Ahsan Hanif – 7 Under The Shade of Allah SWT

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The return of the Goddamn Resurrection and the Goddamn Resurrection to the sky is highlighted, with the Hadith emphasizing the importance of learning about Islam and the importance of the rule of the Prophet sallua. The bus and the bus being the center of the Islam community are emphasized, along with the importance of having a strong heart for one's own security and proper nutrition. The cultural significance of Islam is emphasized, along with the need for a strong family relationship.
AI: Transcript ©
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Although they learn you manage shavon ilardi

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Bismillah him off money law Hey see

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him during the heater Allah Nakamoto who want to study in Warner stock funeral home on a to LA when I was living in LA he made sure all the unforeseen el amin see Dr. Marina Miyagi hilang philomel de la mejor de Lille Villa de la wa shadow Allah you know how in the LA hula Sheree Kala wash and an OB and I will see you then I'm Mohammed Abdul Rasul Allah who was Sophie who felino Salalah who was a nama Baraka a while early he was r&b he was an amateur Sleeman kathira I'm about to find nostoc Alcala, me cunnamulla he tarla

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Buddha Buddha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a shout out

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to Hakuna Matata setting da da

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da da da Hakuna Bala TV now.

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Early on today when I

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will just before I was preparing for this lecture I went out during the day.

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And for those of you that were out today in during the day, you will have noticed that it was very hot. Compared to the previous couple of weeks or days,

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the weather was a lot better, it was warmer, even though the summer hasn't officially begun, you can tell that the weather is changing, the sun is getting stronger, the heat and the temperature is rising.

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And that got me thinking about

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the lecture that I'm going to deliver today.

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Because when I was researching for this lecture, I noticed one of the things that I looked into was the sun and its heat.

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And it's amazing to notice and to note

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that scientists say

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that the diameter of the Sun

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is approximately 865,000 miles.

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865,000 miles is the diameter of the sun.

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And just to give you like some, you know, just to put that into relation to something. They say that that equals 109 Earths.

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So if you had the size of the Earth, which I think we're all like familiar with, right, you have the size of the Earth if you had to have 109 of them, that would complete the diameter of the sun. That's just as diameter is just as science.

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And they also mentioned that the temperature of the Sun is over 5500 degrees Celsius. That Celsius right now Fahrenheit 5500 degrees Celsius.

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If you can imagine like we all know what boiling water is right? That's 100 degrees, right and boiling something right? you boil an egg and that's 100 degrees.

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This is 5500 degrees.

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And they also mentioned that it's distance.

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The distance from the Earth to the Sun is over 1.5 million miles away.

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So this sun that's like so vast, it's like equates 109 Earth's there is over 5500 degrees in temperature. There is over 1.5 million miles away. Even though it is so far away. The heat that comes to us in the summer is unbearable. Even the heat today I'm sure there are people out there that will complaining that it's too hot. And we haven't even started the summer and this is England right? He got somewhere like African places like Saudi Arabia. That's a whole different story.

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Yet people are already complaining. And we know from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the fire of * complained to Allah subhanho wa Taala. It complained to Allah azza wa jal, and he said accurate bearer of the bad parts of me have begun to eat other parts. parts of me, the Hellfire is complaining that I am being eaten by myself, due to the severity of the heat and the intensity of the heat that is in the fire of home. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah azza wa jal allowed the fire of home to take two breaths, one in the summer, and one in the winter. And then he said, sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam that the extreme temperatures that you find either in the summer or in the winter is due to the breathing of the fire of * milazzo which will save us from its intensity. And we also know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that the fire of this dunya makes up only one part out of 70 of the parts of the fire of * on your monitor.

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So this is a sun there is from this dunya that has so much heat. So much heat, even though it is 1.5 million miles away there is unbearable to us.

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You'll have noticed last week in the in the lecture that was given on your monitor Yama, that from that which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said is that on yarmulke Yama, Allah azza wa jal will allow the sun to come and to stand above the heads of creation.

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Imagine it's no longer 1.5 million miles away. It's now in reaching distances above your head. That 5500 degrees Celsius of heat is no longer 1.5 million miles away. It is above your head on that day,

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and when you think about it from that perspective, you know, why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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to our show, the long run when she said O Messenger of Allah, will the people be naked on the day will they not look at one another? And he said, an ambu Usha Domine Dally, the affair is more severe than this. And you can if you can imagine that there's the sun with 5500 degrees standing on top of your head, the person next to you whether male or female, naked or clothed, whoever they happen to be, will be the last person on your mind.

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And when you listen to these ahaadeeth, and you read these ahaadeeth, you find that the people on that day will be so under so much stress and distress. That affair will be so severe, it will be so hard and so difficult, that they will go Muslim or non Muslim alike, to all of the prophets, asking them imploring them, to go to Allah and to intercede for the accounting to begin.

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As Pamela Think about this, there are no Muslims, who will know that they rejected the Day of Judgment, they rejected Allah, they rejected that there was such a thing as paradise for the fire. And they will know that their abode will be in the fire, yet even so, because of the heat of that son because of the hardship of that standing on that plane. Even they will go and want the accounting to begin.

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That is how hard it will be. And we know from the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that when that sun comes so close to a person's head, that the people will begin to sweat, and they will sweat according to their level of sin. So some of them will sweat and their sweat will only reach their ankles, others they will reach their knees, others half their body, others their chest and others will be about to drown in their own sweat due to the severity of that day.

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And so it is from the Wrath of Allah from the mercy and forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he has allowed for some people on the day to be shaded.

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And imagine the sun standing on your head. And I remember when we were in Saudi Arabia when I used to study the, the heat of vorher in the month of June and in any month actually, but especially in the month of May, June and July, and August in Saudi Arabia was so severe, just to sit in a taxi to go from one place to another was so hard. The sun was so strong

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and you would be sweating literally your clothes will be drenched and you only went a mile away. And you sat in a car with air conditioning. You're still sweating. And that is the sun of this dunya brand that day with the sun being so close Allah azza wa jal will allow some people to be shaded.

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And that shade is mentioned in a number of ahaadeeth. And the one Hadith we're particularly referring to here in today's lecture is the hiraeth. On the authority of above radar of the Allahu Akbar, collected in Sahih, Al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, sub actin you will know whom Allah who few Ling Ling yo ma La Villa La Villa, there will be seven people who will be shaded by Allah azza wa jal on a day that they will be no shade except the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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On that day, these people will receive shade when everyone else is suffering the heat that at 5500 degrees of heat over their hands.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam listed them, email moon

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or shabu. Nasha. Have you thought Atilla Mirage,

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Mirage Mirage aulani. to harbor Villa is tamale he water for rocker on a mirage June unfuck, ohata Allah tala Mishima lahoma tune fickle yummy no water module and there are two emra that among Serbian were German footballer in the

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world Yolanda Corolla Holly and father Trina 17

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People that Allah is diligent will afford the shade to on that day, that there will be no shade except the shade of Allah. The first will be the righteous ruler.

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The second will be that young man, that youth who grew up in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The third person will be that man whose heart is attached to the masjid.

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Number four will be two men who loved one another for the sake of Allah. They meet upon that love, and they depart upon that love. Number five, will be a man who gives him charity. To the extent that one hand doesn't know what the other gives. This is how secret he keeps us charity. Number six will be a man who is called by a woman of stature and beauty, to perform Zina with her will, will be law and he says, I fear Allah subhanho wa Taala. And number seven finally is the man who remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala in private in secrecy, and tears shed from his eyes.

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And generally speaking, when we say a man that is what is the wording of the Hadith, but generally encompasses both men and women except in a couple of instances.

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And so this is the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in which he mentioned these seven blessing people that Allah azzawajal will give shade to him that day. And he will call ammonia rahima hula hula Allah He said, that if you look at all of these seven people that are that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned in this Hadith, you will find that each one of them has performed a very great act of obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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As an expanded upon this, and he said, that obedience is of two types. One is the obedience that a person does any risk between him and Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the second is a type of obedience that a person does for the sake of Allah, but it is in relation to himself and other people. So one is directly between him and Allah, no one else has any input or any part of that worship or obedience. And the second even though it is for the sake of Allah is between a person and other people, others from the people of the creation. And then he said, As for the first one, that act of obedience there is between a person and between Allah subhanho wa Taala, then there is of three

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either it will be by the tongue,

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or it will be by the heart, or it will be by the physical limbs, by the other limbs of the body.

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So, he said the Prophet sallallahu, when are they he will sell them, when it came to obeying Allah azza wa jal with a person's tongue. This is what he mentioned in this Hadith, that you remember Allah subhanho wa Taala, until you begin to cry.

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And as for that act of worship, there is between you and Allah azza wa jal perpetrates to your heart, then it is that your heart has an attachment to the masjid.

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And as for that act of worship, which has to do with your physical limbs, then there is the person who grows up from a young age upon the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And then he moved on to the second part, which is the acts of worship that you do for Allah are between you and others of creation. And he said, either it will be general or it will be specific. So if there is genuine meaning generally to do with everybody, with everyone from amongst creation, not just someone, specifically for January everyone, then there is the righteous ruler.

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And if there is something which is specific between you and another person, then that also will be of times, either it will be with your heart, or with your mouth, or with your body. So if it is with your heart, then there is that you love someone for the sake of Allah, you need to open that love and you depart upon that love. And if there is one, then there is the charity that you give in secrecy, so that one hand doesn't know what the other gives. And if it is to do with your body, then that is that you say that you fear Allah when you are put in a place of fitna or come to some trial. And this is what haldimand kermani Rahim Allah mentioned concerning this.

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So inshallah, in this lecture we will attempt to go through these seven people, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned in this Hadith, and to mention something of them with Neela heater. The first thing that we need to notice the opening statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in which he said that there will be seven that Allah azza wa jal will give shade to on a day, that there will be no shade except to shade. In this hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned seven individuals. It there are other Hadith, in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also mentioned that there will be others that will also be

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The shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala other than the seven mentioned in this Hadith, and it's also worth noting that on Yom Okayama there will be two types of shades. One will be a person's own shade, a shade that a person gets due to their righteous actions, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said Allah Abdu fue lynley sada potty hiyama Yama, each and every single person who will be in the shade of their own charity on your multi Yama depending on how much you give that will be the extent of your shade. So there is one type of shade the one that you make for yourself. The second type of shade is the shade that Allah azza wa jal bestows upon him. The shade that Allah azza wa jal

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gives, and that is the shade that we are speaking about. So other than those seven that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned in that Hadith alima Abraham's your Rahim Allah, he mentions others as well, that he also gathered from a number of ahaadeeth and he compiled them in his physical body. And he said that from amongst them

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as someone who will who has helped someone who is fighting for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So when a person goes to perform Jihad and is the warrior, to help that person on his travels to help him on his way, then this is something which will obligate the shade of Allah azza wa jal ano multi Yama. So that's one. Number two is that you help one who is in a difficult financial situation. And what

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by either delaying his debt or his loan, or by forgiving him for it, and the monitor is someone who comes and he has a loan from you. And he is unable to repay that loan. It is a mean that is bankrupt that he has nothing at all. He wants to pay it, but he's unable to pay it when the date is due. So if the date was due after a month, he comes after a month, and he's unable to to pay it. And this is something which is also mentioned in the Quran.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that if someone was to delay that loan, even though you have a right to take it when the date is due to delay that loan, or to forgive him for that loan, meaning that you say you don't have to pay me back. This is something which allows the vision will allow your normal piano to be shaded for

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and that's from helping another Muslim. Allah houfy only Abdi ma cannon Abdul

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Allah azza wa jal will continue to help his servants, so long as they help one another. So long as someone is helping the fellow brother and sister then Allah azza wa jal will help them. So that is number two.

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Number three is the one who is completely in debt and he is unable to pay it back. He has so many loans upon him that he is unable to pay them back. So to help that individual as well by forgiving his debt, then this is something which will also bring the shade of Allah azza wa jal on that day. Number four is a macadam. And even though that's probably not very common today, a MacArthur is someone who is a slave who is owned by someone else, and he has ransomed himself. He has said to his master, that I will pay for my own freedom. And so he is buying himself to help some purchase such an individual to gather that money because he owns nothing to help him gather the money so that he

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can free himself. Or if someone is the master to free that say, for the sake of Allah, then this will also bring the shade of Allah on your multi Yama. And the last one that Rahim Allah mentions, is a businessman

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who is truthful in his speech and in his actions.

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A businessman, someone who trades who buys and sounds and he is truthful in his speech and in his actions, then inshallah on Yom Yom, he will also be shared in by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he must be a soldier that he makes us from amongst those that have issued

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the scholars also mentioned what is referred to by the shade of Allah. When you say that Allah azza wa jal will shade these individuals on your monthly Yama What is this being referred to, and the majority and the strongest opinion seems to be that it will be the shade of the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala that is the shade of the throne of Allah is the vision that he will allow people to come under. And because it is blessing in his blessing because it belongs to Allah. It is the shade that comes from the throne of Allah azza wa jal, so it has a blessing attached to it. And that blessing will be given to whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses and is pleased with. So the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned seven individuals. The first person that he mentioned was the email moon Adam, the righteous ruler,

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the righteous ruler, and the scholars mentioned that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was referring to this individual, he is referring to the rule of the Muslims. So the ruler in itself

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absolute sense, in the sense of being for all of the Muslims for the whole oma. But even so other scholars have said that he can also refer to an individual in their own dominion. Each person in his own responsibility, a father with his children, an employer, with his employees, a teacher, with the students, and so on and so forth. A judge with those people who come and want him to settle their disputes everyone, when they are in a position of authority to be righteous in this is included in this, but the Hadith itself actually refers to the wilaya terrafirma or the philosopher of the general Muslims. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam regarding this he said in another Hadith

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I have been nasty in Allah He yarmulke Yama, la Prabhu min homage recently

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from amongst the most beloved people of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the one who will be given one of the closest seats to Allah azza wa jal is the righteous ruler. And another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in the shotgun or in the law here, Allah manabadi me No. And the Amina rock, man, under the name of you don't know if you're hooking him, only him, Well, my will. He said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that those who are just will be in the sight of Allah close to him. And they will be upon throngs of light, on the right hand of a rock man, the Most Merciful, and they are those who are just in their room. They are just with their families, and they are just with

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those who are under their responsibility and their care.

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And these Hadeeth you can find material maybe on another books of Hadith.

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And so when you look at this first person, this first group, and that is the Imam on

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the righteous ruler,

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and you look at the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you will find that this is something which is stressed. In one Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was approached by Osama bin Hussein, or the Allahu anhu.

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He came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in order to intercede on behalf of a woman that had stolen something. And so the punishment of cutting off her hand was exactly exactly exactly when she was about to be punished for this. And so Some even say that the Allahu anhu came in order to intercede on her behalf. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became angry. And he said, that, indeed, this was the way of those who came before you. And they were destroyed because of this, that when the rich and the powerful in their society would steal, they would allow them to go and when the poor and the weak would still in their societies, they would punish them with the

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punishment that they wanted to exact. And then the prophets Allah, Allah, Allah, He will sell them said, low enough our theme abbington Mohammed syrup at Lakota to Jada, indeed if my own daughter, Fatima, the daughter of Mohammed was to steal, I would cut her hand off. And when you look at the rule of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you find that her is full of justice, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even when to the level that he wouldn't allow those who he considered weak to go into a position of rulership.

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So for example, he said to abaza rhodiola one, when I both are asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to make him a leader. He said, Indeed, air is an Amana. It is a trust in the sight of Allah, and indeed you're a weak man.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam refused him this and then when you look at the likes of the companions, or the along with him, you also find that they were also righteous in their room. You have the likes of Rama de Bella, hottub, rhodiola, and, and all of the lava and then after them the likes of Romani bin Abdulaziz, rahima, hula, hula, and others. And I'll just mention to you one incident from the life of amadablam, jazziz rahima. hula, showing the justice that is that these great scholars and companions, not the Allah and whom hand remember the bin Abdulaziz rahima hula hoop

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is two and a half years as the khilafah there was an incident in which one of the armies was going towards the Far East. And for them, the Far East was towards Azerbaijan, and that area, the Russian republics, and so they went there in order to go on to conquer the people of that land. And so they went and they conquered that land. And before they entered upon that land, they looked at the surroundings, the General of the Army, he looked at the surroundings and the terrain, and he said to the people, that we shall go and attack them without any morning because they lived in a mountainous region. If we give them warning, they will run and flee into the mountains. And then when we leave,

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they will come back down. So they attacked them and they took them by surprise.

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And so they had no resistance. And so once the Muslims had conquered them, the Christian priests, who were the rulers of that region, they gathered want to with one another, and they said that indeed, we have heard that the leader, the leader of these Muslims, who is in Damascus, in Syria, we have heard that he is a righteous man. And so we will go to him complaining about the way that the Muslims conquered us. Even though they were Christians, they knew that the Muslims will not conquer our place, except after calling the people to Allah, they would first give them the invitation to Islam, and allow them three days to think about this. And then they would continue and proceed. And

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so he asked that a messenger be sent all the way from Azerbaijan, or from that area, all the way to Damascus, to go and take a letter of complaint to the halifa of the Muslims. And these were Christian priest, who had this faith in the leader of the Muslims in a righteous ruler, even though the ruler is the one attacking them. And even though the ruler is not upon their religion, and they don't know him,

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and so they send this messenger and it takes him a long time to reach the muscles from where he was from. So he comes to Damascus. And he asks for the house of the folly of the Muslims. And he goes and he meets the Khalifa and the story and the duration is very long. But he meets the Khalif of the Muslims.

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And the halifa amadablam realizes rahima hula, hula, hula, according to some narration is fixing his own house. He's fixing his mud hut, the house that he lives in with his own hands. And so the man is amazed. How is it possible that the leader of such a vast nation is fixing his own house with his own hands? And so he says that I have come to see the leader of the Muslims. So I'm not even Abdullah, as he says to him, what do you need.

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And so the man gives him the letter of complaint. And normally, Rahim Allah, he looks through the letter, and he reads what he reads. And then he turns it over. And he writes on it, from Ahmed Abdullah Abdullah Aziz, to my governor. Indeed, this man has a valid complaint. So appoint a judge between you and them, appointed judge between yourselves, and allow him to rule in this affair. And then he stamps it with his seal. And he says to the man go back, the narrator says, or this man, he says, that I never thought that this would hold any value. I thought that he was just trying to get rid of me, simply writing on a letter stamping it and saying, going back, go back, he was just

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trying to get rid of me. And so he travels all the way back to his to his people, all the way back. And so it's been a number of months since the Muslims first conquered them. And he gives the letter back to the priest, that this is the response of the leader. And the priests also look at this. And they also disheartened that what will these people do on a simple letter, but he goes, and he gives it to the governor of the Muslims in that land. And the governor on the next day, he appoints a judge, a neutral judge, between the Muslims and between these people. And so the judge meets them. And he gathers the generals of the army, and he gathers the Christian priest. And he says to them,

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that these people have a complaint, meaning the questions, they have a complaint, so what is your response? So the gentleman says, that, indeed, when we came, we looked at the terrain, and we looked at the people. And we made a decision, a strategic tactical decision, that if we don't attack them by surprise, they will flee. And then we will move on, and they will just come back and we will not be able to take over.

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And so the judge listens to them to both sides. And then he says, Indeed, Allah azza wa jal, never sent us upon this earth as Congress. Rather, he sent us to call to his religion.

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And then he found in favor of the Christian priest, and he ordered that every single Muslim leave that land by nightfall. On that same day, every single Muslim leave that land, and they go out of the boundaries, and then they give them an invitation to Islam, and wait for three days and then proceed. Until the narrator mentions that by nightfall, there wasn't a single Muslim. And they'd been there for a number of months. There wasn't a single Muslim, except that he left and he left that land. And he went to the the boundaries of the outskirts of that land. And then they gave the people an invitation to Islam.

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And when they gave the people an invitation to Islam, the people accepted Islam due to the righteousness that they saw, due to the justice that they saw, and this is why there's a famous statement concerning ameriglo hottub robiola one, I'm gonna have the just rule of the Muslims when a Persian messenger came to him, and he came from the Persians as a messenger. He came asking for

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And so he went to his house and he couldn't find him. He went to the masjid, you couldn't find him. He went to the marketplace, you couldn't find them. Until someone finally said to him go to this garden, you will find him there rusting. And so he came to him. And he saw him sleeping under the shade of a tree, with his sword hanging on the branches of the tree in the middle of the day, no one around him, not a single person. How easy would have been for someone to come and take that sword and kill him, or Marie been

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sleeping in the middle of the day under the shade of a tree with no weapon or no gods. And so when the Persian messenger saw this, he said, our delta for her counter were named, indeed, you ruled and you will righteous in your rule, you were just in your room. And so you gain security, you gained peace. And so you're able to sleep like this during the day. And this is the way that the great scholars of his time, Rahim Allah, the great leaders of Islam, ma Rahim, Allah, Allah.

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But like I said, the scholars mentioned that this isn't just something for the overruling while there is something that each and every single person needs to strive to do in their own responsibility. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it up Allah What have you know, been Allah deikun fear Allah and be just when it comes to your children, Fear Allah and be just when it comes to your children. The second category that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, is shabu. Nasha Have you thought Akela

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a young person, a youth who grows up in the obedience of Allah azza wa jal in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now when you look at the lives of many of the scholars of Islam, Rahim Allah, you will find that they grew up in the worship of Allah azza wa jal. They grew up memorizing the Quran. They grew up learning about Islam, they grew up studying with scholars, and this is what allowed them to become such great and noble scholars of Islam or even Rahmatullah.

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It is said that from amongst these people was a Ubisoft Janya Rahim Allah, a university and he was one of the great scholars of Islam.

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And the man will hustle and mosty Rahim Allah he would say, and he has a number of students from the greater Bay Area, he would say about two years of the journey. And he was only young in age still in his teenage years. He will say that this man is the leader of Basra. This man, this young man is the leader of Basra. Indeed, I think he was only created to go to Paradise.

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He was only created so that he would go to Paradise. And the people would say that whenever you buy something and he all he would do was go from his house to the masjid and from the masjid back to his house. And when the people would see him, they would change in the expression due to the order that he had the respect that he demanded from the people. And when he would come to the masjid, he would recite from the Quran. And he would read from the sayings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he would often cry, and he would cry to such an extent that the people could notice that he was crying, he would cry out loud, that he would try to cover this by coughing. And he would say to the

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people that I have a flu, I have a cold. That's why tears come from my eyes and I cough he will try to hide this so that his sincerity wouldn't be compromised. And this is why Mr. Malik Rahim Allah He said that I never thought that the people of Iraq had anyone that was worthy of mentioned until I met a Ubisoft Janya Rahim Allah tala

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others from amongst this noble group and you will find many, many stories of this when you go and study the lives of the scholars. You only need to look at the life For example, I remember Shafi Rahim Allah, which I've mentioned here before, so I won't go into detail of it by Michelle Pharaoh Rahim Allah, only in our very tender age of 13. He became a great scholar of Islam. The likes of Sophia and authorea, and others were given fatwas, were teaching people were telling people the halal and haram in the teenage years. They were made a mams during that young age, because they grew up and they were they were given a tarbiyah they will they were educated and nurtured in the worship

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of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Rahim Allah.

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Again another story concerning him. But this time concerning his son, he had a son by the name of Abdul Malik, Abdul Malik khibiny Rahmani

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Raheem, Mullah

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Abdul Malik was a young child when his father became the halifa he was still in his teenage years Rahmani Raheem Allah would say that I praise Allah that Allah azza wa jal has given me someone from my family. That would be Oh, there is a great adviser to him and he would refer to his son even though he was only in his teenagers. When armored even ambulances rahimullah first became the halifa. One of the first duties or one of the first matters that he wanted to certain was the wealth that the ruling family had taken.

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come from the treasury of the Muslims. Ben Amaya would take wealth from the treasury of the Muslims as a thinking that they belong to them. And so Mr. Rogers rahimullah, he gathered the scholars that were there, and he had his son with him as well. And he said to the scholars, what do you say concerning the swamp that Banu omiya took, and they took it before I became Khalifa. It wasn't during my reign, they took this before I became Khalifa, what do you say concerning this? And so the people there the scholars, they said, leave them and their wealth, because they will only be punished for that which they took, you won't be punished for it. And the people who allowed them to

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take that 12 they will be punished and you won't be punished?

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So armory binoculars is Rahim Allah, he looked towards his son, this is in a gathering of scholars. He looked towards his son, not older than 1617. And he said to him, what do you say all the money concerning this? So Abdul Malik replied, and he said, Oh, my father, I think the one who allows them to take this one and the one then who has the ability to return the wealth, but he doesn't do so are equal in the sight of Allah is

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the one who allowed them to take the wealth, meaning those previous rulers and the one now who has the ability to return the wealth meaning you, if you don't do it, then you are equal in the sight of Allah. And so I'm very glad until Aziz began to cry and he said, All praises due to Allah that He gave me a child, that would be my best advisor.

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He didn't take the advice of one of those scholars, but he took the advice of his son. And there are many other incidents like this that are also Norwegian from the life of Ogden minikube number 11. Douglass Rahim Allah tala.

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Mmm hustle and bustle Rahim Allah Allah has reported that one day he was passing by a group of young men

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and the Center for him home, Allah would encourage the youth to learn about their religion, to grow up in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this doesn't mean that they wouldn't allow them time to play for anything else. But they would also always direct them towards the houses of Allah and the worship of Allah has no mercy, Rahim Allah, Allah, He wants passed by a group of young people. And he found that they were playing and justing and laughing. And they were a group of teenagers. And they were laughing to an excessive amount. They were joking to an excessive amount. And so he came to them. And he said, that you are yet young in age.

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Do you know what awaits you when the angel of death will come to you?

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And so they said, No. And then he said, Do you know what awaits you when the two angels Moncure and Akil will ask you about your actions in the grave? And they said, No. And then he said, Do you know what awaits you when Allah azza wa jal was read to you? On which side will you be the people have the right to the people of the left? Do you know what will take place? And they said, No. And then he said to them, I feel that you don't have much to laugh about rather you have much to cry about. And so then those young people they went to the masjid and they began to study with him Rahim Allah tala. So the point here being, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned

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this category of people, people who grow up in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is more rigidity for the parents than there is for anyone else. That they ensure that their children grow up, worshipping Allah azza wa jal grow up in the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And not only will the children get the reward of this, but their parents will also get the reward of this insha Allah to Allah. Number three, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, more on Julian Palumbo, whom one upon bill mustard, a man whose heart is attached to the masjid and the scholars said that this means two things. Firstly, that a person often frequents the Muslim. They

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come to the masjid and they spend the time in the masjid. The Masjid is like their home. And secondly, it means when they leave the masjid, they want to come back to it. So when they leave the masjid, they feel a sorrow and they feel a longing to come back to the masjid. And this is the way that the mustard is this is the position of the masjid in the sight of the Muslims. Allah azza wa jal mentions in the Quran, ritual Allah to hear him to Jarrah to mala bedroom, and the karela he when he comes salaat your eater is your cell phone or Yeoman to topple,

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absorb, they are a group of people. They're not diverted by commerce, by business, know by buying or selling from the remembrance of Allah from establishing the prayer from giving the sucker rather the fear a Day when they will return to their Lord subhanho wa Taala. And this is that connection to the mercy that you find that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had, that the companions were the Allahu Akbar.

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Whenever there was any affair that the companions with the Allahu anhu wanted to deal with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to settle, he would come back to the monster. The Masjid was the place where they would train. The muscles was the place where many of them would sleep and eat and spend their time. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to address the people. He would say to the people, he would call the people to come and gather around the minbar so that he could address them there. This is the place where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gathered the wealth. He took people Sadako for jihad. He spoke to people and took the advice.

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The Masjid was the center of the Muslim community and society. Not like today unfortunately, where the masjid is just a place where people come and they pray and they leave. The doors are locked after every prayer and open just before every other prayer. While they're in Islam, the masjid is the central hub of the Muslims. This is where the children come. This is where the community gathers. This is where they learn about the religion. The Masjid is the center that they belong to.

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The fourth category that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned is radula need to have Baffler to men who love each other or to people who love each other for the sake of Allah. They gather upon that love and they depart upon that love.

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Whenever you go to meet someone, your fellow Muslim brother, why did you go and meet them? Is it because they owe you something? Is it because there's some way you have to go? What's the reason that gathers you together? On what do you gather and what do you deport the Prophet sal Allahu Allah, He will sell them in this beautiful Hadith is mentioning that the one who meets with his fellow brother or sister, purely for the love of Allah azza wa jal for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They meet upon this love, and they depart upon this love, then Allah azza wa jal will shade them both anumana Yama,

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and the scholars mentioned a beautiful pointer. And that is that in this section or this category of people, it is not one single person, but two people. Two people must do this. You can't just go and meet someone for the love of Allah, they have to respond with that same love. Two people meet on this love. And they depart on this love that they mentioned as a single category. And that's gonna say it is because their love is so deep. Their love is so strong that they meeting and the Tea Party is like one person. They both meet and they're sincere in their love. They're truthful in their love. And when they depart, they're also sincere and truthful in their love. As reported that a man

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came to two more early bingeable it'll be a long one. And he said to him, Well, indeed I have come to you, not because you can intercede for me on someone's behalf. No, because there is a relation between us because there's blood between us because we're related. No, so that you can marry me one of your family. I have only come to you for the sake of Allah. And someone replied, and he said, Have you indeed only come to see me for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala? And he said, Yes. And then he replied, The beautiful Hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, There indeed those who meet upon the love of Allah, then they will be given the shade of Allah, a normal

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pm. And another Hadith. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned the incident or the story of a man who left a village to go and travel to another village. And the only reason for his traveling was to go and meet a fellow brother of his, that he loved for the sake of Allah. And so well, Lars is originally sent to him and angel in the form of a man to meet him on that way. And as he was passing by the angel said to him, where are you going? So he said, I am going to this village. And the angel asked, why'd you go there? He said, to meet one of my fellow brothers. And the angel replied, is it because you have a business dealing with him? And the man said, No, the

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angel replied is because Blood Ties you there is some relationship between you? And he said no. And so the angel asked, Why do you go? And he said, I go only to meet him for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then the angel said, know that Allah azza wa jal will give shade to you for that meeting on your multi Yama he will shade you because of that meeting. And another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that Allah azza wa jal said that indeed My love is obligatory for those who love one another for my sake, and they meet one another for my sake, and they sit with one another for my sake. The love of Allah azza wa jal is obligatory incumbent upon those people who

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meet one another, visit one another set with one another, for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Armani rhodiola one who wants Matt once led the prayer during this failover and after leading the prayer, he said, Where is more of the bingeable and so

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More answered here I am almost in Overleaf of the Muslims. And I'm one of the Allah one who said indeed yesterday, just before I was about to sleep, you came into my mind and I remembered you, and I was unable to sleep for the whole night. I was tossing and turning due to my longing to see you, due to my love that I have the love that I have for you, for the sake of Allah. And someone even enjoyable when he heard this he mentioned underrated this Hadith, that those people who love each other for the sake of Allah they meet and report on this will be given the shade of Allah onion will be ama

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number five, the fifth category war on Julian palava to imra that among Serbian one German footballer in Nia hafla that a man who is called by a woman who has some status and power, and she has wealth, and she has beauty, and he is asked to make Xena with her valaria to Billa and he says indeed I fear Allah subhanahu wa tada and the scholars think this with the story of use of Allah His Salaam and we all know the story of use of Allah His Salaam and he was seduced by the by the wife of the Aziz. And he refused.

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Even by him rahima hula, hula, hula, he mentions a story concerning this. That took place during the time of our model, the Allah who I'm doing this khilafah and he says that there was a young man during his time, during the time of Ramadan, the yellow one, and this man was someone that Omar the Allahu anhu loved. He loved him because he was someone who was young, but he was someone who would spend his time in the worship of Allah, to the extent that if Erma rhodiola Wang who didn't see that individual, for a number of days, he would ask concerning him, why did so and so gone.

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And so it just so happened that there was a woman during that time as well living there that fell in love with this man. And she wanted him to come to her. And so she, she asked an older woman, to go and to bring this mantra. And so the old woman came to this man, this young man. And he said, she said to him, indeed, I am old. And I have a flock of sheep that need tending to. So I would ask that you come and help me and assist me with this. And so he agreed to help this old woman. And so when he came in, he entered into a house, he found that the younger woman was there. And she displayed him or herself to him. And she asked him to commit Zina. So he turned around, and he went to the

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middle of the place of prayer in the house. And he began to say, a stop loss of Allah, I seek forgiveness from Allah, I seek forgiveness from Allah. And he kept repeating this, until that woman became so despondent, she despaired from doing anything with him. So she began to accuse him of trying to seduce her. And so the people gathered when she began to scream, and they began to beat this man. And they took him to the believer of the Muslims term or the long one. And so when I'm one of the lucky one who saw him coming, shackled, like the people dragging him, he made the door and he said, Allah, do not allow him to be other than what I think of him. And so the man was bought, and

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I'm gonna do what I knew heard the story. So he asked that the old woman be brought forward, the woman who told woman's house that they were in, and he raised his stake upon the head. And he said, Indeed, if you don't tell me the truth, I will strike you with my stick. And so she became so scared from the stick of Romano, the one that she told him everything.

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And so I'm one of the Allahu anhu said all praises due to Allah that has allowed me to witness in this oma, someone who was similar to us, Savannah, his Salatu was Salam.

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And another incident

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that is mentioned also beiben opium Rahim Allah and one of his works. There was a group of people, or sorry, there was a woman in a village that was very beautiful, until she said to her husband one day, that I don't think that there was a single person in this town, except that I would be able to seduce him. And so husband said, there is one man that you won't be able to seduce a man by the name of obey depended on me.

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And so she said, allow me to go and try. And he agreed, he said, Go.

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And so she came to him, and obey didn't remain was a scholar of Islam. She came to him appearing to want to ask him a question

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until they were alone. And then she tried to seduce him. And so by the mermaid, he said to her, that I have some questions for you. If you're truthful in your response, then I will think about what you're offering.

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And so she said, okay, you won't say you asked me a single question, except that I will tell you the truth. And so he reminded me he asked her, and he said, that if the angel of death was to come now, and to take away your soul, right, this very instant, this very moment, would you be pleased that you should do what you are offering to me? And the woman said, No by Allah

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Then he said, let me ask you, if this was the last action in your life, and then you were to die. And then the two angels one Khurana killed were to come to you in your grave and asked you about this as your very last action in this life, would you be pleased? And he would say no. She said no. And then he said and he from your multi ama, Allah azza wa jal gathers you he resurrects you, and he was to give you your book, and you didn't know whether your book would come to your right or to your left. Would you like that the sin would be in your book of deeds? And she said, No. And then he said, Imagine that you will be on the Sirat on that bridge that will lead that will go over the fire

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that is thinner than a hair sharper than a sword that will lead towards Jenna, would you be pleased that you would have the sin crossing such a bridge? And she said, No. And then he said, What if the scales which will be brought to you the balance the Neason? And he did not know which of the scales would be heavier? your good deeds or your evil deeds? Would you be pleased that you would have this sin? And then she said, No. So then he said to her, go back and think about what you have done. And so she went back and she became an arbiter. She turned to the worship of Allah and she saw repentance. Until in some generations It is said that her husband said that I sent my wife to abate

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and she came back a monk. I sent my wife to obey, and she came back a monk.

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Number six, the six categories category that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, is Ron jolanda sadhaka Hector laterna, Mishima humatrope.

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A person who spends in the way of Allah azza wa jal, and they do it in such a secret clothes quiet way, that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is giving. They're so secretive, not a single person knows about them, not a single person knows what they are doing. And there are many examples of this that you will find. There is a Hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and the scholars or some of the scholars have said, there is a Hassan Hadith that the angels asked Allah azza wa jal, Allah have you created anything which is more severe or which is stronger than the mountains? And Allah azza wa jal replied and he said yes, iron and then they said,

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Oh Allah, is there anything which is stronger than iron? And he replied, Yes, the fire and then they said, Oh Allah, is there anything which is stronger than fire? And he said yes to water. And then they said, Oh, Allah is anything which is stronger than water. And they said, he said, yes, it is the wind. And then they said, I will not Is there anything stronger than the wind? And he said, just the one who gives so the call, to the extent that his left hand doesn't know what his right hand gives

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Abubakar, the Allahu Akbar during his khilafah

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when praise Allah to inflation, and each and every single day after Salah to fudger, he would go to the outskirts of Medina. And he would go there in order to look after an elderly woman, looking after a house, sweeping her house, milking her goats, tending to her affairs, and everything. Once everything was put in order, then he would leave. And he would do this in secret. And the only way that the people found out was that Armando the Allah who and who one day, chose to follow Him, chose to go and see where he was going. And then he discovered what was taking place. And the same instead of role model the alarm one would during the night would go and he would look at the people's

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affairs, when everyone else would also sleep, he would go on his nightly patrols. And often he would come across someone who was asking for one, or was asking for something else, something that they needed. And so he himself would go and he would take those sacks of grain or rice or whatever it was and he would carry it on his own bag. And when his servants would say Oh Rama allow us to carry this for you. He would say no because on your monitor Yama you will not carry my sins. I'm what are the Allahu anhu once was approached by a poor Bedouin who will ask him for some clothing. He said what I'm what I don't have clothes for my own wife and my own children. And then he began to remind him

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of Yeoman piano and the fire of home and so on at the Allahu Allahu began to cry. And he went to into his own house, and he went to search for something to give this man so he came out saying that I have nothing for you except the clothes that I am wearing. So he took off his top robe and he said this is for you. Take it, and this is how the scholars were. As reported as zainul rb din rahima hula hoop to Ireland general Aberdeen is the son of of Hussain, the grandson of Ali, the great grandson of our profits on the long run, he will send them then when I begin rahima home long lived in Medina, and every single night, in the darkness of the night, without informing a single person.

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This is the great grandson of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would gather sacks sacks of rice sacks of wheat sacks of bars.

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And he would take them upon his own back. And he would go around distributing them to the poor of Medina. And he would do it in such a way that even the poor people wouldn't be able to recognize them. He would cover his face, or he would go where it was dark, so that the people couldn't tell that it was him. And then when he passed away, rahima hula, hula Allah.

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They came to wash his body to shroud him so that they could prepare him for his janazah and they found that his back and his arms were full of marks, full of bruises and marks that were made by carrying these cost sacks. And so when the people saw this, they were amazed. And they said to his family, what happened to him? Why is he so injured? Why is his body so battled and they informed them that this is what zainul RBD rahimullah will do. And another generation he said that the poor of the poor people of Medina on the day presented Abilene Rahim Allah died. They came out complaining, saying that yesterday last night, no one came and gave us any food. Every single day

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someone would come and give us food. Yet last night, no one came. And then they discovered the same Liberian Rahim Allah had passed away that previous day. So they noticed that he was saying when I beat him on law, that I was doing this to give support to such an extent, with such sincerity. The narrow single person knows about no one knows about it and is between a person and between Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And the same with a nice person that messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, while on June, the Corolla, Holly and for foveaux three now, a man who remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala. And tears began to begin begin to shed from his eyes to remember Allah azza wa jal completely alone. in the dead of the night when no one is there to know that you're there, no one knows that you are awake. No one knows that you are worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. To Cry in that state with sincerity. When you're alone. There is no one except you and Allah azza wa jal to cry in that state and this is what the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was referring to. I mean, you

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look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself. He would often cry during the night he would stand up for prayer. And he would cry and cry and cry until in some narrations, I showed the loved one who would say that when he would stand up and go, the area around him on the ground would be wet.

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This is how many tears he would shed that the ground that he was preying upon would be wet from his tears

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or muddy but Abdulaziz rahimullah his wife would say that since he accepted free lava, he hardly slept. Every single night he would spend crying to Allah azza wa jal asking Allah azza wa jal for forgiveness, asking Allah azza wa jal for his mercy, seeking repentance for his sins, until his wife would say, why don't you come and sleep? And he would say, How can I sleep? When there are so many Muslims that are hungry, so many Muslims are being oppressed, and I am the ruler, I am the one that has been put in charge of their affairs, and he would spend his night praying for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So these are the seven categories that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, and each one of them or most of them are things that you are able to do,

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to have a connection to the master. To have someone that you meet for the sake of Allah, you meet and report upon with that person for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. To remember Allah azza wa jal alone, to give sadaqa in secrecy, all of these are things that you are able to do

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if we have children to allow them to grow up in the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I want to conclude with a beautiful statement of ignorance, Rahim Allah tala.

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Even Abraham Olam and he came to this Hadeeth and he looked at the seven categories at the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, he said that each of these seven categories has one factor, one denominating factor, one thing in common, each of these seven categories, and he said that each one of these groups can only reach and attain the station, if they fight their own desires. This is the common denominator between all of these seven, each one of them is in a position where their desires, whether whims were shaitan makes the luxuries and the comforts of the dunya more pleasing to them. Yet they resist and they seek the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So Allah azza wa jal blesses them with his shade on Yom Okayama. He says the Imam when the righteous ruler will come on Yom Okayama, even though in this dunya, that position that he had of power and leadership was the strongest opposition. If you wanted to oppress if you wanted to take wealth, if you want to harm he would be able to do so and no one could question him. Yet he fought his desires against doing all of this. So a normal pm

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He will be given the shade of Allah, the One who grows up in the obedience of Allah.

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During his youth, he, he avoids all of those temptations, all of those desires that normally the youth succumb to, and he turns to Allah azza wa jal to prayer to worship, through reciting the Quran, to memorize in the Quran to seek knowledge. And so for that sacrifice for fighting his desire, Allah azza wa jal will give him the shade on your mana Yama. Those two people who meet for the sake of Allah, they depart and meet upon that love for the sake of Allah. Those two people also have to fight their desires. Because each one of them every so often will have some dispute with one another. They will be something where one becomes angry, or something where one becomes jealous, and

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they have to fight these desires in order to maintain that love. And that person who has a heart that is attached to the masjid, he also has to fight his desires. Because for the prayers, His house is more comfortable, his mattress and his bed is more comforting to him to pray in his house to stay at home and not go out is more pleasing to Him to his knifes and to his song that he fights his desires and comes to the question and he gains that attachment. So Allah azzawajal will give him that shader Newman piano, the one who gives sadhaka wealth that he has gained with his own hands with his from his own hard work, his own hard labor, he has to spend this and not only does he has

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to have to spend this he has to spend it in a way that not a single person knows about his spending about his sadhaka so he fights his desires online soldier gives him that shader numeral piano, the one who is seduced by a woman, he has given one of the greatest temptations of this dunya one of the greatest fitness that Allah zildjian has placed on this dunya yet he resists and he says that I fear Allah so Allah azza wa jal will shade him on your multi Yama and the one who remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala in his own free time, when he could be sleeping or doing something else, some anything from the affairs of the world. And he does it sincerely for Allah, knowing that not a

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single person can see him, not a single person will praise Him. Not a single person will say Look at him and how he worships Allah, he fights his desires. So Allah subhanho wa Taala will shade him on your mukaiyama. So all of these seven each one of them in their own way, fights their own desires, fights their own whims and Allah azza wa jal will grant him that shade of normal gamma May Allah subhanho wa Taala makers from amongst them how they will love them, or sort of last time on the below my mother

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although they learn him in a shame banyuwangi

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Bismillah him off money and walhi

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