Asim Khan – Study of Surah Yasin – Episode 01

Asim Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of the balance of the church and the need for guidance and guidance in the process of facing challenges. They stress the need for guidance and reassurance in helping others. They also mention the importance of showing proper respect for leaders and the use of words in media and court cases. The transcript provides examples and examples of false statements and phrases used in the Bible, and they discuss the importance of showing proper respect for leaders and the need for guidance.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah hearable alameen wa salatu salam ala COVID mursaleen Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi already standard this una de la COVID de Missa mama about Islam Allah cinematic math lightworker tutors by the sisters, welcome to the course the study of sort of just seen. The expectation of the course is to go through the surah verse by verse in some detail

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Alhamdulillah This, this, Sophia, Xena had the opportunity to study and teach it now, maybe four times, and the first time was a few years ago. And those that series was actually recorded on YouTube on the Surat initiative channel. And that time what we focused on whether classical sources, such as the fear of mama poverty, Rahim Allah, iniquity could be so on and so forth. And the idea was to look at the verses in isolation, and to extract the meaning and also take some of the guidance. However, this time round, we will be building on that research by looking at what they call the nothern of the surah, how the verses come together, such that the first link to the second,

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the second to the third sort of so forth, as well as how the surah is presenting a message. And you know, as part of the word surah. It though we translate translated as chapter doesn't actually mean chapter, one of the meanings of the word surah is an encompassing wall, a wall and factor in the Arabs of old they will call the wall that encircles the city, the sword, the sword, because what the idea is that is supposed to protect the city from attack from outside. So Allah chose that word, to identify what we would call a chapter. Why is that? One of the reasons because the wall contains the city in the same way, the surah contains a message. Yeah, and some of the latest scholars they said

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that each and every chapter in the Quran a surah. It represents one unique message which is different to the other sword. So you have 114 sower, and each and every one of them is kind of expressing a very unique message. So this time around, we will try to touch upon that analysis, how do the verses come together to present this unique message, and sha Allah, this will be the endeavor and this will also build our appreciation of the Quran. Because anyone who actually reads the Quran, the translation for non Arabs that wants to understand it, he will see something which is slightly unusual, in that when he reads the verses, he will think that the Quran is jumping from one subject

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matter to another subject matter

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in a way that he can't understand why this was said. And then this was said, for example,

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in sort of Bukhara, for example, socks for Bukhara, Allah geladas first 30 spoke about the believers. Yeah, I looked up in their characteristics, then our last one spoke about the disbelievers in the unica, for those that disbelieve or bent on disbelief, then it doesn't matter whether you own them or not, then the one after, and then it goes on to speak about many other things. Somebody may ask, what's the connection between? Why did you sort of start in that way in the first place?

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Have you ever thought to realize why did sort of start with that? Somebody may say, Well, actually, why sort of buckle up call the chapter of the cow? Like, what's the, what's the wisdom behind that? So some of the scholars of Islam later on, especially they looked at these things, why is this said, and then that's it, and also the name, because the name telling us anything is Oh, and one of the interesting things is that in in these times, there are many non Muslim critics of the Quran. And one of the things that they wish to point out as a criticism of the Quran, Baba and they don't believe it's revelation is that they say the Quran is incoherent. What does that mean? It means that

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the Quran it doesn't is not organized. It's not an organized book presenting coherent messages rather it is just this followed by that followed by this and there's no connection between them. And of course, this couldn't be further from the truth. So what I hope to do is through Soulja scene, is to present the the reality of the Quran in that it is a well organized, coherent, sophisticated message being given to us by Allah subhanaw taala. So that is how it will shall differ from the previous times We ask Allah Subhana Allah to aid us in this and to really allow us to benefit from the study of the Quran. I mean, our blood I mean so, so that he has seen it

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In your course notes and those online, we'll be putting up the link for this course notes you'll find that there is a diagram. And this diagram is, is going to help us to understand the whole surah in an summarized way, and what we say about Sophia seen is that it can be neatly divided into six passages. These six passages are telling the story of the surah which ultimately is communicating one key message, one key message just to pause there.

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You know, there is the Hadith of the process alum in the liquidity Shane Alban vocal group on your scene that everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran jazz scene. You've heard this before. This Hadith quoted the Hadith. scholars of Hadith is a weak Hadith, but it is found in many books of the field. Why? Because it's to do with virtue. And when it comes to virtue, many of the scholars of Islam said a weak Hadith can be used to speak about virtue. Why? Because they said this hadith is not going to be used to build any laws or any concepts in theology, rather, it is going to just elaborate the virtue of something already known through authentic proofs. Yeah, that is why it is

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mentioned. Now building on that some of the scholars they said that the reason that's one of the reasons why the process and referred to sort of the are seen as the heart of the Quran, is because of his core message. His core message is like the heart of Islam, in that it speaks about three main things. And the first of them is about the prophecy of Mohammed Salah long while it was said that La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah is a core message of Islam and sort of GRC will express that, we'll establish that we'll put it beyond that. For example, in the very beginning, a lot of other swears by the foreign worker on Hakeem I swear by the Koran, which is

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Hakeem would explain that later. To what to say what you're allowed to say in NACA laminal, mostly to say you O Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam apart from those that have been sent, establishing that this man is not really making up his message. Rather, he's been said by God, he's one of the prophets of God. And this is said, in many different ways throughout the process. That's the first thing. The second thing is that sort of the unseen will establish belief in hereafter in national national motor, one up to

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a third on a last season. I think the 12th verse, indeed we we bring the dead back to life. Yeah. And then we record everything as well. This is set in a different way than establishing the belief in the resurrection. And lastly, it is Baba, the belief in Allah oneness and his right to be worshipped. So we'll have a story of Korea, people who were told and call to worship Allah, they will either whispers, but they rejected and refused. And so they were they were wiped out. They were punished. They were

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wiped out by Allah subhanaw taala. So these are the three messages of the key message of Islam as if someone wanted to say, what is Islam all about? Can you summarize it for me? I want to know that person should receive the answer as given sort of guessing because sir GRC will teach us these three things in a beautiful way. Yeah. And this is one of the reasons why Scott as I am now short said even though the Hadith is weak, we can understand something in that sort of jazz scene is actually the heart of the Quran, in that the Quran communicates three key messages, and that is belief in Allah oneness, the belief in the hereafter and the belief in the prophecy of Mohammed Salah.

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A second Hadith which you may or may not be aware of, is the that the professor longliners apparently said eco Allah otaku Satya seen recite upon your dying, not your dead

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on your dying soldier. See, this hadith again has been classed as weak by many scholars. However, even taymiyah Rahim Allah said that reciting sort of yacine on those that have died is a bit odd, but reciting it on those that are on the desk, that is, Mr. hub, it is recommended, meaning that though the Hadees maybe we many scholars, I would say martial law, they took the Hadith and they, they, they acted on the police. Yeah. And one of the wisdoms why perhaps the person was teaching us this is because of that one of the things that we are seeing does it, it builds hope in the heart of a believer. When a person was on his deathbed, and he's about to meet Allah. He's scared. Anyone who

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thinks about the death will become scared because they think about their sins. And in that moment, he needs to be consoled about the mercy of a loss of power.

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natella and paradise. And inside sort of your scene you have a story of this happen area. And then you have a story inside that about the man, the bleeding man who comes from apostle Medina. He speaks to his people first advise them, they don't listen to him and they kill him as he is killed. The soraa says pay the full agenda. It is said to him and to paradise. And when is in Paradise, he says, Yeah, later call me on the moon. Oh my people only if they knew, meaning, what I can see right now in Paradise, oh my god. If only my people, they could see what I can see right now, they would not have rejected me. So when a person who is on his deathbed hears those verses, and understands

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them, he feels inclined to the mercy of Allah, he becomes reassured, it becomes hopeful that Allah will forgive them and enter into paradise. And so it makes that moment in his life easier. It makes his life easier. But one person who doesn't understand the Arabic, what do we say to that person, then

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that's when

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we say that maybe it's best to recite and read the translation as well. Sharla this advice or the process of now, that's the virtue or the some of the virtues of just keep going back to this diagram. Now, we said that sort of jealousy can be divided into six neat passages. Now, if we study them one by one, we'll see that they all come together in a very beautiful, organized way. The first passage is about the Quran and heedless people. A lot takes an oath by the Quran Well, in Hakeem, I swear by the Koran, which is Hakeem, one of the meetings is full of wisdom. And then Allah soprano with Allah will tell us why the farmer sit down little Indira oma, in order that you owe profits

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that have Arsalan would warn people, warn your people. That's why the Quran is coming down to give you a message, which you can use to warn people about their fate if they don't believe. However, what are those people like for whom law federal law says they're heedless? They don't pay attention. They're in a state of procrastination. Now that's passage number one about what's going on, and about the reaction of people being that to heedlessness, then you have passage number two. passage number two, is a story, a historical account about a people that lived long before them. And they weren't sent one messenger, they were sent, three. And on top of that, a believing man from amongst

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themselves also gives them advice. They reject all of that, what happens to them, while the believing man goes to paradise, they are destroyed and they end up in the hellfire. What is the connection between passage one and two? It is like this passage, one is giving them a direct message. This is the Quran, it is true. This man is speaking the truth. You better listen and take a warning and change your ways.

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This is a direct message. But somebody may listen to that and think you know what? I'm sorry, but I'm not going to accept this message. When do you leave it at that? No. you approach the same person from a different angle. This time you ask them reflect. Think about other people, people that came before. tell them a story about other people who also sent messages. Do you know what happened to them? They also sent a message in fact, they were sent three, and they were very obnoxious towards him. They were aggressive towards them. And one of them from amongst themselves. He believed he tried to advise him in a very beautiful way. You know what they did? They killed him. You know what

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happened to him, he went to paradise. And after those people, they were they were annihilated. Or they were punished by loss of power. Now that person is thinking to himself

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actually, like what's happening to us right now, isn't it? I mean, we've got a messenger here as well. He's telling us the same kind of things that they were told. If we also treatment the same way we may also get the same treatment ourselves. Perhaps the person will take aside from the story. So this is like the theory in passage one and then illustrated by a story in passing number two, you know, everyone loves stories. Everyone loves stories.

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My my daughter's father.

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You tell them something. You tried to give them a piece of advice Jesus about Islam, man and Anna, the Naga listen to they say let me tell you a story, or is it?

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Or is it

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the same message, but inside the story? Wow works wonders. as follows. People are obsessed with stories, even in our times. We don't call them stories we call the movies because the movies about themselves. People love that people spend most of the time watching films, movies and watching TV. Why?

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Because they love a great story, because a great story. So this is the second passage. But then listen to this person is listening to sort of jazz scene. He has a story about people who are very similar to him, and that they also quite heedless and they rejected and they met their fate is thinking, you know, I really should pay attention to what's being said here.

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But, you know, stories they made up anyway, who believes in these stories call a cell to believe they would say these are made up fables made up stories, man, you know, real. I don't believe that. That really happened.

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He rejects us to me, then you say, okay, let us approach the same person from another angle. passage number three signs in nature. Okay, you're not going to accept what's behind you. In terms of history. Look at what's in front of you in terms of nature. You know, one of the verses inside this passage, a lot of other essays was shampoo, young Bill de la leyenda de la and two, three Cal camara, Allah says that and the sun is not befitting that it catches up with the moon. It has his own, it has his own orbit at his home. It has his own course. And Allah says what shampoo

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was the Aurora? Yeah, and this and the sun. It has is the jury a round his own course, and very much the carwash that it stops in his place. So this passage is telling people Okay, look at what's around you look at nature. You see amazing things. You see beauty, you see design, you see things which bewilder your mind? Do you think they came from just coincidence? Don't you think someone put them there? Who put them there? A lot of them. They're the one who created you, the one this man is calling you to worship? Would you not accept this. And I was reflecting over this verse where let's say the soldier scene, and the son happy swims away runs its own course until its defined point.

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Because from the perspective of a human being on the earth, the sun, it has its own course throughout the day. And it always sticks to it doesn't change. But from another perspective, from outer space, we learn today that the sun has its own orbit. Here, this sun, it has its own orbit around another sun at the center of the universe. And they call this the Galactic the Galactic orbit of the sun. And it takes some 250 million terrestrial years work to complete its orbit. And it doesn't move from the orbits. Now someone is looking at these signs in nature or records of science. And he should think to himself, you know what this message must be true. There's so many reasons for

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me to believe now, what did he still doesn't believe this passage number four, and it is about who the stubborn and the blind. They're blind to the signs that are in nature, the signs that are in history, and the signs that are being told to them directly passage, one, two, and three. So a lot describes the stubbornness. And some of the verses in this chapter, a lot spot that tells us that when these people are told to feed the poor, are true or not Alyosha, Allahu Ababa, they say, should we feed those who if a loved one, it could affect them?

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He said, these poor people over there, why don't you give some money to spend? He says, Give them charity. What if they really wasn't God? Why would you let them go starving? Why we let them starve? It's

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very arrogant type of thing to say, isn't it? And you know what, when you think about it, is kind of the same thing that atheists say today, isn't it? Why should I believe in a god? If there was a god? Why is this so much injustice on the earth? Why is it so much getting Why is the disabled people why is the people starving for is not?

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A law tells us that is actually an expression of arrogance, it is not really a genuine concern. So Allah shows us, the reason why they reject all these signs is because they are arrogant. And that is what is blinding them. Yeah, that was blind. And then the second last passage is what is about the Day of Judgment, all that is left to tell this person who can ignore so many different signs and be so obnoxious and you know, boastful and full with pride is what to tell them. Listen, you know when you're going to go, one of your office to when the Trumpet is blown, it is said inside that passage. Then he does they will come out of their graves in our Bahamian saloon and they will be being

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ushered and moving towards their master in haste. And then they will say all year away Ilana number

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And I'm Mr. Kadena, they will turn to the believers and they will say, Oh my God, who has awoken us from our resting places, the dead are brought back to life and the disbelievers they will turn to the believers and say, who has brought us back to life? What is going on here? You know what the blue will say? The

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word of rush man, they will say, This is what a Russian man promised, you will Satyapal most alone. And it is exactly the truth that the messengers were telling you about. See, this is amazing, because first is a story which history, then it signs which is present this day of judgment, which is the future, which is the future, then the soraa, concludes itself in the last passage, by going back to the very beginning of the plan. And the arrogant, Allah says, what what what?

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What is the verse about to this is not shared.

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A lot of other essays that

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this is not poetry, and it's not befitting for him to recite poetry, on last mile says that he is not a poet. And this is not poetry. inwa illa diku.

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This is just a on, which is Allah describes a thicker reminder, and it is clear and well being. And this is how the Torah has been all this while it has been reminder, because his you know, the historical account is a reminder, nature is a reminder.

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And also is very clear the way it's being presented as well, anyone who really read and sort of just seen with their heart,

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he would feel like you know, what he's been given a very strong message, which is a reminder. And one of the interesting things with that, quote, unquote, honor reminder is that if it is truly a reminder to every person, then it means that what it speaks about is not new to the listener, isn't it? Otherwise, it can't be a reminder. If someone says to you,

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if someone says to you know, you have an exam tomorrow,

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and the person's like, exam, I don't know, exam tomorrow. Don't you don't have an exam?

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By versus say, Oh, yeah, tomorrow is the exam, then what you said was a reminder. In the same way, Allah says the Koran is a reminder how, because all of these core messages, they are not alien to human being. Allah has already ingrained them inside every single human being fitted with a line that if a parabola Sally, Allah says, Every human being is built upon the fitrah, and that is how the Quran is very powerful and compelling, because what he speaks about, is already very deep inside a person anyway, in terms of the fitrah, and it just seeks to elaborate and build on that. And that is why the Quran is called a medical type. So this is like the summary of soldiers in now, all of

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these different passages, what are they communicating, they have a central message. And the central message is, according to the book,

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a new book, compiled by many scholars in Saudi Arabia, they said that the core message of this sutra is to establish the veracity of the process of the message and to establish the reality of the Day of Judgment, that anyone who reads to the unseen and wants to know what is the summary message, this key message here? It is this man Mohammed says Adam, he truly is a messenger and his message is from God. And secondly, you will die and be brought back to life to stand before a loss of power.

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This is the summary of what you have seen, and inshallah now let's begin

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the first verse.

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Now, the first verse, yes. See,

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ya seen is one of those one of those verses that comes in the beginning of many sewer that begin with the disjointed letters, disjointed letters of in Arabic are called halluf apart. So you have for examples of Baccarat Alif, Lam Meem, you have sort of Merriam

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arnside, sort of off so on and so forth. This is another one of those who are and this begins with your scene.

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In general, in general, the health of Moka pot there are two views. Any chapter of the Quran that begins with these niches, the scholars are divided into two views. The first view is that these letters, we don't they have a meaning. We cannot speculate what the meaning is. law you for sir they do not speculate as to what

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Do the letters stand for what do they mean? However, the second view is that, though we don't know what they mean, for sure, they do serve a purpose. And we can speculate as to what that purpose is. Yeah. And then they have many different views as to what the wisdom is. One of the, one of the prominent views from the second camp is that these macabre these disjointed letters, they represent a challenge to the Arabs of that time.

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And the way they represent the challenge is a loss of power that I say is yes, seen, for any plumbing. These are all the letters that make up your language. And you Arabs, especially at that time, you were obsessed with your language, it was the thing that made you great people, the peak of you know, the Arabic language happened back then they were the master of that language, they only declined after them. So this Quran, you reject it, but it is composed of the very same letters that you, you know, establish your greatness upon.

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So if it is, if it is something that you're going to disbelieve in, then why don't you use your letters to rival it. If you cannot rival the Koran, even though it's coming in the same letters that you use for your language, then it means that it is a miracle. It is a miracle, because you're the best at your language. But you can't you cannot rival the Koran. So in that way, they said the Mahabharata like a like a challenge to the Arabs of that time. One of the other interesting nuances to this is that the man Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was Unlimited, unlimited, meaning that he did not know how to read or write. But he comes and he starts reciting surah, Al E flat meme

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that he can keep taboola if he starts with an IF lamb mean, reciting three letters of the Arabic language.

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Now, a person who doesn't know how to read and write, really very know the letters of the of the alphabet.

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Because the only time we ever learn the letters of the alphabet is to learn how to read and write, isn't it? Otherwise you don't know. We don't know what w means if you don't if you're illiterate, because you don't know what W is, what s r t, you don't know what they are. You never learned them. So when the process Selim is coming and reciting, and he's starting with letters, it is as if people are being told the man who doesn't know letters is reciting letters to you.

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Why? Because they're not his words. The words of the last panel, yeah, and in that way, is a nuance to that a second to that second view Allah, Allah knows best. However, when it comes to sort of the unseen, there is a an opinion from him now, bas, who said that yacine actually is like a, it's like a

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What can you say? a shortened version of a statement, which is, yeah, in some Oh, man. In Arabic. Yeah. And sound means our man. And this is the way the habashi people would say, oh, man, by saying yes. See,

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other scholars, they commented on this. And they said,

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Actually, this, how does she way of saying yes, in some way, by saying your scene was Arab? ized. And the Arabs what they would do is instead of saying, old man, yes, yeah. In some, they will say your scene is well, yeah. However, when they said your scene, they meant your own a scene. Here own a scene. The difference is this. When you say when a scene is like the, this the smaller version of insanity. I give you example, you say Hey, boy, and you say, hey, cute little boy.

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When you say little cute boy, you just made what they call Arabic.

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He made the word into a more affectionate word. Yeah. So the Arabs instead of saying in some to say more endearing way, they will say who they see. Now, when you hear the word on a scene, what word sticks out the most what letters sticks out the most?

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Seen, right? So what do they cut down the whole word to the most dominant letter, which is the same. That's enough. You don't need anything else. Everything else is extra. And then they whack on the Yeah. Which is the coal seam

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They said is like saying yeah who they see Oh, dear man and that is why other scholars said this is actually a call to who

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who is a call to

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hold the man

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the processor? Yeah, this is another view that it is actually a call to the processor oh dear man meaning Are you Mr. llamados.

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However, however, however, this is one view, the other view is that it is just one of them apart that is and what we say about it is what we say about all the others. Yeah, like what is what we have explained. So, this is how the sort of starts he has seen a challenge put forward to the audience. And this is important because who were the audience, the first audience to Satya seen, it was the courage in Makkah. All of the scholars of Islam, even after you had said, all of the scholars are in agreement that sort of jazz scene is murky is really maka, however, you don't find many of the scholars speaking about when it was revealed in Makkah, how many years was the process

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of in Makkah?

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How many years 1313. And this, you know, a lot that took place in the life of the person in those 30s a lot. We're about to sort of come?

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Well, here in Nashville, Russia law seems to be one of the few who stipulated that sort of jazz scene was reviewed after sort of Elgin sort of Elgin came down in the 10th year of prophecy. Yeah. Anyone know what the 10th year of prophecy is also known as?

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hijiri. gala the 10th. year that the process Selim was in Morocco was known as what year? The year? Oh, yes, I'm sure isn't the year of sorrow, because devastating things happen to the person that year, devastated things like the death of his wife and motherhood, the total the amount that like the death of his, his uncle, everybody who died as a missionary, and also the rejection that people have by devastating things up, Jim.

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So this is the year in which sort of GRC was built. Now, this is important, because if you weren't MCC at that time, you would have seen that the Muslims had it bad. I mean, we think that we see Islamophobia in our times.

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It was 10th year in Makkah, parla, Muslims have been through a nightmare. torture, they've been boycotted, many of them left to starve, unable to marry, businesses destroyed, so on and so forth. And things are not looking to get any better anytime soon. 10th year was a very low period, in that sense. And the processor has been doing now for 10 years. Imagine the profits that are long, where they set up the most eloquent of all people, most compassionate, the most loving. And he's been calling these people for 10 years, listen to me, don't worship stone anymore, worship Allah. I am a prophet of Allah. And for 10 years, most of them have been neglecting him, rejecting Him, and some

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of them even abusing him in that environment. So just in his reviews, okay, it's very important. Later on, we'll see how do we understand some of the worst soldiers in the city very harsh? Well, when you contextualize them, you see that

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it makes sense to be that harsh, because Come on, you've been told for 10 years now to believe is literally exhaust his efforts to try and persuade you. And you're still dumb. You know, you're still rejecting him. He's still being so damn arrogant about things, you know, all that stuff. Nice to own you. Yeah. And to be very, very harsh. So this is how you know how the context helps him understand that that zero appreciate it.

00:33:52 --> 00:34:09

So yes, incomes. And what is the first thing this one says that we are seen? Well, in hacking? Yeah, he has. He will code on hacking. This second verse, my brothers and sisters, you have to really appreciate what's being said. First of all,

00:34:11 --> 00:34:34

this verse has an oath. Yeah, the wow is a while of passing an oath. Now, someone takes an oath for many different reasons. Why do you Why would someone take an oath when our times if someone says, I swear by a law? Well, I swear by God, why would you be saying that? What circumstance was someone taken off?

00:34:38 --> 00:34:46

Okay, like in a court, the court of law here they say, would you put your hand on the Bible or put on that you swear to tell the truth, so on and so forth?

00:34:47 --> 00:34:47

I swear,

00:34:49 --> 00:34:53

what are the reasons maybe on the street to ourselves, why would somebody else take an oath?

00:34:56 --> 00:34:59

Very good. For someone doesn't believe you. Okay, so

00:35:01 --> 00:35:05

You turn up to work and your boss says, you know, where's the project? deadlines?

00:35:06 --> 00:35:12

I swear I've tried to do it, but I swear on the way to work, dog a

00:35:13 --> 00:35:14


00:35:15 --> 00:35:22

Why you say you swear was not gonna believe you. That's why I say you swear to make you believe. Any other reasons

00:35:24 --> 00:35:27

emphasize what what are you trying to emphasize though? Why would you need to emphasize?

00:35:30 --> 00:35:33

because someone's not believing you. Any other reasons why some text?

00:35:39 --> 00:35:50

Yep. Okay, so sometimes, you know, you need to say something, which is super important, and people need to appreciate that straightaway. So for example, someone comes in and says,

00:35:52 --> 00:35:54

someone's stealing your shoes outside brothers.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:02

Yeah, the guy that comes in he knows he looks like a joker. So we have that face counting says.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:10

So he says, Well, I love it. I saw a while law someone stealing your shoes outside.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:25

Go get him. Yeah. So sometimes you need to just show the significance of a message. And the way you can do that straight away, say taken off. Yet Another reason is when you're angry.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:28

Thank you.

00:36:30 --> 00:36:31

God, that says

00:36:33 --> 00:36:36

failure GCSE. What do you mean? You got d?

00:36:39 --> 00:36:53

Yeah, so it's another reason Yeah, people become angry and taken off. so old, you know, I have many different functions. Yeah, this The point is many different functions. Now, two interesting thing. Firstly,

00:36:54 --> 00:37:13

it was part of the Arab culture at that time. And even after, to be very honest, upright people, they felt that they dignity was attached to the honesty, such that if you said something, and you didn't do it, man, you got no respect anymore. You've got no self respect anymore.

00:37:15 --> 00:37:45

How times have changed, isn't it? People will easily lie. And they feel that the integrity is based on what people think of them, even if they have to lie alongside so the Arabs at that time, there were honest people in that if they gave the word they will do. And there's actually a saying in English as well that was coined, that I'd rather have them. I'd rather have an Arab on his word than a contract. That wasn't actually saying, Yeah, and the Western world, I'd rather have an Arab on his word than a contract.

00:37:46 --> 00:37:51

A lot over there. Still true or not? But yeah, you get the idea. Ours are known for their honesty.

00:37:52 --> 00:38:25

So this is one thing. Despite that, despite that, a lot takes an oath, even though, you know, in that time, if you said something you meant, yeah, even if you said that it meant it. And on top of that, if you did take an oath, then you know what, what you were saying was super important, or super important. The second interesting thing is that the man who is saying those words, is already known as Assad Pahlavi by the people.

00:38:26 --> 00:39:17

The professor said them, even before it comes a prophet, he's already labeled as an upstanding, truthful, trustworthy person. Now, if a trustworthy person is going to take an oath, what does that say about what he's about to say? Isn't it isn't this, there's no way this could be a lie. He's already a truthful person, and he's taken oath on top of that. Now, in the Koran, you find that the person the taking an oath has a different function to what we've discussed. And that is, allow will take an oath by something in order to make it serve as evidence for a particular matter. Yeah, allow me to serve as an evidence for a particular matter, as if to say that this is true. Because of this,

00:39:18 --> 00:39:23

you get this. This is true, because of this example, is sort of acid.

00:39:24 --> 00:39:27

A lot begins with an oath, isn't it? Well, what does that law swear by?

00:39:29 --> 00:39:30


00:39:32 --> 00:39:36

to say what? What is the message that lies swearing to?

00:39:38 --> 00:39:39

Don't waste your time.

00:39:41 --> 00:39:42

This is a philosophical answer.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:44


00:39:45 --> 00:39:48

maddies loss, yes, statement.

00:39:49 --> 00:39:55

doable person, man is truly in loss. What's the evidence for that? time?

00:39:56 --> 00:39:59

Yeah, how because time

00:40:00 --> 00:40:05

has seen what man does over and over again.

00:40:07 --> 00:40:44

Every time nations, you know, rise up, they become tyrannical, oppressive, arrogant. This is the usual trend. And what is the fate in the hellfire. And this is what the Quran story is tell us, isn't it? Many nations came, they achieve great things but they greatness made them become corrupt. And so they ended up in the Hellfire who has seen all of this happening over and over again? time itself. So law says well as soon as it is a time is evidence that you know what people that keep messing up? Yeah.

00:40:45 --> 00:40:54

So with that in mind, Allah swears an oath by what is sort of ERC one core, one core and he

00:40:55 --> 00:40:56

Allah says the Koran

00:40:57 --> 00:41:03

as if to say, I swear by the Quran, this Koran is an evidence for something.

00:41:04 --> 00:41:19

What is an evidence of that will come in the second the next list. And then the next verse is another thing isn't evidence of, but Allah speaks about the Quran in a particular way. Allah says well, Karani al Hakim,

00:41:20 --> 00:41:26

that the Quran is an evidence in terms of its Hakeem nature.

00:41:27 --> 00:42:08

What does it mean hacking, they ignore things that are frivolous said it can mean three things. The first is that the Koran is hacking. It is authoritative. It gives laws, meaning if any, are reasonable, and they see that you know what, so many laws are coming down. And it speaks so authoritative Lee, the only person who can speak authoritatively and give so many laws is who Allah got. Yeah. Especially, this is an interesting thing, especially when those laws cause people to become angry.

00:42:09 --> 00:42:53

Yeah, so the crown comes down with laws, for example. Don't do shit with the law. don't worship idols, Latin erza. They're not worthy of worship, worship only Allah. Don't be unjust to the orphans. These are laws right? authoritative. What happens when the process seldom stays in society? He gets in trouble, isn't it? He gets in trouble. And you know, as Paula sauraha law says, Baja morons analogical Khurana Lita Sha, Allah says was very early on, Allah says baja a lot of pansies, we didn't send this Quran down to make you miserable.

00:42:55 --> 00:42:57

Meaning you have

00:42:58 --> 00:43:37

tasted misery after the Quran started coming down. Why? Because your world got turned upside down. You are the apple of people's eye in Makkah, people loved you. I mean, then the moment you start to recite Quran to them, you became, he became a man who frustrated them, a man who disappointed them a man who made them angry, a man who started to say all the things they hold to be dead and sacred is rubbish. And you kept on saying it over and over again for 10 years. Why would you do that?

00:43:38 --> 00:44:13

except you're not doing it yourself. Someone is telling you to do it. A lot is the one who's telling you to say these things. So the fact that quite shocking, or one of the meanings is that it is both irritating in what it speaks about and how it speaks about. The second meaning of hacking in RSA being said is that it is more or more Kim, which means that it is so well organized, and tightly bound. The Arabs who say, comma akkermansia means

00:44:14 --> 00:44:56

if someone asked them on something, it means he tied it up very tightly. Yeah, what that means that the Quran, what it presents all comes together beautifully, as if it was tied up together. That's another meaning of the Quran being hacking. And this is one of the things which you want to show in the sutra, that if you study it, you see that this links to that which links to this which all comes together very beautifully. And Charlotte, this is something we'll see. The third meaning is that it is Associate karma it is full of wisdom. It is full of wisdom, meaning that it is so wise, if you really want to listen to what the blind is saying. You'd say soprano law that is so wise, who speaks

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

like that? A lot of the examples of this is

00:45:00 --> 00:45:36

Allah says, Yeah, you will in some Mahabharata Maha Raka. brb can carry. Have you heard this first before the last policies, man, what has diluted you from your generous Master? One of the scholars said, Allah asked a question and he placed inside it The answer is well, how? Because Allah said, what has diluted you from your generous Master? Meaning the generosity of your master has diluted you on him? Because people when they're showered with blessings and life is good, they forget about Allah.

00:45:38 --> 00:45:56

Amazing. In one verse, a lot of pastors said so much. Yeah, the last one said so much. So the Quran is so wise in what it says as well. So with that in mind, putting it all together, Allah says, I swear by the Quran, and these things that the Quran is

00:45:57 --> 00:46:04

that what in the cat laminate mousseline that you truly are of those that have been sent? Meaning

00:46:05 --> 00:46:45

that if anyone looks at the Quran, he thinks to himself, you know, what the Quran is, has so much wisdom is so authoritative, is so well structured, it is impossible for a human being to come up with it impossible, it is beyond human endeavor. That is how the Quran becomes an evidence that this man is not making it off. And this man has actually been sent. Do you see how the Quran is in evidence in that way, it's too much wisdom. And it's too authoritative. And it is too well structured, for it to be something that someone could have just made up. And if you think about it as part of

00:46:47 --> 00:46:57

the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he would just recite the Quran once. And as soon as he recited it, that's it is captured. That's the Quran.

00:46:59 --> 00:47:04

Now, you know, if somebody wants to say something profound, it needs to prepare.

00:47:05 --> 00:47:16

And he needs to think, and he needs to revise any MIDI to edit, isn't it? and Paula, when you say something is not like when you write something, you know, some people

00:47:18 --> 00:47:43

when you read an email from them, or text message, and the only thing you know about this person is what they've said through the articles you develop, you know, certain perception that person then when you see him in real life, and he speaks you like, wow, and will you speak is different to the way you email like, in when you email us like a very serious person, like, I see you in real life with a joke on the stand on him. Yeah, people speak. And they, you know, right in two different ways.

00:47:44 --> 00:47:57

Now, the interesting thing is that which way is, which way would allow you to be more accurate and profound. And when you communicate, speaking, or writing,

00:47:58 --> 00:48:05

which one allows you to think more, and to, you know, ponder what you want to say, when you say something, when you write something.

00:48:07 --> 00:48:16

When you write something, isn't it when you write something for us, you write it, go back of it, delete that theodorus dictionary, so on and so forth. And then you come up with something, and then after that.

00:48:18 --> 00:48:25

That's the process. And then he just says, once Palace on is complete, that part of the plan never be changed?

00:48:27 --> 00:48:37

How can you do that? No man could do that. It must be the case that he's not doing it. He is conveying it. It is the words of a lawsuit.

00:48:38 --> 00:48:59

So don't hold on in this way becomes an evidence that you know what this man in Lebanon was selling, he's from those that have been sent. So let me just say a few words regarding this last verse that we'll cover today in the current limited setting. Well, this number is this number three. And number three, this verse is very emphatic,

00:49:00 --> 00:49:51

very interactive. What does that mean? It means that is being very clear, and direct in what it is saying. And this is shown by the word use of inner innaka. Because inner serves to emphasize something, it's one of the half of Tokyo one of the particles to give emphasis, and it also has the meaning of izella to shock to remove doubt, as if somebody is saying, Is he really a prophet? Allah? God says, I don't know. He says he is dying. The other person says no, no, he's not prophet in Africa. In that would mean contrary to what you say. This is the case in NACA, you and Allah speaks directly to the process selling himself in NACA lemina mercerie. The second point of emphasis is the

00:49:51 --> 00:50:00

Lamb in La middlemore. selling this lamb is a lamb of tokeep It is like adding the word truly into the translation.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:56

Truly, you are from mortal selling those that have been sent those that have been sent in this verse, Allah subhanaw taala will show us that one of the things I put on proves is this fact, is not just anybody. He's from those that have been said, and Allah says in a very emphatic way. And what we learned from this is that Allah subhanaw taala told this to the professor sedum, not just to destroy the claims of the mushy corn, but also to console his aching heart. We know it from the front on the process of his heart used to ache, used to pain because the people used to reject Him. La la cabeza en la yaku meaning Allah says in Surah, Allah, perhaps you are going to bear here

00:50:56 --> 00:50:58

Berkeley literally means to kill yourself.

00:50:59 --> 00:51:02

You're going to kill yourself, because these people are not going to believe

00:51:03 --> 00:51:15

this is the way the person would feel. Yes, no, that's a beautiful lesson because it shows us the Balanced View of disbelievers. The Balanced View of believers should have disbelievers

00:51:16 --> 00:51:26

one extreme a person sees the others that have disbelieved. And they say, go far go to * go to I don't care, in fact, is good. You're going to help

00:51:28 --> 00:51:30

some people. This is how they feel they

00:51:31 --> 00:51:33

kuffar going to help you case

00:51:35 --> 00:51:36

the other extreme is what?

00:51:37 --> 00:51:38


00:51:40 --> 00:51:42

who's to say? who's right who's wrong?

00:51:46 --> 00:52:38

all parties to God. She's the other extreme right. In the middle is the processor. Yeah, he sees them, man. They are so messed up. And man, I want them to be guided so bad. Yeah, right in the middle. They're misguided. But I want them to be guided. This is the whale the processor. This is should be our view as well, though we know the destiny of the kuffar knowing that only makes us more compassionate, to want them to be guarded. So I don't want to indicate this two points here. Why did the last panel data choose to say to the process Other than that, instead of saying you are a soul, which means messenger, that you are more than what a messenger, but someone who's been sent? This is

00:52:38 --> 00:53:21

point one? Why does one choose to say that you are someone who's being sent as opposed to a messenger? But also versus mersa? Second question is, why Allah suppiler Jews who say you are from those that have been sent? Instead of saying you are one who has been sent? The word more surname is plural, isn't it? It's plural. It's not singular. So what do you think my brother's was the wisdom behind this one? I must say, number one, you're not a soul. You are Morrison, you are someone who's been set. And secondly, what else to say you are from those that have been sent? As if to say, Actually, I don't want to get the answer.

00:53:23 --> 00:53:24

What do you think?

00:53:25 --> 00:53:32

There must be wisdom isn't. Every single word in the Quran is chosen by law? No words come randomly.

00:53:33 --> 00:53:34


00:53:40 --> 00:53:40


00:53:46 --> 00:54:09

Very good. Very good. The brother said, perhaps is to console the processor is going through a very difficult time, especially in the 10th year of prophecy. And he's been told you're from those that have been sent meaning other people have come here and done this as well. They've had to endure similar things to you. And just knowing that reassures you, right? Just knowing that reassures you knowing that, for example,

00:54:10 --> 00:54:31

you know, people have, for example, a brother is doing accountancy, he's got to do a very tough exam. It's so difficult and he is told by someone else, look, you know, my cousin came in last year, he did the exam and he passed. Yeah. So just knowing that somebody else went through this reassures you that you can do it as well. Very good. What else?

00:54:33 --> 00:54:33

Anything else?

00:54:35 --> 00:54:37

More saline instead of Melissa.

00:54:38 --> 00:54:46

What about the fact that he's told that you are not a prophet a messenger? But you are more Samsung has been sent.

00:54:48 --> 00:54:49

I gave you a clue.

00:54:52 --> 00:54:54

If somebody says that

00:54:58 --> 00:54:59

a man

00:55:00 --> 00:55:00


00:55:02 --> 00:55:03

What question comes into your mind?

00:55:04 --> 00:55:06

A man entered the masjid.

00:55:07 --> 00:55:15

If I say the man into the masjid as the second case, was it a man into the mustard? The question comes into mind. Where is it?

00:55:16 --> 00:55:18

Which one right? which one you're talking about?

00:55:20 --> 00:55:21

When I say the man into the machine,

00:55:22 --> 00:55:34

okay, he's talking about particular person. Yeah, maybe we can see that person. So when I say Morrison, is the last thing you have been sent? What question comes into your mind?

00:55:36 --> 00:55:38

Exactly. Who said she

00:55:39 --> 00:55:40

was really struggling?

00:55:42 --> 00:55:43

The last day post Ramadan for tea?

00:55:46 --> 00:56:06

Morrison, you have been sent Croatia? What do you mean he's been sent? Who's sending this man? Who sent him? Last center? Yeah. This is one of the benefits of saying Buddha said instead of assume, because it creates a question in the mind, which is almost rhetorical, who sent you

00:56:07 --> 00:56:35

a lesson? Yeah. And one of the benefits of saying you are from those that have been sent is to, like the brother said, to reassure the process that you are not alone person, rather, you're part of a team, a team who are known as the prophets and messengers of Allah Subhana. Allah, they also were sent. And you know what you are one of those that was sent to you or like part of that team. So this would help to reassure the person. There's one lesson we can learn from this. As far

00:56:37 --> 00:57:22

as one lesson we can learn for this, my brothers is that if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being reassured by Allah, and one of the ways of reassuring him is to tell him that you are part of a bigger team. They're in the same way. Us Today, when we try to do things, challenging things in life, especially those things that will please our last panel data, we should realize that we can do those things better if we do them together. Yeah, if we do it together, there is greatest strength and one of the benefits of being together is that there is the element of reassurance when you go down or when you feel down somebody else can pat you on the back and say you know we'll do this we

00:57:22 --> 00:57:34

do this Sharma remembers final just recently went on this track of Snowden and some brothers Mashallah struggling, obviously, I was struggling. And, you know, when someone struggles

00:57:35 --> 00:57:39

just a little bit a little bit more in Sharla, a little bit more, maybe an hour more in Sharma.

00:57:40 --> 00:58:20

Because when and the person is panela, he may genuinely think, you know, I can't do this anymore. I can't do anything else. I've come to the end of my tether, but then somebody else is said, don't worry. It's okay. He ends up doing it. I couldn't do. But I didn't do it. How come because of others, because of the support of others. So if the process is being consoled by law, being told that you are part of a team and knowing that you're part of a team can reassure you and help you then how much more for those less than the processor like us who are far weaker, and they need more help than the professor llamados some others that allow us in the Milan Amina Mohammed was early

00:58:20 --> 00:58:20

WhatsApp was made

00:58:21 --> 00:58:28

available AFRICOM any questions you can ask any questions, sisters want to ask questions, I think they can.

00:58:31 --> 00:58:32

They can ask questions

00:58:34 --> 00:58:37

or they can text it through the sister there. Okay.

00:58:39 --> 00:58:40

Now, any questions, brothers

In Depth Study of Surah Yasin – the heart of the Qur’an – based on classical and modern sources.


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