Abdullah Hakim Quick – The story of Nusaybah Bint Ka’ab (رضی اللہ عنھا)

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the rise of socialism and the loss of women in the 80s and 90s leading to "oppressed women" movement. The "oppressed women" movement has caused a negative influence on women, but it is unclear how it will affect the future of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him, and his peace upon the Islamist movement and use of women in public affairs have also contributed to the loss of the Islam system in Oman. The woman in the video was revealed to be a woman who was protecting her family and her reputation.
AI: Transcript ©
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It can be in Sharla

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam Allah says on what he will have had in the Vienna Mohammedan rather early he was happy with

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my beloved brothers and sisters. I begin with the greeting words of the righteous. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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100. Allah is another opportunity for us to come together to reflect upon the illumination, the light, coming from the companions of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

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And this light is not a light of a fluorescent bulb. But it is the light of hidayah. It is a light of a man guidance, belief taqwa. This light showed itself through the prophet Muhammad so seldom, and also through the first gen generation. And Allah subhanaw taala blessed us to have individuals of different walks of life, to be amongst the companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.

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Through their lives, we are able to confront different issues that face the Muslim owner.

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One of the big issues that I found as I traveled through the Muslim world, was not only the fact that shark was prevalent, and I was traveling there a long time ago, back in the 80s 70s, and 80s. I traveled in the Muslim world and I found that there was a lot of shirk. People were worshipping graves, they were worshipping stones, they were afraid of the doctor afraid of the gym.

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And also I found corruption. There was a lot of bribery that was going on, a lot of unfair dealings, and oppression. And these are three great obstacles in the progress of any community. But one of the issues that I noticed that I was surprised to actually find was the fact of the oppression of women.

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And that was a surprise to me, because when I read, the story of the prophet SAW Solomon, recognized the position that Islam took with women, I recognize that Islam was liberation for women. And I recognized that

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the basis of the Quranic revelation is empowerment. So that many different groups in our community are empowered. And women are one of the important groups. And I used to go from place to place and one of the things I would look for is to see whether the women had a decent place in the masjid to pray,

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how they were involved in the community, and this would sort of tell me, what level that community is on.

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And I studied this historically. And I recognized that in the 20th century,

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that the Muslim Ummah, was faced with serious catastrophes,

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the leadership had fallen apart, the kings and central committees have become oppressive. And so in order to liberate themselves from this oppression, Muslims turn to socialism.

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So in other words, the great systems in the world were capitalism, private property, the kings and the servants. And then the new system coming to the light was socialism. That is where the means of production are shared, everything is shared. And to many Muslims who wanted to reorganize this society, this appeared to be a very interesting, viable way to bring about change. And so they became what is known as Muslim socialists. Now, the problem with that was that socialism has baggage. When you are socialism, when you are a socialist, you are steered away from the belief in God, socialists look down upon religion and some of the Marxist Leninist even called religion, the

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opium of the people.

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In other words, the more religious you are, is, the more

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high you are like you're smoking opium, and you're a useless person.

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Islam, of course, is the opposite of that.

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But this was what

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socialism taught. And it was a contradiction for the Muslims who are organizing their societies and so they started to turn against socialism. And especially this was happening in the 70s When they reached when the revolutions had taken over and the socialists have taken

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Going over. And so within the 70s and 80s, whenever there was an election, in a Muslim country, it wasn't the socialists who would win. It wasn't the capitalist monarchist. It was Islamic parties. Because people recognize that they had to go back to the adeem. In order to gain the real just solutions, similarly, women found themselves or pressed in the 20th century. And I believe that part of this was the result of the colonial system, where the colonial masters squash the community, especially the men, took away their manhood took away their authority. And so they took it out on the women.

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And for whatever the reason was women, Muslim women in the 20th century, needed to be liberated, and to a certain extent, up until today still need to be liberated. And so at the same time, there were great feminist movements that were developing in the West, women were, were fighting for the right to vote, the right to own private property, the right to be respected, which we take for granted in the West now, but in the 20th century, early 20th century, it didn't exist for women, sort of feminist factors.

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And when the Muslim women saw this, they said, maybe we can use this system in order to gain our liberation. But the problem was when they became Muslim feminists, feminism has baggage, because the feminists are breaking up families in their extreme, and many of them are really angry with men, and it doesn't repair the family, which is the basic unit within the Islamic family. And so, in the 80s, and 90s, you started to see Muslim women putting on her job, especially in the universities. And that was a strange thing, because you would expect that they would be taking it off, because they recognize that feminism was not going to give them their answer. They recognize that they had to go

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back to their religion. But the question is,

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how can we extract this from the religion?

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Because there are those who claim to be religious, who are still oppressing women.

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That is the question. And this is where illumination comes in. This is where the light coming to the examples of that first generation time of the Prophet Muhammad. So seldom, these examples have remained. The problem is, is that people didn't have access to the light. So tonight, we want to shine some of the light on the situation of Muslims, Muslim women.

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In the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW some

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one of the woman the woman, the woman we want to talk about tonight is no saber bid cop for the last month and she was found the betel nut job, which is a famous tribe. in Medina. She was one of the answers. And when the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him,

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was about to make the migration. The stage he had to go through first and finding the community. He had heard about yathrib. And he sent Musab even Mayor de la want to do Dawa. And because of the Tao of Musa Musab, a number of the answers met with the prophet SAW salon in a valley outside of Minar. Valley that is called the Aqaba.

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And they returned.

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The following year the second, Atiba they came with 75 representatives, and amongst the representatives were two women, and that was nusseibeh, Ben Cobb, and a smile bent amount of Beto Salah when he was Salama.

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And so

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it might seem uneven. But the reality is that these 73 men from the group, they were representing the Amir's and the leaders, the tribal chieftains and whatever. And there were two women actually, who came to represent the women of Medina. And this is significant because of the fact that a pledge was taken. And the people within that acaba pledge to the prophet SAW some of that they would protect him as a man protects his family, that they would give him sanctuary they would give their lives and new sabor de la one, huh. She was one of the two women who took the pledges the Prophet peace upon him, did not shake hands directly with women and women, not with men. So we had a cloth

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there, and they actually took the pledge.

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So what that means, technically speaking, for those who are looking for different aspects of the politics of Islam, that women have the right to vote. Now that is that is that that is seems strange in the West. But for a long time in many parts of the world, including the West, and some backward Muslim countries, they didn't want women involved in public affairs at all. That is not the way of Prophet Mohammed salah and the example of new Sabir gives us illumination in the position that women were taking.

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The Sabres husband was a bit of an awesome, she had two sons, Abdullah and Habib, and they were part of the unsolved

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and they were part of the people who get gave pledge to the province and sell them gave sanctuary gave a home to the Mahajan. And they lived through the early organization in Medina, the organization in the masjid, the strengthening of the Brotherhood, the inclusion of people of other faiths into the community, they're in Medina and the Sabir was recognized by the fact that she had attended DARPA.

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And along with that, during her lifetime, she witnessed the Battle of code. She witness who de BIA the Battle of haber, although fulfill the Homura when they went back for the homeowner who de BIA who nain and the Battle of your mama.

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And so she was involved in a number of

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very important activities. And it is really, in the Battle of God

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that no saber radiola wanna really came forward.

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It is reported that after the loss of the Battle of better, the kodesh wanted revenge. And so they came back against the community with 1000 warriors. And you know, more than 1000 warriors, huge army. And they were three times the size of the Muslims and horses and had everything that they needed to defeat the Muslims. So the prophet SAW seldom talk shorter with his companions, and they put about 100 in their backs. And so the only way that the police could defeat them was an affront with position. So this made their their smaller numbers larger.

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The battle was hot, and people were giving their lives they were protecting the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him, who was also engaged in his own defense. And it is reported that it during the battle itself, that somebody had shouted out, I killed Muhammad. Now this sent shockwaves through the people, and some people whose faith was new, some people whose talk was not deeply inside of them, they got really shaken up by this. And some of them even started to run when they heard this. And that might sound strange, but again, the Sahaba they're human beings, right? And some people just got confused because of the prophets of solemn has gone.

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Which direction are we going to go in? I mean, is the premise of a lot true. All these questions, so they weren't sure say started to retreat, and the Prophet peace be upon him was pushed over to the ditch, not down into a hole.

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And the police press down on the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. And there are a number of people who shielded the Prophet peace be upon them with their bodies. Now the number of given is usually 10. But it's somewhere around 10 1112 people who come in the sources. And so these people were the were the famous people who shielded The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him literally, with their bodies, and the women who attended the battle and that might sound strange to you. Because if women are locked down in the house, don't even have the key to get out. Can't do anything helpless. handmaids How can they be in a battlefield? That's not the Sahaba yet, that is not the

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position of the women in original Islam. The women were involved as a type of second line after the frontline where the men were fighting auxiliary force, and they would tend to the wounded they would assist in a number of different ways in the battle itself. And so this is why when new saber attended these battles, like Faber was a major battle.

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Name is a major battles and here she isn't.

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And she finds herself now

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in the back

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The front line the front line breaks, people are running and confused. First thing on his on her mind was defend the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings.

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And so she

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she went toward the area where the province of solemn was, and the people were literally defending the Prophet peace be upon him. And it is reported that the prophet SAW Selim actually said that he saw people, he said, Whatever I looked at, you know, to the right or to the left, I looked at people running by and, and then, but to the right of me to the left to me, was nusseibeh,

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a Muslim woman. This is what he records that he she was around him when all this difficulty was happening.

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during the battle

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with defending the prophets or sell them with a body, she actually sustained 12 wounds. Now think about the cut that you may get. And you put the bandaid on and you feel so she she sustained 12 wounds with arrows and swords. And Degas in defending the Prophet peace and blessings be important. And amongst those people who defended the prophet SAW Selim, because that's a question that may come up in your mind. And so I mentioned some of the names because this doesn't normally appear in some of your texts. But it shows you some of the people who were really dedicated to the Prophet peace be upon. So amongst these individuals who shielded the Prophet alayhi salatu salam with their bodies

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was Abu talhah sada but not be what cos Mohammed Eben muslimah and we learned about him last week a black man from Medina.

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Our Buddha Jana,

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Musab Eben Amir Ali Ibn Abi taalib. Sahel, even Hanif do Sabir bin Cobb Malik Ebensee Nan Qatada, even a new man how to ebin Avi belta and Omar ever lockup tub rather long. And new Sabir, in trying to defend

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the Prophet so seldom found herself under attack of

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one of the worst enemies of Allah subhanaw taala. And she was defending itself and she got struck in her shoulder heavily with a sword. And she went down,

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she was able to survive, and the Muslims were able to hold off the predation hamdulillah. They held off their internal attack, the prophet was saved and rescued, they pushed them back, and they started to retreat. And the wounded were taken to Medina, the Shahada, the martyrs, were buried alive mercy upon them. And so when the prophet SAW seldom came to Medina, he directly went to the home of the saber.

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And he went to visit her to see how she was. And it was at that time

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that word had gotten out

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that the Quraysh had regrouped himself at hammar asset. And they were about to come in Allah subhanaw taala was revealing to the believers that do not fear them.

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Even though you know that those who truly believe that when they hear this dangerous things being said, they say, has put a law when they're another kid.

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That a lot is the one will account for us. He is the best to protect. And so at that time when the information The news was coming about the police gathering, and the prophet SAW Selim follows visiting New Sabir, it is said that she actually started to get out of her bed. I'm going to Hamadan acid.

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Because the prophet SAW Selim said I only want people were ordered to go to Hmong asset because we want to show them and we're not weak people.

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Your saber tried to get up and fell down because of the blood gushing out of her shoulder look at the strength of this Muslim woman.

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And so she maintained her heroism and the prophets prayer for her was all along make me and my Amara, neighbors in paradise. So he prayed he made to offer her that she would be his neighbor in paradise. And that do our we know is Mr. Job. So she was one of the people promised paradise

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Before the death of Muslim system

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and so she maintained her dignity.

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She maintained her strength, being one of the pillars of the community. And after the death of Prophet Muhammad SAW seldom

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a liar came up. This is a person who came from the tribes of nejc. They had come to Medina and they visited the Prophet so seldom, and this person name was salema.

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wasn't that prominent, but he had an ego problem. And he stayed with the flocks and with the animals. When they returned, the shaytaan went to his head, and he and he announced that he was a prophet as well.

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And he sent a letter to the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him,

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saying in words, from Marseille, Lima, the Messenger of Allah, to Mohammed, the Messenger of Allah.

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You take half of Arabia, and I'll take the other half. So this is what he was saying in words. And the prophet SAW Selim answered him and said, from Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah to mu Salem Al Khattab to musella desire.

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And he quoted a lot of words, and no out of the law he up to how many Yasha Omen Abadi a lot of people to learn by talking. And surely this earth belongs to Allah. He gives it to whom he pleases from his slaves and worshipers, and the best reward is for those who have piety and right action. But more say Lima was a terrible enemy.

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And he claimed this new boo wah. And the messages were sent out to mo salema. One of the messengers was the son of nusseibeh.

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Ready a lot one, Homer.

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Unfortunately, we'll say lemma was a terrible person. And he killed all the messages. And new saber son was one of those who was killed. And so when the soldiers when the Muslims got together under Khalid, Ibn Al Walid rather long one, and they made the intention to go to Selma new, Sabir said, I'm going with the believers. And of course, they they accepted her, because she is she is a well seasoned veteran of war could assist in many different ways. And she went to the Salah, and she was involved in the Battle of your mama, it was described to be a terrible battle. And in that battle, many of the Cobra many of the readers of the Quran actually passed away during that battle.

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And new Saber, may Allah be pleased with her. She also sustained 12 wounds in the battle, and her hand was cut off

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a long time.

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But she still maintained herself. And she maintained her dignity and will saleable and his forces were completely wiped out.

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And the Sabre returned with the victorious believers.

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And she lived to the collapse of Oman photography allow one and she passed away. During that time, a great believer haven't given so much. She was a believer. She was a mother. She was a wife. And she was also a warrior.

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That is the complete Muslim woman

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without being a socialist, without being a feminist

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without being a secularist. She is a believer, a mother, a wife, and a warrior,

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a complete personality.

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So that is our beloved news, saber bit cub, radilla one who gives us this beautiful example of the role of women within Muslim society. And the fact that we don't need to go to other isms and schisms and other systems in order to gain that inspiration that we need to liberate ourselves and to develop and improve our faith.

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So I want to at this point, open up the floor for any questions that anybody may have. And

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I want to ask that original gathering, which was in Mina, with with a second pledge was taken. Does anybody remember what the name of

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That place was

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a it was a valley. What is the name of that place where the pledge pledges were taken? There were two of them. This is one of the most important

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points in Islamic history. Because we're Mecca turned to the Medina period. What does that play? Scott?

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Can anybody think of the answer there?

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We'll just look and see if there's anything in the chat.

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Has anybody written anything?

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So this was called acaba.

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This was called hapa.

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And we also another question is that Can you think of any other

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famous Muslim women, just think of Muslim women amongst the companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him? We will be going through some of them, you know, Khadija, you know I you shared Samia, so you can't use those. But think of any other prominent Muslim women and send it into the chat. And to think because not only should we be aware of Muslim men, but we should also be aware of Muslim women, as extremely important to us. So I want to open up the floor again,

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to for anybody, put it in the chat, and write it down. Share it with us.

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Any sharing coming?

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Now, somebody would say How could Muslim women be involved in battles?

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How could they be involved?

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What role would they play in the battles?

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They wouldn't necessarily be in the front lines, especially in those days. But what role would they play? Can anybody think of the role that women would play in the battles in those days

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if you not put it in the chat, or communicate whichever way you can?

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So what we see from the basic setup is that there is your frontlines of fighters, there are horsemen moving around, and there is also I'll give you a chance and auxiliary force.

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So the auxiliary force, auxiliary,

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first aid, they also bringing supplies, they're moving the wounded. But if the frontlines are broken through, they become warriors, because if nusseibeh is defending the Prophet, so someone with their body, if she's receiving 12 wombs, and one of these famous 10 people, then she obviously knows how to defend herself.

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If she was a Muslim woman can only fight in the kitchen

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to throw some Moses at them.

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How is she got it? No, they were they knew how to defend themselves.

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And so she is now just imagine, the prophet SAW Selim is even reported to have said that there was there was a mat running away.

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And she said to somebody running, give your sword to her.

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And so we literally gave it to, to the saber. Imagine this now, the strong Muslim brother running and he gives his sword to the Muslim woman.

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And she defends.

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So that is the reality of our Deen. That strength is with men and strength is with women as well.

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And our Sahaba and as a hobby yet, give us that type of illumination

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that we need, are there. If there are any questions, in the end, anybody have any questions that they want to put into the chat or anything to express about this particular topic? Then we will go on, but I want to open up the floor. Finally, if there's any questions that anybody has about this story of, say, Bob bent cop.

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This again gives us illumination, about women in Islamic lifestyle, the role of women, the importance of women

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and what how a woman should look at herself.

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Now any questions out there

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so if there are no questions

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Then we will continue on and I want to deal with another Muslim woman. Next class inshallah. So if you had if you have any questions about most about the role of Muslim women, you've seen somebody who is a warrior, but what about intellect? What about the mind? And so next week inshallah, we will look at an important Muslim woman in terms of the mind in terms of really, you know, being there for the province of Southern and being a very important part of our Islamic intellectual history. So I want to leave you with these thoughts. And I asked a lot to have mercy on me and you but salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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