Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – 40 Hadith of ‘Two Words – 05 Hadith 3 – Start from the right

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary ©
The third Hadith statement is the statement of the Prophet sallua, where it is said that sending people to war is a form of war, and sending them to war is a form of war. The Prophet sallua gives an example of a woman who was killed by a cow and recounts her story of being the first to do something and then recount it. The importance of love and respect for one's brother's blood is emphasized, and praying on the right side of the sofa and not just starting over is emphasized. The segment also touches on the struggles of the current generation and the importance of avoiding giving up.
AI: Transcript ©
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when I will be lie him and show Rudy fusina Woman seat. Tiana Nina.

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Mayor de la phenom of the nella woman juvenile Farah hottie Allah

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wa well as Shadow Isla in a long way to learn surely gonna want to shadow Anna Mohammed Abdullah who what else Hello sulla YT he was, it was Sunday,

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come to the third Hadith from the two words of the 40 Hadith of the NABI SallAllahu. It was sending them. First hadith is the tremendous Hadith, an angel hack a line or hop.

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And then last week, the second Hadith was at a HA,

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HA data

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and concerning how to dial tone, not only should we know the importance, as we mentioned, of what you benefit from that hadith, but should know how to push away the shuba hat and the misunderstandings that non Muslims have, sometimes intentionally sometimes unintentionally, as a release of the a hadith of the prophets, Allah while he was sending them.

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Now Muslims when they go to war,

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they put on camouflage uniforms. And that's a form of deception. Everybody does it. So if they're fighting in the snow, they'll wear white, they're in the jungle. They'll wear clothes that caused them to blend in why? Because of that hadith, and how

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war is deception. We come to the third Hadith, which is the statement of the Prophet sallallahu. I mean, sending them an amen. Amen.

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Amen. Amen. Start from the right. Start from the right. Take care of the right take care of the right.

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L. Amen. Al Amon and Amon Phil Amon. Start from the right to take care of the right.

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This hadith has been collected by Imam Bukhari and Muslim

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an amen, amen.

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And a few incidents happened concerning this hadith, Prophet salallahu it he was sending them was sitting, visiting someone, and the owner of the house came and gave him a bowl of milk.

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And to his right May was a Bedouin from the desert and Arabi from the desert. And to his left was someone who was superior, and was none other than Abu Bakr as Siddiq.

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Another narration said it was Khalid bin Walid, the sort of allies with Jelena both of them are more virtuous than the Bedouin, who was to the right of the NABI SallAllahu. It was sent it

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and another narration say that Omar was in front of the prophets of Allah when he was sending them facing Rasul Allah. To his right was a Bedouin to his left was Abu Bakr the Prophet, drink some of the milk, not all of the milk, he drinks some of the milk.

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And after finishing it, a lot of said to him Yato Sula, give it to Abu Bakar give it Abu Bakr

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and the Prophet salallahu Are you sending them said, Amen, we'll fill Amen. Start from the right. We're gonna go to the right. And then he gave it to the Bedouin, and then went around like that.

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There was another incident that's also authentic. And which the Prophet sallallahu it was setting them on another occasion was bought some milk. And to his right was a young man, like some of the young Chabad in the Methodist right now. To his left was Abu Bakr again, showing you how Abu Bakr was always in close proximity to the NABI SallAllahu. It was sending them

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so when the Prophet drink some of the milk, he looked at the little boy, and he made his stick then

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it was the heart of the little boy. So he said, little boy, I asked your permission to allow me to give it to your elder.

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The boys said love online. I will not give anyone superiority over me when it comes to you. If it's a question of giving him my seat, a question of when I'm going to door before me a question of something like that. I'll give a thought I'll choose him over myself. But when it comes

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Come see me drinking first after you. I'm not gonna let anybody surpass me when that's my Huck. So the Prophet gave it to the little boy SallAllahu it was said to them and then he said, an amen. Amen. Start with the Right Start with the right.

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That's it. You have a lot of Fick connected to it. A lot of IDI is something we have to learn. From the benefits of it. It goes to show clearly that the newbie of Islam salah, what he was setting them was an example for us. The teacher, they share the tea, the one who's teaching should be an example shouldn't be the one which is giving condemn, but not living up to living by what he's saying, because that's not what the Prophet was on SallAllahu it was setting up, you're never going to find

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him telling the people to do something, and he's not doing it, you will never find it. He was always the example of what was being commanded what was being prohibited. He was always the first to do it or the first to leave it sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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An example of that is this hadith. So there are many Hadith like his statement sallallahu alayhi wa salam of Xu said,

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well, actually mukarram was soluable lady when NAS Nyan give salam to everybody, you know, and everybody you see, he used to do that. He began to say lambs, to the youngsters, to the women to the individual to the Jamaat, those who know those who didn't know, he said, and feed food. He used to do that Salah while he was setting him, although he didn't have a lot, like in this case. He used to do that. So Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam. Allah mentioned the believes in the Quran, will you three

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more time on a hook be miskeen and where your team and Sierra

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those believers, they have love for food, they love that food. But despite their love for that food, they still give people that food. The Prophet didn't have much subtler law what he was telling them. But here's a case where not only did he not have a lot, but he drinks some and passed it off an example of loving for your brother what you love for yourself. Well law he had he drink all of the milk, that a single person in the audience would have been upset with him, no one would have been

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upset, they would have all been happy. But he wasn't like that SallAllahu it was setting them. So that hadith none of you truly believes to love for your brother what he loves to himself. This is one of those Hadith and that he may he thought he could drink it all. But that's not our deen. The more hands that are in the fool. The more Baraka Don't be a person who's by

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the way of the nubby and cause people to come into a slam is when they saw how generous he was that you said he does not fear being impoverished SallAllahu I didn't he Well, it was setting them. So the hadith is a deal on all of that. And for all of that. It also shows clearly the social justice of Al Islam one of those many a hadith about the social justice of Islam. Way Mala Hilo and the fall team of Binta Muhammad in Syria. Naka, tied to Jada.

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He told us people if Muhammad's daughter Fatima, if she would steal something, I will lie he chop her hand off as well.

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Just because this person is from Benny Masoom or this person is from another tribe of Quraysh. Or this one over here is popular, he said will lie he I'm not going to allow you people to get involved. Someone has to get the head and you think you can get involved and get them off the hook. He gave the tremendous example Wallahi if my daughter Fatima stole something I chop her hand off. When he performed the hygiene. He told the people from this day forward all Riba is haram or Riba

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and the first riba that I'm putting under my foot is the Riba my uncle a bass that's how the Prophet was so low love while he was selling them. So here you have in this hadith bedwin and the bedwin in our religion, we have to understand everybody is not equal will allow for dollar come wala who fuck Bella by the Kumala bad for risk. Allah has given some of us superiority over others and money.

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Everybody is not equal here money called Halia stole Lavina Yala Moon will live in Allah, Allah Moon say Are they equal? Those who know and those who don't know? They're not equal. People who know are not equal to people who don't know anything.

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Allah mentioned in the Quran when they said they could walk into the man face the male is not like the female and I'm equal. They

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not equal. He gets two rams slaughtered for him. She has one, he gets two portions to her one and inheritance they're not equal. So there are many things the one who was was sitting in the fitna is not like the one who is standing, the one who's standing. It's not like the ones walking ones walking. It's not like the one who was running that equal. The prophets and the messengers not equal. Some of them are more virtuous than others. But there's certain aspects that we're all equal.

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No one is more superior than other people in issues like this.

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He said something Allah who it was sending them in muesli, Moon, Tata kapha, who deny or whom, by whom ye don't adamancy wa whom yes RB the Matey him at dinar homes important Hadith. He said that the Muslims, their blood is equal. No one's blood is more important than anyone else's blood, no one sitting here. Our blood is not more important non Eric rich person, no one. The believers, Muslims, all of the blood is equal. And they are like one hand against all the other hands. They're united

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against everyone else. If one of them gave someone a silent, sanctuary protection, then they all have to respect that even if they are the lowest of the community gave sanctuary. So we had this thing in Islam, and the Arabs used to have it where you will give a person protection were in Milan was shakiness, the Jara Kapha gear, who is my column Allah, I made, while you're giving dower to the kuffaar Quraysh. If some of these kofod come to You for protection, they didn't become Muslims, but

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they want you to protect them. He said, protect them, give them the agreement that you protect them, so that they can hear the speech of Allah. So there was one companion on hanieh, tremendous lady from Hani, she's a lady. She gave a man from Quraysh protection. She's a lady. The other men said, we're not listening to you. We're not honoring your protection woman, we're gonna kill that man for everything that he did against us in Jackie Leah. She went to the Prophet and told them what

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happened. I'd also love I gave him my protection, my silence. He said, we protect those who own Jaime protects. So the Muslims, their blood is equal. No one's blood is more important than the next man's blood.

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And the example of that, we're all in a boat right now. And the boat is sinking. We can't throw anybody over the boat, we have to stay in, survive together. Or we have to get in the water and drown together whether the swimming swims, but we can't come up with any ideas and say, well, these are the elders, let's throw them off because they're closer to death than everybody else. Or someone said, Well, these are the kids. They're young. They don't have any tech refer. Let's throw them off

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of the boat. Well, these are the reverse. Let's throw them off the boat first. These are the Afghani no formula works. Everybody's blood is equal everybody.

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So this bedwin He has a right the one who was on the right. Yes, that's how it goes. One of the great tabbing knafeh

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who used to learn from Abdullah ibn Irma. He said that Abdullah bin Amato said about the Prophet sallallahu it was salam Na, and you Kim Raju Aha, who made it he told me he the Sufi was so Lula said it is not permissible for man to come until his brother get up from that seat. And then he sits in that seat.

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So the narrator of Nafion in drage he said I said to Nafion when he told us that he heard Abdullah bin Nirma say that the Prophet sallallaahu Salam prohibited that had been degraded said is that in the Juma mean yomo Juma people come and they tell people to get up. That's what it means. Abdullah bin or might have say no, for Juma was really hard. You can't do that in Joomla you can't do that at the one EMA you can't do that at Da Kikka you can't do that when you come into someone's house and

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everybody's sitting there you come until you get up and let me sit there Wallahi that happens in our community on the day of Joomla that guy is a boxer he's a celebrity soccer player, football player boxer. So with my own eyes, it comes to Joomla two minutes before the event intentionally wanting to be late and then come in and they make the people in the first row get up the people in the first row have a right to say we're not getting up kind of religion is this kind of message it is this so

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you can't make someone get up out of your seat out of his seat that's from the IDI of LS net. So the man came and gave the prophet the Jews so the water sallallahu alayhi wa

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It was salam. And he sallallahu alayhi wa ala it was setting them, gave it to the person next to him to the right. And then he explained at an amen for Amon. It's a clear Delaila 20 of the virtues of the right and lsn is important. The virtues of the right. The right is not like the left hand. The right is not like the left. But we don't have caught off fat like the non Muslims. They say if you are lefty, you're a child of the devil.

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That's what effect some companions were left handed talking about. So we don't believe in stuff like that. If a person is a ginger, then that individual also is a child of the devil because he's ginger. The lady has blonde got blonde hair, she's a Dembo we talking about kind of stereotypes are those that people come up with.

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But in the religion of Islam, the right hand and the right side as virtues. And this is one of those Hadith. He didn't say to the left to the left. He said, start from the right start from the right. From what's been mentioned in our deen is showing the virtues of the right that Allahu Taala has two hands, our right hands, both of them. He doesn't have a left hand. Both of them our right hands Suhana with the island, and minimal Satine I am and I beat him in New York. Ang Amina rock, man,

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we're kilter your day he mean Alladhina ja de Luna, if you hook me Him, be him.

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Those people were faring just when they deal with people. They're faring just with their families. They have more than one wife. They have multiple children. They're faring just with their children who are married to their mother anymore. Whenever they give rulings, the prophets showing us now sallallahu alayhi wa sallam faring just the Bedouin is on the right side. He said anybody who is fairing just the reward of that is your mukaiyama that will be on men bottles made out of light on

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the right side of a rock man Allah and both of his hands are right hands. That means something in our deen from the virtues of the right and Cebu nomadic said about the newbie use on Allahu Allah he was sending them kind of your Gible what to Yemen fish shot me coli FITARA jewelry he will tell now only Rasulullah used to love doing things with his right and all of his affairs. When he combed his hair. He started with his right. So the man goes to the barber shop and the guy is see Hindle he's a

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non Muslim, he may be a Muslim. He says start my hair on the right not the left. The man is a barber. He practices his Hadith. So today's hadith is just not Kedem today's hadith is to encourage you to do these things like the previous Hadith does not get

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an amen, amen the right the right the right. So if he combed his hair, start with the right put his shoe on started with the right put his clothes on his shirt with the right legs with the right everything with the right when it came to that his affairs, ate with the right drink with the right gave with the right took with the right. prohibited people and said don't eat with your left. Don't drink with your left. Don't give with your left don't take with your left hand shaped on does all of

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that you're being like a ship on. You came into the masjid with his right left the Hamama Chroma Kamala with his right. He used to do what was in the right More times than not. So this is one of those Hadith that I add on to that that the right is better. He says sallallahu alayhi wa salam in Allah how will it get to you Soluna Allah, Maryam and so forth, Allah and the angels, they give Sudan's son a lot, and the people pray on the right side of the road.

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So if you want the first row on the left, that's good. But first row on the right is better. Second row on the right is better. Third row on the right is better and on and on and on. Why? Because in the dean, there's tuck the dean to the right. There's virtues for the right and the deen of Allah Allah subhana wa Tada. And there are many many many issues from what we have as well for a moment. Ooh, tiaki taboo be a meanie he for sofa you hi Cebu. He sobbing your Sera. We incredible. Lima

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Surah yomo Kiana the one who was given his book and his right May Allah give us all our books of good deeds in our right hands. The one who's given his book in his right hand. He's going to have an easy he SAP

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you're going

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go to Ghana. And after the ruling and Maha Sabha, he's going to turn to his family, and he's going to be happy. But the one who was given the book behind his back or to his left is going to have problems. He's going to have a lot of problems. All of those are indications of the right. Everybody has won my yellow free lumen Kolon Illa. De he.

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No one has with him except two angels. Were a Cuban it on the right on the left. The one on the right, has virtues. I'm the one on the left. And that the authentic hadith, if the son of Adam does a sin does a good deed, it'd be written down as 10 up to 700. So if he gave one pound, that angel on the right immediately writes it down 10 pounds up to 700.

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If he does a bad deed, the angel on the left prepares to write it down. And the emir, the angel on the right is the emir, because he audism commands him. He says, don't write it down. Don't write it down. Give him a chance. The angel waits for six hours. What are those six hours Allah why them? Are they the 60 minutes that we have six times Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, but he's given six hours to make Toba and stick far. So the point here is the one on the right is the one who says to

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him, Hey, don't do that. Until he's given a chance. And other than that, in the deen of Allah. The swearing of the mean, helpful. Yeah, means so many things, is the right is the right in the deen. But there are going to be things obviously you do what your left hand, like the things that are left for dirtiness. He prohibited us. And he said do not, do not clean yourselves with your right hands. can't clean yourself with the right hand. Because the hand you're gonna be using to shake people's

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hands as he used to shake with his right. Never shoot with his left Sallalahu It was Sunday. As for wedding rings,

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the Prophet used to wear a ring sulla who it was set it up. And as we did in this class in the Shabbat in Medea by the humanitarian Navy, the chapter of wearing rings.

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He worked on his left hand and the pinky finger, anyone on the right hand, we shouldn't be shady down people who were on the left hand and receipt. You're being like the kuffar that can't see that, but it'd be himself walking on his left hand, but because he loved the right, if you want to wear it all the time, on your left finger, your watch all the time on your right wrist, because non Muslims, they don't know why they usually put them on the left hand, vast majority of people put the watch on

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a left hand. So the person who says just as I'm gonna start my head cut on the right, I'm going to put my shoe on the right, I'm going to do all these things with my right brushing my teeth with the water, right and so forth and so on. I'm gonna wear my jewelry on my right hand. But we don't mean should that and those types of issues. Last thing that we want to mention about this particular hadith of Gluttony is is important.

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Even when it comes to the right, don't be shut deed. Don't be shut deed in that because if you look at the Hadith, the host of the house is the one who came with the bowl of milk and he came to the nebi Salah who it was setting them so that means on the right side of the giver.

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Abu Bakr was on one side for him

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on the right, and the bedroom was on one side of the men on the left side. So why didn't the man may Allah be pleased with them? Start with aboubaker and then I will book it gives it to the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa salam. Why didn't that happen? Everybody got the picture. The man is coming, and he gave the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the boat and even gave it to Abu Bakar who was on the left of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So if the Hadith and the command is an Amen, amen,

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this goes to show it won't even importance of us getting fit in the religion and not being too quick to make judgments against people and things, especially the big things. I saw something today for the first time someone put this thing out against Saudi Arabia, and some of the moon cars that are going on in Saudi Arabia. And they were condemning Salafi people for that saying Silence of the Lambs, said if he has everything to do, we have something to do with everything going on in Saudi

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Everything that goes on, I have to speak out against everything that goes on in Saudi Arabia. Bibi telling you for a long time, a long time. Al Islam

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aim is not Saudi Arabia. Selfie is not Saudi Arabia. Selfie is not black, white. It's not belongs to anyone. It's the deen of Allah azza wa jal, the Quran and the Sunnah, the way the Companions understood, but if a person is given to take fear, and Hulu, when should

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they have the wisdom, we're going to make you responsible? And they put some names of two or three of our brothers. No, that's volume. First of all, so the person brings it out from here, a hottie from here, and makes tuck fear of everybody know, they have to get fit, and there's the point, we have to get 50 of those. And those are Hadith don't be so quick to superimpose upon people your interpretation or understanding.

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So, from this hadith, it shows

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that although the Sunnah is to start from the right, if there was a person of virtue in the Mejlis, Sula is better than everyone else, and say you do Benny Adam, when I fuck, I'm the best of Adam's children. He is the heart of the NBN, the rustle. So therefore, you start off with him. And the Mejlis, this is the oldest person in the images. This is your father in the Maginnis. So your father is sitting here, your brothers this way, other brothers that way, or your friends are this way and

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other friends, no man, you start off with your father, showing these people the position of your father, in your eyes and in your heart. And in your house. If it wasn't for loving your father, they wouldn't be in your house in the first place. So you show them that

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someone a virtue, whatever it happens to be. He came from a long distance, and the dollar is for him. The walima the time is for him. He wants to honor him. You say suddenly he goes first. And then once he starts with the finishes, then he starts an Amen, Philemon. Now if someone came in, and they started it off with the person on the right, and you are the father and you're the older one, don't get upset. This is the Sunnah as well. That's the Sunnah as well. You just have to be balanced. And

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I will fix these issues. And not complicated, not difficult. So part of today's lesson is to encourage you pray on the right side of the sofa if you come into the thing, don't start over here. Maybe they're about to go into record. So you're getting that stuff over there. That's from the fifth to catch the record. But if you have time, come over and start the row from over there. Are you going to argue with the people and say, No, you got to start away? No, no. Are you because you

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can start from the right, you can start from the middle you can start from the left. All of that is is why open all of that. Also, today's lesson is to get our children and people around us to do things paying attention to the right. The Muslim is different and distinct. As we've mentioned so many times to ors, we have to know the difference between them. And to Gration we're all for that we're going to integrate your look at this community. We have black, white, Arab, tall, young,

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small, old, rich, poor, everybody asked for assimilation. No, we don't assimilate. We don't come into a host country. And then we melt like sugar mills and tea or something. No assimilation, integration, we bring our deen and we bring the things that we do, how we look how we eat, how we dress, how we worship, all of those issues, all of those issues. So know the difference between assimilation and integration. Islam is not against integration and we're not second class citizens.

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So that's the Hadith for today. And Amen Philemon, I just want to pick out three brothers and you do these three Hadith and shout Liza Joe first brother right here my man the first three Hadith

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I know how cool

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and how doubleheader Good job. The last one

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an Amen Amen

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My brother

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last one right here my man right there go ahead

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he give me example share of how war is deception. How was war deception?

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Job. Camouflage clothes can be an example of how war is

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is deception.

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An example from the Prophet sallallahu? It was salam, how was more deception

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whenever he would go for war, Salah why he was setting them, the war, the direction is out there, he will go this way. And then once he got out of the sight of the eyes of Medina, he would go the other way. Why? Why would he do that? Why would he do that?

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Because of the hypocrites, the hypocrites. War is deception. We have hypocrites in our community, who are at war with us. So you have to be a person who you're nice to people, but you have to keep your cards close to your chest. Don't think I'm saying play cards, playing I didn't say play the figure speech. Keep your cards close to you don't talk to everybody about what your situation is. You at your job, and you are in a probationary period or whatever. They are office politics, and

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people want to stab you in your back. Everybody who smiles they say when the lion shows you his teeth, doesn't mean he's smiling.

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doesn't mean he's smiling. So at your job, you have to be on top of the situation now listen to 20 I'm not trying to paint dunya you know, bad and, and no, I'm just saying you have to you have to be aware. All right. Today is Hadith. Amon Woofle a Amen. Amen. My brother, my brother right there, my brother right there. What is the what is the meaning of an amen? Amen.

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The right the right which means what?

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One of the benefits that we get from this hadith socially, what's the benefit of the Hadith, a social benefit that we had

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all the goodness listen, I get calls quite often about people who are reverts and things like that just the other day brother Abdullah Thompson me alive RotM upon his father who died recently and there was no Janaza prayed over him. So we pray the janazah I get calls from people to say, can you pray the janazah over this will in that when I say no, because it's social hypocrisy. I don't pray janazah over someone who the janazah was prayed over, and we don't make dua on Friday, when people

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come to us and say Make dua because my father is in the hospital my mother's in the hospital because it's social hypocrisy. How's it social hypocrisy Well, we're everybody has something on sick so the purse everyone I opened up the door, I'm gonna make dua then every week people are becoming make dua make dua wig and now the dua after the Juma will become a badass. It will do it every day. Rasul Allah didn't do that every day. So the person who has money the person who's cool with me, the

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person who's my friend for a long time, I do it for him. But the guy who just happened to pray here never saw him before. Today's is First Friday he comes says Make do obviously normally you don't know you.

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We don't know you. You even have some messages. We'll give Sunday write people's names down and sadaqa they put their names on the list. And whenever those sadaqa givers wants something, the admin feels responsible. No, we don't do a Fany body. We make janazah for someone from the community if the relative was not preyed upon,

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but that constant dua DUA and no we shouldn't do that. And similar to it is standing up as well. Um duliban ibuyers, he said and what is collected by Le mamil Bukhari and edible mofro

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Makana I have done a hub Elena min Rasulillah he Salallahu it was sending them what canal hola como la who be Murph the man Cara? Cara hiya te ly Derek. He said no one we love no one more than the Nebby we loved him more than everybody. But when he used to come we will not stand up for him. Because we knew he hated that. So he told the people man, I have been nuts. And yet the method low key I'm in failure to bow What am I gonna do? I'm gonna knock anyone who insists and he loves for

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people to stand up for him. Then let him make his place in the hellfire. There are certain Muslim countries in the Arab world, if you don't stand up, when people come into that room,

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you're gonna have a social problem. You're gonna have a big problem. Now, this is one of those issues where we have to be people with Phil. I remember. I was 2223 24 Young, a new student. I was in Medina and standing up as part of the culture that we used didn't stay

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And because we were allowed Hadith,

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Al Hadith was Salafi is standing up. And when the people will come in, they will look at us. And they would like wandering their mind to the guests to the host.

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We these guys come from, where they come from our dresses different, our colors different. And we're going against the norm. And when we used to do that we used to be used when we were hungry.

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Now, that's not how you have to be in that environment. That's not how you have to be when you're in an environment with people, and you're going against their customs that are going to cause bulk Bella in that giant folder. Yeah, we have to give Dawa to the sun and all of that what you believe and perceive as being true, no doubt about that. But you have to take it easy, especially if it's an issue that has some leniency in it.

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One of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu it was set. It was either side it didn't rabada or side anymore. I may Allah be pleased with both of them. They were both the leaders of the unsolved and o's and rich and the Battle of better one of them got his arm cut off right here. And he was bleeding. They thought he was going to die. And the results on what he was selling wanted him to judge.

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He wanted him to judge against one of the tribe, a group of people who broke the contract.

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And he brought him in when he came, the Prophet told the people SallAllahu it was sending them cool mu L, C, D come once they low, stand up and go to your leader and take them down, get them off of this horse. So when we found some of those scholars who were there, some of the scholars who talked to us told us calm down and said people use this hadith to show you can stand up when the Prophet would come to he would say said to the people stand up to your lead up, get up and stand up and help

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them down. Some of us say me just told me to stand up to help them. Don't lose that.

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Now you got to take it easy. That's the point. That's the point. As long as there's some billionaire to help, we have to be fuqaha inshallah do not people who are just trying to make time for you. Okay, when if you guys have any questions, put your questions forward concerning today's Hadith element from Edmund.

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Last class, Al Harb da tune

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from last week, we mentioned that it was half Muhammad Yunus half he narrated the story and the incident behind at how to die. And we say that he navigated without any chain of narration. So that story is weak. We can't rely on it because it has no authentic chain of narration. But the part in the Hadith and how that that's authentic chains of narration for that is what to watch here. No doubt about that point. In his heart, he was a great Imam and the reservoir in the serum. He was one

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of those Imams who's relied on when it comes to the reservoir the wars of the Nubian his serum, but in Hadith, he is weak. As a narrator he is weak. There's nothing spectacular about that. A man can be any man in his Deen, but we can Hadith and Imam Abu Dhabi wrote had a son. His son's name was Abdullah Abdullah ibn Saudi man had been able to be a son Son, He said my son Abdullah Diouf and Hadith but he's was the man in the Sunnah. He has the book keytab and Musa HIFF the number one most

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important book everything you need to know about the Quran. The most half is self number one book, and that book has knowledge. But his life and hadith is no no problem. Not only is he different Hadith, but Imam Muhammad Yunus hop Don't look at him as being small in knowledge. He used to have some issues with Imam Malik.

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They used to be against each other from both sides. And the principal comes from their fighting. And that principle is when you see contemporaries arguing and fighting and saying bad things about each other. Don't take that stuff personal. Unless they bring delille you can see it's just personal. So this statement that people say he has been refuted for kind of madness. So what who hasn't been refuted? I will book

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It was refuted. We talking about he was refuted, who hasn't been refuted. But that's the new language today. He's been refuted. He's uh, his beat yet chalets from his bubbeleh Well, what does that mean? He's talking about. So we have to really start reevaluating the Cleany a lot of the mess in the nonsense and the confusion that has replaced real knowledge. So the man Muhammad Yunus hop used to be arguing and fighting and Cena Lima Malik was ignorant and this and that. And the

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mathematic was saying, you and your people are fishermen and fishermen don't have any knowledge and they were going back and forth. Hot, hot hot, but both of them are illustrious personalities, and the dean. So he's an E man and the man with the heavy rope. Beautiful words about him. right not to lie Lee in CL alum of a novella. Any more questions? 20

00:40:53 --> 00:41:09

Okay, Heather, was something Allahu wa salam abiotic and then they begin with Allah Allah He was hobby as remain Subhana kala Houma will be indica. Why should one Isla Illa and iStockphoto Kabul to boiling Santa Monica

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