Adnan Rashid – Tipu Sultan – The Tiger of Mysore

Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the history and characteristics of William Manti, a military genius and clarator of the British colonialists. Manti was a leader of the British Parliament and invested in agricultural, cotton, and military technology. The rise of nationalism and the need for nationalism to be taken care of is emphasized. The transcript also touches on the use of language in writing and the importance of staying true to one's religion to avoid harming the community. The episode concludes with a recommendation for a book called Lord Aves.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah mopod. Today we will be talking about tippu Sultan, a man who governed parts of India, to be precise, southern India. And he was one of the most powerful Muslim kings who ever govern parts of India.

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Why is he important? There were many Muslim kings in the Indian subcontinent who governed different territories. Why is the busselton more important than others? Why are we talking about him people so, Don is more important because of his profile, his profile is very, very special. He was a very special character in many respects.

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And I will summarize some of his characteristics. One of his top characteristics was that he was

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a very deeply dedicated Muslim. He is important for Muslims of India, because he was a good Muslim, he was trying his best to be a good Muslim within his capacity, being a king in India and being a good Muslim at the same time was not an easy task. Because India is a very diverse society. It has been diverse for 1000s of years, and Muslims came quite late, almost 1000 years ago, or slightly more than 1000 years ago when Muslims appeared as a political entity within the Indian subcontinent. And then we have people Sultan, who governed parts of India or southern India, parts of southern India. In the 18th century, he came to power as the Sultan as the king in 1780 to 1782 when his

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father, Sultan Haider Ali

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died. So photon hydralie was a Soldier of Fortune. He was simply a soldier. Initially, he was raised in the ranks of the army, and from a soldier he became a general from a general he himself became the Sultan and his son. Sultan fatale Muhammad tipo succeeded him in 1782 tippu Sultan was born in 1750. He was born in 1750. And he died in 1799, at the age of 49.

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And he was killed in battle

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on the fourth of may 1799, during the fourth Anglo Mysore war.

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So, there are Anglo Mysore wars between that though that took place between the East India Company, the British at the time,

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or those who represented Britain, Britain, British colonialism in India at the time, and

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depot's will turn over or the state of my soul made by hydralie and isanti, Bhutan. So, there were four wars, not battle wars that took place between these two entities, the British East India Company that had

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ambitions to occupy all of India.

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And on the other hand, we had the state of Mysore governed by initially hydralie and his son, people Sultan,

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but this is a short introduction to Bhutan is special because of his dedication to Islam. He was a very deeply religious man, his letters, his documents, his correspondence with other kings, and his

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his coinage, his policies, everything demonstrates Islam. He upheld Islam as his way of life. He was deeply inspired by the Islamic civilization, and he was a man who had brought together religious religiosity, with high regard regard for technology and science. I will repeat that tip was was born was special in particular,

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when it comes to the Indian subcontinent Muslim context.

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He was particularly special because he brought religiosity

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higher high regard for science and technology. In one person that Steve was held on, to put it in very, very simple, simple terms. There were many Muslim kings in India.

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Many of them were highly religious, but they were not innovative when it comes to technology and science. They were not very advanced in education and knowledge or when it comes to doing things

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To make the lives of the people better, many of these Muslim kings who governed India, many of them, not all of them, many of them were simply kings. They just came the government. They had the fun, they had the parties and they died. Like all other Hindu kings and the British rulers.

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Very few were genuinely concerned about the well being of the people. People's will Don was definitely one of them. His profile his history demonstrates beyond any doubt, that he was one of those who was highly concerned about the well being of his people. And when I say his people, that means Muslims, Hindus, Christians, these are the people he governed.

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And he was a diplomat par excellence. He was

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a scholar who had a library of 2000 books.

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The catalog of his library was published by a British scholar in 1811, which is titled

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The catalog of people Sudan's library, and he had close to 2000 books in his personal library. He used to study he would study at times, French philosophers,

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people like Voltaire, people like Rousseau, Montesquieu, he would like to know what's happening in Europe. he inquired A times about the French Revolution, because he had French soldiers, generals working for him. He had factories producing weapons in Saran capital in his capital.

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He would pray five times a day.

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He would read the Quran very diligently.

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He would want to die amata, which is what happened with him. He had the choice to leave the battlefield to save his life to live today and fight tomorrow. Some of his soldiers came to him that photon today your life is in danger, escape with your entourage. He refused. And he fought and he was killed in battle. And for that reason, the British paid him a very lavish tribute on his funeral the day he was buried.

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So I'll be talking about these things in detail. In due course, I have a very long presentation with me. And I don't think I can possibly cover all of it today. But I will share some glimpses from the life of this great Manti busulfan.

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As I mentioned that he was a politician par excellence, a military man par excellence. He was a general

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of high repute, high credibility, he had the obedience and the loyalty of his forces. Even the British respected him to to an extent that within his lifetime, tons of works were published in Europe,

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by the French, by the Germans, and by the British, in their respective languages.

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So in Britain, tons of works in the 1780s 1790s, and even after the martyrdom of city busselton, were published, and some of them I possess in my personal library. Then French published, works to pay tribute to him, so did the Germans.

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And often he was painted as a tyrant as a Muslim bigot, as a tyrant. What's changed? I mean, nowadays, when you look at Muslim profile on Western media, what do you see? Muslims, extremists, terrorists, violent people, backward?

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regressive, not very progressive. This is what you see on Western media, ISIS, they equate Islam with ISIS. The Western media, quite subtly, in some cases quite openly equates Islam with entities like ISIS. Unfortunately, this is happening today. It's not new Muslims have seen this before. Same thing happened with tippu Sultan tippu Sultan was painted as a barbarian in Europe.

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He is an animal that needs controlling as soon as possible. In the British Parliament, there were debates in the 18th century in the 1700s, in the late 1700s, where British politicians would paint a very vicious picture of the Sultan. They were plays in Britain, where the Sultan was portrayed as a bloodthirsty,

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promiscuous individual who has a harem of 1000s of women. All he needs is this. This is why he was painted. This is how people are painted today, and nothing has changed. Unfortunately, when it comes to demonizing the opponent It was after his death

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And I would say two centuries after his death when he was truly appreciated by Western scholarship. There have been some recent works recently. One of them is by Kate brittle bank, who is an Australian Australian scholar on coupon.

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She has written a book on Amazon. She published it in the 90s.

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And she tried to put the record straight. And recently she published another book titled The Tiger of Mysore people. So Tom to put the record straight because recently in India, due to the new government or old government now, BJP

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you know, they had this fascination with demonizing pupils hold on an orange a volume D in particular, these two individuals Why? Because they were highly Islamic in the characters. Both had high regard for Islam.

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So tables will turn is special. Despite all the propaganda and all the negativity around him. He is special for a number of reasons. He was a very advanced, technologically advanced, progressive, scholarly, intelligent, intellectual king. He invested in

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agriculture, he invested in cotton production, he invested in clothing, he invested in diplomacy he invested in military advancement, military technology, people Sultan is known to have used rockets as a weapon of war for the first time in human history. Did you know that

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that are used today to threaten each other countries threaten each other by producing rockets? Yeah. From here, you get drunk already and have another say, from the other side. Do you know the missiles from the other side?

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a guinea

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pig tweet. And amazingly, if you look at the names of the missiles, they have some historical

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baggage background, briefly is named after Prithvi Raj chohan, who was Raja defeated by Shahabuddin worry. So in response to p3 we have a very

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we have what's the V, we have on Khalid tank. So this is what's happening. But tables will turn was a son of the Indian subcontinent. He wanted to revive the dominance of Islam. In the Indian subcontinent. He wanted to bring back the Muslim civilization to prominence, which is not a bad thing Muslim civilization gave a lot to India in terms of identity in terms of history, in terms of literature, education, poetry, you name it. Muslim civilization contributed highly positively to the Indian subcontinent, despite what the budget handle shifts and an RSS propaganda is they are trying to change history against all the odds of serious historians. So he was one of the first people to

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have used a rockets as a weapon of war.

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And a statue of his rockets was found mainly in southern India, one of my friends, I don't know if he's listening. His name is Lydon, George alcara. And he's from India.

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He was one of the people responsible for the stash of rockets found in a well, and they have been placed in a museum recently

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in southern India, in the city of shimoga.

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So these rockets were deadly. The British were terrified of the fossil bands, military tactics.

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They were terrified of this man, despite all the coalition's they had with them. Now to do so ban was not fighting one army, he was fighting a number of enemies. He was fighting the Nizam of Hyderabad, who was an ally of the British. He was fighting the Waratahs who were diehard enemies of the Muslim dominance of India. He was fighting the British who wanted to completely wipe out Muslim power from India, so that they can become dominant politically, only people standing in the way of British ambitions, or the East India Company ambitions in India were Muslim rulers like tippu Sultan, and he was an exception. He had to go

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at any cost he had to go

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and what made to Bhutan, what he was his faith, his religion, his attachment to Islam. If you look at his coinage, what you can see on the screen there is an image of a double rupee have to hold on.

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There was almost 22 grams or between 22 2022 to 20.

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three grams of silver

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this coin is very valuable now you can find it for 3000 pounds if you want to buy it right it's very rare for some reason it's become very rare and it has the name of the Sultan it says hustle tonon Wahid Aladdin, he is

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the only just so pond in India. Okay, the name of

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the Mint is there this particular coin was minted in if I'm not mistaken in his capital surangama term and the date is there. So this is an image of his coin. You know what this coin was called? hydrate.

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There were other coins which we will see in due course, that were named after the Prophet

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after the second Caliph of Islam, Abubakar Siddique and Al Farouq

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the sorry the second column of Islam and farrokh and the first Caliph of Islam, Abu Bakr Siddiq, so queens were named after these people, what's your currency called today?

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rupees and pesos right pesa or rupiah, right peoples who bounced currency was called Ahmadi sidiki for rookie heidari Othmani.

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These were the names of his currency as we will see in Sharla in due course, so even in his coinage, economically his policy

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required that religion is dominant, it is seen his attachment to religion is seen as in in his course in his letters in his correspondence in his diplomacy. In fact, when he sent

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a delegation to the king of Afghanistan, Levon Shah at the time,

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he wrote specific instructions for the delegation. The delegation consisted of dignitaries from the state, ministers,

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negotiators, Foreign Secretary, for example, and an entourage of soldiers who would protect the presence the gifts as well as the dignitaries. So, so far, I personally wrote instructions for them that every single one of you

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who is part of this delegation must pray five times a day, you shall not compromise your dedication to your salon. This is the soupon the king giving instructions to his delegation. There hasn't been a king like this in

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Indian history in the history of the subcontinent. A Muslim King like him, never, never before him, never after him today. Amazingly, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, delivered a speech in

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charge row center. Did anyone watch that speech?

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Okay. in that speech, he made a very

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powerful statement. He said, Our hero is peoples who thought he mentioned this man. Even today in the 21st century in 2019, pupils will turn is held in high regard by the Muslims of the subcontinent. Why not the Nawab of avid why not one of the Mughal emperors like sha Allah Muhammad Shah ferox er,

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or john de Sha, john, why not one of them.

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In fact, Imran Khan made a statement that our hero is not barbershop someone is weak and, and lame as him know.

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Our hero is coupon and if threatened, if threatened, we, the people of Pakistan in the military will fight to death against anyone who will try to subdue us. We will not allow anyone to bully us. This is what Imran Khan said today in his speech, and who did he make his example? Who table so Tom? Why? Why? The example is very, very

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clear. De PUE died fighting on battlefield two despite being a king

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primarily. So this is why Imran Khan gave him as an example.

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tippu Sultan was a master diplomat. He sent delegations to the King of France.

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And then after the King of France was deposed by the French Revolution who came to power. Napoleon Bonaparte to Bhutan started to communicate with him. People so Don was communicating with the Turkish Sultan, the Ottoman Sultan in Turkey. The Apostle Don was communicating with the king of Iran.

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He was communicating with the king of Afghanistan. He was also communicating with local kings and Rogers, he was trying to get the Morales on his side.

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He was sending letters to letters to Murat has to join his ranks against the increasing increasingly threatening British East India Company.

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ambitions. And you know,

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what he would write in his letters that these quarterly DARS these were the words you would use these Cathars quote, he does mean what

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coated RS means, these people who have come from businesses, they are businessmen, they are not concerned about the well being of the people of India. They are simply businessmen they are here for business, the East India Company or business people. And they are devastated Bengal, Orissa and Bihar after they had taken it, following the battle a plus in 1757. So, people So Dan was talking with substance that look at the condition of the provinces, they are governing. Once they take all of India, everyone will suffer you will be slaves. And this is exactly what happened. And the British never claimed India completely as there's, until this man was killed until this man was no

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And until this man was no more, the British never claimed racial, religious, cultural

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superiority over the Indians, let alone the Muslims.

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The British, their sense of superiority, whether it was racial, religious, cultural, political, military, whatever it was, it came after the killing of T busselton in battle.

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Until he was alive, the British could never claim superiority, you know why? Because his weapons, his technology, his advancement, his knowledge, his intelligence power was far superior.

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what the British claimed for themselves, the East India Company.

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So there's a reason why deep down became a villain.

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For the British establishment in India at the time, he was painted as a barbarian he was painted as a tyrant as an oppressor. But the reality was completely opposite.

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May suit the state he governed was one of the most prosperous states in India. In fact, some of the surveys some of the surveys conducted by the British having taken his territory. One of the surveys was published in 1807, almost seven to eight years after people saw tans martyrdom. One of the surveys was conducted by a man called

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Francis Buchanan. Francis Buchanan published

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a survey in three volumes in 1807.

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And in this survey, he states that the state of people's vote on what he governed my soul,

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it is very prosperous. The agriculture is good, the cattle is good. The business is good, the people are happy.

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And what happened after he had died. Things went back to the way they were before peoples will turn in his father to power in May school. May suit was a very small state consisting of 33 little towns. Highbury made it a power in India, and people Sultan made it he made it even more important due to his diplomacy. Do you know brothers and sisters that people Sultan was actually communicating with Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence for the Americans. And at the time, the Americans are struggling struggling against British imperialism in the Americas. The American War of Independence was directly supported and funded by photon heatherly

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anti coastal town not many people know this. There is written document documented evidence available on that point.

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There is a letter in the hand of Thomas Jefferson,

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which states the Embassy of people Sahib has arrived from India.

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If you go, and Google, Thomas Jefferson antipasto pan,

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and go to images, you will see the image of this letter, a scan of this letter, I might have it in my presentation. The Embassy of Deepu cyb has arrived in America we're talking about the 18th century 1700s there was a battle in 1780s, a naval battle between America American forces

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And British naval forces. This battle was called the Battle of Delaware.

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If I'm not mistaken, it happened in 1787.

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And one of the American vessels are you listening everyone, one of the American vessels and American warship

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which ship

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warship belonging to the Americans. And this was as far as the Americans was concerned, this was the War of Independence against an imperial power called Britain. So the battle is between the British naval forces and American naval forces, one of the vessels

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one of the four vessels because there were four vessels on both sides for warships on both sides, the British side and the Americans eight in total, one of the American vessels was called hydralie.

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The Americans called one of the warships hydralie to taunt the British, that the way you are being treated in India you will get the same treatment here. And no doubt hydralie was a big menace for the British East India Company. In India, people Sultan became even a bigger menace. And this is why it became absolutely

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crucial for him to go for him to either lose his power lose his state or lose his life for that matter.

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And this is what happened. Unfortunately,

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I do not have the time to go into all the history of tables with Tom.

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But to cut the long story short,

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in 1792.

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As a result of the third Anglo my sued war, cables will turn blue lost half his territory.

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And then he never let go of his ambitions to get rid of the British and the imperialism from India. He was a very strong character, who had strong ambitions to liberate India from the oppressive, the tyrannical and selfish rule of the East India Company, a bunch of businessmen who are simply there to make business out of India and Indian people.

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Muslims primarily and at large Hindus as well as those who are not Muslims, other than Hindus, so typical town represented all of them.

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Until not very long ago, Deepa Sultan was an Indian hero until BJP came to power. BJP wants to wipe out any trace of Muslim history from Indian landscape. Some of them are so extreme one of them he recently came on media and he said Taj Mahal was made by Hindus.

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Taj Mahal was made the Taj Mahal actually is a Hindu building, it was made by Hindus. Even though there are verses of the Quran on Taj Mahal here inscribed by Persian artisans, Sharjah Han had got them. So a lot of this is taking place, a lot of extremism is taking place in India.

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And this is one of the reasons why Prime Minister Imran Khan today made another statement that the Hindus of Pakistan, we stand with them. And we will never allow them to be oppressed. We will never because they are a minority in Pakistan. They are our responsibility.

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We need to take care of them. We don't we can't afford. One of the ministers was recently sacked for making a statement against the Hindus generally speaking, not knowing that there are Hindus in Pakistan as well. You may be offending them, right. So, to the contrary, in India, what's happening is the BJP government is specifically

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hunting Muslims.

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Today I saw images literally on my way to this venue today. On Facebook I saw images of Hindus playing holy you know holy. When they play with colors, they throw colors on each other. Muslim men are walking past with the hats and with this white quotas and they are deliberately throwing colors on Muslim men and women to taunt them to degrade them to to humiliate them. Literally one lie by Allah I watched these videos

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on my way to this venue on Facebook.

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There is a Facebook page you must look at documenting oppression against Muslims documenting oppression against Muslims the Facebook page, they put a lot of these videos for you to see what's happening in India with Muslims and who are Muslims Muslims gave their lives to liberate India

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starting with the Mughals and then people like people settle down and then later on even during the Indian mutiny 1857 during the War of Independence, Muslims paid a heavy price and even during the partition

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Even in the first in the Second World War, Muslims fought for the British

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with the prospect of independence in the mind,

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because the British had, they had promised them if you fight for us, we will liberate India. And that's why millions of Muslims and Sikhs and Hindus fought in

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the second world war for the British, they fought the Nazis, Indians, Muslims, Sikhs, and so you cannot separate Muslims from the history of India, no matter what you do. The contribution of Islam and Muslims in the Indian subcontinent is absolutely amazing. Muslims gave you points, like meal

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points like valid,

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you know, Persian points, like a miracle throw.

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Right? Muslims gave you the landscape you have today Muslims gave you the culture, the language.

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So, people Sudan stood as a giant and he still stands as a giant and he will stand until the day of judgment because of his character.

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His religious character, his attachment to Islam is even more

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revealed. Even more so in his dreams. After his martyrdom,

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I intended to use the PowerPoint presentation but I don't think I'm going to do that now. Because I have

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from my fascination 40% down and from my memory, the information I have stored in my mind, I have decided to go with this lecture. But I will very briefly go through some of the things I want to show you on PowerPoint presentation later on insha Allah tala, and I think online audience will not be missing out on that either.

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it was the last point I was going to make.

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Before I mentioned this

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episode on

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what was the last point I made? You're talking about his dreams, his dreams? his dreams? You see, you get to know a person by the dreams he or she has right.

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Okay, now do makaha billiga karma.

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Okay, you gotta believe in karma teacher? What do you gotta? Huh?

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Why do they say that in order to and I will translate that into English that a cat only sees teaching English to

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English teacher, a teacher is a very special order word. And that means that the extra fat on meat, basically extra fat on meat which the which the butchers take off, and they chuck it in the bin, then it's rubbish. So that stuff is fed to cats and dogs. So there's a there's a there's a saying in order to that cat always dreams of those, those extras, right? Because they're so tasty for cats. Right? So likewise, people dream of things they desire. Do you all agree? Right? People so Don had a diary of his dreams. He had a diary of his dreams, which was the most personal item of his life is everyone listening.

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This was the most personal item of his life.

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His diary of his dreams, and he never allowed anyone to touch it. His servants had seen him documenting it and reading it in his private chamber in his palace. But he never allowed anyone to touch it on pain of death. No one was allowed to touch it.

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And it was found in his private drawer in his private chamber, and who pointed it out one of his private servers called Raja Khan.

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He pointed it out to the British that there is a document a diary which the Sudan keeps closer to himself than his life, and no one is allowed to touch it. They opened it and it was

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about over 30 dreams of pupils who have been documented in his own hand.

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In his own handwriting, and the manuscript, the actual handwritten manuscript the original is with British the British Library in London. It is there and a scholar called Salim Qureshi has translated these dreams into although you can find the audio translation in Islam about our site book back in general super Okay, it's published by Sunday mill press and it is called no do club now mighty Bhutan club now my pupils will turn so you will know a man by his dreams. I will share two of his dreams with you very quickly and then I will end my conversation here

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or this presentation here because the time is up

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

I've already been speaking for some time.

00:35:05 --> 00:35:20

In this club nama, I will mention two dreams in particular, one is typical Don writes in his own handwriting and by the way, let me remind you again, this book or this particular diary was not written to show off to people, how do we know that

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it was kept privately in his private chamber and no one was allowed to touch it, let alone look at it.

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Okay, so it was his private diary, which he was writing for himself for personal use, not showing off that I am so in such a special bundle. I am such a guy that I'm having these dreams, right. So one of the dreams he states in his own handwriting that I saw this dream on such and such date, that Alibaba Vitaly rhodiola one came to me and he said, Come with me.

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Come with me. And I asked him, where do you want me to come with you? He said, The Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam is waiting for you at the gate of Jenna.

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at the gate of Paradise, and he wants to go in Jana with you, Allahu Akbar. He wants you to take he wants to take you to paradise with him.

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And then he writes Santa to Abbas.

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that mean that means this is it. I have nothing more to say and he stops there. And no one to keep in mind. No one was allowed to read this diary. This is his PR. So this this is how you know this is a true dream, which he actually had. And he documented it for his personal use, not for public. And Allah always exposes his Olia. Allah always exposes his friends. A lot of not. You see this diary could have been lost. It could have been destroyed by the British it could have been ripped apart or anything. It has survived in his handwriting. It is in the British Library in the collection. This is one of the dreams and I believe this dream foretold his martyrdom. He will be Shaheed and he will

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be with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam.

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Another dream he had was he was on a campaign against the mulatos.

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He was on a campaign against the Murata. baratos were a very oppressive, repressive, destructive Hindu power in central and southern India who were simply only interested in looting and polluting and destroying. They were not Indian patriots patriots as the BJP and Bodrum doll and RSS paint them you know she was he has become a hero. For some reason. She was he was a man who fought orange de Belem, gearan, orange zevalin, he fought him. And he was just a, you know, a rebel who was causing destruction in the countryside. If he loved India as the Hindu right or the Hindu extremist claim today, he wouldn't be destroying the countryside Woody. He wouldn't be burning crops and burning

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villages and killing people indiscriminately Woody, he wouldn't be doing that, right? This is what he was doing. She was he and his son, somebody, right? And the Murata who came after we're doing the same thing. They were known for their destruction. So people don was having a war with them. And they were, they were camped the Murata camped across the river. And people futon had camped on this side of the river wherever he was. And at night, he had a dream. And he documents this dream in this diary as well.

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00:38:40 --> 00:38:40

a man

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a lady came,

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a lady came to me, a beautiful looking lady came to me in my dream. And I started talking to her.

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And during the discussion during the conversation, we became very kind of the discussion became very intimate. And then I realized that it doesn't benefit me as a king, or as a Muslim to be so intimate with this person. And then what happened, this person stood up and this person he or she started dancing, right?

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This person started dancing. And then while this person was dancing, the hair became loose. The hair became loose, and I realized it was a man dressed as a woman. It was a man dressed as a woman.

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And then I woke up, then I woke up. So there was a sharp there was a sign for him and where is he? Where was he when he had this dream. He was on a campaign against the mulatos Marotta zone deals are on the other side of the river. He's on this side with a very small army against the merata who were who were very big in numbers. So

00:40:00 --> 00:40:06

He had this dream, he woke up at night, right. And as soon as he woke up, he knew that

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he knew the meaning of the dream. He got his forces together 200 men, how many 200 men, and he said to them, I had this dream. And the dream means that these people on the other side of the river, who look like men, are actually women. They are actually women, they do not have the courage to fight you attack 200 men attacked 1000s of martyrs, and they left the camps, and they ran for the lives. This was the lobby of the dream, which pupils will turn documented, and he documented the result as well that by the grace of Allah, we attacked the camp with 200 men, and they ran for the lives. Because in the dream, he was told attack, don't fear because they are women in men's dressing. So in

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the dream, he was shown this. So this is another dream, a second dream, which typical town had documented in his own hand.

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And if you google dreams of people's will turn Google if you Google it, and you will see an article published by the British Library, you will see the article there. inshallah, some of these things I will mentioned very quickly.

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You will see them in the presentation as well.

00:41:20 --> 00:41:40

There is so much I can talk about when it comes to people. So Don is wars, his policies, his his investment in agriculture, and technology in weapons. I'll give you one example. For example, when when it comes to his advancement in technology, he was so advanced that he produced his own weapons in factories.

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Situated in strung apart from his capital, he was producing his own rifles, his own handguns. They were so good that once he ordered a contingent of

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guns from France, guns, I mean, when I say guns, I mean cannons, you know, cannon that used to fire cannon balls. At that time, that was one of the best weapons to use in war. The contingent came with the French engineers, he looked at and he said, this is rubbish. This is rubbish.

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And they said, What do you mean, this is rubbish? We are French engineers. We are the best in the world, like, you know, Article of F 16. Or aka jet, sorry, Gen. y, z. Ariana.

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When you fight war, who benefits people Sultan hadn't understood this. This is why he invested in his own people. He invested his own in his own engineers. He had got his own men trained as engineers. This is why when you see some of his bad weapons produced in his factories, the name of the engineer, for example, so the law is there on the guns, the name of the engineer is there. And those were such good quality weapons, even the French were shocked. So when he told the French engineers that this is rubbish, this is not good. They said Okay, do you have something better than that? said Come with me. 30 Bhutan took them to his factories, and he showed them the quality of his

00:43:00 --> 00:43:06

weapons produced in Saranda. potom in India. They were shocked. They said, We cannot produce this, we cannot produce this.

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And when you look at some of the pictures of his weapons, you will see exactly what we're talking about. This is why the British was so terrified of him. The East India Company, one of the weapons used in war was a genius weapon. You know, when they used to produce swords, in factories at the time, they used to be a lot of waste. You know, when you produce swords, when you produce swords by hammering them by melting iron, there is a lot of

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extras left shrapnel, right sometimes blades. What he used to do is tell his armies don't waste this. Take these shepherds and blades when you fire a cannonball before you fire a cannonball, on top of the cannonball put these shrapnel in blades. So when the cannonball fires, what happens all of these 1000s of shipments with blades and all kinds of things are landing on the British Army. So the soldiers who might not be hit by the ball, they will definitely be hit by these tiny blades and shrapnel. The British were terrified of these tactics he was using against them. They were terrified. So this is why he had to go. So the British joined hands with the Murata and

00:44:18 --> 00:44:31

the Nizam of Hyderabad in 1799. They besieged this capital, people who have been had the chance to run away and his soldiers such a Sultan escape with your life. But he refused. He said,

00:44:32 --> 00:44:33

on the day he was killed.

00:44:34 --> 00:44:36

He was having his lunch

00:44:37 --> 00:44:51

with this generals and soldiers, and he was told that the northern wall has been breached of the fortress. So he had a morsel in his hand, which he was going to put in his mouth is coming over like at your domain.

00:44:52 --> 00:45:00

So he looked at his generals and he said, it seems our lives are very limited. It seems a lot. I mean, he knows this man knows what's coming.

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He can escape, he can run, he can go, he can save his life. He looks at his generals he goes to seems a life is very short, very little is left now he put it down. He asked for his horse which was called bows. He mounted his horse and he went towards the battlefield. And in the battlefield, one of his soldiers, one of his private servants, he said to the Sultan, please hold on runaway escape, we will fight the battle today, escape with your life and fight tomorrow. And he looked at his servant and he said, Are you mad? Have you lost your mind? Do you think I will run away from the battlefield? You know this saying which is attributed to people who have done what does it

00:45:42 --> 00:45:46

share key activities in the gig, gather gifts or solids in the Giza better.

00:45:48 --> 00:45:56

By the way, this particular saying attributed to Don is may not be authentic may not be authentic, even though he alluded to it in his poetry.

00:45:58 --> 00:46:03

For example, a ball in his jaw Vietnam in Persian, he stated

00:46:07 --> 00:46:10

I forgot the actual verse. I remembered it.

00:46:11 --> 00:46:51

Allow Mike ball at my pupils will turn daily, very, very much. In 1929 allama Iqbal visited his tomb and sat inside his tomb and cried for hours. And when he came out having cried for hours alone inside the inside the sanctuary, one of his companions asked about what did you learn what is your message after this experience? A bol said in Persian Narayan nathwani Nagar Madonna's East hum tumor Don john supervillains in the east. And this is what Paul said. His tribute to tickles upon that if it is not possible to live like a man in this life, then it is better.

00:46:52 --> 00:47:03

True Life is giving away life like a man in this life. That Johanna Juan Nagar Madonna's East ham Juma Don john supervillains in the yeast, okay.

00:47:04 --> 00:47:17

And, and about gather key sources sorry, share key egdon keys in the Giga key sources in the key so beta Java nama make bol formata Zindagi raw cheese trust modiano cache

00:47:18 --> 00:47:21

Zindagi raw cheese? Ross Modine okayish

00:47:23 --> 00:48:13

yuck dumb Sherry Buster soul mates mesh, that what is life and its conventions? What is life and its conventions? It is like one moment of a lion is better than 100 years of sheep. This is what Paul said in javas nama paying a tribute to the proton tippu Sultan chose to fight hand to hand battle with the British soldiers and he was fighting he was injured, and then how he died was narrated by one of his servants. Again, Raja Han, who was his private servant. That Sultan was injured, he had been shot. He was injured he was lying on the floor. And a British soldier came and he put his hand on the belt, because the Sultan was wearing a very lavish belt with with the gems studied on the

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belt, you know, rubies and diamonds on all kinds of useful bomb. So the British soldiers saw the glittering gems, he went for them as the booty award, he put his hand on the belt, the Sultan, being you know, when you're injured. That's when you become really, really vulnerable and fragile. That's why you want refuge. You want to tell people Oh, please don't attack me. Don't hurt me if you are a coward, if you don't believe in your cause, right? That's the time you should be begging for your life right? In this state. When the Sultan knows his life is in danger. He goes for the soldier with a sword in his hand, and he strikes him with the sword on his leg. So he cuts the leg of the British

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soldier. The British soldier steps back, takes a name and choose the Sultan in the temple in the temple just above his ear, and that was the bullet that took the life of the Sudan and Sudan was Shaheed therefore, the hammer to lay lay, and his body was found later on by

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the Duke of Wellington, who became the hero of the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, who defeated the man who defeated Napoleon Bonaparte in the Battle of Waterloo. He was personally present at the time rental towns body was found, and the man who found the body himself wrote about it. His name was major Alexander Beatson, the very man who found the diary of the dreams diary, right. He's the one who found it and he gave it over to the government and then it ended up in the British Library. Alexander Beatson writes that when he will be found his body. hours after his martyrdom hours, hours have gone, his body was still warm.

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When they touched his temple, they thought he was alive, his eyes are open, and there was an A

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Parents have dignity and honor on his face. He was small in stature. His hands were very small. He was bald. And he was wearing cloth of linen at the time. And he will he had Rob, you know what we call in the Arabic language Rob, you need dignity or lack of dignity on his face. And then he was taken to the palace handed over to the family. The next day there was a funeral. 21 gun salute was presented by the British as an honor to the soltanto died fighting. He was buried in the mausoleum of his father hydralie. And the very same night such a heavy storm came that one of the British soldiers, Captain Bailey, who recorded it stated that never we have seen anything like it. We have

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been through sea journeys. We have seen storms, but there was nothing like it. They were camels seen flying. In wind. Campbell's tents were completely ripped apart. The British army was completely devastated. After Sultan had been buried the very night the storm came as if the heavens were angry with the British and the East India Company for killing such a man. There's a lot I can say about this. I will stop here for now, and quickly go through the presentation. Brothers and sisters. If you have any questions, please do put them forward. And we can talk about this individual in more detail.

00:51:32 --> 00:52:08

Another time. Thank you so much for listening. Well, salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa Al hamdu, lillahi, Rabbil aalameen. So if you keep going through the presentation, this is people fall down. This is what he looked like. Right? This is his actual appearance. A lot of people claim that he had beard to make him more religious. No, he didn't have a beard because he had little hair on his body, people who knew him personally, you know, you see some people nowadays, they have very small beard hair, right? They don't have any beard on the you know, any hair on the he had no hair on his body. Literally, he had a mustache, but had little hair on his face. He didn't have any facial hair. So

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this is what he looked like. These are some of the images painted by painters respectively, in his time. And if we keep going, this is keep going forward. This is about orange volume gear and other Mughal emperors, the decline of the moguls I were talking about.

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If you keep going, keep going.

00:52:27 --> 00:52:27

Keep going.

00:52:30 --> 00:52:32

So this is the background history.

00:52:33 --> 00:53:03

So this is what Okay, I'm going to stop this online business. And thank you very much for listening everyone. We will be talking about the presentation offline slowly come to light. If you have any questions, please post them in comments and I will try my best to respond to them. I will quickly recommend some sources on PeopleSoft on the books of Kate brittle bank. Okay, very good. Then we have Mahmoud Hassan. The history of pupils Hold on. We have if you want to read a classical old

00:53:05 --> 00:53:21

history of Bhutan is called Sultana decoded by I forgot the name Allah worker, I forgot the name of the author. The book is titled Sultana decoded, and there are many more books I can recommend. If you want the names, I can put them in comments. Until then. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh


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