Ahsan Hanif – When The Prophet Saws Smiled

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam is a normal man who shows emotions in every situation. He is always smileating and showing mercy. The Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam is a leader who often comes across people and smiles at them, and is often responding with a smile. He is also a leader who often comes across people and smiles at them, and is a leader who often comes across people and smiles at them. The Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam is a leader who often comes across people and smiles at them, and is a leader who often comes across people and smiles at them.
AI: Transcript ©
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La, La La, la,

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la la, la la la la la la la sharika

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Kitab Allahu taala

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Buddha Buddha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shout

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out to her.

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Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah. Now,

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brothers and sisters in Islam,

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one of the most amazing aspects of this year of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that it doesn't just inform us of the actions that he that he performed, were the things that he said, the incidents that took place, the occurrences that happened during this lifetime,

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is the most one of the most amazing aspects of a CSM

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is that it gives us so much intimate information about him, about his character, about his personality, about the way he dealt and interacted with others. And we know that a part of our humanity, and the completeness of our faith is that we possess love for our Prophet alayhi wasallam more than the love that we possess for our own parents, or our own children, or siblings, or any other member in society.

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Achieving but love is to know in detail, the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but not just his life, but his personality, his description, the way he looked, the way he acted, when he walked away, he sat down the emotions that he used to display. Hi, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with clay? Why would she quit? When would he why was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would love? When would he love? And what circumstances would he love. And this is something which I want to focus on today, in this hope. And it's something which I want to make a continuous series in my thought was in dismissing that aspect of the personality of the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam that many of us are familiar with. Because we claim this love for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But true love means that you know that person, just as well as that person knows themselves. Just as you know, your wife, or your husband, your children and your parents, you know, more than just the status statistics, you know, more than just a name, or the dates of birth, or where they studied, or what their hobbies are, this is just information that you can glean from any one from everyone. But you actually know someone is that you actually know the way they will interact in a situation. You know, when your family member is given some bad news, or

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given some good news, how they will respond, in which manner if they are given good news, will that lead them to crying out of joy? Or will they roll around in laughter? Or will they jump up this is something which we know, because we have such a close connection to these people. And there is this connection that we don't have with our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even though in the sin of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even though in his description, even though for this personality, we know all of these different traits, we know them. There are mentioned in the books of Hadith, that we don't take time to sit and study how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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would interact. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a role model for us in every single aspect of our lives. And that this just understood, it doesn't mean that you just follow him in terms of prayer, or fasting or giving us a car or Hajj does actually follow you in terms of the way he interacted as well. And so one particular aspect that I want to focus on today, in this book, is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would love, when would he love in which circumstances would he love, the manner in which he would love some alone while he was in them? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was an

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ordinary human being

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He wasn't someone who didn't display emotion. He wasn't someone who would imply when he was sad, or laugh when he was happy. He wasn't someone that was robotic in his form, robotic in his personality, in the way he interacted and dealt with others was that he had these emotions, and he displayed them so that we could look and learn from his personality. So he was seven. And this is why I would say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would love just as you and me love, and he would be amazed and surprised at things just as we and you are surprised by things that take place. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a normal person, and laughter or smiling was a part of his

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personality that he displayed. And it is something which he placed emphasis on moreso than many other traits and characteristics that he possessed. sallallahu wasallam is reported from a number of companies that he said that I have never seen anyone smile as much as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would always be smiling, he will never seen, except that he was with a smile on his face. And he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was teaching his companions and then us and the whole, that this is the way that we should be. This should be our default expression that we meet one another and greet one another with a smile on our faces. It was also

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reported that a number of them would say, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his rafter would be a white smile, meaning that she will never laugh the way we do in our extreme laughter, making sounds rolling around on the floor, jumping up and down. It was never the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to go to an extreme and the issue was that he would remain on the balance path. If he was happy, he would smile. And if he was overcome with joy, he would smile a word smile so that you could see the backs of his teeth, the boldness of his teeth. This was the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was another of the companions described him and he said

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will never make. And that is a sign that you make when you excessively love a sound that emanates from your mouth. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will never love to that degree. And this is something important for us. Because comedy joking, it is something which is a daily occurrence in our lives, something which we do on a daily basis, something which will always look for a laugh, or joke, something to pass by the time some form of amusement. And often this form of amusement takes us to different levels. It takes us to extremes, it makes us laugh in an excessive matter, even sometimes, if it is at the expense of other people,

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even if it means that we take away the rights of others, that we oppress others, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has reported that he would smile, and he would laugh and he would only smile at times at certain times, in certain instances, in certain circumstances. And there are many, many hobbies that you can gather. But I want to mention to you six certain scenarios, six categories in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would smile, and he would love this wide smile of his eye Subhanallah imagine being there. When you have someone that you deeply love. When they meet you, when they come to you. And they meet you with a smile. They greet you with a smile, the amount

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of happiness that it places into your heart, the way you feel for a person, the emotions that you reciprocate. The way that you then interact with a person is of a different level in nature, immersion, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would come and meet you or me just an ordinary member of the community, just one of the oma and he would smile, the smile of his how much happiness it would bring to our hearts, how much we would feel that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has loved towards us. And this is something which we need to relay to one another. From the scenarios of the first of those categories, in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would

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smile is from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When discussing the mercy of Allah azza wa jal, how immense His mercy is, it would bring a smile to his face. How often do we read the Quran? often do we read the Sunnah and hear about the mercy of Allah upon us, upon our families,

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whether in this life or in the Hereafter, but how often does that brings a smile to our faces, to know that we have such a load that is so caring that is so merciful, that is so loving, that his mercy encompasses everything that he brings a smile to our face, a smile to know that we have a load on a god and created like this. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned in the Hadith

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when we were speaking about the Hereafter, and about the people who would enter into general, the final people who would enter in

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Two Gentlemen, and the final people who have come out of the fire, that he mentioned that from amongst them, there will be a man. And that man will be presented before Allah subhanho wa Taala and allows our general order that only the small minuses be presented to him, one of his major sins should be hidden away from his record. So the man will come, and the record will be read out, and all of his minor sins will be mentioned to me. And the man will agree to them, he will not be able to disagree or to reject any of them. So when Allah subhanho wa Taala will

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change each one of those evil deeds into a good deed. Change them all, each one of them, that was an evil deed a sin, change it into a good deed. And so then the man, overcome by the mercy of Allah, He will say, oh my lord, I have other things that you don't have here. There are other things that you have not mentioned in my record, bring them as well, and choose them as well referring to his major sins. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned this hadith and this incident, and then he smiled, he brought a smile to his face, the smile that comes from knowing the mercy of Allah subhana wa tada on that day. And likewise, he mentioned in another Hadith, also concerning those

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people, who will be the final people to enter into gentlemen, in the Hadith.

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He mentioned that a man will be from amongst the last to leave the fire, and he will crawl out of it, and you will be crawling. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala will allow him to go towards paradise to enter into paradise. So the man will go to Paradise, and it will seem to him that it is full, everyone has taken their places, there is no empty space. Everyone has their houses their abodes, so he will return to online you will see that the people have taken their places, there is nothing left for me. So most of the time, I will say to him, wish, wish for whatever you want. And so the man will wish and you will wish and he will wish

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to have, they will say go because you have everything that you wish for and 10 times the length of it. So the man overcome and amazed by the mercy of Allah, He will say Oh Allah, do you ridicule and mock me even though you are my Lord? Are you joking and Justin with me that you will give me all of this even though you are my Lord. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam smiled at us smiled at the situation. And this introduction, knowing the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala exists, knowing what has happened in Haiti and in other parts of the world, the earthquakes and the disasters that strike and how our lives are saved us and our families and our property and our

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wealth. Does that bring a smile to our face? Knowing that Allah azza wa jal has showed us mercy is having a smile to our faces knowing that he shall learn normal piano that if we repent for our sins of life, xojo will forgive us for them. If they bring a smile to our faces, every time we play, or be fast, or we do some good actor Allah has enabled us to perform

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these actions that should be smiles to our faces. The second category in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would often smile is the immense blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The blessings that Allah azza wa jal would bestow upon the woman who will bestow upon him and this will bring a smile to his face. And likewise, we really know the immense blessings that Allah azza wa jal has bestowed upon us, our children, our wealth, the security that we live in all of the things that we take for granted, our health, our parents, everything else. Do these best things bring a smile to our face? Or do we just take them for granted? Or often do we use them as a means

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of punishment for ourselves? Do you use them as a curse, instead of a blessing, as reported by your loved one, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once overcome by evolution, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he was overcome by revelation, he would change and they would know that he was being revealed to you after that stick lifted for me. He smiled from receiving the revelation of the law, even though the revelation of a law was a burden upon him a physical burden. He would sweat even though the weather was cold, but after this, he smiled. And so they said a messenger of Allaah, why'd you slow? he recited the surah that was revealed to me in the

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outer, nothing closer. Indeed we have given you or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam smiled at this, because Allah azza wa jal have granted and gift isn't a blessing, a blessing that no one else can attain. And this brought him a smile when he heard the news of his grandsons and has an anger Hussein.

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able to smile to his face. And he would often hear of the things that take place in the community of the Muslims. And he would bring a smile to his face. When we hear something that takes place to our fellow brothers and sisters, some blessing that they have been given something that takes place with our family members, does it bring a smile to our face? And even if you smile is a genuine smile, or is it something which in our hearts we wish that it was given to us instead, we become jealous, and there is hatred and enmity. And there is this rivalry that exists, that there is no God. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was someone who had a very easy, a very beautiful personality, and part

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of his personality was smiling. But he wouldn't just smell when he came to aspects of the religion from the mercy of the law, or from the blessings of Allah subhana wa Tada. But the third category, that she would smile with his own family members,

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never entered his house, except with a smile. He never entered his house, except with a smile. So that your wife, your parents, usually the first thing they see on your face, when you read them, after your absence is a smile. And we know that it's so hard, it may be easily said, but it is hard to perform. When you've had a long day at work, or you've just arrived from a very long journey, or you've had some problems outside in the world. And then you have to enter into your house. Most often. If you don't think about swimming, you have other issues on your mind. And normally what happens is the brunt of our fury of our desperation is

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taken out on our own family members. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would enter that he would smile at his family members, and I shut up.

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But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was into the penguin. And she was playing with some toys. Some don't like toys. And for the most days dogs there was something like a voice with Chili's

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wa sallam Esther, what are you doing? So she said, I'm playing with my toys. I'm playing with my dolls. So he said that you have a dog that has a horse that has two wheels. I've never ever heard of a horse having two rings. And so I just said, O Messenger of Allah. Have you ever heard that she may not have voices with me. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam smiled at this. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would smile with his family, when

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he would come, he would enter into his house to visit him, he would stand up, he would go and beat a smile on her face, just saw my head, and then tell her to come and sit in his face. He's not that he was

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also mentioned by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once entered upon her, after praying.

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When she was feeling a headache, she was overcome with pain. So he entered, she said, Well, which means I have a very bad headache. And so the prophet SAW someone said to her,

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I also have a headache. So he said, As for your problem, it's very simple. If you die once I'm alive, then I will wash you, I will show you I will pray over you and I will bury, you have nothing to worry about. You have nothing to fear the profits or someone will do all of this for you. And he was teasing her and playing with him. And so are some of your loved one who responded. And she said, You will probably go a step further, after they need to probably come home and because of you otherwise, you will forget about me, you'll just enjoy them. And you won't even remember that I exist. So the prophet SAW someone smiled at us. He was someone who would joke with his family, and

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he would smile at them constantly. He wouldn't be the cause of their ways, the cause of the anxieties, but rather he would be the one to come and to relieve all of that. And then your simple smile, in many cases can achieve that. Something else was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did. And another category in which his smile was that he would smile with the other members of the community with a genuine mystery. Not just his family's, who his best friends are the people that he knows really well with someone that he wants something from. He would smile at everyone that would meet him. And it was reported from a number of companions, that they said that I never met the

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Prophet sallallahu wasallam I never came across the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, except that he smiled at me. I said, Pamela, imagine this, the amount of interactions we have on a daily basis with our fellow Muslims. How many times you meet someone, whether on the street, whether in the shop within within your own houses, how often do you smile at them, and a smile doesn't cost anything. It's not any effort. It doesn't take away any energy from him. But it does.

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require a level of sincerity that requires a level of genuine love and affection.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from his mercy for Legion was that he wanted good for his own. So he would come across them, and he would smile at them. He would smile at other people when certain situations arose. But he smiled, when the bedroom came into his most similar while he was sitting

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in the villa, and he urinated in the middle of the question. And so the companions became angry, but the prophet SAW someone told them to wait until he had finished. And when he went up to many gave him some beautiful advice, these are the houses of Allah, they have not been constructed for this. Rather they are for the pleasing of Allah and the recitation of the Quran. So because of this beautiful introduction, the first time that they've met, because of the way that it was said, the beginning said, Oh, Allah, forgive me, and forgive Mohammed, but don't forgive anyone else. So the prophet SAW someone smiled at him. And he said, Indeed, you have made now something which was very

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wide, restricted something which was all encompassing. And so the prophet SAW someone would smile, when he would meet people, he would smile.

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And he grabbed his clothes and he pulled them out. And he said, Give me the work that you have.

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So the professor said, and smiled in his face, and he said, Go and get him from the wolf. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the leader, he often comes across people, he often needs people coming to him, and some of them are harsh in their manners. Some of them are aggressive in the way that they approach him. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would always respond with a smile, and a sippy modicum of your loved one. he narrates the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would often come out to us in the masjid from his house, because the house of the prophet SAW someone was joined to the Western, he would often come into the masjid from his house, and the companions would

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be sitting there. So he would first greet them with a smile. And then he would sit with them. And most of the companies were able to raise their gaze and look directly at the profits or something, because of the amount of love that they felt for him.

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But on the stage with the likes of Abu Bakar, and Oman, would often look at the prophet SAW Salem, and others who was young was one of the Hindu companions as well, when I would look up I would see them.

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And the prophet SAW someone looking at one another, and he would smile at them, and they would smile at him.

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This is how the prophet SAW Allah while he was with his companions, he would smile at them. And so when you're sitting with a number of things, when you're sitting with some companions, when you're just sitting with anyone, how easy is it just to smile, just smile at them, just to give them some reassurance. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was someone who would often smell

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Mr. Fulani welcome

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in the Horn of Africa

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we shall,

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to Stephen Covey, Ramadan,

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the fifth category in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would often smile. And many of these cases when he was overcome with joy, he would improve that white smell of his baby would be able to see the backs of his teeth, his two lines, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would often smile with his companions or with others when he was teaching and advising them. And then he would see that the people have learned and they have changed their opinions, they have changed the way that they are thinking, this will bring a smile to his face, because he would know that they have increased in knowledge, he will know that they have benefited, and so as a teacher as a guide,

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whether to your children, whether to students or to whoever else, this would bring a smile to his face. And there should be a smile to our faces as well as reported them in the companions want to die. And they surrounded by life, and they were laying siege to die for water to concrete. The people of life were in the fortress, and they were enclosed in this fortress and they were putting up a very sturdy defense and the companions were becoming tired and it was a very long siege. So the prophets of Allah while he was sending knew that they were becoming tired, so he wanted to make the affairs easy. So he said to them in Nepal, inshallah, tomorrow, we shall return. We should

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Go back home. So the companion said no messenger of Allah. We've been here for so long. Why don't we wait and carry on? Maybe they will give up tomorrow. So the prophet SAW someone said, okay, and he stayed with the we took their advice, and he remained. So the next day the fighting continued. And during the fighting, a number of companions were injured, and they became even more tight, their resources became even more depleted. And so then the prophet SAW Allah while he was some of them have been out of mercy for the reason in

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sha Allah, tomorrow inshallah we will go home. And so the companions rejoice, and they became happy Monday. So the prophet SAW Selim smile have seen that how, in a single day, they have changed their opinion. And so because of this important smile to his face, like was once when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was getting hooked by these women, and the men came in complaining of the drought and famine in Medina, and how they are doing away. So he said, I listened Java law, I asked you to make dua to Allah for him. So the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam raised his house, and he made two out and the rain began to descend. And he was so strong that the narrator says that

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the companions the young, able bodied companions were rushing home because of the severity of the rain, and the rain continued for one week, until the following weekend, another person came and he said, O Messenger of Allah, it is destroying our houses, it is destroying our crops, there is too much rain, ask a lot stop the room. So the prophet SAW Selim smiled, because of the way that they achieved their opinion. First, they wanted me now there was too much rain. So he raised his hand smiling, and he said, Oh, Allah, make the window around us to not make you descend upon us. This was the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in all of his affairs, he would smile. And

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the sixth and final category, in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would smile, he would smile, and he would see that there was some harm that needs to be avoided. And this is a very important aspect for us. Because often we have disputes with other people. Often you don't like someone, often you have some issue with someone, but for those people may be out to hurt you. But even so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a number of these cases, he would still smile at them. It was reported that he would even smile at the hypocrites knowing who they are, knowing what they are trying to do to Islam, he would smile at them, and he would smile so that you could prevent

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the evil so that even they had to attest to his beautiful Coca Cola while he was still losing the house, have a shot of your loved one.

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And that man was phenomenal, the hypocrites. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam custom, and he said bits of Russia were an evil Mandela's. So the nationalists the she went away into another way, and women entered, and she could hear the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, smiling and being joyous and happy with that money. So after he left, she said, O Messenger of Allah, He said he was an evil man. But then when he entered, you smile at him. And

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so he replied, some of them, indeed the worst of people in the sight of Allah on the Day of Judgment of those who people avoid due to the evil character, due to the evil character, due to the evil that they possess, people stay away from them. They're the worst in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So one of the ways to go about blocking the evil, blocking that harm is that you smile in their faces. And this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would often do. But smiling can also lead to an excessive thing, which can lead you to cause your heart to die for it to become external. And when it becomes an excessive type of laughter. When people are constantly joking, and they joke

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so much that even when they're serious, people don't take them seriously. They still think that they're joking, because this is the region. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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beware of laughing excessively, because indeed there is something which will cause your hearts to die. When listening to someone who is sensible, who is serious, who knows how to prioritize things, there is a time for laughter, there is a time for joking, there is a time for play. But that is also true for seriousness. And this is where I

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would say about the disbelief is about the hypocrites for God.

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let them laugh, and let them cry much so that they know that they will be rewarded for that which they used to do. So it is also from the count of the wisdom that just as he smiles to his family, smiles to the community members smiles at the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he should also do the opposite when the time is right. And that is that he cries from the fear of a loss of high level of data and in a number of other instances, and you shall know this is something which I will cover, whether I will deliver where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would cry and in which

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instances from

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somebody who recently moved to Sema

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and Melbourne law

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COO, coo coo la Yakubu

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