Ali Albarghouthi – This is Love #08 Allah Loves Forgiveness

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary ©
The history and context of Islam have changed over time, with forgiveness and mercy being important. The speaker discusses the importance of forgiveness and mercy in Islam, as it is not a rule of thumb and is a matter of actual behavior. The speaker also discusses the operation Congressional General of Congress (Quad), which aims to deter people from pursuing the wrong way and avoid conflict, and the importance of forgiveness and apologizing for past mistakes to avoid negative consequences. They emphasize the need to be mindful of others' limitations and limitations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lumina Mayan fauna, was in a menorah, Bella Alameen Allah my Nana the creek our shoe Creek was in a bad attic

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and my bad Sharla we've just before I forget, Inshallah, starting next week, we're going to move the Halaqaat so we will start at seven inshallah instead of 730. To account for mercury. So inshallah remember that from next week in sha Allah, it's seven instead of 730 in sha Allah benign Amin

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be hamdulillah as original reached Hadith number eight. And the title of that chapter is Allah loves forgiveness.

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And the hadith is one that we should be very familiar with because you hear it often in Ramadan in the last 10 nights of Ramadan. And that is where I Isha oral the Allahu anha asked the Prophet alayhi salatu salam on our aid in wafak to Leila Audrina do, Qi asked him any salatu salam, see if it happens that I am in Laylatul kudzu what do i should i supplicate? What should I pray for? So he said alayhi salatu salam, he says taco Lena Allahumma Inaka for one to hibel alpha for any he says your Allah you are a fool. You are off pardoning and you love to pardon for me, so pardon me.

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So he or Allah, you are someone who is your name. And your attribute is a fool, which is that you pardon and you forgive and you do that often. And you love to pardon. So pardon me on that particular night that you suspect is in a little quiet.

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So here, let's first and again this is what we've tried to do with every Hadith. One is to understand something very profound about Allah subhanho wa taala. And through that understanding, see how that could change us so that we could start to act differently and think differently. So in this one, we have to kind of appreciate the extensive mercy of him Subhana who what the Haisla that is the Rama of Allah azza wa jal is such that, first of all, according to this hadith, Allah loves to forgive.

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Allah loves to bless, right? Allah Allah loves to favor. So if Allah azza wa jal loves to forgive, you understand that the opposite is also true that Allah Zoda does not love to punish, right? That Allah has zodion did not create this, all of this creation to punish them. This is that not what he wants from them. He wants to bless all of us and put us in Jannah. And he wants to forgive us and pardon us so that when you understand this about him subhanho wa Taala then the way that you make dua, the way that you pray, the way that you relate to him Subhana wa Taala will be different and more profound that yes, I'm praying to a creator who loves that when I make a mistake, he loves to

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forgive me and he wants to forgive me every single time I make a mistake as long as I go back to him. So Allah loves it because he loves to save you from yourself and save you from the shaytaan and save you from the torment of sin and cleansing fume it completely and put you in Jana. So if that is the case, you we all should rush towards the forgiveness of Allah azza wa jal and bask in the fact that you are worshiping a creator who loves to rescue you, from you, and from the grasp of the shaytaan. And the beautiful thing and here is the drastic difference between our forgiveness which is always flawed and incomplete. And the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that the

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forgiveness of Allah does not come out of need, or out of fear, but with absolute power.

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See, the fact is that the more powerful you get on human level, it's less likely that you would forgive, forgive because you don't have the motivation to forgive, if you can punish Whoever crosses you. The likelihood will be that this hour will be so intoxicating and

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destructive, that you will punish without regard to consequence. So on so said something he punished them so and so did something to me punish them. So with greater power comes with greater cruelty when

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It comes to humanity. You see how nations act, you see how people who fear no consequences act, so they're not prone to forgive. And we often also forgive because in a transactional world I need to forgive to be forgiven. I need to overlook because otherwise I can't maintain a relationship. If I'm gonna demand my rights from every single person that I meet, so I need to forgive because they forgive me or for life to move on. But Allah's forgiveness does not come out of need. He doesn't need anything from anyone does not come out of fear, that if I don't forgive them, something will happen to me. Right? And comes with absolute power. Allah hears nothing. If he does not forgive Yet

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Allah azza wa jal forgives everyone, and he wants to forgive everyone. So it's at a completely different level. And because of that, the respect the love, the honor that you have for Allah asocial, cytogenet should be great, because his forgiveness is complete and forgiveness extends to every single thing that you've done, whether it's towards a human being or even towards him. subhanho wa Taala you could say the worst things about Allah azza wa jal in in a minute, if you ask for forgiveness and you repent and you go back to him, that is all forgiven in a minute all of that can go away. And that tells you how forgiving and merciful and compassionate Allah subhanho wa Taala

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is, and his Rahima and I think we talked about this before, is so extensive, that it reaches every single being on Earth, a believer or an unbeliever, a human or an animal or a plant, every single being that is alive, that is conscious, is aware and enjoys the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa taala. So, the angels of Allah azza wa jal, right, when they praise him, they said Rob Benner was at Aquila che rahmatullah wa Illuma. They say, Oh, our Rob, you all have encompassed everything in mercy and knowledge. So this is to remind yourself, if you ever doubt the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa taala, ask yourself, Does Allah know everything? And about everything?

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Allah knows everything, right? Every small single detail. So as Allah has knowledge, spreads to include every single thing in existence, his Rama Also, according to the angels of Allah azza wa jal, who know him, his Rama also extends to include every single thing, as his knowledge does. Right, as his knowledge does. And there is a beautiful lesson in fact, that he could take from this, which is that Yeah, hello, Amy. They've said, scholars have said, he says, the more your knowledge grows, your Rama grows.

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Right? So if your knowledge meaning Islamic knowledge, if it grows, the more that it grows, you should notice an increase in Rama. And if you don't notice it, then something is wrong, right, either in what you're learning, or how you understand it. So the greater a scholar is a knowledge the more merciful he is with creation. So you see that the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam was the most knowledgeable about Allah and was the most merciful, right? So where does that mercy come from in Allah azza wa jal is the most knowledgeable so He is the Most Merciful Subhana who were to Allah. So his mercy is extends to even the non believers, right?

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Even to those who are opposing him and opposing the believers, Allah isodiol is still merciful with them, which tells you right, to the extent and also there's a hadith that also kind of puts all this in perspective. And no matter how much we try to wrap our heads around it, it still remains deficient. So in this hadith, that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in the Allah halacha Yama halacha sama where it will automate Rama Allah when he created the skies, which we call the heavens right the skies and the earth. He created 100 or humma This is a created Rama Okay, let's leave up another uni summit you will have like each one of them fills what is between the sky

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the first sky and the earth? Man fills it completely. And that is a vast distance by the way, right? So Allah azza wa jal put one Rama have that on Earth, part of the full world leader to Allah Allah dia

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It is through that mercy then the mother finds compassion and mercy towards her child will wash your playgroup Shuhada bot and animals and birds find mercy with each other with their offspring and with each other, for either can i Oh Malkia a Camilla Have you heard the Rama? So, on the day of judgment, He will take that drama that he puts on earth and he will join it with the other 99. So, they are 100 again and that will be the drama on the Day of Judgment.

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So, and this is a created drama, this is other than the drama that is the attributes of Allah azza wa jal, which has no limit to it. This is a limited one.

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So, imagine that every Rama that you see on earth belongs to what percentage

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a 1%. All the Rahima right from Adam, to the last person on Earth, all the mothers combined, not one but combined. And all the children with their parents, I just take yourself even all the raw material yet you fear towards those who are unfortunate towards animals towards people that you've never seen towards your own family, all of that Rama is nothing compared to global Rama. It's just a fraction of it. Nothing compared to Rama from beginning of time to the end on Earth. That's just all part of that 1%. See, take that and you add it to the 100. And that will be the llama that people will encounter on that day. You ask yourself what is that Rama that Rama? Jana is included in it.

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Jenna is included in it. So does that not tell you that what is waiting for people on that day is a great Rama from Allah subhanho wa taala. And this is, as I said, this is on top of not on top, this is just one. But the Allah's Rama has even no limit. This is in addition to all of this, we're just talking about the created Rama. So truly Allah Subhan Allah to Allah is merciful and much more merciful than his creation, that there's absolutely no comparison. So if you sometimes look at things that are happening to you, or things that are happening on Earth, and think to yourself that you could be more merciful than the Most Merciful, you have to think again.

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If you say no, what, why? How is it that Allah did it this way, and it looks cruel, and it looks you know,

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it lacks compassion.

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And you think that you potentially somehow could be more merciful than Allah Zoda? No, understand that. You are, in fact, liking insight. Allah, Allah's wisdom is greater than yours. Rama is greater than yours. He's doing this for a reason you don't see. But just like a child who looks at the action of his parents and fails to understand why they're doing the things that they're doing. And he thinks that he understands better. But when he grows up, he understands why he did what he did. For instance, why is it that I need to sleep early? Why is it that I cannot eat whatever food I like to eat, and he understands or thinks that he understands that this is mercy, where he does not know

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that mercy is the prohibition of their parents who tell him if you eat this or sleep wherever time you want is you're going to harm your own self. You don't know but we know. So Allah's Mercy is far beyond human comprehension, human understanding, just remember that hadith to understand that there is even no comparison between what we feel as mercy as forgiveness and what over Allah azza wa jal has. So when we talked about mothers, and again, this is something that is well known, famous, because you probably have heard it in many couples are lessons. But in that incident, where the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam saw a woman and he was she was searching for her child who was

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missing. When she saw him, she would rush to him, grabbed him, pulled him to her chest, started to nurse him, and the prophets of Allah was in them was witness to all of this. And then he's asked his companions, he says, would this woman throw her son into the fire?

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And the prime the companions of Allah prepper hands of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, they said, No, as long as she's willing not to do this, she will never do this. And the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He said, Allah is more merciful with his servants than she with her child.

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That is if you are a servant of Allah as origin, if you are a servant of Allah, right, and each of us who believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala to one extent or another, we have part of that servitude. If you're a servant of Allah subhanho wa Taala then Allah is more merciful with you than your own mother.

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then your own mother. And you may not fully comprehend this in the dunya. But you will fully comprehend it in the area.

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And if you don't, but if you really want to understand it,

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if you just sometimes a person say, Well my mother would give me she'll always say, Oh, who gave you your mother?

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Who gave you your mother?

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Right? Because sometimes you forget that she came from Allah as origin. And her love came from Allah azza wa jal. And whatever she feels for you was only made possible by Allah azza wa jal. So how is it that you can compare what Allah gave to son one person to the giver.

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But again, sometimes we lose perspective and we lose insight. So know what the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam said is absolutely accurate. And he gave you the love of your mother without you deserving anything. He just like a gift like this. He like gave you the love of your father just to give the love to your siblings, just a gift, the love of people around you who love you a gift, right people that you've never met to me you just met for the first time and they seem to like you and you seem to like them and you didn't do anything to deserve it.

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And Allah azza wa jal hides our sins so no people, people don't know about them. All of our bad thoughts people don't know about them, but they see the best of us and they like us because of this. And that is a Greek Rama from Allah azza wa jal, Sadat, it cannot be compared to what any human being one single human being can ever give to you. Right? So Allah as ordered, is the most merciful and he also

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said, I mean, the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam said, that when Allah created the Mahalik, Allah who will * when Allah created all of this, this universe, gets back a turbine in the whole Kabbalah and ecological health before this creation. Allah wrote a book, I mean, like wrote something down or commanded that it be written down. In Naramata, Saba Kathrada B. It says, My Mercy supersedes and proceeds my anger. Rama T. Saba Kathrada becomes before my anger, the Hallmark to winner in the whole focal Arash it is written with him on the throne. Allah azza wa jal is on top of his throne, and this book is on top of the throne. And the connection between the book and creation

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is what

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to tell you that law Zoho did and how he deals with creation. He deals mostly with mercy. That's why the book is written. Yes, there is going to be anger. Because we do things that anger Allah has zoton Right? We do it knowingly. We know it's wrong and we do it. And we rely on forgiveness or we simply forget or we sometimes we simply do not care. But Allah azza wa jal he says it's like a declaration that Allah has given sing in this creation of mine. My Mercy exceeds my anger supersedes it comes before it. Because Allah azza wa jal as we've explained before Allah azza wa jal is constantly the merciful, and on occasion he's angry. But he's merciful all the time. That does not

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stop. Right? It's constant. That's why his name is Raja man, his name is never the angry, you don't see part of the names of Allah azza wa jal, the angry one, because it's not constant. Les sets the pattern the Rasika

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what I consider to Allah as though dilla Rasika here Sefa to Rama, and there's an area

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in the Quran

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where Allah azza wa jal says, when he says what OSHA or Bukola Allah NASA omoton Wahida if Allah had wished he would have made humanity all one OMA one nation, meaning all of them believers, but he said, Well, I as an owner of telephone, but they'll continue to disagree meaning some will believe some will disbelieve other types of disagreements. He says what I said when I tell if he will continue to sit disagree Illa Mara Hemara book except for those whom Allah is merciful, the word and he then Allah says, when he then he can halacha home and for that he created them

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for that he created them. So the scholars in the eye, they disagree, what is this in reference to for that?

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So some have said he created them so that they will be different, they will be in disagreement. So that's one opinion. The other interpretation, he says, And he created them for mercy. And he will he that he can halacha homea and he said Oklahoma Rama, that Allah created humanity, and Jin for mercy, to be merciful with them, to bless them to teach them so that they could grow so that they could listen so that they would enter Jannah that is the purpose of their creation. They did

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deviate from it, right? There's an Allah as it says in the other eye OMA Halacha, Genoa encylopedia. We don't I only created Jin and NS so that they would worship me. What is the consequence of that worship?

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Rama marae the consequence of that worship is Rama. So Allah says I created them to worship me to know me so that they will be blessed and Allah I will be merciful with them and they will enter Jannah that is why I made them if you ever thought about it, that's why I made them because your path where did we start off?

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In the beginning, where did we start off?

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Where we in Jahannam

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where were we in January? We're not in the middle or outside you originally were in Jana. To tell you that why you were created to inhabit Jana then something we did got us out of it. Now the task is to come back to it so you were created for it. That's why I love PPF please do in it to begin with Adam didn't do in the beginning of thing to deserve that and what are the good deeds that were done? No, you were created for that then you got an out but now you need to come back in. So that's what you're gonna pay him. Rahim Allah He said Well, hello Karl hull Collier hammer home. Nail your Atiba home. He says he created all of creation so that he be merciful with them, not to punish them.

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So I bring you these coats that you understand that this is rather foundational and intrinsic to the Sharia is not a new discovery. So he said well helical hull Collier hammer home he created all of them, to be merciful with them, not for punishment, the punishment comes because we bring it on our own on ourselves. And

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you also know this hadith.

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And this hadith have how Allah azza wa jal is happy with Allah with our repentance.

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Allahu Efra, who Beto Bettiah AB de sol, Allah azza wa jal is happier with wondrous repentance

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than someone who, you know, was on his animal traveling in a desolate place in a desert, no one around. And then he, you know, camps to rest and what have you, he loses his right, he loses his mount. And now his mount has his food, his drink on it. So meaning without that transportation, and without the supplies on it, what's going to happen to him, he will surely die. So he lost sight of it, he doesn't know where it went, no food, no drink, no transportation, and no one to help. So he goes around looking for it, looking for it, looking for it, and cannot find it. So he resigned himself to death. So he says, I'll go back to my original place, and I will sleep waiting for death,

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meaning that is a given up completely. He sleeps, he wakes up, he finds his animal with the food and with the water.

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So he says, the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He says Allah has devoted is happier than that man, when you repent.

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And that is an approximation.

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Because you cannot imagine a happiness greater than that happiness

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on a human level, meaning your life is handed back to you. You're about to die and you think you've resigned yourself to the fact that I'm dead. I'm not going to see my family. I'm never going to see my destination, my kids, my wife, none of this, I'm dying here alone. Unless you see think I'm dying. Then out of nowhere, you find the animal come back. And now you're live again.

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So that's the happiness of being alive. After thinking that you're dying, that's the greatest happiness is Allah's happier than that

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when you repent.

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And there is a connection by the two, by the way between the two. Because that example, his life came back to him right?

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And when you repent, life comes back to you. You think about it, because the life of the earth healer is lost until you repent.

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Because he could lose it life of the ACA could be lost completely. If a person is in hellfire This is worse than death.

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So when you repent, your life comes back to you. So Allah azza wa jal loves that so much that there is no limit or there's no comprehension that we have of how we have that happiness. So the Prophet sallallaahu, Selim gives you an approximation, but think about it. Why is it that Allah loves it so much? Like what is it that we give to him? When we repent?

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Nothing What does he gain nothing, but because he loves that person so much and he loves his repentance that when he comes back

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AQ, he is that happy. So imagine that you could make Allah that happy that you have you you this symbol being that is us. You could make Allah as though did that happy with your Tober

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imagine the impact and also imagine the honor, he cares that much about me that he could feel that way. With what I do, that is an honor. And that is in connection, and you feel that you belong. And that Allah Zoda is truly and when we say the Creator, He is the caretaker, he is the one who takes care of you better and more than anyone else.

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So, Allah's mercy as we said, it's constant. It's open all the time as long as you're alive.

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repentance and forgiveness are available, as long as the sun did not rise from the west Allah's forgiveness and repentance is available to all and

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a couple of insha Allah a couple of

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stories to share with you here, just to tell you that

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Allah zoodle loves forgiveness, and loves mercy and He wants us to practice it. So of the liveliness owed, or the Allahu Anhu.

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This is kind of the stories just to emphasize that in Islam, there is no thirst for punishment.

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So believe it or miss Odle the Allahu Anhu he said, It says I remember the first man that the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam commanded that his hand be cut.

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I remember that incident. He said, what he had beside it in the amount of coffee. He says he had brought somebody who had committed

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that crime theft, and he commanded that his hand be cut. Then he said fucka and nama Asifa, which was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, As if I've noticed that the face of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam was sad.

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So he I said, O Messenger of Allah, as if you hated that his hand be cut. So he said, When William not only he says, why not? Why shouldn't I hate it? He said, Let the Kulu Arwen Allah shaytani Allah He come, don't be helpers of the shaytaan against your brother. It's not proper for the Imam that when he receives that type of

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offense, when it comes when it reaches him, he has no option but to execute the punishment of Allah azza wa jal

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but Allah azza wa jal is a full and he you will fo and he says well, yeah for Well yes, for who love them forgive and love them pardon? Don't you love that Allah who would pardon you? So what are we what he was saying here? So Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam is that he would have favored, that those who had caught him, because who can bring him is the person who was wronged that he stole from me. So if he favored Ali salatu salam, that the person who was wronged that he would forgive,

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but he says once it comes to the Imam, the Imam has no option but to administer Allah's punishment, because now it's public. It came to the Imam he cannot retreat anymore. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam or any other person after but before it comes to the Imam you who had been wronged Do you have the power to forgive? Rather than ask for hand for his hand to be cut? It's better to forgive him. That's what the Prophet alayhi salatu salam would have favored Well, yeah, fully us for whole let them forgive. Because that is better. And an incident similar to this.

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When Mary's are on the Allahu anhu, he committed adultery, Zina

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and he went and he asked somebody for advice.

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And he told him go to the prophets, Allah Allah wa salam, and confess and ask him to purify your he went to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He confessed, the prophet turned away. He didn't want to hear that from him the first time. And he kept insisting he did it four times. Is it a prophet of Allah, I did this I did this. I did this. Every time the Prophet turning away from him, and then he questioned him interrogated him, maybe you're wrong, maybe you did something different. Maybe you don't understand what you do and kind of he's trying to find a way not to

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have him admit it.

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But he said, No, I did it exactly this is it in a graphic description is that this is what I did. And that was it. Once it reached that level, the punishment of Allah azza wa jal had to be administered and that is stoning to death. But the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. There are some things he said.

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Related to this. The first

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swan is when they are and he wasn't with them when they were stoning Matt is also the Allahu Anhu. When Matt I started to hear it, they have to feel the stones against his body.

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He wanted to run and he started to run. Then some of the Sahaba caught up with him. And then they finished him off. They killed him. So the prophets Allah Allah wa salam, when he heard that he said, Hello direct to mu hula Allahu YouTube of a tube, Allahu La. Why didn't you let him go? So that he would repent, and Allah may accept his repentance.

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Meaning, even though he confessed because it was a self confession. And there's a ruling here because he confessed it. If you started to administer that type of punishment, and he runs away, you let him go.

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Right? You don't hold him back. Maybe then he'll repent, and Allah will accept his repentance. Then also the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam he said to Hassan, Hassan is the person who gave him advice to go and confess to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He says Allah Hiya, Hazzard. Hello, Quinta Sadat, the homophobia kind of hate on me Masana to be He, He says hustle if you have concealed him with your garment, it would have been better than what you have advised him to do. Meaning to be public with it, and come and confess it meaning if he came to and he said, I did this, and you say you repent to Allah azza wa jal, okay, and ask for his forgiveness and you kept it quiet, it was

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better than coming and confessing it this way.

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So it means that he Prophet wanted to kill him.

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No, right. But once it's public, there is no other way. And at the end, also the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He said about my is a said, ask Allah to forgive Matt as indeed he had repented, repented such a repentance. If it were to be divided among a nation, it would be enough for them. I'd love to see McBain or OMA

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and if it were to be divided among inhabitants of a city,

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that one repentance, it would be enough for all of them. So that is an elevation of virtue for Mary's, about the Allahu anhu, who had sacrificed his life for the sake of Allah azza wa jal and wanted to be purified in the dunya, but not in the AF era. But what do you take from this? Because some non Muslims and even some Muslims, when they hear about the punishment that you find in Islam, they think that we're all about cutting hands and stoning people, but you understand that the inclination is not there. The inclination is to deter people from doing it. Right? Because once people know, this is what happens to me if I transgress, they're not going to do this. So it's a

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deterrent. So, Allah azza wa jal and His Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam are not in in in they don't have this thirst to punish.

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They're not punitive. Right? Whether in the Sharia or in what happens to you.

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Alright, sometimes bad things happen to happen to you and you think Allah has deserted hates me so much he's punishing me. Day after day is Allah azza wa jal does not act like this. That's not his attribute, Subhan Allah to Allah, if Allah azza wa jal is sending you some bad thing or one bad thing after another, he is waking you are,

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is that's the only way right that you wake a person when they fail to listen to the other messages of Allah, because the other messages are in the Quran. But you're not reading the Quran. Right? You're not listening to it. You're not responding to the ad, then you're not concentrating in your Salah.

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So how is Allah gonna reach you?

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Right? You know, like how I mean, Allah azza wa jal is greater than all of this right? But suppose the government, right, they want you to do something. They send you a letter, and then another letter, and then a third letter. And if they really want you, what do they do?

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It escalates, right? Like there's some senses and they send somebody and they knock on the door. Or when they tell you, if you don't report by such and such time, you're going to be fined and you're going to be jailed. And so, they want to reach you and it escalates. So Allah azza wa jal wants to reach you, and we're not listening. So sometimes bad things could happen, but it's a message rather than Allah hates me, so he's doing these terrible things to me. Allah does not need to do terrible things to you, you know, what, if he does not care about you, like if you really bad, you really, really bad what Allah would do.

00:34:37 --> 00:34:41

Right? He would just simply give you more of the dunya

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if you really being bad, and Allah as you know, basically does not care. Right? Which give you more of the dunya take more of it. But if you're being tested, that means Allah cares.

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And thus he's waking you up, right?

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Think about that, because it's very useful. Think about it. And

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the last insha Allah in those terms is that also when you think about Jihad and you think about conflict in Islam, and again there is this, a mantra that they repeat or there's a thirst for conflict, a thirst for bloodshed in Islam. And listen to hear that Allah xuejun says, coulomb, OCADU, neuroglial, herby Allah. So there's an idea. He says, Every time the kindle the fire of war, Allah puts it out. He's referring to some of the people of the book, that is through their corruption and spread of mischief. They want to see conflict and division and war. There are people who are like that, even today, you look at them, they crave conflict because they get things from

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it. They want people to fight. So Allah azza wa jal says what whenever they want to kindle the fire of conflict, Allah puts it up. So some of the other might have said you understand that the inclination in Islam is not towards conflict, that Allah azza wa jal does not want conflict, but the opposite of it.

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And ignore Korean Rahim Allah Allah he says, I'm the one who examines the life of the messenger Alayhi Salat, this is on page 89, the one who examines the life of the messenger Alayhi Salatu was Salam who will realize that he never compelled anyone to follow his religion, and that he only fought those who fought him. Were in the markets element cartella, who he fought those who fought him, won them and had dinner who Fela Mukerji Luma dama McCrimmon Allah who would not he left me and could either, it says but for those who had a treaty with him, as long as they kept that treaty, and they did not break it, he did not fight them.

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As long as they were peaceful, and they kept the terms of that treaty and he could trust them. And there were no obstacles of Dawa, there was no need to fight. Right.

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But he fought who, those who would harass and kill and fight Muslims and threaten them.

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And again, think about it.

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Most Muslims when they accepted

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Islam, and at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. They accepted Islam after the Treaty of it, how they via the treaty overhead they BIA was a ceasefire. And because if there's a ceasefire, Khalifa, the people then started to listen to each other, and talk to each other. But now the Muslims are speaking from a position of strength.

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We're strong, and now we're not fighting anymore. So now people could listen to Muslims and to their evidence. So most people accepted Islam after that treaty, not because of conflict, conflict was necessary to repel an evil. Once that's done, you give people the chance to listen. So again, just to put things in perspective, and to understand that how people accepted Islam tells you a lot about its message and how people continue today to accept it without any compulsion. The other part of what we want to do tonight insha, Allah is that we end this if we understand that Allah loves forgiveness so much. And Allah is merciful, such so merciful with us and with all of his creation,

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then we also want to adopt forgiveness and mercy as a character. We want to develop it, we want to be better at it. So

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as he loves to forgive, he loves those who forgive

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those who follow that model in their lives and find it easy in their hearts to look the other way and overlook people's mistakes and understand their weaknesses. So a

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why should we forgive? Let me give you, you reasons of why we should forgive. So the first of them is that we should forgive because we want forgiveness from Allah as origin.

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And that's the path to get getting Allah's forgiveness. So as you want Allah's forgiveness, despite the many terrible things that we do, every single day, and yet we're hopeful that Allah could forgive us. In the same way we should be willing to offer forgiveness to other people. And we have here the example of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu. I'm going to try to be brief in sha Allah.

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Who during the fitna of the accusation of his daughter, Aisha Oman, what meaning the Mother of the Believers Radi Allahu anha, that she did this and that she committed Zina, right. And Allah azza wa jal cleared her in the Quran, purified her and she is the pure Mother of the Believers. So among those who were spreading these rumors was Mr. Mr. Who was a relative of of

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bakr Radi Allahu Anhu. In addition to this, Mr. Hall was a poor immigrant, meaning a virtuous man who attended and witnessed the Battle of beds.

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So he's a relative of bubble buck. He's poor. And he is a very virtuous, early Muslim, but no one is perfect. He spoke and circulated those accusations and he was punished for it. He was punished for it. Whenever Becker right Allah revealed he has exoneration in the Quran, he says, I will never go back and spend on mistakes anymore.

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And that is a reasonable position to take, right? I used to understand. This is my daughter. I used to give you money. I used to support you, you're my relative, you would say this thing about us. I'm never giving you money anymore. Justify.

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We would act this way. Right? And no one would blame us that Allah azza wa jal says what? Well I tell you don't Philemon Comosa I will just translate it and let not the virtuous and wealthy among us were not to give to their relatives the poor and the immigrant in the Cause of Allah meaning is referring to Mr. And he's talking to obika Radi Allahu I know right, but generally, but he's talking to him, and let them pardon an overlook. Would you not like Allah to forgive you? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Meaning don't swear not to give money to them as you used to, because Mr. has still a virtuous man. Then he asks, know, Becker understands. Don't you want Allah to forgive

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you, meaning forgive him to be forgiven? So Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu said what? Yes, I did. I want Allah to forgive me. So he returned to spending to Mr. As he did before, meaning he just this he just that was canceled. What Mr. Did was canceled was forgotten. What gave him the ability to forgive such a horrible thing.

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A connection to Allah xojo that I truly need Allah's forgiveness and for that, I'll forgive Mr. Right. So forgive to be forgiven. Forgive because when you forgive Allah gives you more than whatever you think you were you will lose with forgiveness. Okay, from an ATO ASLHA general what Allah if you forgive, and you do is law, many you this law you reconcile, then you reward is with Allah azza wa jal

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because sometimes we think that if I'm the first person to say, let's reconcile, if I'm the person who is going to forgive him, I will lose a lot.

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But Allah Allah says, No, Your reward is with Allah azza wa jal.

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You're not going to lose a thing.

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Also, we forgive because Bennett forgiveness benefits us more than revenge. If you try to go and avenge yourself by verbally or physically, you're not going to get much from it, you're still going to feel anger, and disgust, dissatisfaction and emptiness.

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But imagine that to the wholesomeness that you will feel to how full you will feel when you forgive.

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And the satisfaction that Allah has digit will fill your heart with. So you will get a lot more when you forgive rather than revenge. But revenge leaves you what tired and exhausted, especially if you're waiting for the time, where you will be able to exact revenge that may take years for that to happen, right?

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Also, we should forgive out of mercy for the wrongdoer as if you're able to rise and look at them, with the eyes of Mercy like this poor person should be. You should pity them.

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Because they got themselves in trouble with Allah azza wa jal

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when they wronged you, right, when they did something that they got themselves also in trouble with Allah zodion. If they were smart, if they were pious, they would not do this, but now they're in trouble with Allah azza wa jal, in addition to all the other bad things that they're doing. Do I really want to see them in hellfire? Does it really help me? If he's a Kaffir? That's another story. But a believer who believes in the basic principle things that you believe in? Does it really give you satisfaction? If you see him burning? The word is your Rama? And does he not have a mother? That you know will be sad when she sees this a father? Does he not have children does not have people who

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love him? Does he not have mitigating circumstances? Maybe he's depressed, maybe he's anxious. Maybe he had terrible childhood, maybe nobody taught him. You could find excuses for people, right? And if you think about it in those terms, maybe then you'll have Rama rather than revenge and anger possibly, and sympathy right? understand people's limitation not everybody is going to

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To be as smart as you as patient, as you, as educated as you as knowledgeable as you as disciplined as you may be, that is their limit, this is the best that they can. So if your child comes, for instance, and says something, a five year old, six year old says a word that he does not understand, are you going to be angry with them, you understand their limitation. If they insult you with something, and they don't really understand what they're saying, You're not going to be angry, you understand that this is their limit. They can't think any better. They can't act any better. So people who are around you also have limitations as well. If you can just understand them in terms of

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those limitations. You're not going to be exhaustive in demanding that they be as perfect as you are.

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Or they have to be as patient as I am as disciplined, as chaste in their tongue as I am. It doesn't happen like that. So if you understand them as limited human beings who are struggling every single day, so I don't want to make it worse for them. It's enough the struggles that they're going through, right? And Allah azza wa jal, you know.

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When he says, and this is this comment comes from a chef of North Aimia Rahim Allah and people will stop there.

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When ALLAH says who the law for

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who they live, for, he commands the Prophet alayhi salatu salam and everybody else who they love for take fo fo is what is easily given and shared, what I mean from people who they are formidable Orfeo out of the ninja Haley, and that is in dealing with people. And this is really like a golden principle if you can just understand it and absorb it. When you deal with people Allah is saying who they will ask for your anima alpha, Yanni McKenna, Salah and Hainan mean lucky Nursey what they buy him, what are your opponent or whatever they can easily give, just take that from them what is on the surface, and don't be exhaustive, demanding more from them than what they can.

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So if you want a,

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an image to help you, right, imagine that between you and every single human being is a rope.

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And you could pull and they could pull. So who therefore means what, don't pull too much.

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Don't pull too much that if a person can, you know, if you want to borrow money from a person, just as an example,

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one person is generous, he could give you his 10,000 the other person has money, but his self can only give what? Here's 100

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Take the 100 and don't complain.

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He could have given more. Because that's what him says self can give you this is the awful what is easily given and shared.

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A person invites you for food, the only thing that they offer you is just snacks and you're waiting for a feast, right? It's the steak was easily given. That's what they can give, whether it's that's the money that they have, or that's the effort that they can give or they're not really that generous, whatever it is, don't be exhausted. In dealing with people that will bring you comfort, whatever people give, you take it and you move on. Some can give more hamdulillah less hamdulillah as well. So if you can apply that you're not going to be in trouble with people. You're only in trouble when you expect perfection. And a lot sometimes model after your own self since I gave this

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they must give me that. But Allah as it is seeing what no that's expecting too much for the law for whatever they can give, let them give and then move on. Maybe later on they could give later. But it's enough for you to take what is given. And if you want more ask Allah for it. That helps you forgive as well because you understand people's limitation. Let me stop here in sha Allah because Maghrib is not far and just see quickly if there are any questions I could answer. And if not, we can just stop inshallah. So, so far, no questions, quick questions that I could answer and again, Inshallah, remember that next week, the Halacha will begin at 730 in the LA Zoo, says give us a

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little bit more time before mercury.

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So I think I'm waiting for one question or few online. Let me wait for that. But meanwhile, on the brothers side, nothing.

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We're good. On the sister side. I don't see any hands. Okay.

00:49:39 --> 00:49:41

So let me see, okay.

00:49:43 --> 00:49:58

How do we teach a person who doesn't see the wisdom of us forgiving them and they keep committing mistakes, which they're not benefit themselves even at times harm their own self? How do we balance forgiving them and giving them reminders? So this is a good question because that's something that

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It's good that it came up during the quick q&a, because we didn't really have time to get into it. Allah Azza did when he says from an ortho Isla, the one who forgives and commits Islam,

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Islam, one of them, one of the meaning is Islam is that you go back to what you were before meaning when you forgive, you go back to the past relationship, you don't harbor any resentment, if you don't keep a reminder of that offense, but you just completely forget about it. That's one meaning of his law to fix a thing that was broken. Another meaning of it with alpha, alpha was law meaning to forgive, but with a fixing mean that forgive as long as your forgiveness fixes that human being. If it does not fix them, then at times punishment is better.

00:50:49 --> 00:51:25

Okay. So if you've understand that there is sometimes a son who's a repeat offender, you forgive them for one time, two times, three times, and they keep keep making the same mistakes or bigger ones. And the only thing that will wake them up is what? Some sort of punishment, then you say, Don't forgive them. Because forgiveness then is wasted. But punishment is best. And that's why you understand why punishment, it's time is necessary. Those punishments that we talked about, at times, they are necessary, because for some of us, forgiveness does not work.

00:51:26 --> 00:52:10

You need to be punished to wake up. So that's the thing if that person is being forgiven repeatedly, and it's not helping, maybe it's time to reconsider forgiveness, and to punish or to withhold data until they understand that it's not freely given, there has to be something that you would give in return, you can't keep committing the same mistake. And you could talk you could make do as we said before, so you said how do we balance forgiving them and giving them reminders? You could always teach you say, I forgive you for this, but make sure that you don't repeat this, because this is the impact that it left. And would you do this for other people? This is how it can harm them. So

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forgiveness does not mean that you don't teach. Alright, but teach and remind, and if it doesn't work, don't forgive, right. They've Inshallah, so I think we are okay. Have a lot of blood. I mean, so we'll see you in Sharla next week at seven o'clock, Baraka lofi, calm Subhanak Aloha. VMDK shadowline. I just have to really come to rely on Bill Alameen Salam Alaikum rahmatullahi wa

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