Ahmed Hamed – What Is The Meaning Of Al Ahad As Samad

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary ©
The host discusses the importance of Islam insight, a series of educational programs designed to teach Muslims about the essentials of Islam. The program is specifically dedicated to new Muslims who may not have a relationship with nonprofits. The host also discusses the importance of knowing and worshiping one God, as it is the only creator.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome to the program, Islam insight, a very special series essentially dedicated for a new Muslim brothers and sisters, how do we commit ourselves to gain knowledge regarding Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him like to know is he just compulsory for when somebody told me that a Muslim is not allowed to have relationship with a non Muslim knowledge revives the spirit of Islam

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim?

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Allah He was hobby of mine. I will be let him in a shaytani r rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim. Allah has a smile on her Sunnah for the Oh who be her rubbish. rodri we're certainly Omri widen the term melissani Yahoo. Only your brothers and sisters Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Meaning May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah subhanaw taala be upon all of you. Welcome to our program, Islam insight, a very special series dedicated mainly for our new Muslim brothers and sisters in order that they may learn, know and understand the essentials of Pillars of Islam, and the pillars of the man. And we are currently discussing about one of the most important categories

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of the read the read asthma was the fact in this session inshallah, we will take a few more questions with regards to this category. And in particular, some of the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So can we have the first question from you said, Thank you.

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Can you tell us the meaning of a hunt on someone? Right, I had an estimate spamela these are the names and that reminds me about beloved rodya lover

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who used to believe in a HUD so strongly, so deeply, that even when he was tortured, absolutely. He struggled a lot. He was punished.

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At that same time, he used to take this name of Allah subhanaw taala. I had I had when they used to tell him used to worship other gods, do you still worship Allah subhanaw taala, the one God and he used to say, I had a had when they used to give him torture, and punish him in order that he may worship demigods and other gods. But he used to be steadfast he was firmed in his belief. And he used to say, I had 100. So that reminds me, this name

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I had is again, a very powerful name of Allah subhanaw taala. One of the powerful attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. What it means is, b one.

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B one means the one, the one who is the Lord of the armies of the creatures of the words, the one who has the best attributes, the one who has the most beautiful names, the one who deserves to be worshipped, the one who is all powerful, the one who sustains, controls, owns everything and everyone

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I had is one of the powerful attributes of Allah subhanaw taala. It basically helps us realize and understand that we, Muslims do not have two gods. You see, this is always confusing for people to have more than one God. If they have two gods or more than one God, it's a problem, because psychologically they will not be addressed. Sometimes they they worship someone and sometimes they worship someone and this is this will lead to destruction. Alhamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala gave this name and attribute to us in order that we may focus, believe and worship only one I had. And Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah, Allah class surah number 112 and number one to four, Allah

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subhanaw taala says all who will Allahu Ahad

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Can you say,

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I had?

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Say He is Allah, the one and only

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everything? Everyone, apart from Allah subhanaw taala are in pairs. It's only a law, who is an ad, the one, the most powerful one, the one who is all knowing, the one who can see everything, the one who owns everything and everyone. That is the meaning of an ad and this is the attribute of Allah subhanho wa Taala which signifies that there can never be anyone with him. They can never be anyone beside him. So he had is the one who reflects that he is one Almighty God.

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On the other side of Samad is the one who is absolutely independent. You see the God, he must qualify and represent certain qualities, which can define him very clearly. For us to realize and understand and worship and believe in one God, we must know that that God must be independent, obviously the one who is dependent on others, can you be God?

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Can the creator be dependent on others? Can he if he is dependent on somebody or someone or something, then that means he is not the creator? He is not the true God. And we know apart from Allah subhanaw taala every one every diety every God that people worship,

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they are dependent. They are weak. They are a part of creation, except Allah subhanaw taala, who is the only creator he is a summit? A summit has two derivatives. Number one, he is independent, meaning he is by himself. Yeah. And he is ever living. He is the one who does not die. If he dies, if the creator dies, then what will happen to the creation? Yeah, if sometimes for a month, if the manager is not there, in the company, the company, that department it doesn't work in a way that it should work. Imagine if the creator dies, what will happen to the entire creation. So Allah subhanaw taala is the one who does not die He is a summer, he is absolute and he is eternal, all living. So

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these are the names and the meanings of US and US summer

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