Abdulbary Yahya – The 5 daily prayers

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary ©
The Hadith is a prayer practice that started at night and is similar to the one of the Prophet sall Drive. The importance of praying at noon during the time of Shamsul's time is emphasized, as it is used to teach the Prophet to pray at a certain time. The importance of praying at a good time to ensure everyone has time is emphasized, as it is difficult to get enough sleep during the colder weather. The negative impact of waking up early during nighttime and the importance of knowing the person next to you is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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And then hamdulillah

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nobody wants to even want to start with you.

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When I was a bit like Manchurian fusino sejahtera Molina and Maria de la falla mobile Allah wa my father had your eye shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah Allahu la sharika wa shadow anna Muhammad Abdul Rasul Allah, Allah Sharla we're going to continue with Hadith number 54 from the book on the tilaka and the Hadith starts states and I've even had CRMs say you know salat wa salam ala

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the how to enter the IV bottles that are less let me follow lb K for Canon Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam use a legal October. So I will be the main abonnement has a say album and has a yard of new ceramah he said the how to enter Wahhabi, I entered.

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I went and entered upon myself and my father I bought a salami. Of course this is the companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for Kali for Carla who hubby. And my father said kefir can and maybe sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you saw leave October. How did the Prophet Sutherland used to pray the obligatory prayers mean the five daily prayers? So he said,

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Can they use Aileen hogere Allah theta Runa alula Hina for the Hubble shams. So he used to pray the hygiene, which is the little bit prayer, right lithiated Runa * hula, the first Hina Papago chefs, and this is when the time in which the sun has

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already pushed to push past the horizon. Which means push past the zenith which means it says you know, it's already the high point we said and then after it moves from that high point, that's the beginning of the hook. So you have the zenith is that when the sun is right above your head if you're at the equator, we mentioned so this hadith is similar to Hadith jab that we mentioned before telling when the prophets on prayed also and then Fatah. And then he said also he said some

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we were you signed the Lhasa

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Hina populations where you saw Lhasa from and afterwards

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will you say that he would pray awesome.

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So when he prayed also so wouldn't How did you know when we prayed ourselves? What time was it? From a year ago? I had an Elan rally. We upsell Medina, was Shamu higher. And so he said, after that we were praying that he would pray answer. And then one of us would go back to our places in the at

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the far reaches of the as the end of the of the city meeting, they would walk and we're Shamsul higher. And while the sun was still another word when you say shumsa high. Yeah, I mean it's still high on the horizon. It's still higher, it means that it's not close to the horizon is not close to sunset was Shamsul high. Yeah, I mean, it's still still very, very bright outside, and the sun is still up very high off of the horizon. When I say to my colleague Phil McGraw, and then I forgot the Navy. I forgot what he said concerning what can I use to help you if you're a mineral, mineral Asia, let it ruin the whole atom. He said and he used to love he preferred to delay the Risha Alysha

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allotted Aruna hull atom that you call the atom is in time of darkness you call it that's what some of the companions some people call the in other words the the night prayer that the time of darkness what kinda yeah could have a gnome cobbler and he used to dislike sleeping before it became a Accra Whoa, and Noma cobbler Pablo with

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a Alicia, he did not like to prep to go to sleep before Asia, before Asia that means between Maghrib and Isha, the prophets of Allah himself he did not like to pray to sleep. Before that. Well, Hadith rabada and the Prophet sallallahu did not like to speak. In other words, he did not like to stay up after a short prayer. What can you infer to mean sala de la verdad Hina Yardley for Raju, Dear Lisa, how can I approach this city ill Mia. So here what can you infer to lumen Salah tilava data so that Allah that is remember he spa he started with the hot right? So first prayer for them is the first prayer first prayer in the daytime because Fajr is still at nighttime. Right? And so he said and he

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used to leave

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He used to finish with his,

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his fighter prayer Hina. Yeah, for Roger Jalisa, who, when you start to recognize who was next to you, the person sitting next to you, you would recognize what can I say across the city in il Mia, and the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam would recite between 60 and 100 verses. This is for for what prayer

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for Friday prayer. So what is this? So all of this hadith in show, this is the Hadith, and what content was mentioned some of the, the sharpened so this clarifies some aspects of the prayer time, and how the prophets of Allah Allah who I said, I'm used to pray, and so you say we're currently we're and he said, he would finish the fight your prayer, when you would recognize why would they recognize when they started prayer, because the masjid was dark. So when he started prayer, you were if you were in the masjid, he was still so dark that you would recognize who was praying next to you. Because even though you're close to them, because it's so dark, you wouldn't be able to

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recognize them when he finished prayer than you would recognize them. Why? Why? Because, because he would pray to the point where you when you when you finish prayer that it will become brighter. So during the time of prayer, before prayer, you can recognize the person next to you. And after prayer, then you can recognize so this particular hadith is similar to the hadith of Jabba that we mentioned before about when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed in the Hadith in Sahih Bukhari Kitab al markets market Mamata Salah

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This is a book this hadith is found inside Buhari this particular wording and this book, Hadith and keytab in my work it in the book the chapter on the prayer times, Bible walk the Lhasa, so this is the time of asset and so why because it clarifies also what time the ASA prayer that the Prophet some of them used to pray. So oh, so he said the how to enter. So remember, this is a bossa nova SME as a companion. So the narrator person's bearing the Hadith he says, I entered the masjid with my father. And when you say the hug to Allah, what is the hall to Allah the hull to Allah means in the Arabic language, you entered something and they were there, the whole to Allah when you enter the

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house or enter the room, finding someone there, meaning I entered the house while he was there. So the hall to Allah. And so he said, So

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Salami is a companion for Karla who OB so my father said, Okay, if a cat in the visa Allahu Allahu awesome you saline Matoba so of course now, so this is of course the next generation and they're asking because they didn't witness they weren't there during the time of the Prophet saw the love and

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and notice the companions are here. Right? The companions are there, but they're always asking about what happened during the time of the Prophet. So

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they want to know, how did the prophets of Allah pray? Meaning what time and how did he use to pray? And so

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this this particular question, if you look at it if you listen to okay if again in a visa alarm, so you suddenly have a tuba. How did the Prophet saw someone pay his obligatory prayers? What is he asking about?

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He's asking about the prayer time, I Pray Actions, right. Okay, how did he used to pray? How did he used to pray? But about Barza? Alas, lemme, he heard from the word that based on his answer, he says, For course, it's as if he's asking about the time right so he understand from it as if it's the time or you want to know how they used to pray, or this is when he prayed. This is when he prayed so he's telling him the time even though the question seems to be asking, why about when to pray? Why because he says, can you use ideal hygiene allottee to their own * ruler. This is he used to pray the more the like the noon prayer that you guys call it the first or the first Hina

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public Shams was so metal hygiene, the word hygiene itself

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is larger is the time in which it's noon time. Let's let's like high noon, like high noon during that time. So the word hygiene out here is like this is this is the time in which is the hottest when the sun is right above your head. And so he's speaking about

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the hood and they used to call it so it was so near to Lulu Lulu means the first they used to call it did you Lulu the prayer the first so every single culture sometimes you know like now

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We call it the maybe the noon prayer. Some people call it, you know, in some countries, the lunch lodge prayer based on their language that they're used to, that they're used to using. And but during that time, they used to call it they said, you guys call it which we were the ones that people call now. Because the next generation, because each generation, they have like, certain names for certain prayers. And then it changes based on the generation based on the people that use it in terms of the language that's used. And so he's saying to him, he says, he says, that what she has called the first prayer, and why did they call? Why did they Why do you call it the first prayer?

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Why did they used to call the first prayer? Because the energy will unmannerly Salalah on behalf of Allah. So there's a hadith that shows that there's another Hadith in Sahih Bukhari when he when the video came, and he told when the when the prayers were first, you know, made obligatory,

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who came to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he didn't come from during Fajr time. When did he come? And when When did this happen? Anybody know when this happened?

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When this happened,

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when did the real come to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And taught him the prayer times. He led He taught him says this is when you pray this, and he came back again. So this is when you pray the whole time. This is when you pray the offset time. This is when you pray most of time. When did that happen?

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In the morning? No, he came during the prayer times. And he said this is when you pray.

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What year was it and where was it? When did this happen?

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Anybody know? When was prayers first made obligatory?

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in Makkah, when was it? What what happened? What after what incident?

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Like this happen? It was obligatory. Next day, Jabril comes out, okay, this one you pray the five papers.

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very good when he went to this rock and Mirage, when he went to met Allah Subhan, Allah Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala made the five daily prayers obligatory. Right before that. It wasn't obligatory, there were no five daily prayers that were obligatory. So now Jabril comes. And so what's the first prayer that you do comes to teach? Because remember, it's already five years already pass. Remember when the Prophet saw them comes back. And he's talking to the Quraysh. That's already in the morning. That fight is over. And they're discussing the matter, right? They're like, the dude, you know, and the Buddha and others. They were making fun of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe. Salam, they

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said, Do you hear what I just did? Did you hear what he just said? Did you guys hear what he just said? He said, he went to Jerusalem last night. And he came back. Right? Why were they saying this? Because in those days, there is no way for a person to go to Jerusalem and come back. Nowadays, can we do that one day and a few hours? Yeah, we have planes. Like if I told you, like I told you like last night. Last night. You know, I was last night I was in Makkah, would you believe me? If I if I wouldn't be possible?

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Is it possible for me to be in Mecca last night?

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Yeah. At work, I could I could have prayed in Malaysia. And mother. I could have prayed in Mecca. Yesterday, and I pray with you guys today. I How far is that's very far. But imagine he says know last night I was in Jerusalem. For us. That's normal. Right? You can do that. Because we know the transportation, we can fly, we can fly we can go very quickly. But in those days, it was like what?

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It was like the Prophet sallallahu saying it was saying that this is why the companion This is why the Mexicans were laughing. It's like somebody saying like the Imam is saying Imam tells you in the morning, you guys last night, I prayed a shot on the moon.

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I went to the moon and I came back.

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What would you do? If the man said

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what would you guys say? Like I think we know we might need to do.

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Right? He said he paid on the moon. He went to the moon and came back. Right? We might need to do evolve of the mouse as he went to the moon and came back. Like what are you talking about?

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How do you how do you how do you say how can you say you went to the moon? And they came back there's something wrong? Right? That's not possible. So and Maccha the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam saying that he was in Jerusalem last night he came back. That's a two, two week journey. But they're back at least on the quickest, fastest horse. The fastest you could go it was one week they come back and usually it's more longer than that.

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So that's a view like speeding all the way nonstop. You go, and then you come back. And you're saying one night you could do that. That's not possible. And that's why they were making fun of the province of lotteries from that morning. Right? And that's why they when they went to Abu Bakr de la Honda, did you hear what you companion said? Did you hear what he said? They were trying to shake his faith. And he said, I believe if he said it, and it's true, he said, it is true if he's had it. It's true. I believe more than than I believe the revelation comes from the heavens.

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And why would I not believe that he went to Jerusalem he came back if he said it, that is true. And so of course it's true right and so,

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the first time of course, when the Prophet when when the SR. Mirage SR is the journey to Bethel macness to Al Masjid Al Aqsa, and then at Mirage is the ascension. The Ascension and by the way, you know, some people were always you know, there's this like big discussion over the Dome of the Rock right the dome on the rock and muster Arkansas is the dome Rock, Arkansas and so forth the whole area so Hannah the Astra be de la la mina invest she did. Haram invested in X Allah the bark Nichola. So all of that whole area is blessing. Masjid at the Masjid Al Aqsa, the Dome of the Rock that whole area. That whole areas and masjid, Luxor, the whole area just like Mecca itself. Remember

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the old days in Mecca itself, the whole area, their whole area of Mecca is a Masjid Al haram. Mecca itself is Al Masjid Al haram. The Masjid karma is of course, the Kaaba was the one with a cat but but the whole area, the sanctuary is a Masjid Al. Haram. So the first and so what he says

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when he when he says to him, this is the one you guys call the first prayer. Right? This is the one you guys let into their own alula The one that you call the first prayer. Why was it the first prayer, the energy real amenorrhea Salalah hasten Behold, so that's the time when, after everything happens now, we have five obligatory prayers this the first day that the five day prayers have been made obligatory, the first day, the video comes and says, This is the time. So when did he come? He come? He comes during the whole time. He comes during overtime, we'll call her Hina. But how the Shams

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that how do I Shams, a the Zulu. That means it's already it's already passed. It moved.

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Yeah, it moved from the horizon. So because right when it's on top of your head, it's not permissible to pray. As soon as it moves from the zenith. From the point that's when you that's when the beginning of Asa, the beginning of the horse starts. And then he says why you suddenly lost

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where you suddenly lost and then the profit salon would pray. Awesome. Okay, so he's, so I will

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set a salami is mentioning how the prophets I'm praying. I mean, in the time that he prayed, while you saw the losses that he will pray also, where's the pray? In the Masjid? Of course, we're Soma yatta yatta yatta, I had an ALA rally here, we oxide and Medina. And so

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one, we would go to our Raha Raha is a place where you, you know, you have your animal, you said, you know, the way you keep

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your animals, and

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if the upside Medina were Shamsul, higher, we would go to the end, in other words, the outskirts of the city,

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to the outskirts of the city was Shamsul higher. And so this one is well, how do you do like, I know can you bet derby? Will you So Leah, was shams? Higher? This is an indication that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to pray. Also at its at the beginning of the time, the beginning of the onset. Why? Because if you delay the answer, what happens to the sun? Right when the sun when when the sun is no longer high? Yeah, it means that the sun is no longer on the horizon really bright. Why? Because once it moves when it's closer to awesome, what happens to the sun? It's a little bit cooler. Right? And you look at the horizon, it's not as bright. It's not as bright as it

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is when you're, when it's like in the afternoon, the afternoon it starts getting a little bit, you know, not so bright. Why because the sun is near to the horizon. So this is an indication. I know can you buy the Obeah? Well, you saw Leah was Shams, Shams higher. He used to pray at the early point of acid, the beginning of acid and he didn't

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delay it. He didn't delay the onset playa. And Ihlara here. And Raha is actually, the word Raha is what is your animal, the animal that you write. But when you arrive at your Rahil, that means that's where you tie your animal. So where do you tie your animals at your house. And so that's why they read the origin of this word. It's like you say, the word bait, from the word batter up to means to spend the night because that's where you spend the night. That's where you spend the night your house, Raha is the herbs also used to call that as your house. This is a Ihlara he didn't go to his house, because that's where you tie your animal also, and walk out with a goal. And he also said

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when he says we're shampoo, hi here, with shumsa Higher, what does that mean? A higher Shamsul higher, it means it's still bright and not yellowish, not reddish. You know when it's about to become when it's about to, to set, it changes colors, not white, it's not bright, is sort of like a an orangey, yellowish or reddish color. Right? And so what shows Ohio lamp and a lamp thus far, it hasn't become yellowish and

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you know the color is it's not that particular color yet. And so here

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then after that a woman a woman has a woman while of course is the narrator of this hadith. And he says when I say to my Palestinian mother, and he I forgot what he mentioned concerning murder. And of course, we have plenty of Hadith. When to pray, mother, when did you pray McGraw? Previously, when we have the hadith of Jabir, that we spoke about last week, and when Muhammad either Elijah but well, Mother, in other words, Yeah, but why do you but in the Arabic language mean serpents. That means it has has fallen big

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wager, but it's something that has fallen and unsettled. Which means what the means the sun, when when you say I was Shamu

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either wager, but it means it has already set. It's already set. What does that mean? You know, when something falls down, it's no longer moving. You can't can't see it anymore. It's gone.

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It's gone. Because once it's gone, the you don't see it moving, but you still see the sun moving, then it's still moving. It's still falling. But when you say it has already fallen, and already still, then in the Arabic language, you say either way, but and that's why you say why did you when you say so why Egypt that means is stuck on you. It's mandatory, you have to do it. You have to do it something that you have to do. And so that's the origin of the word watch, but

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and then he says, what can you what can you used to have boo, are you here? Middle Asia allotted Runa Latimer and he you were kinda used to help.

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And he used to, it was this it was it was preferred.

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And it was preferred, that he you would delay the raesha that you guys called a Latimer.

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And, in other words, the, all of the other prayers when he's mentioning it, why is he mentioning this? Every single prayer, he's mentioning this, and he's mentioning specifically something that indicates that it was prayed at the beginning of its time.

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Right at the beginning of each of the particular time that you're ordered to pray, and then he said but for a short prayer, he used to prefer that you delay it. So he used to prefer to delay it. And you know, one of the days when the nights that when he delayed when we spoke about last time that the prophets have delayed it until it was you know most it was

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for a very, very long time. Okay, he delayed and he came out really late. When everybody in the city as as Ahmad said, everyone is sleeping. The woman and the children are sleeping and the prophets of Allah said it no hula walk to her and no low up to her. This is the time so after he delayed for almost half a night, or in the majority majority the night and I'm so late already. Lola and Ashok Allah Almighty. If it wasn't so difficult for my OMA, I would have this is the time for it. Meaning this is the preferred time. This is the preferred time for it. If it wasn't so difficult for my OMA and when he says alliterated Rona Latimer

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I you guys call this an item. And

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sometimes you said and you guys call it an item. And atomized means this is a this is something that this is an another Hadith

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that it's you know the Isha Prayer has a particular name. And when you use another name for, then it's something that's dislike. And so this one, he says, You guys call the Lattimer, as if he's trying to as if he is schooled in them. He said, You know, you guys use this, the dark prayer, the darkness, the darkness, prayer, the darkness, prayer, you shouldn't use the darkness prayer even like, okay, darkness prayer. Now, don't use this word. Use Aisha Sultan, select the SHA. Right. And of course, Asha is what

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I share as dinner. And Asia is the prayer itself. Alicia, and he says do not use a lot of because atom is darkness. So it's like saying the darkness prayer. What does it sound doesn't sound really good? Right? Like, you know, when he always like you always mentioned like, Oh, are you going to the dark side. So something dark, dark side, it's like it has a negative connotation. It's negative connotation. So I says, If I will, but as an SME is meant is reminding them that you know, you guys call it an atom, just the last one you guys call it, that you shouldn't be calling it that, but this is what you guys call it as if it's something that is,

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you know, something that

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is, you know, some of the scholars have mentioned that is this like, and

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is it this like?

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Some of the scholars actually mentioned that it's not something that it's good

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to, to use that.

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so is it what is what is the ruling in relation to praying and delaying your prayer?

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The what was the ruling on delaying the prayer? Well, the Prophet Solomon himself, he said, it is best

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if it wasn't so difficult that this would be the time for it. So if it's not difficult for you, and you're not, you're still going to be focused when you're praying, then it's best to delay the prayer. And of course, in the masjid, of course, if you do so, it might be difficult for the people when it's really late. So let's say for example, like right now we pray at 645. And we can pray a little bit later, right? Because it's still early six o'clock is still early. So if we delay it, it won't be difficult for the people, then it's okay, especially the masjid to delay, if that's what's easiest for the people. Because sometimes in some areas, Isha prayer comes so early,

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that people are just coming from school from from from work, like in the winter, right in some areas that are further a little bit further north. So if I pray, we, if we pray, sometimes, HR comes in at five o'clock, right? And we know that most people get out at five from work. So 530 It's, you know, we're not going to have a lot of people come pray. But if you delay it to 630 or seven o'clock, then you have more people to pray, then it's best to delay it during for until that time, because it's also it's preferable to delay you get more reward for delaying anyways. Right? And so if you delay it without causing any hardship for the people, then that time that you pray the masjid should be

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that time that is more convenient for everybody to bring more people. Why because the prophets of Allah have some use to check the people remember we said last week, he would wait. If people came early, then he would pray. If people were delaying that he would wait until more people came. People as SP as more people trickled in. He would wait and wait wait, that he will see the message. It's almost full anyways. Hardly anyone's coming that he would come out so that everybody was able to pray. Alicia in congregation also and those who are in the masjid. They're still getting a little reward because they're sitting down. But for us a lot of times people can let's just they just want

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to. It's like, it's like drive through.

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Like the masjid has become like a drive thru. You just want to do it quickly and go. Drive through quickly and go. And instead of coming early, and staying back and waiting in the masjid and so forth, people just want you know, like, they just like drive through messages and feels like this message through Masjid right below

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brothers come again going to work, they go to the airport or they're driving, they just wanted to come quickly and go. And so, you know, try to sha Allah You know, when you come into the masjid, you'll make the time for. And if the, if you're sitting afterwards waiting between especially like right now, between Maghrib and Isha, the reward is very great that you're sitting here every single moment. You're being rewarded by Allah subhanaw taala for sitting in the masjid. And if you're sitting in the masjid, as long as you still have Wardle, you get the reward of prayer. Like, how difficult is it to stand up to pray for how for how long? Like every everyone here hamdulillah the

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few people that are here,

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every one of us in sha Allah, we're sitting here, there's so much reward. Because the angels in sha Allah are the enveloping the area. And there's a tranquility, there's a peace, you know, you might be some of us might be a little bit tired and so forth. But there's so much reward in it, that you are getting the reward of seeking knowledge, the remembrance of Allah, you're getting a reward of praying,

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praying also, as long as you're in the masjid, and you're waiting for the next prayer. As long as you're waiting for the prayer, then you will get the reward of that in sha Allah. And so

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what kind of Yaker of unknown public will Hadith too bad? I bad Alisha. So he used to dislike organic or non public. He used to dislike sleeping before it. So what does that mean? Why? Why is it dislike? Because between Moldova and Asia, it's very short.

00:31:46 --> 00:32:20

It's very short. So if you go to sleep, and it's the end of the day, what might happen, you might end up sleeping, and you continue to sleep until the shot time has passed. Right? So it's best to not sleep until you until after you pray. But what if it's so difficult, like right now? In Not, not at this time, but in the summer, especially? Right in the summer, summer a mother comes in. And then between mother in Asia to like three hours,

00:32:21 --> 00:32:27

right over three hours. You pray maybe nine o'clock 839 o'clock, and he comes in at 11

00:32:28 --> 00:32:56

over three hours. That's not normal. We're over three hours. And if you don't, if you wait Hamdulillah you can wait that that's good. But if you were to wait, you sleep by the time you go home, it's 12 o'clock. And if you have to go home at work in the morning, you didn't get it you don't get enough sleep. So is it permissible to sleep? It's when he says we're gonna Jacoba no Cobla it's this like to do so. But in certain certain situations, it's okay. It's only this like,

00:32:57 --> 00:33:17

if you feel if you don't have someone to wake you up. So if you have an alarm clock, you have someone to wake you up, so that you pray you're a short time, like in the masjid in the congregation in time, then it's okay. Especially when it's difficult when there's difficulty because if you don't sleep sometimes if you don't sleep before my room,

00:33:18 --> 00:33:59

and sometimes if you don't sleep even after us, because the night is so sure. The night is so short in the summer, right in the winter, it's the opposite family have a lot long nights. After you're pretty sure you're like you can go and go shopping. I mean, even right after Asia, you can go shopping in the summer, you can't go shopping after a shot, everything's closed. It's midnight, especially for us here. For us living here in Seattle, you know a shot comes in very very late. At sometimes the latest it comes I think it's something like 1140 1150 So by the time you finish, it's already 12 o'clock. And by the time you get home, it's almost one o'clock by the time you go to

00:33:59 --> 00:34:24

sleep, you can go to sleep, you need to go to work at five o'clock. You don't have much time. So you need to find some other sleep in the daytime. So what can you do if you're if you want to sleep in those times like after ASA after maghrib just make sure you set an alarm clock so an alarm clock and set plenty of time for you to get ready and so forth. And if you feel that you can wake up when the alarm clock some people you know once they go to sleep, it's over.

00:34:25 --> 00:34:49

Right They don't wait no matter how you shake them and so forth. Or that then this way okay, you wait and you go to sleep during those times that you don't have to worry about the next prayer but when you have such a long it's this like why because the time between Moldova Nisha is so short and he used to dislike So when he says what kinda yeah Corrado gnome which means that it's not haram

00:34:50 --> 00:34:59

if you wait until after Isha it's better you'll be fine. Well, Hadith, well, Hadith rabada and he used to dislike sitting down and convert

00:35:00 --> 00:35:34

conversing with people you know, like hanging out after Isha prayer. And that's something that's very very important. It's so negative Sleep early immediately after Isha. So after Isha unless you have, you know, sometimes you don't have time to spend with your family at all right and then you're so busy in the daytime and so now you need to give your family the right also. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not stay after Isha he would sleep immediately. And unless he had sometimes you have guests, unless he had to, you know, just spend time with his family and so forth

00:35:40 --> 00:36:14

Yeah, well, some people combine or some people would just pray, you know, pray earlier than when the time comes in and we spoke about that but as long as you still have an HR time, then you should pray at its time. You should not pray before it's time. If there's no reasoning for it, there's no reason for so well, yeah, Cracow a&m Kubla Biden murder with a shot. So he used to dislike to sleep between Maghrib and Isha. metallically and the non Kubla eufa with two alma mater, Hadith salata, Laila. And also what what's one of the main reasons

00:36:16 --> 00:36:18

when you sleep? What happens also,

00:36:19 --> 00:36:21

when you sleep before

00:36:22 --> 00:36:30

when you sleep before it when you sleep before mother, you know, when you get that sleep before mother, then it's hard to sleep after Isha.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:44

Right? You tried or you already got your nap, before modem. And if you have your nap before, then when you don't sleep early. And if you don't sleep early, what happens when you sleep late, you're going to miss the Tahajjud prayer,

00:36:46 --> 00:37:09

you're going to miss Tahajjud prayer the last third of the night. Or the last, if you sleep the first part of the night, and you wake up the last third of the night, then you have an opportunity to pray the hydrogen. And so some of the scholars are mentioned that or sometimes you don't wake up even until almost five the time or even after 5g. Because when you sleep

00:37:12 --> 00:38:02

when you sleep, when you take a nap, it's good to take a nap in the daytime. It's a lulu there's a lulu which is this siesta. And they used to do this and why? Because when you when you take a nap in the daytime, it gives you energy to wake up at nighttime. But if you if you take a nap too close to too close to like two meaning too close to a shot or at the end of the day. Then you ended up staying up at nighttime. Because you don't get sleepy so if you sleep after acid, you end up not being sleepy after Asia. And if you don't sleep after Asia, then you're gonna stay up during Asia after Asia which is dislike and then you're going to miss the night prayer or you don't have enough

00:38:02 --> 00:38:15

you can't fall asleep at nighttime. By the time it's almost Fudger time that you fall asleep you might miss find your answer because failure is usually very short. Between Fajr and sunrise is also very short.

00:38:19 --> 00:38:23

And so also sometimes when when a person sleeps at that time

00:38:26 --> 00:38:35

when a person sleeps at that particular time like asset or mother when you wake up how many times have you slept in those times that you wake up like

00:38:38 --> 00:38:38


00:38:39 --> 00:39:19

am I supposed to pray fighting right now you get up you think you're gonna pray fight it because it looks dark outside. Right and your mind like well he's fight it did I pray the right pronoun arratia It's like it's very confusing time it's very confused you can very confusing time because it's like similar and your body wakes up and you're tired it's as if you woke up for Fajr prayer so when you wake up when you sleep during those times also that also that's what happens also women Hadith where they have a nama you for a number Korea and you know to speak to stay up after Isha is this like well, Hadith that means you're just sitting down like you know, pretty much

00:39:20 --> 00:39:32

a lot of people would like to spend after Isha prayer they like to, they like to do things after prayer. They like to sit down and talk unless you have unless you have

00:39:33 --> 00:39:59

a reason for a good reason for it. It's always good to sleep to sleep early, even if you have a lot of things to do. Like let's say we have homework and we have things to do. If you have things to do, it's always best to do it with a fresh mind. So go to sleep first and then wake up and then you can do your homework even after the morning or even if you need to do something. If it's at the end of the night and you are doing something or you're trying to finish things up.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:41

Your mind is not fresh. And so you end up but you end up not doing it properly, or you end up being tired. And so you are, when you when you don't do things properly, your mind is not fresh, you're not taking full advantage. Right? So you're even when you're studying, if you have your studying you have you spent the whole day doing so many things. Your mind is tired, your body is tired, everything is tired. And when you're trying to push yourself and you're tired, you don't do a good job, no matter where you know, no matter what you're doing. Then if you sleep first and you wake up, then of course Insha Allah, you have more more energy after that. So

00:40:44 --> 00:40:45

when you

00:40:46 --> 00:40:51

when the when the prophets of Allah Allah when the Walburga he says

00:40:53 --> 00:40:57

the prophets of dislike after a shot this

00:41:00 --> 00:41:09

if it's if it's something that's not beneficial, if you're staying up and you're you're doing something that's not beneficial, then it's dislike.

00:41:11 --> 00:41:12

And he says,

00:41:14 --> 00:41:25

Well, yeah Cracow al Hadith bada I badly Shehata is I can Hadith, even if it's, if meaning if even if it's beneficial, it's best to delay it. In terms of like,

00:41:26 --> 00:41:47

if it's not mandatory, if it's not a writing obligation that you have to do, if it's something that you can do later, and it won't be harmful. It won't, you won't be taking somebody's right, like, look, we have guests, of course, you know, you have guests, you take care of them, and you need to you need to

00:41:48 --> 00:41:51

you need to take care of your guests, then it's okay.

00:41:52 --> 00:42:00

But of course, if it's harmful, if it's waste of time, if someone you know, just wants to stay up late, because they want to

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do something that's not beneficial. Then, of course, that's even, that's even, that's even worse. And so, some people like to like to stay up,

00:42:13 --> 00:42:24

like to stay up. And when you stay up during those times and also messes up your day. When you stay up at nighttime. Why? Because at nighttime, when you sleep at night, there's no replacement for nicely.

00:42:25 --> 00:42:37

There is no replacement for neck sleep. Even if you have to do something. Like let's say you have some work at nighttime, if you can find a little bit of time sleeping at night, the night sleep is different than day sleep.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:52

So that's why it's always best to, to do to spend your time. If you can sleep in the early part of the night, that's the best thing to do. And of course, there are some people who spend their time during the night time especially nowadays.

00:42:53 --> 00:43:11

In many countries, they stay up and they either watching movies or sitting down backbiting or doing sitting down in common with conversations that are not beneficial and even doing things that are haram Of course we say that this is

00:43:12 --> 00:43:57

this is not only is it dislike already to stay up. But to stay up what is this like doing things that are haram adds another level of haram to it adds another haram to it. And so why? That's why when you look at it, in this during the time of the Prophet sallallahu the Companions they used to wake up for what? For the 100 Pray. That's why when they pray for the 100 prayer, they've been up for a while they've been in so the mess of massage. It's the fight the prayer pack. And because people have left the sadhana. That's why you see the shot the fajr prayer has the least amount of people.

00:43:59 --> 00:44:03

Right, the least amount of people because why? Because everyone is not following the Sunnah.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:11

And not falling sadhana. And so if you want to wake up for Fajr prayer, you want to wake up for Tahajjud prayer.

00:44:12 --> 00:44:30

You have to the struggle. The struggle is to sleep early. It's easier to sleep early than to try to wake up late and try to wake up for 5g Then you had struggles even more because you're fighting against the shaytaan and you're fighting against your body.

00:44:31 --> 00:44:33

Yep, two enemies that

00:44:34 --> 00:44:59

one is one is the one is already difficult. But you're also fighting against yourself. Right? And you're and the shakedown also. But if you stopped early, or you got shaytaan in sha Allah and you know the key the the deception of Shaitan in Acadia Shavon cannon by Eva, it's weak. If you're strong, inshallah you can do, you can beat the shape, but your body when it's like put

00:45:00 --> 00:45:18

pushing you down because you didn't get enough sleep, you wake up, and you just want to hit the snooze button, you just five more minutes, five minutes, 10 minutes because your body is not ready to wake up, because you slept really late. And so as I mentioned, one of the one of the

00:45:19 --> 00:45:23

exceptions to that, if a person

00:45:24 --> 00:45:40

has to do something, or sometimes, you know you for for for people who are serious when it comes to seeking knowledge, sometimes that's the only time that they have, they can spend time seeking knowledge. As long as it doesn't prevent him from waking up late.

00:45:42 --> 00:45:44

We've got a raw deal Ohio,

00:45:45 --> 00:45:45


00:45:48 --> 00:45:55

he used to stay up in his house Subhanallah, I will read on his house, he used to have always someone

00:45:56 --> 00:46:17

at nighttime, there's always someone up right at the beginning of the night. If he sometimes he many times he would stay up late. And he would study and memorize the Hadith review the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And so that's why it's permissible for someone to do that. But what did he used to do?

00:46:19 --> 00:46:21

He used to when he would go to sleep,

00:46:22 --> 00:46:23

he would wake up his wife.

00:46:25 --> 00:46:28

And then she would be she would stay up and she would pray.

00:46:29 --> 00:46:44

And then when she needed sleep, they would wake up the servant or they would wake up son or the daughter. And then they would be up. Why? Before because in the old days, they didn't have an alarm clock.

00:46:45 --> 00:46:50

Right? They didn't have an alarm clock nowadays, you can just say, Alexa, wake me up at six o'clock.

00:46:52 --> 00:47:32

And then the alarm clock goes up. Like you can just tell them in the old day. So he used to like take turns so that every moment in his life in the house of a warrior or somebody was always praying at the same time because they used to prioritize that they used to take care of the night make sure that they would make full benefit take benefit from from from those times at nighttime without missing what's you know, mandatory what's obligatory. Like Salatin Fajr and so in continuation of that Volcana yum fatty lumen solid Tala dat Hina Yachty for Rajan. In a year before Rajan Jalisa.

00:47:33 --> 00:47:35

This particular of course,

00:47:36 --> 00:47:52

he would pray fajr prayer, and they would finish the prayer, when you would know the person next to you. So who is the how would you know the person next to you? That's when it's already getting bright. And how does it become bright?

00:47:53 --> 00:48:15

If he's reading 60 to 100 verses, he's reciting those resuscitation those two records is enough time for it to be bright already. And so the prophets of Allah hi from Cali, Afro BCT, il via the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to recite between 60 and 100. And

00:48:16 --> 00:48:20

you have to understand also how did the Prophet sallallaahu so used to recite,

00:48:21 --> 00:48:33

he used to recite very, very meticulously, and sometimes he would stop, and then he would recite, he would type slow. And, and so when you

00:48:34 --> 00:49:04

you know, when, when it's early, when he's praying 50 6060 versus, you know, this is this enough time for you and, and he started really early, when it's dark. It shows that he started early because when you come to the masjid, during the time of the Prophet sallallahu is there was no light. So you would just come and you would line up, you could barely see the people and then you would line up after you finish prayer then you would recognize the faces and

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in the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:49:09 --> 00:49:14

Also, of course, he used to pray the sooner prayer before that during fight

00:49:15 --> 00:49:17

until them rather than would come and then

00:49:18 --> 00:49:42

he would sometimes lie down in the masjid you know, just just take it sort of like to just rest a little bit in the masjid. And after that, the prayer them where they will come and then they would start the fajr prayer, they will start to fight in prayer. So what are some other had some on some of the benefits from this hadith inshallah we'll cover some benefits from this hadith.

00:49:45 --> 00:49:47

From the very beginning, we see we see that this hadith

00:49:49 --> 00:49:54

we see that the scholars, the tabby rain, they used to

00:49:56 --> 00:49:59

ask, ask about knowledge and they love

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Normally, they would ask the Companions,

00:50:03 --> 00:50:12

like, say out of Nyssa Lama, when he asked about Barossa NKV, it certainly be asked about how the process I'm used to pray. So when he asked,

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the asking itself is something that is, of course means of seeking knowledge. When you have, He's not asking a ruling here, right? He's not asking a ruling.

00:50:24 --> 00:51:03

You have to, he already knows like most you know everything you pray every day, right? You pray everyday but if you meet someone, you always want to review and seek knowledge and increase your knowledge and so he that's what he used to ask the Companions before they used to ask. And they used to ask because they used to seek knowledge and this is something that Allah Subhana Allah tells us to do first Allah Allah decree Incoterm letter element if you don't know the nasty people knowledge and even if you know, you want to know more than you ask, and so it shows the eagerness and desire to seek knowledge and so inshallah we'll end it with that, that when he shall, and will continue

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with this hadith and I will go on to the next idea in sha Allah in the book of prayer inshallah next week, anyone have any questions in relation to what we covered? Yes.

00:51:20 --> 00:51:58

Yes, can you pray the hygiene at nighttime like before, if you're afraid that you're not going to be able to wake up if you want to, you can pray it's called the emulator. The emulator is just staying up, you know, getting up for prayer or just night prayer, the night prayer itself. Whether you're whether you prayed after waking up, or you prayed before, but the best time to pray is when the best time to pray is the last third of the night of course, but if someone wants to pray right after Isha, then they can do so. And that's why some of the scholars or you know some of the companions even up all right are the law. He used to pray before is to pray his sometimes he would pray his

00:51:58 --> 00:52:28

even his witted prayer before going to sleep. Sometimes he would pray before going to sleep as I mentioned, he sometimes he would pray the beginning and then he would have someone he would wake up his wife and his wife would wake up the next person and they would always have somebody awake, but it's permissible to do so if you're afraid that you won't be waiting for him to wake up for 5g Then you can pray your whatever you're able to pray to darkness to darkness, and then you end up with a with a prayer. But the best time to do so is at the end of the night.

00:52:29 --> 00:52:30

While out

00:52:31 --> 00:52:45

and now the questions not shallow ended without asking Allah We ask Allah subhanaw taala to prolong your life, in his obedience. Until next week in sha Allah we'll see you again and concerning next Wednesday in sha Allah. And

00:52:46 --> 00:52:50

we ask Allah Subhana Allah to teach us that which benefits and benefit from that which is talisman is that

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so Allah has to be the Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam Subhana Allah Houma we haven't assured Allah Allah Allah and I stole Hirokawa to be like

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