they say silence is golden.

00:50:11 --> 00:50:20

value it don't feel you have to be saying something. people sit down, they don't have anything to say. So they start making up things to say, No.

00:50:22 --> 00:50:24

Be silent. remember Allah

00:50:26 --> 00:50:29

get good, out of that silence.

00:50:30 --> 00:50:34

And if we hear a rumor about someone's misfortune,

00:50:35 --> 00:50:41

we should strive for compassion go for the better take on it,

00:50:42 --> 00:50:48

you know, rather than spreading gossip further, and so on, so this happened to him and me that that happened to her or whatever.

00:50:50 --> 00:51:06

We tried to be compassionate, feel sorry for them. Remind others not to gossip. And if they don't listen, walk away. A lot of praise that action in the Koran said if they hear gossip, then walk away.

00:51:07 --> 00:51:09

20th chapter verse 55.

00:51:10 --> 00:51:12

Avoid spying, as we said,

00:51:13 --> 00:51:26

fueling the trading files, spying fuels the trading of secrets and misinformation. And it creates a climate of mistrust.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:30

It's evil.

00:51:31 --> 00:51:41

Whether it's spying by listening, spying, by watching using spying glasses, spy glasses, as they call them, whatever.

00:51:43 --> 00:52:03

Leave people's affairs, you know, when people climbed over a home and found people inside because they suspected that they were drinking alcohol etc. One of the colleagues, you know, refuse to prosecute them, because of the fact that people have climbed over their homes, the walls

00:52:05 --> 00:52:15

to investigate them, you know, this is not our job. What's there between behind the doors is between them and Allah.

00:52:18 --> 00:52:40

We should also seek to make excuses for others. If a person does something that you think is wrong in some way, try to look at the situation from the other person's point of view. If we do this, we are less likely to dwell on the negative and seek to talk about negativity with others.

00:52:42 --> 00:52:52

And finally, we should repent to Allah for any mistake we make and seek the forgiveness of the person whom we have hurt.

00:52:54 --> 00:52:59

But there are exceptions to this rule general rule to avoid gossip and backbiting.

00:53:01 --> 00:53:10

Because if we're in a court, when somebody is making a complaint to a judge about an injustice that has been done,

00:53:11 --> 00:53:15

in order to reclaim his or her rights, they have to

00:53:17 --> 00:53:45

spread or to inform the court about the wrongdoing. So it's, it's technically under the same heading. But in that context, it is permissible also to seek help, which will prevent a person from continuing to commit a certain sin. It's possible to inform others who can help that person stop that person, whatever.

00:53:47 --> 00:54:02

To seek advice from a Muslim scholar about whether a particular action is allowed or disallowed. In this case, one may mention a certain situation without giving names in order to obtain a judgment on the matter.

00:54:04 --> 00:54:13

Furthermore, to identify a particular particular person, one may have to reveal negative physical and psychological features.

00:54:15 --> 00:54:18

So that that person can be identified.

00:54:20 --> 00:54:29

And if someone publicly declares his sins openly, there is no harm in speaking about it in such a case, because he's already spreaded.

00:54:30 --> 00:54:36

To warn others about a certain person, you know, you've dealt with this person, they have harmed you.

00:54:37 --> 00:54:39

They have borrowed money didn't return it.

00:54:41 --> 00:54:50

They've damaged your property or whatever. And then you know, somebody else is gonna get in, you know, a situation with them is going to

00:54:53 --> 00:54:59

enter in to business dealings or whatever. Then it's your obligation. You can't say well can I better cover this

00:55:00 --> 00:55:33

Have my brother or sister know, you know that their harm harmful. So you should inform others so that they can protect themselves from those individuals. They don't necessarily have to just avoid them altogether, because maybe the circumstances could be made different, you know, they now have other information so they can protect themselves while doing whatever deals they're involved in. But it is your duty to inform

00:55:35 --> 00:55:44

those who might be harmed by others based on what you know of the harm they have put on you.

00:55:46 --> 00:55:58

So, the divine name as semir causes us to guard our speech carefully, in order to guard ourselves from the fearful consequences

00:55:59 --> 00:56:05

of morally wrong speech, morally wrong from the Islamic perspective.

00:56:06 --> 00:56:13

And with that, we will be closing our session calling on Allah using this name.

00:56:14 --> 00:56:22

All Ah, yes, I'm here. We know, you hear every sound and every thought.

00:56:23 --> 00:56:29

Help us to guard our tongues and use them only in ways pleasing to you.

00:56:30 --> 00:56:56

Yes, I'm here. prevent us from foul speech and corrupt words, lies and deception, both fullness and pride, scorn and degradation of others. Yeah. semir make us of the righteous believers whose prayers are always answered. I mean, barakallahu

00:56:57 --> 00:57:01

li walakum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

00:57:04 --> 00:57:11

Having concluded our presentation will now shift back to our

00:57:12 --> 00:57:13


00:57:15 --> 00:57:18

and hear their questions

00:57:20 --> 00:57:22

which mostly tend to be not on the topic.

00:57:25 --> 00:57:28

Normally, when I do lectures,

00:57:31 --> 00:57:31


00:57:34 --> 00:57:35

this allow

00:57:36 --> 00:57:43

questions off the topic, but I know this is Ramadan. And

00:57:45 --> 00:57:49

people like to ask about everything.

00:57:50 --> 00:57:51

So we'll take

00:57:53 --> 00:57:55

some 10 questions

00:57:57 --> 00:58:03

and then I will have to go because I have another appointment, which I have to keep.

00:58:05 --> 00:58:10

Okay, super PACs. Number nine,

00:58:11 --> 00:58:46

can the virtues of bossier and rocky be explained in one program? Or do they deserve their own time? because both are similar? Well, we have done it where the names are so similar, that there is no need to focus on individual ones. We do that, but you these are usually where they were they have the same root ca here. And Aha,

00:58:47 --> 00:58:49

alim alum.

00:58:51 --> 00:58:54

But when they're completely different names,

00:58:56 --> 00:59:07

usually these different names will have different aspects to them. Though there is a common area overlapping and basically all of the laws names overlap.

00:59:09 --> 00:59:13

In meaning, they're all about the law. So there's gonna be overlapping,

00:59:14 --> 00:59:21

but each one brings out a different aspect of

00:59:23 --> 00:59:26

a laws, attributes

00:59:27 --> 00:59:30

which are important for us to grasp

00:59:31 --> 00:59:54

in order for us to be able to benefit from them in our lives, benefit from knowing a law better and benefit from implementing what is attributes have as guidance for us in them.

00:59:59 --> 00:59:59


01:00:01 --> 01:00:03

I think that makes that point clear

01:00:19 --> 01:00:31

question about from Super PACs also whether we have to use our mouse to make do i do i can be in your mind of course doesn't have to be said

01:00:35 --> 01:00:37

so lay man go ah

01:00:41 --> 01:00:46

Catherine fitter I have to pay for every person I feed in my house.

01:00:47 --> 01:00:49

I also required to pay for my

01:00:50 --> 01:00:53

non Muslim house help that lives with us.

01:00:54 --> 01:00:55

You are

01:00:57 --> 01:01:00

required to pay for those of your family.

01:01:02 --> 01:01:11

If you want to pay for the house help also you can. No that's extra. But it's not actually on you.

01:01:16 --> 01:01:17

That was Suliman?

01:01:19 --> 01:01:19


01:01:21 --> 01:01:22


01:01:29 --> 01:01:31

Can we give charity when we owe a debt?

01:01:34 --> 01:01:35


01:01:37 --> 01:01:40

Unless the debt is timed,

01:01:42 --> 01:01:50

for example, you're working every month, you pay a certain amount on this debt. So in between,

01:01:51 --> 01:01:56

you can give knowing that you're going to work and earn enough to pay

01:01:57 --> 01:02:02

the debt on time as you normally do.

01:02:03 --> 01:02:04

But technically speaking,

01:02:08 --> 01:02:10

if you have a debt,

01:02:12 --> 01:02:15

then whatever extra money

01:02:16 --> 01:02:22

that you have, should go to clearing that debt.

01:02:24 --> 01:02:30

So it's really money owned by the debt. So when you take from that money

01:02:32 --> 01:02:38

and you use it for something else, yeah, it's charity bring additional reward to you etc, but

01:02:39 --> 01:02:51

at the same time, unless you are sure that you are able to cover the regular payments, then you are actually taking

01:02:53 --> 01:02:58

from that money which is owed due to the debt

01:02:59 --> 01:03:03

and giving it for something else, which is really not your right.

01:03:08 --> 01:03:11

Do we need will do for so do the sugar.

01:03:12 --> 01:03:18

I will explain this a number of times but since I'm speaking about to do the sugar all the time.

01:03:20 --> 01:03:23

Yeah, I'll clarify it. So you're the sugar.

01:03:24 --> 01:03:25

You don't need wood.

01:03:27 --> 01:03:29

You don't need to face the problem.

01:03:31 --> 01:03:35

You don't need to even cover up

01:03:36 --> 01:03:42

your hour. I mean, the minor our I'm talking about

01:03:43 --> 01:03:49

major our our so we're gonna go and make suju the sugar in the shower, naked.

01:03:51 --> 01:03:59

You know, that's just not really appropriate unless something happens there. And you know, that you caught yourself in that situation,

01:04:00 --> 01:04:12

I suppose is possible. But as a norm, you know, at least enough clothes to cover your mind or our for women, you don't have to wear a job

01:04:14 --> 01:04:15

for example,

01:04:16 --> 01:04:16


01:04:20 --> 01:04:27

you can stay in the sujood as long as you wish.

01:04:28 --> 01:04:33

Of course, the typical sujood made in salon by

01:04:34 --> 01:04:44

so many of us is you know just bouncing in and bouncing out again. You know, without even enough time to say to Hannah robbia

01:04:45 --> 01:04:46

unless she says

01:04:48 --> 01:04:49

it's probable.

01:04:50 --> 01:04:50


01:04:52 --> 01:05:00

That's that is not to do the sugar. You're not gonna get any benefits from that one. And even in your regular prairie, like any

01:05:00 --> 01:05:08

And he benefits from it. Because that kind of prayer is the one the prophet SAW Selim said, Go back and pray, because you didn't pray.

01:05:09 --> 01:05:10


01:05:13 --> 01:05:18

it's good when you're making such a shocker to stay there and accomplish

01:05:19 --> 01:05:29

the task. What is the task, the task is to reflect on the blessings of Allah in your life.

01:05:33 --> 01:05:36

It's for immediate blessing, that immediate blessing which came,

01:05:37 --> 01:05:42

but it can also be for blessings we have forgotten.

01:05:43 --> 01:05:48

We're down where in despair, where,

01:05:49 --> 01:05:56

you know, negativity pessimistic, we get caught in that

01:05:57 --> 01:06:11

negative train, we can break out of it. Utilizing to do the shocker by remembered by remembering ourselves about the good, which Allah has put in our lives.

01:06:13 --> 01:06:21

So you may stay there. Maybe initially, it's difficult to find good. Feel your whole life is all bad, terrible.

01:06:22 --> 01:06:25

So you make some do then you just have blank.

01:06:26 --> 01:06:34

But if you stay there, and continue to try to think what happened today?

01:06:35 --> 01:06:46

What good things happen today. Okay, your brain just won't compute. Okay. This week, good things happened this week.

01:06:48 --> 01:06:54

If you can't, your brain is still so locked on negativity. You can't think of anything this week, this month.

01:06:55 --> 01:06:58

What good things happen this month.

01:07:00 --> 01:07:05

If you can't find even this month, what's happened good things happened this year.

01:07:06 --> 01:07:20

You know, I mean, and if you can find anything good, that happened to you, in the whole in the whole year, you're in serious problems. You're in serious, you know,

01:07:23 --> 01:07:25

difficulty, you need serious help.

01:07:27 --> 01:07:28

Because for sure.

01:07:30 --> 01:07:32

something good happened to us today.

01:07:34 --> 01:07:44

And yesterday, and the day before and the week and the month. And the years, it's been happening a lot good is there

01:07:46 --> 01:07:53

the good things that is given us is just because we're so busy looking at the good things that he didn't give us

01:07:54 --> 01:08:00

that we can see the good that he gave us. So it's a matter of just perspective, change your perspective.

01:08:01 --> 01:08:09

Look to those below you as Roseanne said, it's better so that you don't deny a lot of favors on you.

01:08:10 --> 01:08:20

Because as long as you keep looking to those above you, or or beside you, they seem to have more than you why.

01:08:21 --> 01:08:23

Look to those who have less.

01:08:25 --> 01:08:27

And there are many, many, many, many, many more.

01:08:38 --> 01:08:45

Is toddlerhood a form of Schick? Well, you know, Tom Woods is defined as what is worshipped besides a lot.

01:08:47 --> 01:08:47


01:08:50 --> 01:08:51

the act

01:08:52 --> 01:08:53

of believing in

01:08:55 --> 01:08:56

and worshiping

01:08:59 --> 01:09:01

is an act of ship.

01:09:03 --> 01:09:13

Though the object that one is believing in may not be shipped. You can't say that this ship in some case, I don't say yeah, the idol is chip.

01:09:15 --> 01:09:23

It is a focus of chip. But now people believe Jesus is the Son of God.

01:09:24 --> 01:09:27

Or that he is God. La Silla

01:09:29 --> 01:09:31

for profit Jesus,

01:09:32 --> 01:09:34

a loss of honor with Allah

01:09:35 --> 01:09:37

is not Prophet Jesus.

01:09:39 --> 01:09:49

And Prophet Jesus alayhis salam is not chick. No. He taught people to worship Allah, Allah. He is not.

01:09:50 --> 01:09:54

He's not an object of ship. Now people have made him

01:09:55 --> 01:09:59

into their objects of ship, but he is not a

01:10:00 --> 01:10:00


01:10:02 --> 01:10:04

should look or an object of ship,

01:10:19 --> 01:10:20

send semir

01:10:21 --> 01:10:28

the meaning can we use literally? Or metaphorically? Or depending on the situation?

01:10:37 --> 01:10:42

Yeah, it has both literal and metaphorical implications.

01:10:47 --> 01:10:59

So we don't deny what is metaphorically understood, nor do we deny what is literally understood, unless what is literally understood now becomes making a law like his creation.

01:11:01 --> 01:11:06

And what is metaphorically understood becomes a denial

01:11:07 --> 01:11:08

of the literal

01:11:20 --> 01:11:22

was my Jamal is asking

01:11:23 --> 01:11:27

should be two, four, or eight.

01:11:29 --> 01:11:36

How many are good? Can I read tarawih is tahajjud.

01:11:38 --> 01:11:41

You can pray in pairs of two

01:11:42 --> 01:11:43


01:11:44 --> 01:11:50

and your series of prayers with an odd number 135.

01:11:53 --> 01:11:55

Or you can pray in pairs.

01:11:56 --> 01:11:57


01:11:59 --> 01:12:00


01:12:01 --> 01:12:04

most common practice, which of the profits are seldom

01:12:07 --> 01:12:09

as described by Aisha radiallahu

01:12:12 --> 01:12:17

was to pray for four and 311.

01:12:18 --> 01:12:29

That was his most common practice. But it doesn't mean you can pray more. And it doesn't mean you can pray less, because it is recommended

01:12:30 --> 01:12:33

and not an obligation in terms of form.

01:12:35 --> 01:12:41

So, fighting over 11 or 21 record

01:12:42 --> 01:12:45

is pointless, because you can do both.

01:12:52 --> 01:12:54

What if my family is

01:12:55 --> 01:13:06

on visa, and I show them proof and they still don't accept? Sometimes I get angry with them and specifically, with the older people what to do?

01:13:09 --> 01:13:09


01:13:10 --> 01:13:18

when the person came to the process, I'm asked, Well, what can I do to get to paradise process and I'm said Don't get angry.

01:13:21 --> 01:13:21


01:13:22 --> 01:13:32

sad about the elders? You know, not to say, woof to them will level my coffin a lot and her humor.

01:13:33 --> 01:13:38

Don't Don't deny them and say to them,

01:13:42 --> 01:13:51

we should be gentle kind. He tried to explain. Then, after that, you know, if Prophet Mohammed Salam

01:13:52 --> 01:13:57

was unable to get his own uncle,

01:13:58 --> 01:14:05

who had become his foster father, and raised him and protected him. He couldn't get him to accept this law.

01:14:08 --> 01:14:09

Did he hate him?

01:14:11 --> 01:14:12

Was he angry with him?

01:14:15 --> 01:14:17

He just kept trying to the last

01:14:19 --> 01:14:26

minute. So we from his example, only need to keep trying.

01:14:28 --> 01:14:30

As long as we don't become

01:14:31 --> 01:14:41

a burden on people. Because if they hear you hammering on their heads, constantly, you know, battering them.

01:14:43 --> 01:14:57

You know, we've made we've been a source of misery in their lives, though. We're trying to do the right thing. We're trying to teach them but we are a source of misery. Then this is not good.

01:14:58 --> 01:14:59

You know

01:15:00 --> 01:15:20

It's not going to win them over. As they say, beating the dead horse, the horse is already dead. No, no need to keep beating it over and over. Let it go. You've tried that way, try to find some other way. And as they say there's more than one way to skin a cat. So find another way

01:15:21 --> 01:15:27

away, which is less confrontational, less harsh.

01:15:29 --> 01:15:29

And job.

01:15:33 --> 01:15:35

Last question, I believe,

01:15:38 --> 01:15:40

from family app purveys.

01:15:42 --> 01:15:44

How to Increase positivity in life?

01:15:47 --> 01:15:47


01:15:49 --> 01:15:52

we increase positivity in life

01:15:53 --> 01:15:56

by doing positive things,

01:15:57 --> 01:16:15

the more positive things we do, the greater the positivity in our lives. It's a very simple formula, not rocket science. You don't need to go into huge philosophical discussions about increasing positivity to good.

01:16:16 --> 01:16:25

Positivity will come. Of course, tackling the negativity, you know, and replacing it with positivity.

01:16:27 --> 01:16:38

This is also important. But ultimately, if we just keep doing good, it will overcome the negativity.

01:16:39 --> 01:16:46

Just it may take a longer time if we don't try to tackle the negativity the points of negativity at the same time.

01:16:48 --> 01:16:51

May Allah increase us all in good

01:16:53 --> 01:16:56

and decreases in negativity?

01:16:58 --> 01:17:02

abdulmajeed or this Abu Ahmed, Abba.

01:17:03 --> 01:17:08

Can you combine Mother benicia before the kids go to bed?

01:17:09 --> 01:17:13

Because times getting late here in London?

01:17:15 --> 01:17:21

Well, there's a lot of other aspects to that question difficult to answer it. But in general,

01:17:23 --> 01:17:28

it is possible to combine moderate band Asia where there's a need

01:17:29 --> 01:17:32

that we have.

01:17:35 --> 01:17:43

Though we don't want to make it a regular practice. So it becomes something our children learn and think that that's how prayers should be.

01:17:46 --> 01:17:53

This year they combined macula benicia the word and answer all the time. That's it.

01:17:54 --> 01:18:00

So they only pray at three points. Three points in the day

01:18:01 --> 01:18:03

in a 24 hour span.

01:18:04 --> 01:18:10

That's their practice. We don't practice that mainstream Islam.

01:18:11 --> 01:18:19

Sunni Islam doesn't practice that. Don't believe in it. It wasn't the practice of the Prophet Solomon is compliance.

01:18:20 --> 01:18:21


01:18:22 --> 01:18:49

on some occasions in Medina, when there was no rain, no excessive heat, no other factors which are normally as you know, understood to allow the combination where's the process and and did it the combined said the only did it make it easier on the oma. So individually you find yourself in a situation

01:18:51 --> 01:18:59

where, you know praying the prayer separately it becomes difficult, very difficult. You can combine them.

01:19:00 --> 01:19:12

But my advice not to turn that into a norm. That becomes your norm. And it's on occasion you pray them separately. No. This is not good.

01:19:13 --> 01:19:18

This is not the way of the prophets. So I sell them and his companions.

01:19:20 --> 01:19:20

So with that,

01:19:22 --> 01:19:25

we'll be closing up our session.

01:19:27 --> 01:19:31

And let me mention to you that the LM Institute

01:19:33 --> 01:19:42

of the International Open University, also known as the Islamic online university, lm Institute provides short courses

01:19:44 --> 01:19:48

on a variety of different topics where

01:19:49 --> 01:19:53

the oma can benefit from as they're presented from an Islamic perspective.

01:19:55 --> 01:19:59

Their courses it's sort of like the Coursera

01:20:00 --> 01:20:01

At the Islamic version,

01:20:02 --> 01:20:14

the courses are now at a 50% discount and remain discounted until the 16th of May. So it's a chance to

01:20:16 --> 01:20:31

get a number sign into a number of other courses you know that you might have been interested in but didn't have the finance you can now get them at half the cost and inshallah benefits. Additionally

01:20:33 --> 01:20:34

Baraka law FICO

01:20:35 --> 01:20:42

is Akuma Lochhead. Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

01:20:43 --> 01:20:49

cmit Allah Subhana Colaba ambiga the shadow and let's talk

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