Ahmed Hamed – 100 Key Advices from The Qur’an – P7

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary ©
The speaker gives advice on settling problems and settling problems, emphasizing the importance of being aware of Islam and not being unfair and ridiculous. They stress the importance of protecting oneself and their family from the hellfire and advocate for a powerful quote about the life is full of tests. The advice is given to individuals and their relatives, and is also directed towards those who are not of the same faith allies. The speakers stress the importance of pursuing refuge in Allah's office and being a worker for them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah wide. Lee he was Harvey ultramarine my brothers and sisters. Welcome again to our final session of 100 key advisors from the Quran will hamdulillah we are on a journey to acquire, apply and advocate the advisors from the Quran in order to benefit ourselves and others be in the light Allah with the help and permission of Allah subhanho wa to Allah.

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Let us continue our journey, which is the last part of this series in sha Allah. The advice comes from Surah two hoogenraad surah number 49 ir number six where a lot of galerija he says Bismillah R Rahman Rahim yah yah Halina Amano in a confessor colombina but in fact obiano to Cebu Coleman beija holla for to be who Allah ma file to nada mean, all you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become over what you have done. regretful my brothers and sisters again, let's trigger our three A's as an action plan, acquire, acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters there are so many

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people out there who come with different kinds of information, Allah Subhana Allah is giving this advice, that whenever there is any information comes to you, investigate it, find out verify, validate this information, because a lot of times what happens and this requires our practical application and will lie, my brothers and sisters, by Allah when we actually apply this in our lives, in our personal lives, in our professional lives, in our you know, life in from different aspects, we will see so many beneficial results Subhanallah whenever you hear about anyone or anything, immediately, remember this word of Allah blur is where Allah says butterbean investigate

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about it, find more details of it, cross check it, verify and validate that information that you've got, because a lot of times we hear it, and we you know, take a decision upon it, we conclude it so quickly, without even verifying and validating whether that that information about that person or about you know anything is true or not. So we need to apply this my brothers and sisters in order to fulfill the command of a lot of blazer also to be able to live a very balanced and very sensible life, advocate this formula to others as well, my brothers and sisters because it is a very important aspect. You know, and that this can actually this practice can actually prevent a lot of

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fights, disputes conflicts in our life so people can also benefit about it.

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The next advice comes from surah hoogenraad surah number 49 ayah number nine where a lot of Blair is a he says for Ashley who bainer Houma then make settlement between them. Allah subhanaw taala is giving a very beautiful advice that we need to acquire and that is, whenever we see two people fighting we should not you know add fire to the fuel or fuel to the fire. Rather we should be mostly hain which means we should be the people who settle things, who correct others who are the doers of good, who make reconciliation between two parties when they fight. So we need to apply this in our lives. My brothers and sisters because we see a lot of times, you know in front of us in our own

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families in our own friend circles. There are two people who fight over something which they shouldn't be fighting about, which which they shouldn't be, you know disputing about you and me as a person, a believer in the Quran, we need to act in between as a mediator and settle the matter between them by judging with the Quran with the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam by brothers and sisters, this is a beautiful piece of advice that we need to apply in our lives as a lot of bluster. He made it clear for us little

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bainer Houma then make settlement between them. We need to advocate this formula of, you know, peace as well to others, my brothers and sisters because a lot of people they actually instigate more and make the situation more complicated make the the conflict more complex with Han Allah. So we need to ensure that we advocate others as well and teach and preach them that a lot of Blair is is telling you in me for a slew by now Houma, then make sacrament between them. We and every one of us, the believer of the Quran should be a person of benefit and not a person of problem. We should settle and solve the problems, not increase or improve the problem Subhan Allah

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the next advice comes from surah hoogenraad surah number 49 is number 11 where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says yeah, you hola Lena Amano la yes her comin comin I saw in yaku Hiram min whom wala Anissa Mimosa in a hurry ramen Hoon min wanna tell Mizzou on forsaken? voila, bazoo bill.

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Allah Subhana Allah to Allah is is all you who have believed, let not a people ridicule and other people, perhaps they may be better than them, nor let women ridicule other women, perhaps they may be better than them and Do not insult one another and do not call each other by offensive nicknames. My brothers and sisters we need to acquire this understanding which is so much needed in our lives. Subhan Allah Allah, Isaiah is telling clearly a direct message for us. Those who believe in the Quran a lot of Blaser, he's given this peaceful advice, a very powerful and profound advice where he says, Let not a people ridiculous other people let not, you know,

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hate other people. Let's not insult one another subpanel up. We need to apply this in our lives my brothers and sisters because a lot of times we insult people, we humiliate people were ridiculed people, we we see people you know, down, we we sometimes feel that we are better than them. Subhan Allah Allah is stating it clearly. That should we should not ridicule people, we should not the women, they should not ridicule other women should not insult one of the paralysing. Who knows, perhaps they may be better than you, you know, just by having perhaps, you know, a religious dress code. That doesn't mean you are closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala Yes, that's a very good thing, but

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the hearts only Allah knows about it. You know, so we should not judge people we should not give people with, you know, and insult them by calling them with offensive nicknames. Subhana Allah, so we need to ensure my brothers and sisters that we be the people who always prevent ourselves and also to advocate this powerful advices from the Quran where Allah is clearly telling us to avoid ridiculing people, the women is mentioned here particularly, they should be avoiding others to ridicule, we do not know as a lot of reasons as perhaps we when we look down upon people, perhaps they are better than us Subhan Allah in the sight of Allah they may be better than us. So we should

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always avoid this. This practice of ridiculing others you know looking down others and and also prevent ourselves by for insulting others, and calling each other by offensive names and this practice need to be acquired, apply and advocate to others as well.

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Another beautiful advice comes from Surah Surah Surah number 49 ayah number 12 where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, yo yo Lavina Manoj Danny boo Cassie Romina Zani in the van is Walla

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Walla yo Ba Ba Ba, a hadoken Kula LACMA he may turn fuckery. To move all you who have believed, avoid much negative assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin and do not spy or backbiting.

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each other, would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother, when dead? You would detest it, you would hate it. My brothers and sisters, again acquire the understanding of a lot of binaries is telling us a beautiful piece of advice again direct to the believers avoid much negative assumption. Indeed, assumption is many times a sin, do not spy do not backbite each other and ally is giving the similitude the equivalent of backbiting is do you want to eat the flesh, the meat of your own dead brother. And Allah says Nay, you will import it, you will not like it, you will hate it. Apply this beautiful piece of advice my brothers and sisters in our lives. Indeed, many, many people, they

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destroy their lives, they destroy their families, they destroyed the whole fabric of the of the society, my brothers and sisters, by not adopting this beautiful advisors from the Quran, we have to ensure that we avoid much negative assumption. In fact, a lot of Buddha is a he taught us in the Quran and Prophet sallallahu Sallam he taught us in the Hadith that we should think good about people first, we shouldn't be thinking negative about people, we should always have personally done the good understanding of the good feeling or the good assumption from the people. A lot of laser is saying avoid much negative assumption a lot of times what happens, we assume. And we take a decision

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upon that assumption. And that decision leads to destruction. And a lot of Blaser, he says, indeed, some assumption is a sin. It's a sin. It's a crime against that person, or against the thing when we assume and we take a decision upon it. And we know that it's wrong in Islam, and a lot of Blaze is also saying do not spy you know, don't be someone who wants to know others life, others secrets, others, you know, privacy, we need to ensure that we respect the privacy and give them freedom and ensure that we should not be insecure, we should be concerned on the matters which are related to us. So Allah says do not spy or do not backbite Subhanallah backbiting is something which is social

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evil, it is so bad Subhana Allah that it actually leads to,

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you know, bad relationships and destroy our lives of this world and the hereafter as well. That's the reason the grievous thing that Allah mentioned here. Do you want to eat the dead meat of your blood brother?

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Allah is giving this as an example to panela analogy so that we may abstain and avoid the backbiting and spying and assuming things from Allah we need to advocate this powerful advise my brothers and sisters to others as well because people can prevent and protect their lives by avoiding much negative assumptions people can avoid getting into since people people can actually avoid spying and backbiting. A lot of times they don't know what is backbiting so we need to tell them backbiting is a major thing that will destroy our lives and it will lead us to the path of destruction Subhana Allah.

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Another advice comes from Surah Surah Surah number 49 ayah number 13 where Allah subhanaw taala says in a Quran macoun are in the law he at all come in Long Island Mojave, indeed the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and acquainted acquired this understanding my brothers and sisters that the only criteria for a lot of Buddha is to be near and data is the core of Allah. Apply this in our lives. Indeed, we want to get closer to someone who is extremely powerful, who has the entire creation in his hand, who have the entire and complete power, we need to ensure that we become the best in His sight. And for us to be best in His sight.

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We need to be a turkey. A person who have Taqwa a person who is conscious of Allah, a person who ensures that his life is driven with the main ingredient of life and that is it tequila, the consciousness of Allah, the fear of Allah, the absolute awareness of Allah. We shouldn't be the people of you.

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Who are goodness who fear the people who fear the society who fear the you know situations? No, we shouldn't be fearing the people the situation the things we should be fearing and we should be conscious of a person who is conscious of Allah, He will always succeed. And we need to advocate this formula my brothers and sisters, racism is not allowed in Islam. Black and White is not important, you know rich or poor is not important nationality is not important. What is important, as prescribed by Allah in the law he can indeed in the sight of Allah is the one who is most righteous.

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Under advice comes from surah avoriaz surah number 51 ayah number 56, where Allah subhanaw taala defines the purpose of life. Allah says balmaha luck to Elgin, well INSA Illallah Abul and I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship me. A lot of blood says giving us this understanding which we need to acquire that the sole purpose of our existence is to worship Allah apply this in our lives, my brothers and sisters because money cannot be your ultimate goal. Wealth cannot be your ultimate goal. Same cannot be your ultimate goal, goal, popularity and and gaining you know positions cannot be your ultimate goal. The ultimate goal for you and me is to serve Allah is to

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worship Allah is to ensure that you enslave yourself to Allah, that is the ultimate purpose of our lives, my brothers and sisters, and we need to apply this practically in our lives by being obedient to the teachings of the Quran, and the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we need to advocate this my brothers and sisters out there for people to understand their purpose of existence, their purpose of life, Subhan Allah there are many, many people who do not have a clear definition of why they are here. They do not have the purpose of their own life, their own existence, they do not have this clarity. So we need to advocate and teach and preach it to people

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that you are in my existence, the ultimate existence is to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala and while we doing so, we are not restricted to earn halaal income we are not restricted to enjoy our lives in a halal way. We are not restricted to live a very good life in this world. This is all counted as worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Another advice comes from surah najem surah number 53. Number 38 where a las panatela says yeah, you're Latina Allah tala. Well turns out enough Summa Kodama delivered what de la in la COVID en de matar, I'm alone, oh you who have believed fear Allah and let every soul look at what it has put forward for tomorrow. And fear Allah Indeed, Allah is acquainted with what you do acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters that we need to be conscious of Allah and we need to see ourselves what we are going to gain tomorrow. Apply this in our lives. And and this notion, this concept will help us correct ourselves because we want to be successful tomorrow, in the future, in

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our ohana in our lives, in this world and in the hereafter advocate this my brothers and sisters because a lot of us we live with an understanding that we are not going to stand before Allah one day. We are going to stand before Allah one day and we are going to give our accountability to allow one day we have to ensure that Allah is acquainted with what we do. SubhanAllah you need to advocate this, my brothers and sisters so that the society can become Allah conscious. The families can become Allah conscious, we as individuals become a law conscious and that is how we can grow in our lives, and we can succeed in this world and the hereafter.

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Another beautiful advice comes from Surah

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Al monta Hina surah number 60 ayah number eight where Allah subhanaw taala says, la como la whiny la Vina Lam yo Cthulhu can fit Dini. wollam yo credo come in the

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room, what Takashi to LA him in La Jolla. hebbal. Moxie tiene a law does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of the religion and do not expel you from your homes from being righteous toward them and acting justly towards them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly acquired this understanding my brothers and sisters, that we are not allowed to treat unjustly, unfairly and evil way with the non Muslims with those who are not of the same faith allies.

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giving us this instruction, this advice that we have to be good to those who are not involved in any way in terms of fighting and expelling us from our homes. We Allah is giving us and this requires our practical application. Allah is giving an instruction, a peaceful and beautiful advice, that being righteous towards them. And Allah said, saying, to act justly towards them, they cannot be mistreated, they cannot be treated unjustly. They cannot be judged unfairly, only because they are non Muslim. No, Islam does not allowed this practice of being unfair, unjust and unrighteous towards them if even if they are non Muslims. In fact, Allah is giving us to the formula of beautiful and

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peaceful coexistence. For us to coexist. We need to respect each other, we need to tolerate each other, we need to accept, you know, the differences with each other advocate this formula, my brothers and sisters, because a lot of people that think that Islam is intolerant, Islam is something something it teaches something that is not good for the society. In fact, this is a very powerful, profound and beautiful practice, in teaching that Allah is giving us in the Quran. Allah says Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes from being righteous towards them and acting justly towards them. Indeed, Allah

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loves those who act. So let's advocate this advice to others so that they can also gain this right understanding of Islam. Another advice comes from surah talaaq surah number 65 is number two and three where Allah subhanho wa Taala says the last portion of it number two, what am I in yet? tequila hijjah Allahu Maharaja Zuko, hoomin hifu, la, se. And whoever fears Allah be conscious of Allah, Allah will make for him a way out and Allah will provide for him from where he does not expect. acquire this understanding where brothers and sisters for you and me to have an exit point from any problem. Challenge obstacle difficulty hardship is taqwa Allah is the consciousness of

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Allah. Apply this in our lives. Apply this in our lives by being conscious of Allah and you will see Allah will ease the matter for you. Allah will make a way for you, Allah will provide you from where you will never imagine. advocate this to others, my brothers and sisters, so that the people can become Allah conscious, Allah conscious

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are those who ensure that they receive the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala and they receive the favors and bounties from Allah subhanho wa Taala

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another advice comes from Surah Surah number 66 ayah number six with a lot of Isaiah he says yeah, you heard the nama know who forsaken was Lee calm, narrow, all you have believed, protect yourself and your families from a fire acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters, that we have to protect ourselves and our families from the Hellfire, apply it in our lives by giving priority to your family by giving priority to your family about the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala about the Sharia of Allah subhanaw taala about the teachings of the Quran about the teachings of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam so that they can protect themselves and from the hellfire. Indeed, we as

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a responsible family member do not want our family members, our own families, our own children, our spouses, our own mothers and fathers. We do not want our own family members to be burned in the hellfire. So Allah is giving an instruction protect yourselves and your families from the fire advocate this formula to others as as well my brothers and sisters because a lot of people who basically preach and teach to others they forget to settle their own homes Subhanallah we need to ensure that we protect ourselves and our families from the fire.

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Another advice comes from Surah or Surah Al mulk surah number 67 ayah number two where Allah subhanaw taala says a lady holla pal Mota will hire Talia Balu accom a yocom X and Y am Allah, Allah, Allah He has created the death and life to test you

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to see which of you is best in deeds and he is the Exalted in Might the Forgiving, a lot of blessings giving this understanding that we need to acquire this this life is a test and we will be tested in our lives in different ways. Apply this in our lives, my brothers and sisters by understanding this, that life is full of tests and we need to perform the best in this test. So that

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We may be rest in this world and the hereafter as well. In sha Allah, we need to advocate this this powerful you know concept of this life is a test to others as well because a lot of people they complain they come forward with different allegations now they'll be loved they complain with different notions, that why is Allah doing to me? Why is Allah doing to that person will wise Allah, you know causing this and that Subhana Allah, we need to advocate to others to understand that this life is a test so will be tested, for sure everyone is tested in a different way everyone is going through the test and that is the done deal.

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Another, you know, advice comes from Surah a sham surah number 91 ayah number nine and 10 what Allah subhanaw taala says God afla hammer zakka wakad the hub among this, he has succeeded, who purifies it, and he has failed who instills it with corruption, acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters in order for us to grow better and better, we need to ensure that we purify ourselves and apply this in our lives by being

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you know, pure by ourselves pure with our heart pure with our mind pure with our body pure with our thoughts, pure with our actions, pure with our words, pure with our you know, responsibilities. Once we do that we'll feel that we are inshallah be an ally to Allah successful need to advocate this others to to others as well. To be pure to be someone who is beloved to Allah Subhana Allah to be someone who do not want to corrupt and enjoy himself.

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Another advice comes from Surah you know, in from Surah Allah says Allah so number 99 I number six and seven there are a lot of blood diseases for many mlms God has a rotten hiring euro one my AML Miss callers are rotten Sharon euro so whoever does an atom's wait of goodwill see it, and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it. acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters that any bit of good, any bit of evil will not be unnoticed by Allah subhanaw taala the good will be rewarded, the evil will be punished, apply this in our lives, my brothers and sisters and we will see that we will correct our actions, we will make sure that we become the bearer of good and we

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will become those who abstain from evil advocated to others as well my brothers and sisters because this requires a thought process of accountability we will be judged we will be you know accountable, we will be questioned on everything. So panela any bit of good that we do, we will see the reward from Allah and any evil that we do, we will see that we will be punished by Allah subhanaw taala because he is demonic yo muddied. The only judge on that day The only, you know, King on that day who will decide the matters in between us.

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Another piece of advice comes from Surah Al maroun surah number 107 is number three, a lot of diseases. What are you hoping to iron out for amil miskeen and does any does not encourage the feeding of the poor acquired this understanding my brothers and sisters, that we need to encourage the feeding of the poor? And we need to apply this in our lives. You know, ask yourself in the past one month, six months, one year, how many people have you fed as this powerful question and you will get an answer. If the answer is that yes, I have fed what hamdulillah increase it for the next time. If you haven't done it, make sure that we do it because Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said,

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You know the best of you is the one who can who greets to those whom they know and who they do not know. And the one who feeds the poor, feeding people is one of the major major good deed you know prescribed in Islam Subhan Allah, we need to advocate this formula as well my brothers and sisters, take a portion of you know your income and ask people encourage people to take a portion of their income and dedicate it to for the feeding of the poor, dedicate it for helping and giving people those who are hungry in their lives.

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The next advice which we are inshallah going to close with, with the last two sutras of the Quran, Surah Al Falak and surah tunas, which are the which are filled with the advisors and these are the closing remarks kind of thing for us and you know, my brothers

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Just as in order to, you know gain the beautiful, beautiful understanding and advices from the Quran Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in Surah tuna sootel Falak surah number 139 number one to five or older Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim will our older bureau bill Falak minshall Reema hallak. Woman Sheree? Was it an easy job. Amen Sharon of 30 filler opens. Woman Sheree has it in either has said, See I seek refuge in the Lord of the daybreak from the evil of what of that which which he created and from the evil of darkness when it settles and from the evil of the blowers in knots.

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And from the evil of envia van he envies acquire this beautiful pieces of advice my brothers and sisters, that we need to seek refuge in our rub Japan a lot. We need to apply this in our lives as these last two shooters are called asthma with a 10. These are the you know, protective, you know, soudas Subhanallah, which protects us from the evils from the dangers of this world and the hereafter. My brothers and sisters, we need to apply this by seeking refuge in Allah every single day by asking a lot to give refuge from the daybreak from that evil which he has created from the darkness when it settles from the blowers in the knots from, you know every kind of magic black

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magic and all sorts of evils from the enemies from the Hasidic and we have to ensure that we protect and seek the refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala we need to advocate it to others as well my brothers and sisters, by teaching and preaching it to others that they have to also seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from all these evils, because there is no refuge there is no rescue for us, other than getting into the refuge of Allah subhanho wa Taala the last sutra my brothers and sisters which comes as a final piece of advice from Han Allah, that is from Surah Nasir numbers 114 I number one to six but a lot of Larissa he says all our ob Robin nurse Maliki nurse Ella he Nurse Min Cheryl was

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was a harness and levy you as visualfizz rootedness

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mineralogy nuttiness, a lot of Blair is a he is giving us the understanding which we need to acquire say I seek refuge in the Lord of the mankind pulled out of Europe in US mullikin as the Sovereign of mankind Illa hin as the God of mankind, min Sharon was worse 100 years from the evil of the retreating whisperer, Allah Lee was a visual feast during us from

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who whispers evil into the * of mankind. A lady was with Sophie Salinas, Mina Jin actually one nurse from among the jinn and the mankind, my brothers and sisters, let's apply this beautiful piece of advice from the Quran by getting again in the refuge of Allah Who is the rub of the mankind who is the Moloch of the mankind who is the law of the man guide, from all kinds of us was from all kinds of whispering from all kinds of evil that exists in the world. We have the only refuge and rescue with a lot of binaries. We need to advocate it to others as well. My brothers and sisters use beautiful pieces of advice, the protective chains of handle love for us from all the evils that

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exist around us. Is this beautiful, you know pieces of advice from the Quran, my brothers and sisters. By this we have concluded 100 pieces of advice the 100 key advisors from the Quran, we ask a lot of binaries to open our hearts and minds to gain this beautiful advisors in our lives number one, number two, we ask Allah to help us apply this in our lives by practically, you know, demonstrating those and exercising our faith insha Allah, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make us ambassadors of advocating these beautiful advices. From the Quran, to our family members, to our relatives and friends, to our society and to the whole of humanity. Make sure my brothers and

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sisters that we gain the right understanding. We do the right practice, and we do the right preaching to others as well. Make

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an agenda in your life, to be the agent of good to be the person who benefits people to be the person who promotes peace, justice, fairness, tolerance and respect for everyone.

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One my brothers and sisters, we ask a lot of Blizzard to accept all these efforts from us. We ask a lot of Blizzard to bless each one of you for taking our time to gain these beautiful advisors from the Quran, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to settle your affairs, we ask a lot of balancer to ease your matters. We ask a lot of laryssa to give peace to your lives. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant success in your lives. We ask a lot of binaries to ease and remove the difficulties, the problems, the challenges, the issues that are going in your life. We ask a lot of will is ultimately my brothers and sisters to gay to grant us the highest levels of gender, witnessing the face of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala in the company of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Davina Anil hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

100 Key Advices from The Qur’an – Part 7/7

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