Ahsan Hanif – Punishments Of The Grave

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The importance of remembering the first and second stages of a life is emphasized, as it is crucial to protect from evil behavior. The punishment of lieers' actions is emphasized, and the importance of faith and trusting reality is emphasized. The importance of reciting the Surah and learning to live in an Abode for one's own life is emphasized, as it is crucial to prepare for a new life.
AI: Transcript ©
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billahi min sharone and fusina woman CR dr Marina Mia de la la la la mejor para De La Rochelle de la ilaha illAllah Juan de la sharika wash Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam Allah Baraka Lee. While early he will be he will seldom at the Sleeman kathira another

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one of the realities of this life is that each and every single person will go through two stages. The first stage is a stage in this life, and a night in this life and in this world, where each and every single person will go to sleep as normal every single day, on their own comfortable bed, in their own comfortable mattress. Knowing that their friends, their family, that their children, their spouses, their parents are within reaching distance, that close by, they put their heads on a comfortable pillow. And they go to sleep without a care in the world. And even if there are some concerns, some difficulties, their minute, not enough to keep us awake, not enough for us to spend

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the whole night awake and to lose our sleep. This is the most regular night of each and every single one of us something we experienced day in and day out. And because of its comfort, because of its luxury, because of the way that it is. And because of how Shea pond deceives us even with the most simplest things, we forget the second stage, the second night, that will also come upon each and every single one of us, where instead of a comfortable bed, our bed will be made out of dirt and mud and rocks and stones. Instead of having our family next to us, our wife or our husband, our children in the next room, our parents down the road, our companions will be insects, and worms and bugs

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deserve having a comfortable mattress, or we will lie on his rocks and stones. Instead of having a comfortable way to wrap ourselves in. We will be wrapped in dirt and in mud. And it is the second night that each and every single one of us needs to remember more often. The second night that Allah azza wa jal mentions over and over again in the Quran, and that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would constantly remind his companions

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how easy it was when we're in this world, to remember the first night, but to forget the second, and how quickly the second will come after the first. One night you spent in this round. And the next night you spend in your grave. The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in the Hadith, which is terrifying. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in the hadith of Abu huraira, the Allah one, Morrow a to Mandarin up in LA one of the Omen, I have not seen a single thing, except that the grave is more terrifying than it. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lived a life of hardship, lived a life of difficulty he had in this life, his wife died, and his children die,

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and close people and relatives died. He lived at a time and people were trying to kill him. People were persecuting and punishing him. He went through difficulty, and he saw difficulty, and a lot has allowed him to see other things as well out of this round from the next slide. It's still the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I have not seen a single thing, except that the grave is more terrifying than it. And when you understand this concept of how terrifying the grave is, when you understand everything else, which comes after it, this man would be a loved one, he would be with his companions and his friends. And he would be reciting the Quran. And he would read verses of

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Paradise and fire agenda and now and nothing would happen to him. No visible change would come upon him. And then he would pass by a verse of the Quran that speaks about the grave, and he would begin to cry, and he would cry so profusely, that his beard would become wet with his tears. Imagine how hard you have to cry in order for your beard to be dripping with tears. And so they would say to him, oh, califa of the profits on the long run.

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He will send them you read the verses about towers and how fire and nothing happens to you. And then you read verses of the grave, and you cry in this way. And he said, I heard the prophets in the long run He will send them to see in alpha Bravo luminosity, a hero from a Naja

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is a woman, woman, young German, who from Abba Hua shadowman. Indeed, I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that the grave is the first stage from the stages of the hereafter. So whosoever passes that stage, then everything after it will be easier. And whosoever fails that stage, then everything after it will become more difficult and more severe. And this is why the companions are the Allahu anhu. And the scholars of Islam would go to the graveyards, and they would enact this advice at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave to us that we should go and frequently visit the graveyards. And not only would they visit them, but they would go and imagine

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themselves in that place, they would humble themselves, and pretend that they were the ones who are being entered into this grave, as reported from some of them, that they would go to empty graves. And they would go and stand inside that cave and then lie down. And then they will think about death and, and being in the grave. And being in that situation. And then they would say to themselves, a day will come when you will be in this place. And after that day, no action will be accepted from you, you won't be able to perform any action, you won't be able to repent to Allah. But now you still have a chance. Now you still have time. And then they would get up. And they would lead leave

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the grave, as reported for Maliki dinar, Rahim, Allahu taala, that he would go to the graveyard. And he would say, tomorrow, Malik will be here. This is my journey. This is my destination. And so Pamela, think about life in this way. Your destination is not the house that you want to buy in 20 years, it's not the job that you want to gain in 20 years. It's not the vision that you have for yourself and your children in this dunya. Your destination is the grain, whether it comes tomorrow, or the day after or next month, or next year, or in 100 years. That is your final destination. And each and every single one is equal in this regard.

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Even Have you thought about the law, the great companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and one of the greatest men during that time, he would go to the graveyard and he would be accompanied with people that would surround him. And he would go to the graveyard and he would stay there. And then he would say to the people around him. If only we could talk to them, and they could talk to us. If only we could have a conversation, then we would ask them, what did you find in your graves after death? What has Allah prepared for you? And they would ask us, what happened to our wealth, our wives, our children, our houses after our death? What happened to all of these positions

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that we worked so hard for, we strive day and night to accumulate this wealth to build this house to have all of our affairs set in order? What happened to all of that, that money that I gathered, that was that I have that house that I built those cars that I have, now that I've died? What do they do for me, as an audio rhodiola? One, he would stay silent? After asking these two questions, he would let people ponder and contemplate over this. And then he would say to them, by Allah, if we could speak to them, and they could speak to us, then we would answer the question. And we would say that the charity of that person was a car that he or she used to give will be protecting them from the

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right, and they will come from the left. And they will find that fasting that they use to fast inside and outside of the month of Ramadan, that is there protecting them. And then he will try to come from the feet. And they will find that there are other good deeds, they're protecting this person. So the believer is surrounded 360 degrees protected by the righteous actions that they performed in this world. So the angels will not be able to drop the adobo close, will they be able to come near and so instead they will stay at a distance and there they will ask their questions. Whereas the disbeliever will find no such safety. There will be no such safeguards around them, they

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will find no good deed surrounding them. So the angels will come closer and they will stand next to them and they will instill terror and and fear into them. And then they will ask their questions. Babu Rama Dino

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Woman nibio who is your Lord? And what is your religion? And who is your Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? And for those people who have true Eman, then they will be able to answer these questions. My lord is allow my religion is Islam and my profit is Mohammed's on the low hourly he will sell them. But for those who didn't have faith, those people who didn't have a man, then they won't be able to reply. And they will simply say,

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they will be unable to form any words, unable to speak with any words. And so there Allah subhanho wa Taala will decree those people who will be given the rewards of the grave, and those people who will be given the punishment of the grave. So lots of Panda hautala will see to the believers, that open for them gates from the gates of Paradise, and expand for them the grave and enlightenment for them, and give them from the center and the musk of paradise. And so, that person will have the grave expanded to such an extent that they will not be able to see the ends of the green, it will be so wide, that they cannot see the end of the grave. And it will be so light, that they will not feel

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any loneliness or any fear them and a larger region will allow the scent of Paradise to come to them. As for the disbeliever, then the wave will be darker, and it will be restricted, and they will be squeezed even more. And all that they will get is the foul odor and the heat of the fire of how and each and every single day. in the morning and the night. The inhabitants of the grave. They see the Abode either in paradise or in the fire of how those who are believers will see the rowboat in general, and those who are disbelievers will see the boat in the fire of home. And now

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as a law says about federal that each and every single day he sees the fire in the morning, and in the evening. takamasa adequado Allah Khurana Shahada, and on the day when the hour is established, then they will be returned to a more severe torment, and that is the torment of the Fire of home.

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insinuations the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that it will be said to the believer, as for you, then sleep, the sleep of a newlywed sleep the sleep of someone who has no concern, they have no problems, they have no need to fear no to despair, sleep in peace and tranquility. And so that person will rest and spend that time in that grave. And they will know that insha Allah wants to move to Yama cons then they will have a greater reward. Whereas the disbeliever will be in a state of constant punishment, constantly being punished by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so the believer will say Oh Allah, allow your piano to be established, hasten it bring it forward, because

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they know that what that which waits for them is greater. As for the disbeliever, they will say Oh, Allah loves the Messiah. Don't let Don't let the Day of Judgment come, never established the Day of Judgment. We don't want to see that day, because they know that which comes after it will be much greater and more severe.

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messenger of a loss in the long run. He was

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also spoke about a number of punishments that will take place in the grave. And a number of things that people will do that will be a cause of punishment, in addition to their disbelief, in addition to not performing righteous deeds, there are certain things and this applies to Muslims, as well as non Muslims. Those people who perform these evil deeds will be given this punishment. The first is that which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, those people who do not clean themselves up to you relating would not protect themselves from their own urine when they urinate, a common common law as in the editor of the library, Ibis, rhodiola, one Houma that the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed by two graves. And he said in the Humala, you have the ban, when you have the benefit Kabir indeed, these two people are being punished in their graves, and they're not being punished because of something which is a major sin, as for one of them, then they will not protect themselves from the splashes of urine. And as for the other one, then they will spread rumors amongst the people. And so these two sins are from those sins which will cause a person to be punished in the grave. In another Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned the punishment of four types of people, four types of people that he saw himself in a dream, where a lot

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of soldiers allowed him to see the punishment of these people. The first is a person who lies and they lie spread far and wide. A lie which they

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Start there is then taken by someone else and spread and it continues to spread until it is rife amongst the whole community. Such a person on your will piano, such a person sorry in the grave will continue to be punished until Yama, Yama, a person will come to that individual. And they will come with a sharp hook. And they will place this hook in the right side of their mouth within their cheek. And then he will pull it with such force and such vigor and such violence that the skin will tear until the back of the neck and then he will take it out. And he will come to the left side, and he will place it within the left cheek. And then again, that Angel will pull it with such force that

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it will tear until the back of his neck. And then he will take it out. And he will come back to the right side and he will find where it is healed. So then he will place it in the right side and pull it to the back. And then he will go to the left and find it here. And again. He will do this and he will continue to move from right to left. Until Alonzo establishes Yeoman piano. This is what that person will continually have until Yeoman piano a punishment which will not cease day or night they will faces the second person is the one who neglects the Koran neglects reciting the Quran neglects implementing the Quran, understanding the Quran applying the teachings of the Quran, such a person,

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the angels will come in the grave, and that person will be made to lie down and the angel will come with a heavy rock and boulder and they will come and they will throw it upon the head of that person and they will throw it with such force, whether a person's head will smash, they will become flat, smashed to nothing, and then the rock will roll away. So the man will go the angel will go to take that rock and Boulder. And when he comes back, he finds that the head is reformed, it is healed, it is back in its original state. So again, he will raise it, and again he will throw it down and then again, the rock could roll. And he will continue to do this over and over again until you move

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beyond the third person that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam saw is that person who performs in the person who performs fornication or adultery will appear to be law, such people in their grave will be placed in a furnace of fire and they will be thrown into the depths of that furnace. And that furnace will burn with such intensity that as it burns, that person will continue to rise and they will rise within that furnace until they think that they can reach the edge and climb out. And then he will extinguish and that person will fall again into the depths of that furnace. And then again that fire will start and it will continue to rise and extinguished like this until yom Okayama

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the fourth person that the prophets, the fourth person that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned is someone who deals in interest in Riba who takes interest and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that such a person will be in the middle of a river of blood, and it will be as if he is drowning. And he can see the river bank at a distance. And on the riverbank, he sees a man holding pebbles. And so, the person because he is drowning, he will want to go and come out of this river. So he will make his way towards the river bank. And as soon as he is in, within reaching distance of this river bank, able to climb out, that man on the bank with the pebbles will throw a

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pebble at him. And that person will go back to the middle of the river, and then again, they will try to come out and again another pebble will make them go back to the middle of the river. And they will continue to do this until Yokoyama

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also that which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned is that a person who dies with a debt, even if that person be righteous, even if it is a person of emotion and righteous action, if they are indebted to other people, they took money that they haven't yet repaid, then until that money is repaid, that reward is withheld. Even the martyr, who dies for the sake of Allah will not be allowed to enjoy the rewards of the grave until the debt is paid. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when a janazah would be bought out, he would ask the people who is it? Who is this person? And then he would say, Does he have debt upon him or her? Do they have debt? And if they had debt,

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that he will not pray over them, and will not play the janazah and he would say something along while he will sell them. Indeed a person is withheld from the rewards of the grave until that

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is paid. And so unless one of the components of the Allahu anhu would, would put themselves forward, would volunteer to pay that off, the prophets are seldom will not pray the genesis of that person, something else which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentioned, which causes punishment for the person in the grave is their relatives and their friends, and those who live wailing over them. When a person dies in the gerasa prayer, or when they're being buried, or when people come to see their body, wailing and crying, and doing such things, only makes that person punished in the grave. So that person because of this wailing is punished by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And there are also

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many other deeds, which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, will be a cause of punishment in the grave, such as missing prayers, and drinking alcohol, and murder, and so on and so forth. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also mentioned a number of things that would save us from the punishment of the grave. And this is something which we all need to note and teach our our family and our children. The first and most important thing is faith, to have a man in a loss of Hannah who tyla because there is this belief that will give us sanctity in our dreams, it will give us safety in our graves, and they will give a safety and human, true sincere belief in Allah

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subhanho wa Taala. Truly trusting in a lot of people, and having certainty in our Eman secondly, to stay away from the sins that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, and to perform the opposite to perform the good deeds that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would encourage us to do, to fast more precise, and more to give more in charity so that in the grave these deeds will come and they will surround us and protect us from the terrorists of the grave. And to stay away from the sins that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, the profits on the long run he was seldom mentioned that there are also a number of things that will save a person from the

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punishment of the grave. One of them is to recite surah to work every single night before going to sleep. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not sleep during the night, except after reciting the surah the first sort of the 29th Jews pseudotumor and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whosoever recites the Surah At night before going to sleep, and then they die during their sleep, then a large surgeon will save them from the punishment of the grave. Something else which saves a person from the punishment of the grave is to die on Friday, whoever dies on the Friday because of the best thing of this day, because of its high status in this religion, they will

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be saved from the punishment of the grave. Likewise, those people who die because of an ailment or a disease in the stomach, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that such people will also be saved from the punishment of the grave. But something which each and every single person can do is to recite the drama that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would teach his companions and the companions would say that the prophets Allah teaches this to our just as he would teach a surah to Fatiha, such as its importance. Just as you teach your children Surah Fatiha, then you should teach them this. And the reason why that we should recite in every single prayer in that the Shabbat,

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Aloma India becoming either the jahannam woman or that woman fitness mat, woman fitness in the Journal of Allah, I seek refuge in You from the punishment of Hellfire, and the punishment of the grave, and from the trials of living and dying, and from the trials of the jungle. This is a law that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would teach his companions of the Allahu Allah. So my dear brothers and sisters,

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this is a brief summary of what will happen in the grave, the reality that each and every single one of us has to face. So the question and the only question that we means is what have we prepared for such a time? What are we prepared for such a house for such an abode for such a place of residence, when a person in this life moves into a new house, a place where they know they're going to stay for months, if not years, if not decades, a house which they are going to pass on to the children and their grandchildren, they prepare that place, they fix the windows and the doors, they fix the furniture, they decorate the house, they beautify it in every way possible. They spend hundreds, if

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not 1000s of pounds upon this temporary abode. So what have we spent for our own abode? So I will reveal about for the place where we will stay until Allah azzawajal decrees that every single

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person will be resurrected. What have you prepared in terms of declaration in terms of living facilities for this abode, and the only living facilities and decorations that we can have for this abode is faith in Allah unrighteous actions? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once passed by the law one, one of the companions, and he was fixing his house, the companions were poor, they lived in mud huts, so each and every so often they would have to fix and repair the houses. And so the prophet SAW Selim saw him doing this. And he said to Amara gentlemen, haha, I think that our affair is more history or than this meaning, I don't think we're going to be here long enough in

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this dunya to benefit from such repairs, to benefit from beautifying such places and such houses. And this is why the companions are the Allahu anhu. And the scholars of Islam generally lived in very humble abode. They wouldn't waste their time and their money in this, rather they would spend it for a time when they knew that it would benefit them or the loved one.

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I want to leave you with two quotes. The first is of the great scholar, Sufi and authority for human level tayana. He said, Whosoever remembers the grave often in this dunya whosoever remembers the grave, often in this dunya then in when they die, they will find for them a garden of paradise. And whosoever forgets that wave in this dunya then when they die, they will only fire find a pit of fire.

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So those people who remember the grave in this Kenyans who remember death, who humble themselves and know their final abode, know which direction their life is going in, they will believe in Allah, they will increase in their deeds, and inshallah then they will find this garden of Paradise in their graves, whereas those people who forget about death and the grave in this dunya and they disobey Allah and follow the desires, then in the graves, they will only find a picture of the fire of *. And as a scholar by the name of Salahuddin Abdul Rahim, Allahu taala, was was approached by a man and he asked him, What do we find after death? What is behind this door of death? What awaits

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first? Can you reply Rahim? Allahu taala. There are only two things waiting either a garden of Paradise or a pit of fire.

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And then he said to the man, but it is up to you to choose which one you want to enter two. It is up to you to choose which one you want to enter into. This is the gate of death. And depending on which key you use, you will either enter into the garden of Paradise or the pit of the fire. As a blue flame Rahim Allah tala mentioned in his beautiful poetry concerning gender and the description of paradise. He says that each and every single door needs a key and likewise the gate to gender needs a key and that key to the date of gender is La ilaha illAllah. But like every single key it has teeth, every single key has teeth and the teeth to this key of La ilaha illAllah is righteous

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actions. So May Allah subhanahu wa taala make us from amongst those who truly believe in La ilaha illa Allah will give to this key along with the teeth of righteous action. Um Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us from the punishment of the Fire and the grave, and many

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others with our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and numerous other will love them.

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