Abdul Wahab Saleem – The Delegation Of Abd Al-Qays – Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari #05

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary ©
The Hadith, a group of people who came to the Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam without the discretion of the Prophet and without the discretion of the people, have a history of migration, migration, and need treatment in a different way. The importance of affirming the Prophet's message and giving it to others is emphasized. The use of words like "has" and "has" to describe actions and emotions is also emphasized. The importance of learning the religion to be a learned and the need for dedication to achieve Islam is emphasized. The importance of affirming one's intentions to achieve Islam is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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without having to rely on salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hamdu lillahi Hamdan UEFI Nana who care for OMA Zita SallAllahu ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala early he also heavy age marine Allah Malim Nama and fauna on fire now Bhima alum tena was in our alemannia Karim, Frobisher, actually Saudi recently Emery recorded the melissani of coho coli. Visit near illumine or visit near ailment or visit near Alma Allahu Allah, Allah Allah ma Jota huzzah Hello Aunty has either shaped a Salah welcome everyone and today we're looking at Hadith number seven in our book, Hadith number seven is the hadith of Ibn Abbas Allah the Allahu to Allah and

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this hadith is the Hadith about waft of Abdullah case, the delegation that came from Benoit Abdullah case,

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who are going to have their place, then we'll have the place are a group of people that came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, twice, they came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, around the fifth year after his Hijra before the first health Mecca. And they came a second time to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in the year in which the different delegations that come to the prophet as well. So the Emmylou food. So these are the two times that they don't have their place had come to the Prophet. This group is a very distinctive group, they have very distinctive features about them. Number one, they came to the Prophet willingly without Dawa, without being

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called to Allah subhanaw taala. They heard about the message. And just by hearing about the message, Allah opened their hearts to Islam. So they came willingly to meet the Prophet and express their faith, and also get some of the guidances from the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. That's the first thing. The second thing about what their case is that they had the great distinction and honor of returning back to the area, which is basically historic Bahrain. Historically, that area was known as Bahrain. But today it's known as a USA and it was also known as hedger as well, these are the three names for the same area, it's the eastern province of Saudi Arabia, okay, today.

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But historically, the entire eastern area was known as El Bihari.

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So they went back to their region which is, which was known as Al Bahrain. Now it's known as Hydra or at Lhasa, and they settled back down and they built a masjid and that Masjid was known as Juba. This was one of the only masajid running during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam other than the masjids Oba and also al Masjid Nabawi and Al Masjid Al haram. And the unique thing about this Masjid was when all of the people in,

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in in and around Arabia, who had weak faith when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam died, they started to leave their faith right, which was the mortar Dune, the people who apostate from Islam, and then the battles that Abubaker undertook to try to regain these people back into Islam, which were known as the Hurlbut Ryda. When that happened, at that time, there are only three mustards in operation in the entire world. And one of their poets by the name of our authority says that while must you do Sally through Sherpa, you can Alana will member on your festival Holyfield. Jota via Yama Allah Masuda. Lilla in Allah will be better. When does it hurt you will be that the third of

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the three mustards what must you do Salif, the third of the three mustards, the one which is in the east, a Sharpie

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Bahauddin, the one which is in the east. That was our Masjid meaning the third of the three operational Masjid in the days in which we knew no Masjid other than the one that was in Mackay, Medina by Eva and the other one, which was the house to which people will make Hijri administrative haram. So there were only three messages in operation at that time. One of them was this masjid, and this area of Al Bahrain. Another thing about it is that Abu Huraira, you're asking me about Abu Huraira was sent by Omar Mahatama are the Allahu Allah Allah and who for a brief period of his life to become the governor of this area as well, when Irma will kebab used to be the Khalifa? So these

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are a few things about West Abdullah place.

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And they came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked these people, he said, there's another point that I forgot to mention, and that is that the prophets Allah Allahu Allah said Limone he had a dream about

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migrating to Medina. He said I saw date pumps.

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For the habit and this is a Hadith and body as well, for their head that were highly, my mind ended up going towards Yamama or hudgell. My mind ended up going towards either the fact that I'll be migrating to Yamama, which is also north, or I'm going to be migrating to this northeastern province, which is Headjam. So the Prophet actually thought about migrating to this place even though he didn't ended up migrating Allah subhanaw taala wished for him to migrate to ye Fripp.

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So they came to the Prophet and the Prophet asked him he said Manuel comb who are the Who are you people? So the first thing to do when you meet a person who's new, is you get to know them. And this is from the Hikmah of the prophets of salaam why? Because every person needs to be treated in a different way. People who are dignitaries there are treated in a different way or Allah ma are treated in a different way or five of the Quran are treated in a different way. The hola Rashid in the people who were the Four Rightly Guided Calif, I will look at Irma, Earth man and Ellie, when they would be in the masjid during the Khilafah if anyone came and sat next to them, they would

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always ask them, Who are you and how much Quran? Do you know why? Because depending on how much Quran they would know, this is the type of Honor thy will show them or the lack thereof, right? Doesn't mean you dishonor people who don't know the Quran or something like that. But obviously, people have knowledge and also people of the Quran they should be treated in a different way. In fact, there's a Hadith of the Prophet and and Muslim, Imam Muhammad that the prophets of Allah who Allah said let me said lays him in na mullum Ya Yarrow Hansel hiragana. While you worked in cabbie Rana, while you're at Illumina hepco, that the person who does not show mercy to the young one, and

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the one who doesn't respect the elderly, and the one who doesn't show respect to our scholar is not from us. So this is one of the things of faith. Of course, the prophet is not looking for their scholarship. They're he's looking for their nests up. He's looking for their lineage. That's why he's asking them Who are you people tell me about yourself. So they say it'll be one word were from the tribe of an Obeah. The prophets of salaam immediately said Marhaba. And Bill comb, he said, that welcome to you people. Welcome to all of you. Or in another report, he said, Welcome to this delegation, via Euro Hosea wala na Dharma, you will neither be disgraced because of your presence

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over here, nor will you regret the fact that you have come to me. So neither will you be disgraced. Meaning everything that you came for will give to you, nor will you regret. Meaning later on, you will say to yourself, Why did I even go there to begin with, right? Because regret sometimes comes later. So everything that you're going to be receiving, will be up to standard so don't worry, neither will you be disgraced right now, nor will you feel regretful later on.

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The ALU ya rasool Allah, they said O messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in learners the D O and T il official haram, we cannot come to you, except in the sacred months.

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Why? They said well, they in an hour they Nakahara that human Cafe model, because between us and you, is this tribe of disbelievers from Moodle, from Moodle, the Moodle the disbelievers So, the Moodle they used to respect the sacred months, okay, the Arabs, they generally had a practice of respecting all of the sacred months which are four months,

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which are four months Luca, the Headjam haram and the Rajab of model my job is separately so they say fella certain software has been for three separately, one of them alone, which ones are the ones three together one of them alone. So when the three that are together is again, so these are all together, back to back, then the one that is separate is Rajab, and they said that it's only within these months like we can come to you why? Because Moodle doesn't launch an attack against us. If we come in any of the other months. They don't respect the sacredness of ourselves in our blood, they will attack us so we can come to you. For more Nabi Amarin. Firstly, now this is also hikma of

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theirs. Remember that one of the people who came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from Benoit the case specifically the Prophet Islam said in fika, Hustla Dany, you, boom Allahu wa rasuluh you have two qualities which are beloved to Allah and His messenger. This was the shedule of the place. One one person who had a scar from abductees. Okay.

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anyways, the point of the matter is they had hikma one of their hiccup was this right here, one of their wisdoms was this right here, that they gave the Prophet a reason for why we're not going to be able to make it. Like we want a clear message, because you know, we can't make it and here's the reason why we can't make it. Okay.

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So the profits, as he said, Are they continued, and they said, no deal will be him and whare and our net will be healed. Jana, we want to take this message also, to everyone behind us.

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Everyone who is waiting for us, we want to take this message to everyone who's waiting for us. And we're also going to enter Jannah through this. So make it very brief, very comprehensive, tell us something that will lead us to Jana. Tell us some words that we can go and give to the people who are waiting for us, of course, there's only 13 of them that came right. In this delegation. The first one only 13 came the second delegation. 40 of them came, right 44 Zero. So the first time it's only 13 people so they have a lot in the Abdo face a lot of people in behind waiting for them, right? So instead we're wanting to take this message for ourselves, live by it, and give it to

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everyone who's waiting for us as well. And the end they said that was a low annual ash Riba and they asked

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him about the drinks as well, because by this time, alcohol was already forbidden. So they were hearing that alcohol is forbidden. There's something about that. Remember, these are new Muslims. They don't know anything about Islam as of yet they are Sahaba Hamdulillah. But they, as of yet haven't really learned about Islam. How are they Sahaba by the way, if they haven't even met the Prophet yet, are they believers even? Well, the fact that they're saying Ya rasool Allah O Messenger of Allah, this means they accepted Islam without even coming to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the fact that they're saying that between us and you is this tribe from the kuffaar of

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Moodle, that means they're calling the people who just believe in what they believe in now Kufa, this is clear that they've accepted Islam before they came to the prophets of Salaam. This is another one of the unique qualities of this tribe. They came willingly to the Prophet without that they accepted Islam before they even came to the Prophet to Salem. They were just coming to get more knowledge now. Right. So they asked him also about drinks because they'd heard something about this. So the Hadith goes for Mr. Hornby Aruba in one home and Alba. Allah has Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he commanded them with four things and forbade them from four things as well.

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Amara homebuilt Imani belie the who he commanded them to believe in Allah Alone and no one else. Believe in Allah Allah. Khan attends Runa mal Eman will be la he was. They said, or he said sallallahu alayhi wa salam. Do you know what it means to believe in Allah subhanaw taala alone and no one else? Paulo Allahu wa rasuluh Allah. They said Allah and His Messenger know best, all.

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And this is one of the teaching techniques of the Prophet, sometimes the prophet to engage the listeners. I mean, he can get right into the topic, but he really wants them to focus. So he asks them a question. And he's like, Do you know what Eman believing in Allah Alone is? He's going to tell them anyways. But he asks them a question. So they get prepared mentally to get that information because you know, sometimes as you're speaking to someone they might get, they might start to wander off to something else.

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So Allah as prophets, I said that one of his teaching techniques was that he would ask a question so that he captivates the listener completely. And he has his absolute attention. And they said, Allahu wa rasuluh, Allah and Allah and His Messenger, no mas, best another sign that they're believers, okay? Because as of yet, they haven't heard from the Prophet directly or bore witness before him. Ha, he said, shahada to Allah, Allah in Allah, that you bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship except for Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His servant and Messenger. And that you establish prayer gives the gods pray fast the month of Ramadan,

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and you give a cyst from all of the war booty. Now, the prophet understood that these people they're living afar. There are basically a Muslim diaspora at this point, right? So they're living very far. And naturally, it's going to be inevitable that they're going to have to face off with someone sooner or later. So he gives them an extra ruling that is not necessarily part of the pillars of faith. Right? It gives them an extra ruling.

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And there's another factor to note over here. The people are not asking them of Islam. They're asking them him or Allah's Prophet is not explaining Islam. He's explaining Eman.

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And that shows you that when Islam and eemaan are used separately, they're interchangeable words. Is that clear? When Iman and Islam or were you separately, they are interchangeable words when they're used together. This is when each one of them takes a specific meaning. Okay. So whenever the word Eman is heard,

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Islam should also be understood whenever the word Islam is an heard Eman should also be understood. But when they go together,

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this is when both of them they end up having a more specific meaning. This is one factor to note over here. That's why in the hadith of Gibreel, or even in the hadith of Ibn Ahmad, where he's talking about the five pillars of faith, he explains the Islam as the pillars of faith. And does it explain Eman as the pillars of faith. Right.

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Another thing also to note is that this shows you actions are actually part and parcel of faith as well. Because some people they make a distinction between faith and actions and we say no actions are a sign of faith. They're part and parcel of faith. They're telling of faith. When you act as a Muslim, this is a great sign that you happen to be a Muslim and that's why the prophets I said let me set min Akella the be Hatena was salah, whoever it is or the V hacer is referring to an action, right? Whoever eats our slot meat that is slaughtered he faces our Qibla he prays prays with us, this person is a Muslim.

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So all of the all of these are what actions it's showing you that that the prophets of Allah who Allah was Sydenham is giving very severe importance to auctions as well when it comes to faith. And

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Allah actually referred to prayer in the Quran as Iman as well. Allah will. Well makine Allahu Li will Lea Eman. accom. Allah will not waste away your iman. So what is that Eman over there is referring to prayer that they pray to Coba write a prayer a prayer that they pray to be to Democritus. So that's in the word is eemaan. But in action is being referred to over here. All of this goes back to the following point. eemaan requires actions when people say I'm a believer, I believe you don't see any signs of belief. We're not going to question their internal belief that is going to either take them to Jannah or NAR. But we will say that this is not a sign of a strong

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believer. I don't see the fruits of belief around here. The fruits and signs of belief are clearly not there. So actions have an impact on your belief, and they are fruits and signs of that belief as well.

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And the Prophet continued or even Abbas continued to and he said one at her home, and Aruba and he also forbade them from for things as well. I will handle them you will do better you will not add when was afoot. Or Obama Carl mocha yell.

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Now this is also a hikma of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and it also shows you that the Prophet knows geography as well. I'll get to

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the reason why I'm saying that. But let's get to this particular Hadith and break it down or this section of the Hadith. The second question that they asked the Prophet was what tell us about the different drinks, because they're used to drinking in Arabia, all across the world, they're used to drinking so this is a new thing to them. We're not allowed to drink alcohol or we're not allowed to have specific drinks. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, and listen to this very, very carefully, because I spent a lot of time figuring out what each one of these words mean. I'm saying this because these words they don't have a clear explanation. Not in the books of shadow

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Hadith, because when you're translating them into other another language, how do you know? And that's why most of the translators, they just put the words in Arabic and they don't even explain them because it's a difficult process to take these words and bring them into English. Okay. So what you're about to hear, you might not hear elsewhere. This is why pay clear attention close attention by.

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So he said that he forbade them from consuming drinks, which are preserved in the following containers.

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A Dubrow. The first of them is a double often translated as pumpkin. But this Dubois over here is referring to it's referring to Gordon

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Yeah, okay, if you got a phone, you can quickly search that up a gourd and Gord is actually used till today to make a bottle. It's a vegetable that's, you know, you can put it put a seed in the ground and, Inshallah, if Allah other has it.

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Not long later, you'll have the plant and you'll have the gourd in your hand as well. It actually looks like a bottle as well. Okay, so And there's actually a concept of making a bottle out of this till today. It's called bottle gourd or gourd bottle. All right. So the prophets have said Lim told them don't drink in the Dubba, which is the gourd bottle. Okay, why?

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Well, the gourd bottle, the way they make it is they take the they take this plant or they take this vegetable, they dry it, after it dries, they take all of the excessive rate of residue from it, and take it out of it. Once they've released all of that, then they put a layer of coating, this is a practice time immemorial. Till till today it's done as well. They put some sort of layer, different people will put different layers, right, one of the most common things to use during that time, especially in their region was pitch a resin.

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Okay, so they would put this around inside of the bottle. And what that would do is that would block the bottle from leaking, and now they put their drinks inside of it. Okay. So this is basically a dried vegetable, which you poke a hole inside of, and then

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it converts into a bottle because it literally looks like a bottle, you just have to cut the top of it, clear out the inside, and you can put a cork there. And that's it, you got a complete bottle going on, right. So this is a double, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he also forbade them from Al hantam, which is a green clay vessel again, inside of it, you're going to put some sort of quotation, some sort of coating as well. Now, again, the people of hedgehog the most common coating that they would be using would be pitch, resin or tar. In other words, right, and this coating would make it such that the water doesn't leak or the drink doesn't leak out of their bottle

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that they've made from this clay. Because if you put water inside of clay, what happens the clay starts to

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disintegrate and slowly the water starts to leak if you keep water even in clay bottles for a long time, literally the water will start to leak out of it as well slowly. Okay, so in so what they will do is they'll put a layer inside of it coating that will stop it from leaking, some people will put the wax in there, right, others will put the tar or the pitch. And pitch is basically that black tar type of thing that that comes off as your

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with petroleum, okay, and that's why they say pitch dark, that's the pitch from their pitch dark because of the dark color of the pitch. Alright, so they would put this pitch inside of it and that will be the clay bottle. The third one is a Nokia which is a wooden bottle made from date palm. But we go back to the same thing if you use date palm bottles, eventually the water is going to leak from one direction or another or the wood will start to go bad. So they would have to put a coating inside of it that people have heard of the most common coding would be pictures well was a foot now this one here is any bottle any type of bottle in which you hold it with resin with pitch. Okay. Is

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that clear?

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Now the reason why the Prophet is saying this to the people of hijab, specifically, what is available in hijab today,

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eastern province of Saudi Arabia, if anyone has ever lived over there, has there any any anyone lived there? Well, the most famous thing about Saudi Arabia is what? After Makkah, and Medina it's oil. Where is all of that oil. It's all in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia. So before they started to dig these wells and take the oil out of it, my teachers and I studied in the city that I'm talking about your case as well. My teachers in the city told me that when we were growing up, we would see the tar on the floor. Literally, we would pick it up and play with it.

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So they would see this pitch and this resin on the floor. So it'd be something that would be but as obviously the the oil got sucked out slowly but surely, that resin is no longer as readily available right on the top levels of the sand any longer, right. So there

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basically taking this material and this is what they're making these drinks from, right? That's why the profit knowing this geographical fact, tells them something that is completely relative or related to them.

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Because they're coming from a region which is oil rich, right? And the prophets SLM, he then continued and he said, that memorize these rules and tell those who await you once you return back, once you go back, tell all of those people who await you. This is the hadith of waft abductees and there are other a hadith related to wash their face as well. This is one of the most famous ones and this is the first time they came to Medina This is the first time they came to meet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. There is another very important factor to mention over here. He stopped them from using this model these bottles, right? When was this this was around the fifth year after

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the agent of the prophets, but later on, the prophets of salaam allows them to use these bottles as well. Okay, this happened in the hagit, al Qaeda when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is already the you know, making Hajj which is a few years later, and, and his life is coming to an end. Now Islam is kind of established in the hearts of these people. So there's a hadith in Eben magia and it's authentic as well. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that going to the Hey to communal area, I had forbidden you from bottles, which bottles, these four bottles I had forbidding you from bottles.

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Fantabulous fee. Now you should start to put your inner beads inside of these bottles. Now let's go back I missed a very important point. What is he forbidding them from putting in these models, what they would do is they would take water, put some dates along with it, put it in these bottles and make a date drink out of it. Now, making a date drink is not a problem by taking some dates putting in water overnight to drink it in the morning time in sweet, nice. And this was one of the things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to love. In fact, the Hadith goes that Ghana

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can interview sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Are you humble humble about it, that the prophets I seldom used to love sweet cold drinks. And specifically the sweet cold drink that the Prophet used to love was this Nubbins drink, right, which would be made from dates left overnight in the morning time the prophet would drink it if you leave it for three or four days. Now it starts to ferment. In these bottles, the fermentation happens a lot faster because of the tar, you understand. So considering that the Prophet SAW Selim forbade them from using these bottles. Why because he's concerned that these people might end up drinking alcohol. Because they're the man hasn't been established within

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their hearts as of yet. But later on the prophets, Salam allows for this. And he said I had forbidden you from bottles, fantabulous do. And now you can put your intervenes in those bottles, which then evil coulomb was kidding. But stay away from anything that is intoxicating.

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So there's two very important things going on over here. Number one, when their faith is weak, the prophet closes the door for sin. This is called Set disarray. And it's a principle from the principles of faith that when you see something leading to a haram, then you block that the thing that leads to the Haram as well, right? This is called such as blocking the doors of evil. But then there is another thing as well. And that is called Fetch for that are opening the doors. Okay, opening the avenues.

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So anything that has been made haram because it's an avenue to evil, potentially not necessarily.

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If it's simply an avenue, at some points, that rule may change. This is what happened over here.

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These bottles are not inherently haram. The problem with the bottles was if you put your inhibitions inside of it, it's the drink starts to ferment faster. So the Prophet forbade it at that time, because he was afraid the faith of these people is very weak, they might actually end up drinking this alcohol, even though they're told not to, you understand. But later as they get stronger in faith, the Prophet SAW said let me says, Now, I told you to stop

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drinking in these bottles. I told you to stop putting your drinks in these bottles. Now you can do it, but make sure you don't drink the intoxicated drinks. Is that clear? So there's something called said and some people only focus on this. But Emmanuel Qaddafi he says and I quote, he says no, that means are sometimes to be closed. Means that lead to evil that is by

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Sometimes those means they need to be reopened as well.

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At moments,

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the action may be considered mcru disliked, sometimes it may be considered likable sometimes it may be considered even halal as well. But again this goes this is left up to the scholars where the means need to be opened up, Jimmy. Now let's go to the next next Hadith the hadith is the hadith of Ibn Masaru Abbas Rotella the Allahu Anhu. And

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the prophets allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, either unfuck or Raju, Allah, Allah He the Cebula, for who Allahu sadaqa if a man and this is a Hadith for men, okay. Why? Because, well, I know that all of you are hardworking men, you work the days and sometimes even the nights to make sure your families are looked after you work hard. And sometimes, you know, that can be overbearing as well. I've been working all my life to look after my family. And maybe at times, you might not even get the appreciation that you deserve. And this is one of the plights of fathers that you know you're working day and working night and you're doing this and you're doing but M times you might

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not even feel appreciate. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is appreciating you he said that, If a man he spends on his family, and he hopes from Allah azza wa jal to reward him, it will be counted as a charity for this individual. So when you spend on your family or before that, when you go to actually get the rest for your family and you spend on your family, all of that insha Allah will be a charitable act for you, you will be rewarded for every moment of that. And the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam was very keen on making sure that his family is looked after as well. This is the demeanor of a real man who's looking after his family is looking after his

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household. He's looking after the finances of the house as well. And the prophets are seldom used to have savings as well for his family and the prophets. Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam was very concerned about his family after he dies as well. In fact, he said in a hadith in a Timothy, that I am very concerned about you after I die speaking to a shot of the Allah Allah. And he said that no one will ever be able to be patient with you, after I die, except a really patient once because obviously, when the father in the family dies, the finances of the household normally, because in Muslim families, the father is the breadwinner. So the norm, normally the finances of the household

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go up and down. Right. So the Prophet himself was concerned of this. The reason why I'm saying this, is because it's not against our code, to have savings. It's not against our code, to be concerned about your family after they die looking at their future. None of that is against our code. This is the prophet, he is the saint he didn't want our killing. He's the master of all of those who have trust in Allah subhanaw taala, but he's still concerned. And he said, no one will be patient with you after I die except for those who are really, really patient. And

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and after he died, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the one who had looked after the family of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you have to feel it. These are your uma heart, your mother's well as Raju uma to him, that his wives happen to be their mothers, the Mothers of the Believers, as Allah says, In the Quran, so feel it this man looked after our mothers, Abdul Rahman had been out by the Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah, may Allah be pleased with him. This man looked after our mothers, the Mothers of the Believers, he gave to them as a gift, a garden, and that farm or the garden, it was a very valuable one. And that form was then sold by the Omaha and what meaning for

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40,000 and they use this money for the rest of their lives to spend upon themselves and that's how they looked after themselves. This was that patient man that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke of Hadith number nine

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is the Hadith. Now, over here in the book that we have,

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which is the summary

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he quotes it as a hadith, but technically this is not part of the actual hadith of Bokhari. Why? Because Hardy has the actual a hadith and Buhari also has the more alacarte that hadith, in which he doesn't actually say, XYZ narrated to me that ABC said that Y. Zed said etc. Right? He doesn't say

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he doesn't have a chain of narrators. He directly goes on and says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, so these are called the more alacarte in which there is no chain

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When the product when Buhari doesn't quote, a chain, it doesn't mean it's a weak tradition, it just means that he chose not to call the chain why maybe the chain was not as strong as he wanted it to be, to be part of the actual text of the, of the book, but he quotes it in the chapter headings. This is quoted in the chapter headings. Now, the first part of the hadith is quoted in the chapter heading, and it is also found with a chain elsewhere. The second part of the hadith is only quoted in this chapter heading, and it is not found with a chain in another part of body. So let's read the Hadith, very famous Hadith most of you should know it, the prophets I said, let me say to whoever

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Allah wishes good for Allah gives him the understanding of the religion, we're in normal, it'll move it along and true knowledge can only be attained by learning. So you have to put effort into learning in order for you to be a learned human being. Right? So ever Allah wishes good for Allah azza wa jal grant some understanding of the religion. When Allah wishes good for someone, Allah grants them the understanding of the religion, Allah gives them, the ability to see things that other people cannot see. Allah gives them the Tofik to not do everything else in this world, and focus on the religion as well. Now, let me say a couple of things.

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Someone who doesn't have knowledge doesn't mean Allah hasn't wished good for them. Because Allah can wish good for people in different ways. But one of those ways, and undoubtedly one of the best ways is that Allah gives a human being, though feel to gain knowledge of the deen of Allah. And he gives him the ability to have understanding of the religion of Allah azza wa jal. Again, this doesn't mean someone who didn't get the knowledge of the deen of Allah, Allah doesn't wish any good good for them. But this is a specific type of wish, of goodness. And this is a reward that Allah has chosen for the people of knowledge. And secondly, and this is an important point as well, some people, they

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begin to feel a level of entitlement just by hearing a few things. hearsay, because now we're living in the YouTube world, everybody just puts the YouTube channel that they want to hear or whatever video they want to hear on whatever topic and they listen to it quickly double speed, one hour long video is done in 30 minutes, they're an expert in the subject doesn't work like that. The prophets has said let me said in this hadith, that in normal movie alone, the only way you can attain real knowledge is if you exert effort in learning.

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Learning is a process that takes time it consumes your energy, it consumes resources, you have to be willing to dedicate those resources if you want to learn now, that is with every form of learning. But when it comes to learning the religion of Allah subhana wa Tala, this is another level because this is a specific level of love from Allah. This is a specific level of status from Allah, Allah subhanaw taala. He said in the Quran, as well, who the * yester we live in a Allah

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are those people who know about the religion of Allah going to be equal to those who don't know, in nama into the Quran, in only those people who have been given intellect can understand such a thing. So this is a chosen status. And I do wish that some of you can dedicate your life to learning the deen of Allah hasn't really put the time in. Because the only way you can actually get deep is by putting the time in, you have to do the time. This is the reality. Many people they want to get fast food, everything they want to get fast food knowledge as well. It's not going to work like that. This knowledge has a lot inside of it. Even when I'm teaching you, believe me, I'm only giving you

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the tip of the iceberg.

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I have to sift through so much information to say this one they're not going to understand I'm not trying to say you're not able or you're not capable. But I know from my experiences I've been teaching now for close to 15 years. I know that this information is above your abilities to understand because it has so many precursors to it. It has so many premises to it I have to sit there explaining this premise that that premise then that lets you Oh now I get right. And that is only to share with you that in order to get the depth of what Allah is saying and what the prophets of Allah who it was that Allah is saying. Then there needs to be dedicated students of knowledge.

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What we're doing right now, is we're kind of getting to know what

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The Prophet has to say we're getting the general message of what the Prophet is saying. We're getting the general message of what the Quran is saying on Friday next. This is a very specialized as it might sound, it's a very simplistic overview of what's going on. Okay? But the real depth of it, it has to come with a level of dedication that that is a lifelong effort really.

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Jimmy number 10 Hadith number 10. And again, Hadith number 10 is also from the more Ellicott meaning it's not with a chain in body, it's rather Behati said the prophets are directly right. The hadith goes as such men Salah Caparica, Kenyatta, Luffy, here element, whoever treads the path in which he wants to seek knowledge, Sahel, Allah who led who thought he can ill Jana, Allah will make a path to Jannah easy for this human being. What does that mean? One of two things, number one, that because he's tread treading a path, because he's treading a path that is a bada that is an act of worship. So by doing this act of worship, Allah will grant him Jana, that's one possibility. The second

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possibility is that Allah will make the path of knowledge itself easy for him.

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Because the path of knowledge is the pathogen. They understand. Sometimes, and oftentimes people are wondering, when I go for knowledge, how do I support myself? How do I do this? How do I do that Allah will look after you trust. If you go with a sincere intention, Allah will look after you, I've seen it happen time and time again. But if you have an evil intention, you will go there and you will stay there for knowledge or you will stay there, or wherever it may be that you're learning. But after the 510 years, you will learn nothing.

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Because Allah also sees what's in the heart. Am I really doing this for Allah? Do I want to do this because I want to serve the deen of Allah, do I want to do this because I want to become famous. And I want to have influence on people and I want to this or that the other, Allah can see those things, those are in the heart, but Allah can see them. These are things that impact how much Allah even allows you to understand and learn how much dough feet, Allah gives you to be able to understand the religion, these intentions, they have a great impact on all of this. Now, and this is a fact. Because we're in this era now of YouTubing, and Facebooking. And all of these things, right?

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Many people they leave for knowledge, and their intention is simply that I'm going to come back. And I'm going to get out there in public, this is not the right attention.

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This is not your intention needs to be that I'm learning this to fix myself. I'm learning this to correct myself. I'm learning this to get closer to Allah subhanaw taala. I'm learning this because I want to learn about my religion and my faith, and so on and so forth. These are the intentions that you need to have is, and I'm saying this because nowadays, with the social media, you know, it's a fitna for everybody, and especially those who are beginning, the journey of knowledge, it's even more of a fitna, because

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there was a time

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when all of this wasn't there. It wouldn't even occur to the mind of a student of knowledge that would be going out for knowledge, that this is what I'm going out for this wouldn't even happen, this would not even be on the mind. Why? Because it wasn't, there was no such thing that was available, there was no social media, there was no, I opened an Instagram account, go live a couple of times, and I start to get followers, none of this stuff used to be there. So the intention could be a lot purer. But now many people, they simply go for the reason that they want to come back and they want to be in public. This is what lahaie Not the correct intention goes so that you may

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correct yourself once you and learn even as you sit over here, so that you may correct your own self. So you may learn things to better yourself. So you may learn things to take the ignorance off of your own mind. And not so that

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you take this information and you go home and show off to XYZ by saying this.

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Hold yourself to account even when you're expressing something you learn why am I saying this to my spouse? Why am I saying this to my child? Why am I trying to go for this as well? And that is the intention. And insha Allah Allah all of you have positive attention to the fact that you're coming for salawat and all of you are regular saline rather. So that would all be good signs but isn't the lighter either? And I give you a glad tiding through another Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and with that we'll stop. The prophets of salaam said this is not in body but

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It is an authentic hadith is a Muslim, Imam Muhammad. He said that whoever enters our Masjid

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as an Al Masjid Nabawi Leota lemma Hirens so that he may learn something good. So when you are a limo or so that he may teach something good, so this is a glad tiding for the learner and the teacher.

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Instead, whoever enters our Masjid in another report, it doesn't say our master that just says master generally. So this semester in sha Allah could be included as well Leota lemma hyaluron so that he may learn something good, or teach something good, he will be like the one whose struggles in the path of Allah like them who died in the way of Allah subhanaw taala meaning the reward of this person will be like the one who struggles in the path of Allah subhanaw taala and whoever comes for another reason, then the prophets are seldom said elsewise. And the point in all of this is when you come to the masjid and you have an intention that I'm coming tonight to learn make this your

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intention every Friday, every saturday and every other day that there's Halaqaat here or anywhere else in the city as well. That I'm coming for learning along with Salah Of course you can have multiple intentions by the way, then

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insha Allah to Allah your reward will be like that of the person who struggles in the way of Allah this hadith is and must know the will Imam Muhammad and its authentic are some Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad in what early he was so happy to hear it right

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