Abdullah Hakim Quick – Untold Stories Of World History 01 Introduction

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the historical context of Islam, including its impact on various cultures and the rapid spread of Islam. It includes notable accounts such as the use of Arabic language and the use of words like Mecca to symbolize the presence of Muslims in the region. The conversation also touches on the historical significance of Islam, including its impact on cultural practices and its impact on global society.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim In the name of Allah who sent them Russell for I praise Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. And I send peace and blessings to all of the profits from the beginning of time, from the Prophet Adam to Noah, to Abraham, to Moses to Jesus, to Mohammed, the seal and finality of prophets and messengers. May almighty God Allah have mercy upon them, and forgive them forever. And I begin in the name of the righteous, with the greetings of the people of paradise. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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The 21st century is an age of great material progress, humanity has been able to develop the ability to move across the planet with great speed.

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We are communicating with each other with enormous amounts of information.

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But with this great technology, there are also great contradictions.

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With the ability to send information from one part of the planet to another. We also are finding great confusions amongst the people. We are finding nations attacking nations, people living in great tension. And one of the main reasons for this is ignorance.

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This series of programs is intended to bring untold stories from World History, gems of wisdom and knowledge, to try to bring about a new understanding, to heal some of the wounds and to help the next generation to live in this world in peace.

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The story begins for me as a young African American, growing up in a very powerful educational system. I questioned my teachers from an early age, I asked them questions concerning the contradictions that I saw within the pictures and the bits of information.

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One of the first questions that I asked from a young age was about the Explorer, Christopher Columbus.

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I was given an image of Christopher Columbus landing on the shores of America.

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he lands with his boats and his Spanish sailors. And he meets people on the show.

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And the caption underneath in the picture says that Christopher Columbus discovered America. My question was to the teacher. How can you discover a place when the people have been living there for over 20,000 years?

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was 1492. Really? The Age of Discovery? Was it the first time that human beings reached the Americas?

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The answer that I got was that yes, Columbus discovered America. And yes, it was in 1492. This I recognize from a young age was a form of cultural imperialism. It was dishonesty that had interpreted itself on a high level of knowledge. But I continued my questions I asked about the African continent, did Africa have great civilizations? The answer was no.

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And I challenged this concept, because when we looked into history, we found great pyramids in Egypt, the Sphinx hieroglyphics philosophy, we look down into the Niger River and we found Timbuktu and generally in great centers of learning. Going further south. We recognize the Great Zimbabwe in South Africa.

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And in looking at the ancient Egyptians, we were taught that the great pyramids were developed, and science was developed 1000s of years before Christ, but the Greeks who were given the glory of beginning knowledge and science, only began this civilization somewhere around 600 BC. What was the real answer to my question?

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I continued on and I asked about the Moore's, and the Saracens that I was seeing in many of the movies, and selaginella up B was shown as a great leader of the Muslims. He was a person who struggled as a warrior, but at the same time, had high noble qualities. And so, when I found his name and others in the Arabic language, constantly appearing in the text, I tried to question more and more concerning what actually was going on in history. Later on,

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I found that there was a need for a type of deconstruction,

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that history had to be taken apart, and then re assembled in such a fashion that people would benefit from what had gone on in the past, in a positive, objective way. Concerning Islam and the Muslims, when we look at the original sources, we find that Islam is a way of life that is shared by people throughout this planet, and that according to the teachings of Islam, prophets came to every nation and every tribe,

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in the text of the core and the book of Scripture of the Muslims in a chapter called certain nahal the chapter of the B in verse 36 it says to us in the Arabic language are ooh Billahi min ash shaytani regime, while up at bath nafi cuddly omoton Rasulullah and air Budo la watch 20 but tar Hoot for men whom and Heather law woman whom and Hakata la de la la for Cebu fell out of the front guru k for kana Aki battle mocha dB. Almighty Allah reveals to us and certainly we sent to every nation, a messenger, saying, worship Allah, and avoid false deities of the people were some whom Allah guided, and of them were those upon whom error was decreed, so traveled to the earth, and see

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what was the end of those who denied the truth.

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In this verse, we see a text that gives us an understanding shared by Muslims all over the planet, that prophets came to Asia, to Africa, to Europe, and the Americas. And we learned from the original sources of Islam, that what was common in the early peoples of the planet, was the concept of tawheed. The concept of unity and the oneness of God. in Mandarin Chinese, the people express this tawheed by saying Shang T, the Creator of the heavens in the earth. Akhenaten of ancient Egypt, taught the belief in one God. Many say that he was teaching about the power behind the sun, and he created a revolution in ancient Egypt, in Africa, all throughout the African continent, the concept

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of the great cosmic spirit was shared by every nation in Burundi.

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The people of Burundi in speaking about God, say Amana,

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when they speak about the attributes of God, they say Besides, he alone is worthy of worship. They also say hubby mana, only he truly exists.

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How bonamana only he does, as He wills the a can of West Africa. No God, as he who knows or sees all things. The Yoruba of West Africa say only God is wise. The Congo of Central Africa say he is made by no other and no one beyond him is

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In southern Africa, we find the Zulu Nation who refer to the creator as womb Dolly.

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The poster people of Southern Africa say Kalamata, and they add

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katai on Dolly, and it becomes Kamata.

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katai, which means in Arabic, Allahu Akbar, God is the greatest and over everything, the SU two people in the south, say, Rama Sadie, which means he from whom comes light. In the Americans, there are strong references about the Cherokee Nation,

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a strong nation of people who had large cities with over 100,000 people. And they were known for their strong belief in the Great Spirit.

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information has come to us that from the texts or the oral traditions of the elders, when the Cherokees would begin their prayers, they would say, Yala. And so we find in the Aboriginal people in Australia, in South America, in Europe, and throughout the world, the concept of tawheed, the concept of the Great Spirit is found everywhere.

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So when the last prophet Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon him appeared, he did not bring a new religion, but he brought out of the people, what already existed in them, and that is tawheed. He was the seal of the prophets, the finality of the messengers, and it is reported during his last major sermon. In alpha,

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he brought to the people a strong message of the oneness of God.

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He also spoke to them and brought them the understanding that there should be no more economic oppression, and that usury and interest is cancelled. He confirmed the rights of women.

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He broke down the roots of racism.

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And he established

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the Quran and the Sunnah, his way and his tradition as the keys to success.

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He sent His followers in all directions. And it is reported that most of the Sahaba radi Allahu anhu magma in died outside of Arabia.

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When we look at history,

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we find that no other religion,

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no other ideology, no conquering General, no people spread so rapidly. And so far.

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Within 100 years, Islam had reached the Atlantic Ocean, on the west, and China and the Pacific in the east.

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The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him,

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brought a message that was so clear, and was so simple to the people, that they were able to grasp this oneness, they were able to relate to the prophets and messengers, who had come from the beginning of time. And so Islam spread rapidly. And people of all colors of all nationalities embrace this religion. From the sixth century, people of all classes, the rich and the poor, male and female, came into this faith in large numbers. And Islam established itself, not only in Arabia, in Arabia, but it established itself in Asia, in Africa, in Europe, and we also have proof that it was even in the Americas.

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Let's take a break for a few moments. And we'll come back to continue our discussion.

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Can you tell us the significance of this event, the washing of al Qaeda in Islam is a great privilege to any Muslim to take part in such a ritual.

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Honoring the sacred shrine of Islam was a custom before the Prophet sallallahu it was

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The Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him was the last of a long series of messages. He received the message in the Arabian Peninsula in Arabic, but yet it was intended for the people throughout the planet. In one of his authentic traditions, he has reported to have said in aloha Zoli, a lot for itu masataka hamaca de baja, we're in the middle komati Sabine Surya bluma, Zhu Li minha. The Prophet peace be upon him said Verily Allah showed me the expanses of the earth. I saw the east and the west. And he informed me that the possessions of my nation would reach as far as I saw.

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And so the Muslims left the Arabian Peninsula and continued to travel deep into the east, and deep into the West. They went into the North, and deep down into the South.

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Islam spread so rapidly within 100 years, that historians up until today are baffled at how human beings could carry a message to so many different climates, and to so many different nations. But if we look at the divine

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purpose, if we look at the essence of what was really happening, the factors behind this we can see how it is very logical that Islam could have spread. Number one, in the concept of tawheed, that the Muslims were carrying, the focus was always upon unity. The focus was was upon inclusion.

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And when tawheed is being used, it refers not only to the oneness of God, but also the oneness of humanity, that we are all from one human family.

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tawheed also includes the Oneness or the unity of knowledge. And the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was reported to have said

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al hikma dollar,

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I in Mr. Vegeta, for who are hakuba

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the Prophet peace be upon him said knowledge is the last property of the believer. anywhere he finds it, he is the most deserving of it. And so with this, Muslims benefited from the knowledge of the anxious Egyptians, of the ancient Assyrians, the ancient Indians and the ancient Chinese, the ancient Europeans, they brought together knowledge from all over the planet Earth.

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Another issue of importance is the very nature of the language they were speaking and the language of the final revelation. The Arabic language is a language that is structured in such a way that it has an enormous vocabulary. And when we speak about many basic concepts, there are many ways to express yourself.

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Arabic also gives the speaker the ability to use the throat, the palate, all parts of the mouth. So when the Arabs left the Arabian Peninsula, they were able to learn languages rapidly because the whole of their mouth and their throats and every part of this speaking organ was usable.

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Another issue that affects the rapid spread of Islam is the Arabian horse. The Arabian steed is the fastest horse in the world. Not only was it a fast horse, but also it is a high spirited horse. And so this horse was able to travel long distances and able to face tremendous and it gave the the the Muslims the ability to travel long distances in a short period of time.

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Another important animal was the camel with the camel, Muslims were able to cross vast deserts and able to reach lands that were almost impossible to reach in the past. Along with this, the Arabs had mastered the seas. And historians report that Muslims had reached Japan long before the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

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It is reported by historians that one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

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By Eben afia rhodiola one reads the Atlantic Ocean and when we reach the ocean he looked across and he said, If I knew there was land across you, I would take this message. He also went south, and he reached Lake Chad. The Muslims went down into the East African coast. They found the base of operations called Makkah, the Shah. It was the base of the Persian Emperor. And so they called it Mogadishu.

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They came into in a set of islands, where the moon was very bright and so they call them Judah and karma, the islands of the moon and now we know Jerusalem karma as Komodo Komodo islands. Moosa, even bank, developed a colony on the East African coast. And so Musa Eben Baig becomes Mozambique,

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Yusuf Ali, develops a colony and Yusuf Ali become so Falah. The Arabs went into the Indian Ocean, and using the Dow, they were moving their boats with what they call Hubble. And Hubble today is the cable. They use the astrolabes and when they came into the Indian Ocean, they found a season of rains, a most of them have great rains, so most of them becomes monsoons. They wrote

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books of information, travel guides to help people in the seas and they call the almanac. Today, we call it almanacs. They continued on an Arabic began to spread and influence people so much, that by the year 1930, Walt Taylor recorded approximately 1000 words in the English language of Arabic origin. This was in his book Arabic words in English.

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Muslims made a profound impact on the world for over 1000 years between the seventh and the 17th century.

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One of the strangest reports is a book describing the earth describing different continents. It was written in the year 820 ad.

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The author of this text was Mohammed Ibn Musa

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al Hawa is me.

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He set up a series of maps. One of the maps contain the Indian Ocean. And another surprisingly enough, contained the Pacific Ocean.

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The Arabic writing on the top reads as follows. It says This map shows a large area of land surrounded by dark stormy seas. You don't know it's beginning from its end.

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alcohol is me was writing about Australia.

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And this is the oldest map of Australia in existence.

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It is now in this Strasburg library in Europe

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and by the 10th century, another famous mapmaker. Abu is hoc and fallacy, Alister Hardy. In the year 934, had drawn a map showing not only the details of the north coast of Australia, but he also showed details of Japan, between Kobe and Tokyo.

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To add to this, even the anxious Aboriginal people of Australia recorded the journeys of early Arab merchants. And we find writings drawn by Aboriginal people in Australia that showed to mastered Arab dows in caves on the stand the island in Princess Charlotte Bay. This is in the northern Northern Queensland, in Australia.

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And so Muslims were able to travel to many parts of the planet.

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information has even come to the surface that Muslims traveled across the Pacific Ocean.

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And they were able to reach islands, a set of islands where there was a lot of wind.

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And so according to the findings of a Harvard University professor, they called these islands Joseph el Hawa. It was the island of a lot of wind. And so just how our becomes how

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they find pearls in one of the islands.

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And in Arabic the word for pearl is low,

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in some pronunciations Lulu, and so on the map it points that it says horna. Lulu.

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Today we say Honolulu.

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It is shocking to find in ancient maps, so many Arabic words. Even in the United States, we find the word Mecca and Medina, used over and over again. On one journey, we descended into the southern part of California. And we found a city called Mecca, California. And it had beautiful date palm trees, and it had some relics and some evidence of the presence of Muslims and Arabic speaking people.

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But the people were gone, and the relics and the name remained similarly refined. Along the coastlines in Central America, we find Arabic names, we find the presence of Muslims coming from West Africa.

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When we travel into Brazil, we find the presence of Muslims, we find words like receive, meaning a coast or a sidewalk, being used in Brazil in Arabic names. We find even in the Caribbean region, a group of people who related to themselves as being Arabic speaking people, who came from the coast of West Africa.

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And so in many parts of the world, we find the presence of Muslims and Arabic speaking people.

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This is a shock for many history historians, because people are still caught up with the fact or with what appeared to be the fact that Christopher Columbus discovered America. Our reality is something very different. Christopher Columbus bumped into America, on his way to India, and it is reported in his memoirs that he intended to meet the great Han of India. His navigator Rodrigo de Triana, could speak the Arabic language, he expected to meet the great Han. And he bumped into a set of islands and his son eventually went on to the coastline, and went on to the mainland. And what happened after that was a genocide. We would like to look at history, not only from the point of

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view of Europe, but from the point of view of all of the peoples of this planet. These are some of the untold stories from World History. These are some of the gems of wisdom that we pray, will bring about a world of peace and understanding. I leave you in peace. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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