Ali Albarghouthi – Stories of the Prophets – Episode 01 – Adam RA

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary ©
The importance of storytelling and authentic information is emphasized in the context of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing of the printing
AI: Transcript ©
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Nina, Mayor de la Vela De La Hoya youth leaf aloha de la wa Chateau La ilaha illallah wa hola Sheree Kela wash Mohammedan Abu who Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. So Alhamdulillah we say used to mean that we're going to start series leaving the law May Allah make it a Baraka in it about the stories of the prophets sallallahu alayhi wasallam and main Rasul Allah, He will NBL La Jolla as his origin.

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And before I start directly, you know, into the story of Adam alayhis, salaam, I first wanted and this is what I always like to do sort of lay out some principles, or ideas that will help us in sha Allah throughout, and I want you in sha Allah to keep them in mind because they'll be helpful, not only now, but help be helpful in Sharla now and later for the series, and for what comes after inshallah. And what I want to answer, inshallah, through these principles mainly is, why we're doing this and how we're going to be doing it. So why are we doing stories of the prophets? And then how will be we'll be doing the stories of the prophets. So first of all, why are we doing the stories of

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the prophets of Allah zodion First of all, stories in general are interesting. I can seem to sit here and tell you stories, and you'll never be bored. Because we like stories. And you will find that Allah azza wa jal knows that.

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And his prophet sallallahu wasallam knows this very well. That's why you find stories in the Quran. The whole Quran is not stories, but you will find stories in it. So what's the benefit of actually and why does? Why Why are they attractive?

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Why do we like them so much? One thing you know that stories do is that they translate theory into practice. So if I tell you, for instance, you know, be patient, be patient, patience is good, etc, etc. Okay, you have an idea that you should be patient. But you may ask me, How should I be patient? How demonstrate?

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Either if I show you you'll know or if I tell you a story that shows the story will tell you specifically how you can take that theory of patients into practice. If for instance, if somebody says something bad to me, then I'll be patient. So it's a demonstration so you can model yourself. After that story, you'll always remember, okay, he did this, she did that. I'm going to do the same thing. So it's a model behavior. And because it's a model behavior, it's easy

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or easier to follow rather than just directions.

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And you will find that a lot as legit in the Quran. For instance, he tells his prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam first burqa masa borroloola as Mimi Naru. So be patient, like those prophets of Allah as though gela messengers of Allah whore, strong, oral as more very strong. Be patient like they were patient. How could the Prophet of Allah azza wa jal or anyone be patient like they were patient if he does not know their story?

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So it's a model not only for us, but even for Mohammed Sall Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam when Allah tells him the stories in the Koran, they're not just for entertainment. It's for him Salaam to send them to follow another example in detail and to follow them. Allah says, Allah, he can Latina de Humala. febi houda hamaca de these are the ones whom Allah had guidance to follow their guidance.

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So again, he is telling his prophet sallallahu wasallam see what they've done, follow their guidance. And also what it does is that it comforts the heart and stabilizes it.

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So if somebody if you are go on a path of Dawa or asking people to become Muslims, or you are speaking the truth, and you're opposed and you're hurt and harm, and you feel down, troubled by it, and you go, and you read the Quran, and you find that new Allah has said I'm was harassed and harmed Ibrahim alayhis salaam was harmed and his life was targeted, etc, etc. Each Prophet of the prophets of Allah was met with hostility and opposition, and that this is a pattern. Anyone who wants to bring reform will be met with this opposition and resistance, then you will know that I'm not alone.

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I am not alone. So Allah as agent says wakulla Nakasone came in and bat Eros really, man with a b2b for ad at each of the stories, Ally's telling his prophet sallallahu wasallam each of those stories that we are telling you about the prophets, what do we are doing with it? nouthetic b2b e Fu adeq we are stabilizing your heart with it.

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Because he knows that a lot he was a lamb. You know, you know as an example, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam once

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once heard from someone,

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you are unjust, you're dividing money

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and you have committed injustice. You're playing favorites you know. So the prophets audience synonym says what? Which is significant to our point here. You have to humble Allah homosassa. May Allah have mercy upon Moosa laquered Odia, the actor and the actor amin Heather for sabar, he was harmed with more than this, and he continued to be patient. So what did he remember?

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Moosa? Right. He remembered Moosa his brother.

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So this is happening to me, am I going to be sad? Am I going to quit? Am I know what is you remember? Oh, it happened to other people as well. It's happened to Musa alayhis salaam, and can comparison this to that, that was more, and he continued to be patient, and if he can be patient, and he was patient, I will be patient as well. So stories do that. So that's one thing, and that's what I want inshallah, from these stories as well, is that they're not only entertainment, or they're going to entertain us. And they're going to inform us that at the same time, we have to take that and we have to consider them as models. We have to reproduce some of what we are hearing and

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reading. And of course, they are the best of humanity and the prophets of Allah, they are the best of humanity, so their life is the best of lives. And their stories are the best of stories, as Allah azzawajal says, nano novels, so Alec is Anil casas, we are telling you the best of stories.

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And that by the way, Subhana Allah is incredible. I mean, if you think about it, Allah is self telling you we are telling you to all of us and to Mohammed Salim Salaam to telling you the best of stories. And when you're going to open the Koran and read, you're reading the best of stories. So imagine here with me, if you were to select a committee

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of you know, this RC, sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, and you will tell them go and study the entire human history and bring out from it the best of what happened in it, the best of stories will select but each person will select differently or will have their own bias and shortcomings in that selection. Right? Who's selecting here?

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Allah zodion he's telling Allah knows everything that has happened nothing is hidden from him and knows what is important and what is not.

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Because if we if we ask you today, select the best two stories of what is happening today humanity you tell me that star and this actress and that singer and this famous person

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but if you see the horror on the best of stories are not the stories about kings. There are some kings but they're not stories about kings. That's not constitute necessarily the best of story. And they're not stories about conquerors. Like if you go back to history, tell me the Buster stories. Okay, I don't know Genghis Khan. best story. incredible story. And other person you know, very rich. That's it's not that these are not the bestest stories, not for Allah azzawajal. But what are the best two stories?

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One of them is zecharia Ali Salam being alone at night, making dua to Allah azza wa jal to grant him Yeah, here.

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It is, should a man alayhis salam,

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listening to what an ant is saying? Who knows what an ant is saying? Why is that significant? Think to yourself and and,

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or having an exchange with a bird.

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What is that?

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He's not another king, just an animal, an animal. But Allah as though God when he looks at it, that's the bestest story

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or the mother of money. I'm

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making a promise to Allah who is Miriam? And who is you know, the mother of money am I Who Who are they? But he makes a promise to Allah as to that she will give her daughter or her child in service to Allah zoji. That is a story that Allah visited records in the Quran. So to Allah as the origin, what comes what is important, what floats to the top is not necessarily what we see. And that should tell you also that what we consider as humans the best is not always the best. Allah azza wa jal has different criteria than our than other than us. So the best two stories are stories that Allah as the gypsies are coming from the best of people and they teach the best of things. And so when we

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want to focus in sha Allah in our lives on what stories we should read, what stories we should learn from pick the best stories that come from the best of people. They are wholesome, they're right, they push you to the top, not to the bottom. They make you better, not worse.

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And it's from the best of people, not the worst. Some people who are famous, most of the people are famous today are the best or the worst, the worst. And so their stories are the worst of stories. And somehow laughter You listen to it after you read it, you feel terrible. It doesn't add anything. But when you read what Allah wants you to read, or you hear the stories of the prophets, or the stories of the Sunnah, it's something different. Third, I said, it's, it's wholesome and meaning wholesome, meaning it has a lot in it. The fact that we're telling stories doesn't mean that we're just telling stories, there's manners and character in them. There is a Theda, in them, there is

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physical and law in them. There's a lot in it. So don't think that we are telling this, that we're not doing it that we're doing it that you just don't do it. It's embedded, but there's al Qaeda in it, when we're talking about our code on Allah zodat. Isn't that a theater, and trusting him Subhanallah to Allah and worshiping alone. And the consequence of disbelief, all that is not Akita, it's actually the plus character and this and all of that. So there's a lot in it. And there are lessons and what we're gonna be trying to do as much as possible to extract lessons from these stories. And I want to tell you in Sharla, something, which is also important, you may say to

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yourself, Well, I know these doors.

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So why do you keep reading them in the Quran? If you know them?

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Why do we keep reading in the Koran if we know them? The fact is that the more that you read, the more that you will discover.

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And even if I extract or you extract, for instance, 10 benefits from the story of Adam, that's not enough. Because if you will come back later, you'll discover more. And if you visited a third time, you will find out even more. And if you keep reading and reading till we die, you'll keep finding more benefit in them. So there's no limit to those benefits. So if you've heard it, have you read it once, it does not mean that you know everything that is in it?

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And that's why a lot as a general You know, one of the reasons why Allah repeats it in the Quran is this, what is I'll repeat the story of Musa because every time that you're reading it, you'll get something different. What does he have repeat the story of Adam? Well, I've just started there, why should I read it again here because there is something different here than over there. Otherwise, Allah would not repeat it. It's not like us, we will repeat because we, you know, run out of things to say a lot as the origin. He repeats it because there's something extra in it. So you have to find what is that thing that Allah as digital wants for you to do?

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How will we do this? Okay, so where do we get the stories of the prophets? Let me ask you, what are our sources

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from the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that is really enough.

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So we go based on the Quran, we go based on the authentic son of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam, we don't need the weak ones. So I will base it on what is authentic. If I'm going to use anything that is weak, I'll let you know I'll tell you what, this is weak, and then I'll mention it but I will preface it by saying this is weak. And we also do not need stories coming from the People of the Book. That is from the Bible. Now why is it that we don't need them? Although at some points it may be permissible to use it. But why is it that we don't need them?

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stories that come from a people of the book are of three types. One things that the Quran confirms second, things that the Quran denies. Third things that the Quran and Sunnah, you know are, you know, quiet about they don't talk about it. So if the Quran or the Sunnah confirm something, we don't need it to come to us from the People of the Book. Right? Because already we already have it. If the Quran and Sunnah deny something, then we know it's false,

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then we don't need it. If the Quran and Sunnah are quiet, any second to unshare quiet and they do not talk about this particular thing, but the Bible does Old Testament New Testament, they talk about it. We don't have enough information to say whether this is right or it's wrong. We don't. It can give us some background, but we don't know if they've transferred that information to us, right or wrong, so it's not reliable. So if it's not reliable, it's not very beneficial.

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Understanding. If it's not reliable, it's not very beneficial. It can give some background information but then you don't know that this actually happened happened this way happened with all of those details or not.

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And also if Allah azza wa jal does not talk about something in the Quran and the Sunnah and focuses on something else. Allah excludes it for a reason. Allah does not talk about it for a reason.

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So for instance, which famous in Surah Telegraph,

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the people of the cave how many are they

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There is no confirmed number in the Quran there is a hint. There is a hint, but there is no confirmed number. Okay?

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But I need to know the number what would what difference would that make that changes the story at all? If they were 5467 it doesn't change it at all. So a lot is not talking about it to say focus on what I want you to focus. All the rest is what distraction

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what color were they wearing? What country were they in? Where is the cave, distraction, distraction, distraction, focus on what I want you to focus on.

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So a person who you know focuses on these trivial matters, and misses what Allah wants is missing the entire point of this story.

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So Allah as urgent excludes for a reason and includes for a reason. So we're not going to focus on you know, what Allah excludes, we want to focus on what Allah azza wa jal talks about in the Quran and Sunnah.

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and then the last thing inshallah, that I want to say, and that's the principle and then we're going to go in it.

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It's good to have the stories of the prophets. And then you know, also to, you know, to share stories,

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whether they come from the sinner or from the Sahaba, or from metabo, in and so on, and so on. But there is something interesting in Islamic history that early on, early on, there was condemnation of storytelling

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alpo sauce, well, cos condemnation of storytelling, because early on in Islamic history, there had emerged this tendency for people to gather around a storyteller, and he starts telling stories. And these stories, a lot of times, they're not authentic, exaggerated or fabricated.

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Right. So that's a problem with them. Another problem with storytelling, if that if it becomes the dominant and the only thing that you're listening to and interested in, you're not going to learn a lot.

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You're not going to learn a lot.

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So we cannot have our Holocaust, any all of them. This is the stories but they are from the Koran, but not all of our lockers and all our hot buzz and all the lectures that you listen to, and only thing that you read our stories. It can be

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the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says in any Israelite Elijah Mahela cuca so he says boo Israel in when they deviated

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mother lode in another way, when they deviated they started to tell stories. That's what it is. They would sit and tell stories and they're entertaining and they're fun and everybody's listening. But where is athlete and what is halal and haram? And where is Phil convertors, all of this, they stopped learning that. So stories are great, but they cannot be the focus. Like if all of your room has our stories, the hot buzz, that's an that's a problem. If all those things think that you're listening to when you go online,

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this lecture that lecture only interested in stories and you want to do want to learn anything else, that's an issue. So stories are attractive, but you have to make sure two things. One, they're authentic, not just interesting, they're authentic. And second of all, they're not your only source of information.

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You also balance that as well.

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Now, so

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let's go on and then start beating Allah azzawajal How do you know how many messengers and prophets we have?

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I mean, I'm not talking about though those are mentioned in the Quran in general. How many Russo's

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okay good? Yeah.

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No, not five. Oh is a lot more a lot more messengers. So, also

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300 I'll tell you so the Rasul of Allah azza wa jal 313.

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Russell, okay. messengers 313.

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And the prophets of Allah 124,000 Okay, so the prophets of Allah are 124,000 the messengers of Allah are 313 Okay. 330 which now begs the question, what is the difference between a messenger and a prophet and messenger and a prophet? The scholars of Islam, you know, debate this a little bit or disagree about this a little bit, you know, what exactly are the differences? So each messenger is a prophet. So the base the big base 124,000 and that is a lot of profits. So as because Allah as dogen says, We're immuno Metin Illa Allah Fianna dear, every nation, we have sent them

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Under the ear, someone to warn them, meaning every nation received What? a profit. Every nation received a profit at least one profit if not more. So the base that big base is 124,000. These are profits from those profits. 313 are messengers. Okay? So messengers is a profit plus

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profit plus meaning what do I mean by plus, he's a prophet, but he's giving something extra, what is this extra that he is given? So some Allah say that he's given a book. He has a book. I'd like the Koran like the Injeel, like the Torah, other element have said that he is charged by going to a people who will oppose him. So he's not going to a friendly crowd

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is going to a hostile crowd. And some say he has a Sharia with him. New law. So a book, a new law with him, and he's going to people and those people are going to fight him. They're going to oppose him. So a profit could be sent to people who are friendly as the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. He said in Ebony, Israel incarnate, the Susumu ambia, that children of Israel were being led by prophets, Kula mahalik, and Avi bathala. obeah, whenever a Prophet would die, alone will send another prophet

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so during a time during their period, but who is Salah al their leaders were what

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prophets, the actual political leadership or profits like that would and so a man so he says, when a Prophet would die, Allah will send another prophet. So these were not hostile to them.

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But a messenger of Allah azza wa jal, as the Anima have said, Yeah, they will be hostile to him. So of course, most of these are not mentioned in the Quran.

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We don't know most of the prophets of Allah, and we do not know most of the messengers of Allah, but some are mentioned. And these are the ones that we'll be talking about being Neela as evidence, some more than others.

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So we'll begin by nilla with the creation of this world itself.

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And when they the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a woman Hala Hala al column for her letter, he says, the first thing that Allah created was the pen.

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And he told him right, or he told it right. So the pen asked, What shall I write? And a lot told him right, what is going to transpire and happen till the Day of Judgment?

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onomah holla, holla holla column. So is the Kalam the first of Allah's creation? Or if there is or is there something before it? Again, the scholars of Islam they say, yeah, it is the first others say no, it is not the first. In fact, what came before it is the throne of Allah as the origin and in fact, could be other creations. But when the prophets of Allah wa sallam says, The first that Allah created was the pen, he means first that he created in relation to this world.

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So in connection to this world, the first that Allah created was the pen, but there were other creations before

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one of them is the, the throne of Allah xojo.

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So Subhana Allah, we don't know the limit of Allah's creation and the magnitude of Allah creation. And I want to share with you here one Hadith that is authentic, just to let you know,

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says, oh, Dinelli and ohad DITA and mela kinnaman hemella Taylor, she says I was permitted to speak about an angel from the angels who are carrying the throne of Allah azza wa jal massira to mobay. You know, de la takahisa. Me at center, the distance from his earlobe to his shoulder is 700 years. The flight of a bird.

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Okay, the distance from his earlobe, to his shoulder height is 700 years that it takes 700 years to travel that distance. And he says in one heady no in the in the continuation of it the flight of a bird. Okay. Now, it's hard to imagine this, right? It's hard to imagine this. So I did a calculation and you need to go back and check my calculation because I don't promise you that this is 100% accurate. It's math after all. So I mean, you go ahead and check it. So the slowest bird travels eight kilometers per hour.

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So if you multiply eight kilometers by 24 hours, by 355, because I'm doing a history here by 700 years, you get 68,000 kilometers

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you get six to 8000 kilometers.

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I'm sorry.

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how mature we said, How many years? Well, I don't I mean, we're imagining he's traveling 700 years, right? continuous. So that's the distance. And he's going to be he will

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travel 68,000 kilometers, okay. So, the diameter of the earth, right, top to bottom that diameter of the Earth is 12,700 kilometers. Okay? So 12,700 so if you divide 68 by 12 means that you will can fit five Earths, from his earlobe to his shoulder.

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Five can if you take one Earth 12345 from low to shoulder.

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Now check it, check it. And what I did is that I've used the slowest bird, the slowest it's not the fastest, this is eight kilometer per hour faster or one of the fastest birds goes 100 kilometer per hour or 150 kilometers I didn't go the fastest, because that would be I don't know. Okay, I'm just went with the slowest one. So this is the magnitude of Allah's creation, right? And that like he says, I was given permission to speak about this angel Subhana Allah right. So this is just the distance from here to there, you can imagine the rest of his body.

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And if you remember previously, when we said that when Rasulullah is a lot, he was sillim saw gibreel. And his real image saw him twice, he saw jabril and his real image and when he when he looked up, and he said he had said that he had blocked the horizon,

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you could imagine, because jabril Ali Salam is the greatest Angel. So he blocked the horizon, meaning as I told you before, you could look and you'll see him everywhere.

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Right? So

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Allah azza wa jal, right, created first depend, first created the pen in relation to this dunya and creation starts on Sunday.

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And it goes all the way to Friday. And that's why you know, Subhanallah why Sunday is called what in Arabic, Allah had an I had this what first

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I had is the first listening is the second to the third is the third and so on. So creation begins on Sunday, and goes all the way till Friday. And it is on Friday, that Allah azza wa jal created Adam,

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and one of the virtues of Friday is that Adam alayhis salaam was created in Friday, on Friday. And Adam alayhis salaam entered agenda Friday, exit agenda on Friday, and the Day of Judgment is going to happen on Friday. So it's a very special day. And in relation to other mala, his salon, his creation was on a Friday.

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And the prophets a lot he was telling me you said he was created on Friday in under that extra special time on Friday, which is after arson in the last hour before the night.

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And that's an honorable time. By the way. Why is it an honorable time?

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Yeah, that's the accepted. All right. That's the time when the door is accepted. So it's an honorable time. So Adam le Salam was created during that time.

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And Allah azza wa jal created Adam, right, greeted Adam from a fistful from this earth.

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That is his so Lola he saw a lot he was a lamp that Allah created Adam from a hub de Cabo humming Jamie allowed a fistful or a handful, that a light grab from this entire Earth.

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from different types of sands,

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different colors and different size types. mean is what you will get from black and red menace elemental hazard from rough sand from soft sand. And that explains as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says, the diversity of his progeny, the difference in color, and in difference in character and temperament, because we have been created from what from this earth, Adam was created from sand, and then sand was mixed with water and it became mud and it was left you know, to harden and then Allah azza wa jal put a soul in it, in it. So it came from this earth and even chemically, right we have we are coming from this earth. So the prophets Allah Islam says what explains this diversity, and

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that is something that only Allah can tell us about. What explains to this diversity is that as you see diversity in this sense, and the type of sound how rough some of it is, how soft some of it is, and different colors. He says, because Adam

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was created from all of it

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from all of it. And so the children of Adam reflect the diversity of that creation matter. Right. And one of the honor that Allah gave it has given to Adam specifically is that he had created him with his two hands.

00:30:18 --> 00:30:50

Because Allah tells a police man I can test do the Lima haluk to be a day what has stopped you from prostrating to what I've created with my two hands? So we affirm to Allah azza wa jal that attribute but we say that Allah's hands do not resemble human hands, or any other hands. We say that that's that's a law says it, we're not going to deny it. But they're not human hands. And we never imagined that they are human hands, but we, we affirm to allow it he has said about himself, and what His Prophet sallallahu wasallam had said about him.

00:30:53 --> 00:30:54

And interestingly,

00:30:56 --> 00:31:02

when Allah azza wa jal was fashioning, Adam was fashioning Adam and the soul was not in him yet.

00:31:04 --> 00:31:06

And so that that mud is drying

00:31:07 --> 00:31:19

for Jada, a Blue Yeti movie. So Iblees is noticing what's happening and is developing now those feelings of hazard envy. So he started to circle him.

00:31:20 --> 00:31:28

Adam is not alive yet started to circle him. fella Mara, who did you have, when he saw that he was hollow on the inside empty?

00:31:29 --> 00:31:42

Were hollow, right? where he's hollow on the inside, for alpha, and now who holy * caneta Malak ohada for to be He, he says he knew that he was unable to fully restrain himself

00:31:43 --> 00:31:44

as a garden.

00:31:47 --> 00:31:50

You understand? That is not a strong creation.

00:31:52 --> 00:32:22

And he knew, somehow Allah is smart. He knew he was still beginning of this creation. And there is no soul in Adam yet. But he said he noticed that this type of creation is not solid on the inside. And because it's not solid, there is weakness in it. And it's true. Allah had created us with weakness. And there's a reason why a lot created us with weakness. Because we have to be tested. We have to be tested, and we have to repent and we have to go back to Allah azza wa jal.

00:32:23 --> 00:32:41

So he was circling and he's like, it's like a scout he was circling. So what, what what is he What is he? How strong what how do I relate to him? What do I oppose him? And then when he saw that he was weak like that, and that he could have power over him. He said, I got him the thought to be I got him.

00:32:43 --> 00:32:49

So this tells you Subhan Allah that Allah azza wa jal did embed that in us but as I said, there is a wisdom in it

00:32:50 --> 00:32:51

for you,

00:32:52 --> 00:32:58

when Allah as the Gil tells the angels in the genomes of the halifa, I'm going to put halifa

00:33:00 --> 00:33:03

a successor on the face of this earth,

00:33:04 --> 00:33:24

called to attach our opmi uctv house we could demo our ob Hamdi Kanaka de su like so the angels asked, Are you going to put on it, the one who will put corruption spread corruption on this earth and will shed blood and we are glorifying you and praising you and worshiping you holla in the Alamo Matata. lamoni says, I know what you do not know.

00:33:26 --> 00:33:33

That's a very famous story that you read in Surah Al Baqarah. Now, first of all, the angels were they objecting to Ally's decision?

00:33:35 --> 00:33:46

No, because the angels know better than to do that. Know that Allah azza wa jal is the all wise and that whatever he does, there is wisdom in it. Why were they asking?

00:33:48 --> 00:34:03

First of all, he did not begin the question they did not. Allah tells them, Allah tells them I'm going to do this. So as if Allah azza wa jal wants to hear from them, and only then do the talk. So they're not objecting to Allah xojo so why do they ask?

00:34:05 --> 00:34:09

They ask for the wisdom. They don't know what the wisdom is.

00:34:10 --> 00:34:15

Because to them to them, when I look at it, it doesn't make sense.

00:34:16 --> 00:34:20

And there's a great lesson in that to them when they look at it.

00:34:21 --> 00:34:35

I know that you are all wise and all merciful and and this creation does not make sense. If they are gonna kill so many. And if they're going to do so many bad things, it doesn't make sense why you would create them.

00:34:37 --> 00:34:40

So what is Allah say in the Alamo? I know what you do not know.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:53

And there is here you know, lesson in that for all of us. If the angels of Allah Zulu had seen things that are beyond anything that we have ever seen, and maybe we'll ever see alone,

00:34:54 --> 00:34:59

and they are so close to Allah as Odin that they are talking directly to him and yet Allah

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

Do something that escapes their wisdom. Isn't that the case for us as well?

00:35:07 --> 00:35:24

You know how knowledgeable and wise the angels are, and they're right at the top right there, and they can see everything. And they've been living for so long. And yet Allah could do something. And that thing is, was there's wisdom in it, but it just escapes them, you cannot see it. You follow me? We cannot see it.

00:35:25 --> 00:35:27

until Allah tells them.

00:35:28 --> 00:36:08

Isn't that the same with us as well? You see something you say? Why would Allah command this? Well, I don't understand. I don't understand what like commands. How could Allah do this? How could alto Allah allowed that? I don't understand. In that position, you will be like the angels of Allah xojo. But do not object. Don't object, there's a difference. Don't object, try to ask a question like there is to try to find out the wisdom and what Allah has done. And then Allah will teach you because they are these are two different attitudes. There's an attitude of objection and rejection and opposition. That person never learns. You never learn because you've opposed Allah as legit as

00:36:08 --> 00:36:12

if as you're saying Allah, you don't know I know better. You'll never learn.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:24

Because I was not going to teach you you know, willing to learn, you have an open up your mind for it. But if you say Allah, even if I don't know what it is, I believe that there's wisdom behind it, teach me

00:36:25 --> 00:36:39

and Subhana Allah, this is what it's called, at the end of some of the scholars of Islam and just recently I've said it is if a person not only just humbles himself, and submits to Allah zildjian and asks him to teach him He will teach him he will find the wisdom of that thing, if he only does that.

00:36:41 --> 00:36:44

So the angels of Allah didn't know.

00:36:45 --> 00:37:03

Allah insha Allah, Allah tala mon I know we do not know what you do not know. And then you know the rest of the story Allah azza wa jal goes and teaches Adam alayhis salam, the names of all of these things, and he brings them and he says, tell me the names of these things. They say we do not know except what you teach us. So he says, oh, Adam told them these names and he tells them all these names.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:28

Meaning that Allah azza wa jal either wanted to show them the virtue of Adam on what he's able to do beyond what they can do. Or that, don't you know, that I know what you do not know under you cannot even don't you don't even know the names of these simple things in front of you. How would you know the future? How would you know what they're capable of? So yes, humanity produces a lot of corruption.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:34

But why does Allah allow all that corruption? What is going to come out of that humanity?

00:37:37 --> 00:38:20

Sorry, goodness, and what is this goodness, in the body of whom are in the form of whom? The prophets of Allah xojo the prophets of Allah. So all the prophets of Allah are extracted, it's like a, these are like jewels being extracted from humanity. And all the righteous are jewels being extracted from humanity, and they had to go through that corruption and to oppose it. Some of them are killed, some of them are tortured. Some of them Subhanallah spent life in agony, but they fight and they win. And then they become great, as Eliza Jun wants them. So that's the greatness that Allah wanted from humanity. Yes, there is corruption, but from them, I will extract someone like

00:38:20 --> 00:38:51

Mohammed Salah lo and he was in. It does not happen and cannot happen without that corruption. Without that bloodshed, without a prophet standing up and saying, I'll sacrifice my life for Allah azza wa jal. How could you sacrifice your life if there is no opposition if there is no corruption, so attack to exist? So we are saying that Allah has wisdom. Subhana Allah is beyond anything that we understand. So remember that story. Whenever you're going to doubt something that Allah said something that Allah has done. Remember that story.

00:38:53 --> 00:38:57

Now, something that we didn't mention about Adams creation.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:02

When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

00:39:04 --> 00:39:42

hello hello Adam, Allah surah t Waterloo si una de la. He said Allah greeted Adam in His own image, and his height is 60 cubits. So the first part of the Hadith Allah created Adam his own image, meaning that Allah azzawajal created Adam, in his original image, meaning the major image of Adam alayhis salam, meaning that Adam was not created a child and then became a teenager and then an adult. No, the image when Adam was created, that was the image of Adam alayhis salaam, so he did not progress in age from childhood to adulthood.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:59

Second, the image of Adam inside Jenna was the same image of him outside of Jenna. And the image that his children inherit, is the same image of Adam alayhis salaam, meaning the eyes, the nose, this is how we looked more or less

00:40:00 --> 00:40:21

Right. This is how we add them it is landlocked. And that's why also the Prophet sallallahu wasallam This is 150 benefit. He said that hitting the face is forbidden. For in Allah Allah Allah, Allah surah T, because Allah created this person in the image of Adam,

00:40:23 --> 00:40:31

meaning you and your brother and your sister and your mother and your father, the face is prohibited for you to strike for any reason

00:40:32 --> 00:40:41

why it's an honorable face. And why is it honorable? One of the reasons is that Allah created Adam in that image and you are created in the image of Adam.

00:40:43 --> 00:40:43

But you

00:40:44 --> 00:40:55

will tolu and his height is 60 cubits. Now a qubit is an ancient, you know, or an old method of measuring things. This is a qubit from your elbow, to your fingers.

00:40:56 --> 00:41:04

That's 60. Okay, so I did let me see if I did my calculations here. Okay. That's 90 feet,

00:41:05 --> 00:41:07

or 27 meters.

00:41:08 --> 00:41:09

She was big.

00:41:11 --> 00:41:21

Okay, now how tall was he again, is hard to visualize, right? So the closest I could figure because you go online, you say what is 90 feet? Okay. So you know, the Statue of Liberty?

00:41:24 --> 00:41:24


00:41:25 --> 00:41:28

You know, the Statue of Liberty. Up to here.

00:41:29 --> 00:41:35

Yeah, the Statue of Liberty. Right. So that's how high or tall animals

00:41:36 --> 00:41:48

are the filmyzilla colloquia Tanaka's hotel and an after Adam alayhis, Salam creation, or the creation the prophets Allah Solomon says the height of humanity continued to decrease after Adam. But Adam was that high.

00:41:49 --> 00:41:57

And if a person ever people who will enter Jannah will enter Jenna, may Allah as it will make use of the people who enter Jenna that high.

00:41:59 --> 00:42:00

Okay, they will be that high.

00:42:01 --> 00:42:01

Thank you.

00:42:03 --> 00:42:03


00:42:05 --> 00:42:10

is that interesting? Yeah, I thought that was interesting. Okay. Now,

00:42:11 --> 00:42:12


00:42:13 --> 00:42:16

And of course, however, he was created from what?

00:42:17 --> 00:42:19

From the rib from Adam's Rib.

00:42:20 --> 00:42:25

And that's why also there is benefit in that were the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam, in

00:42:26 --> 00:42:34

our in our cache in Philadelphia. It says how well or he was created from Adam's Rib, and the rib is bent.

00:42:35 --> 00:42:47

So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is telling you there that yes, Hawa or Eve or females, though they are created from males, they're not exactly the same. There's difference

00:42:48 --> 00:42:55

in the hepta to him or her if you want to straighten that trip, what is are you going to do to it, you can break it

00:42:56 --> 00:43:09

what interact with me as an hour, but if you leave it, it will be continued to be bent, crooked. So the prophets, Allah Islam is telling you that they are not of the same nature as you. So you cannot expect her to be exactly like you.

00:43:11 --> 00:43:30

And is something for instance, you know, I'm not stereotyping or anything, for instance, you know, suppose that you're very punctual. A very fact oriented, you want your wife to be exactly like that, you're gonna break her if you do this. That's not the case. Allah did not create her like that. Because you are also not able to do the things that she can do.

00:43:31 --> 00:43:38

You know, some of the element I've said Subhanallah, that Ben Tre, what it does is that it protects what it what it what does it do to the

00:43:39 --> 00:43:41

vital organs it protects.

00:43:42 --> 00:44:00

So it female does that. She has that instinct to protect, protect children, protect family, protect the house. And sometimes that the extra dose of emotions that Allah has given her is to serve that purpose. So if you want her to be emotion less, she's not going to be a female.

00:44:01 --> 00:44:11

Right? So yes, as soon as the male you're supposed to direct and as the male you're supposed to instruct and guide and all of this, but understand that if you take it too far,

00:44:12 --> 00:44:13

you're breaker

00:44:14 --> 00:44:20

and or casserole hatanaka. I mean, and if you can break a minute you're going to divorce her or she'll divorce you.

00:44:21 --> 00:44:51

So you have to learn to learn how to live with her, right in a ways panela that maintain her special features and at the same time she's obeying Allah azza wa jal is not straying. She's not doing something that upsets allies. So this the beginning of creation, tells you a lot about what comes later, because the nature of Adam is like the nature of his children, the nature of what is like the nature of her daughters. Similarly, for instance, you know, once

00:44:53 --> 00:44:54

Adam alayhis salam

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

was looking at Allah as it will showed him all of his progeny.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:03

All of his children. So he was looking at them.

00:45:04 --> 00:45:22

California Allegheny, you will hear all Murray It was so he, he saw the rich and the poor and the sick and the healthy for how they ought to be. And so why to buy a new home, he says, Yeah, Allah wants you make them all equal. He says in New Haven, Oscar, he says I love to be thanked.

00:45:25 --> 00:45:31

Understand, if everybody is the same, you're not going to see a difference. You're not going to feel the nemah

00:45:32 --> 00:45:58

but if you're sometimes sick and sometimes healthy, you'll understand what being healthy means. If you're sometime rich and sometimes poor, you'll understand or in comparison with other people, how they're in New Haven booshka he says I love to be thanked. Then he saw one among them. And his face was lit with the universe was lit. He says Who is this is this is Dawood, one of your children that would listen.

00:46:00 --> 00:46:06

He says How Long Does he live? He says 60 years. His uh, give him 40 from my life.

00:46:08 --> 00:46:14

So when it came time for Adam to die, right and the angels came, they say it's time for you to die.

00:46:15 --> 00:46:17

He says no, I have 40 years left.

00:46:19 --> 00:46:41

I have 40 years left. Kyla gehad Adam Oh Johanna Dorito wanna see Adam monisha Dorito it says Adam denied. And so his progeny also denied and Adam forgotten his project he also forgot meaning as Adam was so his his children how he behaves so are his children. So he forgot. And we also forget

00:46:42 --> 00:47:12

we forget to make promises and you forget you say this is yours and you forget he forgot. And he denied it and we also deny right? So the way that he is Alia Salaam is also the way we are so understanding that the beginning of creation and what happened in it is also significant for us today. Okay? So Allah azza wa jal puts Adam, you know, in general, when he creates other and he asks the angels to do what

00:47:15 --> 00:47:30

to prostrate to go and make to do to Adam, and with the angels is a police and is it please an angel? No ilibrary second, I mean a jinn a blazes from the jinn. But he's worshipping with angels. So they all prostrate.

00:47:31 --> 00:47:57

Okay, and by the way, prostration then, right, of course, this is all US command, it's permitted, and that it was an obligation for them to do it. In Islam, you're not allowed to prostrate to anyone except to Allah as origin. So prostration before Islam was a form of greeting. Do you remember where that in what story that happened? stories of the prophets where they prostrated

00:47:59 --> 00:48:13

use of right use of so your coop his father and his children who are useless brothers, they prostrate to use valleys and that's a form of greeting in Islam. That's not allowed.

00:48:14 --> 00:48:15

Why isn't it allowed in Islam?

00:48:17 --> 00:48:17

What do you think?

00:48:19 --> 00:48:19


00:48:21 --> 00:48:26

It's an act of worship. I mean, it means it can be a greeting. If Allah says, Yeah,

00:48:37 --> 00:48:46

it's possible that it was not an act of worship before and only a form of greeting. It's possible. It's possible. But we say that this is the final the hour Go ahead.

00:48:50 --> 00:48:52

It is. Yeah.

00:48:55 --> 00:49:07

Yeah, yeah. And what I wanted to say Oh, of course is, this is the last Sharia. There's no other prophet. And it has taken the strictest precautions to protect to heat.

00:49:08 --> 00:49:38

The heat of Allah azza wa jal, the strongest precaution to protect the tail heat of Allah and his worship are in the shadow of Islam. There is no other prophet after Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam that's why if there is a possibility of something that could be transformed into a worship of someone else stops. So this frustration because it could lead to somebody thinking I can start worshipping this person, it stops and we say you don't greet him by prostration and you leave this to Allah sojourn alone.

00:49:39 --> 00:49:46

So Allah as noted here, asked them to worship to prostrate and they all prostrate except a police.

00:49:47 --> 00:49:50

Why does he not prostrate? Yeah, yeah.

00:49:51 --> 00:49:53

jealousy. What does he say?

00:49:54 --> 00:50:00

Huh? Huh? And a higher and I am better than he you created

00:50:00 --> 00:50:03

From fire and He created him from mud. Yeah, let me say something.

00:50:05 --> 00:50:19

Okay, so You created me from fire and you created him from mud. And you see here, one of the first sins and you have to remember this one of the first sins because this is a killer. And that sin is jealousy and envy,

00:50:21 --> 00:50:32

and had pushed someone like a police, who was communicating with a lot of zildjian. And he knows the full might of Allah, and what he can do to him to sacrifice all of this and sacrifice Jenna

00:50:34 --> 00:50:37

and eternal happiness, just so that he does not prostrate to him.

00:50:38 --> 00:50:42

And consider how stupid that was.

00:50:43 --> 00:50:52

But so if you're envious and jealous of someone or something, this is how stupid you become, that a person could lose his dunya and akhira because of it.

00:50:53 --> 00:50:56

And he did something incredibly stupid.

00:50:57 --> 00:51:00

He opposed Allah azza wa jal is command with his own mind.

00:51:02 --> 00:51:21

That's why they say a woman Casa a police. The first one to use corrupt analogy is a police because he stood up against Allah as a surgeon and he told him, yes, you're telling me to prostrate, which means that he's better than I am. But think about it. You created me from this and you created him from that which means that you're wrong.

00:51:23 --> 00:51:32

in this town, he's saying, I am better than he is. How could you ask me to do this? He's mad unfired. So your your command cannot be right.

00:51:34 --> 00:51:57

And that is Theosophy macabre, Latinos as they say this is using analogy to oppose a less direct command. And that's a problem that even humanity does still today. Allah says something in the Quran you oppose it with your mind, using analogy using them. I think it's right i think it's wrong. Or or the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says something you oppose it with your mind? That's exactly what he believes. Did

00:51:58 --> 00:51:59

you know that's not right.

00:52:00 --> 00:52:41

And then Subhanallah, you know, the scholars of Islam, like someone like ignore him and others, they say, and he actually he's wrong in thinking that fire is better than mud. And they go on listing the virtue of mud over fire. Mud can give you this and this and this, and this fire, on the other hand, has these shortcomings and these flaws in it. So he says, No, you're not better. You were wrong. Even in that analogy, you're wrong in it. But Subhan Allah, if that person had actually believed in Allah azza wa jal, and it was not arrogant. He would follow it Allah siljan wanted and that is the importance of submission and believing Allah xojo. So we know the story. We know debrie a belief

00:52:41 --> 00:52:54

refuses Allah as though he says, Why don't you and he says I'm never going to do this. I'm never going to prostrate to him. So Allah casts him out of Jenna. origem in half in Nicaragua, you are a curse, you're cursed. You're not going to be in it.

00:52:56 --> 00:52:57

Does he stop there?

00:52:59 --> 00:53:00

What does he want?

00:53:02 --> 00:53:03

He wants to bring him down.

00:53:04 --> 00:53:20

Okay, okay, fine. You got me out of genda. But you're not gonna stay in it. So he wants to take him down. Bring him down to earth with him. make him suffer like he had suffered take him to jahannam like he's going to jahannam

00:53:21 --> 00:53:23

take him to Johanna like he's going to Johanna.

00:53:25 --> 00:53:28

And so Pamela, this is a story that comes from the people of the book. I just remembered that.

00:53:29 --> 00:53:37

It comes from the Gospel of Barnabas. And again, this is a maybe just nonsense, but it just there's some benefit in it.

00:53:38 --> 00:53:39

It says that

00:53:41 --> 00:53:42

esala his Salam

00:53:43 --> 00:53:47

wanted to mediate, right? It could be just a story, right?

00:53:48 --> 00:53:53

I wanted to mediate and wanted to reconcile, bring a police back to Allah xojo.

00:53:55 --> 00:54:01

So he, uh, he went to Allah, he's talking to Allah zoton a saying, Would you forgive him?

00:54:02 --> 00:54:09

Would you forgive him? It says if he comes in, apologizes, that at least if he comes in apologizes, I'll forgive him.

00:54:10 --> 00:54:13

Makes sense. Makes sense, right?

00:54:14 --> 00:54:16

So he goes to the police, and he says,

00:54:18 --> 00:54:20

Can you go back to Allah xojo.

00:54:21 --> 00:54:24

He says, If he comes in apologizes, I'll do it.

00:54:26 --> 00:54:27


00:54:28 --> 00:54:33

And it could be nonsense. It could be just a story, but it tells you about his arrogance.

00:54:34 --> 00:54:39

And that his arrogance stays with him throughout until he enters janome.

00:54:41 --> 00:54:59

And it all comes back from to jealousy. So of course he wants to bring him down and they don't want and shall stop in about five minutes. He wants to bring him down. So he goes and he whispers to Adam and helwa. Right. And how he does this? No, no reason for us.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:17

to speculate or think about it. If it's something that is troubling you let me know and I'll talk about it but it's not really important. Does he enter agenda does he not enter agenda is he does he stand outside? It doesn't really matter. That whisper he tea is speaks to Adam alayhis salam, and he

00:55:19 --> 00:55:24

promises them swears by Allah azza wa jal that he is giving them sincere advice.

00:55:25 --> 00:55:43

He tells him, shall I not tell you about something that you can do? That will give you eternal life should be able to hold your mother in law, that you will live forever because Allah azza wa jal in all of Jenna he says, eat from everyone what at Aqaba do not come close to this tree.

00:55:44 --> 00:55:45

This was Adams test.

00:55:47 --> 00:55:52

This is all of Jenna. This is all of Jenna. But do not come to this tree.

00:55:53 --> 00:55:57

Just do not eat from this tree. Everything else. But don't eat from this tree.

00:55:59 --> 00:56:35

Of course, knowing humanity, and Adam is human. Knowing humanity. When you tell somebody don't eat from that tree, what happens? That's the only tree I want to eat from. I only want to go I don't want to eat that you don't want to eat anything else. I just want to eat from that tree. I don't want to just go there. Right? Right. Because, you know, there's another Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said, You know, I shared that with you before. I think he said I was. He says, I'm afraid that if I tell you to stay away from a spot, like the hope of a camel and that's the only spot all of you will be finding to be in that spot. Right? It's just don't be here. All of us just

00:56:35 --> 00:56:56

want to sit here, sir. So don't eat from that tree. Now he tells them if you eat it, you will have eternal life and power that will never diminish wakasa mahama and he swore to them and he continued to do this continue to do this. And Allah allowed it because this is destiny. This is what Allah wanted keys he had told people he is

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