Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Poisoned Hearts

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is a list of letters and characters, not a list of characters.], [In this segment of a transcript, the host discusses the current state of Islam, including the rise of Islam and the loss of freedom of religion, as well as the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. They end with a statement to thank the participants for their time.]]
AI: Transcript ©
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stain or when it's the hero.

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When are we gonna be law human chivalry and phocoena Women's Safety at Dr. Molina

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Mia de la who Philomel de Mello of warming you didn't follow her

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when she had one La ilaha illallah who was the hula should eat the logo? Why should the number have made the knob do who rasuluh so the word to Allah He was ceramah who Allah He to Sleeman Kathira Amma battle for inner Halal Kedem Cunnamulla he so panda who what the Anna will halen who the WHO THE Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa Ana it was set it

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was shuttered more

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what coulomb death a ton, but atom Wakulla begotten Bala Latin, what color Bala that infinite

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as it was announced.

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Today's lecture in the series of poisoned hearts is a lecture that has been entitled by the brothers following in the footsteps of the Hawaii adage. May Allah azza wa jal protect us here in the UK, people in the West from the Hawaii bridge, who are present in the Muslim world. And from the Hawaii bridge, who were present in Europe, and from the people are affected by the way in the thinking of the Hawaii bridge. Because you don't necessarily have to be

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a member of the Hologic as such. But you can have cottagey

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C fat descriptions with you is like the issue of any fuck hypocrisy. A person may not be a bona fide real monastic, and he's outside of the fold of Islam. But he has characteristics of the fuck. Like when he speaks he lies when he's entrusted with something, he breaks his trust. When he promises he breaks his promise. When he argues, he becomes voga. When it's time for salaat, he stands up to pray. And he's lazy. When he prays, he doesn't think of Allah a lot. He remembers Allah just a

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little bit. So in this message, we've given a number of hotels and a number of duros specifically dealing with the descriptions of the Manasa pain and most people have descriptions of the monad 15 But we're not going to say a person is a monastic Hollis you outside of the religion. They have a lot of characteristics meaning, but it doesn't make a person a full blown bona fide person who's a monastic. Similar to the other gym, I tend lsn a person, he may not be from the group of Energi, he

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may not be a Mooji. From the motor gi he may not be from that group. Those people who say actions have nothing to do with an Amen. I don't pray, I don't wear hijab. I eat pork. I do everything that's haram. But I believe as long as I say La Ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah, I'm going to go to Jana, and I'm not going to do any of these any actions. The person who says that he may not be from the Moto G. But that understanding of his is from the understanding of an era jet, the lady

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who doesn't wear hijab, and she says, I say Latin Ilaha illa Allah, the One who doesn't pray, especially prayer with our ummah. There are many people who don't pray from this ummah, the Moto Jia will have the opinion. You don't have to pray just say La Ilaha illa Allah and your Eman is like the Eman of Jabril and Mackay eel. So the water Allah He was phenomenal it and that's how it is with the Jamaat you may not be a Sufi, you may not be a Sufi, like, um with the Tomita T journey if you're

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not with those guys, and Boronia you're not with them, and not a knock ship and do you're not with them. But you're one of those people who you go overboard with your ship.

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You may raise your chef above the level of the Prophet even salah what he was selling him because Al Mustafa SallAllahu was telling me tell you to do this. But that's not what your chef says. It's not what your chef does. So you say my chef doesn't do it. You have a characteristic of the Sufi and on and on and on. You may not be from the Shiite

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from the rafidah you may not be from them.

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But you may be a person like some of our brothers, who are

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are from Pakistan in that area. Because in that area,

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there is some Shiite ism there to show you. So some people have in their heart, some type of animosity and some type of enmity towards our area. Because that creeped into that area because of the shader that's there. Why we even Abby Soufiane, Robbie Allah and you may not be a shy from the rafidah. But if you hate any companion, or any one of them, any one of them, you have a characteristic of the rafidah Although you may not be from Iran and Iraq. So the point here is, we

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see a lot of people who have characteristics from the village in our community, and they don't even realize it. And the cooperatives are a scourge on our community. And this is why we say to these young brothers here that we have to be careful learn your religion, learn your religion, and as you're going to see because when I'm going to deal with inshallah today, in the footsteps of the karate, which I'm not going to go through who the karate are and what they say and what they do and

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what they did, and their history, because we've done that 27 times. I know someone anytime he wants to show something is exaggerated, he gives gives it the numbers 27. I've talked about the karate 1000 times, you can go back and find the details of the history of the colada and the books that have been written against the Hawaiian which I'm not going to do that here today. What we're going to do here today is I'm going to share with you Inshallah, to the best of my ability, if Nila.

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An issue that transpired with one of the greatest are an AMA from the tabby are in

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from the setup of this ummah, from the second generation of Muslims, who learned directly from the companions or dwama Allah He led him at Jemaine

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he's a person who not

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many of us know his name. Students some knowledge know his name, because he figures prominently when we talk about knowledge and element of Hadith and the Israel, the narrations of the Israeli yet those narrations that come in Hadith that came from animal keytab. This man was one of the two people who was prolific and spreading that type of knowledge, not all of it was authentic. And as a result of that, you have to know about him along with another scholar from the tagging. His name is

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why has it been a day?

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Why a bin will never be. He's one of the first people who wrote a book of Hadith when he wrote the Sahaba of the companions, Abu Huraira Robbie Allah and a book, small book that he took it from Abu Dhabi and he wrote it down.

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And he was born in the year 34, after the Hadron, that was doing the heat off of the Ameerul Momineen or Ceman, even a fan vino rain, that companion that marry two of the daughters of the prophets, Allah Allahu Allah, he was sending them that companion who was the third best person of this ummah, after Abu Bakar Ummah and then Earth man as released to the Companions, that companion who the melodica of Allah used to be shy of him because of his high level of Al Eman and Imam Wahab

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a bit money baby was born in the year 34. When

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Earth man was the Khalifa. He grew up and he was from a lemon from the place called Santa. tremendous, tremendous companion can tremendous as he grew up and he got older and he became a scholar. He became a judge in Santa doing the key lap of Mr. Eben Abdulaziz, who many of the scholars considered to be the fifth khalifa to Russia after I'd even be taller, and Imam Ahmed Abdullah bin Mubarak that was their position and an opinion that the hola Rashi don't Abu Bakr Maris

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man Ali and Mr. bin Abdulaziz, although Malawi is better than remapping up disease and so on and so on. Rather the Allah on whom Rahmatullahi I knew him and you made this man. Why have it been a bit he took from the companions, and he took from six of the companions, who narrated the majority of the Hadith. There are eight he took from six of them. He took knowledge from Ansible nomadic he took knowledge from Jack

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periban Abdullah he, he took knowledge from Abdullah ibn our bass knowledge from Abdullah Ibn urmul.

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He took knowledge from Abu Saeed Al Hadi Radi Allahu Anhu. He might if he didn't have any other teacher

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that's nitroglycerin right dear

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Imam what have been Munna be Allahu Allah ma don't want to exaggerate that there is a scene that we have in America. And I'll share it with you to give you an idea of how much knowledge this man had, because he learned from those companions.

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The knowledge, the knowledge, that he forgot the knowledge that he forgot, was more than the knowledge all of us possess, collectively,

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the knowledge that he forgot more than the knowledge that we possess, collectively, because our knowledge is superior. Our knowledge is surface knowledge. Everybody who teaches in this masjid, they come nowhere near nowhere near the tabby mean, and the Attabad, the followers of the tambourine, and those four Imams of them obey Him. And those rhythm of the quarter of a sitter. We don't appreciate, unfortunately, the level of knowledge that those people had back then, because

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we're living close to your mukaiyama. And as a result of that, knowledge is scarce. And the people don't even know that knowledge is scarce.

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That little kid during that time, eight, seven, half of the Quran, and if he wasn't half of the Quran, that people looked at his father, like something's wrong with you, man, what was what are you doing? Are you a slave or something that just you're sending memorize the Quran. Now, during this time, if given a choice the Muslim has, I'm going to let my son go and study in Medina, or somewhere or go to Birmingham University to get a degree in a secular science, which is not nothing was wrong

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with that, we're going to send him to get the secular degree. I have four or five sons, the one who's really smart and intelligent, I send him to be a doctor. And the one who is not that smart, not that intelligent. I sent him to go study in Islam, when it should be the other way around. The one who's intelligent should go and learn the religion so that he can help this ummah with these problems that we have. So imagine worship even whenever

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there is a person that you should know. There is a person that you should know tremendous person from the tabbing, an Imam, Abu Surah Al Imam and Nyssa II. They said he was a man who was thicker, and not reading of Hadith. His a hadith are incited Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. So what happened? I'm going to share with you this incident that the great scholar of Al Hadith, one of the 10 people that was described as being a mere meaning in hottie there were only 10 That's all because it was from

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the male Imam and it was from them and Imam Malik was from them, Abdullah Abdullah Mubarak was from them. But the one we want to talk about today, the one we want to talk about today is Imam Ali and Medina in the companion of an Imam Muhammad Ali Al Medina, they were always together always. And sometimes in knowledge, they had the laugh. One would say this man is okay. And the other one says not okay. And they didn't hate each other. When they had that the life. They were civilized and

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sensible. Nonetheless, Al Imam Ali and Medina, Nerys for us this story. And he said who his Sheikh was, he shot him an ace. And the reason why he gave a chain of narration is because some things happen in the story that are kind of not weird, but they don't happen like this every day. But again, if we have a chain of narration and the narrative is are all acceptable, then in our religion, we accept that issue. Someone we know, we consider him to be truthful. He comes in he

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tells us right now, he just comes into the messaging. He said, Hey guys, right outside at Morrisons, there's a Pepsi truck that tipped over and the soul is spilling all over the place. We're not gonna say you lie in

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we're gonna believe what he said. Because to us, we know him to be truthful. These people back then while another level. So Imam Ali Medina, he brings his chain of narration. I'm gonna do my best in sha Allah and trying to read this to you because you

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I printed it off of the internet without reading the translation, because I was rushing to get here to Birmingham. But when I was coming to Birmingham and I started reading the English, I said this has been translated by someone who his original tongue is English. And he probably used the hands were dictionary to translate because it's not translated in a fluid way. It's not translated in a way that's even easy sometimes to understand. So I'll do my best and I hope that we Inshallah, as we

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gel, we'll get the point.

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This is an incident that happened with a man during the time of Eman Wahab, even Munna Bay, who was following in the footsteps of the Hawaii bridge. And he was an older man, he was an older man. And he was extremely rich, extremely rich, he had a lot of dope, a lot of chatter.

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So let us give the story. And Imam Ali and Medini Rahmatullahi Tiana la he said that he shall I'm able to use have told him

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that Abdul Rahman who was the judge of Santa he said that the Wu Debian will face remember that name. The old the old even as the old is the one who's telling the story of what happened with what up it didn't win a big download.

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This man that won't be able to pace he said I had a friend in the city of ko lang from the neighborhood in the area called her door. And it's Cooney was Abu Schommer Vocalion.

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This man the all said I left him in the place called Santa where an imam Why have you been wounded be it's from he said I left that place and what even when that bit is in son, I left it to go visit my friend Abu Shermer

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and I headed towards his village. And as I was approaching his village, I found a letter that was sealed and it was closed. When I picked up the letter, it was addressed to Abu Schermer V Holon the man who he was going to visit. So obviously Evidently, the letter had been dropped, and the one who was going to visit him found the letter. And that's why the translation or the transmission, the snad of this is important. And the Imam Ali Medina is saying, I was told by my chef, who is an

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acceptable narrator, who was told by his chef, who was an acceptable narrator, who was told by delude, who's an acceptable narrator. So the chicken narration is authentic, is not the Hadith of the Prophet anyway, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But my point is, we don't see the thought of Al Islam of the people of Hadith lion. So this man, he went to visit his friend in this place, and he found a letter that someone wrote to him. So the man said, When I arrived to this man, my friend,

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when I arrived there, I discovered him in a state in which he was frantically sad, extremely sad. I asked him, Why have you in that state, he said, someone came to me before you from Santa, where you just came from someone came to me. And he mentioned that some friends of mine, hello outage, some friends of mine, they wrote me a letter. But the guy who was bringing the letter to me to where I am, he lost the letter. And now I'm in the state because he lost a letter.

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So what I did was I sent a number of My servants because the man was written. I sent them back to Santa to look for the letter to search for it vigorously between the village where I'm coming from, and Santa, so they went out looking for this, but they didn't find it. So I become sorry, as a result of that. I'm in trouble.

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Though said,

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I have been. I found the letter. I found it. The man was shocked, surprised. He said, All praise are due to Allah Who facilitated that you will find the letter. So he said opening opening.

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The man open the letter that will said read the letter to me. I want to hear what the letter has to say.

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So he opened up the letter and he read it very quickly to himself and then he said to the man you said the doll. Doll so what is it what is it? He said Double L R now this letter is talking about him.

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In the next slice in the next thing, chopping them off, that's what it's about. So they're all due to his experience he said to the man, perhaps the letter was written to you by some of the Hurrah and they talking to you about you as a cat. The Hora is another name of the Hawaii cottage. It is a place where a group of people were upon the karate minhang Watch. Our mother, our issue of the Alana was in Medina and a lady who lived in this place came to visit our Isha. To learn from my Isha, I

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should tell that lady listen as women, if it's that time of the month, and we have our period, a Cramo Kamala, we abandon the salon and we abandon the fast but when we become pure again, we make up the days of fasten that we missed, and we don't make up the prayer when the lady heard that from that place, and she was affected by the melodic the horror aura the lady said but woman mummy mean is it's a lot more important in Islam then fasting? She say yes, she said then why is it that we

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make up the fast and we don't make up the salah. If Salah is more important, why do we make it fast enough to slow I should be angry. She said to her a hurdle RIA to NT

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Are you from the coverage?

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Are you from the salon adage? And the reason why she said that? Are you from the Hawaii adage is Allah and the Prophet sallallahu it was selling them will tell the Muslim to do this. And the Hawaii marriage, they say no, we're going to do the other thing for an example. The mini Hadith in Sahih, Muslim, meaning not one, not two, not three, many Hadith in Sahih Muslim, they prohibit the Muslim from revolting against the leader. And those Hadith said, even if he hits you, even if he takes your

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money, even if he raises other people above you who don't deserve,

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don't make Cluj. And the people are affected with this collage mentality when you bring these Hadith to him, but the Prophet said this and the Prophet said that they find every excuse in every reason to say but but but while I can.

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So they may irritate all when Allah and His messenger say something, a person poses it. That's one of the characteristics of the Hawaii marriage. Prophet Muhammad Allah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam gave the rights of the leader to the leader. Even if he doesn't give you You're right. That's not because Allah loves a boon, or the Prophet loves goon Hashanah, Allah is because if you make Cluj against the leader, the fitna of him stealing the money, the fitna of Him, being unjust, the fitting

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of him, not being the best Muslim is going to fail pale in comparison to the fitna that's going to come as a result of you making kotoge.

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I find it disturbing and amazing. That as Muslims, we act like we're living in some vacuum with our lives.

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This boy right here, he grew up knowing the problems of Iraq, the problems of Syria, he grew up knowing that our little kids grew up knowing the situation with Libya. This is not some bubble that we're reading something from a story a long time ago, when Qaddafi was here, and covered, he was a criminal. Saddam was a criminal. But when they were there, and they were in charge of the Muslim country with all of the oven, and craziness and a centric approach to life with all of what they

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had. Life was better than what the Muslims are dealing with right now.

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It's disturbing that I can sit here in momos and bow bowls and bedrooms and murders and I sit there eating a plate me and my six us hob we're sitting there. We have pork chops, lamb chops, no pork chops, we have lamb chops, we have chicken, we have this we had that we have all unlock of food. And we're sitting in intellectually and theoretically talking nonsense. People in Iraq, people in Syria, people in Libya, these people have tasted the adapt that comes as a result of no ruler. So the sun

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refused to say 1000 years

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under the authority of a bad ruler is better than one night. And in a situation where there's no ruler at all, because that bad ruler, people are going to be afraid of him, they're gonna respect him. If I go beyond the speed limit, I'm getting trouble. If I steal something, I'm gonna get in trouble. If I do it, I'm gonna get in trouble. They're gonna respect him. But if that guy is offered the scene,

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every armor backer and ze that wants to do a crime is going to come out, as you're going to see in sha Allah. The Arab say my ashba a labor Bill bury her. How much tonight resembled yesterday. Watch how much ISIS resemble what an email

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said 34 years after the Hijra. Compare what he said 34 years after the Hijrah to ISIS today. Shabaab today, Boko Haram today, Ka ADA today. May Allah forgive us and forgive them, guide us and guide them protect Ellis land

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and that he doesn't make us a fitna for those people who are disbelievers. Allah Colin honey.

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Those that said it must be that this letter came to you from some of the people of the hurrah who are in Santa and they are telling you about yours the cat. He said how do you know this? How do you know these people? How did you know that? Because he was young, no one was much younger, and this man is old and rich. That will set my friend I sit with him and wipe it in Munna Bay. And this Imam and this teacher he tells us

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a few youngsters who are inexperience be aware of the Huria be aware be aware of the collage and do not allow them to submit you to be a devious views for verily, they are a scourge of this ummah.

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The young boy and the young girl from Manchester from Cardiff, from Liverpool, from Birmingham, from London, sneaking off without the knowledge of their parents to go to Syria to fight Iraq to fight. Hey, young people, what is wrong with you? This is what he's told me. So that will tell him this is what the Imam told us. I'm young. I'm an experience and this man that would have knowledge to you look at his if you look at his history and look the learner mindset of him he wasn't like our

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youngsters. He was a young person. But yeah, knowledge. Nonetheless, this is our you know, these Harare at the Hermitage because he was warned. And this is the benefit of knowledge and the benefit of exposing yourselves to knowledge, especially from the lemma. Listen to me, you young people, listen to me.

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I don't want to mention names to make fitna. But I gave a talk on YouTube advising the US horrible sucker for a sack of the companions of the roof. And we advise those people Hey, you guys have to relax. This is not what's going to help you or at slam us our Dawa.

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But young people don't listen. And when you tell them this way that you're thinking in this way that you're talking, who's with you from the scholars? Where did you get that? And all of the understanding comes from their own HD head. And that's one of the characteristics of the karate edge that they have Kibber arrogance, they see what they believe in how they believe as being the right thing and everybody else is off. No, a young person you have to realize and if you want to be on a

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min hedge, that is, that is Kareem and it's right. Musa Kane, Celine, you want to be in the right methodology. You have to have older people with you for you brothers and sisters, young girl, I mean, she's young. I can't even say she's gonna prime of her life. Her life is just beginning. And she has excelled academically graduated, you may go to the University on a free ride a scholarship, because she's one of the number one students in this whole country. But she has heretofore slam.

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Here's for Islam. And we want all of you to have that. We want all of you people to be proud of your religion, you young people. We don't want you to change your name. We don't want you to be second class, apologetic Muslims. We don't want that from you. We want you to tell people my name is Khalifa. So my name. Don't call me modal. And I'm a Muslim. I'm not an apologetic person. We don't want we don't want you to be like that. Not at all. We don't want you this guy.

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Rome, she was like that. But who were her scholars? Who was she learning from? She was learning on her own on the internet, internet warriors on the internet. So her desires, her emotions caused her to go to some subway underground station and stab one of the MPs who actually voted against Iraq being attacked and invaded. But somehow, some way because he was a person who the people know, and he's using the underground, I'm not saying that man is from the Malacca I'm not saying he's from the

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OD of Allah. I'm not saying Allah loves him. I'm not saying he loves Allah and His Messenger, when I'm saying is like that lady that was killed by that racist BNP EDL guy. That lady did a lot for Muslims and lot for minorities and that guy killed her for that reason. There are some people like that, that system stabbed that man and tried to kill him. And Allah knows best. Is she going to regroup and get a life together but she got in trouble as a result of that.

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Where did her knowledge come from? Who was she sitting with? Who was she sitting with? But our youngsters are like that and they are existing in that cocoon. So that is finishing shout Allahu Taala that's all I'm going to do is read the story and make some Thalia cotton. That's it.

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So what happened was, the man said

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he handed the old the letter, and he told you read the letter that will begin to read the letter. Listen to the column that the Kolodziej wrote to this man in Sanaya. He said they said this be louder man Rahim. This is to Abu Shermer, the whole land. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you. We praise Allah for you. I made lightly make we praise Allah for you, the one whom there is nothing worthy of worship except him. And we commend you to have Taqwa we advise you to feel

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Allah and to feel Allah alone and only Allah because he has no partners. Verily the religion of Allah is sensible. And guidance is in this world. It comes from the religion and the deen is a rescue in his success in the hereafter. The religion of Allah is obedience to Allah, and indifference to those who deviate from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the and the Sharia. So with this writing of ours, this letter, if it reaches you, then please

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consider that you give this letter to consideration. This letter is concerning the obligation from the rights that Allahu Taala has put upon you as it relates to you as a cat. This is deserving from that the friendship of Allah and the friendship of Allah's friends, and may the peace of blessings of Allah be upon you. This clan, when you read it, is beautifulness true, if you read it in Arabic, especially this clan is fussy, very eloquent. It's nice. And that's from the characteristics of the

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Hawaii adage. Don't be fooled by the person who can get up on the member and give a hug, but that can inspire you and make you feel good, because that is not necessarily his reality.

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And sometimes because a person speaks well, it's not a proof that the truth is with him. Louis Farrakhan is one of the best speakers that I know in the world today. But whenever he's moving his mouth, he's lying.

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Especially when he's talking about the deen of Allah. But if an African American were to sit and listen to him with sincerity, some people think he's talking about Islam and people come to really slam as a result of the way he articulates himself. So the Prophet says, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a minute and beyond, let's say, some Qalam some speech is a type of magic, because people can mesmerize you. The Prophet describe the Hawaii Salatu was Salam and he said, you're seeing una

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Elpida where you see Hoon and fate Allah, the Hawaii bridge, they say good words, but the actions are terrible. And era with this man, Abu Bakr Ibrahim Al Baghdadi when he became the Khalifa and he put the black turban on and he stood on that long, high member and started talking to the OMA about coming, giving them the bailout. If you listen to his early oration, he's a good orator, a good speaker, but his column is cannon fodder. The Hawaii she's one of their ways they will come to you

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and say Al Islam al Islam, Al Jihad jihad, al Qaeda, selfie Rafa and all kinds of

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stuff, they're killing us. What about our ends the weather, but what about what about and that may be true. But that doesn't mean that you should follow that way in a band band in the way of the setup of this ummah doesn't mean that he said about them SallAllahu it was sending them your polona behind the cold Berea the Kolodziej when the Prophet described them, so Allah who was setting them, he said that they say the best speech of the human beings, like the eye of the Quran, they may take

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fear of the companions, they broke away from the Jamaat of the companions, I'd even be told that they tried to fire them and kill them. They broke away from them. They used to say to it in hokum, Illa, Allah, Allah said that the rule only belongs to Allah.

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That's true. It when he heard that he's not going to reject that ayah and he said to them, Kenny metal, Huck, only do Bihar Barton. You said the truth, the hokum is for Allah. And it's still true, but you are using that if for falsehood. Be careful. And how can you how can I be able to weigh the speech of any person? If we don't have knowledge? I think everybody here with a show of hands. No problem. I'm curious. How many of you have to African Americans have been getting shot in America by

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the popo? You heard the group called black lives matter. Black lives matter? How many of you heard of that? How many of you I read? All right. If I'm a Muslim, if I'm a Muslim, I'm African American, I'm a Muslim. I have no knowledge. How do I know should I take that slogan or leave that slogan? If I have some knowledge of my religion, I'm gonna say none black lives matter. But Muslims lives matter, first and foremost, my

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Muslim lives. And then all lives matter for that matter. The lives of white people, black people, Arab people, men, women, children, old people. So if I had no knowledge, I'll just get behind those people I balsamic and based upon emotions, I carry that flag, whether it's black lives matter whether it's the Hawaii cottage, whether it's Sufism, whether it's whatever, you got to have some basic knowledge, you got to be a person who tries to push off yourself, not knowing. So that was the

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The man said to don't?

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What do you think I should do? He said, if you ask me, I prohibit you from connecting with those Huria I advise you leave those people alone. He said to him, how can I take you advice and leave the advice of those who are older than you? I said, Would you like me to take you to visit I will share what happened on eBay, so that you can hear from him yourself? And he can tell you about them? Exactly. The man said yes. This is a shoe as well that people have

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the old man said

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how can I take your clan and your youngster over the calamity those Hawaii rich because with them are old people you're young. So the man said, I'll take you to my share the deal of what's right and wrong is not the commodity and it's not the possession of any particular group.

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The heart is not the property of the elders or the youngsters or the Arabs or the rich. The heart is the property of Allah and every Muslim wherever it goes wherever he finds the hotkey has to take a look what happened to Al Imam, Al Ben, he went to Kuwait while he was in Kuwait, one of the students X al Danny, should we read Surah Fatiha behind the Imam when he's reading out loud fudge and McGivney shot should we read al Fatiha? He said no. That's his opinion. No, because it's the little

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for that. The young man said but but Ali Muhammad Buhari said you should. Who would you like to say who are you? Well, Benny and Amanda Buhari said you should remember Buhari has a book called juice al Cara helful Eman, a book where he brings all of the delille to say you should read behind the Imam

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so when the imam is reading you should read

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so you say no other Ben Buhari said guess al Benny said to him and Al Imam Ahmed the Sheikh Al Buhari said no.

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And then you can bring another one of Atlas ship and then it is not like that is with the delille where is the deal? And an issue like this particular machine must Allah really behind the Eman this mess Ella? So must Allah that you got to just take your position and keep it going. You may take this position this year, the other position next year, because both positions can convince you here and there. Move the finger don't move the finger. We don't say you are all over the place.

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If you change your position as an imam Shafi, you say we take a position today we change it tomorrow. And the Imam Abu Hanifa said that Rahmatullahi alley here. So it's finally mindset. We went to Santa. And the man came with me. We left early in the morning so as to bring him to make sure we're catch the chef. What happened whenever when we arrived there.

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We found in the presence of the messiness of wipe it in a bed, some people we entered, and we discovered that they were already there. Some people were in his company. So these people asked us before we talked to them, Imam, he asked me though, who is this man with you? Who is he?

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They said, this is Abu Shermer. volcko Lan. He comes from Hodor. I came with him here to see the Imam. He has a special request for Abu Abdullah. Abdullah, what happened when eBay? They said, why don't you tell us what his issue is? Because they're trying to save the share from having to deal with everybody. Maybe we know the answer. Why don't he tell us and we'll deal with it. Those said, Now, it is a request that he wants to consult with the Imam himself about a personal matter. So the

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people got up and they left at that time he went and what even will never be said welcome. What is it that you need? Oh, vous Holon How can I help you? So the man was respectful towards work, even when a bit he had Heba, the scholar some of the Duat I find a joking too much these days. The Dow has become a joke. The Dow has become Hollywood.

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I mean, why don't we come together guys, and everybody give me 50 pounds, 100 pounds, 20 pounds. I become a director and I make a movie, trying to guide the Muslims to Islam.

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Let this little man, he'll play a role he'll play a role. This one is a criminal that was a drug dealer that went when this went down when he's a highway robber. And I write a script where everybody makes tobac the end, and then we all go up to a Jana. And then the people will sit in and watch the movie they say mashallah, Mashallah. That was powerful. It's a joke. This is not knowledge. It's not going to help our community. It's entertainment.

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I come before the community and all I do is joke and we just laugh and we get up and people say, mashallah, that was a wonderful talk. But if you give the people a knowledge base, top knowledge base, real knowledge, we don't want to come we don't want to listen.

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Anyway, the man was respectful towards what happened on eBay. The scholar he was stuttering can speak can articulate himself. So as a result of that, what if I'm gonna be set to

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speak on behalf of your friend? What's the situation? I don't have all the time and say, Oh, David, sit here. What's the situation? So that will begin to talk? He said, Okay, Abdullah, verily, the whole line is from the people of Quran and goodwill, as far as I know. And Allah knows best about that which is hidden is important and when when you praise people, someone you like, say, he's a good brother. I several hookah Daddy, will Allah who has Siebel? I think he's like that and Allah

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knows best.

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The man came to Rama doing his key data.

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And the man walked by Omar, the man say, Yeah, I'm here. Oh, man, we need to see that man over there. What can you say? Yes, you say you should put him and give him a job in your cabinet somewhere? Because that is a good man right there. I might have said not Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem Myrna Did you travel with him? No. Did you do business with him? No. Did you eat with him? No. Did you sleep with him? No. He said then you don't know that man. Maybe you just saw him in the

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masjid making real call and such data. So you say he's a good man. You don't really know that guy. You lend him some money. And then you see how he becomes

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you sit down and go to momos Bobo's breathers, and you sit down with that food that and you see how much he eats.

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Meaning he's going to eat more than everybody and not worry about anybody but himself.

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So when you praise people say well, Allahu Adam, and Allah is his Hasib. It says so I see this man as being from the Quran and goodwill. As far as I know Allah, Allah knows best about his hidden situation. He told me that he has met some people from the hoorah the hoorah, their incident, and they have written him a letter. And in that letter,

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They said to Him, the cat that you pay to the leader of the Muslims,

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the whole land, rich man, with slaves that he sent to go look for the letter, they wrote them and told them, you know, that's the cut you have to give every year.

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When you give it to the Muslim leader, you don't get any reward for it. As far as what is between you and Allah is concerned, you will not get any reward. And that's because those leaders, they do not put that money in its proper place. So give you as a cat to us the karate and we will see to it that it gets where it should go by distributed amongst the meaning Muslims and we will establish the truth with it. That's the Qalam of the Shabbat today in the Hawaiian dish today. That's the kind of

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the Shabbat today the sebab Shabbat but telling us today all have the Hohokam of the Muslims or kuffaar None of them are doing the right thing. Some of these people even saying Mecca, Mecca and Medina, are Darren Cofer. Although the Prophet said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and making Medina Hadron Hadron, there's no mortgage or you're not. That's it. Those two places are the bedrocks of Islam. And they said Mecca and Medina is the place of cover.

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And I think any Muslim, any Muslim, who's been to Mecca and Medina, they will say with all the fitna that's going on in KSA. It's a matter of fitting it in from the top of the government to the bottom of the society. They have problems. They have challenges just like us. I saw a mount or hurt when I may hide your main camera. I saw a Mount Hood written to pack

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we talking about Tupac in Medina, someone went up there and put graffiti on now on

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Easter when summertime in Mecca summertime. And you see some of the Shabaab of Mecca wearing hats that are heavy with heavy hoodies listening to music. Is that all of them? No. They are some Shabaab of that country who are from the ODI, of Allah, some Shabbat from that country who we wish you brothers would be like them. But I'm saying they have issues over here in the UK living in this society. We have some of these brothers and sisters when you see them on the internet. When you see

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them talking. They say all of the leaders are no good. They don't do any good. That's the way of the karate and the reason why and this is really important. When you read those books like Shaka Sundarban enamel Barbra Hardy, or a solo Sunderban Imam. They write in those books from the school of the Sunnah is for you to know that when you pay your car to the leader of the Muslims, you've done your responsibility. And they said that because the Hawaiians were of the opinion during that

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time, you can't give us a cut to the leader.

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You have to give you the cut to the quality, why can't you give it to the leader because the leaders are bad, they're gonna use it, they're gonna gamble with it, they're gonna steal it, even if they stole the money. You paid us a cut and it's off of your neck. So this while Imam Wahab

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is dealing with this issue, because the coladas wrote him, you give us your money, they went on equity and we won't be much longer inshallah.

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He said that, so I felt Oh, I blocked Allah that your speech would be more healing to this man in mind, because he has informed me of how he gives them fruit for every 100 Iraq for his cattle, and how he sees all of his a cat to them with the servants that he has. So the man was given the colada, a lot of money, a lot of help. And now they want him to get this letter to send more money. And Imam Wahab even said to him, yeah, boo, yeah, that Hola, colon a colon? Do you want to be from the hoorah

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in your old age, the age you are right now? Declaring that those who are better than you? I lost, meaning that the Hawaii adage, they're going to say that? I don't know. But they know.

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Do you want to be with those people? You and oh man, how can you fall for the Okey doke like that

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call from amongst you opens up his computer. And then when he goes to his email, he sees the email sir. You have just come into 300 million pounds. All we need from you is to send us some personal information.

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What is your bank account number and what is this and what who means that it says yes yes, I'm gonna make a lot of money.

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I gotta admit, everybody knows is a scam.

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Who will make himself but some people do that even from the Muslim some people do that. And I just want to say to all of you, especially you young people, anything, anything that is easy and free anything you get it like that it's a scam.

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Anytime you hear someone come and tell you, you're gonna make a whole lot of money. And all you have to do is wiggle your finger or something like that. Don't believe it is too good to be true, too good.

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But this is a society that we're living in like that.

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So we asked the man, the Khawaja group of people, the prophet describe them, you said about them, Salah Salem who the Thal, a SNAM sufa, Hull land, they are young in their age, and they are crazy in the way that they understand things. You're not going to find, as I mentioned to you people, you're not going to find a 6570 year old person, you're not going to find him doing these things at the cottage to put a bomb on himself and blow people up. They're not going to do that. Because the 60

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year old man even if he doesn't have a lot of knowledge, he knows that's not right. He doesn't have to have a lot of knowledge to know that that's not right. 1617 2021 25 he's pumped up.

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He's pumped up Hadees he doesn't know. So we ask them. You want to be from the hood Rubio, who read from the courage in your old age. He went on to mention to him What will you say tomorrow to Allah when you meet him and he asked you why you from the Hawaii adage talking about and criticizing those people who are better than you, you know your situation. You don't know anything about their religion. Jews are made you don't know it. And you're talking about the scholars of other slam

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scholars for dollars and they don't know what they're talking about. But you know what you're talking about you and your crew.

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He went on to mention the 20 biotic life he come He who you testified against Allah has attested to the faith of that individual. And he who you have attested to his disbelief. Allah has established his belief. Allah has witnessed the guidance of these people who you've witnessed the deviance. So where do you fall in your opinion? And in your testimonies, when they are contrary to Allah's decree and testimony meaning again, again, there are some people who will come and say, This brother is an

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innovator, and that brother is not an innovator. But he swears what he is saying is true, and he really believes that

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he really believes that and that's how the karate chop your cafe, but he's a Muslim, and he may be a Muslim better than you. He is a scholar, but the karate youngsters he is a caffeine

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they have to relax it when it is the month of Ramadan inshallah coming up soon. Prophet Muhammad told the people somebody was sending them that Gibreel came to him, and he said Rugen unfun. adrak Ramadan when I'm your fellow who may his nose be put in a mud may be put down, the one who Ramadan comes, and it goes, and then he wasn't forgiven. When we hear a hadith like that, we heard it every year. That means that everybody here has to say, those are the words of the prophet who may do

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against you, the one who was the CEO of Benny Adams,

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the head of net, Adam, he may do against you. So it's not a small thing. It's a big thing when your mother, your father, grandmother, grandfather, when they make dua against you. It's a big thing when your neighbor make dua against you. Now, someone you don't know bro rage, they make dua against you, okay? You don't know them. And it's still dangerous. But that's your mother. That's your father. The Muslim has to be like menacing, no joke. My mother, my father said that they no joke.

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How are you going to be your milk Yama standing before Allah, and you will fill in people outside of the religion. You are an innovator. And if the person were to sit with you, you can't articulate why you're just following your desires. So the man will have been when I tried to bring this to the man's attention, he said tells me though Hola, hola. And what would you say and what can I say to you? At that moment, he began to talk. He said to wipe these people. They ordered me not to be

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charitable to anyone who doesn't agree with them, and not to sit to seek the forgiveness of anyone who doesn't agree with them, and is really serious right here. What do you have to say? He said, Well, I'm gonna tell you. Those people wrote me the letter, the cottage, these people who have been dealing with, they command me. I can only give my money to them. And they command me. Anyone who doesn't agree with them. Don't ask forgiveness.

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is for that person.

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They call that his beer,

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his beer.

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If you don't come to our masjid,

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then you are his b and you're not with us. If you don't take our share, and you will his b and you're not with us, and don't ask for forgiveness for anybody else. When what even when I heard that, he found it really strange. He said to the man,

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you are right.

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This is how they are. And this is the phony love that they have, and that they show people. He said, As for the statement about zakat, it has reached me that the Prophet SAW Allah why do you send them once mentioned the story of the lady who came from Yemen where we're at? And the lady she had a kitten. And the kitten died because the lady didn't give the kitten any food? Nor does she leave the kitten to go out to eat from the dirt of the earth of the insects of the earth. So I want to ask you

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this question about this thing about you as a cat that they said, Here is a lady went to the Hellfire because of a kitten. I want to ask you, isn't it a man, a man a man from these people who you don't give the cat to from the community? Isn't the man from our community? He worships Allah alone. He doesn't make any partners with Allah. Don't you think that that person is more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala then just feed in a kitten?

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Now I'm a kitten has life so you should take care of the life. Now it's important don't harm the kitten don't kill a kitten. But what about the man who stands up and he is a man? Why makes dua makes Allah does it.

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You're telling us we can't give zakat to anybody except us. And there are people from our community who are doing all kinds of good things more than you.

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So don't you think that this is better that they're people worshipping? And then he read to him the statement of Allah who Subhana wa Taala in the minute mo company which Allah He learned already do men come visit? Cora in Lana Hoffman Robina. Yeoman are goosal company raw. They are those people from the community who gives the cat they give sadaqa they feed people food, and they tell the people they give the food to we don't want any reward from you. And the people they feed from the

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food, sometimes they prefer they're not even Muslims. So the point here is how can this ayah talk about the people who feed non Muslims as sadaqa and these people to tell him, You can't you cannot, you cannot do this with the regular Muslims. So he gave them that particular item.

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And the actual book when he went through a lot of is I'm not going to go through that it because the point is already made with the iPad he mentioned. He went on to mention, know what Allah sees to distribute and disperse these attributes which he prepared for these people in the bounty in Paradise because I mentioned as many things that they get, he went to say as for the saying of the Karaage don't seek refuge for those who disagree with us. Don't ask Allah fistic far. He said I want

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to ask you Are these colada much better than the melodica?

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He said Don't you know that the melodica Allah will set about the Malacca one Mala Iike to you sub to be handy. We are stuck throne and levena Amman where you're stuck through on a limb and fill out the mullah Iike they worship Allah and they praise Allah. And they ask Allah to forgive those who are in the earth. So the melodica are making dua for everybody. And these people are thinking and telling you you can't make dua for anybody but the people from your group. Are they better than

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Malacca, he brought a lot of iron that also showed that when they Vina as Allah said, we're living in a

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rush woman Hello, who you submit want to be handy while you're stuck through the livina. And then another I mean, he is those those Mala aka that carry Allah's throne, the Hamilton LaRoche and those other Mala Iike, who around the throne, once who carry the AutoShot tremendous. Allah said that they glorify Olam, they praise Allah and they asked Allah to forgive those people who dis those people believe. So how is it that these people can tell you only ask Allah to forgive the ones who are with

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us? But don't ask Allah to forgive the other people? I saw a text message I want to bring to your attention especially that Ramadan is coming inshallah someone brought the population of the Muslims. I don't know how many Muslims there are, but let's say they are

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2.3 billion Muslims in the earth, I don't know what the number is. Whatever the senses say this is how many Muslims, this person said, This is how many Muslims on the face of the earth. And then they brought authentic hadith and authentic hadith Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, any one anyone who makes a stick far, and he asked Allah to forgive the Muslims, he will get a sadaqa and a reward for every single Muslim that exist. So when you make dua in Ramadan or other than Ramadan,

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and you say, Oh Allah, forgive me, forgive my Mother, forgive my family, forgive this. Forgive all of the Muslims. That's 3.2 billion Hasina. That's an intelligent text message that's encouraging you to do, right? Don't be fooled by the scam of the karate chop any group only have love for our group and no love for other Muslims. And we have quite a few people who are on that stuff. We're jumping from here. Cleany, because we're almost done. He said, by law, the Hawaiian edge. They will never a

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Jamaat. They were never united. Like all of them were never united, they were always split up. He said they were never united, except that ALLAH split them into the worst condition, nor has any of them opened his mouth except that ALLAH put him down and smoked his neck. Never has this whole menu 19 and unmanned from the coverage and is important.

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Never in the history of Ellis land, was a person who was the commodity from the cottage, the leader of the whole Muslims, never did that happen. And that's because those things like that they don't happen because they lead to the destruction of a listener. Yes, sometimes the commodities get power over there to get power over here, but they never become responsible for all of the Muslims. Listen to this, an imam. Why have they been there? He said, If Allah had given the Hawaii authority in the

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world, then the world was certainly become corrupted. The roles will become close the pilgrimage to homage with Stein.

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What was once Islam, it will end and Jay Lee and ignorance will begin until the people wind up beseech in the mountain times if the commodities were in charge, that people are going to go to live up in the mountains. And at that time, they will arise 10 or 20 men from amongst them. Each one of those 10 or 20, men will claim that he is an ephah. And each one of them will possess a number of other men who fight with them, and they will begin to fight each other because they don't accept the

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hereafter call of anyone except themselves. So they wind up fighting each other while they're fighting the other Muslims. He went on to mention a believing man from our community will become fearful for himself. He'll become fearful for his religion, fearful for his blood, fearful for his family, fearful for his money, not knowing where he will be or with whom He will be with. And that's the reality what time is the event for South Asia

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and UCLA?

01:03:26 --> 01:03:59

Is that not a 20? What we see from the people who call to this Dawa, of removing the leaders of the Muslims, those people wage war against the leaders of the Muslims. And we're not saying that the leaders of the Muslims are from those who are the best that this Omar has to offer. We say that they are there. And there's a way to deal with them. And the way of the colada is not the way to deal with them, because the way of the colada edge when they start doing things, rolls closed down.

01:04:00 --> 01:04:24

Safety stops existing hajus coming in a few months, you're not going to hatch, you're from Iraq. If you're from Libya, you're not going to hatch and Somalia with the Chabad people get blown up, security starts to get compromised, it affects the quality of the life of the people becomes drama.

01:04:25 --> 01:04:41

If they ever became in control of the situation, we'll just have these examples. You take your finger, as I said a number of times, put it on the Arab map in the Arab world, put it on the Muslim world and look at all of that blood that's been shaped

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the blood that they shed is far worse than the blood of the leaders that they're trying to get rid of. And then when the leaders go after them, the doors open for the non Muslims now to come and get involved and to put our countries and our

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Are our communities overseas especially back 20,000 years, Islam in Europe was spreading like wildfire. Now because of the scourge of tech fear and the Herati mentality, Islam is going back. They want to ban the niqab. And when abandoning

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the prevent the Trojan horse and the Muslim school, we're going to put the girls on this side, the boys on this side, they come in, they find out that this is discrimination, close the school down. We have all kinds of issues. The Imam can get on the member right now and say what is the truth because if he says what the truth is, it's not PC.

01:05:41 --> 01:06:09

The Masjid can get closed down because the masjid is from the Charity Commission Charity Commission. You don't pay taxes, but there's rules and regulations that you have to you have to follow. But if the Imam says something that's really from Islam, really from a snap, he doesn't want to kill anybody. He doesn't want to hurt anybody doesn't want to take the law into his own hands. He just wants to educate the music community and say, homosexuality is not permissible. lesbianism is not

01:06:09 --> 01:06:21

permissible. And the person comes and says, Oh, that's racism. And you know, that's, you cannot curse the Companions can't curse the companions. So the people have to share your come and say That's discrimination, close the masjid now.

01:06:22 --> 01:06:36

So we've given those people due to the efforts of those people of this cottage. And they're not the only problems. We got a lot of people creating problems from the liberal people from the Atlantic, a lot of people but we're talking about the Hawaii outage today.

01:06:38 --> 01:07:06

Just five more minutes in that city. Shala when I'm gonna finish this right here. He went on to say a colony that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada from his wisdom and his knowledge and his mercy, he looked at his ummah, and he made his consideration of it good. So we gathered this ummah together under the hearts of one man who was not from the Hawaii cottage. So Allah injected into that man, the blood of the community and he covered the community with children. It covered the community with that man and

01:07:06 --> 01:07:19

they are children with that man, meaning the leader of the Muslims when he is in charge of the land when he's in charge of the country. They are going to be hospitals that work. People are going to get connected are going to be able to go to school and learn.

01:07:20 --> 01:07:51

I don't know if you people saw in Yemen, where the people from the car EDA went inside of the hospital, and he started shooting the doctors and the nurses shooting me heads off the one bombs in the room where the people would gather together throwing bombs killing the people. Yeah, that lead of the Muslims may not be the best guy you may not be the best practice and Muslim but in Pakistan and your Lahore wherever you are, you can go to the hospital and get some treatment.

01:07:52 --> 01:08:00

Africa you're in Kano, Kaduna, you're my duty so Koto, you can go you can go and get your tooth toe.

01:08:01 --> 01:08:32

But when these people come and they start blowing people up and compromising safety and security and doing what they do, compromising the stability and the safety of the land, that people start living in *, * on earth, * on earth, and we don't really appreciate it because we're not in the middle of it. So when concluded there was a little bit more in concluding I want to say to you go back and read this thing. You can find it on the internet, his name is Juan WHB. Why hip? Even Munna

01:08:32 --> 01:09:04

big, you just put his name on, this is going to come up. Second thing that I want to mention is he started to talk in this thing about when I didn't read, how if the weight of the commodity was the right way, then for sure, Allah would have given them superiority in the earth. He would have given some at some point in time, they would have been superior because Allah has promised the Muslims in the Quran. If you do righteous deeds and you do right you believe in the correct way. Allah will

01:09:04 --> 01:09:38

establish you in the earth, meaning I like that Allah sent His religion the guidance of truth, the proclaiming of every other religion. But everybody is messing up in our community. The Hawara not from the OD Avila if they were from the OD of Allah. Allah will give them a Nasir because he swore he is going to help his prophets as messengers and those who believe with them, but our whole Ummah, our whole Ummah, we are falling short of our responsibilities. And as a result of that, we lost that

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place of supremacy that we used to have that Allah gave to the people before us because they did the right thing. We got away from that now we're suffering with suffering. Now with the commodity we're really these religious people want to establish Islam. Allah doesn't want to help them to establish their religion.

01:09:55 --> 01:09:59

Allah wants Islam to be established with conditions so

01:10:00 --> 01:10:32

Certain people time in place. It's not for every group of people every time in places, if they were really Sufi, whatever your group, really on his land, you would, you will see this from the Hawaiian especially in light of the fact that they carry the weapons against people, Jihad they have the Mujahideen. Well Allah has promised the Mooji Mujahidin, many of the people from our community Salafi Eswatini Sufi days, he ain't trying to make no Jihad real jihad. We are scared Prophet

01:10:32 --> 01:11:00

Muhammad told us about the time in which people are going to love the dunya so forth so on and we love to do and we don't want to fight for our religion. We don't want to do that. Because of the way our life is when we conform here in the UK, welfare this that when you come and you tell them Muslims when example Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam said, and a buddy woman Cooley Muslim, Hugh Jackman Mushrikeen, I'm free from every Muslim that lives with the machine. That Hadith has a meaning before

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you tell the person the mean. And when he hears that hadith, he gets upset. Why? Why are you saying that? You didn't even explain to him that he is talking about the one who can't practice his religion. He thinks it's a blanket statement that you're saying he can't live here. And he's disturbed by that. Why? What are you talking about? I can't get my welfare.

01:11:20 --> 01:11:21

I can't get the dole.

01:11:24 --> 01:11:52

What are you talking about? Life here in Europe, we are like on a pacifier dummy that you give the baby. And that's how it is. And then I'm gonna get up here on the member and me. And I'm gonna say why did Jihad jihad, the who came the who come this, this that. And in my house, I got every kind of haram thing going on in my house with the TV and everything that diametrically opposed to Islam. And I'm receiving the lower hand is taken from non Muslims. And I'm talking about

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jihad, jihad, jihad. And those are the worst types of the karate. Those people sit down and they're theoretic, and they don't do anything. And the man had been hijacked. He said the car ad are the worst ones, the ones who sit down they just have cut out. So for you youngsters in concluding, we implore you to slow down, don't throw your lives away. Get educated, do what you can to help your families to help yourself inshallah moving towards the future, and avoid the kalam physical speech

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that you hear with your ears. Avoid the kalam that you see with your eyes, and stick with the scholars of Islam. And don't stick with the people who way back then what even when a bit, gave them the example. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. I'm not saying the whole karma the only app we're not talking about that. What we're talking about is there's a way to deal with this situation. And it is with knowledge and with the way the province shoulders high. That was SallAllahu wasallam.

01:12:54 --> 01:12:57

Mubarak and in the beginning of it he was homies.

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What time is 10 o'clock? 10 questions

Poisoned Hearts: Following In The Footsteps Of The Khawarij

This talk was given at the Green Lane Masjid on May 6th, 2017.

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