Abdullah Hakim Quick – Forgotten Heroes

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary ©
The history of black Muslims and their influence on Africa is discussed, including their involvement in Islam and their importance in the context of history. The importance of black companions is appreciated in the context of history, and the historical significance of slavery in the Middle East is emphasized. The importance of peace and interfaith cooperation is also emphasized, along with the significance of the "has been seen" in Islam. The history of Islam in Africa is also discussed, including the first entrance into Africa and the first entry into the Middle East, and the importance of peace be upon them and the significance of their actions in bringing peace to their cities.
AI: Transcript ©
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It's made out of metal My name Welcome to the light horrible alameen wa salatu salam ala nabina Muhammad Allah Allah he was having in your mind as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Welcome back to this second edition, and extension of our black Muslim history month program. I'm your host, brother Buddha, Mohammed. And of course, I'm joined again with the esteemed scholar and historian Shaykh Abdullah Kim quick, who's going to be joining us here again today for a very insightful session. And this particular session, we decided would be more in line, we're kind of trying to do a chronological historical analysis of black Muslims and Islam in Africa. And so we

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figured the next best place to land would be during the time of the Prophet civili. So the last session, we talked about ancient Egypt, we talked about the civilizations of the past. And now we're now narrowing down to plus 1400 years ago, when the Prophet Selim was on the face of this earth, and some of his companions, some of the Forgotten heroes that many of us know about, and some of us don't perhaps know about. Now, when we talk about Islam and Africa, and particularly African or black companions, typically speaking, the most popular black companion is below the line who

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was, you know, cherished and esteemed by many of us and, and during the time, that process and and the process was loved, loved him dearly. And there's so many virtues of the law of the land. But we want to talk about some of the other companions that existed at that time, because even myself, in my, in my own elementary study of the companions, I found that there are many campaigns I didn't even know were black. And it's something that I guess comes up kind of in passing, sometimes in history. But I mean, for me, it was empowering to know that, you know, our culture, our history was there. At that time, we were involved in Islam, we were part of the movements in the very beginning.

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So if you could maybe shed light on, you know, some notable companions. I mean, we'll talk about I think, a few that we're gonna focus on, but from the spectrum of companions, who do we know historically, actually was African or or had, you know, black features? Yeah, similar manner. He Masato several saliva. But

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basically, when we look at Islam itself, you know, as a way of life and a phenomena, it is international. And Prophet Muhammad SAW seldom surrounded himself, with people of all colors or groupings, all classes and whatnot. So normally, people do not look at Islam from a racial point of view, because of the racialized world that we live in today. And because of the effects of the Atlantic slave trade in the Americas, on African people, and racism, which came into literature, and even the way we think today, it is important for us, especially in Black History Month, to bring out important contributions made by African people, to the time of the Prophet moments on Solomon, and

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even you know, before that time,

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it's not a normal thing that we do. But it is a very important thing, especially now, for the younger generation, who, who may be confused about the role of Africa and Islam. For me, when I look at Africa and Arabia, I don't really separate the two, really, because if you look geographically, you know, at the Red Sea, and the distance between Sudan,

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Djibouti, Somalia and Arabia, you'll see that it's very close.

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You know, if you're, if it's a clear day, you know, you can see Yemen, from Djibouti. from Somalia, you can actually see Yemen. So it's actually very close. And the people have been connected culturally, racially, for 1000s of years.

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Because of the European division, saying one side is Asia, one side is Africa.

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You know, we will use the term African in a sense, but really amongst the companions, in terms of color and in terms of their background, there are many people who we would consider to be of African descent. You know, amongst the companions of the Prophet Muhammad Salah, of course, you know, we people mentioned below, but many people don't realize that Bilal had a brother really followed him in rubber.

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And Bilbao had a sister Zafira bit rubber.

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Allah be pleased with her and so there are many people are Julie beep there is Salim Mola hubby who they found and Salim who was, you know, a servant, probably for he became one of the greatest readers of Koran in Islamic history and the Battle of better.

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There is a person described as an African Muslim Marja, who was actually the first Shaheed in the Battle of betta and the presence of them actually spoke about him that he would be the first person needs to be entering paradise. You know, amongst the Shaheed he was the first major Shaheed in a battle. We know that there was familia, we love you Please over in Mecca. But Maharajah is mentioned as one of the great

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people who dedicated their life you know and gave their life There is also

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names like

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Baccarat and sasada. Last Word. And why she even had a he's the famous Ethiopian spear for you who killed Hamza, but then he killed musella mother Leia prophet.

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And there are many, because actually, when you look at the migration to Ethiopia, you find that it was 15 of the Sahaba when they crossed from Arabia into Ethiopia, and this is when the Prophet Muhammad SAW some of them was suffering, and he told them to go across, you know, into Abyssinia, which is not your material in Ethiopia. 15 sahabas died over there. And when they finally left,

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Abyssinia to Medina, it is recorded that 32 abyssinians actually went with really, yeah, 32 are recorded, and how many companions would there have been? roughly how many companions would have gone back after that?

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You don't really see numbers, in a sense, specific numbers because people came and people died. But 32 was a large number. And you know, of that group. It was it was a big contingent, and because people will not racialized that sense, you don't see the specifics of their names being mentioned. But if you if you look between the lines, you can actually see them. And so, from early times, there are great companions on Ayman, may Allah be pleased, who's the second mother of the Prophet.

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You know, her son, Osama bin Zayed, she married zaidan Arab. He's also African descent, right? Mohammed bin muslimah, the great night of the Prophet, African descent.

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And so there's a number of people and we'd like to look at some of these people to see. It's funny, you know, oh, man, a man whose name was Baraka, right? is one of those stories that, you know, I always fell in love with from the moment I heard it, and just the fact that she was in the process of his life from before he was born to after he died. She was one of the I think only characters really, that we see in the car was there from the beginning to the end. That's right. And actually, my first daughter, my daughter's name is Sakina. I debated I begged my parents to give me the blessings of naming my daughter Baraka that I thought it's such a beautiful name, and it's to honor

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Ayman. But I want to ask you about her because she was such an important figure in the life of the prophet SAW some of the processes referred to her as his mother, as his mother. And that's, we're talking about titles, that's a major title. Right? So tell me a little about Amen. I mean, where did she come from? How did her journey begin? Why was she in the life that puzzles him so early on? What can you tell us about her? Well, this is an amazing story. There's no doubt and the closeness of the Prophet peace be upon him to Baraka whom Ayman may Allah be pleased with her, breaks down the whole concept of Arab nationalism, and also racism. And for those who try to, you know, put Arabs in a

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sense as a white race of people and look down on Africans, this flies in the face of racism. And that's really what Islam does, it breaks it down. What we have to recognize is that in early Arabia, slavery itself was not color based. Anybody could be a slave. There are Persian slaves, like Solomon, there were Roman slaves, or apparently Roman like sohaib. There are Arab slaves like Zaid even had a thought you will find that you're anybody who was powerless and was subjugated was a slave. Just like today we have employer employee. So slavery was a worldwide institution. And because of the closeness of Ethiopia and hamartia, to Arabia, prisoners of war after wars, there are

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a number of slaves, people who are taken as prisoners, who would find themselves in marketplaces, indentured servitude, right? They will, they will literally prisoners of war, and within the ancient world, that could be turned into merchandise. And so she found herself in a slave market. But fortunately, she was bought by the family of the Prophet Muhammad so seldom, Abdulmutallab, you know, actually bought her and put her into the household. And so she was very close. She became sort of the main servant girl.

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In the household. We don't know her exact roots. We know she was from Ethiopia Habesha and

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because she was put into that slave market and cut off from a family. We're not sure exactly where she came from. And so from those early times, when you had Abdullah, who is the son of Abdulmutallab and the father of Prophet Muhammad, so seldom, you know, marrying Amina you know, then she

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As the servant, so she was serving me in the house, right? So she's literally in charge of the house. And it is said that, you know, that was a very traumatic time because the great aksumite Empire, the kingdom of exome, which is Ethiopia, they were one of the most powerful armies in the region. And again, this is African civilization. You know, they had elephants, when they entered elephants into warfare. It's like a new techno technology, who's the nuclear warhead of this right like tanks or helicopter gunships or drones? You know, like the elephant was like a drone in those days, a new type of weapon. So they were an irresistible army. And it was that army that really

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approached, you know, Mecca in order to destroy it. abraha, head of the Ethiopian army, and it was up to Matala, Buddha, representing the Mexican people and basically said, you know, I'm not the lord of this house. If you're against Mecca, you want to destroy the Kaaba, I will leave and I will allow the load of this caliber to take over. So the Arabs literally went into the hills and Allah subhanaw taala sent birds carrying big clay and, and from high altitudes, dropping the stones, and they decimated the army of abraha. And Mecca was saved. And this was called the year of the elephants will feel right. But this was the year of the birth of Prophet Muhammad Sasa 578. And so the same

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time he was born within his household, the one who greets him into the world is his nurse, loving him with his mother. It is Baraka. So that's how close she was right from the beginning. So she was pretty much there that day. She was she was there constantly. He's seeing her face. Unfortunately for Amina, she was very upset because Abdullah went on a caravan just a few weeks after the birth, right. So he went north to Gaza as the Kurdish would take their their caravans north.

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And unfortunately, he passed away. So it was a very sad time for Amina while she was crying and the child is there it is Baraka right. It is Baraka home. Amen. She is the one who is keeping things together.

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The Early Years go by Baraka is still there. The six year comes and Amina decides she wants to visit the grave of her husband. So they go north. And on their way back. Amina becomes very sick. And an abattoir which is like halfway between Medina and Mecca. She's dying. And she literally says to Baraka, take care of my son be a mother to my son. And it is said that Baraka may Allah be pleased with her that she literally wet the ground, with her tears buried Amina and the boy is in an emotional state, grabbing on to Baraka. Look at the closeness now. This is what you could call the second mother now. So one mother passes to another mother figure. And so the boy now is looking up

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at her, his emotions, his feeling everything is invested, you know, in this beautiful black Ethiopian woman, look how it breaks racism. Okay, then the Prophet peace be upon him. He's now you know, growing up, he goes to the house of Abu Talib.

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Baraka is still there. So she goes with him to the house, he goes with him to the house, she's still the main person in his household. When he now reaches the point of being married, and he marries Khadija. He's around 25 years old. He goes into the house of Khadija was very wealthy businesswoman. Baraka goes with him. So she's in the house.

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It's funny, we never hear about that. It's amazing. This is what you could call one of those shadows in the sun. That's why I like to call them

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the hidden heroes of Islam. So she's in the house of Khadija

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Prophethood comes and now Prophet Mohammed Salim the angel comes and he realizes he's carrying a message. Khadija accepts this. She strengthens the Prophet, and it is the people in the household who accept Islam. So normally people say, Khadija and then Ali was the cousin living there, and then the close friend our bucket, right, but many books don't recognize the fact that the servants in the household also accepted Islam. So Zaid was an Arab servant. He accepted Islam and Baraka. She accepted Islam. So she set that aside within that first few early states so she is from the sabich hoon. She is from the early people who embraced Islam an African woman

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flies in the face of racism though. Still, some people say well, she's in a servant status. It reaches the point where they say, you have to live your own life. So they literally freed her. And she got a proposal from a man from yesterday, Medina obeyed Him and said, and of the house and he and he married her, and she went to Catholic, which is now Medina. And it is there she had the son called Amen.

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And so this is where the name on amen comes in. Right from Baraka to home, amen.

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The husband unfortunately passes away. Now she's back in Mecca, back in the household with the Prophet peace be upon him, but she's got a son. So she's living with her son, amen. In the house and process in the household, okay? This is the early part of Islam, and you know, she's very wealthy, Cadiz is wealthy. So they have a widespread compound compound with houses for everybody. So they're literally there again, and I'll make I'm Aiman always said that from that initial time of the transfer, I was a mother to him, either physically or spiritually. I never left him all of his life. That's how she looked at herself. That's how close she was. And so that early time period, Islam is

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now spreading. In early Mecca. The Muslims are hiding in a place called dark outcome. This is the first underground sanctuary. The Quraysh are looking for free people. They're looking for what they call noble people. And when the servants and slaves would move from place to place, they didn't care about them. Because in their society, you don't mean anything. So Amen. And zayde literally became a secret service, bringing information for the early Muslims, and they went from place to place. And it was on one occasion that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said to his companions in our article, if any of you would like to marry a woman from the people of Paradise, that Mary will name

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So that means that she's one of the people promised paradise before a death. You have the 10 famous people are shadow machineable agenda, but she also like Bill Owl and like, you know, the family of Yassir, Samia and Hama. They're also promised paradise before their death. sahabas then hesitate and Zaid comes forward, I'll marry her. So they marries her. They are they are freed people. Their son is cassava, Allah be pleased with him. And the Prophet Mohammed. So suddenly we said no, we have boo sama, Illa Fatima. I love Oussama more than anybody but Fatima. So we love to serve. And they become illustrious companions. And they go through all of the changes, you know, they're in the meccan

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And when it's time to make higit up, something also not so well known on Amun was one of the people who the Prophet peace upon him said, don't go right away.

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So she stayed back. ibaka stayed back. Ali stayed back as well. Right? You know, you have a smile, you have some, you know, it close family on, Amun stayed back. And it was after the migration of the Prophet peace be upon him that a man made her migration. This is not so well known. Why would that be the case? Why this is because after he left, there was still some business to tie up and things to do there. And you know, the kadesh had some humanity in them. They weren't after her. So he left her alone. Today, they kill everything, right. But those days, they had some, you know, civility about and so on. A man makes her migration to Medina. And it is said that when she came at the

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outskirts of the city, Prophet Muhammad SAW someone was told, he went out to the city, at the outskirts of the city. And he, he rubbed her shoulders, he wiped off the dust, and he actually rubbed her feet. This is heavy.

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And some people will say, Well, how can he touch you know, a woman, you got to realize this, again, is the first part of the Medina period. The rules about hijab and whatnot are not revealed. Secondly, she's an elderly woman as well by that time. And literally,

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he's rubbing her shoulders, and he's saying, Yeah, only Yama, your places in paradise. So he's giving her an exalted position. There's nobody else in Islamic history who gets these descriptions. And it is said that when the Prophet peace be upon him, was in the masjid, teaching the men and as she came into the woman section, because there was no barrier in those days between the men's section and the woman section, if she came into the woman's section, and he knew he would get up and he would meet her.

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He would go to visit her

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That was the relationship all of his life. And after he passed away, it is said that the companions are working Omar, you know, went to her. And you know, they found her crying and they said, Why are you crying? And she said, You know, my tears are not because of the death of the Prophet because he had to die. But it's because revelation has ended. Do you see her fit her understanding, she had a deep understanding of Islam. And she goes into the annals of history. You don't as the second mother of the Prophet, which totally destroys any racist notion of Arab over African. This is his mother.

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And who was the closest person to most people, the presence of them even said, My mother is closer than my father. And so this is the relationship she had. It's a beautiful story. And Muslims need to keep that in mind. And other people who think that Muslims are anti African, have to recognize how close African people were, you know, to the Prophet himself, and to the early message. I mean, that's it's a lot to digest. And just thinking, I mean, Osama bin Zayed was, you know, a major, we're talking about a major companion, you know, one of the most renowned for his military excellence. And he did so much for Sonic history to think and we don't contextualize it. His mother

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was a black woman. That's right. Right. He himself was from that household. That's right. I mean, that that in and of itself, I think is shocking for a lot of people. But I think this journey also to have a share to a city at that time. And kena Gachi, who, again, this this was a title, right, this wasn't his name, his name was not Nick, ashy. It was a title given to him, then the nagus. But he himself was a person who I mean, the process decided that it wasn't safe to be amongst his quote, unquote, own people. He said, The people that he loved most to this just King, who is this man named jack Sheehan. And why was the process I'm so impressed with him that he was willing to send his

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family and friends to to his kingdom. This is a very important part of Islamic history, which sometimes is neglected. And the ramifications are very, very serious. That is that you remember the year of the elephant. So this is the year when a huge army from Ethiopia, Eritrea, called hamartia, literally took over Yemen, and attack the Kaaba. This was the aksumite Empire. Excellent. And the aksumite Empire was one of the greatest empires of ancient Africa and the world. They built what is called a huge obelisk. obelisk is like a cn towers like an Eiffel Tower. Okay, right, that that's straight structure. They had the largest obelisk in the world, bigger than the Egyptians. They had

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heavy technology. They were highly organized people. And so we recognize the fact that the followers of Israel, Islam, Jesus from his followers, Mark, one of the disciples, He died on the Nile. So he was he was there in Lower Egypt, Alexandria, the Nile Delta, he died in that region, the message went up the Nile. And so there were believers in one God,

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literally living in ancient Ethiopia, and inhibition. And the Prophet peace be upon him in the fifth year after the hegemon when they're really suffering or the fifth year after the beginning of the prophethood. Right, they're really suffering. They've been killed, tortured, driven out of their homes, then he tells them, after this time, go to allow Basha because in it, there is a king, who does not oppress and does not allow people to live in oppression. And then he said a very important sentence, he said, he got out of the seat.

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He said, it is a land of truth. So he described Alibaba as a land of truthfulness, it's very important statement, go to the land is, did his job not going to be oppressed? So they literally went across and what is known as the first digital,

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they went across, first, a smaller group and then a larger group, which included with men and our fan, and the prophets, daughter, ruqayyah. You know, they went across these early immigrants fleeing from oppression, and they entered the African continent. What is significant about this, it's significant that the first entrance into Africa is not as slave Raiders, but it has refugees. The same way people are refugees today, right, fleeing Syria and other parts of the world. Literally. Muslims fleeing oppression and Mecca, go into Africa, into the aksumite Empire, and they are met by this righteous King and the righteous King is titled was under joshy.

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That's Arabic in English you say negus. And in his language was Tigray. They say the gash. So you have different versions, and and, and the joshy will use that one.

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This is a title. So there are a number of undigested cheese rules just like your own or Caesar, what his name was us Hama. So he was us Hama under Joshua rodilla. And he was a righteous king. He received the Muslims

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did not allow them to be oppressed the kodesh then set their followers or sent a miserable ask another individual in order to bring them back. And in the famous gathering in the court of annachi. All of the bishops and priests were there, of this form of Christianity, and the famous Sahabi Jaffa Ibn Abi taalib. radilla who is the brother of Allah. He reads from Surah meriam, this beautiful chapter on Mary reads from the core end, and the joshy is crying, the whole code is crying. He said, this is a story. There's really no difference between us. And he said, You're free to live here. So they stayed in Alaska for a period of time, a struggle is going on in Christendom, a struggle

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between those who believe in Trinity, and those who believe in unity, one God, the struggle is going on. And the joshy literally says to the companions, I'm in a civil war,

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go down to your boats, if I lose, continue, go to Medina or Mecca, if I win, come back, and he was victorious. And during this tumultuous time, Prophet Muhammad SAW some glimpse, he sent a letter to the joshy, inviting him to Islam. And it is said that the joshy he had embraced Islam secretly.

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And so he became actually a Muslim, and we consider him to be one of the great African Muslims, you know, in our history. Finally, the great digital comes to Medina, and Medina, tomonaga delighted city. And, of course, everybody is now called to go there, to the lightened city. So the companions then leave Ethiopia, and it is recorded that 15 of the Sahaba actually died while they were there. They're buried at a town which is called the gash, which is in Ethiopia now. And you can actually go there and see the grave site of the joshy and 15 sahabas. Wow, it's amazing place I visited that one day high in the highlands of Exxon. And this is ticket a land, well known area, you know, within

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Ethiopia, and it's holding that type of Islamic history. 15 companions. That's right. amazing place is still a very peaceful place. You're in the highlands of Ethiopia, very historic and picturesque part of the world. So the companions leave,

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it is recorded that 32 abyssinians went with them. So this is now 32 Africans who are integrated into the community in Medina. So this we're not looking at things racially. But this is a great contribution that African people are making. And then we see later on in this Medina period, we call it that the Prophet receives a form of inspiration that Natasha has died. And he lines his followers up and he said, Let's make a prayer for our brother, who has passed away. And this is called salata. janaza law. Yep. It is the funeral prayer for an absent person, first time in Islamic history. And so they lined up and they made the funeral prayer. And that is clear proof that that scholars show

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that he was a Muslim, because you don't make a janazah for somebody who's not actually making your genetic. That's right. Imagine the honor of that individual. The President is actually the one who is performing his genetics. And this is so important for me because as a student of history, and hearing the distortions and lies about Islam. Normally, when people say Islam and Africa, they say slavery, everything wants to be slavery. But the reality was the relationship between, you know, the prophet of Islam, and the Christian King, so to speak, their brothers, and he literally sends his people as refugees to the Christian King, who receives the people protects them and then becomes a

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Muslim themselves. So that shows that there was no major difference between original Christianity and the finality within the final stage of Islam. And so, this is an amazing story of interfaith cooperation, really the first scene that's a real version that's not theoretical. This is working together believers in God who are working together. Also, it shows the relationship of the Arabian penance.

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Select to the African continent, which I believe was never that separated anyway. But for those who want to make a barrier between the Red Sea, you will see that this is a major corporation. Right? You know another companion who I when I read in think about his story, I took your course Actually, I learned a lot about him from you. I didn't actually know him before studying in with you. Yeah. And how much of a Muslim out of the line who was the night of the processor, man, he's like, when we talk about like navy seals, and these, like really special forces, you know, it's like, very, very, very specialized soldiers and, and knights. I mean, this was it. Right? He was the one who would

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complete all these, you know, very special missions. So let's talk about him a little bit about Muslim where he came from his name. I mean, when we think about the name, Mohammed contributes a profit center. But Mohammed was, I guess, used outside of just the process of him. It wasn't it was a common name, or what was happening is that the name Muhammad was not being used.

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But once he was named, and this is the battle Hashem, that it is a very famous Psalm clan, a noble clan of Mecca. There are a number of people who named their children also, Muhammad and a number of people who took on the name, okay. And so, Mohammed bin mesilla took on that name. And it was before the major migration from Mecca to Medina. When Mousavi bin Amir, or the alarm was sent as an ambassador. One of the people who embraced Islam was Mohammed and Muslim. He was an ambassador to where he was sent as an ambassador to yesterday, which became Medina. Okay, so he came from Medina. So Musab

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was from Mecca and he went to Medina and Mohammed bin Muslim and he was from the people of Medina. Okay. So they would describe him, you know, there was two major Arab tribes in Medina, there was a house while his Lodge, he was neither of the two. He was what is called a Holly leaf, he was an ally. And he was described as an African person,

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very tall, very athletic type of person. And a really good horseman.

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You really courageous person. This is how he was described even before his Islam. And he accepted Islam before the Prophet came to Medina.

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And when he came, when the prophet SAW Islam came, he saw in him immediately

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these qualities, so he paired him up in what is called the Brotherhood, the prophet was pairing people together, like he paired up john urban Urban Health, with Saudi Arabia, this famous pairing together, and that means that you would be very close to that person and you take care of him outside of the masjid. You know, it's a way of making bonds outside our family. So he peered Mohammed and muslimah, with Abu Zubaydah, Ivanova, and Abu Zubaydah was a very courageous Sahabi, one of the first people to embrace Islam. And so their qualities were similar. They have that kind of

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silent, resolute quality. You know, he's in the room, but you don't recognize him in the room. And he's sort of looking around. It's like a perfect Secret Service agent, or security.

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You know, he had that perfect thing to be James Bond. Yeah, that type of even more than that. This is like, the Delta Force that you know, the navy seals are what they would call Secret Service today. You know, it's that person who's a natural security person, right? To the point where the Prophet peace be upon him called he was called Fattah sundby, which means the night of the Prophet, and we say night k ni ght. This knighthood

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really began with people like him.

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Later on, the Europeans picked this up from the Muslims and land to lose. And you have the Knights, you know, of King Arthur and the knights and whatnot. This didn't exist in Europe before. It was the Muslims who had the chivalry, do the writing of the horse, you know, writing poetry, you know, dressing Well, you know, being kind to children,

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you know, a lover of all these different things, Muhammad and muslimah, had this type of personality. And so he was given very strong positions, security positions, and you see in many of the battles that he participated in, he was the one who would sort of like cover the back of the Muslims. He literally protects the back, and he does security while the people are sleeping, then he is awake. And so that's his position. And you especially see it coming in like with the Battle of the book. And this is where the Romans had threatened the Muslims in the Medina period, right. So the Muslims went out and they left and they went north to the place called Chubbuck and Mohammed bin

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muslimah was left to protect the city.

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He literally protect against the attack of the mushrikeen, the polytheistic Arab tribes, or anybody who might come from the south. And he maintain this position,

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doing Special Operations for the profit, sometimes secretive operations and very important missions throughout his life. And it went right into, after the death of the Prophet peace be upon him, he's still maintained that position. And it is said that during the philosophy of oma when Omar Al Kitab, for the lawn became the Caliph,

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he maintained this position. And there's a story about Muslims remember going from Syria and Palestine into Egypt, led by Mr. Obama, when they entered Egypt, you are now entering a major territory. And when Obama described Egypt, we set out to have the hub. It's Earth is cold, it's a golden place. And the Egyptians have high culture. Yeah, the Bedouins are drinking, you know, goat milk and you know, eating dates and, you know, eating, you know, oatmeal and whatnot, very simple type of lifestyle. But the Egyptians have got three course meals, five course meals, you know, servants, porcelain, rugs. So now when armor comes in, they enter him into one of these palaces. And

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armor comes in the palace. And unfortunately, there was some problems happening. Some of the soldiers of the Muslims felt that they weren't being paid properly. They felt that the you know, that Amara and his family were, you know, taking too much of a high position over them some injustice, and it got back to Omar. Omar sent Mohammed bin muslimah

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This is a security man. He comes riding into Egypt picture now a mobile are sitting there and you know, he comes in and he Okay, bring out you know, the five course meal. He comes in, they said he had bread and salt.

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Yeah, he's carrying bread and salt, right? So he comes in, puts his spear in the rug, puts down his bread and salt. I don't want all this is your letter.

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Omar says to Hamas, please excuse Muhammad ibn Muslim. He's a little rough, please.

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He's rough around the edges. Ama does that and reads and it says you know you have done these wrongs. You have to correct yourself. And so he looks at Muhammad eating bread and salt, serious man and he said hear and obey.

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Right? another incident comes when the Muslims go into Persia.

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The Persian Empire is famous, the peacock throne. It is one of the most extravagant cultures in the world at the time. So when the Muslims were attacked by the Persians, they responded to the attack and saw Wb waqqas rhodiola. One famous companion led the forces when they defeated the sassanid dynasty. The Persian people wanted to show him, you know, some generosity and so they were building a palace for him. Word got back to Omar. Omar did not want his leaders separated from the followers. Who did he send Muhammad when

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he comes in writing up bread? And so he comes riding along? And he looked at sod and he said, Is it true about the palace? side says yes in words, he went to the palace and he burnt it to the ground.

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And sad then said Alhamdulillah Thank you Allah, that there are people who will correct me see how they dealt with each other.

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So he kept this position with all of the alphas and it is later on during the rule of Allah subhanaw taala there was a misunderstanding amongst the Muslims called the fitna. With the death of Chris Smith. Yes. And so there was some struggling going on. Muhammad and muslimah refused to be involved.

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So he stayed out of the fitna, but what he did was he broke the sword given to him by the prophet. And he said, I'm not going to raise this against any Muslims. That was his decision. Although the scholars say that Ali was correct for the long run in his decision, but everybody has a choice. Everybody made the deal at the time and you know, he made a sword Mohammed made a sword of wood that looks similar to the sword given to him by the prophet peace be upon. He hung it at his house. So when you walk by his his house, you will look at and see something Hang in there. And they say, why did you have the sword he said, I want them to realize that my sword is still here, just in case

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anybody had the wrong intention. So he maintained this

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feeling and posture until his death, great companion known as the knight of the Prophet. This is a black man and African men who become so close to the Prophet solum. He is literally trusting him with his life. This flies in the face of racism. This is not a slave. This is a free man

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who is an ally of

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Arabs of the North who accepts Islam and who becomes a high standard bearer in Islamic history. I think that's such an interesting scope. You know, we went from a man who was brought in through, you know, the unfortunate circumstances of the slave trade. Then you had kingda Gachi, who was a king, and then you have Hamad bin muslimah, who was a night and who was someone who was honorable in that sense. So we do see that, you know, African and black and will occupied many different realms of society. It wasn't just one particular asset or one particular facet of life. And I think these three stories I was, you know, even though I've heard them before, I'm still blown away by by

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listening to them and I'm hoping everybody out there watching also learned and benefited as well in Sharla, and hopefully they'll join us for the next installment in the series. I'm Zack. I'm looking for watching. It's gonna fit in shape for giving us your time and insight. And hopefully we'll see you again next time. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Forgotten Heroes – Black Muslim History with Sh. Abdullah Hakim Quick

Another fantastic episode in our series on #BlackMuslimHistory featuring Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick on some of the forgotten Black Heroes in Islamic History.

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