Ali Albarghouthi – Heart Therapy 17 – Forgiveness Of Sin

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary ©
The history and importance of Islam are discussed, including the implementation of the Hadith and the Islam of the water. voluntary and voluntary plans to address obligations and ensure everyone takes responsibility for their actions are emphasized, along with the importance of planning ahead and avoiding obligations. The speakers stress the importance of being mindful of one's own thoughts and feelings, specifically regarding personal health and productivity, and taking care of one's body.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah hvala neo sahbihi wa sallam obeah sir wine or melamine.

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So, tonight's Hadith insha Allah is the 17th Hadith. In our series of the heart therapy, heart purification is slothfulness, he was on Hulu and it's going to talk about one of the frequent acts of worship that we have and how that act. And in fact the act of freedom in general really have a great impact and effect on fixing our hearts fixing our spirituality in general our connection with Allah subhanaw taala and how you actually should pay closer attention to them and rediscover what is in them is they have a lot in them that Pamela can cure and change our hearts and we will see inshallah ha, so this is again, the connection between

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the outer and the inner, the external Act and the internal act and how both of them need to be in unison need to be together, combined together, and only then would that act of worship actually makes sense and would fulfill what Allah subhanaw taala wants from it.

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So this headache is reported in Muslim. And in it, it's the story of the slum Ramadan. And we will go through that story, the story of Islam labrum Donbass at the end, but he will just focus on one part of this long heading. And this Hadith, he says, are the Allahu anhu was speaking to the prophets of Allah and he was in them and he asked him a question to teach him. So what are the things that Allah the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught him is about salah and about to do. So this is what he told him. And because I've had this long, I'm going to read a little bit of Arabic translated a little bit of Arabic translated so I don't go through the entire Hadith in Arabic

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first. So he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, men in Kumara jhulan johari window. So there is no one among you who brings closer to him his model, and then we'll go with a Why not? Right?

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Is the water so the water of the blue, so the blue is the

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right is the act that will do with the heart is the water of blue. So the one who brings closer his will do to him for a tomato. Why is he who faint? So he raises his mouth, rinses his nose takes water in his nose and then expands it in biology, then the sense of his face will fall out. will drop.

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Aloha biogeography haha shimmy so the sins of his face the sins of his mouth, the sins of his nose will fall out and drop some saliva who gamma Amara La Ilaha Takahashi he may not refer to him

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as is then when he washes his face as Allah commanded him as as Allah commanded him so he's doing all of this as a lucky man. He knows what a lucky man and and he's doing it this way, except that the sins of his face will fall out with the water from the ends of his beard. Right so some people will not have beards. So this is

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for the majority of people all right. So this is the case. So washes his face, the sins of the face will go out to the water. So my exterior the heel and

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then he washes his hands or his arm to the elbows including the elbows. And then the sense of the hand will also fall out with the water from when the water is dripping from his fingers. As the water is exiting, also the sins are leaving his body with the water. So my name is Sephora so in the Hello takayasu team and

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then when he wipes over his head, all this the sin of his hair the sin of his head will also fall out with the ends of the hair as the water falls out from the end of their hair. To my

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cabin in the top is lady mean and Amelia him and then when he washes his feet

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then in a cabin to the ankles then also the sins of his feet the sins of his leg will also fall out from his feet with the water as it's leaving dropping out from that toes. fan who akarma for so long. Then now after he's done with fame karma for so long when he stands up and he wants to pray for honey the law was gnarly. He will magetta who will be who will

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then he praises a lot and Saxena so Hamidullah was not only he phrases a lot in the solder one agenda who he glorifies a lot with what Allah you know it deserves with what is befitting of

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Allah, what's her raja babu Illa Allah and he empties his heart for Allah subhana wa tada devotes his heart for Allah subhanho wa Taala in them sort of I mean, hopefully it he guiity he'll know that he will leave his sin exactly in the same way that his mother gave birth to him, meaning he will be sin free, like the day that mother and his mother gave birth to him. So if he does this to do as Allah commanded, he stands in the sign that salah and then does what the prophet sallallahu Sallam had told that he's doing when he leaves the salon he will leave century like the day he was born.

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So this is the Hadith insha Allah today.

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And first of all, let's let's think about worship in general worship in general that Allah subhanho wa Taala either had obligated and or had made a voluntary worship, both of them are Allah, Allah.

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Worship in Islam, Subhana Allah is very diverse. And there's a lot of Rama and wisdom in the fact that they are diverse. There is Salah, there's fasting, there is spending, there's helping people with advice, verbal advice, physically helping people. There is no there's no electrical panel a limit to the amount of viewership that you can give to a loss of panel data. And there's great drama in that. Why is there great drama in it? First of all, because it responds to your own skills and abilities and interests. So you find, for instance, some Muslims are interested in learning about Islam and teaching about Islam, that's their area of strength.

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Another Muslim on the other hand, that's not where he is, or she is. But what they are very generous a lot, given the money and they are very generous. So they're a burden. But they are strong is spending for elastic. Another person likes to fast a lot. So this is there a better they do other things, but they are strong in this a valid, another person is strong and reading the Koran another person is strong in teaching children, another person is strong in helping other Muslims. So Allah Subhana, Allah knows that you have different interests, different abilities, different strengths, so he's giving you different types of events. So this is one reason why they are there. Another reason

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why they are there is of course, because well so that you don't become bored.

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That the only thing that you have to do is pray, pray, pray all the time, you know, human nature, you can tired after some time, or read the Koran all the time, you become tired after some time, but Allah says, you can continue to worship me doing different things throughout the day. So for instance, think about it in the month of Ramadan, you have different types of regard is not one, so you're fasting. That's one type of data, while you're fasting, you can read the Quran, after we saw the Quran for a while now you feel that you want to do something else. So you can go into the app.

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Or you can you know, help somebody else. Or you can walk to the masjid. Or you can help people distribute food. So physical activity, mental activity, emotional activity, and you can keep moving between all of these. And all of this is a burner, right. And also, you know, part of the benefits. And all of that is that it gives you sort of a plan

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towards what you want to do today. And tomorrow, next month, next year, and towards the end of your life, I plan to focus on the basics, and never compromise those basics. So for instance, the obligations, these should never be compromised, especially the ones that are foundational can be the Pillars of Islam. So you know that they are the most important ones. That's also a sense of diversity, an obligation that is foundational, there's also an obligation that is on the group, and obligation on the individual also voluntary acts. So here, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells you in other words, that when you're strong, you can do the obligations and the voluntary acts, this and

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this, and this, whatever you can. But when you are weak, and you can't do everything, and you want to sort of limit your activities. This is your ability at this time, you'll be able to leave the voluntary arts but you stay connected to the obligations, you don't leave that. So that diversity also is very important. Allah did not make everything volunteer.

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And also Allah subhanaw taala did not make everything an obligation of everything's an obligation, we won't be able to do it. And everything is voluntary, we will leave everything. So some things had to be an obligation so that no matter how bad or how weak you feel, you still will force yourself to do it and you will still be connected to Islam and still that app will be able to help you and benefit you. So here's this diversity. But of course you know, as we said, we need to understand priorities in our life.

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And sometimes you know, Subhana Allah, the speak about loss of priorities in your worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. For instance, a famous example is someone who prays at night because he here above

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All the good things about tm, Ling prayer. So you hear about all of these good things. So a person goes through piano later. But then because they are so tired, there's no planning, right? Because they're so tired and exhausted, they sleep and they miss federal prayer. So we say, of course, you know, you have to notice that federal query is an obligation. So it's more important than to link.

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So you have to balance and whatever you're going to do and a new plan. Yes, the MLA is great, but none of is going to lead you to missing.

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Right, or a voluntary act, let's say during fasting, voluntary act.

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If this voluntary act, let's say I'm going to help somebody move,

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right, and I know, for instance, that I'm helping them move, I'm going to be totally exhausted, I won't be able to continue my class. So all you have to actually plan ahead, I know that they have obligations, and you have voluntary acts, and you can't, you know, advance a plan a voluntary act at the expense of something that is an obligation. Now we know from the prophets of Allah, Allah usila, that he said, that the acts that Allah subhanaw taala love the most are the obligations

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that the last panel data loves the most are the obligations. And it's because of this, that Allah made them an obligation on everyone. So Allah subhana wa tada methocarbamol illa de vishay in AB, la, la, la, la,

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my servant is not going to come closer to me with anything better and more beloved to me than what I had made an obligation on him.

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So like the solid like fasting, like his account, like hedge, or other types of obligations, of course, he says, you know, being good to your parents, taking care of your kids, right? being good to your neighbors, when these acts are an obligation. It says when it's an obligation, I love them the most. And if you want to come closest to me take care of these obligations.

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So any person and this is one of the first lessons we want to learn in sha Allah today. You want to come closer to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, the thing that you have to take care of the most is your Eva that Allah had made for it.

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Take care of these the most more than the voluntary voluntary comes to compliment.

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Right? And to advance your event in advance your relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala. But none of that can happen without a foundation without a beginning and your beginning and my beginning is in the era that Allah had made an obligation.

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you know, just to illustrate their importance, if you remember the story of that, Ravi, the Nomad, the breadwinner, who came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asking him about Islam. And he told me about what Islam What did Allah obligate on us? And he says five daily prayers. He says anything else beyond these? There is an obligation? He says, No. They asked him about fasting, then he asks him about Zika. Then when he inquires about these, these things, he turns back this, this is what he came to learn. He turns back and he says, well, Laila as he do other posts, he says, Well, I'm not going to do anything more than this, or less.

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So this is a bad one. This is an AVI right? who just came to learn his religion, and he's going back. So he just wanted to know what is that? What is the minimum that I need to do?

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So we told him, so Allah, how to send them your Salah, your fasting, and your Zika. Hydra is not mentioned, maybe it was not an obligation at that moment.

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So he says, as far as these obligations are concerned, I'm not going to do more, but definitely not less. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam commented on that and said,

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He will succeed, if he's honest, if he's true to his word, and he stays honest. And he fulfills that he'll succeed, he'll go to Jenna. So panela so the obligations on their own can take you two gentlemen, this just is just to show you the virtue and the benefit of that which Allah had obligated.

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As soon as our wonderful and as I said, they compliment what we miss of the obligations. But at least in theory, if you do not miss an obligation, you'll go to jail. So this is how important it is. And if you miss an obligation, you know, barring tilbyr, there is no Toba. If you miss the obligation, voluntary acts don't actually fill that gap. You can miss your Salah and say I'm gonna just engage in voluntary Salah or voluntary spending, that does not fulfill this. So nothing, you know, fills the place of an obligation. That's how important they are.

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And because Allah loves them so much, and they are so important, and they can take you to Jenna, they also we should expect that they will have the greatest effect on fixing my heart in your heart.

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The greatest effect

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and that's why a lot

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Notice here that wisdom best way Allah subhanho wa Taala made them an obligation on every human being

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all the time, every day, or at least every Ramadan every year, so that every day, every year Hajj once in a lifetime, that's why Allah made them an obligation because each Muslim at the minimum needs the effect, the spiritual effect, the spiritual cleansing of these apps. So that's what Allah subhanaw taala says, All every one of you has to do it. And Allah intent is not to burden right Allah intent is to help every Muslim. And we understand from this, that Muslims cannot actually succeed internally and externally, and be right to the last panel with data without this act of worship.

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That a lot mate 30 law on them. That's why it's so funny, though. You know, Subhana Allah, it's like someone goes

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with you with your children. And you tell them, You have to eat three meals a day at least, and that those three meals, they have to have in them a minimum of this proteins, carbohydrates, mineral minerals, cetera, et cetera, this is a minimum, I may force you or ask you to eat more. But at least as a minimum, this is what you need to survive. So in a sense, you're telling them I'm making this an obligation on you to eat dry, you can't leave the table until you eat it. Because otherwise you don't survive and otherwise you're not healthy.

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Maybe there's another plate you can eat, but at least the last few to eat this. So why was it an obligation? Why have we made it a must on them? Because they need it. It's essential for that. And that's why this is our essential medicine, our essential purification from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And consider here what Allah Subhana Allah says about this effect you're talking about, so now, what is selected in the selected 10 and it will mooncup what are the

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what Allah says stablish the solid

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For indeed solid forbids fascia and monka great sense what immoral immoral sins and wrongdoing in general? And the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala is greater as what it says in the

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why the Sala have this I'll explain the last part inshallah by why this so that do this.

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The five daily prayers you can add to them the sooner but let's just focus on the following the five daily prayers Why do they do this? Because when you stand in sola, sola is you are connecting yourself to Allah subhanho wa Taala you're communicating with Allah and Allah subhanaw taala is communicating back and is blessing you. And you're distancing yourself when you are actually conscious and aware. That's why Allah says, Allah stablish the Sunnah, it's like building something. So when you establish the satellite, you establish it in Completion with everything in it, you are aware of what you're saying. You're asking Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and you're conscious of what

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you're asking ALLAH, you're aware of your movements and what they mean. So when you do this, you are closer to Allah subhanaw taala further away from sin, your email increases, you chase away the shavon you chase away these bad thoughts and bad intentions, bring in instead your good thoughts and good intentions. So the day I have a man, the impulse for you to do good, is strengthened every time you pray.

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So this is like the energy that you get from your food, breakfast, lunch and dinner. When you're about to lose energy comes this food to re energize you, you know you're about to lose your EMR and the shaitaan may be attacking and other influences are attacking your heart in your mind comes to the solid to re energize and gives you a boost to your email. And then by the time the next email is going to maybe decrease, the next boost comes and the next boost comes and so on and so on. So select establish this way definitely is for La

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Mancha it forbids evil.

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It saves you from it. So this is one month sod. This is one goal of the sada and Allah says Allah Akbar and the remembrance of Allah is greater that is a greater objective of the Salah is for you to remember our last panel and be close to him. And this is this objective that brings the first one that a lot talks about it because because you're closer to Allah and you're communicating with Allah and you're listening to Allah's words and you're praying to Allah, it is because of all of this that you are further away from sin. So Salah has two objectives to protect you from sin. That's an objective, the greater objective is worth.

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remembering Allah,

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getting closer to Allah Subhana

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Allah Subhana Allah says, above the sada because the Salah is part of the Hadith in our chapter was that you know, the slavery was Salah, we're in the Chanukah Bureau to de la shame. So Allah says, rely on and seek the assistance.

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Have patience and Salah.

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Seek and seek, why do you need their assistance?

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Anything that you do anything that you want to do? You need patience. Allah tells you do this, or don't do that you need sub. Otherwise if you don't have several how would you do? In fact anything right? You want to study, you want to finish your job for today, you want to cook for your children, any patience.

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So Allah Subhana, Allah tells you that if you want to accomplish anything, you need an assistant.

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Right? And this assistant is going to be sada and patience.

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The more that you establish your solid, the more that your Eman will help you accomplish what Allah wants from you, and to also stay away from what Allah hates. So if you find yourself weak, you know that you need to rely on the solder, the Alesis we're in the Holika bureau a little harsh, though establishing the Sadat is difficult except for those who have pursued

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their heart has submitted to Allah subhanaw taala and is close to Allah.

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So imagine, you know, praying five times a day, for the majority of Muslims may not be easy.

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Five times a day on time,

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may not be easy. And especially if we were talking about iqama, to Salah, stablishing, the Salah, praying, you know a true Salah with mind and body.

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That's also difficult. But that's what Allah subhanho wa Taala says, it is difficult but not if you have

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if you come and approach the Salah with concentration with wanting to be close to Allah, with emptying your heart as the Hadith of the chapter talks about then it becomes easier. But without that it's difficult yet, you need to do it. There's no way out of it. Do we need to do it? Because without it, you don't have anything to rely on.

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Just imagine that Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Prophet

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when he used to receive bad news or something would distress him, what would he do?

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He would pray.

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So this is something in Sharla, one of the you know, the second thing I want us to keep in mind,

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can I never use a lavalier you will send them either has a moron Salah

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the prophets of Allah how to send them when when something would distress him, he would pray.

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So imagine, you know, receive bad news.

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Or you're thinking about something.

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And you'd be you know, become distressed over it, worried about it anxious because of it.

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The thing that you asked yourself, what do you do? When that happens? What do you do?

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So a lot of us, you know, what we do is that we try to communicate that to someone else. Call someone and tell him or someone around us complain to them about the things that is bothering us. And tell them about this and this and this and that maybe would go out, go into the mystery, talk to someone, go out with a friend and talk to them about it. And there's really nothing wrong with that you can communicate with them. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was illustrating that if your connection first is strong with a loss of panels, the first one that you want to talk to about it is a lot

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before anyone else, these people become next.

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But like the first person that you're in the first one that your heart will think about

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the first one that your heart will think jumped to receive, this is bad news, what do I do with it? So can a lie You know, this is something that is going to happen something that has already happened? How do I react? What do I do? What do I feel where do I go and immediately Your heart will jump to the person that you love the most and the person that you trust the most.

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And the case of the prophets of Allah He was sending the jumps directly to Allah so when this happens, he goes and prays.

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So we want to take from this inshallah practical advice.

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Before you turn to someone else. Go make cold

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and pray to Allah subhana wa tada Torah as at least at least you can pray more to like as at least when you're standing.

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And you really own your reading the facts of how you really concentrating on what you're reading, where you are in Roku, you really concentrating on what it means and what you're saying Institute. Take your time and make as much as you can to Allah subhanho wa Taala when you're making destitute and repeat that record again and say Salaam and see what you feel, and how you feel. And if it makes you feel a little bit better and hamdulillah and you have energy free to maracas until you feel better until you feel again and remember again that all matters belonged to Allah subhanho wa Taala and are in his hand and he

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He has control over everything. And then when you make dua to Allah subhanho, wa Taala, he can change anything, or at least give you the patience and wisdom and guidance to deal with it.

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And you'll find inshallah, that your heart had become stronger.

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So, a bad approach this way, the obligations approach this way,

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are not an obligation that is performed out of habit,

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or customer that has lost its meaning and has lost its soul.

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There. So there are two types of a bad, let's distinguish between them. And I better I'm doing out of habit every time for prayer, also prayer, the prayer out of habit every time. And that's the only reason why I'm doing it, that's up, it becomes redundant with time heavy.

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Because there's no motivation in it. And I lost the meaning behind it. There's either on the other hand, that I still remember why it's done for and what I want from it. And when I happen to forget, I'll try to remember and remind myself of why I'm doing it this type of a better still has meaning that's easier to do. And by the way, there's more in it, there's no more reward in it more benefit in it.

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There is more reward in it when it's done this way, rather than out of habit.

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Now, I'm going to quote something from potamia haimo long when he's talking about

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the innovations are better.

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And he's talking about the harms of

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what are the harms of it.

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And he says one of the harms

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of it vidaa innovations in Islam, something that Allah did not legislate. He says one of their homes and the Luba study Buddha with a Stephanie Bianca TD minister.

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They are an innovation, the hearts are attracted to them. And they find them to be sweet. You know why that's the case because they're new.

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And we're always attracted to something new. Like if you want to really promote something, just let people imagine it's new, like there's a phone, same features may be but if you can package it in a way that will pay let people know that it's all deceive people into thinking it's new, people will be attracted to it because we're trying to do anything new. So he says that the hearts are attracted to it. What is definitely behind, you know, so they find satisfaction in it to the exclusion of a lot of the sadness, but a lot of panel data. And as Robert said, a lot of sentiment actually taught us how to look at nominal and Matthew Hussey Voluma, you have one letter with your celebrity comes

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to the extent that you will find a lot of the Masters observing and performing these innovations more than they perform.

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And the five daily prayers, that they will pay more attention to them than the ones that they pay to the solos or to taraweeh because it's something that is innovative. Yannick, for instance, there is a prayer that has innovated and the 15th of the Shabbat.

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You will find wherever this is popular, you will find that more people will come to it to pray that then they will come to Russia

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or maybe sometimes more than the people would come to Tel Aviv.

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So why is that the case? He says because first of all, it's something that has innovated. So the shaitaan is pushing you to do it is not pulling you back. Also, it's something new, so people are attracted to it. And a lot of these videos, of course, you know, there is magnificent reward attached to them, you know, they will forgive this and this and this and this. So it's enough for you just to go one night to do this, and you'll be fine for the rest of the year. So that's why

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and he says and and from the harms that the elites and the masses because of it, they falter in their attention with the obligation and the sooner and they just don't desire them as much because when you have a substitute, that is an innovative substitute, you don't want the original one anymore. So you find the person persevering and very patient in his performance in the middle. And he will do in it whatever what he does, or what he doesn't do in the photo is done sooner.

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He will put more effort in physically will donate more for it will take all of his family for it. Right. They will travel for it.

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And he will do for it more than he will do for anything that Allah has obligated. had that we thought he had here without going for it oh soon additonal D for this is what I wanted to highlight to the extent or as if he is doing these innovative apps out of Nevada. But Allah has

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obligated, he's doing it out of habit. And it's a burden. Well, they face a job, I have to do this, like you go to your job,

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you're frustrated by it, you resent it, but you have to do it. The same way. That's the same attitude with the salah and fasting and Hajj, and the car and whatever else I was obligated. So he doesn't feel that he wants to do it. But he does it in a way reluctantly. But the animated ads, he do it with his heart and body together, happy that he's doing it.

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But when he says we'll have the accident, this is the opposite of religion, opposite of what Allah subhana wa tada wanted. And the last part is also important for your food to be Delica mapping for you as soon as I mean, I'm not

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sure what to do.

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So we missed this, what is deposited in the obligations and suddenness of the Rama of Allah, and the forgiveness that is in them, and gentleness that he will feel and the purity and the assurance and from the accepted, that he will have an opportunity to do but now he had missed and the sweetness of talking to a last panel with that he misses all of that, that is available in the obligation, telling us what but all of that is available in the obligations that Allah Subhana Allah has given us in the fasting and in the sedan, and in the loo and in the Zika all of it is there. But because of what he's talking about, because people are attracted to what is innovated, they missed all of

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this and because also people lose sight of why Allah had made them and it turns into a mere habit

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a mere routine of worship we missed all of this we miss all the benefit that is in it and we'll just reform the act you know, for the exam as they say so that we just fulfill an obligation we don't want anything else from it so I'm not punished I don't miss lasala why I do not punish I'm not ruin anything else from it. So it's out of guilt right that's why I'm Romana was kosala and guilt is good.

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Guilt is not bad.

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But you can stop there you can just perform the solid out of guilt and fasting out of guilt. Because then you don't desire anything from it. Where is the that you want them to Sadat? Where's the increased connection and intimacy and talking to Allah subhana wa tada? Where's the forgiveness and sense in fasting? Where is all of this? If you're just doing it out of fulfilling an obligation and nothing else.

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Now in the Hadith in the chapter, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that when you are performing this, although First of all, all the sins of your body go away.

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And this tells you right that, that forgiveness is not delayed forgiveness, immediate forgiveness, because this leaves us with the water. How long does the water need to leave your body? Especially, you know, that drops of water to leave your fingers? toes, your beer? How long does it need now, it's almost immediate. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says, you know, it's the same way.

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It's the same way it's immediate forgiveness of sins from all parts of your body as you're doing this.

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Now, when you think about it in this way,

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wouldn't this transform the way that you are making will do and your attitude about it every time if you remember that when I'm making will do and not only washing my body

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I'm actually washing my sins away.

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I'm washing you know my the filth, you know, the dirt that I have on the inside and on the outside at the same time.

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And you think about it to penalize for the names of Allah subhanaw taala that when you get duty, that there's an opportunity to cleanse yourself with water physically, water is so bright, and you leave the shower feeling better, refreshed, energized.

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It's the same NEMA greater NEMA, but the same act of cleansing.

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Then when you seek to say to yourself, I may have done that things in the past bad things since the last my eyes, my ears, my nose, my hands, my head, my legs.

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And now you're saying now maybe now in front of Allah subhanaw taala I'm carrying all of these sins with me that spiritual dirt

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spiritual impurity, how do I fix? How do I clean myself. And when you think about it, when you say Bismillah and you start to wash your hands, and then you wash your face and you can feel that as you're washing your face, you're watching these sins away. You'll enjoy this photo.

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You're wiping over your head you're enjoying it I've listened to something haram but now I'm piping over my head, the sins of the head which include the ears, the sins of the head. Now I'm leaving me and handed in darkness and now is leaving

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my legs and feed the sins are leaving my tongue. My note the sins are leaving. So when you remember this when you are making mobile, although we'll have a different taste

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You will encounter will do differently and actually you will wait for what

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you would want to make although you know how sometimes you sweat specially in the summer I'm sick, I want to go make although I'll be refreshed same way I want to go make although because I want to even be cleansed more. So you will look forward to do not shy away from it not think that it's a burden, right?

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And he says sallallahu Sallam now after he has done this, and he's going to be standing before Allah subhanho wa Taala he will empty his heart for all bolinda he's gonna stand in Salah.

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So I'm going to suggest to you or tell you in sha Allah that before you start your Salah, there are two acts of cleansing.

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The first act of cleansing we talked about this is the old rule.

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What is the other act of cleansing?

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That's emptying of the heart.

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Before you start your Salah and throughout your solar during your entire solar, this is what you're trying to do. For this is an exaggerated form of Arabic meaning repeated acts.

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So it's not once it's not done once, and you're done. Because you know that as soon as you start useful now what's going to happen? Who will attack you

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shaytan will attack you with every whisper, right with every thought to try to distract you. So what do you have? So now you're fighting? You're fighting with your shaytan No, I don't want to think about this. I don't want to think about that. So but even before now before the Select you have to have this to freeze for empty your heart for Allah subhanho wa Taala How do you empty your heart for Allah subhanho wa Taala physically we can say you put yourself in a place that is not gonna distract you

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know, the TV is not on the phone is not next to you. While you're reading as you're praying,

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you're not noticing notification as you're praying, you're not doing that. So you're not distracted by what is around you. And then you stand before the solar and you take few seconds or maybe a minute to remember what you're doing. And that you're going to be facing a lot and talking to a loss of Hannah or Donna and empty your heart have any other thought I don't want to think about anything else. Anything else any other trouble. Any other problem I'll think about later or I will bring it in my in my studio.

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That's its place so you've restricted but don't think about it.

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And you empty your heart of relying on anyone else. But Allah subhanho wa Taala trusting anyone but Allah subhana wa tada fearing anyone more than Allah loving anyone more than a lot. So this is what you tell your heart. I'm going to be praying now.

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trust in Allah. Open your heart for Allah cannot receive the roughness of Allah. Don't think about anyone else. Don't think about anything else. You're cleaning your heart now right before you start your, your cleaning your heart. So this is an act of cleansing, and you're trying your best to do it. Then you say Allahu Akbar and you start. And as you're praying, you're concentrating on what you're saying. You're not letting your mind straight and wander, you pull it back, because it will stray and it will wander and the shaytan will come and it will try to attract it to this and try attracted to that and you will pull it back. And as long as you're doing this, you're striving for

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Allah sake. This is jihad. This is Jihad for Allah sake. you're striving for Allah sake and Allah will reward you for it. Because you know you're doing your best.

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And then we quoted this hadith before.

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What Allah Subhana when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in the radula layin sorry for makuti Bella who in the US Rosati

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it says a person may leave his salon or will leave his salon and only one 10th of his salon is written for him.

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Then he says to LA to send them 1918171116161

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a quarter of a

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third of a solid half of a sauna.

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So you may actually leave your salon alone but a lot of us may leave our salon and the part of it that actually has counted. Now if you fulfill the obligation that would have been but the part that we got that from the salon is 110 10% and 90% is lost 90% of the slides spent doing and thinking about other things

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and other people will do better 20% or 30%. Then he goes and says 40% 50% 60% we know when we stopped where we stopped at 50%.

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We stopped at 50%.

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So some upsets of Hannelore the profits of a lot he said

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Lem says stopped at 50% perhaps suggesting that for a lot of people, it is really hard to get 100%

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it's hard to get 100% not impossible.

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Not impossible, because the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says that he thought

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he emptied his heart for Allah. So he's talking about something that is possible.

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But it's not so easy to attain.

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Right? It's not so easy to attain, actually to go into salah and have the sword that is completely empty of anything but Allah subhana wa Taala. But it doesn't mean that we stop trying. At the same time, we understand that the shaitaan will do his best to steal some of your Salah. So your job in sha Allah, when you start your Salah, before you start, you know, the shaitaan will fight you over this to get as much of your Salah as possible 10% may have been good for the last salad that I have. But the next ally should aim for 20%

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for 30% 40%, for more and more and more of this salad. So I received more of the run of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and more of that benefit.

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Because the more that you concentrate, the more that you can get your diet accepted, the more that your troubles will be chased away, the more that you will heart, your heart will be alive. There is so much benefit in it. Stephen doesn't want any of that for you. That's why he distracts you. So you say if I want my own benefit, fight the shape and

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find the shape Shavasana just like you don't want you know, you're saying you know, your Salah to be less in your eyes than your own food. Suppose that you're hungry. And you know somebody has given you your plate maybe in for a squat, right you have this plate for a spot and you're going to eat. Somebody comes in once and wants to share your food with you say go. That's my food, especially if you're hungry. Now maybe you're generous, maybe I'll give them away. I'm gonna Imagine you're really hungry. You really need this food 2345 people want to come and eat with you say stop.

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Now there'll be enough left for me.

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Same thing for your salon, you need everything in your salon wants to take it away from you fight your shape and

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take it back from him. Don't surrender your salon. Because it's the most important physical act you're going to do in the entire day. So don't surrender your salon.

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What is the consequence of this?

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Right? So you made this whole deal with that intention. And it has taken away your Senate. You stood up in sada emptied your heart and throughout your solar as the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, You are praising Allah, you're aware of this. You're facing Allah, thanking Allah glorifying him. In your while you are reading the Quran, in your code and your schedule, as you move in between these are

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you doing all of this? What is the reward of all of that prophets of Allah, Allah, He will send them said, all the previous sense will be forgiven.

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Just for this app, all the previous sins will be forgiven. Now the scholars of Islam have said some of them have said this is limited to the minor sense.

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And some have said or hinted at, that this covers the major and the minor sense. For someone like a NOAA we have Mr. Lyons and Sasha Muslim, the commentary says this is limited to the minor sense.

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Meaning that when you do this that will do and prayer. It will forgive all of the previous things, but we're talking about the minor ones. The major ones need one.

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Toba needs repentance. So there's a major sin. They're saying that it specifically needs repentance.

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Because there's other Hadith that says mallam to Shaka. McCune, everything about our other adage that says Yes, everything will be forgiven, as long as you avoid the major sins or the major major sins are excluded from all of this.

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But there's some other scholars have hinted at like a Shogun, he says Allah here the apparent meaning is that it's inclusive of everything. Major and Minor, Allahu Allah, Allah knows best. But we say that the forgiveness of Allah subhana wa tada does not have a limit.

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And maybe and perhaps that a person whenever they are able to achieve this

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maybe Allah subhana wa tada can give them that cuz we reach a level where you actually have emptied your heart for Allah subhanho wa Taala. Maybe it means that you have reached a level that's your devotion to Allah is so strong, that it burns away any other sin that have been committed in the past.

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It's possible and Allah knows best. But see here the consequence of purifying your heart.

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That's how this hadith relates to the whole series that will go

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because you may say to yourself, so what is the benefit of this purification is localu what is the benefits of it?

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Is it this is the benefit of

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between someone who does not pay attention to his heart, and his eyebrow that is not internal only external. And someone who pays very close attention to his or her heart, and they purify it. And they're connected deeply to Allah subhanho wa Taala on a very deep, intimate level. And their abeta is not only external, but internal to us that they perform for Allah subhana wa tada and we can do this.

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It can burn away, burn out any sin,

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it can cleanse them of a sin to Pamela. That's the benefit of this ibadah. And that's why you should seek purification of your soul and fix your heart repeatedly. And if you are a person who is seeking testing,

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you always need to connect and I hope inshallah you can remember the third thing that you remember in sha Allah from today, that you will always be able to remember that any external act that Allah subhana wa Taala admit an obligation or that he loves and is voluntary, has an internal component to it. And something on the outside always has something on the inside. And you always need to connect with them to both of them together. That's for a better

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something that is only external, it's not full, and it's incomplete. And like that, it does not bring us full benefit or full rational format.

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And it becomes a burden.

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It may still take us fulfill an obligation and take us to heaven, but you don't get the full benefit.

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So always try to connect the external to the internal

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then you will have the full idea that Allah subhana wa tada loves, and then you will see the full benefit of that a banner.

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Now, this Hadith, as we said in the beginning, has a story to it.

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And the story is unknown, the other side of the law, he talks about himself and about his Islam, so we'll go through it inshallah.

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So he says, and I'll just translate and this is a Muslim. He says, while I was in Delhi at the time of jelenia, before Islam, I used to think or believe that the people were actually all misguided. And they did not know what the truth was because they worshipping idols. So here are the Allahu anhu, even before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came, had this sense in him, that this was false. And the people that were not connected to the truth, so he was mentally looking, and thinking and pondering and questioning. As a panel, you meet people like those today, who come and accept Islam, and they will tell you something similar to what he said, or the Allahu anhu that they were

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never really convinced of what their parents or their community was telling them about who God is, and what religion is.

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So I used to have that feeling called a consumer market. Then I heard about a man in bed that was talking about things, religious things, but he didn't know what these things were. So he said, I traveled to him. And I met the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet was hiding, like he was in hiding. What can he do?

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His people were aggressive, they were harassing him. And so he was in hiding. And he wasn't so easy to find himself alone. He was in the for a person coming from the outside, you can come directly and find the Prophet sallallahu audio cinema. You need to you know, gently enquire. Where is he? Who is he? Back in another Hadith? Someone came and spent days before actually could, before he was able to find the prophets of Allah to send them he first needed to connect with Elliot, Vitali. Believe No, we thought it took him to the prophets of the law to send them so wasn't so easy because it was dangerous. So someone coming from the outside, he needed to you know, employ some tactfulness to

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reach the profits of the law. You said no, but this is how it is he described it. They were harassing him very aggressive with him and so he was hiding.

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So he I came to my capital to you know, I gently was able to reach him. Then I asked him, Who are you? He said, I'm gonna be I'm a prophet. He said, What is it? What is a profit? What is gonna be?

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Allah sent me. So he said, What did he send you with? He said, he sent me with kindness toward me towards my kin towards family, and with breaking the idols and to worship Allah subhana wa tada alone without any partner.

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So he said, then I asked him who followed you, who's with you on this? So he said Sharon was a free man and a slave.

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So they said, at that time, he had with him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ababa. And

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there's very few people if he had reached the prophets of Allah, he was at a very early stage, very few people had followed him sallallahu sallam, then he said

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he didn't mean so a lot. He said only two, but few people, among them, few free men, and few slaves. These are all the people that are with me.

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Then he said, I'm going to follow you. In Iraq, I want to follow you.

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He said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you cannot do this today. Don't you see the situation that I'm in today and how people are with me. But he said himself a lot. He was in it. But go back to your tribe, go back to your people. And when you hear that I have I have actually succeeded, and actually gained some strength. Come and follow me.

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So he's telling him now we are too weak. And you can't follow me, especially that he's coming from the outside, who will protect him.

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so he said, You can follow me at this moment. But go back to your people. And when you hear about me, and that we have some power, come back and follow me.

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So he said, I went back to my people, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam migrated to Medina and I was in my tribe. And I used to follow his news and ask people what happened to him so aloha to Silla until some people came from Medina and they said that this is what happened within people. His people tried to kill him. He escaped, he migrated to Medina.

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And he said that people now are rushing to accept Islam in Medina. So he said then I migrated to Medina and met the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said to him, or prophet of Allah, do you recognize me? He says, yes, you the person I met in Mecca. So he said, the prophet of Allah Teach me of what Allah subhanaw taala had taught you, and I do not know. So he started to ask him about salah and he started to ask him about to do and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him about the hadith of our chapter today telling him about if you make this way right and if you make and you empty your heart, then a lot of panel data will forgive your previous sense. So it is here all the

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love and we asked the Prophet this question and brought us this hadith.

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Now what is amazing about him inshallah, about this man is what?

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How long did he stay away from the Prophet? sallallahu wasallam. If you're going to guess,

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long time, do you want to guess how long did he stay? 3013 years 13 years is a very early right. And he waited all the way a time till he's allowed us and migrated to Medina waited 13 years. For him civil law he was in them What did he have of Islam?

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Nothing right. Nothing right except Allah Allah, Allah Allah. Allah Allah Illallah Muhammadan rasul Allah, that's the only thing that he had of Islam, no sola, no fasting, nothing else that he has. Yet to panela you wonder and marvel at the first his thirst and look for the truth that kept that love alive for 30 years from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and any other Muslim. The only thing that he had in his heart la Illallah Muhammad Rasul Allah and other active worship that he had with him. No, hold on, no Hadith, no other Muslim besides him no aid, right? No, no good food or nothing. Nothing. He was alone. But for 13 years, he continuously kept track of what were the profits of a

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law you send them was what he was doing. Can I join him now? And when it was time, and he was ready, he went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he migrated. And what is the first thing that he asks him just to tell you again, about that service that he had for the truth? What is the first thing that he asked him? Money?

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One of doing my friend what was the first thing that he asked him?

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Teach me, teach me what Allah had taught you.

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This is the third that he had all the Allah just teach me. Right?

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And so even you know, at the end of the day, not included here at the end of the Hadith. You know, a person he was narrating this hadith and a person

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who I was hearing this hadith from him, he said, told him, pay attention to what you're saying. In one place, like in one time a person receives all of this from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He says, You know what? I have reached old age, and I have no need to lie against the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and if not, that I've heard this Raphael this from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam more than once, twice, three times until he counted seven times. I would not have narrated this to you.

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So Subhana loss panela that Jani, this is the Sahaba of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the love that they have

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For the truth and for him, so maybe inshallah this can inspire us, they have so little and they have the they could do so much with it and hamdulillah it is through their efforts of Allah subhanho wa Taala that we have received all of this information. So we have to take it, take advantage of it and really increase our email. So the project insha Allah being inspired by him

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and being inspired by the hadith of this chapter, this is your project inshallah for the next one that is coming.

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You're going to do exactly as the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam has said you're going to go and make although remembering all the steps that we talked about, every time with every movement, you are remembering that your sins are being washed away by the water. So you begin Bismillah he make this photo and of course do it as Allah subhana wa Taala commanded follow don't take your time with it completely.

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And if you don't know review it before the time comes in Sharla who tried to review it can do it online, but brush up on it very quickly make this to do and now after the will do comes a time for the seller. So before if a select time comes, this is your determination Bismillah I am going to try to pray this scenario with an empty heart except Allah subhana wa tada that's your project in sha Allah at least for the next 24 hours plan one Salah you're going to do this with it. This could be method if you wish could be if you wish, whatever you wish, but in the next 24 hours you have to do this evening and after you do it, know how it makes you feel there's a change you are not then plan

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inshallah for the next 24 hours. The next one next Salah you're going to do this for

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and so on for one week. So we're asking I'm not gonna say inshallah do every salon like this if you can, wonderful but every salon once a day while you're doing this will do this way with that

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image in mind, with that intention in mind, and that so that with that intention where there's nothing else but Allah subhanho wa Taala see how far you can go and see how you prevail against the shape on and plan for the next 24 hours that you will do better in Ninja. This is the project in sha Allah, if you want to share with me the results and you know the wisdom that you gained from it. I'd be happy to hear it from you. So we asked Allah subhana wa Taala to make us of those who listen and listen carefully and apply apply what they listen and to make us of those whose sins are forgiven. Because they perform will do because they pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala and in this last month, I

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mean Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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aloha hamburgers, Chateau de la land

The Messenger salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam said: (When a person brings the Wudu water close to him and washes his mouth and nose, the sins committed by his face, mouth and nose fall out. Then when he washes his face as commanded by Allah, the sins of his face fall out from the ends of his beard with the water. Then when he washes his hands up to and including the elbows, the sins of his hands fall out from his fingers with the water. Then when he wipes over his head, the sins of the head fall out from the ends of his hair with the water. Then when he washes his feet to the ankles, the sins of his feet fall out from his toes with the water. Then if he stands up for Salah and thanks Allah, praises Him, glorifies Him as He deserves, and dedicates his heart wholly to Allah, he emerges sin free as the day he was born)

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