Ali Hammuda – Sacred Truths #11 – Denying a child the right of seeing their parent

Ali Hammuda
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of divine justice principles in driving people to avoid evil behavior and the consequences of implementation of the principle of no bearer of burdens. They stress the importance of understanding the concept of no burden and the consequences of its implementation on individuals and communities. The conflict between the principle of no burden and the principle of no bearer of burdens is related to the transmission of sin and loss of people's concessions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of managing one's own emotions and not letting anyone know who they are.
AI: Transcript ©
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you said it was gonna be warm today.

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The weather

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is a bit chilly. But

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I mean, it actually brings me to a nice story actually, of a father, who's at work and it's nice, the plane gets transferred one person, another person, were at work, he's really busy. He's having problems at work with his colleagues. So he's stressed and he comes home. And because of his stress, he puts on his wife, and he gives her a hard time.

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And then she gets annoyed by all of that, and stressed out and she takes it on her kids. And then her kids, when he got there get stressed out by what her mom has told him off for no reason, and then take out on the cat, and they kick the cat.

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So I guess

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what are the 0102 with

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no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another.

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This is yet another example of the divine justice as laid out in these organic principles. This one stresses that man will only be accountable for his own doings

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and not carrying the burdens of others. In fact, so central to our beliefs is this principle that it was repeated in no less than five passages in the Quran surah to an iron

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Surah to an SR Surah to flatworm, Surah to Zoomer and Surah to najem.

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And actually, this concept, this principle is captured in other scriptures as well. Allah subhanaw taala said, I'm letting you not be Matthew, Sophie Musa, has he not been informed of what is in the Scripture of Moses? What Abraham Allah the Wafaa and in and out of Abraham who fulfilled his obligations, what was mentioned in them, Allah says, Allah tells you otherwise hirato was an orphan, no bearer of burdens, will bear the burden of another.

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Now someone may ask the question here, does this principle not conflict with other teachings of the Quran?

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Because Allah subhana wa Tada said about the people, when I find a home, what I find a matter of finding him, they will carry their own burdens of sin, and they will carry the burdens of others alongside their own. So, this idea among with other verses,

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how are we to understand that it actually addresses those who had become the cause of people since by way of influence, so they will carry their abundance because it is as if it is as if it is their own.

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They caused it Allah subhanaw taala said the Camino Ozora home cam unit and Yamaha piano. Well, I mean, I was really the you know, you'll be living at home.

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They will bear their own burdens in full on the Day of Resurrection, and the burdens of those mandamus guide without knowledge. That's the word you want to underline that they will carry the burdens of those whom they miss GYN without knowledge they caused it.

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And it is for that exact reason that I've been the son of Prophet Adam and he said, Who slayed his brother heavin

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He will receive a portion of the same of every unjust killing that happens till the end of time I would have Allah. Why? Because he was the first in history to kill

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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lay semi nevsun took 1001 map in Cana and Evany Adam and a well, he flown Windermere

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there is no person who is unjustly sname except that the first son of Adam will receive a portion of its sin. And no ill will em and send them cotton because he was the first to introduce the act of killing. So, in short, whilst we acknowledge that every human being is a sinner,

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the conscious way fairer to Allah will never allow himself to become a cause of someone else's sin. I mean, just the thought of being asked about your own downfall, my own shortcomings, that's a daunting a thought as it is, let alone being in need of finding answers for the sins of others who can bear that. So that is how we understand the seeming contradiction between this principle that says that you will not bear the burden of someone else and other verses that say they will carry them and this

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one may pose a second question here. How are we to understand this principle of no bear

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Have burdens will bear the burden of another in light of punishments that affect entire communities at times,

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punishments that affect the guilty and the innocent?

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The answer is that whenever an evil prevails amidst a community

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and Allah's punishment eventually arrives, its harm will affect both the doer of the evil, as well as those who are able to address it, but chose not to do so.

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So genuinely speaking there Silence may Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us, generally speaking, their silence makes them complicit in the eyes of Allah. So the consequence of this divine intervention encompasses everyone.

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Allah subhanaw taala that he said, What duck will fit in that and that also even under the name of Allah moanin Casa fear a trial Allah said, fearing a trial which will not strike those who have wronged among you exclusively.

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And commenting on this area.

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Sheikh Assadi, he said that the trial that is mentioned in this verse affects the doer of the wrongdoing and others. He says, This happens when wrongdoing spreads, but it is not addressed.

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As a result, the punishment of not doing so will affect both the door and others may Allah haughtiness May Allah protect us and the Muslims in our families.

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This is also explained by the Hadith of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. Listen carefully, brothers and sisters sentence by sentence. He said in Allahu Allah, you asked me when I'm the admiral tassel.

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Allah will not punish the masses of people due to the actions of a minority. Hector Yara will own carabiner Bharani him till they see the evil happening in their mix.

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Well, how are you gonna either onion Guru Guru was being able to forbid it, yet they choose not to do so. What happens for either value Derrick, if that happens, as of Allah who,

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then both the minority minority and the masses are punished alike.

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Now in stark contrast to this principle, that no burden or no soul will bear the burden of another.

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Both the Old and New Testament seem to suggest that one is indeed accountable for the sins of others, even if they had no part to play in it.

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A passage from the book of Numbers reads, that the Lord is slow to anger,

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abounding in love, and forgiving sin and rebellion, yet does not leave the guilty and punished lesson. He punishes the children for the sin of their parents to the third and fourth generation.

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There is another passage,

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which negates the ability of a non Jew for entering the assembly of the Lord because of the harm that a group had caused on Musa and so the punishment of doing so was passed down from generation to generation. This is in Deuteronomy 23 Three, no ammonite, it means or Moabite, shall enter the assembly of the Lord.

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None of their descendants, even to the 10th generation shall ever enter the assembly of the Lord.

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So these are examples of people who are transferring their deficiencies to generation to generation we don't have that concept in our religion according to this principle that we are discussing.

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So that's as far as the

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Jewish texts are concerned. As for Christianity, the doctrine of the original sin is core to their belief system, which holds that humans through the fact of birth they inherit a tainted nature in need of regeneration, and a proclivity to sinful conduct because of the original sin of Prophet Adam. So In consequence, apparently, his sin and guilt were supposedly transmitted by heredity to his descendants.

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So despite the difference in the final details between the Christian and Jewish traditions, they essentially accept the transmission of sin and blame from one to another. And that a person is indeed accountable for other people's doings, even with no involvement whatsoever. Most of the times, on the other hand, they vehemently reject us. For so many reasons, I'm going to share with you a few.

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One, it conflicts with the principle of no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. That's the obvious one. Number two, it conflicts

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With Allah's Perfect justice, which necessitates that reward or punishment cannot be predicated on a matter that is unrelated to you.

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Number three, it conflicts with our Prophet sallallahu. It was in its guidance, we said that there are certain acts of worship, which if you do it, cause you to be forgiven, like the day his mother gave birth to him. So it's clear that

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our original state

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is not upsetting, but it's seamlessness, like the day his mother gave birth there.

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it conflicts with one of the core purposes of revelation to encourage good deeds and abstinence from sins, because why should a person pursue a good life? If he's going to end up being held accountable for other people's crimes?

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Why should a person avoid sins is someone else's doings will erase my sins without needing to repent?

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It also conflicts with our belief that Prophet Adam repented immediately after disobeying his Lord. So his repentance was accepted. And his original sin was erased. Allah said wasa Adam,

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Adam disobeyed his Lord and strange

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doesn't stop there.

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Some budget about horrible, terrible irony he were harder, then his node,

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chose him and turn to him in forgiveness and guide him. Ah, so according to Muslims, this was not a lesson regarding the original sin.

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This is a lesson regarding original forgiveness.

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And here's the sixth point.

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It seems to also contradict passages from the Christian sources of knowledge.

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It is mentioned in the book of Ezekiel 1820, that the Son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father belt bear the guilt of the Son, and the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself. There's a similar passage in Deuteronomy 2416.

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So some Christians, they may raise the objection, that these aren't passages from the New Testament. These are passages from the Old Testament, but it remains that they're not older than Adam.

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Whoever it was, who forged the idea

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of sin transmission, our belief is that it was not Musa or ASA. Their true belief, as it's ours was described by Allah, no bearer of burden will bear the burden of another. Moving on, it's interesting because whilst every Muslim will verbally profess this principle, as being his belief, you know, I will never pass down a blame that's not on someone. The actions of some people nevertheless refuted where they do end up casting blame on the blameless and punishing those who are innocent. I'm going to share with you a few final examples. A parent may reject the proposal of a righteous and well mannered young man or young woman for reasons that are beyond their control or their choosing.

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So they suffer consequences that they had no part to play in.

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Is this a valid course of action.

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Bearing in mind, the principle of no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another.

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That's second example, a husband may return home

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after a strenuous day at work, to vent his frustration at those who are unconnected to his stress his wife for preparing later than usual dinner, any other petty matter.

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Right, and he's just using that to mask and to cover up his work related anger. But he's transmitting a sin or he transmitting

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a blame, or the wife, who then bends her anger and the innocent part of her children, and then they go and they kick the cat, who's going to break the change. It's not a valid course of action. Bearing in mind, the principle of no bearer of bad debt will bear the burden of another. A third example, a teacher, who is under the weather,

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he falls out with another and as a result, puts their own feelings before the children's needs

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and unjustly weaponize their children against the spouse

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by preventing contact with the other parent.

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What is that? That is a transfer of guilt and blame onto an innocent party for not to be involved in this. And this is a contradiction to this moronic principle. And I love the words of Sally and Boris from the difference, and I will quote

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she said ladies and gentlemen, unless your child

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Old is at great risk of harm. And I don't mean different parenting styles. I mean, beaten, stop, etc. Your children's relationship with the other parent host breakup is none of your business. You don't own your child. Your child has the right to know its other parents, their other grandparents, aunts, cousins, etc. like them or not. What you are doing is harming your child, you are stripping them of their self beneath their truth, their identity. And then she says, Be the grown up. You chose the other parent, you don't like them tough. Your job is to understand your child's needs are not about you. What you risk one day is your child facing you and realizing they can't trust you to

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be honest and respect their needs. There are ways to manage this and she says, If you can't do it between both of you get a coach.

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If the partner doesn't do what you want them to do when you want it, then tough smile at your children. Take a deep breath that your children believe their other parent loves them. That's your job. Every time the other parent

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doesn't live up to your expectations. She said your child is learning to be patient to be kind forgiving. And yes, sometimes they are learning how to handle this appointment.

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She says this is good because with you reassuring them that mom or dad really does love them. You're teaching them resilience when they are 18 years old, you will never have to negotiate with the other parent.

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That she concludes by saying that you want a child to feel strong in their identity

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get out of the way and let them know who and how they can be loved.

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In short, this is a timeless and perfect for Anik principle an all encompassing concept the concept which says that no bearer of valuable events that are overlapping

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were being

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held in as

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obey shield Oh, oh

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well go

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follow up on holy thank God

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nice yeah.

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Phil Oh one Zerlina Hooton Zilla.

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